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Maytag Accesorios
Maytag Accesorios

Maytag Accesorios

La Maytag Lavadora Company fue fundada en 1893 por el empresario Frederick Maytag. En 1925, Maytag Washing Machine Company se convirtió en Maytag.


Maytag Accesorios

Reseñas de productos:

Me gusta mucho mi lavavajillas Maytag. Ha sido muy bueno. Lo tengo desde ha
Me gusta mucho mi lavavajillas Maytag. Ha sido muy bueno. Lo tengo desde hace al menos 10 años y sigue funcionando bien. Vale cada centavo. Si éste dejara de funcionar, compraría otro lavavajillas Maytag.
Publicado: January 29, 2018
Mary of Union, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me gusta Maytag pero mi lavadora con poca agua y sin agitador no hace el tr
Me gusta Maytag pero mi lavadora con poca agua y sin agitador no hace el trabajo tan bien como podría. Además, si una moneda se mete en la lavadora, es muy difícil sacarla de la grieta en la zona de la bañera. La mayoría de la gente de vez en cuando tiene algún cambio que termina en la lavadora ... debería ser más fácil de recuperar.
Publicado: March 27, 2019
Robert of Beckley, West Virginia
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I thought I was nuts - only 2 of water in a full machine of bedding or clot
I thought I was nuts - only 2 of water in a full machine of bedding or clothes. I agree with all the other one star remarks - clothes still dirty, still dry, hardly any water and if you use the bedding selection, it takes nearly 2 hours to wash a load and then it doesnt spin dry so you have to rinse and spin again. Very disappointed with the machine. Yes - class action lawsuit? How do we do this.
Publicado: April 6, 2018
Cheryl of Warner, NH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos una lavadora de alta resistencia hace 1 año y pagamos una cantid
Compramos una lavadora de alta resistencia hace 1 año y pagamos una cantidad decente de dinero por ella. Nos la entregaron e instalaron a mediados de febrero de 2020. Funcionó bien hasta diciembre, cuando la tapa se rompió (lo cual es común, dijo el técnico de Maytag), pero como no se cerró, no pudimos usar la lavadora. Nos dijeron que en una semana llegaría la pieza. Un mes más tarde, tras gastar más de cien dólares en la lavandería, llegó la pieza. Usamos la lavadora para una ronda de lavado - 3 días más tarde todos estos códigos de error comenzaron y nuestra lavadora no funcionaba de nuevo. 2 semanas esta vez para las piezas y otros 100 dólares en la lavandería - un mes hoy y me han dicho que están pendientes de entrega.Llamé al lugar donde la compramos y me dijeron que llamara a Maytag. Llamé a Maytag y me dijeron que intentarían agilizar las piezas y que podrían ofrecerme 75 dólares por las molestias. No reemplazarán la lavadora ni me darán un préstamo hasta que lleguen las piezas. 2 meses sin una lavadora con un ingreso de una persona para una familia de 4 y no pueden hacer nada para ayudar. Si una lavadora de 10 meses de antigüedad necesita 3 piezas nuevas, una de ellas un nuevo panel de control, en el primer año, es un producto defectuoso y debería ser reemplazado. Me dijeron que son grandes en el servicio al cliente, pero obviamente soy sólo un pequeño pez en el océano y no se preocupan por mí.
Publicado: February 15, 2021
Traci of Middletown, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Actualización 3,7,2018. Llevo sin microondas que funcione desde el 1,23,20
Actualización 3,7,2018. Llevo sin microondas que funcione desde el 1,23,2018. El técnico enviado por Maytag vino a repararlo y dijo que tenía que pedir una nueva placa e interruptores de puerta. Estos artículos fueron instalados el 2,26,2018 pero no resolvieron el problema. El técnico dijo que el microondas necesitaba ser recableado por completo y que programaría el retiro del microondas para llevarlo al taller donde sería reparado. Después de llamar a Maytag y explicar la situación, me dijeron que reemplazarían el microondas (con el mismo modelo.) Llamé hoy para que me informaran sobre cuándo se instalaría el nuevo microondas y me dijeron que no hasta dentro de 14 a 21 días. Después de expresar mi descontento por toda la situación me dijo el representante de Maytag que podía elegir cualquier modelo de microondas nuevo (por debajo de 399 dólares) de las líneas de Maytag, Whirlpool, Armana o Kitchen Aid. La entrega tardaría unos 14 días y ellos programarían la instalación sin coste adicional para mí. ¡Así que ahora estoy investigando los microondas de nuevo! Actualizaré esta reseña una vez que el nuevo microondas esté instalado.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Melissa of Stallings, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré una lavadora andamp; secadora de Lowes el 3 de diciembre. El 20 de
Compré una lavadora andamp; secadora de Lowes el 3 de diciembre. El 20 de febrero, mi lavadora dejó de llenarse. Llamé al servicio de atención al cliente y tenía alguien venir unos días más tarde. El reparador dijo que el sensor se rompió andamp; que tomaría 10 días para la pieza para venir. Después de 2 semanas, intenté llamar a la empresa de reparaciones y no contestaron el teléfono de Maytag, ni el mío. Maytag llamó a otro proveedor de servicios, y pasará otra semana antes de que llegue la pieza. Nunca pude ponerme en contacto con nadie que me ayudara. Ya ha pasado un mes y todavía no se ha arreglado.
Publicado: March 19, 2019
A. of Bay Saint Louis, MS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Echoing the sentiments of others on this site, I am deeply disappointed in
Echoing the sentiments of others on this site, I am deeply disappointed in Maytag brand appliances manufactured by the Whirlpool Corp. When, for the first time in my life, I was able to buy all brand new kitchen appliances, I didnt even consider any other brand but Maytag. This was based on many decades of using Maytag products and watching my mother use them. I come from a big family so our appliances got used hard, and the Maytag brand ones worked year after year, decade after decade with little or no maintenance. To put it quite frankly, my new Maytag products are junk. I could supply a whole laundry list of problems but, in the interest of space, will just tell about the latest. A couple of weeks ago the fake tin foil paint on my oven and burner knobs just started falling off, revealing cheap plastic underneath. When I called Maytag to complain, I was asked how I clean the knobs. I told them that when I clean the stove front I remove the knobs and drop them in warm water with a couple drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid for the few minutes it takes to clean and polish the stove front, and that I had been using this same procedure for 2 years. The rep. hemmed and hawed awhile and then went away to consult her database. When she returned she told me that one is not allowed to soak the knobs per the manual, and therefore she could not offer any help. She then generously offered to transfer me to the parts department, where the rep. informed me that replacements would cost $70 EACH, thats a total of $350 plus shipping for 5 cheap plastic knobs. WOW! What a deal! I tell everyone I meet NOT to buy any Maytag branded product, and to apply extreme skepticism before considering any Whirlpool product. (BTW - the last certified Maytag appliance repairman to come & fix one of the appliances essentially admitted they are junk.) Model #: MGR8775AS SN: R32810432.
Publicado: October 12, 2017
Bev of New Hope, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My dryer is 3 years old and I have had a technician work on it 3 times in 2
My dryer is 3 years old and I have had a technician work on it 3 times in 2 weeks, replacing parts as well as screws that were not installed. The dryer is not drying clothes and resets. Yes, I clean the filter.
Publicado: July 30, 2012
James of Loganville, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi lavavajillas tiene un año. Es muy silencioso y limpia bien. Además, el
Mi lavavajillas tiene un año. Es muy silencioso y limpia bien. Además, el acero inoxidable le da un aspecto estupendo. Es un lavavajillas eficiente, que ahorra energía, con gran capacidad y un gran porta utensilios. Es el mejor lavavajillas que he tenido.
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Susan of Indianapolis, Indiana
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El 9,8,09, compré una cocina de vitrocerámica Maytag, modelo MER7662WBO.
El 9,8,09, compré una cocina de vitrocerámica Maytag, modelo MER7662WBO. El quemador doble delantero derecho tiene lo que parecen gusanos en el quemador. Los otros quemadores están limpios. Maytag ha sustituido la encimera tres veces y el quemador una vez. La parte superior se ha vuelto a estropear y ahora dicen que es un problema cosmético y no van a sustituir la parte superior. Creo que hay un problema con la parte superior. He comprado mi último producto Maytag. También compro por su aspecto.
Publicado: February 1, 2012
Charles of Soringfield, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The washer 4 years ago we had the control panel replaced at our expense. No
The washer 4 years ago we had the control panel replaced at our expense. Now, control panel is going out again. Also this summer I took the dryer apart to snug up some screws that had come lose, that were scraping the inside as the dry ran. I own a range and a dishwasher Maytag brand but will not buy another Maytag unit, even if they are built by my union brothers and sisters.
Publicado: November 18, 2013
David of Winlock, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lo tengo desde hace más de diez años y no he tenido ningún problema. No
Lo tengo desde hace más de diez años y no he tenido ningún problema. No utilizamos el horno muy a menudo, pero es fácil de manejar y nos ha servido bien. Fácil de limpiar, el aspecto de acero inoxidable de la parte delantera combina bien con nuestros otros electrodomésticos. También tiene un precio razonable.
Publicado: January 31, 2021
Buntval of Brooklyn, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Es la peor experiencia que he tenido con cualquier producto. Crecí viendo
Es la peor experiencia que he tenido con cualquier producto. Crecí viendo al hombre de Maytag de niño y pensando ese debe ser un producto de primera línea. Me equivoqué. Hace seis años, cuando compré mi nueva casa, adquirí por 1.550,00 dólares un frigorífico nuevo, de tipo side by side, con máquina de hielo en la parte inferior, de color plateado. Se veía muy bien, la calidad era y es terrible. El congelador dejó de congelarse un par de días después de cumplir el primer año. El departamento de servicio técnico de Maytag es terrible, les llamé para pedirles ayuda y fueron todo menos serviciales. Ha sido una pesadilla. ¿Cómo han podido arruinar el buen nombre de este producto? Nunca volveré a comprar un electrodoméstico Maytag. También se lo digo a todos mis amigos. Ah, sí, en lo que respecta a las fugas, mi suelo también está dañado.
Publicado: November 3, 2016
antee of Charlotte, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag WFW7590FW & YWED75HEFW 24 Compact Washer and Dryer: These 2 mach
Maytag WFW7590FW & YWED75HEFW 24 Compact Washer and Dryer: These 2 machines are a lemon and the extended warranty plan was completely disappointed. Both needs maintenance before the 1 year warranty ends. The washer was the worst between the pair. The washer cannot spin the laundry dry. The Home Depot extended warranty plan was not the cost. It takes 2 business day for the service call to call us back. Then a schedule date was 2 days later. The service person complained about not getting authorization to do the work without charging us. He did even showed up for the 3rd call. He did nothing to resolve the issue and said the diagnostics showed there was a load issue, which was not true. A very light load still didnt spin dry. The washer not spinning clothing dry issue has been more than 1 month and is still not resolved. The repair person Dean didnt even re-schedule another date after not showing up today. There is a 90 day policy that we cant request for another repair person to attend to the issue. The dryer also made excessive noise which was caused by a broken attachment that established the drum.
Publicado: June 22, 2017
Selina of Toronto, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El problema, que resulta ser un problema muy común, tardó aproximadamente
El problema, que resulta ser un problema muy común, tardó aproximadamente un año en aparecer. La acumulación de agua en el congelador debido a la obstrucción del desagüe. Maytag tiene que dar un paso adelante para los consumidores que compraron su producto defectuoso. He limpiado el hielo y he intentado limpiar el desagüe tres veces sólo para que el problema vuelva a aparecer. Me niego a pagar a alguien 300 dólares o más para reparar esto. Esto es una locura y es injusto.
Publicado: March 27, 2016
kevin of Mays Landing, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo este frigorífico desde hace unos años y nunca he tenido ningún pro
Tengo este frigorífico desde hace unos años y nunca he tenido ningún problema. Mantiene los alimentos uniformemente fríos y no tiene escarcha. Aunque la apariencia es atractiva, no parece un frigorífico de 3.000 dólares. Sin embargo, el exterior de superficie negra es fácil de limpiar y resistente a los arañazos. Los accesorios interiores de plástico y cristal también han aguantado muy bien. Al principio pensé que sería demasiado pequeño porque lo compraba para que cupiera en un espacio determinado de la cocina. Pero ha resultado tener el tamaño justo porque no hay espacio desperdiciado en el interior. Lo compré en Home Depot en oferta por unos 400 dólares y ha resultado ser una compra excelente. La entrega fue puntual, eficiente y el personal fue educado y servicial. El refrigerador estaba listo para ser usado unos 15 minutos después de la entrega. Los electrodomésticos Maytag son extremadamente fiables y están hechos para durar. Nunca me han decepcionado. Seguiré comprándolos. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente.
Publicado: January 5, 2017
Martha of Desert Hot Springs, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am also frustrated with Maytag for the same exact problem... The control
I am also frustrated with Maytag for the same exact problem... The control panel and the dishwasher not working just after our year warranty went out. I purchased this product because we had a good experience with a Maytag Dishwasher lasting about 20 years, only to get fooled that the quality is not there any longer. This seems like BAD business on Maytag, Whirlpool, and Home Depot! How can we get an official complaint to someone who can fix this? Another example of big businesses that do not care to take care of customers! Why would a company like Home Depot continue to support this business!!
Publicado: June 14, 2015
Mark of Palos Heights, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Así que nuestro lavavajillas Maytag de 4 años acaba de cagar. Gracias a D
Así que nuestro lavavajillas Maytag de 4 años acaba de cagar. Gracias a Dios estábamos en la mesa de la cocina cuando empezó a echar humo, que olía a cables quemados y lo desenchufamos inmediatamente. El reparador vino y dijo que sería una reparación de 3 a 4 cientos de dólares. ¿Qué pasó con la gran garantía de 10 años? Oh sí, es una garantía limitada que no incluye el cableado. Podría haber quemado mi casa de 4 años, pero eso está bien, no está cubierto. La buena noticia es que el brazo superior que sustituí debido al desgaste habría sido una reparación gratuita, porque habría estado cubierta. ¡¡No más Maytags en esta casa, nunca!!
Publicado: December 31, 2019
Roger of La Crosse, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Todavía no he utilizado la cocina y la pintura se está desprendiendo de l
Todavía no he utilizado la cocina y la pintura se está desprendiendo de la parte superior. He hecho venir al reparador. La nueva pieza superior de la cocina también llegó con la pintura descascarillada. Presenté una reclamación para que me sustituyeran la cocina y me dijeron que se pondrían en contacto conmigo en 24 o 48 horas. Eso no ocurrió y volví a llamar. Me dijeron que me llamarían y, por supuesto, no lo hicieron. Pagué 1.300 dólares por una estufa que tiene un aspecto horrible y la pintura se está desprendiendo. ¿Qué clase de estufa está vendiendo Sears? Maytag es propiedad de Whirlpool y nadie quiere hacer esto bien.
Publicado: July 7, 2013
Merrit of San Clemente, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Washer was delivered Feb 2016. (First one delivered Jan 2016 with damage.)
Washer was delivered Feb 2016. (First one delivered Jan 2016 with damage.) Home Depot HEAVILY promoted this model - we paid $600+. This washer has NEVER thoroughly cleaned clothes & now does not drain completely!!! Theres always lines of dirt left on clothes - you can see dirt clearly on dark clothes. Washer does NOT fill with enough water to thoroughly wet clothes! (Even on the bedding, extra dirty settings!) Clothes smell clean because the detergent was not washed or rinsed out. Washer does not agitate, turn over or rotate clothes... It gently shakes the tub side-to-side (like a mild earthquake does the ground) which does NOT move clothes around. Home Depot salesman said it strongly rocks clothes turning them around and under. It does not do that! You have to stop washer and PHYSICALLY move clothes from center and turn them around so bottom of pile gets wet (Now I understand why this model has a see-through lid!!!) This model is supposed to pre-wash sense the load amount by shaking the tub side-to-side to gauge how much water is need - FALSE ADVERTISING! I put gallons of water in two loads (same bulk & weight of clothes) to see if more water would be used on the heavier load - results: the same amount of water was used on both loads. Now (Oct 2016) the washer is not draining completely and going back to wash instead of rinse, drain! Maytag Corporation just says theyll send a repair person out but this is a SMALL town & the repair shops theyll use here are sketchy!This Washer is a huge waste of money just to own laundry status tone bells & non-usable settings. Its probably in violation of OSHA health/safety codes because if there are chemicals, feces (sorry, but wheres theres kids...), blood, diseases (if you visit anyone in a hospital), etc on the clothes... Those things are NOT being washed out of the clothes, so youre being infected by touching improperly washed clothes. WHY is there not a RECALL for this appliance? There are many, many people having the SAME problems as us. This is our first HE top-loader and I wish I could afford to get rid of this & buy a washer with an agitator... But alas, we still owe $300 on this worthless (albeit fancy-looking) appliance. :( Maytag XL HE top load Washer MVWB835DW (Does NOT clean clothes!)
Publicado: August 29, 2016
adele of Yuma, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La puerta francesa siempre tiene problemas de cierre del congelador. Siempr
La puerta francesa siempre tiene problemas de cierre del congelador. Siempre que el congelador no está bien cerrado, el fondo forma un bloque de hielo y el congelador no se cierra. Tengo la garantía extendida pero la gente de reparación no da una cita rápida. Estoy harto de este producto.
Publicado: December 12, 2016
Usha of Finksburg, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am 86 years old and have happily owned Maytag washers for many years. I j
I am 86 years old and have happily owned Maytag washers for many years. I just recently purchased the front loading model for ease of access. After using it for sometime, I could not be more disappointed. The clothes come out smelly, stained and gray. I tried using affresh washer cleaner on hot setting and the tablet did not even dissolve. There is black mold growing and must be cleaned constantly. I am so sad that my favorite company has let us down. I cannot afford to buy another washer so I am stuck with this lemon!
Publicado: July 24, 2016
Pearl of Post Falls, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband bought me a Maytag washer as a surprise gift. I was so excited t
My husband bought me a Maytag washer as a surprise gift. I was so excited to get a Maytag. I will never purchase a Maytag again. I am so tired of washing, rewashing and rerinsing my clothes and still not getting the soap out. I have used every different kind of detergent and used with and without fabric softener. I have also tried cold, warm and hot water. I would rather use more water and get the soap out instead of using more electricity to keep rewashing my clothes and then in the end having to take a wet cloth to get the soap out. Never had to do this with any other washer I owned. Very disappointed as I always thought Maytag was the best.
Publicado: June 18, 2017
Susan of Eastern Passage, NS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compró un lavavajillas Maytag MDB4949SHZ nuevo en Home Depot en enero de 2
Compró un lavavajillas Maytag MDB4949SHZ nuevo en Home Depot en enero de 2018 como parte de una extensa remodelación y adición de la casa. No se mudó permanentemente hasta finales de junio de 2019, por lo que la unidad no se utilizó en absoluto hasta entonces. Dejó de funcionar en enero de 2021 y nuestro reparador de electrodomésticos local (Sandpoint, ID) diagnosticó un motor y un conjunto de bomba malos (el principal componente funcional del lavavajillas). La unidad se comercializaba con una garantía de 10 años y, basándonos en la experiencia pasada con electrodomésticos Maytag más antiguos, la compramos. La letra pequeña revela que la garantía de 10 años sólo se aplica a los componentes que probablemente nunca se desgasten o fallen; el resto está cubierto por una garantía de un año. El coste de la pieza supera los 200 dólares y no incluye la instalación. El servicio de atención al cliente de Maytag (45 minutos de espera para hablar con un humano en directo) no ayuda. De ninguna manera vamos a tirar el dinero bueno tras el malo para arreglarlo. Lección aprendida; acabo de comprar un Bosch.
Publicado: February 4, 2021
mike of Sandpoint, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Sears washing machine model # mvwx500xwo - This machine is the worst. My mo
Sears washing machine model # mvwx500xwo - This machine is the worst. My mother who is 87 years old smells like mold every day due to the smell that comes from this machine. Im not sure whats going on but the plumber told us there is something very wrong with this machine. Its not the hot or cold water that smells, its the machine. I am now concerned about my mothers health. Please advise if you will allow us to purchase another machine with some kind of a credit due to the serious issue this machine has.
Publicado: October 3, 2012
Gerard of Garden City , NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I own a Maytag MDB9150AWB dishwasher which isnt covered under current recal
I own a Maytag MDB9150AWB dishwasher which isnt covered under current recalls. Yesterday, I heard a loud pop sound, and it stopped working (also popped the circuit breaker). After taking the door apart, we found burnt wires at the bottom of the door close to where they bend to go under the dishwasher.I called Maytag to find out if they would do anything, since this seemed like a defect in the materials used. They wont offer anything!
Publicado: October 12, 2011
Barb of Boise, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos un frigorífico Maytag hace menos de dos años porque... es Mayta
Compramos un frigorífico Maytag hace menos de dos años porque... es Maytag. Menos de un año después tuvimos cinco llamadas de servicio. El frigorífico no estaba frío, el congelador estaba a la temperatura del frigorífico y tardaron dos meses y dos empresas de reparación diferentes en arreglarlo. Y ahora... sí, parece que sigue ocurriendo el mismo problema. Era una fuga que se suponía que se iba a arreglar. No soporto la idea de volver a pasar por esto. ¡¡NUNCA más Maytag!!
Publicado: June 13, 2016
Julie of Richmond, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a front loading Maytag washer in January of 2011. We purchased
We purchased a front loading Maytag washer in January of 2011. We purchased an extended service plan in January of this year. I noticed a very loud noise and inappropriate operation during the spin cycle. I called the service plan, who contacted a repair service to come out and check my machine. I was told that there was a major problem that would be very expensive to fix and that the Assurant company would contact me in a few days. The company called and said that they would give me 75% of the value of the machine ($650) because fixing it was not economically feasible. I said that I did not want the money; I wanted the repair that I was guaranteed by my service contract. They referred me to the small print on the back of the sales letter. When I asked about any manufacturers warranty from Maytag (the washer was less than 2 years old), I was told that they had nothing to do with the manufacturer and I had to take that up with them. When I tried to call Maytag, they were decidedly unhelpful and referred me back to Assurant.There are several issues related to this event that I wish to complain about: 1) How dare a major company sell a thousand-dollar appliance that becomes unrepairable in less than 2 years and take no responsibility for the breakdown? There was obviously a defect in the machine that took over a year to show up (we are a household of 2 adults and did not overuse the machine). 2) How could a service contract issued under the Maytag name not be aware of parts covered by the manufacturer? 3) Should not the buyer of a service contract bearing the Maytag name be informed that it is not Maytag (the manufacturer) that is guaranteeing the product, but a third party?4) Should not the seller of a service contract be required to display the terms of the contract in a prominent place? The sales letter specifically states Repair or replace - If we cant repair your appliance due to a mechanical or or electrical breakdown, well replace it. The limits of coverage are in fact given in small print at the back of the letter and are on the contract, but this contradicts what is displayed prominently on the promotion letter. This is false advertising and should not be tolerated.
Publicado: October 18, 2012
Lorraine of Dayton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El lavavajillas se enciende por sí solo. A veces cuando te acercas demasia
El lavavajillas se enciende por sí solo. A veces cuando te acercas demasiado a él, de vez en cuando en medio de la noche, y la mayoría de las veces cuando cierras la puerta. Hace un gran trabajo limpiando los platos, pero en vano porque siempre está en medio de un ciclo cuando lo necesitas.
Publicado: August 9, 2021
Brett of Clearfield, UT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a new Maytag Quiet Series 300 in 2005 and have had nothing but pro
I bought a new Maytag Quiet Series 300 in 2005 and have had nothing but problems with it. The internal plastic pieces that hold dishes in place have broken off regularly. The door handle also broke. The dishwasher does not drain all the way every time. Now, the dishwasher will quit randomly before finishing its cycle. Our model (MDB7600 AWB) was not part of the recall, but is a lemon nonetheless. Of course, all of this occurred after our one year warranty had expired. This dishwasher is a lemon and a waste of $400. Well never buy another Maytag product.
Publicado: September 25, 2011
J. of Bend, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La lavadora de carga superior Commercial Technology lava bien cargas muy pe
La lavadora de carga superior Commercial Technology lava bien cargas muy pequeñas. La compré para el lavado en aguas profundas. NO funciona. También tiene una detección automática. Odio esta lavadora. Tengo que verter cubos de agua en la lavadora para llenarla. Maytag, Whirlpool volver a la forma en que debe ser. Si quiero una lavadora llena, debería tenerla. A fin de cuentas, ¡es mi factura de agua!
Publicado: February 29, 2020
Carla of Hughes Springs, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This has nothing to do with the vendor. This is clearly shoddy workmanship
This has nothing to do with the vendor. This is clearly shoddy workmanship on the part of Maytag. I bought this refrigerator in 2005 and already the compressor is gone. So therefore, I have to replace the whole unit.What kind of ** is this? You mean to tell me that you people cant find someone to build a compressor that holds up more than a few years? Why dont you try American made and built.I am disillusioned by the whole industry. Im sure the people at the top could care less.
Publicado: September 7, 2011
Anne of Plessis, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Realmente no he tenido ningún problema. El reparador de Maytag está realm
Realmente no he tenido ningún problema. El reparador de Maytag está realmente solo. Lavadoras y secadoras de gran calidad. No he tenido que hacer nada. Gira bien... Muy silenciosa, no hay quejas. La secadora también funciona bien. Muchos ciclos área para poner suavizante y blanqueador. Tiene un ciclo de extracción extra y muchas otras características.
Publicado: May 19, 2020
Deana of Coeur D Alene, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytags reputation for quality is gone. Our Neptune washer has had mold, do
Maytags reputation for quality is gone. Our Neptune washer has had mold, door lock seized up and wouldnt open, and now our dryer drum is cracked. Exaggerating your products reliability is one thing - this borders on corporate fraud.
Publicado: January 2, 2012
Jackson of Cumming, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the Maytag Bravos Series 300 Dryer in 2009. In September 2011, th
I bought the Maytag Bravos Series 300 Dryer in 2009. In September 2011, the dryer wont start. I called Maytag. They basically said were on our own. It only lasted two years. What happened to appliances that lasted 10 years? I will never buy a Maytag dryer again.
Publicado: September 20, 2011
Brian of Podunk, HI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a new Maytag Bravos X washer and dryer from Lowes in June of 2
We purchased a new Maytag Bravos X washer and dryer from Lowes in June of 2013. After a year and a half of normal use (2 people in the household) the washer needs a new gearbox bearing at a repair cost of $529.00. I called Maytag and spoke to a customer service representative who informed me that there was nothing they could do about it because it was past the one year warranty. I asked to speak with a supervisor who told me they would offer me a 50% discount on the bearing but would not pay for the repair work (the cost of the bearing is approximately $25).Needless to say I will not be having the washer repaired. We will be purchasing a new washer and it WILL NOT be a Maytag, Whirlpool or any other brand made by that company. Its just appalling to think a company like Maytag can scam customers the way they do by producing appliances that are of such poor quality and then offer third rate customer service on top of it. Maytags answer to the whole issue is selling everyone an extended warranty which we all know is as bogus as the companys integrity!!!
Publicado: November 22, 2014
Tony of Meridian, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Sustituimos una vieja estufa de gas Glenwood por esta Maytag con la mejor c
Sustituimos una vieja estufa de gas Glenwood por esta Maytag con la mejor calificación de Consumer Reports. La caldera no funciona tan bien como nos gustaría, pero después de más de 20 años, no hay problemas importantes. Mi esposa andamp; Yo ambos cocinan, andamp; como con la mayoría de las cosas, estoy más feliz con él que ella es.
Publicado: February 2, 2021
Francis of Wellfleet, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lavadora nueva 2019 modelo 465 y como dicen otros es una porquería ya que
Lavadora nueva 2019 modelo 465 y como dicen otros es una porquería ya que no llenan el tambor con suficiente agua ni siquiera en la opción de llenado de agua profunda. La ropa no circula y nada queda limpio. ¡Maytag está realmente mal diseñado y fabricado en estos días y un completo Rip Off!
Publicado: January 6, 2020
Scott of Debary, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos Maytag lavavajillas y el refrigerador y la estufa Whirlpool, el l
Compramos Maytag lavavajillas y el refrigerador y la estufa Whirlpool, el lavavajillas, el panel frontal se desprendió, la fuga de sello, el motor de hacer un ruido de molienda grave, la rueda en los estantes interiores se rompió fácilmente. Todas estas piezas no se cambiarán bajo la garantía extendida por King andamp; Estado, Whirlpool no quieren responder a nuestra solicitud de seguimiento. Tampoco es Leons Store donde compramos estos electrodomésticos. Sólo después de 4 años de uso normal.... ¡Piense en ello! Kitchen Aid, Amana, Maytag, Whirlpool, último Kenmore mismos productos. BBB no ayuda a resolver estos problemas, su método es esperar y ver. Aléjese de esas empresas. Como información: si necesita aclarar a mano los platos antes de ponerlos en el lavavajillas... los lava mucho más rápido y mejor.
Publicado: October 31, 2020
Richard of Kirkland, QC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I tried to open the door to put clothes in the dryer and got severely shock
I tried to open the door to put clothes in the dryer and got severely shocked by 220 volts. The dryer is only a couple of weeks old. The power cord wasnt crimped and it fell out of the diggings and electrified the entire dryer. I guess we were lucky it didnt burn our house down. I took pictures then I fixed it myself.
Publicado: November 17, 2015
Duane of Biggers, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

On February 2006, I purchased a Maytag Quiet Series 300 Dishwasher and on J
On February 2006, I purchased a Maytag Quiet Series 300 Dishwasher and on July 2007, a motor leak. Maytag fixed it for free even though it was out of warranty. Thereafter (December 2008), the touch pad failed and I replaced it for $50. It is now August 2011, and that new touch pad is bad again, and this time, the part is $170. The Maytag will not run and the lighted display will not function from the start button. This was a $450 dishwasher that is now only five years old and useless.In all fairness to Maytag, their customer service is very good and willing to work with customers. Unfortunately, the product is very inferior in my opinion. To have stupid stuff like a control touch pad failing every three years is absurd and the replacement cost makes fixing it a bad investment.I will be going out this weekend and buying a brand-new inexpensive dishwasher that is on sale for $229. This model is not a Whirlpool product but it is a name brand.
Publicado: September 3, 2011
Dennis of Cleveland, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La única vez que uno puede meter suficiente agua en la lavadora para que r
La única vez que uno puede meter suficiente agua en la lavadora para que realmente se mojen TODOS los artículos (o incluso se humedezcan) es poniéndola en los ajustes de lavado BULKY o HAND. Esto es cierto para cualquier carga de tamaño, ya sea de 1 artículo o de 10 artículos. Yo prefiero poder poner primero TODA el agua que necesito, luego poner la ropa y después el jabón, pero eso no está permitido. Primero el jabón, luego las prendas, luego un poco de agua sólo después de cerrar la tapa. Les gusta decir que el centrifugado las seca y por eso no están húmedas, pero es una mentira cuando puedes oler y ver la suciedad. Quiero que me devuelvan mi viejo estilo.
Publicado: February 13, 2019
Donna of Rowlett, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Este es el mejor microondas que hemos comprado. Me gusta especialmente la o
Este es el mejor microondas que hemos comprado. Me gusta especialmente la opción de las patatas al horno. También es muy fácil de usar y limpiar. Definitivamente lo recomiendo.
Publicado: December 14, 2015
Katheryn of Surprise, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Nuestro frigorífico tiene sólo 2 años y lleva más de un año goteando.
Nuestro frigorífico tiene sólo 2 años y lleva más de un año goteando. Empezó a gotear justo cuando la garantía expiró. Estoy muy enfadada. Los llamé y me dijeron... Puede comprar una garantía por 400 dólares. Estoy como .... ¡¡¡Qué!!! Llamé a la garantía de mi casa y lo arreglaron por 100 dólares. ¡Unos meses más tarde está goteando de nuevo! Estoy tan enfadada... Es un refrigerador de 1200 dólares. ¿Qué podemos hacer como grupo para luchar por esto? ¿Tiene que haber algo que podamos hacer? Es tan frustrante. Si hay un abogado que pueda ocuparse de este grupo sería genial.
Publicado: March 24, 2015
Veronica of Arlington, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré mi conjunto de lavadora y secadora Maytag en Loweands, que fue una
Compré mi conjunto de lavadora y secadora Maytag en Loweands, que fue una muy buena experiencia en todo momento, allá por junio de 2017. Después de dos años, finalmente puedo dar una revisión honesta. Nos encanta este conjunto a pesar de que no es tan silencioso como las antiguas lavadoras Maytag. Todavía lo es pero no tanto. No hemos tenido ni un solo problema ni con la lavadora ni con la secadora. El siguiente tamaño más grande habría sido la mejor opción para nosotros ya que ahora tenemos colchas de tamaño king para lavar. Sin embargo, sigue haciendo el trabajo, sólo una pieza a la vez. Mucha gente se queja de la menor cantidad de agua que utiliza, pero sigue limpiando la ropa bastante bien. Si necesitas más agua, utiliza el lavado a fondo o, si quieres más agua, utiliza el ajuste para sábanas voluminosas, que realmente llena el nivel de agua.
Publicado: May 24, 2020
James of Springfield, Missouri
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Es realmente silencioso y limpia la vajilla, ollas, vasos en un solo ciclo
Es realmente silencioso y limpia la vajilla, ollas, vasos en un solo ciclo y lo he tenido cargado más de una vez. Utilizo abrillantador y de vez en cuando uso limpiador para lavavajillas. No tendría otro lavavajillas que no fuera Maytag. Duran una eternidad. El anuncio sobre llamar al servicio técnico de Maytag es cierto. Nunca he tenido que llamar al servicio técnico. ¡Vale la pena el dinero!
Publicado: February 23, 2021
Freida of Winnsboro, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag Bravos Quiet series 300 washer - I purchased this washer 14 months a
Maytag Bravos Quiet series 300 washer - I purchased this washer 14 months ago from LOWES. After having a huge issue with a Kenmore Oasis machine. $$$. Anyway, this machine started a week ago with F1 code and Ld code. This is getting to be a financial strain buying washers every year or two. This is my third in 5 years. Looks like I will need to get another one, again. It makes no sense to repair it at a high cost when the replacement parts are the same as the failed parts. Everyone seems to have the same problem with this washer. Get better electronics guys. The rest of the machine is in fantastic shape. My two cents.
Publicado: July 31, 2013
Eddie of Longview, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Yo también compré un frigorífico Maytag en 2013. Justo después de que e
Yo también compré un frigorífico Maytag en 2013. Justo después de que expirara la garantía se estaba formando hielo en la parte inferior y trasera del congelador y no hacía hielo. Llamé a Maytag y me dijeron que no tenían quejas sobre este tipo de frigoríficos. Además, siempre hacía mucho ruido. Se suponía que Maytag era la más silenciosa. Nunca compraré otro producto Maytag y haré todo lo posible para que nadie más lo haga tampoco.
Publicado: February 3, 2015
Joyce of Trinity, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El mismo problema que todos los demás. Compré el frigorífico de puerta f
El mismo problema que todos los demás. Compré el frigorífico de puerta francesa con cajón central en noviembre de 2012 en Home Depot. Después de 2 1,2 años el desagüe del congelador se congeló goteando agua en el suelo. Pasé 6 horas arreglándolo. Ahora, con menos de 3 años, la máquina de hielo no funciona. No es un atasco o problema de suministro de agua. Simplemente no funciona. Estoy pensando en cambiar la máquina de hielo. Es una gran decepción. Lo único bueno de este frigorífico es su aspecto. Obviamente, los defectos comunes se repiten. Despierte Maytag y acepte alguna responsabilidad.
Publicado: August 8, 2015
Bridget of Sobieski, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had it since 2011 and still works as good as it did back then. I lov
I have had it since 2011 and still works as good as it did back then. I love it. Hope it helps people decide when they go shopping for a dryer. I have a dog so I have to keep her clean so I wash a lot of her bedding and she sheds a lot. She also sleeps on the with me so that other bedding that I put for her on my bed between her clothes and mine which I do separate. The dryer works a lot and it is still going strong.
Publicado: December 7, 2016
Angela of Myrtle, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Well Maytag, shame on you! I just called customer service about the third r
Well Maytag, shame on you! I just called customer service about the third repair made on my Maytag 4000 Series Washing Machine; its only two years old. The rep side stepped the limited warranty that is good for five years on the motor and tried to sell me another warranty for $329.00. I have $460.00 (parts only) in repairs. Purchasing a warranty will have me spending more money than I actually paid for it. The excuse that I was given was (per quote) our machines are made by people and we have no way of determining the outcome of our products past the given warranty. Maybe you should have considered buying the extended warranty that was offered at the time of purchase. Yeah, maybe I should have, but Maytag should build a product that consumers are happy with, and extended warranty sales past a longer period of time might make more sense. If you are thinking about purchasing any Maytag appliance, I would think twice or you just might get some person on the other end of the line that just doesnt care, representing the name of Maytag! I visit the Big Box Stores daily and you can bet your tail that I will make a special visit to the appliance section just to discourage any one from making the same mistake I did! Just think, the last washing machine that I purchased lasted for 9 years (not one issue) and it was still working when I gave it to someone in need! I have three appliances in my kitchen that are 11 years old, never had one problem with either one. Thank You KitchenAid! I should have purchased your washer and dryers!
Publicado: August 14, 2012
Chad of Piedmont , SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Pagó 900 dólares por este modelo de acero inoxidable side by side hace 15
Pagó 900 dólares por este modelo de acero inoxidable side by side hace 15 años. Pros: rendimiento, apariencia, simplicidad. Contras: ninguno. Sólo una reparación menor, y el reparador dijo que ésta es una de las dos únicas marcas que recomienda.
Publicado: September 6, 2019
Lee of Riverside, Missouri
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Maytag Neptune Washer and from day one in 7/10/2004, we have ha
We bought a Maytag Neptune Washer and from day one in 7/10/2004, we have had trouble with the washer and Sears. First, it stopped working within eight months after we paid over 1300 for washer and master protection agreement. We called over and over from that day and was told we didnt show in their system as owning one and that we didnt get the master protection agreement. This went on and on until they finally told us on 8/2010 that they finally did find us in the system and that the agreement had ended a year before and would send someone (that was on 8/31/10) to do the washer. After having sat for almost six years, it reset itself and worked that day. I told the guy from A&E that it was the computer but that wasnt what he replaced so the washer went right back on in a month. So we had to save to have someone else come out from A&E to charge us 143.10 to say it would cost a total of 310.51 for the computer and that it probably wouldnt work for too long.
Publicado: August 2, 2011
Edward/Carol of Huntington, WV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In 2011, we purchased this Maytag Centennial MVWC200XW1 washer. It will not
In 2011, we purchased this Maytag Centennial MVWC200XW1 washer. It will not complete the cycle when it goes into rinse and spin, will not empty water and once the cycle starts, it sounds like someone is inside with a hammer banging on the basket. Clothes come out with a powder residue on them and several pieces have had holes. Called Maytag and was told there was no service available in our area. I will never purchase another Maytag product. Used by two adults a couple of times a week, this machine should be trashed. I have to hand-wring our laundry as we cannot afford to replace at this point. My last washer was a GE and I had it for over 20 years, we replaced it because we moved into a new home thinking Maytag was the best out there. I checked for a recall because there are so many complaints on other sites but found none. We purchased from Home Depot and of course, they are no help.
Publicado: February 23, 2016
Susan of Paron, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After only about a year or so - and it is out of warranty - the clothes are
After only about a year or so - and it is out of warranty - the clothes are not clean - there are white type of scum marks left on clothes and especially dark clothes. This is even after I use the recommended detergent and less than normal and do a double rinse. Have to wash clothes again with no detergent with a double rinse again. Just so annoying. Would never buy Maytag again.
Publicado: December 29, 2016
Vicki of Baldwin, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un lavavajillas Maytag (modelo nº MDB8949SBWO) en septiembre de 20
Compré un lavavajillas Maytag (modelo nº MDB8949SBWO) en septiembre de 2013. Durante el primer año (y en garantía) falló el módulo de control. El lavavajillas tiene ahora casi dos años y el segundo módulo de control ha fallado. Por otras publicaciones es obvio que Maytag tiene un defecto conocido en sus unidades de control. La sustitución anual de los módulos de control hace que este lavavajillas sea extremadamente caro.
Publicado: August 6, 2015
J. Clayton of Scarborough, ME
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been washing clothes in different washers for almost 4 decades and n
I have been washing clothes in different washers for almost 4 decades and never had a terrible washer until now. It has total control of the water level and it NEVER has enough water added. I have to add at least 2 full dish pans of water to every load. My washer does not allow you to pick your level because it does it automatically and no theres way to bypass this problem. It moans and groans for almost an hour in slow motion at its best. It should be illegal to sell such crap!If the intent was to save energy it fails when it runs twice as long as other washers. The instructions that are in the lid say that when you set it on deep water wash that it does not sense automatically-LIES! This lid must be generically made for other washers that they have because again, you cannot choose a water level. When a washer runs for almost an hour (this is not soak or extra rinse either) it is not saving energy over those that run for half that length of time. I wish I had returned it, but I listen to others who say that this is how washers are now. I still owe 150.00 on it and hate writing that check.
Publicado: February 3, 2017
Lorraine of North Cape May, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El horno no ha causado ningún problema. Su hermoso acabado en acero inoxid
El horno no ha causado ningún problema. Su hermoso acabado en acero inoxidable y negro crea un acabado brillante pero modesto en mi cocina. Su poder de autolimpieza también es útil y ahorra tiempo, y de donde yo vengo el tiempo es dinero. Cocina los alimentos de manera uniforme, tal y como debe hacer un horno.
Publicado: February 3, 2021
Corey of Century, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After writing a polite but stern complaint to several of the executives at
After writing a polite but stern complaint to several of the executives at Maytag and Whirlpool we got a call from their executive assistant. She arranged to have a technician come out to our house and assess the installation. He found nothing wrong and Maytag replaced the control panel for free. The technician has seen numerous faulty electronic control panels, and not just with Maytag. He would not recommend a preferred make or model. He longed for the old mechanical timer switches, which we could no longer find in the newer models. With enough customer complaints maybe they will do something about the electronic control panel in the future.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
John & Jennifer of Fort Collins, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré el frigorífico Maytag hace un año y ha sido una pesadilla. El con
Compré el frigorífico Maytag hace un año y ha sido una pesadilla. El congelador no congela los artículos. Los cajones estaban dañados al recibirlo. He contactado con Maytag más de 10 veces y han venido 5 técnicos a los que he pagado 125 en cada visita para arreglar el frigorífico porque no compré la garantía pensando que era un buen producto. No lo es. No cumplen su palabra. Mienten y envían a técnicos no cualificados que diagnostican mal el problema para cobrar las llamadas de servicio. Por favor, eviten esta marca a toda costa. Mi experiencia es terrible y no se la deseo a nadie.
Publicado: March 18, 2021
hend of Germantown, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tuvimos el mismo problema del que todo el mundo se queja: agua congelada en
Tuvimos el mismo problema del que todo el mundo se queja: agua congelada en la parte inferior del congelador que gotea en el suelo. Cuando me deshice de la cocina superior lisa Maytag que se rompió después de 5 años, juré que nunca compraría otra Maytag, pero me decidí a comprar este frigorífico. El representante de Maytag dejó claro que el frigorífico tenía una NOTA en el archivo sobre el desagüe, pero NO era una retirada de producto. Así que después de prácticamente desmontar el congelador antes de que viniera el reparador, acabamos pagando 120 dólares por la reparación, no por la pieza. Yupi. Tenga en cuenta que el reparador nos dijo que ahorramos mucho dinero al desmontar el congelador, por lo que la mayoría de las reparaciones probablemente cuestan mucho más que la nuestra.
Publicado: September 3, 2015
Pat of Victoria, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El lavavajillas funcionó bien durante los primeros 12,5 meses, y he aquí
El lavavajillas funcionó bien durante los primeros 12,5 meses, y he aquí que 1 mes después de que expirara la garantía, tuve mi primera reparación, un motor nuevo. Unos meses más tarde, tuve mi segundo problema, el termostato. Unos meses más tarde, llamé a Maytag porque pensé que probablemente el panel de control estaba estropeado (basándome en mi anterior Maytag, al que cambié el panel de control 4 veces, antes de que Maytag finalmente accediera a conseguirme un lavavajillas nuevo). En ese momento me vendieron una garantía ampliada por la que por 300 me harían esta reparación y cualquier otra durante el año siguiente. Han venido 7, sí 7 veces, en 4 meses. Probablemente saldrían más a menudo, pero como ha sido difícil conseguir un reparador aquí, la mayoría de las veces estoy lavando los platos a mano. Su servicio al cliente es horrible, sus productos peor. Todavía estoy esperando a que reparen el lavavajillas. No quieren enviar a otra empresa, a pesar de que han venido 7 veces y siguen volviendo. Incluso cuando está reparado, no cubrirán el coste de reemplazar la jabonera, las rejillas, las ruedas de la rejilla y todas las piezas pequeñas hechas de plástico de la misma calidad que las cosas que compro en la tienda del dólar (excepto cuando esas cosas se rompen, no arruinan mis suelos de madera). No compre un Maytag, enrolle algunos billetes de $100 y encienda un fósforo, porque usted puede mirar una llama bonita y no levantar su presión arterial que trata de su servicio de atención al cliente.
Publicado: November 29, 2014
Marcia of San Carlos, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El microondas tiene 5 años 6 meses desde su compra modelo MMV4203DS. El fu
El microondas tiene 5 años 6 meses desde su compra modelo MMV4203DS. El fuego comenzó en el clip de la rejilla frontal izquierda, estaba cocinando tocino. Llamé a Maytag y según ellos y el manual en la página 3 es sólo para cocinar en 2 niveles para evitar daños en el horno de microondas. NO DICE QUE SE INCENDIE O QUE LA REJILLA PROVOQUE CHISPAS Y QUE EL TOCINO NO DEBE COCINARSE EN UN MICROONDAS MAYTAG. Pero según los representantes de MAYTAG ** es mi culpa por no leer mi manual. SÍ Y NO TENER EL NÚMERO DE SERIE QUE ESTÁ EN UNA ETIQUETA DE PAPEL EN LA ZONA DEL LÁTIGO. El se fue de mantenerlo limpio se desvaneció. Así que no me pueden ayudar sin el modelo y el número de serie.
Publicado: March 28, 2015
Wilfred of San Diego , CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased our Maytag Dishwasher in 2014 (Model # MDB77495B) and after a l
I purchased our Maytag Dishwasher in 2014 (Model # MDB77495B) and after a little over a year, of course after the warranty had expired the panel started to act up. I did get it repaired costing over $300 for parts and service thinking all is well. The repairman that came out had to come out twice once to look at and then again to fix after the part came in. We had a conversation and he said that was common with this brand, the steam sometimes affects the panel. I spoke with Maytag about getting an extended warranty but after looking at the cost passed on it. Well now the panel is acting up again. If Maytag thinks I am going to have another repairman come out well think again. I will see how much the part cost and do it myself if it cheap enough, if not I guess Ill be back to washing dishes by hand for awhile. I bought this brand feeling that it was American made and the cost was on the expensive side that it would last. I am disappointed that this has happened again. For the money spent it should last at least 10 years. My old dishwasher that was given to me used lasted over 15 years with not one problem. Its a shame we cannot get good working appliances as we did back in the day.
Publicado: July 22, 2016
Donna of Levittown, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Instalé un nuevo horno de pared Maytag con microondas hace 18 meses. No ha
Instalé un nuevo horno de pared Maytag con microondas hace 18 meses. No había utilizado el microondas en más de una semana. Anoche, oímos un fuerte estallido y nos dimos cuenta de que el frente de vidrio de belleza del microondas se había roto. Nadie había cerrado la puerta con demasiada fuerza, de hecho, no lo habíamos utilizado. Veo que otros han tenido este problema.
Publicado: January 12, 2012
Don of Edmonds, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Model #MDB8959SAS1 MAYTAG Dishwasher - purchased in 2014 at Home Depot. Fir
Model #MDB8959SAS1 MAYTAG Dishwasher - purchased in 2014 at Home Depot. First we had to replace the rack adjuster, and after that another part broke. Finally, the electrical control board totally melted and smelled up the house. Fortunately our breaker switch worked and it didnt cause a fire. But Ive read other reviews of this happening with Maytag dishwashers where there was a fire. It now resides at the landfill.
Publicado: October 31, 2017
Diane of Carson City, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have to rewash many load of dark clothing because pale white smears appea
I have to rewash many load of dark clothing because pale white smears appear on the clothing most times. Ive tried various cleaning methods to try to remove any residue that might be in the walls of the tub. Unfortunately, I cant afford to replace the Maytag white elephant model 500XWZ, serial C31430894. I no longer have the receipt. Buyer, beware. No Maytags in my future.
Publicado: May 23, 2015
Irene of Marina, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this he Maytag washing machine about 3 years ago. I have hated it
We bought this he Maytag washing machine about 3 years ago. I have hated it from the start and should have put a review right away because it is a piece of cr#&. It does not save any energy because I have had to rewash loads because clothes come out still dirty, lint still on them, sometimes even dry spots on clothes. I did a wash today and chunks of HE detergent still in the clothes. I am rewashing a load right now. I now have to do a presoak hoping that will help the load come out cleaner. So dont waste any money on Maytags HE machines as I will never buy another one.Being an environmentally conscious person, I thought HE was the way to go but it doesnt save any energy when you have constantly run a laundry twice to get clothes clean. It also does not do a good job spinning as clothes are still very wet. I hate this machine and I am thinking about junking it even though it still runs. Very bad purchase.
Publicado: May 10, 2014
Kathleen of Delanson, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag Bravos XL Washer and Dryer. How exciting to get a new washer/dryer!!
Maytag Bravos XL Washer and Dryer. How exciting to get a new washer/dryer!! Im a savvy bargain and quality shopper, but I really messed up here. A little over a year ago, we moved from IL back to TX and I got to buy a new washer AND dryer at the same time (a rarity). I went and looked at SO many washers/dryers and decided on the Maytag Bravos XL because a friend said she loved hers. It had a deep water wash and bedding cycle (for our blankets, comforters, sleeping bags, etc), and I thought that I could throw that wayward sock in after I started the load (unlike our previous front load washer).Where do I begin with the complaints? (And Im NOT a complainer - never filled out a review in my life). This is what I sent to Maytag: 1) Im 55 tall and can barely reach the items at the bottom of the drum, along with the lid falling on my head when Im trying to do so. 2) Forget throwing in the wayward sock - it must finish the cycle its in before it will let you unlock the lid (Where did locked lids come from anyway? Is that how those missing socks are disappearing - escaping out of unlocked lids? What are we trying to keep in or who are we trying to keep out of the machine? Doors you lock - not washing machines! I dont get it!).3) Even the deep water/bedding wash cycle does not do the job. Using the exact recommended measurement of HE liquid soap does not get the items clean. What a chore to take something out and have white detergent lines all over it and have to wipe it down with a wet cloth. Sure, I could then do a rinse and spin cycle, but since it doesnt add enough water, it doesnt come out much better. The machine senses by weight how much water to use. I am positive that every energy efficient machine is now programmed to add exactly 4 cups of water per load (regardless if its a comforter or one pair of jeans).4) Supposedly, we are saving so much water usage, but energy efficient is a misnomer - it takes me twice as long to do laundry now. The time factors are ridiculous. There are no quick cycles on this machine. If I have a load of delicate tops that just need a quick wash and rinse before I hang them out (I was not out baling hay in them, so its not like they are filthy dirty. In Texas, its the sweat that you are trying to eliminate), the least amount of time I can find on a cycle is 45 minutes. I might as well hand wash them all and be done in 5 minutes. But, that was the point of the washing machine - to do the work for me! And forget the deep water wash cycle of 58 minutes, plus the added rinse and spin cycle (to try and remove the white soap line). Its now taken one and one-half hours to try and clean/refresh a barely soiled comforter.5) The spin cycle is SO efficient, that I have items come out totally dry many times in certain spots. Im washing a comforter right now and I can guarantee you that when I remove it from the washer, there will be an entire section that looks like it never even got wet. Im no engineer, but after watching through the see-through lid, the agitation is not working well enough to get to every section.6) I havent seen a soap bubble or suds yet. You are told to use such a small amount of detergent, Im not sure how anything actually gets clean. The clothes are sprinkled with water, agitated a small amount, spun until they are almost dry and voila - the same dirty clothes come out! 7) The dryer has now ruined 2 of my bras as the hooks get caught in the mesh panel at the back. It literally melted part of the bra! I tried hooking them together before I threw them in there, but now have to put them in a lingerie bag to keep them from being mauled and mutilated. I have NEVER in 37 years of marriage and washing had that happen before.8) I literally could not get my dryer to turn on and a repairman had to come out to the house to show me the amount of pressure I had to use in one finger to start the dryer. I had almost taken a hammer to it before he arrived. Can you imagine pressing the start button on anything - the dishwasher, a hair dryer, a TV remote control, and it not turning on? And all because you pressed too hard or too light? This computer age and electronic panels are killing me! 9) The dryer has the same locking system as the washing machine. So, if you didnt see the wayward sock on the floor or between the two units until after you pushed (lightly, of course) the start button, you have to stop the unit before you can open the door to throw the sock in.I didnt mean to write a novel (about a washer and dryer, no less)! But, I feel better and hope that I have saved one woman from making the same mistake I did. Read those reviews AND believe them. And by the way, my friend who recommended the Bravos XL to me looked at mine and said Thats NOT my washer and dryer. Evidently, mine was the new and improved version! So much for that claim!
Publicado: November 1, 2016
Cathy of Mansfield, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased this unit back in November 2011. Sometime this year it started le
Purchased this unit back in November 2011. Sometime this year it started leaking water just like many others from the freezer unit onto the floor (many times large puddles). Im tired of the permanent towel on the floor to absorb the water to prevent a potential slipping hazard. I too went online and found a very nice video on youtube which showed how to disassemble the freezer compartment. Took everything apart and noticed that there was water frozen on the supply line. Melted this and put everything back together, for about a week there was no water leaking so I figured all was well. About a week later the puddle was back so I sent an inquiry to Maytag and let them know I had an image of the issue and asked if it was covered through manufacture warranty. Here is their response: Your email is extremely important to us here at the Customer experience Center and we sincerely apologize for any delays in responding to your email. We are working diligently to respond over the telephone and through email to all of our customers. We are sorry to learn of the problem you are experiencing with water leaking from the bottom of the freezer. Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this location the exact cause of the problem. We recommend that you contact a certified technician for an accurate diagnosis. Once the problem has been diagnosed, please contact us back so that we can review the concern further to determine if assistance is available. For your convenience, we have provided below service providers in your area that you may contact for service. Aries Appliance Service (925)367-7708, Vigil Appliance Service (925)371-7701. You are a valued customer and we do apologize for any inconvenience this concern has caused. We invite you to contact Maytag again either by calling (800) 344-1274 between 8:00am to 8:00pm EST weekdays or by emailing whenever the need arises. When calling please press the available option or stay on the line to reach a representative.Frustrated I went online and found this forum where hundreds of other people had the same issue and that many of them were resolved by the new P Trap. So I watched another video by the same guy on youtube that showed how to replace the P Trap. I went online and found the replacement P Trap Manufacturer model # w10619951. One of the comments there actually said to call Maytag first as they were able to get a replacement P Trap for free. I believe if it was under a year old they would also pay for the labor to have it replaced. So this morning I called Maytag, the first guy Jim said I would have to have a certified Tech come out (76 dollar service fee, plus whatever the labor would cost) and Maytag would cover the cost of the part. I asked Jim if he could just send me the part and Ill do it myself, he reassured me that he could NOT do this and that the system was very specific. I told him I did not understand that a bad design and known quality defect, why should I have to pay several hundred dollars to fix? He told me that was the way it is. I asked to speak to his supervisor and put me on hold. Not only was the hold music extremely obnoxious but there was a loud humming noise as well, I waited for 10 minutes hung up and called back. I spoke with Maggie this time. I told her I wanted the part sent to me and if she couldnt help me I wanted to speak to a manager. She said she did not have the authority to ship me the part without approval. She said she could ask for approval and after waiting for about 3 minutes she came back on the line and said she spoke with her supervisor and that they would be sending me the replacement P trap today via FedEx. Had they not sent me the part my next stop was going to be the better business bureau..
Publicado: October 13, 2014
Jarrod of Livermore, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag Bravo washer 2 years ago and it is the worst washer I
I purchased a Maytag Bravo washer 2 years ago and it is the worst washer I have ever used. My clothes are never clean. It is always out of balance and is so slow and takes forever to do a load of laundry. It has started stopping on spin and have to unplug it to get it started back then it sounds like a jet coming in for a landing and has to restart the spin about 3 or 4 times before it ever finishes. I have had the repairman to look at it and says there is not anything wrong with it, but something has to be wrong for it to stop on spin and have to unplug it for 5 mins. in order for it to reset itself and start again.
Publicado: August 20, 2015
Geraldine of Vilas, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos nuestra Maytag a través de Sears. Queríamos una máquina muy b
Compramos nuestra Maytag a través de Sears. Queríamos una máquina muy básica, y eso es lo que encontramos en Sears, ¡bien! Pasaron ocho años y de repente dejó de agitar. Intentamos arreglarla nosotros mismos sustituyendo una pieza de plástico del engranaje, lo cual, más tarde, nuestro técnico de electrodomésticos dijo que era totalmente lógico, pero seguía sin funcionar. Trajimos a nuestro técnico de electrodomésticos y lo llevó al taller y arregló el problema, que resultó ser parte del motor o algo así. Lo que más me molesta es que nos preguntó si habíamos comprado una lavadora reacondicionada, pero no lo habíamos hecho, era nueva. Nos dio una pieza cambiada que no estaba hecha para la máquina y también dijo que faltaba el protector de seguridad del cable. Esto evita que se salga de la máquina en caso de que se sacuda. Me siento engañado y sólo quería desahogarme porque realmente no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto ahora. Comprador cuidado, sí, pero sé que tenemos que ser nuestros propios detectives técnico para asegurarse de que estaban recibiendo lo que pagamos?
Publicado: November 7, 2018
Dorothy of Salinas, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Maytag Atlantis used (4 years old); it looked like new. Wh
We purchased the Maytag Atlantis used (4 years old); it looked like new. When I opened the lid, I noticed a terrible smell like some left the clothes in the washer for days. I used white vinegar, baking soda, bleach, anything to try and get rid of the smell. Nothing worked. Finally, my husband took out the agitator and then the drum. Inside and around the drum was lint from all the years of washing clothes. He scraped it all off and bleached it and put it back together and it was okay for a while. It now smells again and I am afraid we will have to keep doing this or our clothes will always smell. I also leave the lid open after a wash so Im not attacked by the smell when we open it. I also had the Maytag Neptune front loader years ago, and the water pooled by the gasket on the door. That smelled too! We will be redoing our laundry area soon and will be shopping for a new washer and dryer. It will not be a Maytag!
Publicado: May 23, 2013
Judy of Oxford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos todos los electrodomésticos Maytag de acero inoxidable cuando re
Compramos todos los electrodomésticos Maytag de acero inoxidable cuando remodelamos nuestra cocina en 2010. El congelador de la nevera de puerta francesa se rompió tres veces. Primero el frigorífico perdió la temperatura y perdimos la comida. El congelador se puso en marcha y congeló el vodka. La segunda vez se acumuló mucho hielo en la parte inferior del congelador, por lo que tuvimos que quitarlo constantemente para mantener la puerta cerrada. La tercera vez se repitió el hecho de que el frigorífico no funcionaba en absoluto y el congelador se enfriaba muchísimo. Es triste decir que nos hemos dado por vencidos y hemos comprado otro frigorífico congelador por 1.500 dólares, ¡no un Maytag! En cuanto a la lavadora: una Maytag de gama alta muy cara. A finales del año pasado empezó a hacer ruidos molestos de motor a reacción en el modo de centrifugado. Cada vez iba a peor, así que pedí a un técnico que viniera a verla. Dijo que el arreglo costaría más de 700 dólares. Una vez más, decidimos cortar nuestras pérdidas y comprar otra lavadora. He guardado toda la documentación, incluidas las facturas de reparación de ambos electrodomésticos, por lo que puedo iniciar la demanda colectiva.
Publicado: June 8, 2014
Sue of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

MFI2670XEMS - Compré una nevera Maytag MFI2670XEMS en 2012. No recuerdo cu
MFI2670XEMS - Compré una nevera Maytag MFI2670XEMS en 2012. No recuerdo cuanto tiempo tardó en empezar a tener fugas pero no fue mucho. Lo mismo que la mayoría de la gente se está quejando - También tengo pisos de madera que están arruinados. Acabo de tener una remodelación de la cocina y ahora me gustaría que los pisos werent nuevo. Se ha deformado mucho debajo de la nevera. Es un dolor constante. Tengo que romper el hielo con un objeto contundente para sacarlo. Estaba tan emocionada por tener un nuevo frigorífico. Por supuesto, estaba en oferta, ahora sé por qué. Ojalá me hubiera quedado con el viejo, al menos mis pisos se verían muy bien. Lamentable.
Publicado: December 12, 2014
rachel of Albuquerque, NM
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had washer/dryer Bravo Series and been nothing but horror stories.
We have had washer/dryer Bravo Series and been nothing but horror stories. Washer bounces all over room to point hoses come out and flooded my laundry room and foyer and garage. It takes over 1hour 45 minutes to do loads sheets which is 2 sheets 2 pillowcases. The repair man told me that takes that long due to MY sheets are dirty. I have been married 46 years and never heard that ever!!! The dryer is just as bad, takes over hour and half to dry sheets and towels almost 2 hours to dry. DO NOT BUY MAYTAG ANYTHING. The person who said needed hurricane straps to hold washer is something I agree with. Just a horror.
Publicado: December 16, 2016
Richard of Boynton Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tuve este microondas menos de un año. El panel de control se estropeó y M
Tuve este microondas menos de un año. El panel de control se estropeó y Maytag lo arregló. Ahora, un año y medio después, ocurrió lo mismo. Este producto costaba casi 400 dólares cuando lo compramos. He tenido mejor suerte con microondas de 40 dólares.
Publicado: July 1, 2013
Brandi of Osawatomie, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag Bravo was making loud noise in the Spin cycle. Ordered new bearing,
Maytag Bravo was making loud noise in the Spin cycle. Ordered new bearing, shaft and parts from Amazon. Also had to order the Bearing tool, cost more than the bearing parts. Total cost $145. Watch a youtube video on replacement, took about 3.5 hrs by myself. Biggest problem I had was lifting the washer up over the drain pan it is in. Washer is on the 2nd floor.
Publicado: September 3, 2014
car of Pasadena, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Bravos 300 series is 3yrs. Initially it occasionally shredded an item. W
My Bravos 300 series is 3yrs. Initially it occasionally shredded an item. With 4 kids I chalked it up to wear & tear on the clothes. Its now ruining items almost every wash. I now wash much by hand. Cant wait to afford a new one.
Publicado: November 15, 2014
Leslie of Redlands, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was always told the Maytag was the best, to my surprise not so. We purcha
I was always told the Maytag was the best, to my surprise not so. We purchased a washer at Home Depot and it€s been a bad experience. Loud noise compilation in operation. Turns on then off so many times /not sure if that€s what€s its suppose to. Can€t get an answer. Disappointed for the least. Not what I expected out from this purchase.
Publicado: December 20, 2017
Oscar of Indio, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a new Maytag dishwasher last year when we purchased our new ho
We purchased a new Maytag dishwasher last year when we purchased our new home. All the other appliances were Whirlpool. This dishwasher runs forever. We have huge electric bills and I am sure this is a contributing factor. We purchased it from Lowes. They have sent out two technicians who say there is nothing wrong with it. One said it was because it was in an island. The other that our water is not hot enough. He turned the water heat up and now you have to warn people using it to be careful or they will get burned. No wonder the Maytag repairman is so bored. He knows the appliances he services are junk and doesnt bother. Take my advice. Buy ANYTHING BUT Maytag!
Publicado: May 5, 2014
Judith of Spout Spring, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Maytag Neptune front loading washer from Bens Maytag in Surrey
We bought a Maytag Neptune front loading washer from Bens Maytag in Surrey four years ago and it has been nothing but trouble. There is no screen in the machine to prevent small things (like coins, screws) from going behind the rubber seal and into the pump. As a result, coins frequently block off the outflow to the pump so the machine doesnt drain.We have had to pay for service calls more times than we can count, and have spent more than original price of the machine making repairs and replacing the pump. We now have learned to take off the hoses and open the pump to remove coins ourselves, which we have to do every few weeks! Bens Maytag tells us that its our fault for letting coins go in the wash. There is no accountability for the faulty design of the machine that allows this to happen. We should have cut out losses and thrown this piece of junk out three years ago. We want Maytag to take responsibility for the faulty design of this product and to credit at least our purchase price toward another machine that works properly!
Publicado: January 9, 2012
J of Surrey , BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a new Maytag washer 1 year ago. It does not do a good job of washi
I bought a new Maytag washer 1 year ago. It does not do a good job of washing the clothes. I have tried to contact customer service but what a waste of time that has been. I would never buy another MAYTAG washer again. This is after owning an older style Maytag for 25 years that I never had one problem with until it wore out. They are now junk. I bought at Leons. Would be very careful of buying there again as they were also no help with this washer not working properly.
Publicado: September 7, 2017
Sandra of Wentworth, NS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Have read others reviews and experiences and wish I had visited here first.
Have read others reviews and experiences and wish I had visited here first. Our first Maytag washer and dryer set lasted over 25 years with only minor repairs until the transmission started to leak grease and was uneconomical to repair. Our second set only lasted nearly 10 years and were obviously lesser quality. The wife decided that she wanted the best and high tech version. She really liked the features of the Bravos 300. What a mistake! Not even three years old and she has been dealing with the noise and the problem with constant unbalanced loads, intermittent error codes, odors and the forever cleaning requirement. The whites were intermittently getting rust stains until I determined that the underneath side of the top cover around the bleach reservoir had rusted out big time. I replaced the top cover for over $125 plus an afternoon that I will never get back. (Out of warranty, of course). Today the wife called me to say that the washer would not complete the rinse cycle and she could not reset it. We had to pump out the water and pick the wet clothes out. A grinding sound is coming from near the bottom of the machine and sounds expensive. The service man is scheduled to be here day after tomorrow to give me the bad news. My next washer purchase will NOT be a Maytag or any other high tech piece of crap. Simple is better.......
Publicado: May 6, 2014
Donald of Lancaster, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos un refrigerador Maytag MFI2670XEW6 de puerta francesa, con congel
Compramos un refrigerador Maytag MFI2670XEW6 de puerta francesa, con congelador inferior, en julio de 2012 a través de Home Depot y durante los últimos 6 meses hemos tenido que raspar el hielo de la parte inferior del congelador cada 5 días más o menos para evitar que el agua fluya en el suelo. Veo tantas quejas exactas de la gente que estoy echando humo. No puedo creer que esta empresa no respalde sus productos con este problema. Definitivamente se debería hacer una retirada de productos. Crecí creyendo que Maytag era lo mejor de la línea, pero estoy equivocado. Compré esto para reemplazar un refrigerador GE de 16 años (lado a lado) con el que nunca tuve ningún problema y ahora me arrepiento de no haberlo reemplazado por otro GE. No me he puesto en contacto con la empresa todavía porque pensé en comprobar las opiniones de las quejas antes de hacerlo, pero parece que la empresa está tratando a sus clientes como si fueran basura. ¡¡¡Gastar $2200 por un refrigerador y tener problemas en los primeros 3 años es inaceptable!!! Más vale que empiecen a solucionar este problema o que se enfrenten al hecho de que dejarán de estar en el negocio en poco tiempo. La mejor forma de publicidad es el boca a boca y los comentarios online y parece que van a perder muchos clientes con la dirección que están tomando.
Publicado: October 29, 2015
KATHRYN of Duluth, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag dishwasher (Model MDB7809AWWI) in Sept. of 2009. In 20
I purchased a Maytag dishwasher (Model MDB7809AWWI) in Sept. of 2009. In 2010 and 2011, it had dead control panels. The first time, it was under warranty. The second time, it was not, and I purchased a costly service plan to have it repaired. Now, 2012, its dead a third time. Maytag tried to tell me that I could purchase another plan for $289. I informed them that for that cost, I can replace it with a dishwasher that doesnt require costly service plans and yearly repairs. They informed me that their parts only have a 30-day warranty. If theyre not willing to stand behind their products enough to admit that one is faulty, then Im not willing to stand behind them as a company.
Publicado: December 3, 2012
Sara of Monument, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

So I read the reviews when I bought this Maytag Bravo Washer and figured st
So I read the reviews when I bought this Maytag Bravo Washer and figured stuff happens. We bought the top load Maytag Brava in 2013. We bought the Home Depot warranty, 2 years later the washer was leaking water. 5 repair visits and 3 attempts to fix the leak before it was repaired. As of 4-25-17 the wash machine displayed un-level errors and started vibrating with a thundering noise. Called out warranty repair and they stated we need new bearings. Repair is scheduled in 2 days and now the wash machine is thundering and spewing oil so it is shut off. 4 years old, and like the other complaints clothes come out with dry patches and not clean. This is a bad machine, we are saving for our next washer. It will have an old style spindle/agitator, no California efficiency and probably not Maytag.
Publicado: April 25, 2017
Bob of Brighton, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The unit has an ice maker. On a regular basis, water would accumulate at th
The unit has an ice maker. On a regular basis, water would accumulate at the bottom of the freezer pan. When the bottom pan got filled up, water would run out on to my hardwood floor. I related the problem to the ice maker. Researching the problem, I learned that the ice maker has an adjustment for timing the on cycle for filling the ice tray. After several adjustments nothing changed. I ordered a water control valve and installed it. The problem persisted. I installed a water pressure regulator but the problem persisted. I installed a water filter, the problem persisted. I turned off the entire ice maker and the problem persisted. The problem wasnt the ice maker. The real problem was the defrost cycle of the evaporator. The drain for the water was plugged with ice. I made modifications to the design so I could monitor the drain hole in the back of the freezer. Will I purchase another Maytag€ probably not?
Publicado: March 27, 2012
Darrell of Omaha, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our Maytag Neptune washer in 2005. We chose Maytag because of the
We bought our Maytag Neptune washer in 2005. We chose Maytag because of their reputation, their headquarters in Michigan, and because looking at the machines in the store, they seemed to be well built. Were we ever wrong! You would think paying $1000 for a machine would get you a product that lasts longer than 8 years! Our other washer (a Whirlpool) lasted 20 years and was still working. Im now consistently getting a 3e error code. In searching online, I found that this is a pretty universal problem and thought maybe Maytag had a recall on it. What a waste of valuable time. I did find out the machine was actually a Samsung. This seems like fraud. If I wanted a Samsung, thats what I would have purchased! Contacting Maytag Customer Service was like Land of the Stupid. After getting the runaround and being sent to a phone number and website that only covered Samsung I called Maytag again. I was put in contact with another person who could supposedly help me with the recall. Even though I told him what the problem was, he gave me the robot response about sending the GFCI plugin and told me, That should make your washer safe to operate. Seriously??? I replied, This wont fix the problem because THE WASHER DOESNT WORK and we got the recall part long ago. He then wanted to schedule a repair appointment. Not doing that, considering how stupid the Maytag reps I had talked to so far had been. Putting the hubby on the case, luckily hes pretty handy. On the upside, it was fun responding to the Maytag customer service survey that night, LOL. All of our other appliances are Maytag and they have all been great, but this washer is an unreliable piece of junk.
Publicado: December 14, 2013
Linda of St. Clair Shores, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I cant warn you enough NOT to buy this design flawed machine. Ive only owne
I cant warn you enough NOT to buy this design flawed machine. Ive only owned mine two months from Home Depot, the install was a nightmare and now due to a poor design flaw, if you miss loose coins or anything in pockets it will get trapped between the drum and the tub causing rattling and noise during spin cycle. Guess what? Service calls EACH time this happens. This is nothing more than a $750 piece of junk. I feel like its marring the whole feel of my new house. I hate hate hate this washer and am trying to get Home Depot to take it back, Maytag to refund me or sell it at a huge loss. This is NOT getting anything you pay for and I vow to NEVER EVER buy Maytag again.
Publicado: October 20, 2016
T. of Muskego, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo esta máquina desde hace 15 años y nunca he gastado un céntimo en n
Tengo esta máquina desde hace 15 años y nunca he gastado un céntimo en ningún mantenimiento, me encanta. Hay cosas que merecen la pena y sigue teniendo un aspecto elegante y limpia muy bien. Lo único que cambiaría es que no tuviera la pala de la lavadora central para que tuviera más espacio como los modelos más nuevos.
Publicado: May 23, 2020
Vicki of Noblesville, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this washer in November of 2012 thinking it€s one of the be
I bought this washer in November of 2012 thinking it€s one of the best because it is a Maytag. Five months later, the wash machine needed a new gear case because it was making this horrible loud noise when it was washing and spinning. The service guy came over and replaced this part. Now, the washer does not want to spin. The clothes are soaked, and I have to stand there and manually turn the knob to spin it; and it still doesnt spin right. This is the worst experience I€ve ever had with a washing machine, and I regret ever buying this Maytag. They should recall this series of washers because there is something really wrong when you have to have it repaired twice, and it is not even a year old!
Publicado: May 19, 2013
Andrea of West Lawn, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Water saver feature is horrible. Never enough water. Doesnt get anything cl
Water saver feature is horrible. Never enough water. Doesnt get anything clean, even if you soak it overnight. I am buying a new washer and it wont be a Maytag.
Publicado: July 20, 2015
regina of Farmington, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lavavajillas Maytag modelo MDB4949SDE3: Este lavavajillas es el mayor POS q
Lavavajillas Maytag modelo MDB4949SDE3: Este lavavajillas es el mayor POS que he tenido en 40 años. El primero nunca se encendía ni se llenaba de agua y después de que lo hiciera, goteaba en mi nuevo piso. Esperé 10 días para que me lo cambiaran. El ciclo del lavavajillas es de 2,5 a 3,5 horas y los platos salen sucios. La rejilla superior no es ajustable para lavar cosas raras. Creo que estos lavavajillas deben ser reemplazados.
Publicado: July 6, 2017
Charles of Chesterland, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tenía algo de tiempo extra, así que pensé en añadir mi .02 a los que, i
Tenía algo de tiempo extra, así que pensé en añadir mi .02 a los que, incluido yo mismo, están disgustados con los productos Maytag. En primer lugar, la lavadora y secadora Maytag que compré a mi sobrino después de su divorcio. La lavadora se cagó 2 meses después de comprársela (¡fuera de garantía, por supuesto!). La transmisión salió - costo de reparación de $ 550.00. Mi sobrino pagó $ 350.00 nuevo en Sears. Nos pasó a tener nuestra GE clanking fiable ol, así que usamos que, mientras que decidir qué hacer con la lavadora. Mientras tanto, la secadora dejó de calentar. El coste de sustituir la resistencia: ¡400 pavos! Secadora nueva en Sears fue de $ 250.00.Come para descubrir que a pesar de que tenían los nombres Maytag en la lavadora, secadora, que eran copias baratas de White, Westinghouse. Bueno, de todos modos compramos un conjunto de Whirlpool Duets antes de hacer nuestros deberes, porque si supiéramos lo que iba a pasar ... Antes de saber los problemas que íbamos a tener con la lavadora,secadora, compramos un lavavajillas Maytag Quiet Series 300 (Maytag Quiet Series 300 MDBTT60AWW). Sí, el panel de control fallaba. Hasta ahora sólo hemos comprado 1 (¡¿sólo 1?!), pero a mi mujer le gusta lavar los platos a mano. Si fuéramos la típica familia que usa el lavavajillas todo el tiempo, habría reemplazado más de 1 a un costo de $135.00 cada uno de Sears y haciendo mi propio trabajo Randamp;R, ahorrando en la mano de obra. Costo nuevo en Lowes - $350.00El siguiente es el refrigerador Maytag. Lo compré cuando nuestros 2 hijos estaban en casa. Lo compré principalmente por el nombre y la gran capacidad. Después de aproximadamente un año (yip fuera de garantía) la refrigeración era muy desigual. A veces el congelador se descongelaba solo y luego volvía a funcionar bien. Las dos rejillas superiores del frigorífico estaban bastante más calientes que las inferiores. Entendí que las rejillas superiores estarían un poco más calientes, pero estoy hablando de unos 15 grados. Llamé a un técnico y le comenté el problema. Me dijo que había recibido numerosas quejas sobre este frigorífico en particular y que no había forma de repararlo a menos que se sustituyeran los componentes electrónicos y el compresor, ya que a medida que el compresor se debilita con el tiempo, los componentes electrónicos se estropean. Coste nuevo - $1300.00. Estimación por teléfono del coste de reparación - 950,00 dólares sin garantías. Sustituido por un Samsung¿En cuanto a los Duets? No hay problemas hasta ahora. Funcionan muy bien y estamos muy contentos con ellos. Pero he investigado y estoy conteniendo la respiración. También tengo un microondas Maytag que todavía funciona, pero ha hecho un par de cosas inusuales - las luces en la pantalla del panel frontal comenzó a parpadear mostrando un fallo. Lo desenchufé para reiniciarlo. La verdad es que no me ha gustado nada. Al menos por ahora, cuando alguien dice: Sí, bueno, puede que sólo tengas un limón, pero el resto de electrodomésticos Maytags son fantásticos. Mi mujer y yo, cuando oímos esto, ¡estamos preparados para una pelea! Hemos tenido experiencia con todos los productos Maytags, y con la excepción de los Duet (hasta ahora), ¡¡¡no son más que basura!!! Otra cosa que quiero mencionar es la nevera Samsung. Es el único modelo que tiene una garantía de fábrica de 5 años para el compresor y los componentes principales. Hemos tenido varios frigoríficos en nuestra vida de casados, y el Samsung es muy superior a cualquier frigorífico que hemos tenido. En el futuro me decantaré por esta marca. La última cosa que prometo: Si usted lee los comentarios sobre lavadoras de carga frontal, ninguno de ellos recibe muy buenas calificaciones. Si lo hubiera sabido, habría comprado una de carga superior. Pero la lavadora Duet hace un trabajo superior (IMO) limpiando la ropa, y la ropa está prácticamente seca después del último centrifugado.
Publicado: August 24, 2014
Don of Hutchinson, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is about my model MFI2569VEB2 refrigerator. It has French doors with b
This is about my model MFI2569VEB2 refrigerator. It has French doors with bottom pull-out freezer, refrigerator door ice and filtered water dispenser. The delivery person installed the fridge and took off outside plastic and left inside plastic in. It froze everything until I took out the inside plastic. Within the first year, water started shooting out of the top of the fridge. A rubber connector for the icemaker, which was on top of the fridge, had broken. Within 18 months, it freezes everything in the refrigerator, even on the warmest setting. I have to leave it unplugged each night. The icemaker gets big chunks of ice stuck to it and wont let ice out. On top of all of that, the water from the fridge door pours out extremely slowly, this just how they are built.I will have to fix the thing myself and eat the expenses, so to speak. I bought the Maytag because Samsung had poor reviews. No matter how fancy you want your refrigerator to be, and how nice you want it to look in your kitchen, stick to the basics. The fewer bells and whistles, the more reliable.
Publicado: December 9, 2011
Nancy of Mobile, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had a Maytag Bravos XL top load washer less than a year. Big Mistak
We have had a Maytag Bravos XL top load washer less than a year. Big Mistake. It was JUNKYARD ready when it came out of the box. Does NOT wash clean. Weve tried everything.The agitator looks and acts like a toy. Will not run enough water to wash anything. We had a LG front load before and its hard to get use to having dirty clothes. NEVER AGAIN.
Publicado: March 13, 2018
Dean of Marion, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am not dissatisfied with hhgregg, but with Maytag products. I purchased t
I am not dissatisfied with hhgregg, but with Maytag products. I purchased the Maytag Centennial Top Load Washer and Maytag Centennial Dryer to match. I was a bit leery of the new energy star models that use he only type detergent, but decided that was the newest and greatest thing out, so how could it be wrong? For the past two months, I have been sooooo very disappointed in Maytag. Neither of these brand new machines are worthy of being considered brand new. The washer takes extremely too long to wash a normal load, too noisy, and has ruined several items of clothing, due to malfunctioning distribution of bleach, fabric softener released after clothes are through washing. There has also been several times that the load wash is complete and the clothes are not even wet (like they were never involved in a wash cycle). As for the dryer, you have to run it through two 40 minutes cycles to get the load of clothes completely dry, so much for energy-saving. This is my first complaint to anyone, but after reading several reviews on Maytags website, I am reassured I am not alone. There are hundreds of other dissatisfied consumers of this Maytag product. I will be writing a letter to Maytag, requesting a refund.
Publicado: September 26, 2013
Melissa of Tallapoosa, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos el lavavajillas Maytag MDB5601AWW,46171101NP cuando construimos n
Compramos el lavavajillas Maytag MDB5601AWW,46171101NP cuando construimos nuestra nueva casa. En los últimos meses, el agua se filtraba al suelo. Llamamos a Maytag y nos dijeron que el elemento calefactor había sido retirado del mercado y que enviarían la pieza. Nos aseguramos de que supieran el motivo de nuestra llamada: ¡para sustituir las juntas! Maytag se puso en contacto con un reparador local autorizado. Cuando llamaron para concertar una cita, mi marido le recordó lo de las juntas. El técnico se presentó sin las juntas, diciendo que Maytag no las había incluido en el pedido. Llamamos a Maytag para concertar otra visita de servicio. El técnico volvió a presentarse hoy sin las juntas. Nos dijeron que había que pedirlas y que tendría que volver a venir. Tres llamadas de servicio para un solo problema. Aparte de esto, la placa de circuito nunca ha funcionado bien. Pulsamos los botones correctos, pero nunca sabemos qué tipo de ciclo obtendremos. Hemos aprendido a vivir con ello. Nuestras rejillas inferiores están fundidas, así como los lados del lavavajillas. Ahora que sabemos que el elemento calefactor es defectuoso, puede ser la causa de las juntas defectuosas y las rejillas derretidas. Nos costará casi 300 dólares sólo para reemplazar las juntas, y sí, tenemos que pagar una llamada de servicio para ello cuando se podría haber hecho en primer lugar. Llamamos a Maytag para quejarnos y nos dijeron que la sustitución de las juntas siempre requiere dos llamadas de servicio: una para el diagnóstico y la segunda para colocar la pieza. Dijeron que no se fían de la palabra de los clientes cuando les decimos lo que está mal.
Publicado: March 31, 2016
Yvonne of Girard, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La secadora no seca, el servicio en un punto muerto. Así que en 2018 compr
La secadora no seca, el servicio en un punto muerto. Así que en 2018 compramos un conjunto de lavadora,secadora Maytag Bravos. La lavadora cumple su función, lava la ropa aceptablemente. La secadora, que tiene el único propósito de secar la ropa, NO seca la ropa. Deja todas y cada una de las cargas húmedas. Se necesitan dos o tres ciclos para que se sequen incluso los tejidos más ligeros. Este ha sido el caso desde que el producto era nuevo. Después de repetidos intentos de que me cambien la secadora, estoy harto de todo este rollo. LA MORALEJA DE LA HISTORIA ES NO COMPRAR MAYTAG.
Publicado: February 14, 2020
Debbie of Decatur, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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