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Toyota Accesorios
Toyota Accesorios

Toyota Reparación de electrodomésticos

Toyota Motor Corporation es un fabricante de automóviles multinacional japonés con sede en Toyota City, Aichi, Japón. Fue fundada por Kiichiro Toyoda y se incorporó el 28 de agosto de 1937. Toyota es uno de los fabricantes de automóviles más grandes del mundo, y produce alrededor de 10 millones de vehículos por año.

Automovil Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Toyota fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Toyota por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Luces de advertencia en el salpicadero
Casi todos los coches modernos de hoy en día funcionan con algún tipo de ordenador para ayudar con las emisiones, la resolución de problemas y la regulación de los componentes. Por lo tanto, cuando usted consigue las luces de advertencia en un coche, no es siempre una causa de grave preocupación. Sin duda, una luz de advertencia indica un problema, pero también indica que el ordenador de su coche está funcionando correctamente y es consciente del problema. Rectificar el problema dependerá de los símbolos que se muestren; un globo roto puede activar una luz de advertencia con la misma facilidad que el fallo de un componente mecánico como la bomba de agua, que podría activar la temida "luz de revisión del motor". Afortunadamente, la luz de advertencia hace que sea fácil diagnosticar un problema y usted puede usar su juicio y experiencia para determinar si se puede rectificar en casa.

Un motor que chisporrotea
Si su motor chisporrotea, esto puede ser causado por una multitud de factores también. Un conducto de combustible roto, gasolina de mala calidad, suciedad en el depósito de gasolina, un inyector con fugas, un paquete de bobinas defectuoso, bombas de combustible desgastadas e incluso algo tan simple como bujías sucias pueden ser la causa de que se quede atascado en el arcén. Por lo tanto, recomendamos la inspección de estas áreas tan pronto como el problema comience a presentarse, trabajando desde el elemento más barato hasta el más caro o más difícil de reparar. Esperar que desaparezca puede dar lugar a mayores problemas en el futuro, muchos de los cuales pueden ser muy costosos.

El volante tiembla
Si siente una vibración o su volante tiembla, una vez más, puede haber cualquier número de causas para un problema como este. Afortunadamente, la mayoría de los casos tienen una solución sencilla. De las posibles razones para un temblor del volante, las causas más probables provienen de factores como una rueda desequilibrada, agrietada o doblada, un neumático desinflado o dañado, un perno de rueda suelto, un cojinete de rueda defectuoso o incluso un buje de suspensión desgastado. Una mala alineación puede incluso causar este problema si es muy grave, pero por suerte, la mayoría de estos problemas se pueden resolver fácilmente en cualquier tienda local de montaje de neumáticos.

Problemas de frenado
Una persona puede detectar problemas de frenos si el coche tarda demasiado en detenerse, si el pedal se va al suelo o si hay un ruido de chirrido. A menudo, los frenos ni siquiera son culpables, y un coche que tarda demasiado en detenerse puede ser causado por el desgaste de los neumáticos. Otros problemas también pueden ser sencillos de solucionar, como un pedal de freno que hay que pisar mucho. Esto puede atribuirse normalmente a una burbuja de aire en los conductos de los frenos o a un líquido de frenos cocido. Un simple lavado y rellenado puede ser perfecto para arreglar esto. En el caso de otros problemas, la causa suele ser que las pastillas o los discos están desgastados o deformados. Estos también son retos fáciles de rectificar.

Problemas con los neumáticos
Esto es un poco repetitivo, pero muchos de los problemas que causan un volante tembloroso también pueden ser los factores subyacentes para que los neumáticos se estropeen. El desgaste desigual puede ser el resultado de un cubo o cojinete mal ajustado, o una mala alineación. Pero en cuanto a la pérdida de presión de los neumáticos, las causas típicas suelen ser un pinchazo o una rueda agrietada. La mayoría de las veces, la sustitución o reparación de dicha rueda resolverá el problema si el propio neumático no está dañado. Consulta nuestro artículo completo sobre cómo cuidar tus neumáticos aquí.

Consumo excesivo de aceite
No es raro que un motor consuma aceite - esto es un subproducto del calor y el desgaste. Sin embargo, si usted encuentra que su vehículo parece estar usando más de lo normal (un cuarto de galón cada 1.000 millas más o menos es regular), entonces puede ser una buena idea para inspeccionar su vehículo en busca de fugas u otros problemas. Las juntas desgastadas pueden contribuir a una fuga, al igual que un tapón de cárter envejecido o un tapón de llenado de aceite dañado, pero si nada de esto parece ser la causa, entonces puede tener problemas internos. Una de las posibilidades es que los anillos de los pistones se hayan fundido. Una prueba de compresión puede confirmar si este es el problema.

Fallo del alternador
Si su coche tiene problemas para arrancar en tiempo frío, no arranca en absoluto, o se encuentra sustituyendo la batería con demasiada frecuencia, su alternador podría ser el culpable. A veces se puede oír el alternador luchando por funcionar, ya que hace un clic mientras el motor está en marcha. Afortunadamente, no es necesario comprar una unidad nueva, ya que muchos talleres pueden reparar el alternador con casquillos nuevos.

Toyota Reparación de electrodomésticos

Toyota servicio de electrodomésticos

Toyota ayuda del aparato

Toyota asistencia de electrodomésticos

Toyota mantenimiento de electrodomésticos

Reseñas de productos:

40 plus years of buying nothing but Toyota. 4 in my driveway right now. But
40 plus years of buying nothing but Toyota. 4 in my driveway right now. But no more! They used to be excellent about addressing defects in their vehicles. No more - they refuse to correct flawed HID headlight systems short of paying them about 4,000 for replacement with the improved headlight assemblies. They were always on top of safety issues in the past regardless of whether your vehicle was still in warranty or not. Even when recalls were not mandated. Obviously when they wont take care of widespread randomly failing headlights, that policy is no more. So I say - Toyota no more!
Publicado: September 7, 2021
Thomas of Georgetown, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota had a recall on the passenger airbag of some of their vehicles. My T
Toyota had a recall on the passenger airbag of some of their vehicles. My Toyota Corolla was one of them. I was to take my Toyota to my nearest Toyota dealer for an airbag replacement. I did so promptly. The issue is that I had to travel 280 km (return) as well as take 4 hours out of my day. I believe that I should be compensated for my time and mileage because it was not my fault that the air bag was faulty. I have contacted Toyotas customer service department but they have refused any compensation whatsoever. I do believe this is totally unfair and I am more than disappointed. I used to hear nothing but great things about Toyotas customer service but I have now had two unsatisfactory incidents with Toyota, neither of which was my doing. I must say, I was very pleased with the customer service that I received from the installer of the airbag, the Toyota Northwest Edmonton dealer.
Publicado: March 19, 2019
Patricia of Athabasca, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had been driving Toyota Vios 1500CC for 10 years, few repair needed and s
I had been driving Toyota Vios 1500CC for 10 years, few repair needed and satisfying performance compare to other car at similar price, allow to be sold in Malaysia. The overall quality of the Toyota Vios is satisfying at this price, just the agent providing the service on behalf Toyota is disappointing, not up to the Toyota quality and no better choice for the situation in Malaysia.
Publicado: December 7, 2016
Shaw Ven of Johor Bahru, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have dealt with the Ganley (formerly Geller) dealership for 40 years. Dur
I have dealt with the Ganley (formerly Geller) dealership for 40 years. During that time the service department and sales consultants have for the most part been exemplary. I was distraught when my 2013 Scion XD was totaled by a driver running a red light. No one was injured or killed; however, I could barely think straight about a replacement car both with financing and the Scions unavailability.Sales consultant, Matt **, was outstanding and empathic about my situation. He is a star when it comes to following through with every detail. Dan **, John, and Mike ** are incredible in Service. All this dealerships mechanics also work on Mercedes as it is a dual dealership - a definite added advantage. Matt advised me that the 2019 CH-R XLE would be a great car for me and take away the sting of my losing my prior car. He was correct. The CH-R XLE has beautiful styling and has so many safety features that my car insurance rates went down. Ganley Toyota is a wonderful dealership and truly represents the Quality of the Toyota brand.
Publicado: June 8, 2019
Betty of Akron, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Toyota Sienna 2015. I drove only 15k in 35 month. Found 3rd row
I bought a Toyota Sienna 2015. I drove only 15k in 35 month. Found 3rd row both seats handle cracking. I took it to Dealership in High Point North Carolina. Dealer said cracked handle is not defect. Cracked handle not cover in 36000 miles warranty, I called Toyota they said same thing. This is my last Toyota. I am very disappointed with Toyota.
Publicado: November 3, 2018
Owais of High Point, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great value for the money. Limited trunk space. An optional package on the
Great value for the money. Limited trunk space. An optional package on the higher end would have been nice. The small window in the rear doors is difficult for passengers that get car sick. 40l of fuel gets about 600km.
Publicado: December 20, 2019
Stacey of Petawawa, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Horrible customer service. This is the worst Toyota site to come to. No one
Horrible customer service. This is the worst Toyota site to come to. No one offered us a chair. We have been standing here looking stupid for more than 20 mins. All the workers are sitting down at their computers doing absolutely “NOTHING”!!!! I’ve watched a woman back up out of a space and hit a Mercedes twice and none of the workers went to help direct her out of the space. The one guy that walked up and pretended to be helpful and told me where we should park never came back to help us. I will never be coming back here. With his ** looking like looking & talking like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air THIS PLACE SUCKS!!!
Publicado: November 14, 2018
Nicole of Silver Spring, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased new from Walker Toyota Alexandria, LA. When I reported the driv
I purchased new from Walker Toyota Alexandria, LA. When I reported the drivers seat squeaking with every bump in the road with less than 25,000 miles I was told they only repair it if it breaks! So I have new car with squeaky seat! Very disappointed with Toyota service.
Publicado: October 20, 2018
Jeanette of Leesville, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Venza is fun to drive, durable, great in snow, and comfortable to ride in,
Venza is fun to drive, durable, great in snow, and comfortable to ride in, both front and back seat. It gets excellent gas mileage on the road, often over 28 MPG.
Publicado: April 25, 2018
Charles of Valparaiso, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The warranty covers trip interruptions paying you up to $150.00 a day if th
The warranty covers trip interruptions paying you up to $150.00 a day if the car is in the shop. Also $0 dollar deductible on all repairs with towing included to the closest Toyota dealership. 10 years or 125000 miles of coverage.
Publicado: December 27, 2020
Vincent of Fresno, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I did not have much money. I live off of a small amount every month and I n
I did not have much money. I live off of a small amount every month and I needed something good on gas, reliable around town & easy to fix, cheap tags, cheap insurance. I really did not care what make or model I got as long as I got one that I could afford and would be dependable enough to get me around town. It was not too big and it was not too small. Everything worked on it and thats all that mattered. Ive had a good experience overall with 1976 Toyota. Its dependable for being 19 yrs old. I liked that it was cheap and it is cheap on gas. It is easy to fix. I like older cars cause it is easier to work on, the parts are cheaper and the parts are easier to take off and on. Cheap tires too. I got a really good deal. The person that sold it to me took payments off 50 a month.I liked that it had decent mileage on it for as old as it was. Comfortable, relaxing, not too big and not too small. Doesnt draw heat in the summer heats up fast too. But old radio, old windows, small trunk and no sunroof or car seat warmers and not automatic start. Also it gets off balance & shakes cause its so old and the alignment. But insurance is cheap on it and like how I have to shift gears & how smooth it shifts. Real nice experience.
Publicado: June 28, 2018
Melissa of Topeka, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am very very happy with my experience with the 2012 Toyota Kia. Since I h
I am very very happy with my experience with the 2012 Toyota Kia. Since I had it its been my daily driver and barely have had any issues with it, its very good on gas, and has a camera on the mirror when backing out of a parking spot. I like that it has good gas mileage, not too expensive to fix if something happens to car, easy driver, had benefits for my children, and just a very great car in general. One of the best vehicles I have had to be honest. But it messes up more than any other vehicle I had in the past.
Publicado: July 11, 2018
Jamie of Central City, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When The air is turned on I hear a very high pitched noise that comes from
When The air is turned on I hear a very high pitched noise that comes from the blower motors of the car. I took it to go get looked at and another car on the lot was making the same noise so they said it is just a noise that the car makes. I wish I would have heard the noise before I bought the car. Now I’m stuck with it.
Publicado: December 3, 2018
Devon of Arlington, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lets examine how Toyota treats its customers. Helped my 76 old mother purch
Lets examine how Toyota treats its customers. Helped my 76 old mother purchase a new Corolla Hatchback as my dad suddenly died before they could go car shopping. I needed to wait for the state license plates to arrive so as to replace the plastic dealer branded plates. I find that the the rear dealer plate had been attached to the rear bumper cover using two shorter self-tapping screws. There are two 2 x 2 1/8 holes completely through the bumper cover, exposing the internal aluminum structure of the bumper. Just above these are screws holes with metal clips. These are for mounting Japanese license plates, but are not even usable for that as the metal clips have no internal threads. Toyotas solution for attaching American plates is to attach the plate directly to the bumper cover large screws that are typically used here to secure metal siding to a farm building.The front license plate bracket has snaps to the front grill along its bottom edge. Toyotas solution for attaching the top of the license plate bracket and the top of the plates is to use even two larger screws through the front of the grill. The front license plate bracket is not a Toyota part, but something one of their distributors or dealer put on. Likely one of their distributors as it has holes for American, Japanese and Australian plates, which are are screwed into the front of the grill. Even if this had been an official Toyota part, it would still attach to the front grill in the same manner.This not only damages the car, but prevents the use of any aftermarket license plate brackets as these rely on machine screws that fit into internally threaded screw holes. I have used aftermarket license plate cases for year as they protect the license plate from the environment and protect the car from the license plate. Toyota instead expects you to screws the plate directly onto the back of the bumper cover where it will be unprotected and scratch the car.Toyota has gone out of its way to hide this fact form potential buyers. Every single photo of this model on their website, printed materials and inventory searches has a simulated license plate over the rear bumper cover so you can see the two large holes and metal clips for Japanese plates as well as four small circles indicating where to drill holes for American plates. Every single photos of this product does not show a license plate attached to the front of the vehicle at all. They have also digitally removed the small drill here dots from the front grill.Upon searching Google I find that the company has been engaged in this fraud for a number of years and did nothing to address consumer complaints. The company and dealer response is that you were dumb enough to be suckered by our fraud so its your problem. They refuse to do anything. I encourage you to contact your state attorney general and a law firm engaged in class action lawsuits to make Toyota pay for its fraud. **
Publicado: July 16, 2021
G. of Minneapolis, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota went out of their way to make their cars more affordable. I was offe
Toyota went out of their way to make their cars more affordable. I was offered a First Responder Discount. Then they also had a $1000 rebate. Their vehicle is extremely reliable. I have traveled extensively with it and put it through its paces and been very happy with its performance. I also tow a 3000 lb camper with it and it doesnt feel like its back there. Highly recommended all around vehicle. For reference, I drive the 2018 Toyota 4Runner.
Publicado: November 7, 2021
J of O Fallon, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

UPDATED 03/07/2022: I purchased a new 2017 Rav4 from Toyota of Rock Hill. O
UPDATED 03/07/2022: I purchased a new 2017 Rav4 from Toyota of Rock Hill. One of the freebees we were offered was “free oil changes for the first 30,000 miles”. This was really an oil change at 10,000 miles and one at 20,000 miles. At 10,000 miles I took my new Toyota in and had the oil changed. I was working for the public schools at the time and the automotive shop teacher told me I did not want to change the oil on the recommended 10,000 miles, that I should change the oil at 3,000 or 5,000 miles as I had always done. Toyota of Rock Hill refused to change the oil “early”, so at 15,000miles, I changed the oil myself. I drained oil and I removed the oil filter. The oil filter was packed, I repeat packed with dirt and sand! I’m not sure how this could have happened by accident. I could not have offended anybody in the shop. I did not come into contact with anybody at all… At 20,000 miles I again changed the oil and the filter was very clean. I do not know why this happened, but I will never let any Toyota service department touch another vehicle of mine again.ORIGINAL REVIEW: I have purchased many new Toyotas over the past 25 years. The autos have been great. 2004 Solaria, 2006 Solaria, 2006 Rav4 and a 2017 Rav4. I drove the Solaria for 450,000 miles total and the 2006 Rav4 is coming up on 200,000 miles. The newest Rav4 will turn 40,000 miles soon. No mechanical problems of any kind on the older Toyotas. The new 2017 Rav4 had some issues.The one major problem has been with the new tires that came on the two new Rav4s. The tires were manufactured by Yokohama and have had a number of problems. On the 2006 Rav4 the tires did not last. Maybe 30,000 was all. After several calls Yokohama I was told by somebody on the executive staff that “We can manufacture better tires but we manufacture these tires to Toyota’s specifications.” The Toyota dealer would not stand behind the tires even though we purchased a warrantee package which cost the equivalent of a set of four tires $600. The 2017 Rav4 had a flat spot or broken belt on one of the four tires. The dealer would not stand behind the problem. Four years and 40,000 miles later and the Rav4 still makes a loud vump, vump, vump noise. It has really gotten under my skin! A second major issue with the 2017 Rav4 is the automatic radar braking. • Moving through traffic at speed limit speeds if you try to pass a car and come close to the vehicle, sometimes the radar will engage the brakes unexpectedly. It may even brake very hard. • Trying to pass a car on a two-lane highway when you come close to the vehicle, the brakes may come on unexpectedly. It may brake very hard. This is very dangerous if there is a car coming at you in the other lane. You can’t pass the car you were trying to pass and you may be stopped by the oncoming car as well. • If you are going around a curve and there is a guard rail next to the road the brakes may come on unexpectedly. If you are on a slippery road the back end will kick out and the car will spin!• If you are on a hilly road the radar may see the hill as a solid object the brakes will come on unexpectedly. Unexpected braking in heavy traffic may get your Rav4 rear ended.The problems are even worse if you use the cruise control. I never use the cruise control at all, it is just too dangerous. I talked with the dealer many times about the problems and the dealer pooh poohed the issues and refused to write up the problem.
Publicado: March 7, 2022
Michael of Matthews, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am really grateful that Toyota carries them warranty but I also think tha
I am really grateful that Toyota carries them warranty but I also think that it shouldnt cost anything. Im disabled. Aint get no stimulus. Has no nothing. No help and I cant afford to pay for a warranty on my car any longer so I think that you guys could be helpful with that.
Publicado: January 10, 2021
Jennifer of Joplin, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

There was recall on my car in 2002 and no informed me. Toyota Corporate or
There was recall on my car in 2002 and no informed me. Toyota Corporate or Richardson Toyota. Now they won’t even look at. Don’t buy a Toyota or if you avoid these Toyota Richardson and Toyota of Dallas. What they have done to me, overcharging for maintenance and rude service advisors. Hours of waiting. I and my wife will never buy a new car from Toyota.
Publicado: December 19, 2019
A. of Richardson, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

2013 Toyota Camry - less than 23,000 mile - Steering Column must be replace
2013 Toyota Camry - less than 23,000 mile - Steering Column must be replaced. Dealer has provided details. I have been told a decision has been made... no return calls. Refusal to allow me to speak w/ Mgr.
Publicado: May 6, 2019
Mo of Orlando, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Toyota Solara Convertible is an excellent car and fun to drive. It has a
My Toyota Solara Convertible is an excellent car and fun to drive. It has a lot of room seating wise and holds 4 people comfortably, has good trunk space, and good gas mileage. I love the fact that its a convertible and its a great car for the climate in Arizona. But Toyota stopped making this model... its a fantastic car with so many positive features. We did have an issue with a crack in our dashboard, but it was a warranted issue, so it was promptly remedied, completely to our satisfaction. Toyota makes a terrific automobile and has an excellent reputation, they stand by their product and have a great service record.
Publicado: July 9, 2018
B of Glendale, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I really like all the features of my Toyota. According to my research, it h
I really like all the features of my Toyota. According to my research, it has good performance and repair reviews. The car has ample trunk and seating space and the seating and spacing in the cabin are all very comfortable. I also love the sound system because it is loud and filters throughout the cabin. I enjoy the cars sport and eco modes because they give the car more versatility than my last car. However I wish that this model was a four wheel or all wheel drive vehicle. I miss that about my old car. I would also have the spare tire on the back because that gives the car a more rustic and adventurous look.
Publicado: July 4, 2018
Brittney of Asheboro, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Venza is my favorite car so far. It has been very reliable and I have on
My Venza is my favorite car so far. It has been very reliable and I have only had to do routine maintenance. I really like the sporty look of it and there are vents in the back. The back seats are comfortable and they fold down easily to provide a lot of storage space. Also, the car has good pick-up and I was impressed with the gas mileage. However, the cabin could be quieter, the road noise is pretty loud and the engine seems loud as well. My automatic locks are not working right now, either. But overall I am satisfied.
Publicado: July 2, 2018
Kate of Beverly, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

So back in 2017 I had an auto accident where I was found not at fault and I
So back in 2017 I had an auto accident where I was found not at fault and I was given a large sum of cash from my insurance to help pay for a new vehicle. During the time of obtaining the funds I decided to try to head back to Toyota and get another Toyota Camry Hybrid as this was my all time favorite vehicle and to this date and time still is.Well needless to say me and my wife head down here and I was approached immediately which I told one rep I was here to buy a new Toyota Camry Hybrid. He attempted to ask me sales pitch questions like whats my number or figure I am looking at with cash down and what kind of payment. I immediately told him to give me time to go over the features in the vehicle, colors available, and pricing.The sales guy agreed and showed me the lot and long story short he once more once near the vehicles asked me again about price, down payment, cash or financing and I cut him off and said, Look I wont say that right now, because I need to see the vehicles and colors. Once I located the one I wanted I simply asked what is the overall price of the vehicle I found. He then tried to gain more information on what I wanted and again cash flow.I told my wife we were leaving. I am not going to waste my time with this guy. I simply never dealt with this before as this must have been a new tactic by this particular person, but the last sales guy I dealt with was not even close to being this ignorant or pushy. I went to another dealer which was not the same model I wanted, but nonetheless I did not deal with any of the aggravation I dealt with here.The reason I kept this information from the sales guy was simple. They use that information against customers. Colors, features, cash down, and financing is easy to push a higher valued vehicle with more features than I wanted or needed. I know this, because my Uncle was a Salesman and taught me what they do. All I simply wanted to do was point out the vehicle I wanted to explain all the details afterwards.
Publicado: September 19, 2021
Brian of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid only allows for Apple Play compatibility when u
The 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid only allows for Apple Play compatibility when using the GPS system. I dont have an Apple phone. I have an Android phone. Toyota refuses to update GPS system for compatibility to Android. They only did this in 2020 to include both Apple Play and Android capabilities. They refuse to update my 2019 that I purchased October 2019 and I feel that they are favoring Apple. Not everyone has an Apple phone, me included. I feel this is discriminatory towards those owners of Android phones and that Apple has paid off or done a deal with Toyota to exclude Android Users.
Publicado: November 17, 2020
Hideki of San Bruno, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It was a very cheap used car and hasnt given me any issues yet. Its excelle
It was a very cheap used car and hasnt given me any issues yet. Its excellent on gas & its a very nice and cute little car for being 18 years old. Fingers crossed! Toyotas tend to be made well & hold up longer and go many miles more than other models. And they hold their value really well. However, the radio is really old & it cannot connect to cell phone. Plus could be louder with better bass. Also the knob doesnt always work when turning volume.
Publicado: June 22, 2018
April of Kasson, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Safety for sure when I drive the vehicle. The brand of Toyota, it make from
Safety for sure when I drive the vehicle. The brand of Toyota, it make from Japan, so many people liked to used that, cause they had valuable to me. I would recommend to my friends. Also Winter time, the snow control, push on there before to drive, makes the car controllable and survey safe on the road.
Publicado: December 8, 2019
Min of Courtenay, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After purchasing a Toyota certified Venza that as used, I noticed the steer
After purchasing a Toyota certified Venza that as used, I noticed the steering column as shaking making rattling noise in which there are tons of complaints. I contacted the Toyota corporate and they agreed to have it looked at. When they finally found the problem and I was right, they denied me of getting it fixed. They told me to call the Kia dealership in which I purchased. However, why would I have my Toyota certified vehicle fixed at a Kia dealership. Then they told me to buy a warranty. But if the car has a precondition, it wont get fixed anyway. So now Im out money and instead of their price of 300 I will have to pay 1300. Im so upset. I was almost in an accident a couple of weeks ago for failure to control my steering wheel.
Publicado: February 17, 2017
Robin of Waller, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

All cars from Toyota has dust rail for the cheap transportation. Before to
All cars from Toyota has dust rail for the cheap transportation. Before to buy one look it carefully. They dont care nothing about that so its my worst experience about Toyota. The paint its very bad....
Publicado: May 22, 2019
Luis of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota cars and trucks are extremely dependable. I have a Toyota Matrix tha
Toyota cars and trucks are extremely dependable. I have a Toyota Matrix that has 265000 miles and still runs like a champ. I understand people want fancy but I would prefer a car that starts every single time.
Publicado: December 13, 2019
Cirilo of Bakersfield, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

From the time we walked on to that lot was a nightmare. I should have turne
From the time we walked on to that lot was a nightmare. I should have turned around. First off, while making a deal for a trading my vehicle they kept my car key. I asked several times for my key back so I could leave. Not sure if they thought this was a tactic. Rest assure it was not. After about 1.5 hours of waiting (they would keep going back to GET MY KEY) and coming back empty handed we finally agreed to some numbers and went through with the trade/sale. We paid $2,600 for an extended PLATINUM TOYOTA warranty that was to EXTEND the warranty 100,000 miles. Once we were done, we were about to leave and we asked for the pre-certified paperwork. They tried to tell me that it was pre-certified. I looked at the windshield-huge sign that said-PRE-CERTIFIED. It was well under the mileage and the year was 2014. We had to fight to get that paperwork. Then they had to have ME bring the vehicle back to THEIR lot a week and a half later to COMPLETE the pre-certification inspection. THEY NEVER DID A PRE-CERTIFIED INSPECTION? On top of that, took the vehicle in about 1 year later due to the fan on the AC going out. The guy told me that it was almost out of warranty. Are you kidding me? We paid $2,600 for an extra 100,000 miles and I sure as hell know that we did not get even close to the original 100,000 miles. Later that week my husband called to talk to them. He got the runaround (I am sure most of you know exactly what I am talking about here). Sooo, he went to the car lot. He was able to talk with the RODNEY **-SALES AIDA **-CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGER and the finance guy and he told my husband that he was sorry that he made a mistake on the information he gave us that day! What??? So he and my husband called to Toyota finance office and the lady said Yeah this is suppose to have an extended (EXTENDED) warranty. The finance guy told my husband that he will email the information to him that day. About an hour after my husband got home he still did not have an email with that EXTENDED warranty. So he called the finance guy. He was told Oh, I am sorry I can not honor that extended warranty. Are you ** kidding me??? Then we called to cancel the extended warranty and were told well since you have used 3/4 of the warranty you will be prorated at 1/4 of the $2,600 we paid for it. WTF Explain this to me... and I am a blonde but am smart enough to know we do NOT need to warranty 100,00 miles we ALREADY have warrantied. Why in the HELL would we pay $2,600 for 100,000 mile warranty when we have the FACTORY 100,000 mile warranty? We would NOT do that. We were to have an EXTENDED warranty. Do they even know the definition of EXTENDED?Hell no, they do not know crap. I will never step foot back on their lot or any lot they are associated with. They purposely lied and deceived us, the finance guy admitted it. But still got screwed. The least they could have done was given us the $$2,600 we paid for a warranty that we ALREADY ** had. WARNING---STAY AWAY FROM FAYETTEVILLE AUTO PARK--- I will tell you who to go see..the guys at McLarty Daniels. My son and husband bought trucks from them within 3 months of each other. Amazing people! One made a mistake...owned up to it...and corrected it!!! They have *****5 STARS***** from me!
Publicado: October 17, 2018
Terra of Fayetteville, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Only problem I have with Toyota Venza is the alarm goes off for no reason.
Only problem I have with Toyota Venza is the alarm goes off for no reason. Otherwise I love the ride. Very comfortable and easy to get in and out. I like the design and I love the extended moon roof.
Publicado: April 27, 2018
Joann of Bowdionham, ME
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great car! But Toyota does not manufacture the this model. If Toyota did, I
Great car! But Toyota does not manufacture the this model. If Toyota did, I would buy another one. The MR2 is fantastic, mine is 15 yrs old. The car is a convertible, manual transmission, 2 seater.
Publicado: March 19, 2019
Karen Micheal of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just bought a Toyota for the first time, I bought it used but its a 2001
I just bought a Toyota for the first time, I bought it used but its a 2001 and is still running great! A couple of small things had to be replaced as is usual with a used car, but this little thing really gets up and goes! Im very happy with Toyota I heard they run forever!
Publicado: December 7, 2019
Kathleen of Tampa, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It took some significant persistence but we finally got a meeting with the
It took some significant persistence but we finally got a meeting with the GM. Steve Phillips ended up being a good man of high integrity. He apologized for the whole incident and made this right with us and we very much appreciate it.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Taylor of Talent, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a new Toyota C-HR four weeks ago. The windshield cracked company
Purchased a new Toyota C-HR four weeks ago. The windshield cracked company across, right to left, car is not safe to drive. Replacement windshield is not available for minimum TWO MONTHS. Toyota will do NOTHING to rectify the situation, I now have a new vehicle that I am making payments on and cannot drive for at LEAST 60 days. Toyota has been 100% unwilling to do anything, I also will have to pay my insurance companys 245.00 deductible. Again, Toyota has be completely non-cooperative. Summary: I now own a brand new vehicle which cant be driven for at least two months. This is my third and LAST Toyota purchase.
Publicado: July 15, 2017
Brad of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Reliable, is easy to drive, includes updated features and safety features.
Reliable, is easy to drive, includes updated features and safety features. Adequate space. I have been Driving Toyota Corolla for many years and have been very satisfied. My next car will be a Corolla.
Publicado: November 8, 2021
Susan of Oro Valley, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this 2010 Toyota Sequoia over a year ago with 100000 miles. It is
I bought this 2010 Toyota Sequoia over a year ago with 100000 miles. It is white, which is easy to keep clean. It has been very dependable so far. It has never stranded me and I love the moonroof and the audio system too. It also handles well for a large vehicle and I feel safe in this vehicle. But it only gets about 15 miles per gallon and it is expensive to operate. It is also hard to park due to its gigantic size. I wish it had some other features on it like a keyless entry. But Toyota is a very good brand.
Publicado: June 13, 2018
Vicki of Nashville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Its a Toyota, which is a great thing. Its small, which is what I look for.
Its a Toyota, which is a great thing. Its small, which is what I look for. Very stable & easy to park. Plenty of room for driver and one passenger, a perfect commuter car. Im confident driving it on the highway and the interstate where its heavy enough to withstand traffic turbulence.
Publicado: November 30, 2019
Steve of Paoli, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love the interior design and its fuel consumption rates. This model is al
I love the interior design and its fuel consumption rates. This model is also easy to maintain since most of the spare-part are readily available. I would recommend this model to anyone looking for a cheap and easy to maintain type of vehicle. Herbert from fine-writers.com.
Publicado: May 13, 2020
Herbert of Nairobi, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I recently leased a 2017 Toyota Mirai. I intended on using this as a primar
I recently leased a 2017 Toyota Mirai. I intended on using this as a primary vehicle that I would use for work and for my family. I have 2 kids, 6 and 3 that require a car seat and booster seat. As a loyal Toyota customer, who has owned and leased 13 different Toyota or Lexuss in the past, I was very disappointed to learn about how hard it was to install car seats and access the latches and buckle seat belts when using car seats and boosters. Every Toyota vehicle that Ive been in, with the exception of the Mirai has a very easy to access latch system for installing car seats. I love it because this is something parents do not enjoy doing and when we need to do it, we are usually in a hurry. However, the Mirai, to my surprise is nearly impossible to install car seats. My wife tried for 20 minutes the first attempt and failed with tears in her eyes. In order to install the car seats you need to be strong and cram yourself into the backseat in order to get enough leverage to install the latches. It takes a lot of strength and practice in order to get these in. The second problem is once the booster is installed the seats arent wide enough and the fixed center counsel is in the way of being able to buckle the seat belt. My 6 year old cannot do it so I have jam my hand in the middle of the booster and the counsel and buckle the seat belt. It usually hurts but I have no choice. I have been very disappointed dealing with Toyota on this issue. They really DO NOT CARE about this problem. Obviously there is no fix to it so they basically tell me I need to live with it. However, for $536 per month, I spend a lot of money on a car that has a defect. I have begged Toyota for help. They have not offered any reasonable solution. They basically want me to go away and stop complaining but I feel as though, I spend a lot of money to get a car that does not performed the way it should. The design is terrible, this is a safety issue that needs to be addressed because I have to use it and Toyota just wants to keep taking my money while I have to suffer.
Publicado: July 3, 2017
Lawrence of San Marcos, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive had it for over two years and never had any problems with it. Great gas
Ive had it for over two years and never had any problems with it. Great gas mileage, tinted rearview mirror so the persons lights driving behind you dont blind you. Very spacious for 4 people.
Publicado: December 1, 2016
M. of Austin, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a 2007 Toyota Prius six months after I found out that the combinatio
I have a 2007 Toyota Prius six months after I found out that the combination meter has a recall. Toyota won’t honor their recall because it is past their timeframe. It is obvious that this is a Toyota problem; however, they do not want to stand by their product and replace the faulty item. It will cost me 600+ dollars to fix it, they do not replace the part but take the original part out of your car replaced the capacitor’s and send it back to the customer. All of that for $600. I will have to be without a vehicle for two weeks. When it gets hot outside the combination meter fails. When it is cold it works.
Publicado: May 21, 2019
Don of Aurora, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Hard to build a new car to order from the site. The combinations offered ar
Hard to build a new car to order from the site. The combinations offered are too often in packages and allow very little flexibility. Exterior color choices are limited even in high end models. Site is not difficult to navigate. Not all options are available on all models making it frustrating.
Publicado: May 28, 2020
Monica of Tinley Park, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

@toyota #toyota Too bad your remote start feature is not working right. I s
@toyota #toyota Too bad your remote start feature is not working right. I should of never dealt with this company. Now Im stuck with a brand new 2020 Corolla with no functional remote start. Im still waiting from Toyota headquarters to call me back! Please rethink your choice of car. Toyota is not the best anymore sad to say. There are a lot of other brand of cars to choose from.
Publicado: January 11, 2020
Joseph of Trenton, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This truck is the best manual it has 160 hp. You can go anywhere cheap. The
This truck is the best manual it has 160 hp. You can go anywhere cheap. The downside is they get rusty here in Canada but I go hard and weld metal to body. It is very easy and nice. The style is better than most new trucks. This is a balling whip thats great to chop.
Publicado: December 18, 2019
W. B. of Other, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I inherited this Toyota Rav4 from my mother when she stopped driving. It wo
I inherited this Toyota Rav4 from my mother when she stopped driving. It works good for hauling kids, dogs and gardening supplies plus can handle 5 small bails of straw with ease. I also like the power locks and power windows and I love the 4 wheel drive. The car runs great, good on gas, handles great and can make it through a MN winter. I can make it up my drive way during the winter. But I would have liked better tires and wish it was less like a station wagon. And Id like it if it is higher off the ground, I feel like Im getting into a car and not a SUV. I also wish it had tilt steering and blue tooth.
Publicado: July 6, 2018
Maria of Chicago, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This 1991 Toyota pickup truck has good gas mileage. This truck takes knocks
This 1991 Toyota pickup truck has good gas mileage. This truck takes knocks and bumps great. This truck always starts no matter what the weather. They seem to run forever. Ive had many people at gas pumps offering to buy it. It is 4 WD and gets through mud and snow easily. Its a stick shift so it can be push started without getting a jump. This pickup truck gets good gas mileage and is easy to handle and drive. It has the perfect amount of bed space as well as cab space for me. This truck is easy to work on and its easy to find parts for which are inexpensive. The insurance is also low for a vehicle as well as the taxes and tags. It is so sound. I only wish there were more of them. The thing I did not like about this truck is how the seatbelts are. They are placed in a way that they cut across your neck and no kind of seatbelt comfort aid helps this. I put a clamp on mine at the part where it retracts.
Publicado: June 23, 2018
Paula of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It is with deep regret that after being a Toyota customer for numerous year
It is with deep regret that after being a Toyota customer for numerous years and having owned over 10 of their vehicles that I am finally throwing in the towel and no longer buying their cars/trucks. Nothing but problems with my Highlander and Tundra and the company could care less. The brakes are constantly failing and numerous people I have spoken to are saying the same. It is my feeling that Toyota has become a bit like GM did years back and we all know how that turned out. Undoubtedly Toyota was once in my opinion the maker of fine cars but with several of the competitors stepping up more and more Toyota has lost their way. My family has purchased over $250,000 worth of Toyotas in the last few years and I would say we are done. No fault of the dealer as they tried to step up but the company did not and does not stand behind their vehicles. I always enjoyed the residual value of a Toyota but cannot in good conscience encourage anyone to now buy a Toyota product.
Publicado: September 21, 2017
Jim of Newport, VT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My mother used my car (better mileage) to pick up my daughter and once they
My mother used my car (better mileage) to pick up my daughter and once they came my car was parked in the garage with the door closed. I never questioned to check since my mom usually does this task just fine. I know her memory isn’t as sharp as it was 5 years ago but at age 62 she is showing some decline in memory. Anyway, I luckily needed to put boxes away in the attached garage and that’s when I found my car running with the garage door down with keys inside. It had been running for over an hour. The only thing that kept me and my kids from suffering was the electric features on this car kept the car from using gas to create CO levels quickly. There was some CO released enough to give me a headache but it could have been a silent killer for my family that night as we weren’t planning on leaving the home for another 30 hours. I was just questioning last week why I still pay my higher car payment on a great mileage vehicle when I work from home but now I know why. I won’t be trading her in anytime soon... it saved me and my kids lives.
Publicado: November 16, 2019
J. of Taylorville, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been buying Toyota for 20+ years but will never buy again because of
I have been buying Toyota for 20+ years but will never buy again because of exceptionally poor customer service. They absolutely do not care about their customers let alone loyal customers. They have absolutely no respect for customers time and frustration. Shame on Toyota Canada. For a simple issue or answer they make your life miserable. There is definitely lack of management in this company.
Publicado: August 14, 2019
Manish of Windsor, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have owned 5 different Toyotas for over 20 years and can not believe what
I have owned 5 different Toyotas for over 20 years and can not believe what corporate told me about my 2018 automatic transmission problem. Because I live in Wisconsin we can have problems with tires spinning on snowy days. Toyota said that because my cars front tires spun and the back tires did not move that the broken transmission was my fault. It has less than 25000 miles and should have been covered under their bumper to bumper warranty. They say they will pay for the transmission BUT I must pay for the labor cost of over $800. All sounds fishy to me. On top of it Toyota corporate says that if the same conditions occur in the future I should call for a tow and not spin tires at all!They say they will deny any future claim, under the same circumstances, as they are this one. They, also, could not (or would not?) tell me what part of the transmission is broken. I plan on going on social media to warn any potential owners of 2018 and beyond Toyota autos with automatic transmission, if you live in cold climates please think twice about buying one of their cars. It could be a crap shoot for you!
Publicado: March 22, 2019
Mark of Hartford, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I leased a 2012 Toyota Camry in 2012. I was not able to make payments so th
I leased a 2012 Toyota Camry in 2012. I was not able to make payments so they took the car. Then after they sold the car there was a balance of $4,689.28 which I was not aware of. 2019 comes in and they hired Rubin and Rothman law firm and this law firm of crooks is trying to charge me $11133.56 with interest fees and according to Toyota interest fees are never charged on a closed account. Shame on YOU Toyota!!! For not doing your due diligence and hiring a bunch of THUGS to misrepresent YOU!
Publicado: November 3, 2021
Odette of Mahopac, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a brand new Toyota 4Runner in 2016. At 64000 miles, just over war
Purchased a brand new Toyota 4Runner in 2016. At 64000 miles, just over warranty, it experienced a stuck lifter in the cylinder head. Leaked all the oil, and scored the piston walls. No check engine light, no low oil pressure alarm, nothing to signify anything was wrong with the vehicle. Toyota denied the warranty claim and now we are stuck with a 6600 bill to replace the engine. I have always been a toyota fan, have owned them all my life, but I will now be looking at other options. Beware, this could happen to you.
Publicado: January 8, 2020
chris of Madras, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 2018 Toyota Highlander Ltd Platinum from Classic Toyota in Ty
I purchased a 2018 Toyota Highlander Ltd Platinum from Classic Toyota in Tyler Texas. My Toyota purchased was based on commercial and current owner reviews. Other than the “color transfer” issue (dyes from my years old and routinely washed scrubs and jeans coming off on the leather seats), I’ve been relatively happy with the car. The thing that has driven me crazy are the electronics. I came from a BMW, that was too small and uncomfortable, but drove great and I guess I got spoiled by their electronics. I could have 2 phones connected and receive calls on either of them on Bluetooth. Not on the Highlander (JBL GreenEdge). It takes 5 or 6 button pushes (while I’m driving!) to change from one paired phone to another. It also occasionally just drops the phone in the middle of a call and I have to reconnect. The weather app also is rudimentary, at best. It never gives me the weather for the area I’m in. If I’m in downtown Dallas, it gives me the weather for Terrell, TX (40 miles away, a 10th the size of Dallas, and a town I’ve never looked up on my weather app)!!! I called Entune (a cumbersome worthless app IMHO) support. She was very pleasant, but completely useless. She looked at the manual. I read the manual! I needed more! Apparently Toyota doesn’t offer more than a crappy inefficient app, bad connectivity, and a GPS (for the weather) that hopefully doesn’t have to ever locate you in case of an accident!
Publicado: February 27, 2019
Mary of Mabank, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Software does not work, no radio, phone, music, etc function. So poor quali
Software does not work, no radio, phone, music, etc function. So poor quality Toyota car! Screen cant be initiation by self??!! It has been connected Toyota for half year. I got nothing! So poor service after sold car of Toyota! Its so regret and purchased three cars from the Toyota so far! Bye Toyota for forever! For Customer no way.
Publicado: February 25, 2020
Amy of Richardson, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

LC (Prado) seems still a reliable choice. Bought this in Switzerland, but a
LC (Prado) seems still a reliable choice. Bought this in Switzerland, but all LC 150 are produced in Japan directly, so quality should be the same worldwide. That is the main reason for its reliability anyway. This facelift is so far (50000 KM) as well built as the predecessors. No problems whatsoever. The facelift overhaul got also rid of some design issues inside, like outdated looks and feel. Still Toyota and most Asian cars look a bit outdated (like 10 years back) inside compared to German cars for e.g., but the Toyota wasnt bought for superior gimmicks but for long lasting performance.Navigation is good, but a bit slow to pick up when booted. That is the only bad thing I could complain about. Missing functions: Smartphone integration does not have access to external antenna (shark-antenna only used for radio reception it seems) like even 10 year old premium Volkswagen/Audi/BMW/Mercedes etc do have. So your device will need to get out of the Faraday-cage inside the car, which deteriorates speech quality and introduced a lot of unnecessary EM-pollution to all passengers/driver easily exceeding exposure limits. This is true for all Toyota cars unfortunately. Also noise cancellation is inferior too...But this car shines with superior durability and offroad performance. Superior interleaving and 4 wheel drive. Excellent upgrade options. Only Range Rover Defender (useless for daily drive req. though) and G class Mercedes (overpriced) are a match of still produced cars. Engine is 2.8L Diesel with Toyota tuning to 200HP. In Europe Toyota is no longer selling the big LC 200 due to emission constraints.
Publicado: May 6, 2019
O. M. of Umiken, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am a fan of Toyota and recommend people to buy Toyota Cars. I myself boug
I am a fan of Toyota and recommend people to buy Toyota Cars. I myself bought Toyota cars. I recently was looking for a Toyota Sienna LE and I spoke to Toyota Klamath Falls and they agreed to a price with me and gave me the go-ahead to come to their dealership for a van even I told them that I am coming far from the dealership more than 60 miles they confirmed me that they will sell at the agreed price. When I and a friend of mine reached there, I double checked (even though the car has scratches all over but they agreed to fix that) with them before running of my credit check, the sales guy again confirmed the same price and asked me to sign on certain papers. I did that, but, after some time he came back with a different price which was $400 more than the agreed price and said either buy on this price or leave the dealership which was rude. I decided not to buy the car on principles I didnt want myself to be tricked on this dirty trick of them. They didnt give us any copies of anything like the documents which I signed and rudely said that they are not giving us anything and leave. We called Toyota customer service but it was not available since it was Sunday. I would not recommend this dealership to anybody and beware of their dirty tricks. The VIN number of the car is **, please beware this car has scratches everywhere.
Publicado: September 25, 2017
Shahid of Talent, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have owned two Toyota Camrys (1999 & 2005). The 1999 was a V6. I dont
I have owned two Toyota Camrys (1999 & 2005). The 1999 was a V6. I dont need to be specific other than to say, if you want drive a car that can easily last more than 200,000 without the expensive repairs, this is the brand to consider. Toyota should definitely earn the Most Reliable Japanese Car award. Look around when youre driving. What do you see most? Toyotas, BMWs, Hondas, etc. I dont remember any rental car companies that use Toyotas, which means every Toyota you see on the road are either owned or leased, and not rented. (I might be wrong, btw.) So, something for you to consider the next time youre in the market to buy cars.Tip to all the Toyota owners: If your mechanic tells you something is bad and your has less than 75,000 miles, he is lying to you. I have brought my Toyotas to many local shops (to save money from dealerships exaggerated cost for repairs) and they have suggested to replace the water pump, the radiator, this or that. I was wary and skeptical with their scare tactic approach, so I didnt fix it at that time. Now, 7 years later and with 127,000 miles, its still running smoothly. Of course, you still have your routine maintenance that needs to be replaced every few years (air filter, tires, batteries, etc). One mechanic told me, A Toyota with less than 100,000 is still considered almost new. You just have to make sure to change your oil every three to four thousand miles and tune up your car every now and then. These are his words, not mine. My owner manual states every 5000 miles for each oil change, but I think that also depends on how you drive it and how frequent it is driven. You can save a lot of $$$ if you buy it used.Bottom line is, if you want a car for the long-haul of saving money for many years to come, you should definitely consider buying a Toyota. Now, sometimes I wonder why Toyota owners even own Toyotas. I know I drive it because this car was handed down to me and Im just waiting for it to break down. I mean, lets face it: Tundra drivers dont drive it to haul stuff. (There are many other stronger trucks.) You cant show off your social status with an Avalon. (Again, there are way more other choices.) You cant pick up girls with Camrys. (Not sporty enough to be a sport car and not luxury enough to be a high-class car.) A Corolla is good for what? Prius are well-known for their electric cars, which have been in high demand this past decade. In my opinion, I think you will want to get rid of your Toyota before it will stop working on you.
Publicado: August 11, 2018
American of Mountain View, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I went to test drive a car and they refused me to drive it till I sign the
I went to test drive a car and they refused me to drive it till I sign the agreement to accept the car value of 10.000 over the market price. I cant believe that. I called Toyota and I filled a complaint to stop the fraud.
Publicado: July 2, 2020
tamer of Brooklyn, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 2007 Toyota Camry - 10 years and the car is still going strong! There wa
My 2007 Toyota Camry - 10 years and the car is still going strong! There was two problems with the car, but these were caused by mechanics at the dealership and NOT by the Toyota factory. Another dealership heard my complaints and fixed the car at NO charge to me without any arguing! They even paid for a rental car! Some say Toyota is boring, I guess if you like a car that never breaks down, then I suppose it is boring! The car just keeps driving without problems, oh, how boring is that! The car was bought 50% on a Toyota Loan. I made my payments for the first year until I received some other money and was allowed to pay the remainder of the loan without further interest and/or penalties. It was a very fair and easy plan to follow. Reason for my review; It is important to not confuse the car with the dealership, that is to say, some dealerships are better than others.
Publicado: April 28, 2017
Josh of Thornhill, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My car that had high mileage I sold was 2004 Toyota Echo. Also a stellar pe
My car that had high mileage I sold was 2004 Toyota Echo. Also a stellar performer. This Toyota Yaris was an acquisition as my mom is 94 and is bed bound so this became mine and it is a 2007 with only 25,000 miles on it. I did have to bring it to Toyota for a few recalls and had dialogue with them about some defective cables they said were ok but since the 2007 dont install anymore? But all in all she handles great. A little 2 door hatch back I will drive till shes dead! Cheers!
Publicado: May 7, 2018
Mark of La Puente, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The worst company ever!!! If you plan to buy a car, dont even go to Toyota.
The worst company ever!!! If you plan to buy a car, dont even go to Toyota. They are all total jerks. I called them in March to postpone my payments due to pandemic because I was not able to work and make money. They postponed my payments and they said that there was not going to be in any interest charge. Looking at my August bill, seems like they placed $398 interest fee on top of my $400 payment. I called them and explained everything and they acted like they are not from Earth and they were not aware of Pandemic. They were talking about my contract and which line of the contract indicates that I am still forced to pay interest charge if I dont make any payments. I mean are they stupid? I know if you dont make payments there will be interest fee and thats why I called them so we can extend the payment period. They did not care at all.
Publicado: September 11, 2020
Askim of San Francisco, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My local dealership worked the issue from their end and got Toyota to pay f
My local dealership worked the issue from their end and got Toyota to pay for half the repair. Not a total success but better than nothing. Very pleased with the service team at Wyatt Johnson Toyota in Clarksville, TN.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Nolan of Clarksville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love working with the people at Larry Miller Toyota in Phoenix. They are
I love working with the people at Larry Miller Toyota in Phoenix. They are so very helpful, knowledgeable and supremely customer oriented. They will describe to me what the issue is, give me the opportunity To accept or reject the maintenance that is suggested. They will also tell me the cost and tell me how I can pay it or finance it and whether it is absolutely necessary at the time. I so appreciate the work that they do and the honesty that they provide. I also am very comfortable waiting for my vehicle to be serviced as their customer service lounge is awesome. Barbara
Publicado: April 6, 2020
Barbara of Litchfield Park, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dependable, minor repairs, die hard reliability. I wont buy American anytim
Dependable, minor repairs, die hard reliability. I wont buy American anytime soon, had those and problems. Went with Toyota, Nissan, Lexus... so damn elated I did. Rock solid reliability and dependability!!! Resale was simple and more money compared to the American counterpart. Im sold on foreign vehicles. Even when repairs were needed, they were few and far between. The parts were the biggest money suckered, ouch!
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Steve of Harlingen, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Safety Sense saved my life. I was driving my 2019 Toyota Camry Hybri
Toyota Safety Sense saved my life. I was driving my 2019 Toyota Camry Hybrid, Only 2 months old, on a freeway when I had a seizure. (I know this because I have a dash cam.) I first pulled over to the side of the road just prior to the event. I then had the seizure and when it stopped I was VERY oblivious to my surroundings. I pulled forward on the shoulder and was passing cars in the lanes and finally got onto the roadway. You could hear my lane assist and Break assist alarming several times while driving the 20+ miles down the freeway. When I came to I had ZERO relocation of how I got there. Upon listening and watching the dash cam I HEARD how that blessed car saved my life thanks to Safety Sense! AMAZING! Brian
Publicado: October 19, 2019
Brian of Magnolia, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been a loyal Toyota customer since the year 2000 buying and leasing
I have been a loyal Toyota customer since the year 2000 buying and leasing multiple vehicles for my personal use, my husband and as the kids got older for my kids. Today 8/30/2019 I had the worst customer experience and left Team Toyota (Route One NJ) in tears. The service department manager has no empathy, no customer service skills. I bought 16 vehicles from Toyota and I am due to get my daughter a vehicle her senior year, It will not be a Toyota. They lost me as a customer. No loyalty towards customers, no care, no empathy ... I am done with them and I will be writing a letter of complain.
Publicado: August 31, 2019
Vashti of Langhorne, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My car tire blew out. I spoke to service they have no records of extended t
My car tire blew out. I spoke to service they have no records of extended tire warranty. I purchased a 5 year extended warranty. So I have to get it verified with finance dept. No ONE in the finance picks up and can’t get anyone on phone to help. There are no branch managers or assistant managers past 5 pm. So ridiculous how you are open and no manager. Stuck on side of road with flat tire and can’t get Toyota to help me. Extended warranty for what? To waste money and not get any service when needed.
Publicado: September 18, 2018
Chi of Round Rock, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new Toyota Camry-LE in 2003 at Toyota Dealership in Riverside
I purchased a new Toyota Camry-LE in 2003 at Toyota Dealership in Riverside Ca. After less than 90,000 miles I began experiencing engine problems, ie, gray smoke emitting from my tailpipe when first starting my car in the morning. On 9/7/17, I left my car with my mechanic, Moe. After several hours inspecting my car and performing a compression, he believed I had major engine problems and stated that this type of car should not experience this problem at a low mileage. He checked to see if there was a recall on my engine and found none. He advised me to check with Toyota Corporate office to see if they could help me. I checked with Toyota Corporate office in Torrance Ca. I contacted their office and they stated I should not have engine problems at this low mileage. The next day I took my car to the dealership to be inspected. I told the manager that my mechanic suspected engine problems. When I went to pick up my car the same day, the manager said I had not engine problems. However when reading the report on my car, the mechanic recommended an engine teardown. No test were run on this car (compression test). I asked to speak to the mechanic and I was denied. I then returned to my mechanic and authorized a teardown to find a bad engine. I replaced the engine for $ 6,85.91. I decided to send this to the manufacturer in Plano Texas with all the receipts, oil changes, tires, fluid changes, belts, etc. In speaking to a manager named Nancy at this office, I was denied any financial help stating that there was no record of me using Toyota for repairs. I reminded Nancy that it states in the Toyota manual that Toyota will not deny a claim because you choose a service provider other than Toyota. Nancy insisted on sticking to her story, that I must use Toyota services. I realize the warranty has expired, but what options do I have?? I paid a lot for this car, and believe I deserve better. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Publicado: October 19, 2017
pat of Riverside, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My name is Viren ** and I bought my Venza AWD from Canada brand new with to
My name is Viren ** and I bought my Venza AWD from Canada brand new with top model and I paid about 46000 Canadian dollar and I took extended warranty for 7 years bumper to bumper. My bad luck that I moved to USA for my business and I didnt know that if I register my vehicle from Canada to USA then all warranty void. And it gone. I paid for my warranty about 2100 dollar and I never use it. They gave me back about 600 dollar in 2015, at that time my car mileage was 68000 kms (about 42000miles). After that I start servicing and oil change in Greenville Toyota for my both car Sienna limited and Venza. I used to pay for just oil about 90 dollar which is too costly. So I start to buy oil from Autozone and one of mechanic he change it for me with 15 dollar labor.Recently 2 week ago I was driving my Venza from 40 to 60 mile zone and suddenly I heard a bad noise and start to come out little smoke. So I just stopped on road and try to check it out and I found that lots of oil was leaking and my car couldnt start again so I towed to Greenville Toyota. They people diagnosis and told me that, Your engine block has hole so your engine is gone and now you have to replace it and cost will be about 7100 dollar. I was shocked, before that never I got any engine light indication and suddenly this happened. I talked with Toyota customer service and try to help me out and how come just 64000 mile engine can gone. And they told me that might be there will be lubricating problem with engine so that is happened. Because of I never did service with them since 2016 so. If I used to service with them then they can try to say something else but never say that about machine faulty or bad parts. I read review online about Venza engine and people says that VVT-i engine is famous to with bad impression.After that I went to Hendricks Honda in Greenville and just ask them about the cost of fixing my car and they gave me quote is 5100 dollar with 3 years or 36000 mile warranty on engine. So I moved my car from GREENVILLE TOYOTA TO HONDA. Today my car is fixed by Honda just like brand new. I used to big fan of Toyota and I am driving Toyota both my vehicle since 2008 but this incident and response from Toyota. I will never buy Toyota vehicle and I will never went to Greenville Toyota. My Venza is low mileage car and driven by my wife all the time just in town and still this happen with luxuries car for I paid almost 50000 dollar and company say your power train warranty from company expired on 60000 mile so we cant do anything. From my experience I learnt that nowadays Toyota has to commitment with customer like used to be. So think about it to buy a vehicle from Toyota. I would prefer to go to Honda or some other car company who can provide good service and at least accept any defect if there.
Publicado: October 31, 2017
Viren of Winterville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Canada Inc. Head Office 1 Toyota Place, Toronto ON, M1H 1H9. I have
Toyota Canada Inc. Head Office 1 Toyota Place, Toronto ON, M1H 1H9. I have been reluctant since last year to write to you about the horrible service I received from your maintenance people who serviced my 2007 Matrix. It all started with a rhythmic feeling in the right side of the tire area. It was determined that the bearing had to be replaced and it was for $450. The problem was still there and I took it back and was told that it most likely was the left side bearing. Again a senior technician looked at it and told Charlene that it was tire cupping that was causing the problem. As I was at Costco I had brand new front tires ($400) installed.Absolutely no change in the feeling in front end as well as losing a pair of decent front tires. I felt foolish and taken for a ride at your dealership. I had to go somewhere and I took it to JD auto and they found the problem with the calipers as one of the pistons was seized and was biting into the rotor. Again more cost to me to replace all front breaks because your people did not do their job properly, I am very very reluctant to visit for any more maintenance for fear of not getting proper repairs without fear. Up to the time of these problems with your dealership I had no problems and was very happy with my visits and the friendly receptions. I have had muffler and parts installed since with JD Auto because of my distrust and reluctance to take my vehicle to your dealership. If you look up my maintenance records, you will see that I used you exclusively until last year because of my trust with the maintenance and repairs.I have since had a telephone conversation with Darrell but he just didn’t understand the ramifications on losing this consumer for new vehicles or maintenance. Since he has only been on his job for 8 months he would not commit to “what can I do for you” with what he could do for me. We left it at that. All the mistakes made at the repairs eventually cost me over 1300 dollars for no reason. Shameful for Toyota. No longer will I be looking for a Toyota product because of this incident.
Publicado: August 24, 2017
Bill of Port Alberni, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased platinum service for approx. $900. I was not given 2 ignition k
I purchased platinum service for approx. $900. I was not given 2 ignition keys but, rather 3 mechanical ones. I was promised another ignition key but after regular efforts on my part, never got one. I finally lost the one and only key I was given (2 years later, last month). I was given 3 estimates, ranging from $300 to $500, then after my car was towed to the dealership was told it would be $700 plus $200 for second key. Nothing is in the manual stating the extreme consequences of not having 2 keys. In the certified checklist, it only states master key. I feel like an essential part was not included; the second key. I was handed off daily from service dept to sales people resulting in not having my vehicle for 1 1/2 weeks when I gave in and paid up. Very poor customer service and hidden costs of new key.
Publicado: May 18, 2017
Glenda A of Seattle, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Brought my Toyota Prius plug in premium in for 6 mo. ToyotaCare. Told it wo
Brought my Toyota Prius plug in premium in for 6 mo. ToyotaCare. Told it would be ready at noon, its now after 3 and still not ready. Im 90 and disabled. Need to go to CVS for RX, Called 3 times. Just told they would call when car is ready. ALWAYS POOR SERVICE FROM HANLEES SERVICE DEPT. Dont even answer their phone at times.
Publicado: February 18, 2019
Janice of Davis, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Absolutely loved the Toyota CHR from the moment I drove it. It has spacious
Absolutely loved the Toyota CHR from the moment I drove it. It has spacious interior and the camera is extremely useful and well placed on the rear view mirror which is super convenient. It also has great seating considering that its a MID sized car. Moreover, it has radio with Bluetooth. Driving this vehicle on a daily basis is something I look forward to. Although it has no CD player, which I get, it would be useful for those times where you want to listen to a CD. Also, I feel that the engine is lacking a little bit of power. I wish it was a little stronger. All in all, driving this vehicle on a daily basis is something I look forward to. And the experience we had at Toyota of Hollywood Florida was absolutely stellar. I would buy a the Toyota CHR again in a heartbeat.
Publicado: July 10, 2018
Joel of Hialeah, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota dealer has had my 2016 Tacoma for 9 weeks waiting for components to
Toyota dealer has had my 2016 Tacoma for 9 weeks waiting for components to fix leak in rear Differential that can result in a safety hazard. Though they have provided a loaner (I had to provide credit card), I am limited as to who can drive their loaner and have to keep going and renewing loaner/rental documentation, and calling the dealer and Toyota. Everyone is sorry... but I am paying for a vehicle I have not got, satellite radio I cannot use, and have had some major rearranging to do as far as work and vacation related travel due to this. They cannot give me an ETA (and I know how MFG works, there are schedules) of parts. 9 weeks is WAY TOO LONG to have a vehicle held hostage. I am really frustrated.
Publicado: September 20, 2017
Patricia of Plainville, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

New Entune interface is horrible. Toyota completely ruined the mobile inter
New Entune interface is horrible. Toyota completely ruined the mobile interface with their so called app suite that doesnt contain any actual apps. My 16 Prius system is so much better. At least it has something a real person can use. To do anything you have to plug your phone in and use the apps on that. What is the point? Just about every other manufacturer has a better interface, Toyota doesnt have one at all. Go buy a better vehicle with technology thats actually useful....
Publicado: December 14, 2019
Mike of Boise, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Like to file a complaint. I want to pay in full for the past 1 month and th
Like to file a complaint. I want to pay in full for the past 1 month and they will not tell me how in need to pay. The car was 29,000. I put 5000 down payment and after 1 month I told them I would like to pay in full. They are saying I owe the 29,000.
Publicado: March 8, 2022
Humaira of Boiling Springs, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Over 200000k with no major issues, performs very well. The vehicle was purc
Over 200000k with no major issues, performs very well. The vehicle was purchased new, I have driven for over 200,000k with only brakes needing replacement at 165,000k and that was just rear brakes, the front was still at 50% life. The only other repair has been a water pump due a small leak. The vehicles has exceeded all expectations for performance, gas mileage in southern climates as well as Winnipeg winters.
Publicado: December 6, 2016
Rat of Rigaud, QC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

With good maintenance it never gives you a problem. Ive owned Toyotas since
With good maintenance it never gives you a problem. Ive owned Toyotas since 1970. The first one I put over 300,00 mi. on it. Never had a problem. Husband owned different USA cars/trucks. They stayed in the shop. Now we each have Toyotas. Good care equals no problem!!!!
Publicado: November 25, 2016
Jacque of Panama City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Honestly I am not very satisfied with the change of vehicle I made since th
Honestly I am not very satisfied with the change of vehicle I made since the car for which I made the change was in perfect condition - a Corolla of 2014 with only 21000 miles to get the new RAV4 Limited of 2019 and not even have a month and already have to change the differential sincerely and Im not very happy with this new SUV. Would have preferred to stay with my Corolla in the end. Did not give me problems all the time I was driving
Publicado: April 3, 2019
Yassiel of West New York, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Yaris - Smaller cars are more maneuverable in city conditions and mo
Toyota Yaris - Smaller cars are more maneuverable in city conditions and more fuel efficient. But I think all cars should be fitted with GPS. This would eliminate the use of phone GPS.
Publicado: April 26, 2018
Catherine of Luddenham, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have driven a Toyota for the last 11 years. My first was an echo then I b
I have driven a Toyota for the last 11 years. My first was an echo then I bought a new corolla ascent in 2008. I loved that car and nothing ever went wrong. I would have given a 100% satisfaction. In Oct 2015 I traded it in for a corolla ascent sport. What a difference - First of all I did a hill start and smelt burning or petrol. When I complained to Toyota they said its my driving... Ive been driving for over 20 years and never experienced this before.And in June 2016 I find a hole in the seam on the back of the driver chair. My instinct tell me that it is a weak material/stitching but also a weak joint in the manufacturing of the chair itself. Toyota tell me its the material and will change the seat cover. Today 21 June 2016 I drop my car off at the service centre. I stress my concern on the weakness of the chair itself. I pick my car up and they havent changed the cover, they have ordered a new back for the seat. I was right, it was a fault in the chair itself. Shame on Toyota. They were always right up there with safety. Now Im not so sure. This seat would have crumpled had I been in an accident. I describe this car as ascetically lovely but cheap manufacturing. I would never have said this pre this car.
Publicado: June 21, 2016
Catherine of Logan, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I own a 2008 Toyota Sequoia and my GPS system stopped working while driving
I own a 2008 Toyota Sequoia and my GPS system stopped working while driving it. Dealership states there is nothing they can do as well as Toyota Corporate. Their solution: Replace unit at a tune of $2K. No diagnosing of what the problem could be, they dont have personnel to do this, etc. Toyota Corporate did offer to pay half of replacement though. Im ecstatic! Like hell. Why should I replace a navigation system at $1K, when I dont know what the problem is. Love my Sequoia and planned to purchase another when and if the body style changes. Scratch that! Toyota will not be getting my business again.
Publicado: August 16, 2016
Yvette of Ruther Glen, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Perfect car for us. Totally reliable. 84,000 miles and we have only had to
Perfect car for us. Totally reliable. 84,000 miles and we have only had to replace the battery. It is a 2015. Can’t ever go wrong with Toyota! Great ride. The back seat fits 3 large adults easily. Sound system is awesome for a 5 year old car. Wish they still made them!
Publicado: December 19, 2019
Leslie of Branson, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is a great car. It has all of necessities that I think of a car should
This is a great car. It has all of necessities that I think of a car should come equipped with. It has great fuel mileage. Theres a nice smooth ride and a lot of extra perks. Its not too low to the ground so you dont feel like youre sitting on the ground. It also has a large trunk enough space to comfortably fit 5 people. And everything inside is touchscreen. This car also comes in a ton of different colors and you can completely customize it any way you want. Not to mention affordable. And I love the way this car is easy to handle. Its a very nice overall car to have. But I would like to see more features on the vehicle well that would make it more appealing to people who like technology. I would also like it do defrost work faster because here in the cold winter months it takes forever to thaw your car out.
Publicado: July 1, 2018
Heather of Romeoville, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 2014 Toyota Highlander from Northwest Toyota on Aug 30, 2017
I purchased a 2014 Toyota Highlander from Northwest Toyota on Aug 30, 2017 for $36,750. As it was used, I purchased extended warranty insurance for 1800 dollars which would give me 3 years of warranty. I was told by the financier that this was called bumper to bumper insurance and to be assured if anything goes wrong, it will be covered.3 1/2 months after purchase I was having problems opening and closing the hatch. I went on the Toyota Forum and found out this was and is a common problems with 2014 Toyota Highlanders. I wasnt worried because most people said Toyota covered the costs for fixing it. I booked an appointment with Toyota and was told the insurance only covers the motor for the hatch but not the struts. The motor costs about 400 dollars and the struts are over 2000 dollars. I then looked up what is covered under the extended warranty and there is no mention of the hatch at all. There is also no mention that it is not covered. I have requested Toyota fix the whole thing or refund the 1800 dollars I paid for the extended insurance. I have not heard anything back.
Publicado: December 28, 2017
Alice of Stony Plain, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

OK, at first I loved this car bought it used with only 29,000 miles on it.
OK, at first I loved this car bought it used with only 29,000 miles on it. Its very attractive and pleasing to the eye. Love the Sea Glass Pearl color. Now, having driven it 15K+ miles, I feel it is important to share some observations. Great mileage, you bet. Easy maneuverability, yes. So what is the issue? Visibility!! It is poor. The back door split design stinks. The car is low and with the little mini windows in front of the regular windows, it is a challenge to see some things that a higher car with single windows allow for. If you bump into anything, you are talking a major repair as the entire bumper needs replacement. That costs almost $800. And, it has happened to me twice. Once backing up at dusk with a ships anchor in the dirt along the fence, not visible because of being too low. Second, hitting a part of a broken wall that, again, was not visible due to being too low. I AM a good driver in case youre wondering but my height and the cars proximity to the ground make it a quick victim of any really low edifice even parking concrete bumpers. I thought this was going to be great but the visibility has changed my mind. Other issue, the cockpit design with the raised storage between seats is very inconvenient. This was obviously designed by a man and not a woman. Toyotas in general are getting a bad rap since assemblage in the US of A. Used to be great cars. Id say try something else!
Publicado: August 23, 2021
Amari of Las Cruces, NM
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

VENZA has engine vibration between 1800 and 2000 RPM. Dealer could not iden
VENZA has engine vibration between 1800 and 2000 RPM. Dealer could not identify where the noise came from and why the vibration occurred between 1800 and 2000 RPM. It has also L shape crack on the front windshield. The crack is inside between top and bottom glasses. It could be caused by the glass defect.
Publicado: December 1, 2016
Hochul of Perry, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Well, it is a Toyota so I bought a 2019 Avalon XLE Hybrid primarily for its
Well, it is a Toyota so I bought a 2019 Avalon XLE Hybrid primarily for its reliability. However, it has two major flaws. Firstly, it is supposed to provide 43 mpg, but actually it is a lot less. Currently, it is 34.6 mpg. Secondly, for a pretty luxurious car I expected it to have all the safety features for which Toyota is famous. Unfortunately, it turned out that it is missing Intelligent Clearance Sonar and Parking Assist. When I called Toyota and asked if these features could be installed, I was told that it was too complicated. Big disappointment.
Publicado: May 2, 2019
Andrzej of Grand Blanc, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 2012 Highlander. The roof is peeling! I was told that Toyota would pay t
My 2012 Highlander. The roof is peeling! I was told that Toyota would pay to repair and now they say they wont do it! How can this not be a paint defect! Ive been a loyal customer for 40 years or more! Very unhappy??? Shame on you Toyota!
Publicado: November 9, 2020
Scott of Englishtown, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

On 4-4-18, went for my scheduled oil change, the car is 5 yrs. old, only ha
On 4-4-18, went for my scheduled oil change, the car is 5 yrs. old, only has 15,318 miles, I was told I had a oil leak and would need a reseal on the timing cover, the cost is $2,074.00. I purchased the car at AutoNation Toyota in Hayward, Ca. Had all my services completed there. I told my service adviser this shouldnt happen to a car with these low miles. I was very upset. I feel this is a defect, and its causing the engine to lose oil, usually caused by a faulty sealant. My service adviser sent a email Re: Good Will Request, I dont have a extended warranty on my car. Im waiting for a decision from technology manager from another dealership.
Publicado: April 11, 2018
Dorothy of Hayward, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Yaris is a compact vehicle. The color is bright red. It is a 5 door
Toyota Yaris is a compact vehicle. The color is bright red. It is a 5 door hatchback and seats five people. It is excellent on gas mileage and fun to drive. It has an economy button which, when in traffic, it saves gas. The engine is very quiet and the air conditioning system is adequate for the size of this vehicle. It has never had any mechanical problems and is a totally reliable vehicle. It is just a basic vehicle with no frills. I chose this vehicle because the down payment was low and the monthly payments are affordable. But I dislike that this vehicle does not have automatic seats and everything must be done by hand. The radio and cd player are adequate for this vehicle however the sound speakers need to be upgraded. There are no speakers in the backseat area so listening to music from the backseat is strained.
Publicado: July 1, 2018
Marilyn of Fort Myers, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Haven’t had to use it yet but it covers everything bumper to bumper.
Haven’t had to use it yet but it covers everything bumper to bumper. It’s the platinum level so no deductible, seems very good so far and it’s with Toyota so I feel it’s a good coverage. Will let you know at a later date if and when I get need it or use it.
Publicado: December 26, 2020
Worth of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was denied service. I need a copy of my tire replacement warranty FROM YO
I was denied service. I need a copy of my tire replacement warranty FROM YOU because it is different from what you claim it to be. I will NEVER purchase another extended warranty or any type of additional insurance/service ever again!
Publicado: November 26, 2021
Renee of Haskell, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a Toyota Matrix and I cannot say enough good things about it. I love
I have a Toyota Matrix and I cannot say enough good things about it. I love to drive it. We bought it used for very cheap and it has worked great for our needs. It is a wonderful car to drive. I like that it is small but has a lot of storage. It gets great gas mileage. It is very dependable. I would buy a Toyota again. It is great except for this one issue I cant stand. I would love if it had a built in cruise control system. It is horrible to have an aftermarket system.
Publicado: June 25, 2018
T of Amarillo, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my 2018 Camry XSE 3 weeks ago and I love. Only thing I donâ&eur
I purchased my 2018 Camry XSE 3 weeks ago and I love. Only thing I don’t like is that a remote start doesn’t come standard. After paying that amount of money I thought it would have remote start seeing as other cars of different makes and models but are sedans do have the remote start. I think it comes on the XSE V6 but that car is about $4000 more than my car. Toyota should be ashamed for not making that standard.
Publicado: December 17, 2017
Barron of Hutchins, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Called Toyota today. Had a problem with the 2009 Toyota Corolla with their
Called Toyota today. Had a problem with the 2009 Toyota Corolla with their power steering. They claimed that only a service manual was sent out back in 2010. But where they LIED is the fact there is a class action law suit that was just settled on April 4th 2016 saying that we were entitled to a 50% refund for the amount paid on the fix... Instead they LIED and said that there was no other information and when I brought up the suit he said well since its not listed on his end there was nothing he could do... Useless isnt even the word to describe Toyota Customer Service. What a Joke.
Publicado: July 22, 2016
Joshua of Brownsville, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Engine blew a piston and could not be repaired. FRS was only 5 years old. I
Engine blew a piston and could not be repaired. FRS was only 5 years old. It had less than 80,000 miles on it. Company would not help cover cost even though it happened within 45 days of an engine recall.
Publicado: December 1, 2019
Lisa of Plano, Texas
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I received my Toyota Yaris 2007 (sedan) as a Christmas gift while in High s
I received my Toyota Yaris 2007 (sedan) as a Christmas gift while in High school in 2010. At the time it only had 26k miles on it, now it has 185k and shows no signs of giving out. Between high school, college, road trips, and long daily commutes, I have put this car through the wringer! Outside of routine oil changes, I haven’t had to spend much on maintenance. I have had to replace the belts a few times, brakes twice (first shop did it wrong and did not even replace nor check the rear brakes), and now it needs a new wheel bearing. I would say that’s pretty good for such a small car with high mileage. I am now looking for another car because I have a little one and the compact size does not agree with a growing toddler. But I won’t be trading in this car. I’ll be passing it down to my niece. Toyota really does prioritize dependability!
Publicado: February 2, 2019
Vontavia of Pearland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Many of us believe that TOYOTA is a best brand and it will run at least for
Many of us believe that TOYOTA is a best brand and it will run at least for 100000 miles. I also felt the same and bought the car from a dealer earlier in 2013, a 2010 Toyota Camry. Now the miles is around 84000. All of the sudden the engine started to make noise. No rains, no animals, no accident. It started to behave on its own. The check engine light and VSC light started to glow, I am shocked to see this happening. I went to TOYOTA dealer. They said this is a serious problem. A car having trouble in engine within 84000 miles. I was also crazy to hear it.I called the Toyota Motors. They simply state the engine is out of warranty and they cannot help on this as they can provide only the warranty for 5 Years or 60000 miles. Even though I explained the situation they are not ready to listen anymore and they simply declined the request. With no other options left I have to go back to my Toyota dealer again. Now he me about 6000$. After an hour talk he reduced to 4000$. The part is coming only around 1000$ but the service charge they are asking for 3000$. The problem is with the ignition coil and when I read it in the websites there are chances that the car could have been gone uncontrol and its a risk factor for anyone to drive. Toyota is not ready to accept this as its fault. I believe they need to value the customers and their safety.
Publicado: May 26, 2017
MUTHUKRISHNAN of Prospect Heights, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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