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Maytag Accesorios
Maytag Accesorios

Maytag Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

La Maytag Lavadora Company fue fundada en 1893 por el empresario Frederick Maytag. En 1925, Maytag Washing Machine Company se convirtió en Maytag.

Distancia Solución de problemas

Qué hacer si su horno o cocina Maytag no funciona
Si su horno o cocina no funciona hay un par de cosas que puede comprobar.
Compruebe el suministro eléctrico. Asegúrese de que el electrodoméstico está enchufado a una toma de corriente con conexión a tierra con un circuito dedicado (receptáculo de 240V para cocinas eléctricas, receptáculo de 120V para cocinas de gas y que la toma de corriente está operativa. Compruebe también que el disyuntor no se ha disparado o que el fusible se ha fundido.
Código de error. Si el aparato muestra un código de error, intente reiniciar el aparato. Esto borrará el código de error.
Asegúrese de que la función de bloqueo de control está desactivada. Algunos hornos pueden estar equipados con Bloqueo de Control. Busque "Bloqueo de Control" en la consola de control del horno, y luego reajústelo, por lo general, pulsando

Lavadora Solución de problemas

Sin centrifugar ni escurrir
Paso 1
Evalúe la carga. Abarcar la lavandería con demasiada ropa (o no la suficiente) puede afectar al llenado de agua. Además, asegúrese de distribuir la ropa uniformemente antes de ponerla en funcionamiento.
Paso 2
Determine si la lavadora está conectada a la toma de corriente. Restablezca el disyuntor si es necesario.
Paso 3
Retire cualquier torcedura de la manguera de desagüe. Destape el desagüe de la tina de servicio si es necesario.
Paso 4
Cierre bien la tapa de la lavadora para añadir presión al interruptor de la tapa. El interruptor de la tapa impide que la lavadora funcione cuando la tapa está abierta. Si está cerrada pero sigue sin funcionar, el interruptor podría estar defectuoso. Según Maytag, la función de fallo incorporada en la lavadora impedirá que ésta gire o drene hasta que se sustituya el interruptor de la tapa. Póngase en contacto con un proveedor de servicio autorizado de Maytag para obtener asistencia si sospecha que el interruptor de la tapa está defectuoso.

Paso 1
Evite saturar su carga; una carga desequilibrada y pesada puede contribuir a un llenado excesivo de agua que puede provocar fugas. Deslice la lavadora lejos de la pared para ver el panel trasero. Compruebe si la manguera de agua está bien conectada a la máquina.
Paso 2
Reemplace toda la manguera si ve pinchazos. Si la manguera está en buen estado, sustituya sólo las arandelas internas. Invierta en nuevas cubetas exteriores de acero o plástico si están oxidadas, perforadas o partidas.
Paso 3
Desenrosque el panel de acceso y busque fugas dentro del compartimento interno mientras la máquina se llena. Si aparecen fugas mientras el ciclo continúa, entonces reemplace la bomba. Apague la lavadora y desenchúfela de la toma de corriente. Incline con cuidado la lavadora hacia arriba para acceder a la parte inferior de la unidad-utilice un gato de coche para que la lavadora no se vuelque mientras realiza el trabajo.
Paso 4
Afloje los dos pernos de montaje del motor con una llave para disminuir la tensión de la correa. Desconecte la manguera de la bomba y desenrosque sus pernos de montaje con una llave dinamométrica. Desenganche la polea de la bomba con las manos. Una vez que haya retirado toda la bomba y la manguera, instale la nueva bomba deslizando primero la palanca de la bomba en la ranura del agitador y alineando la correa con la polea de la bomba.
Paso 5
Alinee los agujeros de los pernos y apriete los pernos de montaje. Vuelva a conectar todas las mangueras y encaje las abrazaderas. Tire contra el motor para crear tensión en la correa, luego apriete el perno de montaje del motor trasero. Apriete el perno de montaje situado en el lado opuesto del motor. Vuelva a colocar la arandela en el suelo y conéctela de nuevo.

Lavaplatos Solución de problemas

El lavavajillas Maytag no arranca o no funciona
Hay varias razones por las que su lavavajillas Maytag no arranca o no funciona:
El bloqueo de control está activado
El lavavajillas está en modo de reposo
La opción de lavado retardado está seleccionada
La puerta no está completamente cerrada y trabada
El suministro de agua no está activado
La energía necesita ser ciclado para restablecer el lavavajillas

¿Se ha seleccionado una opción de lavado retardado?
Una opción de lavado retardado hace funcionar el lavavajillas en un momento posterior o durante las horas de menor consumo eléctrico. Si se ha seleccionado el lavado diferido, el lavavajillas no funcionará hasta que se alcance el tiempo de retraso.
Para desactivar la función de lavado diferido:
Pulse CANCEL/DRAIN para cancelar el retardo.
Pulse START/RESUME para iniciar el ciclo.

¿Está la puerta completamente cerrada y trabada?
Asegúrese de que la puerta está completamente cerrada y trabada. Un escurreplatos inferior instalado al revés también puede hacer que la puerta no se cierre correctamente.

¿Está abierto el suministro de agua al lavavajillas?
Asegúrese de que el suministro de agua del lavavajillas está abierto. Consulte las instrucciones de instalación de su modelo si no está seguro de cómo comprobarlo.

Cómo reiniciar el lavavajillas:
Al igual que un ordenador, reiniciar el control del lavavajillas puede a veces resolver los problemas que está experimentando. Para restablecer el panel de control del lavavajillas, es necesario desconectarlo de la fuente de alimentación durante un minuto. Si su lavavajillas está conectado a una toma de corriente, simplemente desenchufe la unidad durante un minuto y luego vuelva a enchufarla. Si el lavavajillas está conectado a la red eléctrica, desconecte el disyuntor en el panel eléctrico de la casa que alimenta el lavavajillas durante un minuto y luego vuelva a conectar el disyuntor.

Microonda Solución de problemas

Solución de problemas de un microondas Maytag que no se enciende
Si su microondas no se enciende, hay un par de cosas que puede hacer para solucionar el problema. A continuación se muestran los pasos que puede seguir para solucionar el problema de su microondas.
Compruebe la alimentación
Compruebe si el microondas se está calentando
Compruebe la puerta
Compruebe los códigos de error o de la pantalla
Comprobación de la alimentación
Compruebe que el cable de alimentación está conectado a una toma de corriente con conexión a tierra y operativa.
Compruebe la toma de corriente. Si no sabe si funciona, enchufe una lámpara doméstica u otro aparato pequeño para verificar que la toma de corriente funciona.
Compruebe si se ha disparado un disyuntor doméstico o si se ha fundido el fusible doméstico. Si el problema continúa, llame a un electricista.

Comprobar si el microondas se calienta
Para comprobar si el microondas se calienta:
Coloque una taza (250 mL) de agua en el plato giratorio del microondas
Encienda el microondas durante 1 minuto en la posición HI (100% de potencia)
Si el agua está caliente el microondas está calentando.

Comprobar la puerta
El microondas no se pondrá en marcha ni funcionará correctamente si la puerta no está bien cerrada del todo.
Compruebe que no hay nada que bloquee o impida que la puerta se cierre del todo.
Si es la primera vez que se utiliza, asegúrese de que el espaciador de envío (en algunos modelos) se retira del interior de la puerta. Retire todo el material de embalaje y cierre firmemente la puerta.

Compruebe si hay códigos de error o de pantalla
Si su microondas tiene un código de error en pantalla, vea a continuación para obtener información adicional.
"LOC" o "L" : Indica que el bloqueo de control está activado o habilitado.
Modo Demo: El Modo Demo es ideal para aprender a utilizar el horno microondas. Cuando se ajusta, se pueden introducir funciones sin encender realmente el magnetrón. La luz del horno microondas se encenderá, el ventilador funcionará y, si está encendido, el plato giratorio girará.

Refrigerador Solución de problemas

Puede haber una sencilla razón por la que su frigorífico no esté tan frío como esperaba. Si acaba de ser instalado, ha cargado recientemente muchos alimentos o las puertas se han abierto mucho ese día, es posible que tenga que esperar hasta 24 horas para que la temperatura vuelva a bajar. Si no es así, siga estos otros pasos para reducir la causa.
La temperatura recomendada para el frigorífico es de 37°F y para el congelador de 0°F. Pero, si su frigorífico está situado junto a una fuente de calor o en una habitación más cálida de lo habitual, es posible que tenga que ajustar las temperaturas desde los valores de fábrica.
Un ajuste que restringe la refrigeración podría haber sido activado o dejado activado accidentalmente. Por ejemplo, muchos frigoríficos tienen un ajuste de "Enfriamiento activado/desactivado", un ajuste de "Corte de energía" que se activa después de un corte de energía o un "Modo de sala de exposición" que tendrá que ser desactivado cuando lleve el frigorífico a casa.
Compruebe si los conductos de ventilación están obstruidos
En algún lugar de su frigorífico debe haber conductos de ventilación que promuevan el flujo de aire del congelador al frigorífico y mantengan las cosas frescas. Asegúrese de que no están bloqueados por los alimentos.

Un horno de hielo estándar debería producir alrededor de tres libras de hielo al día. Si su refrigerador acaba de ser instalado, pueden pasar 24 horas para que la producción de hielo comience y hasta tres días para que la producción de hielo sea completa. Si se ha retirado una gran cantidad recientemente, podría tardar 24 horas en reponerse por completo. Si su máquina de hielo no produce suficiente hielo, pruebe estas tres cosas antes de contactar con un profesional:
Asegúrese de que la máquina de hielo está encendida
A veces una máquina de hielo puede apagarse accidentalmente. Vuelva a encenderla girando el dial a "Ice Maker On" o moviendo la palanca sobre el depósito de hielo hacia abajo.
Localice la línea de agua detrás del frigorífico. Si está enroscada o doblada, enderécela para mejorar el flujo de agua.
Compruebe que el frigorífico está conectado al suministro de agua en la parte trasera del frigorífico. Si es así, asegúrese de que todas las válvulas de corte de agua están completamente abiertas. La válvula principal suele estar situada debajo del fregadero, en el armario junto al frigorífico o en el sótano, mientras que pueden existir válvulas adicionales en las tuberías.

Es normal que se produzca una mínima cantidad de condensación y humedad, especialmente durante las condiciones de mayor humedad. Para evitar un exceso de humedad, limite las aperturas de las puertas. Saque todos los artículos a la vez, mantenga los alimentos organizados y cierre la puerta lo antes posible. Si sigue notando un exceso de humedad, siga estos tres pasos:
Asegúrese de que las juntas de la puerta están en pleno contacto con el frigorífico, para que no se cuele la humedad. Si no lo están, compruebe que no hay nada que obstruya la puerta.
Limpie la junta de la puerta
A veces se acumulan trozos de comida y tierra en las juntas de la puerta, así que límpielas con un simple paño, agua y jabón.
Un frigorífico desnivelado puede hacer que las puertas se cierren mal, dejando entrar la humedad. Puede estar desnivelado si no se instaló correctamente o si el propio suelo está desnivelado, haciendo que el frigorífico se incline. Utilice un nivel para medir de adelante hacia atrás y de lado a lado, luego ajuste las patas de nivelación según sea necesario.

Secadora Solución de problemas

Problemas de alimentación
Si su secadora Maytag no se enciende en absoluto, podría ser una cuestión de alimentación. Antes de culpar a la máquina, revise la caja de fusibles de su casa para ver si hay un fusible quemado o un disyuntor disparado. Las secadoras eléctricas Maytag requieren dos fusibles o disyuntores, uno para el funcionamiento mecánico y otro para el calor, por lo que es posible que tenga que restablecer el disyuntor o sustituir ambos fusibles. Asegúrese de que su secadora está enchufada a una toma de corriente capaz de proporcionar la potencia adecuada; las unidades de Maytag suelen requerir 240 voltios de potencia.

Las cosas sencillas
La mayoría de las secadoras Maytag tienen una función de seguridad que impide que se pongan en marcha si la puerta no está completamente cerrada, así que asegúrese de que la puerta esté bien cerrada antes de entrar en pánico. Asimismo, las secadoras Maytag suelen requerir que se presione firmemente y se mantenga la perilla etiquetada como "Push to Start" (Presionar para arrancar); una presión rápida puede no servir. Si su objetivo es secar, no seleccione la opción "Air Fluff" incluida en muchas secadoras Maytag, ya que este ajuste simplemente hace girar la ropa en lugar de secarla. Si tiene una secadora de gas que no calienta la ropa, asegúrese de que la válvula de la línea de suministro de gas está en la posición abierta.

Cargas húmedas
A veces, el cilindro de su secadora gira y produce calor, pero la ropa sigue estando húmeda después de un ciclo completo. Para solucionar este problema, limpie siempre a fondo el tamiz de pelusas de su secadora Maytag antes de utilizarla. En algunos casos, una carga puede ser simplemente demasiado grande para secarse adecuadamente; separe la carga en porciones para un secado más rápido y efectivo. Los problemas de escape a veces impiden un secado adecuado. En este caso, elimine las pelusas o los residuos del conducto de ventilación exterior y asegúrese de que el conducto de ventilación esté libre de dobleces. El clima frío también puede afectar a los resultados del secado en habitaciones sin calefacción; Maytag señala que el funcionamiento correcto de la secadora requiere temperaturas superiores a los 45 grados Fahrenheit.

Más consejos para la resolución de problemas
Si su secadora Maytag funciona, pero vibra o produce mucho ruido, asegúrese de que está sobre una superficie completamente nivelada y de que tiene instaladas sus cuatro patas incluidas; esto también garantiza el correcto funcionamiento del sensor de su secadora. Del mismo modo, la ropa húmeda muy apretada produce ruido, así que mantenga sus cargas sueltas. En algunos casos, un respiradero de escape defectuoso hace que la potencia de secado sea inadecuada. Durante la instalación, utilice un respiradero de metal con material de ventilación de 4 pulgadas para un funcionamiento óptimo. En muchos modelos Maytag, los códigos de error que comienzan con "F" indican que la máquina necesita servicio. Si se encuentra con este o cualquier otro problema que exceda el alcance de una simple solución de problemas, programe una cita de servicio a través del sitio web oficial de Maytag.

Maytag Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

Maytag problemas de electrodomésticos

Maytag aparato roto

Maytag problema de electrodomésticos

Maytag dificultad del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

Compré una Maytag side-by-side, modelo MSD2656DEQ, en junio de 2000. La pr
Compré una Maytag side-by-side, modelo MSD2656DEQ, en junio de 2000. La primera llamada al servicio técnico en un par de meses fue por un dispensador de hielo muy ruidoso, que el técnico dijo que era normal. Aparte del ruido, el dispensador ha funcionado bien. En agosto de 2005, el congelador se congeló y el técnico sustituyó el temporizador y el termostato de descongelación. En mayo de 2010, volví a tener el mismo problema y de nuevo se sustituyeron estas dos piezas. Esta mañana, me encontré con la comida descongelación en el congelador, 3 1,2 años desde la última reparación. Es domingo, así que tendré que llamar al técnico mañana. Tercera reparación en 13 años para una Maytag de 1.500 dólares (2.000 dólares anuales). Nunca he tenido un electrodoméstico con tantos problemas y ha sido el dinero que más he gastado en un electrodoméstico. He dejado de comprar productos Maytag.
Publicado: December 22, 2013
Rick of Nampa, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

All I ever heard was Maytag is the best so I purchased the washer/dryer ove
All I ever heard was Maytag is the best so I purchased the washer/dryer over a year ago and have had nothing but trouble from the get go. It takes an hour and a half to two hours for a wash (if youre lucky). Normally, I almost always have to stop and restart it and move clothes around, babysit it. I cant wash but four or five garments at a time. Its a piece of junk and I tell everyone I talk to, never buy Maytag, ever.
Publicado: September 7, 2012
Katherine of Port Arthur, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I always thought Maytag was the best, maybe because of their ad. Finally,
I always thought Maytag was the best, maybe because of their ad. Finally, I bought a refrigerator two months ago, which has turned into a nightmare. The company has sent a tech six times and they all say that it is a bad design which makes my vegetable drawer full of water because of moisture. And they refused to do anything about it every time (bad management). They have already spent more money on service than what I paid for the refrigerator. Figure that out.Do not buy Maytag. It was the biggest mistake I made. I also bought a washer and a dryer at the same time. I wish I could send them all back because of the ignorant people they have working for them in their complaint and service office. Anybody out there, if you want to buy an appliance, make sure it is not Maytag.
Publicado: October 3, 2011
Ali of Katy, tx
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought Maytag Bravos from Home Depot in Dec 2010. Wife didnt like the way i
Bought Maytag Bravos from Home Depot in Dec 2010. Wife didnt like the way it cleaned clothes right from the start. It wouldnt get clothes as clean as her 20+ year old washer. 2 1/2 years later and her $900 washing machine needs $600 in repairs. My wife will finally be happy with the way her washing machine cleans again because we are purchasing a new one this week, and it wont be a Maytag.
Publicado: September 30, 2013
Rod of Bridgeport, WV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Washing Machine MVWC6ESWW - The fourth time was October 12; I called. Shrek
Washing Machine MVWC6ESWW - The fourth time was October 12; I called. Shreka at Maytag said she would send someone out at no cost on October 15, between 12-5 pm. Justin called from AE at 5:05 pm stating he was on his way. He then asked for my receipts. We were moving and had packed many things. He said he would call and find out. He said they were out 7/2011, 9/2011 and again 9/2011 all for the same problem. I requested in September 2011 that this was a lemon and send me another. I was assured if the same problem occurs, it would be covered. Well Justin said it isnt covered anymore and it was due to being made overseas. The cost to fix it is around $350 to $400. The washer cost me $383.40, plus I bought the matching dryer of $403.39. This makes zero since. Please advise.
Publicado: October 18, 2012
Gina of Midlothian, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Actualizado el 08,13,2021: Hoy ha venido un reparador autorizado por Maytag
Actualizado el 08,13,2021: Hoy ha venido un reparador autorizado por Maytag. Ha encontrado el problema, un brazo que se ha salido y que se encuentra debajo de la lavadora. La ha vuelto a montar y ha dicho que tiene que pedir la pieza y que tardará 30 días más. Puso la lavadora de manera que debería funcionar durante un par de cargas. Me he gastado 700 dólares en una lavadora y tengo que ir a una lavandería para que me laven la ropa. Esto es lo más importante. El tipo no dejó ningún documento, nada, ni siquiera una tarjeta de visita. Así que estoy a merced de este reparador (creo que dijo que se llamaba Jessie). El chico era amable, rápido y bien informado, sin embargo, le dijo a mi marido que sabía lo que el problema iba a ser, si usted sabía por qué no traer la pieza con usted y él dijo que la pieza está fuera de stock. ¿Por qué, esta pieza es exclusiva de las lavadoras Maytag? Así que todavía estoy esperando que mi lavadora sea arreglada.Revisión original: En diciembre de 2020 compré una lavadora Maytag se entregó en enero de 2021 y funcionó muy bien durante los primeros meses. Luego la máquina empezó a hacer ruidos, chasquidos como si no pudiera moverse por los engranajes. Entonces empecé a notar que mi ropa no se limpiaba. Tardaba una hora en lavar la ropa. Le dije a mi marido que no se agitaba, sino que hacía clic. Tuvimos que parar y volver a poner en marcha la lavadora para que el nivel de agua fuera lo suficientemente alto para el llamado lavado a fondo. Encontré residuos en mi ropa y tuve que lavarla 2 o 3 veces para que estuviera lo suficientemente limpia como para usarla. A veces no gira lo suficiente como para vaciar el agua de la bañera. Huele casi como a cable quemado. Apenas han pasado 6 meses y ya tengo que llamar a un técnico. Volveré a revisar la lavadora cuando la hayan arreglado o sustituido. Pero ahora mismo no volveré a comprar otra Maytag.
Publicado: August 1, 2021
Sharon of San Jose, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un lavavajillas Maytag - MDB7749AWM1 en 2011 en Home Depot. La junt
Compré un lavavajillas Maytag - MDB7749AWM1 en 2011 en Home Depot. La junta de la puerta ha fallado varias veces y ha sido sustituida por un técnico. La garantía se ha agotado desde entonces pero la junta sigue cayendo cada vez que se pone en marcha el lavavajillas y se abre la puerta. ¿Alguien más ha tenido un problema similar? He pensado en pegar la junta en su sitio pero no puedo encontrar un pegamento que aguante la temperatura. Estoy seguro de que Maytag dirá que nunca han visto este problema antes. ¡Maytag está fuera de mi lista de compras para siempre!
Publicado: May 14, 2015
Dale of Harrison, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought the washer last week. Balanced it per installation instructions. Was
Bought the washer last week. Balanced it per installation instructions. Washed several loads. The darn thing goes off balance almost routinely. Have rechecked the level on several occasions and found it LEVEL. Contacted Maytag. The lady I spoke with said to just use it and it will level itself out. So much for Maytag help! This will be the LAST Maytag product I buy.
Publicado: August 16, 2015
Aivars of Reading, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Todavía no he utilizado la cocina y la pintura se está desprendiendo de l
Todavía no he utilizado la cocina y la pintura se está desprendiendo de la parte superior. He hecho venir al reparador. La nueva pieza superior de la cocina también llegó con la pintura descascarillada. Presenté una reclamación para que me sustituyeran la cocina y me dijeron que se pondrían en contacto conmigo en 24 o 48 horas. Eso no ocurrió y volví a llamar. Me dijeron que me llamarían y, por supuesto, no lo hicieron. Pagué 1.300 dólares por una estufa que tiene un aspecto horrible y la pintura se está desprendiendo. ¿Qué clase de estufa está vendiendo Sears? Maytag es propiedad de Whirlpool y nadie quiere hacer esto bien.
Publicado: July 7, 2013
Merrit of San Clemente, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband and I purchased our Bravo washer and dryer from Home Depot about
My husband and I purchased our Bravo washer and dryer from Home Depot about 5 years ago. They have been the worst ever. Clothes always tear and we continue to receive an F1 error every time we try to wash something. I dont have the money to buy a new one, but I sure wish I did. I will never buy a Maytag anything ever!
Publicado: April 30, 2013
Jessica of Easley, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased Maytag refrigerator (model # MSD2572VES). The fridge side stopp
I purchased Maytag refrigerator (model # MSD2572VES). The fridge side stopped working. I was told that the vent/chute between the freezer and fridge ices up and prevents the cold air from the freezer to go through the fridge. The tech said that Maytag was sending him a tube of silicone to apply all around freezer and fridge and that this will probably fix the problem. So in other words, because of a design flaw, the refrigerator cannot function without adding silicone (maybe). I believe I purchased a lemon with a design flaw and they want me to accept a permanent band-aid as the solution. Shouldnt I have right to demand another model instead of having to accept a cheap alternative (silicone)? Now, if factory installed parts break off, can you imagine silicone tubed in after the fact where there was no silicone crevasse? I cant imagine it staying on - permanently.
Publicado: June 25, 2012
Patricia of Seguin, tx
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lavavajillas Maytag MOB8959SFZ4 nuevo 2017 - La primera vez que lo usamos t
Lavavajillas Maytag MOB8959SFZ4 nuevo 2017 - La primera vez que lo usamos tenía una fuga por la puerta. Volví a llamar al fontanero para asegurarme de que estaba nivelada y alineada correctamente y así fue. Llamé al distribuidor y enviaron a un técnico que mandó a buscar un nuevo mecanismo de cierre. 3 semanas después aparecieron las piezas. El técnico las instaló, lo pasó en vacío y no hubo fugas, ¿problema resuelto? No. Así que lo cargué y lo volví a poner en marcha y tenía fugas. Llamé al distribuidor pero el técnico estaba de vacaciones y me sugirió que la rejilla superior podría estar empujando la puerta por alguna razón cuando está cargada, así que saqué todo del lavavajillas y lo volví a poner en marcha, pero volvió a gotear. Es un producto tan endeble. Me desconcierta que los importadores se salgan con la suya trayendo esta mierda al país. Ahora estoy en la quinta semana con un lavavajillas nuevo que no funciona. Quizás por eso es conocido por ser uno de los lavavajillas más silenciosos del mercado.
Publicado: August 6, 2017
Aaron of Vancouver, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this Maytag Bravos Xl Top Loading Washing Machine approximately
I purchased this Maytag Bravos Xl Top Loading Washing Machine approximately 2 1/2 years ago. It broke down shortly after the 1 year warranty was up and cost me $300.00 to fix. A bearing had broke and needed a service call to repair it. Well, I paid about $800.00 to begin with, so decided to fix it. Today it started draining water from bottom of it. I call Maytag and after a 20 minute wait on the phone because they were having higher than normal call volumes! They cannot help me, other than to charge me for yet another service call and perhaps a repair. Whirlpool/Maytag makes a high priced money pit of a washing machine! Dont waste your money!
Publicado: September 30, 2014
Joy of Winnipeg, MB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

If I could give this a 0-Star rating, I would! I cant believe Maytag would
If I could give this a 0-Star rating, I would! I cant believe Maytag would make such an awful washing machine! Within the first 2 weeks I called their service department because (in my opinion) the washer wasnt washing properly. It took over a month and several calls to get someone out to look at the washer & dryer. According to the technician, both machines were operating properly. Apparently the washer is designed to destroy clothing and bedding! The gentle cycle set on deep fill will add just enough water to get the clothing wet, then agitates for about 10 minutes, then it fills up, agitates for 3 more minutes and drains. During the 10 minute dry-run, I watch my clothes get destroyed! I have never seen anything like this! My sweaters are shredded, my tops are pilled up & in a garment bag this thing managed to destroy a sports bra! This machine has ripped my mattress cover in several places and pulled my sheets from excessive rubbing due to not enough water. And what is up with the slow fill? The technician informed me that the trickling water is also normal. If I could return this washer, I would! I will never buy another Maytag because my Bravos washer died after only 4 years, and this one is brutal!
Publicado: May 22, 2018
Kathleen of Stockton, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré la lavadora Maytag, ya que fue calificada como la mejor de las mejo
Compré la lavadora Maytag, ya que fue calificada como la mejor de las mejores en la tienda. En primer lugar, el ciclo de delicados se lava exactamente igual que el normal. Todos mis suéteres se arruinaron porque la agitación es MUY DIFÍCIL. No creo que el fabricante sepa siquiera lo que significa ese ciclo. ¡Absolutamente horrible! No hay ninguna diferencia entre el ciclo Delicado y cualquier otro ciclo. Si se selecciona off en ese ciclo la ropa apenas se humedece. ¿Cómo se puede lavar la ropa apenas húmeda? ???? Si eliges el ciclo Deep fill, se supone que la lavadora pesa tu ropa en primer lugar y SOLO vierte el agua según el peso. ¡Bueno.... puedes poner sólo 5 prendas pequeñas y la lavadora se llena hasta arriba! Qué demonios es esto???? Cómo pueden unas pocas prendas llenar una lavadora tan enorme???? ¡No funciona! Estoy muy enfadado y quiero que esta lavadora salga de mi lavadero.
Publicado: January 4, 2020
ILona of La Grange, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had Maytag brand washer and dryers in the past. They worked for years an
We had Maytag brand washer and dryers in the past. They worked for years and I was able to repair or replace switches and some parts on my own. The new Bravos XL is a very inferior machine, nothing but problems. The clothes have to be washed two or more times to make them clean. There is no agitator, so your clothes have only other clothes to scrub up against, and the spin cycle is just thumping and banging and thrashing around until you€re able to get in and rescue it from itself. Our older machines had tiny steel shot in the rim of the machine to keep it balanced. Don€t buy this machine ever!!!
Publicado: April 9, 2018
Richard of Bc, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag Bravo washing machine item # 26 23872 for $617.69 on 1
I purchased a Maytag Bravo washing machine item # 26 23872 for $617.69 on 11-23-11 and it was delivered and set up on 12-02-11. My problem is if you have dirty sweaty clothes, you cannot get them clean with such little water. I used the HE detergent as directed. I talked to a woman at the local Sears Appliance store this morning, 7-11-12, about it. She said I need to use Affresh. So I did clean my washer but with a similar brand and my clothes are still stinky. I have even washed an empty load or two with bleach and hot water. I make sure I wash with hot water and completely dry my clothes.When you take a bath and dry yourself off with a towel, it smells like a musty basement. I am allergic to mold. I cant even take a wash cloth, get it wet and wash my face without wanting to throw up from the smell. I have had guest comment on the towels as well. Its embarrassing. The problem is you cannot clean something with an inch of water in the machine. I am 58 years old and now have to do the wash. I went to the store and asked if we could return it for an exchange or anything like a discount on a new one and she would not budge. She said it had to be within 90 days but 90 days was in the middle of winter and I was not having dirty sweaty clothes from doing outdoor yard work.Now that summer is here, 7 months later, my clothes have been smelly for a few months. I cant take it anymore. I showed the woman that I had been to Lowes and had an estimate of 10% off with free delivery, set up and haul away. She said she could do 15% but when you add on the delivery fee, it was higher than Lowes. I purchased my whole upgraded kitchen stainless steel appliances for about $7,000 and this set of washer/dryer but Sears could not help me out? What a disappointment that a loyal customer such as me could not at least get free delivery on a new washer. I went right back to Lowes and ordered the same machine I wanted Sears to sell me matching Lowes price.So now, I am stuck with a 7- to 8-month-old machine still in the one year warranty that is like new but is a worthless piece of junk as my clothes all stink. Run, dont walk if someone tries to sell you a low water HE machine. I tried sending this letter to searsinfo.com corporate office and it is rejected even though the website gives you that address.
Publicado: July 14, 2012
Susan of Stafford, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have a 2 year old Maytag washer and dryer. 10 year warranty may I add. W
We have a 2 year old Maytag washer and dryer. 10 year warranty may I add. Well, we get 2 frantic calls that say, €They heard an explosion and the bottom of the house is flooded.€ An explosion so violent that it shook our 3 story house and sounded like a bomb went off. Our washer and dryer are on the main floor. When we get there we found the washer top was dented so bad that it dented the bottom of the dryer that sat on top of it - blew the dryer door open! Blew the front of the detergent compartment and blew the side apart! Scared my mother and father in law who lives downstairs and who is bound to a wheelchair! Not to mention the fact that it flooded the basement and ruined the ceiling and Maytag says they will replace the washer! Are you serious? Who wants another washer which may or may not explode! What about the damage to my house! This just happened a couple of hours ago! We are very ticked off and not happy with We will replace the washer! Bad, bad business. This is not where it ends! I want my house repaired and won€t settle for anything less! Shame on you Maytag for putting profit above quality! Consumers beware!
Publicado: August 26, 2018
Penny of Blue Ridge, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Okay, on March 2009, we bought this brand new microwave due to our major re
Okay, on March 2009, we bought this brand new microwave due to our major remodeling. We didnt move into the unit until February 2010, so the microwave was in its box for 11 months. After we moved in our condo, my husband and I had to travel for work for almost a year so our brand new microwave is very slightly, gently and barely used. Well, for the past 2 months, it had been acting up. Sometimes it heats, sometime it doesnt. For a 2 year old microwave, which we paid over $400, I would assume that it would last. It no longer heats up, so I called Maytag customer service to hear her tell me its not covered under the warranty and would cost $269 for repairs and there was nothing she can do for me unless I pay for a technician to come and repair it! No way, I swear it probably got used 5-10 times a month to heat up coffee for about a year. I am sure there are some major quality issues on this model because when I googled Maytag microwave, all I see is the same magnetic problems. I spoke to a group of my lawyers friends. If youre interested in joining a class act law suit, please e-mail me. I hate that people are being taken advantage of by these terrible companies. I cant believe how low quality their customer service and products are. Believe it or not, my $30, old microwave lasted me 14 years throughout my college years until we decided to replace it with the modern stainless steel one. It got noisier in time but not broken and still heats up just fine. This $400+ one lasted me only for several uses. Shame on Maytag, when I have time, I will be sure to write a complaint to the consumer department as well. I will dedicate my life in spreading the word out about their low quality product. Don€t buy Maytag unless you only plan to use it for a year or 2.
Publicado: March 23, 2012
Nick of Van Nuys, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

First I do like the fact that it spins at such a high speed that the water
First I do like the fact that it spins at such a high speed that the water is mostly gone, and that is the good news. I do like that it uses less water but when washing any dark colored clothes there are dirt or scum like marks where the clothes may have been folded or twisted in knots which I also do not like. I have cleaned machine but this started when new. Drying doesnt get rid of those scum marks either. I never had this problem with my old full fill machine. I have used more detergent and less HE of course in both liquid and powder. Any suggestions?
Publicado: October 29, 2015
Gary of Lincoln, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me puse en contacto con su servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono y
Me puse en contacto con su servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono y correo electrónico en numerosas ocasiones... envié fotos. No han hecho nada para solucionar un problema importante, una lavadora de tres años... ahora es una chatarra. El lado de la lavadora se está oxidando y la carcasa metálica de la lavadora está comprometida.
Publicado: December 23, 2019
chuck of East Hanover, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El lavavajillas Maytag dejó de funcionar hace 3 años. No hay energía. Pa
El lavavajillas Maytag dejó de funcionar hace 3 años. No hay energía. Panel de control muerto. Producto basura.
Publicado: February 1, 2015
T of Lenexa, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I cannot use my Maytag gas range and oven appliance until I can purchase pa
I cannot use my Maytag gas range and oven appliance until I can purchase part #W10213446, which your factory website shows as back-ordered until 2020. This means that I cant cook a meal or have the family and friends Ive invited come to my home for Christmas dinner. I need your help to provide better customer service than Ive received to date through working with the Maytag customer service call center, and the service Maytag parts distributors Reliable Parts and WC May company have received from working through your factory website.Ive owned Whirlpool appliances since I built my home in 1989. When I remodeled my kitchen in August 2010 I chose a Maytag range, fridge, dishwasher and microwave as Id had a good experience with your products for 21 years. Youve built a great reputation for quality products and service, and I hope that you will continue to deliver on the commitment promised in your brand by resolving my problem quickly. A burner control on my three-year-old gas range and oven (model #MGR6775; serial #D00934496) recently stopped working (a Maytag design defect - several screws were too weak to hold the cooktop at the correct level) and your customer service call center referred me to A&E Factory Service for the repair. A&E service staff have been to my home twice and are unable to fix my stove leaving me without a stove for the past two weeks and foreseeable future - as the necessary part, #W10213446, is shown as back-ordered with no estimated time of arrival. The WC May company let me know that your website shows an ETA of 2020 for this part on your factory parts website.When the service repairman informed me that the part was indefinitely back-ordered today, I called the Maytag customer service center asking them to locate and expedite delivery of the part. The line staff and her supervisor let me know that they would not provide that service, as I do not have a pre-existing extended warranty contract for the range. I am willing to pay for expediting the part, but they wont give me that option. So I called the parts retailers covering the western U.S. myself to learn that Whirlpools supply chain is so flawed that it cannot provide a part for a three-year-old range.Whirlpools core principles espoused on your website say that founders Lou, Emory and Fred Upton continually improved their washer; they cared about their community, their employees and their customers. They believed that there is no right way to do a wrong thing. It also states that what truly distinguishes Whirlpool Corporation is our commitment to building strong brands and a loyal consumer base. Were focused on maximizing the benefits of our worldwide network of resources, which is unmatched in the industry.I believe that leaving me for up to two months without a range, so that I cant cook meals for myself every day, and for my family during the Christmas holidays is not living up to your brand promise. Please let me know as soon as possible how you will solve this problem.
Publicado: December 30, 2013
Barbara of Tukwila, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag Centennial Washer - If a wash load becomes off balanced, the machine
Maytag Centennial Washer - If a wash load becomes off balanced, the machine stops. No signal or buzzer or anything to alert me to this. It happens all the time and wastes a lot of my time. Here I am thinking that the wash is going fine only to find out 2 hours later that it has stopped. Anytime I wash more than 3 items, this happens. I will never buy one again and I am telling everyone not to buy. I will be purchasing a good old fashion washer with a dial gauge so I can spin it any time I needed.
Publicado: July 24, 2012
Beverly of Lewiston, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love the way it can really handle large loads. The dryer is the best thou
I love the way it can really handle large loads. The dryer is the best though. It actually dries your load without you having to turn it on more. There are many different choices that handle drying. So, no more to the bone drying.
Publicado: February 8, 2017
Jacquelyn of Leesburg, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos nuestra cocina de gas Maytag en 2015. A los 6 meses nos dimos cue
Compramos nuestra cocina de gas Maytag en 2015. A los 6 meses nos dimos cuenta de que la capa transparente y la pintura eran defectuosas, llamamos a Sears, nos permitieron otra tapa de la estufa y la reemplazaron pero nos dijeron que nuestra garantía terminaba en un mes y que no reemplazarían otra. La estufa siempre se ve sucia porque la capa transparente y la pintura han burbujeado y es claramente un defecto de fabricación del 100% que debe ser retirado.
Publicado: November 22, 2016
Mrs jeff of Manvel, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Neither appliance (Neptune dryer and washer purchased in 2006) was worth th
Neither appliance (Neptune dryer and washer purchased in 2006) was worth the price paid. The dryer drum actually cracked and the washer repeatedly gets hung up on 3E. I called about the dryer and got an Oh, well response. €We dont know whats happened to that dryer.€ What happened to both appliances is that they were used for their intended purpose. I do laundry for my husband and me. Is that too much for a Maytag? Customer service is equal to indifference. So much for Neptune. And thanks for standing behind your products. What is the life expectancy of a dryer drum anyway?
Publicado: September 2, 2012
Karen of Flower Mound, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Maytag Dishwasher Model # MDB4709AWW4 about 2 years ago. Comple
We bought a Maytag Dishwasher Model # MDB4709AWW4 about 2 years ago. Complete piece of junk. Just spent $350 on a new control panel. We called Maytag and they told us that our model wasnt under the recall for this issue. The old belief about the Maytag repairman not being busy is a lie. Avoid their products. They are poor quality.
Publicado: August 26, 2016
Charles of Cranford, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased new Maytag washing machine July 17, 2011. Have had several proble
Purchased new Maytag washing machine July 17, 2011. Have had several problems with it over the past three years. Most of the time it would not complete a load of laundry and would get stuck before the drain and spin cycle. Last week, the spin cycle became extremely loud. Had a repair person come out and was told the motor bearings were bad. Estimated repair cost $700. Purchased this unit new for $569.00. Called Maytag, was told that 10-year warranty on drive motor and wash basket did NOT include the bearings. Asked if they could help out with repair cost, was told no. Will never purchase another Maytag product again as they do not stand behind their products. Household has 4 people in it so use of this machine was light to medium.
Publicado: August 6, 2014
Mike of Overland Park, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

From day one I didnt like how this machine restricted how I can wash my clo
From day one I didnt like how this machine restricted how I can wash my clothing. There is no water volume controller. It is all automatic, which sounded fine in the store, but once I used it I quickly realized it is horrible. I can not add extra laundry or detergent in at the last minute because it says not to open the lid at all once you start the load. The settings are very glitchy. They do not seem consistent. There is a knob for level of soil on the clothing which doesnt seem to do anything at all. Ive had it now for four years and it has only gotten worse. Now I can only use one setting Hand Wash. Try doing a teenage boys clothes in Hand Wash and youll find out quickly that nothing gets clean that way. Oh, and all of the sudden the spin cycles are not working, they spin when they want to but they rarely get rid of the dirty water. Spinning in dirty water does not get clothes clean either. This machine is horrible, hands down, the worst washing machine I have ever owned.
Publicado: November 12, 2014
Jennifer of Cascade, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new Maytag fridge apx 8 months ago (model# MFF2258VEW6). It h
I purchased a new Maytag fridge apx 8 months ago (model# MFF2258VEW6). It has french doors and a bottom freezer and from day 1 it has constantly leaked water all over my kitchen floor. I started putting towels in front of it after my first slip and fall. I had the water line checked for the ice maker and it was fine. It continued leaking day after day. Then I started getting a lot of ice build up all over the drawers and on my frozen food, which became freezer burned and I only had the temp at 2. They have a warranty on it, so called the company and they brought me a loaner fridge of the same kind.. OMG this fridge is doing the same exact thing, even worse. I am disabled and fell last night again and my leg and foot is so swollen.. I really hurt myself and Im not going to let this company get away with this!! I called the company and told them and they are checking into what they can do with the refrigerator. After reading all the about the Maytag bottom fridge leaks and other problems, I refuse to get the same one again. If they do not do something, I promise I will before I get hurt again!
Publicado: September 27, 2014
Marlo of Mesa, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La nueva marca comercial Maytag es diferente a las Maytag tradicionales. Ut
La nueva marca comercial Maytag es diferente a las Maytag tradicionales. Utiliza menos agua. La nueva tecnología en la variedad de opciones para los ciclos y la limpieza a vapor para la secadora es una gran característica.
Publicado: February 11, 2019
Deborah of Davis, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré esta lavadora y secadora Maytag en el año 2000 y nunca he estado d
Compré esta lavadora y secadora Maytag en el año 2000 y nunca he estado descontento. Realmente consigue limpiar mi ropa y utiliza mucho menos agua que una lavadora de carga superior. El único problema es que si no la limpias de vez en cuando empieza a oler, pero tengo un limpiador que uso cada mes y hasta ahora (toco madera) no huele a moho.
Publicado: May 23, 2020
Vicki of Surprise, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag Dishwasher (MDB7749AWW1) just over a year ago from Sea
I purchased a Maytag Dishwasher (MDB7749AWW1) just over a year ago from Sears. I did not get an extended warranty since the appliance wasnt over $1,000 and I thought I would take my chances. Sure enough, about one month after the warranty expired, it all falls apart. There is something wrong with the control panel and I cant get anything to work. Ive been looking online and see that this is a common problem. So rather than throw more dough into the money pit, Im purchasing a new, simple, uncomplicated GE Americana washer from Home Depot for $279. I figure this will cost me less than going through the repair dance with Sears and Maytag. I will never purchase an appliance from Sears again. Ive been through the mill already with a $2,000 Jenn-Air range that has broken down five times in the past three years (2 times it was the control panel). I was lucky that I purchased the 5 year extended warranty on that one, but never, ever again will I deal with Sears.
Publicado: August 2, 2012
Richard of East Stroudsburg, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag Bravo Washer in October of 2011, I had a repair man co
I purchased a Maytag Bravo Washer in October of 2011, I had a repair man come to check it since the spin cycle sounds like a jet is revving its engines in the laundry room. He told me that the repair cost is $493.50 to replace the transmission. The machine also has problems with the circuit board. The lid lock goes on and off and on and off so you cannot run the machine. Speaking to Maytag they just kept saying your warranty is over and we dont offer any assistance on the repairs. The machine cost $530.00 in 2011 and they think its reasonable to have repairs more than the cost of a new washer. They said they had no complaints on the model. My repairman advised not to buy Bravo, Cabrio or Calypso models since they all have the same problem with the transmission and electronics. I think they should at least pay for the parts, the transmission is $300. And we didnt even price the electronic part of repair.
Publicado: July 7, 2015
Barbara of Merritt Island, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Poco después de que el lavavajillas MDB7609AWB2 estuviera fuera de garant
Poco después de que el lavavajillas MDB7609AWB2 estuviera fuera de garantía, el interruptor de START del teclado no funcionaba. Llamé al distribuidor y enviaron a alguien a comprobarlo por un cargo de no más de 100 dólares. No pudieron arreglarlo, así que dijeron que se necesitaba un nuevo panel de control que, con la mano de obra, costaba casi 200 dólares. No funciona así que lo arreglan. Ahora, menos de 3 años más tarde, lo mismo ha sucedido - no arranca. Creo que la causa es la pésima ingeniería y las piezas probablemente fabricadas en China para ahorrar dinero a Maytag. Esto está sucediendo una y otra vez a los que compramos de buena fe lo que solía ser un producto fiable de una empresa fiable.
Publicado: June 17, 2015
Helen of North Ridgeville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos Maytag lavavajillas y el refrigerador y la estufa Whirlpool, el l
Compramos Maytag lavavajillas y el refrigerador y la estufa Whirlpool, el lavavajillas, el panel frontal se desprendió, la fuga de sello, el motor de hacer un ruido de molienda grave, la rueda en los estantes interiores se rompió fácilmente. Todas estas piezas no se cambiarán bajo la garantía extendida por King andamp; Estado, Whirlpool no quieren responder a nuestra solicitud de seguimiento. Tampoco es Leons Store donde compramos estos electrodomésticos. Sólo después de 4 años de uso normal.... ¡Piense en ello! Kitchen Aid, Amana, Maytag, Whirlpool, último Kenmore mismos productos. BBB no ayuda a resolver estos problemas, su método es esperar y ver. Aléjese de esas empresas. Como información: si necesita aclarar a mano los platos antes de ponerlos en el lavavajillas... los lava mucho más rápido y mejor.
Publicado: October 31, 2020
Richard of Kirkland, QC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi estufa ha sido fiable y eficiente. La compré hace unos 11 años y parec
Mi estufa ha sido fiable y eficiente. La compré hace unos 11 años y parece casi nueva. Tengo una cocina de gas con 2 hornos. La parte superior se ve un poco rayada de solo limpiarla. Lo único negativo es la parte superior que tiene algunos arañazos si se mira de cerca y cuando lo compré por primera vez, tuve que cambiar una junta del horno. Sin embargo, creo que fue una buena compra.
Publicado: February 20, 2021
Valerie of Aberdeen, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Peligro de incendio - mal diseñado con la ventilación en la parte inferio
Peligro de incendio - mal diseñado con la ventilación en la parte inferior del horno, cajón deformado y superficie del armario derretida. En ninguna parte de las instrucciones de instalación dice que no se debe montar encima de los cajones. Whirlpool intentó culpar al distribuidor. El comprador debe tener cuidado.
Publicado: October 29, 2014
Cheryl of Mcdonough, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La resistencia delantera derecha sólo funciona en la posición alta. El cr
La resistencia delantera derecha sólo funciona en la posición alta. El cristal de visualización de las puertas es demasiado frágil. Se rompió al colocar la cocina. Por lo demás, no hay otros problemas con la cocina eléctrica.
Publicado: February 1, 2021
Michael L of Baton Rouge, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a (Maytag brand) Whirlpool washer but it didnt clean clothes, so I
I bought a (Maytag brand) Whirlpool washer but it didnt clean clothes, so I had a repairman out. He ran it through their test and agreed that my clothes had lint, pet hair, and dirt on them, and said that was as good as it was going to get. No one called back from Whirlpool. I called them and a second repairman came out, but it was the same story. I got the same repairman back out again after several calls to Whirlpool and listened while he called in and answered questions from Whirlpool - Is she using HE laundry soap, etc. - the same things they asked me. I bought the machine because it was supposed to have one of the largest capacities available. I stood there while the repairman told them that the clothes hanging to dry were covered in lint, dirty, and extremely wrinkled because they twist into a big knot in the machine, among others. No one called back again, so I called them. The service representative told me that I was loading the machine wrong, I was not using the right soap, and that the report they got from the repairman stated that the machine was working as intended. I told them that I was standing there as the repairman told them that my laundry was not clean. They told me that it was not what their record stated. I thought washing machines were supposed to get laundry clean and get the smell of body odor out. They suggested that I use the bulky setting, so I asked them if I should have to use the bulky setting for a load of underwear. They said that the machine was working as intended, but I wanted to have someone else come back out. The appointment was scheduled, but then the repair company called me and asked if I was aware that I would have to pay for the service call. I explained that there must be some kind of mistake because it was a new machine. She told me that Whirlpool had been doing this for a while and they werent sending out repair techs anymore without notifying the customer, and that Whirlpool has been doing it as standard practice for some time now. I requested a written statement from Whirlpool about the incidents but I was refused.
Publicado: November 11, 2012
Susan of Milton, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Maytag refrigerator on 08/15/13 model #M1TXEGMYQ01. Started hav
Purchased a Maytag refrigerator on 08/15/13 model #M1TXEGMYQ01. Started having cold problems 06/15/15, called company. 1 yr warranty expired 08/15/14,had to replace a 22-month ref on 07/15/15. Prior I owned a Hotpoint that lasted for 17 yrs and the last one was a GE that lasted for 18 years.
Publicado: July 15, 2015
Bud of Torrance, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Suena como una vieja trilladora... Tengo que cerrar la puerta de la lavande
Suena como una vieja trilladora... Tengo que cerrar la puerta de la lavandería porque hace mucho ruido. La gente no puede creer que sea una máquina nueva. Así que el ahorro de agua es la gran cosa que escuchamos tanto ... pero el agua es el principal agente de limpieza y apenas cubre la ropa, incluso en una cobertura de carga completa. No utilice lejía en la máquina a menos que la carga contenga SOLO BLANCOS. Acaba de destrozar una blusa nueva de color rosa ya que echa la lejía a chorros sin ningún tipo de control. No consigue limpiar los blancos ni la ropa y sólo retuerce la ropa hasta el punto de que hay que planchar todo lo que se pone. No hay ni una sola cosa buena que pueda decir de este par de electrodomésticos excepto COMPRADOR ADVERTENCIA~ Ojalá hubiera leído las críticas... Compre el viejo... probado y verdadero.
Publicado: April 11, 2019
Muriel of Chilliwack, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I Hate this machine. It does an inferior job and I wish I never bought it.
I Hate this machine. It does an inferior job and I wish I never bought it. Our Bravos XL washer was purchased in spring. It left white residue constantly on my clothes. Even WORSE, the machine wrinkled the permanent press so the clothes had to be ironed before wearing. (I rarely had this with my last washer). I used the machine settings correctly and I called the company and basically...was told, Youre out of luck. I hoped that it would improve but No Way! Dont purchase this machine, dont waste your $$$.
Publicado: December 14, 2017
Susan of Plainville, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un microondas Maytag OTR en mayo de 2017. Empezó a tener problemas
Compré un microondas Maytag OTR en mayo de 2017. Empezó a tener problemas con el mal funcionamiento de la puerta de apertura y cierre en septiembre. La reparación vino y esencialmente nos dijo que siguiéramos abriendo y cerrando hasta que funcionara. Estamos en enero de 2018 y el problema ha empeorado. Mi pregunta es, ya que Maytag es muy consciente del problema y lo ha hecho durante años, según otros comentaristas aquí, ¿por qué no se ha presentado una demanda colectiva? Estos electrodomésticos son caros y parece que muchos de nosotros hemos sido engañados.
Publicado: January 7, 2018
Susan of Chittenango, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré el lavavajillas Maytag modelo MDB7609AWW2 hace 3 años. Empezó a t
Compré el lavavajillas Maytag modelo MDB7609AWW2 hace 3 años. Empezó a tener problemas con que no se llenaba de agua después del primer ciclo. Después de un examen se determinó que el panel de control, el mango en la parte superior de la puerta se había roto de sus puntos de fijación, los tornillos detrás del panel. Cada vez que se abría la puerta esto permitía que la humedad y el vapor se infiltraran en el interior de la puerta. Y adivinen qué, ahora necesita un nuevo panel de control electrónico. Después de ver todos los demás comentarios, es seguro decir que esta no es la Maytag de nuestros padres o abuelos.
Publicado: August 16, 2015
Peter of Grafton, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La versión HE de la lavadora Maytag deja la ropa con mal olor. Hay sugeren
La versión HE de la lavadora Maytag deja la ropa con mal olor. Hay sugerencias para remediar esto, pero ¿por qué este tipo de lavadoras causan esto? Las sugerencias no funcionan. No más lavadoras HE de ninguna marca.
Publicado: February 18, 2019
Homer of New Boston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tanto la lavadora como la secadora son de los modelos Bravos y ambas funcio
Tanto la lavadora como la secadora son de los modelos Bravos y ambas funcionan sorprendentemente bien. Parece que todo funciona muy bien, incluso las rejillas de ventilación que son minuciosas y ventilan bien la máquina. Nuestra ropa siempre está limpia y los ajustes de ambas máquinas funcionan con mucha precisión. Creemos que nuestras Maytags son simplemente las máquinas que mejor funcionan que hemos tenido.
Publicado: February 13, 2019
Mark of Melbourne, Florida
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bueno yo como todos los demás tengo el mismo problema. Piso arruinado por
Bueno yo como todos los demás tengo el mismo problema. Piso arruinado por la capa de hielo que se forma en la bandeja inferior diariamente. Me han dicho que necesito una nueva placa base que, según tengo entendido, cuesta unos 500 dólares. Tengo 55 años y este era mi primer frigorífico nuevo. Estoy muy disgustada. Crecí con los comerciales del reparador de Maytag en los que se sentía tan solo porque nunca tenía que hacer ninguna reparación. Toda mi vida crecí con estos comerciales. Pensé que estaba comprando lo mejor. Qué decepción. Ha estado en mi sala de estar durante 2 años. Sigo pensando que va a pasar algo maravilloso. Ahora tengo que pagar a alguien para que se lo lleve. Genial.
Publicado: September 23, 2015
Beverly of Plant City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a high capacity washer (MVWB835DW), along with the matching dr
We purchased a high capacity washer (MVWB835DW), along with the matching dryer, two years ago from Lowes. This review is not about Lowes. They did the best they could to make things right. The review is about the Maytag washer (made and serviced by WhirIpool). It has been nothing short of a debacle. The first two washers did not work and had to be replaced. The third and current washer has been repaired three times, including the drum and motor. We have been without the use of the washer for over a week each time while waiting for parts and Whirlpool to approve the repair. The washer is not high capacity as advertised. Filling the drum even half way results in the washer stopping mid cycle whereupon we have to adjust the contents back into balance. In addition, the machine leaves a lint residue on dark clothing that has to be wiped off by hand. We have asked Maytag/Whirlpool to replace the machine but they say it has to fail for the same issue four times in order to qualify for replacement. We are done and will purchase another washer from a different manufacturer. It€s easy to understand why Samsung and LG have become such a dominate force in the laundry sector. Whirlpool/Maytag does not care about you or the problems with their product. Buyer beware!
Publicado: October 14, 2018
Gregory of Chula Vista, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me gustaría decir que estoy muy insatisfecho con el pago de $1200 por un r
Me gustaría decir que estoy muy insatisfecho con el pago de $1200 por un refrigerador que sólo puede producir hielo una vez cada 12 horas y el 90% de las veces la palanca de sobrellenado se atasca por lo que no hará más. Recomendaría a cualquiera que no comprara nada de Maytag nunca.
Publicado: July 12, 2019
Donald of Henderson, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the HE commercial brand for our family of 7. It has been runni
We purchased the HE commercial brand for our family of 7. It has been running mostly fine for about 2 1/2 years. It started making a horrible grinding noise about 3 months ago. It was getting worse and worse. I decided to google the issue and discovered there was a common problem with a nut falling off the bottom. I leaned the washer back and found the nut on the floor, right below the center of the pulley. I reattached it by removing the pulley guard which had been getting cut by the loose and wobbly pulley, put some superglue on the nut and reattached it to the bottom. NO MORE NOISE!! Im willing to bet that this has caused slippage of the pulley, poor performance and many other issues. Maytag should do something about it.
Publicado: June 20, 2015
Chris of Hamilton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El 11-10-10 compré un frigorífico Maytag de alta gama. Todo había ido bi
El 11-10-10 compré un frigorífico Maytag de alta gama. Todo había ido bien hasta que necesitamos una pieza en noviembre de 2014. Después de casi 3 meses de búsqueda nos dicen que ya no fabrican piezas para esta unidad y no tengo suerte. El frigorífico funciona muy bien pero la junta central está rota (puerta francesa - Mullin) han dejado de fabricar la pieza???? Estoy más que enfadada. ¡No volveré a comprar Maytag!
Publicado: February 13, 2015
Melinda of Mt. Washington, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Maytag Bravos top load washer and dryer in May of 2011. We had
Purchased a Maytag Bravos top load washer and dryer in May of 2011. We had our other Maytag washer and dryer for 14 years, and they were working fine when we sold them. We saved a year for a new one. We spent $1,700.00 for them both. We assumed they would last as long as our old ones. Been buying Maytag our whole lives. Besides the clothes not getting cleaned. Besides the washer smelling, even after we clean it regularly with the product proposed. Besides it not working on the normal function. Besides it shredding our clothes if you put it on the highest spin speed. It started to make a very loud noise. Like an airplane taking off. Called a friend of ours that use to have an appliance store in Fenton, Michigan for decades. He said it was the bearings and that You have to replace the whole tub. A $300-$400 fix. And that it would do the same thing again in a short period of time. He said that they are junk.We would be better off buying a new one. He said, The ONLY one you can buy now that will last like they use to is Speed Queen. I had never heard of them. They start at about $750. But they are worth it. He said that they dont make any washers to last more than 3-4 years anymore. We will NEVER buy Maytag again. And Sears wouldnt give us the time of day. Each time we called and asked to be switched over to the recall department, we just got a busy signal, then a fax machine noise. We have shopped at Sears for years. Boy, loyalty doesnt mean anything in this day and age. Im sure Speed Queen will be happy to help us out. DO NOT buy any Maytag products. There should be a class action suit against them for this. There are thousands of us that got ripped off. I cant tell you how upset my husband and I are about this. We are retired, and on a fixed income, and I am disabled. The stress this has caused cannot be put into words.
Publicado: April 7, 2015
Laura of Linden, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi mujer y yo compramos el conjunto comercial Bravo de Maytag hace unos 5 a
Mi mujer y yo compramos el conjunto comercial Bravo de Maytag hace unos 5 años y tanto la lavadora como la secadora siguen funcionando tan bien como el día que las compramos. Sin embargo, soy un poco parcial, ya que he comprado productos comerciales Maytag en el pasado y seguiré haciéndolo porque es una empresa fiable que fabrica máquinas fiables.
Publicado: May 17, 2020
Philip of Auburn, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After only three years of gentle use, my Maytag front loading washer bearin
After only three years of gentle use, my Maytag front loading washer bearing went. The repairman said this was because of too much detergent and the repair bill would be over $1100.00 (more than the cost of a new machine). I would never buy this machine again.
Publicado: August 27, 2015
Lillian of Homestead, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have NEVER written a review however I am compelled to write up and if I c
I have NEVER written a review however I am compelled to write up and if I can save at least 1 family from making the mistake I did then my review will be worth it so just before Christmas last year I treated myself to a new washer. I looked at so many. Only 2 things on my wish list were 1) American Made and 2) have a large capacity for blankets and bedding. Well, I was so excited about my Maytag Bravos XL Washer but my excitement didnt last long. 4. There is a major design flaw in this machine. I have given it plenty of time and have tried to talk myself to liking it but when you have to wash the white loads at least 3 times to get them clean and still not getting the results expected then its time to admit to yourself that I made a mistake.The large capacity drum is an irrelevant because once the clothes are wet they become too heavy for the drum base to actually agitate the clothes. What ends up actually happening is your wet clothes sit in a pile. The user tends to scale the loads back to help the machine. The above problem is partly due to the fact that the machine NEVER fills up the drum with enough water to submerge the clothes where perhaps they would be able to move freely with the base agitator and the drum rotating. This model was marketed as water conserving however we find ourselves washing loads 2-4 times to achieve the desired outcome. Conserving water at this point is a joke... we end up using more water and energy to get a load of clothes clean.Bleach dispenser does not empty completely during the white cycle even when less than recommended measurements are used. If a load of whites needs to be washed we have to wash with bleach on the 1st go, and then 2 more cycles without bleach. Otherwise anything washed after the whites gets spots of bleach on them. For these and many more reasons this machine should NOT be on the market and especially not for over $800 USD! And I would not want this product to represent US production. It does not deliver on any of its selling points and is overpriced.
Publicado: November 14, 2016
viktoria of Upland, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had six service calls, one was a few months after purchase when under war
I had six service calls, one was a few months after purchase when under warranty for loud noise. I bought it in 08 and since then during the last 6 months, its freezing in the refrigerator. Service person is upset. I contacted corporate and they do not care and told me I should have bought their warranty. Yes, they had to be here when it was under warranty. Still freezing, they played with air hoses, replaced the temp panel and did everything they can, with no results. Theyre giving it one more try and it is going to be hooked up to the Silverado and put on I-75 with a sign on it. Do not buy from this company. Terrible service. I emailed CEO and no response. I just tossed a tomato and strawberry on the tile floor. Yes, buy American. They moved their plant from Indiana (union) to I think TN for non-union. Well, get what you pay for and the employees get what they are paid for. I work in the building business and everyone knows not to buy this product! Just throwing your money away. One good thing is if you like frozen beverages, this is the product to buy! Never again! Receipts in hand! Romney probably owns the stock! LOL
Publicado: February 15, 2013
Susan of Fort Myers, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Comprado lavavajillas Maytag en 2,2012. 10,2015 lavavajillas dejó de funci
Comprado lavavajillas Maytag en 2,2012. 10,2015 lavavajillas dejó de funcionar. Mi marido trató de reemplazar la placa base, sin embargo, lavavajillas completamente hecho. ¡Llamó a Maytag y dijeron que enviarían una empresa de reparación a su cargo, sin embargo, el servicio de reparación llamó para verificar la cita y nos dijo cuánto nos costaría! Maytag no tenía intención de pagar la factura incluso después de haber dicho que lo harían. Volví a llamar a Maytag y me dijeron que la otra persona del servicio de atención al cliente estaba equivocada. Ahora, comprar otro lavavajillas sólo después de 3,5 años.
Publicado: October 14, 2015
Jayma of Oak Ridge, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just purchased this Maytag Commercial Technology Washer and Dryer on Augu
I just purchased this Maytag Commercial Technology Washer and Dryer on August 31st, 2018 and We hooked it up today Sept 4th 2018. I put a small load of towels in this machine and it said it would take an hour and thirty seven minutes to wash. I added my detergent and pressed all of the necessary buttons and started the load. the machine started spinning and testing and adjusting. I waited to hear the water start to come into the washer but nothing. I then checked my water lines thinking they are not on but they were. Through the smokey glass on the washing machine, I could see water dripping as if it is hooked up to a slow drip IV Machine.I am taking this thing back ASAP!!! First thing in the morning on Sept 5th 2018 I do not need to call Maytag Customer Service because they know it is a piece of junk, so I do not need to waste a moment with this crap on my property. I see Maytag does not believe in a QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT because that department would put a stamp of approval on this Junk for distribution.No Washing machine should take more than 30 minutes (40 mins max) to wash no clothes. I will have to invest in an old school scrub board and rocks, then I can understand an hour and thirty minutes worth of wash time. I have set the timer on my phone when I started this load and My towels have been in the washer for an hour so far and I can still hear the slow IV DRIP OF WATER going. I just checked the machine and the digital reading is saying it has an hour and thirty three minutes to go. there is no water in the tub of this washing machine. The towels are wet from the IV drip and the machine is now pretending to agitate the dirty towels but it is only going in one direction. It is truly a sad state of affairs, your hard earned money gets you nothing but junk and a runaround.
Publicado: September 5, 2018
Rita of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag MHWE450 washer - Purchased this front load washer/Dryer and pedestal
Maytag MHWE450 washer - Purchased this front load washer/Dryer and pedestals 12-1-2011. The bearings are so loud when it spins that you cant hear anything. You have to replace the whole tub to fix it with no directions anywhere on how to do it. I had a Maytag top load washer for 15 years before this. They worked perfectly when I sold them. I thought these would be a great purchase for a lot longer than 2 years.
Publicado: March 24, 2014
Cindy of Jacksonville, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un frigorífico Maytag MSD2553WEW00 el 27 de febrero de 2011 en Hom
Compré un frigorífico Maytag MSD2553WEW00 el 27 de febrero de 2011 en Home Depot. Empezó a usarlo en julio de 2012 al terminar la construcción de la casa. En febrero de 2014, después de menos de dos años de servicio, el refrigerador estaba funcionando pero ya no enfriaba. Tras el gasto de varias sustituciones de piezas y una llamada al servicio técnico, se determinó que el compresor había fallado. A diferencia de la mayoría de los fabricantes, Maytag no garantizaba el compresor y el sistema cerrado más allá de 12 meses. El frigorífico parece nuevo, pero el coste de la reparación es prohibitivo en relación con la compra de otro frigorífico nuevo. Nos pusimos en contacto con Maytag pero no nos ayudaron.
Publicado: December 31, 2014
Jerry of San Francisco, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

No agita lo suficiente para mover la ropa. No pone suficiente agua en la ba
No agita lo suficiente para mover la ropa. No pone suficiente agua en la bañera, incluso en el llenado profundo apenas llega a la parte superior de la ropa. Lavé una camisa 3 veces yo mismo para quitarle el barro seco. Las 3 veces se lavó sola. La ropa no queda tan limpia como en las lavadoras antiguas que tenían buena agitación y el agitador que era más grande que el de estas nuevas. Y el agua. Necesitamos agua. No tratamos de limpiar en seco. E incluso eso se hace con un líquido que cubre totalmente la ropa y se mueve mejor que esta basura que tengo ahora... Buscando una lavadora vieja para reemplazar esta... ODIO ODIO ODIO ESTA LAVADORA.
Publicado: February 12, 2019
Margaret of Spokane, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Leaked and leaked, spent hundreds on never ending problems from day one. No
Leaked and leaked, spent hundreds on never ending problems from day one. No support from Maytag. I was told by Sears salesman it was the best you could buy. Our old washer lasted 30 years. This one never worked right - dead at 5 years. Shame on Maytag.
Publicado: September 24, 2014
mike of Hemet, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag centennial washing machine - I am pretty good as a mechanic or this
Maytag centennial washing machine - I am pretty good as a mechanic or this machine would sit unused. Purchased in 2/15 at lowes. Poor installation. Then the machine... I hooked it up properly and ran it with extra load setting to see the machine develop a life all its own. The sheet metal breathed in and out like the chest of an old man running uphill. Lower exit hose not properly installed leaked on floor so I put on a new adjustable clip. Machine can only handle small loads. While it does wash clothes (it is a washing machine!) it requires close supervision in size of load. The machine needs a plumbing bang pressure gauge or you are likely to blow out your water pipes. It sounds like there are a bunch of people walking the machine with ball peen hammers. Who cares, but they were made in America and moved to Mexico. They should need visas to get back in. Absolute junk.
Publicado: November 5, 2015
Richard of Marlboro, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Nos mudamos a una casa nueva y la lavadora GE murió después de la primera
Nos mudamos a una casa nueva y la lavadora GE murió después de la primera semana, luego el reemplazo Whirlpool murió después de dos semanas. Decidimos probar la Maytag que nos dieron en la tienda por 50 dólares más que la Whirlpool. Funciona como un campeón. Al menos dos cargas de ropa al día, todos los días y a veces los fines de semana. La ropa sale perfecta, no se daña y la máquina es silenciosa.
Publicado: May 15, 2020
Tony of Summerville, S.C.
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Problemas con el lavavajillas Maytag, comprado en Sears Canadá El modelo M
Problemas con el lavavajillas Maytag, comprado en Sears Canadá El modelo MDB7749S tiene sólo un par de años, y como tal ya no está en garantía. Este lavavajillas tiene menos de 3 años. Tanto el interior como el exterior es de acero inoxidable y parece prácticamente nuevo. El coste de las piezas y la mano de obra para la reparación asciende a más de lo que costaría un lavavajillas nuevo; esto es inaceptable. Mal diseño. Poco valor comparado con el coste. Primer problema: las ruedas de la rejilla inferior se caen porque el pasador de plástico que sujeta las ruedas de plástico en la rejilla se cae, no dejando ninguna forma de sujetar las ruedas en la rejilla. Segundo problema: diseño defectuoso del asa de la puerta integrada y del panel de control en la cara exterior de la puerta. El panel de control se sale del panel de la cubierta frontal cuando se tira de la puerta para abrirla. Estoy de acuerdo con otro crítico que escribió: El diseño de la placa frontal es defectuoso ya que se aplica demasiada fuerza a la placa frontal al abrir la unidad. El asa está integrada en la placa frontal. El plástico utilizado se vuelve frágil con el tiempo y se rompe. La unidad de panel (W10811169) debe ser sustituida en su totalidad, en lugar de sólo su carcasa, lo que aumenta el coste de la reparación. Que este fallo se produzca en los primeros 3 años de uso es muy prematuro. Sólo puedo suponer que si reparo el lavavajillas volveré a tener el mismo problema. Estoy considerando la posibilidad de comprar un nuevo modelo que esté mejor diseñado y que tenga una garantía más larga en dichas piezas.
Publicado: December 26, 2016
Colleen of New Westminster, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Es un modelo de ahorro de agua, por lo que para aclarar realmente la ropa d
Es un modelo de ahorro de agua, por lo que para aclarar realmente la ropa del jabón del ciclo de lavado hay que darle un aclarado extra, que la máquina ha puesto a disposición. Así que no sé cuánta agua ahorra realmente.
Publicado: February 8, 2019
Richard of Montpelier Station, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré esta lavadora hace unos 6 meses y parece que la ropa no está limpi
Compré esta lavadora hace unos 6 meses y parece que la ropa no está limpia y tengo marcas en los pantalones de vestir y la ropa blanca está muy sucia. Nunca he tenido cosas blancas que no se mantuvieran blancas. Sinceramente, no volvería a comprar este tipo de lavadora. En realidad espero que haya una manera de cambiar al menos el nivel de agua. La verdad es que es una lavadora que no me gusta nada, pero si que me gusta mucho. No creo que la lejia llegue a la ropa.
Publicado: February 1, 2019
Wendy of Westerly, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré mi aparato en Lowes en 2012. He tenido al menos 8 llamadas de servi
Compré mi aparato en Lowes en 2012. He tenido al menos 8 llamadas de servicio, la unidad NUNCA ha funcionado como se diseñó. Hay fugas de agua por dentro y por fuera. El calentador de la puerta de la máquina de hielo tuvo que ser reemplazado. Los motores de los ventiladores han fallado, los tubos de agua se han roto. La temperatura no se mantiene constante, se congelan los artículos de mi frigorífico, se rompen las botellas de bebidas y las latas. Este aparato, antes silencioso, hace 3 veces más ruido que cuando lo compré. Estoy tan frustrado! $ 2.000 para el aparato, $ 700 de su bolsillo para las reparaciones hasta la fecha, $ $ en alimentos perdidos, $ $ en mi tiempo para limpiar el moho, el agua, las bebidas explotó, no se puede poner un $ $ en la vergüenza cuando la familia, amigos utilizan. ¿Cuál es el peligro potencial para mí y mi familia cuando el moho está en la unidad y el agua se filtra en los artículos abiertos del refrigerador? Próxima reparación programada de mi técnico de reparación autorizado de fábrica? 10,29,2013.
Publicado: October 28, 2013
Steve of Plainwell, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré una lavadora comercial Maytag - era cara pero me encantó el hecho
Compré una lavadora comercial Maytag - era cara pero me encantó el hecho de que tuviera mandos giratorios y sólo una función fuera electrónica ya que encuentro que la electrónica es lo que más falla. Aguanta mucha ropa y la deja muy limpia. ¡¡¡Me encanta!!!
Publicado: May 24, 2020
Sherry of Trochu. ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Maytag Quiet Series 300 about 6 or 7 years ago. About January t
I bought my Maytag Quiet Series 300 about 6 or 7 years ago. About January this year the clean light quit working but the dishwasher was still doing its job. Every once in a while the clean light would come on again and then go away. I did not worry about this as the dishwasher was still working despite the absent clean light. I did call Maytag and told them about this. I believe I even asked if they (customer service rep.) had heard about this and was told no. Last Friday the start button no longer works which means the dishwasher will not function. Some of the other lights/buttons work but not start or clean. I have dealt with Maytag repair service/customer service before about my Maytag washer. I know they are not much help and I always end up paying a lot of money. I am not interested in calling a Maytag repair person in and paying from what 300.00 to 400.00 dollars to get it fixed. Past experience of others seem to prove that it will break down again. Last Maytag appliance that I will ever buy. I used to be a loyal customer. I want to join the class action suit. Please tell me how I can join.
Publicado: June 2, 2014
Carol of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag topwasher 2011 model MVWB300WQ2, SERIAL C11271134 - Im from the old
Maytag topwasher 2011 model MVWB300WQ2, SERIAL C11271134 - Im from the old school, expecting to get my money worth. I purchased a Maytag Bravos automatic washer in 2011, now less than 5 years later, it has a very loud knocking noise during the draining and spin cycles.
Publicado: January 26, 2015
Cynthia of Kennedale, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a Maytag fridge/freezer model number MFF2557 10403089ER. The freezer
I have a Maytag fridge/freezer model number MFF2557 10403089ER. The freezer keeps going out. The repairman replaced the computer board called a jazz board stating that the bulbs in the fridge part are too close to the board and the heat can cause the board to short out. He suggested switching bulbs to 25 watts which cannot be found for fridges. The freezer continues to go out and sometimes restarts itself or by flipping the breaker switch, brings it back. In the meantime, food is ruined. Yesterday, he put a new starter relay on the compressor stating that this series of fridge/ freezer has had a problem with the compressor and Maytag will not take responsibility for this. There is no recall at this time and we are waiting to see if this corrects the problem or if the freezer will continue to go out. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Publicado: June 17, 2012
Joann of Canby, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our Maytag Bravos Top loader with no agitator is headed to the junk pile af
Our Maytag Bravos Top loader with no agitator is headed to the junk pile after 1.5 years of BAD service. I honestly believe that whoever writes a good review on this machine is NOT an actual owner. Lets start with how it NEVER cleaned our clothes... The washer uses barely enough water to get the clothes wet. Soap remains in the clothes so the family is constantly itchy! If you add 3 additional rinse cycles, its still not nearly enough to get out the detergent and youre left asking yourself, What about the HIGH EFFICIENCY???? Next theres the issue of the water never being hot ENOUGH to kill bacteria (were back to the itchy thing). Its suppose to be an energy saver, but at what expense? Its not QUIET like promised (well maybe for the first few months). But upon opening the lid, you realize it was quiet because not a lot was happening to get the clothes clean. Now lets talk about the horrible smell... I dont know where its coming from... It occurs during the wash cycle and smells almost like a natural gas type odor. This is NOT because the washer wasnt cleaned once per month! Maybe its the bright orange RUST near the bleach dispenser or all along the inside rim of the lid... Remember its ONLY 1 and 1/2 years old. Before I get to the ISSUE that finally did this machine in... I have to mention the machines UNEVEN load response.. Brace yourself, it sounds like 1000 tribal drums... and if you dont readjust the 200 lb water logged load, it will just keep on filling up with water and draining indefinitely (so dont leave the house if youre washing jeans, blankets or sheets!). The FINALE of our machine is what I kind of always suspected it would be... the lid lock!!!! One day it stopped in the middle of a cycle and the door remained locked... After unplugging and retrying, the door unlocked, the buttons all worked, but the machine will not fill up with water or start a cycle. To be honest... I am so GRATEFUL! I get to buy a new machine and although Im pretty pissed that the machine died after just 1.5 years, we can finally have CLEAN clothes again, peaceful laundry days and get rid of the ITCHIES!!!! Bye bye FOREVER Maytag!!!!!!
Publicado: March 7, 2014
Susan of Macomb, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought Maytag dishwasher model number MDB894995BB3 serial # F41103073. Abou
Bought Maytag dishwasher model number MDB894995BB3 serial # F41103073. About 2 months out of warranty the control panel went bad. Contacted Maytag. After quite some time they agreed to pay for parts. After some more conversation they also agreed to pay service and labor. This was on the first day of August and Maytag scheduled a repairman for the sixth of August. When he arrived spent five minutes and said he had to order parts. The control panel I had already told them was bad. Now here I sit waiting for part to arrive. No more Maytag or Whirlpool for me.
Publicado: August 6, 2015
Don of Louisville, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband and I bought a Bravo XL washer in the fall of 2015. I certainly
My husband and I bought a Bravo XL washer in the fall of 2015. I certainly wish we had read the reviews on this site of this product. We would have saved ourselves a lot of money and grief. This machine does not clean clothes and actually damages them during the spin cycle as reported by others. This low water no agitator technology does not work on a top loader. Stuff doesnt come clean! Im not sure what we are going to do but we learned a valuable lesson the hard way. We purchased this machine in September of 2015 and are unhappy with it!
Publicado: December 26, 2015
Margaret of Westfield, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo la estufa Maytag Gemini de doble horno y 5 quemadores. Es genial. Uti
Tengo la estufa Maytag Gemini de doble horno y 5 quemadores. Es genial. Utilizo más el horno pequeño que el grande. Las vacaciones y la cocina son mucho más agradables con mi horno de gama. El pavo puede cocinarse en el horno inferior mientras los pasteles se hornean en el horno superior más pequeño. Hace tiempo que tengo mi cocina y no he tenido ni un solo problema con ella.
Publicado: March 26, 2020
Janet of Newark, DE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my Bravos washer and dryer in Sept. 2010. What a mistake! The d
I purchased my Bravos washer and dryer in Sept. 2010. What a mistake! The dryer is okay but the washer is a nightmare! The repairman and I are on a first name basis. The last time he was here, he showed me how to recalibrate my washing machine. It stops working in the wash cycle, fills with water and then sits there. I have to manually drain it and start over. Then it gets confused and fills with water when it is supposed to be spinning and draining (consequently draining my well). I shouldnt have to recalibrate anything in life, much less, a brand new washing machine.
Publicado: September 12, 2011
Virginia of South Wales, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased both a Maytag Neptune washer and dryer in 2007. This is without
I purchased both a Maytag Neptune washer and dryer in 2007. This is without a doubt one of the biggest mistake I have made. I have had the dryer drum and rollers replaced and the washer will no longer run. It is going to cost me hundreds of dollars to repair. To think I bought these units for 2 reasons: 1. that Maytag are the dependability people, but its not! and 2. Energy efficiency. It is not too efficient when they are broken more than they work. The worst was when the repairman told me that I had purchased the worst product on the market. These units are in short, garbage! I will never buy another Maytag Product!
Publicado: November 29, 2011
Michael of Duncansville, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un frigorífico en 2012 en Home Depot (el modelo es algo así como
Compré un frigorífico en 2012 en Home Depot (el modelo es algo así como MBF1953YEB -¿qué triste es que ahora tenga memorizado este número?) Congelador demasiado frío, refrigerador demasiado caliente. Los conductos de aire del congelador están congelados. Intenté descongelar manualmente dos veces según las sugerencias de YouTube. Finalmente me lo repararon por 400 dólares. Eso es casi la mitad de lo que pagué por él. Un reparador proponente me detuvo a mitad de la frase cuando dije Maytag diciendo: Yo sé lo que es. El tablero de la computadora (¿Jazz?) necesitaba ser reemplazado por $217. Acabo de buscar Maytag para ver que fue comprado en 2006 por Whirlpool. Así que no voy a comprar más electrodomésticos Maytag o Whirlpool.
Publicado: July 22, 2015
Dee of Albany, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me encanta el hecho de que no hay agitador en esta máquina. Da mucho espac
Me encanta el hecho de que no hay agitador en esta máquina. Da mucho espacio al lavar edredones voluminosos. También me encanta la gran cantidad de ajustes para el tamaño de la carga y los ajustes de suciedad. El inconveniente de esta lavadora es que se nos ha estropeado dos veces en los 2 años que llevamos comprándola. La bomba se ha estropeado las dos veces. Por desgracia, parece que vamos a comprar una nueva lavadora en un futuro próximo porque ha surgido otro problema mecánico.
Publicado: May 9, 2020
Tammy of Pembroke, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré mi nevera en mayo de 2012. Nuevo en Home Depot. Tiene menos de 3 a
Compré mi nevera en mayo de 2012. Nuevo en Home Depot. Tiene menos de 3 años. Ahora no funciona. No compré una garantía extendida. Nunca pensé que en menos de 3 años mi nevera dejaría de funcionar. Llamé a Maytag y la primera pregunta que me hicieron fue sobre la garantía. Así que supe que estaba jodido. Así que, básicamente, por 300 dólares vendrían a arreglar el problema. Sólo pagué 800 dólares por el frigorífico. Estoy perdido en cuanto a por qué en 3 años mi frigorífico está roto? No tiene sentido para mí. Así que le pagué a un técnico 100 dólares para que me dijera lo que estaba mal. El evaporador tiene una fuga. Está goteando. Así que el evaporador está mal y no puedo arreglarlo yo mismo. Así que por otros 300 dólares lo arreglarían, así que un total de 400 dólares en un frigorífico de 800 dólares.Estoy cabreado. Recuerdo que mis padres tuvieron un frigorífico durante más de 25 años. Por qué Maytag no se hace responsable de su problema. Los productos que compramos deberían durar más de 3 años. Es sólo una forma de conseguir que compremos otro producto. Así que no hace falta decir que soy un cliente cabreado. Así que que comience el envío de correos electrónicos y cartas.
Publicado: February 12, 2015
Michael of Griffin, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo este frigorífico desde hace menos de 3 años. Hace poco empezó a go
Tengo este frigorífico desde hace menos de 3 años. Hace poco empezó a gotear agua en el suelo y en toda la parte inferior del congelador. El técnico dijo que es un defecto del diseño del desagüe de descongelación. Cree que Maytag podría haberlo cambiado desde que compré el mío, pero no lo sé. Originalmente utilizaban una pequeña válvula de goma; el técnico dijo que se obstruía con mucha facilidad (aunque yo pasaba la aspiradora con regularidad y no tenía mascotas). El reemplazó esa parte con algo robusto que se parece a una trampa de p. Busqué en Internet y hay muchas quejas sobre este mismo problema de obstrucción del desagüe del descongelador. Me costó 250 dólares repararlo. Llamé a Maytag para pedir el reembolso y, por supuesto, no quieren hacer nada porque está fuera de garantía. Es una pena que Maytag no respalde sus productos. Ya que somos muchos los que tenemos este problema, ¿no se puede hacer algo?
Publicado: June 7, 2015
Mary Jane of Lincoln, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Yesterday, the main compartment of the refrigerator is not cooling. The fr
Yesterday, the main compartment of the refrigerator is not cooling. The freezer still is working. This unit is 2.5 years old! I have never bought an extended warranty before, but on day one, this unit hardly ever shut off. It didnt seem like the electric bill was any higher but never felt good about the unit. Plus, I hated the ice cubes all over the floor when I pulled out the lower drawer. The monitoring device is in the roof of the fridge and takes up a lot of square footage. Nope, will never buy another Maytag. If their products cant last more the at least eight years, then it is such a waste of our money. Do better! Im writing Consumer Report and the President of the company. Who replaces all the food loss?
Publicado: February 12, 2012
Louise of Seattle , WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The bleach dispenser will dispense bleach BUT it is full of water after eac
The bleach dispenser will dispense bleach BUT it is full of water after each use. The dispenser is flushed with water by the machine at the engineered time in the cycle. The warranty service companies want me to pay around $300 ($100 + $70/ hr) for them to work on it. I have to use a measuring cup and pour water into the dispenser until it begins to siphon out. Stop pouring, and the dispenser will be empty for the next addition of bleach. The washer is allowing water to partially fill the dispenser AFTER the bleach has been flushed/siphoned out into the load of clothes. If the flush water were completely shut off after flushing operation, the dispenser should be empty.
Publicado: April 9, 2016
Roger of Wilmington, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

First of all, the hoses that came with my washer leaked and were cheap made
First of all, the hoses that came with my washer leaked and were cheap made. My husband put the hoses from my old washing machine on the Maytag. Then, I hadnt had my Maytag washing machine but about two months when I had a problem with the mixer. I had to turn the hot water connection off in order to wash in cold water. When I called the store to explain the situation and ask if they had their own serviceman, the person I talked to made me feel like a complete idiot. He said in his twenty something years of selling Maytags, he had never heard of such a thing. Anyway, when a serviceman finally came, he also had to replace another part due to a recall. Now, my washer is right at four years old and is leaking from under it. My husband checked the hoses, and they are not the problem. I bought a Maytag thinking I was buying the top of the line but I guess I was wrong. I will not buy another one nor recommend them.
Publicado: April 5, 2012
Susan of Pollock, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Nuestra lavadora tiene 3 años. Hace aproximadamente un año empezamos a ve
Nuestra lavadora tiene 3 años. Hace aproximadamente un año empezamos a ver grietas en la tapa de plástico en las esquinas inferiores junto a las bisagras. Ahora se han hecho enormes y se rompen trozos de plástico cada vez que lavamos la ropa. Maytag (bajo la marca Whirlpool) no nos va a cambiar la tapa. Hemos pagado 130 dólares para que venga un técnico y confirme lo que ya sabíamos: que necesitamos una tapa nueva. Y ahora las piezas y la mano de obra costarán más de 550 dólares. Hemos llamado al servicio de atención al cliente varias veces y hemos hablado con un supervisor y lo mejor que pueden ofrecernos es pagar la pieza, lo que nos deja pagando más de 400 dólares de nuestro bolsillo para reparar una lavadora de 600 dólares. Esto parece ser un problema común y está en todo Google, pero Maytag no está dispuesto a ayudar a sus clientes.
Publicado: May 7, 2021
Michele of Hazlet, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased the Legacy series washer and dryer from Home Depot in 2005. For
I purchased the Legacy series washer and dryer from Home Depot in 2005. For the first 3 years, the washer worked fine. Since then, it has all been downhill. When I use bleach, I have to run an empty load because for whatever reason, the bleach goes through to the next load which has resulted in a number of ruined clothes. The wash cycle leaves clothes dirty and some even come out partially dry?! The rinse cycle does not always work as more times than not, the fabric softener is still in the dispenser cup. The spin cycle is getting worse with each load. Sometimes I reset the spin cycle as many as three times at which point I hand wring the clothes. This creates a strain on the dryer as I have to run it extra long to dry the clothes. I am more disappointed than I can say. I will never purchase anything Maytag again and I will not purchase from the company who makes Maytag products.
Publicado: March 14, 2013
Connie of Avon, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré 4 electrodomésticos: cocina, frigorífico, lavavajillas y microond
Compré 4 electrodomésticos: cocina, frigorífico, lavavajillas y microondas. Justo después de un año, nuestro lavavajillas dejó de funcionar. El servicio técnico dijo que era la placa base. Tuve que hablar con un supervisor en el servicio de atención al cliente para que lo cubrieran y descubrí que sólo era un interruptor el que estaba mal. A continuación, nuestra máquina de hielo se desbordó de agua, causando daños en nuestro nuevo suelo de madera. De nuevo, tuve que hablar con un supervisor para que lo cubriera y no presenté una reclamación por el suelo. Luego, nuestra estufa se apagó. El reparador descubrió que un cable estaba metido en la caja superior, lo que hizo que quedara expuesto y provocó un cortocircuito en el sistema. Ahora, 2 años y 4 meses, nuestro microondas no calienta y tengo que llamar al servicio técnico. Esta era una cocina nueva que fue remodelada y todos los electrodomésticos eran nuevos.Estoy muy disgustada con los productos Maytag y su actitud de Lo sentimos, pero no hay nada que podamos hacer ya que la garantía ha expirado. Los productos Maytag solían tener 3 años de garantía hasta que los compraron. Nunca volveré a comprar sus productos. Llevamos 40 años casados, y nuestros otros electrodomésticos durante 38 años nunca han fallado y para encontrar que estos productos se fabrican en los Estados Unidos.
Publicado: October 12, 2012
Joseph of Elma, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tenemos un lavavajillas de 3 años que ha dejado de funcionar. Primero no s
Tenemos un lavavajillas de 3 años que ha dejado de funcionar. Primero no se encendieron algunas de las luces del panel de control y ahora sólo se enciende una y no arranca. Maytag estaría mejor servido para seguir con los antiguos interruptores mecánicos y ajustes si no puede fabricar paneles de control electrónicos fiables.
Publicado: July 23, 2014
H of Leesburg, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Maytag Bravo is a big waste of money. Get a less expensive machine. You
The Maytag Bravo is a big waste of money. Get a less expensive machine. You will have no problems and save money. This is my experience: SETTINGSYou cannot control the settings completely. Every setting is preset. For example, if you choose the Bulky setting, you cannot choose the water save spray rinse. Those two cannot be selected together. Certain settings can only be selected with certain temperatures. This will however be the least of your problems. WASHINGIt does not get clothes clean. I have had instances of items coming out with still stuff stuck to them, not just stains, but actual solid material stuck to it. My cat threw up in his bed and when I got it out, it still had small pieces of vomit stuck to it. I have always only used the Bulky setting which fills up the whole drum, so there is sufficient water to wash. I cannot imagine what it would be like if I used the Normal setting. Many times I had to wash thing twice. If you use the normal setting, you will get hardly any water. It will be a moist bundle of clothes moving like a big lump. You need water and some degree of friction to eliminate the dirt. SPINNINGIt is constantly stopping, beeping and showing me the UL sign (uneven load). You have to unravel the items and reposition them Around the drum. If you are an old lady like me, this is a real chore because the items are now soaking wet and very heavy. Also, because there is no agitator, the items come out in knots (tied to one another) and you have to separate them. DURABILITYThe lid is loose. It looks like it may be missing a screw on one side. It still locks, but it moves sideways when you close it and open it. BOTTOM LINEThe whole thing is a disaster. Get an old fashion type. It will work better and you can save your money. I honestly think there should be a class action suit against Maytag.
Publicado: July 12, 2014
Gwendalina of Pacifica, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

3 years ago, we purchased all new Maytag appliances for our home. Within on
3 years ago, we purchased all new Maytag appliances for our home. Within one year, we had issues with the top load refrigerator getting warm and the bottom load freezer getting extremely cold. After calling Maytag and getting horrible customer service (long wait on the phone, no supportive/suggestive advice, rude representative), we were given a phone number for a local Maytag repair man who charged $300 just to walk into the house.He was literally in and then out of our house within 10 minutes. His advice was to unplug and defrost the refrigerator for 24 hours. Thankfully, his suggestion worked, but should have been given to us as a troubleshooter by the representative on the phone with Maytag.We have had to unplug and defrost the refrigerator about every 3 weeks since. It has become very annoying and stressful. There is obviously a defect in the refrigerator that should be replaced by Maytag! I will never buy a Maytag product again.
Publicado: August 15, 2011
Tatiana of Cedar Grove, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Model# MVWC200BW1 bought in 2015 tangles/stretches clothing. This machine i
Model# MVWC200BW1 bought in 2015 tangles/stretches clothing. This machine is/has been a true disappointment. The agitator wings are not attached at bottom allowing clothing to get caught and as the agitator turns, so does the clothing causing stretching and severe tangling. Poor design compared to the agitator that would rise and fall - those got clothing clean and did not ruin them. I cannot trust this machine to moderately cost clothing for fear of their demise. The lock-down mode is not convenient for those last minute added items. Will not be buying Maytag/Whirlpool ever again when another machine is purchased. This is a piece of rubbish!
Publicado: April 19, 2019
Sue of Boulder, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased new Neptune stacks in 2002 and had several service calls on our e
Purchased new Neptune stacks in 2002 and had several service calls on our expense and we noticed the hinges on the washer door were rusting! Ordered new ones from dealer but rust continues and has spread to top of machine over the bleach dispenser. The metal is falling off! Bad rust on the inside lip under door also. I contacted Maytag when I first noticed rust and they blew me off so I contacted the local dealer we bought from and they did nothing to help. Will never buy Maytag again and have not recommended it to anyone else either. ModelINGooZES. Serial: 51867064AJ.
Publicado: April 29, 2015
ginny of Glenfield, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Maytag Centennial - HE Energy Star Washer from the local Home
I purchased a Maytag Centennial - HE Energy Star Washer from the local Home Depot on Guam.... Probably the worst clothes washer I ever purchased. I typically buy a Whirlpool brand for many of my appliances of which I have always been satisfied with the products. I understand that Whirlpool is now the new principal owners of Maytag. I bought the Maytag for my new second home which I have moved into as my primary residence. Great ads on TV that promote the Maytag product line but the product fails miserably in performance. From the day I purchased the washer, my wife, kids, and I visibly noticed the laundry doesnt get as clean as my previous washers, it takes longer to wash a load of laundry no matter what is the preferred setting, the irritating hum is deafening in my laundry room, now the washer has malfunctioned and doesnt cycle through properly, leaving the clothes either unwashed or wet... I do not know who is your servicing agent or center on Guam and I am debating to repair it or just dispose of it. I can tell you now... MAYTAG... NEVER AGAIN. Now I know why the Maytag Repairman is so lonely.... I wouldnt bother to repair it. I hope these issues do not filter down to your Whirlpool products. That Samsung is looking pretty attractive right now. I bought one of their dishwashers that is doing a pretty good job right now.... Guess what? There was a Maytag next to it that I didnt even look at.
Publicado: January 12, 2016
Caesar of Hagatna, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Apparently the Maytag Bravos HE top loading washer is poorly designed. We h
Apparently the Maytag Bravos HE top loading washer is poorly designed. We have sparingly used this washer for approx 3 years and it began to make a horrible noise in the spin cycle and then to give us UL error codes. After searching on the internet we discovered that the seal around the main spin shaft and the bearings were bad. Inspection under the machine revealed a terrible rust and grease spot and splatters of rust and grease on underside of unit. This is a typical problem and this machine should have been recalled or at the very least repaired by Maytag for little if any cost. They now make a kit to fix this problem, but this should not happen after only 2-4 years of use on a $700+ machine. Very, very disappointed with Maytag! Customer service, of course, offered us nothing as pathetic 1 year warranty was expired. Ten year on the tub, like anything will go wrong with that.
Publicado: May 30, 2015
David of Wilmington, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me encanta mi lavadora Maytag. Es genial tener una tapa transparente para p
Me encanta mi lavadora Maytag. Es genial tener una tapa transparente para poder ver la ropa que se está lavando. Además de las características, realmente limpia mi ropa. ¡Me sorprendió la cantidad de manchas que se quitan con solo lavarlas!
Publicado: May 9, 2020
Roberta of Stockton, California
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Maytag dryer MEDC215EW - This dryer does not dry the clothes without many w
Maytag dryer MEDC215EW - This dryer does not dry the clothes without many wrinkles. Sheets just ball up with the inner sheet a mass of wrinkles. Small loads just flop from top to the bottom of the dryer, falling in clumps. I have gone back to having to ironing. Very disturbing!!! I would not recommend this dryer to anyone.
Publicado: September 25, 2015
Jennifer of Elkhorn, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Este frigorífico ha sido mi peor pesadilla hecha realidad. Todo lo que exi
Este frigorífico ha sido mi peor pesadilla hecha realidad. Todo lo que existe se congela: ensaladas, tomates, bayas, cerezas, leche, agua, etc. Nunca más compraré un producto Maytag. El servicio técnico es inexistente.
Publicado: August 23, 2020
Teresa of Appomattox, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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