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Takagi Appliances
Takagi Appliances

Takagi Appliance Troubleshooting

The Takagi brand has delivered innovative hot water solutions for over 70 years and is sold exclusively by plumbing wholesalers and contractors. Takagi's selection of residential and commercial tankless water heaters are unmatched for quality and diversity. Anywhere hot water is needed, Takagi provides an energy-efficient solution with long-lasting value for years after it's installed. Takagi stands behind its products and customers with world-class service, combining cutting-edge technology with committed people who take pride in being the very best.

Water Heater Troubleshooting

Improper Venting 
The most common error is the use of standard B-vent, which can quickly destroy the heat exchanger due to acidic condensation. Improper venting may cause exhaust gas leaks and would be considered unsafe. All Takagi non-condensing tankless water heaters must use sealed stainless steel vent pipe approved for use in Category III appliances. All Takagi condensing models may use Schedule 40 PVC, ABS pipes, or Category III stainless steel. 
Gas Supply Line Problems 
Undersized Line: There is a great tendency to just “hook up to the existing gas line,” which is usually only ½ inch diameter. Strict attention must be paid to the gas-line requirements section in the installation manual. Make sure that you size for the maximum BTU per hour rating and not the minimum. 

Water Flow/Temperature Fluctuation Problems 
If there is a low flow from the heater, the first thing to check would be the input filter. Turn off the cold supply, relieve the hot pressure and remove the filter to check for debris. Clean or replace the filter and then check the flow again. If there is inadequate hot water or variations in temperature, check for plumbing “cross flow,” which means there is a connection somewhere between hot and cold. This may be as inconspicuous as a worn seal in a single-handle faucet. To check for this, shut off the cold supply to the heater and open either the pressure relief valve or any hot-water faucet. If there is a steady flow of water from the hot output after the pipe has drained, there is a cross flow somewhere in the plumbing that must be fixed. 
Hard Water Problems 
In areas where the water is very hard with high levels of calcium and magnesium (about 7+ grains per gallon on residential application), the water should be treated with a water softener or some other de-scaling device. Do not use a reverse osmosis process! It will destroy the heat exchanger. Removing minerals or keeping them in suspension will greatly lengthen the life of the heater and reduce service problems. 
Environmental Issues 
The heaters should be installed in relatively clean areas with access to sufficient combustion air that is free from dust, lint, grease, or chemicals. If any of these conditions are present, a direct vent model or kit should be installed. For this reason, restaurant, beauty salon and industrial applications should always get a direct vent unit, which draws its combustion air from the outside.

Takagi Appliance Troubleshooting

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Product Reviews:

I installed this unit a couple of weeks ago, and it's been working lik
I installed this unit a couple of weeks ago, and it's been working like a charm. It was pretty easy to install, but I'm a pretty handy guy, so I don't know how easy it would be for a regular joe. Its flow rate of 10gpm assumes you're not heating the water to 131 degrees, which I am. The higher the temperature set point, the less throughput because it takes longer to get the water up to temperature. I originally installed a Takagi T-KJr2-IN-NG Indoor Tankless Water Heater, Natural Gas , with a rated GPM of 6, but the flow was so low at 131 degrees (2.9) that it took almost 20 minutes to fill the tub for a bath. This unit, even at 131 degrees, has a flow rate undistinguishable from the 50-gallon tank water heater it replaced. Of course, it cost twice as much as the T-KJr2, so that makes sense. This is a condensing unit, which means it puts out water that must be drained appropriately. If you don't have a drain nearby, that's going to be a problem. The condensate is because this unit improves efficiency with a secondary heat exchanger, which extracts what otherwise would be waste heat exiting up the flu. Instead those hot gasses are used to help heat the water, and the much cooler gas is then vented up the flu. This cooling of the gasses causes water to condense out of those gasses; thus the need for a drain tube. How much heat does this save? Well, the vent for the T-KJr2 was too hot to touch when the unit was in operation; with this unit the vent is barely warm to the touch. In fact, instead of having to use double-walled stainless steel venting, I was able to use 3" PVC tubing. If you have very hard water, don't expect a trouble-free existence with any tankless unit. They are very sensitive to scale buildup (as is any water heater, but tankless units particularly so). My house is equipped with a Culligan whole-house water softener, but in the interest of overkill, I installed two filters ( DuPont WFPF13003B Universal Whole House 15,000-Gallon Water Filtration System ) upstream of the water softener. So before the water gets to the water heater, it passes through a sediment filter, a carbon filter, and then a water softener. According to my HVAC guy, this will greatly extend the life of the water heater. (The two filters also means I can now drink water right out of the tap, anywhere in the house, without that nasty chlorine taste.) In short, I highly recommend this unit. Plus, it looks really cool!
Published: February 19, 2016

Very good product! We are very happy with our new tankless water heater.
Very good product! We are very happy with our new tankless water heater.
Published: August 18, 2019
Lisette C.

Purchased last summer when my tank water heater gave up the ghost. I waited
Purchased last summer when my tank water heater gave up the ghost. I waited until December to rate it because I wanted to see how it preformed under winter conditions. My home is in the Colorado Rockies at an altitude of nearly 8000 feet and the water incoming into my house 34 degrees. This water heater has preformed flawlessly under those challenging conditions.
Published: December 19, 2016
Stefan T. Jenny

I've had this sitting in the garage waiting for me to install it for 8
I've had this sitting in the garage waiting for me to install it for 8 months now. Our current 50 gallon tank was only 3 years old so I wasn't in any hurry. I relocated where the heater was installed a few feet and tore down the old closet in the garage the tank was in so just for that reason going tankless is a good thing. Now I have a lot more garage space. I'm a plumber by trade but not really in the industry any longer so I had installed hundreds of tank type heaters in my life. We were always of the belief that these tankless instant type heaters were a joke. That might have been true several years ago but they've come a long way since. The install was a little tedious. If you aren't moving your location then it will be a lot easier. You will almost certainly need to upsize your gas piping though. Most tanks use 1/2" gas piping and you can't run 1/2" very far if you intend to get the 200K BTUs these units require. I only had a 10' run of 1/2" but I didn't want to take a chance so I upsized to 3/4". Other than just the labor involved the install is relatively straight forward, not much unlike a tank heater install. I could not get used to the idea of using PVC pipe for a vent but, after firing the unit for the first time I'm almost surprised it needs any vent. No heated air comes out of this thing, it's like it's 100% efficient. I fired my unit initially with only a 3 foot section of PVC stuck through the ceiling and I crawled into the attic just to gauge the temperature of the exhaust gas. Well, there was none. I assumed the unit wasn't heating but it was. 125 degree water right at the tap and virtually no hot gas exhausting out the vent. Quite impressive! And the thing is almost dead silent when it runs. Time will tell if it's as good as it started off but so far I have no regrets. The first shower I took with it last night after working all day on sure was nice, and plenty warm. I will miss my water circulation pump though, with our tank heater we were able to have instant hot water right at the faucet. The pump we have now is not usable with this tankless heater and I'm certain what options are available for that. Having to run water for a couple of minutes sort of seems like a waste to me, I guess water is cheaper than gas but still.
Published: February 8, 2015
M. Gentry

1st off, I LOVE this Tankless Water Heater. I honestly could not be more sa
1st off, I LOVE this Tankless Water Heater. I honestly could not be more satisfied. I have had zero issues or concerns. Any problem or complaint anyone has posted has not been an issue for me. It has been and is working flawlessly. It has been in service for about 4 months now. Installation is paramount. Have it done professionally by someone that has installed them before. Like my headline says "Do your due diligence researching what you need for installation." Should any problem arise I will update this review. Yes, I would absolutely buy this again.
Published: September 26, 2020
Jeff C.

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