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Toyota Accesorios
Toyota Accesorios

Toyota Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

Toyota Motor Corporation es un fabricante de automóviles multinacional japonés con sede en Toyota City, Aichi, Japón. Fue fundada por Kiichiro Toyoda y se incorporó el 28 de agosto de 1937. Toyota es uno de los fabricantes de automóviles más grandes del mundo, y produce alrededor de 10 millones de vehículos por año.

Automovil Solución de problemas

No todos los coches tienen un fusible que esté conectado al sistema de arranque, pero una simple comprobación de los fusibles puede descartar esta causa rápidamente.

Si las conexiones de su baterĂ­a se corroen, ya no hay conexiĂłn con el resto del coche. Esto puede impedir el arranque. Limpie los bornes e intente arrancar el coche.
Además, la batería puede estar muerta. Tome un probador de baterías y pruebe los amperios de arranque para ver si son débiles. Si no tiene un comprobador de baterías, puede probarlo arrancando el vehículo. Si arranca enseguida, la batería está mal y hay que cambiarla. Sustitúyala y limpie las conexiones.

Interruptor de encendido
Si la baterĂ­a funciona, pero todavĂ­a no puede arrancar su vehĂ­culo, puede ser el interruptor de encendido. Encienda la llave y busque las luces rojas de advertencia en su tablero. Si no hay luces y la baterĂ­a funciona, el interruptor de encendido podrĂ­a ser el culpable.
Si tiene luces en el tablero, gire la llave para arrancar y vea si las luces se apagan en el tablero. Si las luces se apagan, su interruptor de encendido está bien.

ConexiĂłn del motor de arranque
La corrosión en el motor de arranque puede impedir que el coche arranque. Para comprobar la conexión, coloque un cable de prueba en el cable de arranque. Será el más pequeño de los dos cables. Manténgase alejado de las piezas móviles del motor y haga que alguien gire la llave. Compruebe la corriente en el motor de arranque. Si el motor de arranque tiene corriente pero no gira, entonces debe reemplazar el motor de arranque. Si el motor de arranque está bien, entonces el problema está en otra parte.
Es posible que no tenga chispa, asĂ­ que el siguiente lugar para comprobar es el sistema de encendido.

Prueba la bobina de encendido con un multímetro y si está mal, cámbiala.

CapuchĂłn del distribuidor
Retire el capuchón y compruebe si hay humedad en él. Aunque probablemente no sea el problema, siempre es bueno comprobar si hay grietas o humedad. Sécalo y vuelve a colocarlo o sustitúyelo si está agrietado. Vea si el coche arranca.
NOTA: La mayorĂ­a de los vehĂ­culos nuevos no tienen tapa de distribuidor.

Cable de la bobina
Un cable de la bobina roto o en cortocircuito puede impedir que su vehículo arranque. Mire el cable para asegurarse de que no está agrietado o dividido. Utilice un probador de circuitos para comprobar la continuidad.

Conexiones eléctricas
Su sistema de inyección de combustible tiene muchas conexiones eléctricas. Están conectadas en la parte superior, en el lado del aire de admisión y en las cabezas de los cilindros. Si hay una conexión, revísela.

Bomba de combustible y relé
Su sistema de combustible necesita ser probado a presión y si tiene el equipo, entonces pruébelo. Utilice un probador de circuitos para comprobar todas las conexiones eléctricas de la bomba de combustible. Gire la llave a ON. Si ve una corriente, entonces no es la bomba. Si no hay corriente, compruebe el fusible. Si tiene un fusible bueno, entonces reemplace el relé de la bomba de combustible.

Toyota Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

Toyota problemas de electrodomésticos

Toyota aparato roto

Toyota problema de electrodomésticos

Toyota dificultad del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

I purchased a 2018 Toyota Highlander Ltd Platinum from Classic Toyota in Ty
I purchased a 2018 Toyota Highlander Ltd Platinum from Classic Toyota in Tyler Texas. My Toyota purchased was based on commercial and current owner reviews. Other than the “color transfer” issue (dyes from my years old and routinely washed scrubs and jeans coming off on the leather seats), I’ve been relatively happy with the car. The thing that has driven me crazy are the electronics. I came from a BMW, that was too small and uncomfortable, but drove great and I guess I got spoiled by their electronics. I could have 2 phones connected and receive calls on either of them on Bluetooth. Not on the Highlander (JBL GreenEdge). It takes 5 or 6 button pushes (while I’m driving!) to change from one paired phone to another. It also occasionally just drops the phone in the middle of a call and I have to reconnect. The weather app also is rudimentary, at best. It never gives me the weather for the area I’m in. If I’m in downtown Dallas, it gives me the weather for Terrell, TX (40 miles away, a 10th the size of Dallas, and a town I’ve never looked up on my weather app)!!! I called Entune (a cumbersome worthless app IMHO) support. She was very pleasant, but completely useless. She looked at the manual. I read the manual! I needed more! Apparently Toyota doesn’t offer more than a crappy inefficient app, bad connectivity, and a GPS (for the weather) that hopefully doesn’t have to ever locate you in case of an accident!
Publicado: February 27, 2019
Mary of Mabank, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Yaris is a compact vehicle. The color is bright red. It is a 5 door
Toyota Yaris is a compact vehicle. The color is bright red. It is a 5 door hatchback and seats five people. It is excellent on gas mileage and fun to drive. It has an economy button which, when in traffic, it saves gas. The engine is very quiet and the air conditioning system is adequate for the size of this vehicle. It has never had any mechanical problems and is a totally reliable vehicle. It is just a basic vehicle with no frills. I chose this vehicle because the down payment was low and the monthly payments are affordable. But I dislike that this vehicle does not have automatic seats and everything must be done by hand. The radio and cd player are adequate for this vehicle however the sound speakers need to be upgraded. There are no speakers in the backseat area so listening to music from the backseat is strained.
Publicado: July 1, 2018
Marilyn of Fort Myers, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

@toyota #toyota Too bad your remote start feature is not working right. I s
@toyota #toyota Too bad your remote start feature is not working right. I should of never dealt with this company. Now Im stuck with a brand new 2020 Corolla with no functional remote start. Im still waiting from Toyota headquarters to call me back! Please rethink your choice of car. Toyota is not the best anymore sad to say. There are a lot of other brand of cars to choose from.
Publicado: January 11, 2020
Joseph of Trenton, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I recently leased a 2017 Toyota Mirai. I intended on using this as a primar
I recently leased a 2017 Toyota Mirai. I intended on using this as a primary vehicle that I would use for work and for my family. I have 2 kids, 6 and 3 that require a car seat and booster seat. As a loyal Toyota customer, who has owned and leased 13 different Toyota or Lexuss in the past, I was very disappointed to learn about how hard it was to install car seats and access the latches and buckle seat belts when using car seats and boosters. Every Toyota vehicle that Ive been in, with the exception of the Mirai has a very easy to access latch system for installing car seats. I love it because this is something parents do not enjoy doing and when we need to do it, we are usually in a hurry. However, the Mirai, to my surprise is nearly impossible to install car seats. My wife tried for 20 minutes the first attempt and failed with tears in her eyes. In order to install the car seats you need to be strong and cram yourself into the backseat in order to get enough leverage to install the latches. It takes a lot of strength and practice in order to get these in. The second problem is once the booster is installed the seats arent wide enough and the fixed center counsel is in the way of being able to buckle the seat belt. My 6 year old cannot do it so I have jam my hand in the middle of the booster and the counsel and buckle the seat belt. It usually hurts but I have no choice. I have been very disappointed dealing with Toyota on this issue. They really DO NOT CARE about this problem. Obviously there is no fix to it so they basically tell me I need to live with it. However, for $536 per month, I spend a lot of money on a car that has a defect. I have begged Toyota for help. They have not offered any reasonable solution. They basically want me to go away and stop complaining but I feel as though, I spend a lot of money to get a car that does not performed the way it should. The design is terrible, this is a safety issue that needs to be addressed because I have to use it and Toyota just wants to keep taking my money while I have to suffer.
Publicado: July 3, 2017
Lawrence of San Marcos, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 2014 Toyota Highlander from Northwest Toyota on Aug 30, 2017
I purchased a 2014 Toyota Highlander from Northwest Toyota on Aug 30, 2017 for $36,750. As it was used, I purchased extended warranty insurance for 1800 dollars which would give me 3 years of warranty. I was told by the financier that this was called bumper to bumper insurance and to be assured if anything goes wrong, it will be covered.3 1/2 months after purchase I was having problems opening and closing the hatch. I went on the Toyota Forum and found out this was and is a common problems with 2014 Toyota Highlanders. I wasnt worried because most people said Toyota covered the costs for fixing it. I booked an appointment with Toyota and was told the insurance only covers the motor for the hatch but not the struts. The motor costs about 400 dollars and the struts are over 2000 dollars. I then looked up what is covered under the extended warranty and there is no mention of the hatch at all. There is also no mention that it is not covered. I have requested Toyota fix the whole thing or refund the 1800 dollars I paid for the extended insurance. I have not heard anything back.
Publicado: December 28, 2017
Alice of Stony Plain, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love the interior design and its fuel consumption rates. This model is al
I love the interior design and its fuel consumption rates. This model is also easy to maintain since most of the spare-part are readily available. I would recommend this model to anyone looking for a cheap and easy to maintain type of vehicle. Herbert from fine-writers.com.
Publicado: May 13, 2020
Herbert of Nairobi, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota - Very good on gas mileage, long lasting motor life and really a gre
Toyota - Very good on gas mileage, long lasting motor life and really a great investment for work or travel vehicle. Awesome value while driving low fuel expenses. Comfortable and great for long or short rides. You get more than the moneys worth, through and through. However, I dont like the thin fiberglass. Im worried about the safety and with the size. The compact design is also quite scary when on highways and interstates. Comparing to semis, trucks, vans, it is quite overwhelming where there are large vehicles. Just feels like one wrong move by me or another vehicle, would never end well. Should be more in between passengers and other vehicles.
Publicado: June 17, 2018
Christie of Baton Rouge, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I always had a good trust in Toyotas reliability but no more. I bought 4 To
I always had a good trust in Toyotas reliability but no more. I bought 4 Toyota cars in different times and my first car was new Corolla 1983. The last car Camry 2009 which has engine consuming oil problem. Toyota refused to address the issue. I further researched on the net that Camry engines year 2007 to 2011 has same problem and Toyota is less of care. Finding excuses not to fix the issue. All Camry owners are suffering. The problem started after standard warranty was expired. In 2014 Toyota after a class action suit filed by the Camry owners to extend a warranty program which has lot of loop holes and many owners still couldnt avail it and Im one of them. Toyota corporate refused to address the issue. I think the best thing is to stop buying Toyota as it is no more reliable car. Toyota is anyway most expensive to its competitors I.e. Honda, Nissan, Subaru, Mazda etc. I will not ever buy/lease Toyota anymore.
Publicado: October 17, 2017
M. of Albertson, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The motors are really good. They last a long time. The drive train is reall
The motors are really good. They last a long time. The drive train is really good. The body will rust off before the motor goes bad. Get good gas mileage around 20 miles to the gallon on most. The seat belts are strong and the air bags dont burn you when they hit your chest. Well already mine didnt. The storing is perfect. It will take a curve like its out of this world and the brakes will stop you on a dime. Parts are really cheap for the most part and the motors if you ever have to work on it besides regular stuff the motors are very easy and simple to work on. I had mine for 15 years and never had any major problems and the motor was still running good after 15 years and I put it through a lot. I mean a lot.
Publicado: November 4, 2021
Maria of Shelbiana, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am very very happy with my experience with the 2012 Toyota Kia. Since I h
I am very very happy with my experience with the 2012 Toyota Kia. Since I had it its been my daily driver and barely have had any issues with it, its very good on gas, and has a camera on the mirror when backing out of a parking spot. I like that it has good gas mileage, not too expensive to fix if something happens to car, easy driver, had benefits for my children, and just a very great car in general. One of the best vehicles I have had to be honest. But it messes up more than any other vehicle I had in the past.
Publicado: July 11, 2018
Jamie of Central City, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Like to file a complaint. I want to pay in full for the past 1 month and th
Like to file a complaint. I want to pay in full for the past 1 month and they will not tell me how in need to pay. The car was 29,000. I put 5000 down payment and after 1 month I told them I would like to pay in full. They are saying I owe the 29,000.
Publicado: March 8, 2022
Humaira of Boiling Springs, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Only problem I have with Toyota Venza is the alarm goes off for no reason.
Only problem I have with Toyota Venza is the alarm goes off for no reason. Otherwise I love the ride. Very comfortable and easy to get in and out. I like the design and I love the extended moon roof.
Publicado: April 27, 2018
Joann of Bowdionham, ME
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just bought a Toyota for the first time, I bought it used but its a 2001
I just bought a Toyota for the first time, I bought it used but its a 2001 and is still running great! A couple of small things had to be replaced as is usual with a used car, but this little thing really gets up and goes! Im very happy with Toyota I heard they run forever!
Publicado: December 7, 2019
Kathleen of Tampa, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

All cars from Toyota has dust rail for the cheap transportation. Before to
All cars from Toyota has dust rail for the cheap transportation. Before to buy one look it carefully. They dont care nothing about that so its my worst experience about Toyota. The paint its very bad....
Publicado: May 22, 2019
Luis of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My car tire blew out. I spoke to service they have no records of extended t
My car tire blew out. I spoke to service they have no records of extended tire warranty. I purchased a 5 year extended warranty. So I have to get it verified with finance dept. No ONE in the finance picks up and can’t get anyone on phone to help. There are no branch managers or assistant managers past 5 pm. So ridiculous how you are open and no manager. Stuck on side of road with flat tire and can’t get Toyota to help me. Extended warranty for what? To waste money and not get any service when needed.
Publicado: September 18, 2018
Chi of Round Rock, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

They are very accommodating with my hectic work schedule. They always come
They are very accommodating with my hectic work schedule. They always come and talk to me to let me know what issues if any need to be addressed especially in order of importance before doing any further work.
Publicado: September 19, 2021
Joanne of Milwaukee, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The front driver seats edge of my 2019 Toyota Highlander is completely smas
The front driver seats edge of my 2019 Toyota Highlander is completely smashed and it makes driving and especially getting out of the car very uncomfortable (not even talking about the look and value of the 3 year old car). I noticed the problem almost a year ago, since then its been getting worse and I asked for the seat replacement last December, when the car was 2 years 8 months old and still under the full warranty. I went to the Desert Toyota and a manager there found my complaints reasonable and submitted a claim.We got a response from Toyota in about a month and they refused to replace or fix a seat under the warranty saying that its simply an outside influence. I believe that its ridiculous since I weigh 120lb and have less than 30,000 miles over those years. Moreover, this is my THIRD Toyota Highlander. Ive had the previous one for about 10 years and no problem with any of the seats with the same usage. Obviously something was wrong with that seat from the beginning and it should be replaced under the warranty.Otherwise, if its just normal wear and tear according to Toyota, what kind of garbage was it made from if it wont even last three years with average usage? Im not even talking about other minor issues that weve been having with that car. My previous Toyota started having more serious issues but only after about 7 years of usage. The first one was almost perfect. It looks like the quality of a Highlander is going down the drain. Definitely, its going to be the last Toyota that we buy.
Publicado: March 18, 2021
Oksana of Tucson, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

03 Toyota 4 Runner - Drive the car in DCH Toyota in Simi Valley for safety
03 Toyota 4 Runner - Drive the car in DCH Toyota in Simi Valley for safety recall smart stop tech. First, they said car will be done in couple hour. Around 10:00 am received a called from dealer and said car not done until 4:00 pm. Keep waiting after 4:00 pm no one called. Going direct to the dealer and Juan ** (customer service guy) said, the car not done and something wrong with it, already on Friday afternoon for better to wait until next Monday morning to get help from corporate and he will helping me to taking care of it. Monday morning I got called and text message from him. Said my car failure base on the new update of the SW. Determine that failure on ABS break system and I have to pay for the cost of repair with more than 4K to replace a new ABS break system. Either pay for repair or tow the car out of the dealer because the car cannot be drive. When I drive my car in without any problems now they said failure. I have to tow my car back to home for now. OMG can you imagine about that. Basically Im very enjoy to drive Toyota but not anymore.
Publicado: April 12, 2018
Kenny of Simi Valley, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased my Tundra new in 2002. I cared for this truck inside and out exce
Purchased my Tundra new in 2002. I cared for this truck inside and out except when it came to my rusted and unsafe frame. My truck is in excellent mechanical condition and I get a lot of compliments on its appearance. Everything works great with 107,000 miles logged. My mechanic says he probably will not be able to pass the truck for inspection within a year or so. His advise, get rid of it and trade it in. I usually like to sell my trucks outright but he says that I will create a bad situation to sell it to a friend or a private party.So, I have driven Toyota cars all my life and I really take care of them. There is nothing wrong with this truck! Because of the safety issue I will need to trade my vehicle (while I still can) on years before I should need to. Toyota claims there is nothing they can do and its my problem. Bottom line, I will never purchase or lease another Toyota vehicle and will let my children, friends and others know. Bad customer service! Toyota has lost a customer(s) for life. Penny wise and dollar foolish.
Publicado: April 24, 2019
SLR of Huntingdon Valley, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It is my favorite. Its not a bad car. I wouldnt trade the 2010 Toyota in fo
It is my favorite. Its not a bad car. I wouldnt trade the 2010 Toyota in for nothing, not even a car worth more money. Even if I could trade it in for a better model. Yes, the model is older but sometimes that means better to some people like me. As long as it runs, Im good with it. The radio sounds great even. When the crap channels come on, it makes them sound better which is great because that makes it easier to bear listening to them. And the seats - theyre really great and comfortable.
Publicado: June 24, 2018
Brooklyn of Gautier, MS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Having owned several Toyotas, I considered them to be good reliable vehicle
Having owned several Toyotas, I considered them to be good reliable vehicles and never had a reason to question the warranty. After 6 months and about 3,000 miles I noted that my rear taillight assembly was lost. At the Sweet Toyota dealership, the body shop manager noted that there was no damage to the taillight and offered that one of the 2 screws attaching it to the body must have been over-torqued on installation. The 2 screws go into a metal clip embedded in the molded plastic taillight unit. My local dealership offered to split the $180.00 cost for a new unit because Toyota would not consider that as a warranty part. The help line at Toyota told me they would reimburse me up to $100.00 if I sent in a receipt because I was such a good customer. Why was I asked to play these games? Why doesnt the dealer and Toyota handle this without involving me and my money up front. Please note, this wasnt a light bulb, it was a molded plastic unit similar to a plastic bumper or fender piece. Maybe Toyota should list what items are actually covered under their warranty rather than simply excluding fair wear and tear items like tires and wiper blades. What are the odds that I will consider Toyota for my next new vehicle?
Publicado: January 14, 2020
gregory of Whitesboro, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

With good maintenance it never gives you a problem. Ive owned Toyotas since
With good maintenance it never gives you a problem. Ive owned Toyotas since 1970. The first one I put over 300,00 mi. on it. Never had a problem. Husband owned different USA cars/trucks. They stayed in the shop. Now we each have Toyotas. Good care equals no problem!!!!
Publicado: November 25, 2016
Jacque of Panama City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Sequoia has a nice ride to it and handles well for a large SUV. It h
Toyota Sequoia has a nice ride to it and handles well for a large SUV. It has a large storage capacity and many compartments for additional storage. The engine has power to pull a trailer with air conditioning on. The gears shift smoothly and provide enough torque.
Publicado: April 28, 2018
Al of Merrick, New York
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 2007 Toyota Camry - 10 years and the car is still going strong! There wa
My 2007 Toyota Camry - 10 years and the car is still going strong! There was two problems with the car, but these were caused by mechanics at the dealership and NOT by the Toyota factory. Another dealership heard my complaints and fixed the car at NO charge to me without any arguing! They even paid for a rental car! Some say Toyota is boring, I guess if you like a car that never breaks down, then I suppose it is boring! The car just keeps driving without problems, oh, how boring is that! The car was bought 50% on a Toyota Loan. I made my payments for the first year until I received some other money and was allowed to pay the remainder of the loan without further interest and/or penalties. It was a very fair and easy plan to follow. Reason for my review; It is important to not confuse the car with the dealership, that is to say, some dealerships are better than others.
Publicado: April 28, 2017
Josh of Thornhill, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It took some significant persistence but we finally got a meeting with the
It took some significant persistence but we finally got a meeting with the GM. Steve Phillips ended up being a good man of high integrity. He apologized for the whole incident and made this right with us and we very much appreciate it.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Taylor of Talent, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am really grateful that Toyota carries them warranty but I also think tha
I am really grateful that Toyota carries them warranty but I also think that it shouldnt cost anything. Im disabled. Aint get no stimulus. Has no nothing. No help and I cant afford to pay for a warranty on my car any longer so I think that you guys could be helpful with that.
Publicado: January 10, 2021
Jennifer of Joplin, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

They took the DVD player out of their new minivans. Worst mistake ever in a
They took the DVD player out of their new minivans. Worst mistake ever in a family car. Don’t pay for the expensive rear entertainment package because it doesn’t work. Just trying to get more money out of people I guess. Not everyone can afford or wants to pay for streaming services. Give me back the DVD player I paid for.
Publicado: September 4, 2021
Lacey of Rogersville, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

June 2018 I bought my wife a 2010 Toyota Sequoia Platinum. Being a mechanic
June 2018 I bought my wife a 2010 Toyota Sequoia Platinum. Being a mechanic I asked all of the questions about the service history of the one I was buying. I was told that it had never had any issues, trouble codes, wrecked, or anything. Within the first month the check engine light came on. My wife thought that it meant low oil so she took it to a Jiffy Lube. They performed the normal oil change service and scanned the computer to see why the engine light was on. They told her that it had a history of setting off the check engine light & trouble codes for the air injection system & that the dealer charges about $4000 to fix that, so they just keep clearing the code, which clears the engine light, and sold it to us without fixing the problem. At the time it had 145,000 miles and was within the warranty (that we didnt know about). The dealer told us that there was not a warranty and kept trying to sell us an aftermarket warranty when we bought it. My wife told me that she got the oil changed & the paperwork was in the console, without telling me everything else. Now: two months ago it did it again but put it in limp home mode. It is now setting in my pasture broken down & waiting for repair because Toyota refuses to fix it under warranty because it is now 154000 miles, 4000 beyond the warranty, even though we bought it within the warranty mileage and it messed up right away and showed a history of having this problem before we bought it from the dealer. This is my first and Last Toyota I will ever own. I should not have to jump through hoops or have to hire an attorney to sue them to make them stand behind their product.
Publicado: June 18, 2019
paul of Pleasant Plains, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Sequoia is comfy and sturdy! Great family truck. The back hatch handle goes
Sequoia is comfy and sturdy! Great family truck. The back hatch handle goes out on the 2003. And last week the water pump went out. $1,000 repair. Other than that it’s been almost trouble free for 174,000 miles, with regular maintenance.
Publicado: May 9, 2018
Vicki of Duxbury, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my wife a 2016 Toyota Highlander AWD Platinum at the end of August
I bought my wife a 2016 Toyota Highlander AWD Platinum at the end of August. She told me she was having to clean her seats every week because of color transfer onto the leather. Turns out, any color other than white or beige was transferring to the seat. I contacted the dealer. They offered to clean the seats. I told them I needed a better solution than bringing it into constantly be cleaned. I also reminded they that I expressed concerns about the leather color and was reassured of Toyotas high quality. So they offered to have the seats reupholstered for $2000 or to trade it in and pay $3500-$4000 for the same vehicle with a different interior.At this point I have only had the vehicle for 2200 miles and 3 months. Since I didnt agree to the terms the dealership gave me the Toyota number to call. I called, they asked that I take to a local dealership to be evaluated. The Service Manager said Toyota knows this is a problem and he cant do anything because they wont do anything. He even called Toyota Corporate number and explained that I was the 3rd customer this month with the same issue. The representative then tells us that if its not deemed a defective then nothing can be done. I asked to speak to someone else. I was told I could write a letter. So at this point I told the representative that I bought a product in good faith and it is unreasonable to have to clean it every week. She then told me she has explained Toyotas position. I told her I wanted to exercise my right to file an arbitration. She said someone would contact me in 3 days.A person from Toyota contacted me and told me he was going to act as my advocate. I explained my situation and he said he would contact the Toyota Distributor. About a 2 weeks later he calls me back and tells me the Distributor and Toyotas stance is that this is not a defect so no action is required. This Advocate didnt even call the right Distributor, but quickly dismissed me by saying it didnt matter. So I once again said I want to file an arbitration. He told me that Toyota would not find cause for me to file an arbitration.I told him that was not Toyotas decision to make and that I am entitled to file an arbitration. I wonder if this was the same position they took when people called to complain about their cars accelerating and causing accidents. Toyotas answer to taking care of the customer is simple... Distributor- pay more money for the same thing. Q` Toyota Corporate- if it has not been deemed a defect then we dont care. I have owned 5 Toyotas, but this lack of customer care tells me a lot about the current company I am dealing with. Toyota use to take pride in their products, but not anymore.
Publicado: January 11, 2017
William of Harvest, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased platinum service for approx. $900. I was not given 2 ignition k
I purchased platinum service for approx. $900. I was not given 2 ignition keys but, rather 3 mechanical ones. I was promised another ignition key but after regular efforts on my part, never got one. I finally lost the one and only key I was given (2 years later, last month). I was given 3 estimates, ranging from $300 to $500, then after my car was towed to the dealership was told it would be $700 plus $200 for second key. Nothing is in the manual stating the extreme consequences of not having 2 keys. In the certified checklist, it only states master key. I feel like an essential part was not included; the second key. I was handed off daily from service dept to sales people resulting in not having my vehicle for 1 1/2 weeks when I gave in and paid up. Very poor customer service and hidden costs of new key.
Publicado: May 18, 2017
Glenda A of Seattle, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I called them up and complained about the dealership where I bought the car
I called them up and complained about the dealership where I bought the car from. They pretty much told me I got a deal with them by myself to calling the dealer and solve the problem myself. I talked with Whitney and Randal my case # **. If they cannot help you why they are there for? Calling the dealership it’s like throwing the rocks on the wall. I did call. They never called back. This is how Toyota care about their customers. I would never ever buy another Toyota and I would never recommend a Toyota to anyone and I will tell everyone else stay away from Toyota dealers. I feel like like I’ve been discriminated by them because my accent in my language. I’m immigrant from Europe. They take it advantage on me because they thinking I don’t understand. Shame on you Toyota. Shame on you.
Publicado: February 27, 2021
miroslaw of Laurys Station, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Vehicles that have soy based wire coverings and companies not telling custo
Vehicles that have soy based wire coverings and companies not telling customers is awful! Especially when you purchase a brand new one and you have to replace out of pocket $4000 before its a year old! Also I was told after the fact that theres some kind rodent tape I could put on it after they replace the harness at my cost or turn it into our insurance and we still pay our deductible! Toyota should be a shamed of their self. I had a used 4 runner for 7+yrs and never had any major issues. Which is why we purchased the new one. This issue many people are having and toyota doesnt want to cover it under warranty is ridiculous! So disappointed! Get the rodent tape before your wires are bare!! Beware vehicle owners!
Publicado: March 26, 2021
CRISTENE of Spencer, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I would like to know if anyone had a ticking or clinging sound, but didnt k
I would like to know if anyone had a ticking or clinging sound, but didnt know from where. I thought maybe I had a nail on my tire so was gonna get it checked out but didnt have a chance to due to my car breaking down and notice that day the noise got louder that day. Well my car started to jerk and smoke from my engine and completely shut down while I was entering the hi-way. Well Toyota is where I maintenance my vehicle and not once did they ever tell me if anything was wrong with my car. I have had my engine light and my maintenance light on, I took it to Auto Zone. First they had told me that it was my battery and starter. So I replaced my battery first but notice that my engine light and maintenance light will go off and on. I thought it was just the starter since It hadnt been replaced with a new one. I also notice that it sounded like the piston were working too hard... Something just didnt sound right. My husband notice that the dip stick showed no oil. So I went to PEP BOYS and did a oil change since it was just around the corner. Then the next day or two it sounded like I had no oil and showed low again, so they redid oil changed again with no cost. After that I recall taking my car to Toyota to do another oil change not too long after that. Its been almost a year since this happened with my lights and oil. Now Toyota is saying that noise that I was hearing was that something came loose inside the engine. I dont believe that for one bit. I believe it was a knocking in the engine due to not having enough oil. My oil change was supposed to be coming up at the end of November. My vehicle has been broken down for about 2 weeks or more and Toyota does not want to fix it. If something came apart in my engine I will call that a defect on their end. Im not an expert of knowing if something is wrong with my car... I would think that theyll be the ones to let me know since I maintenance my vehicle with them. I will never buy another vehicle through them!
Publicado: October 27, 2016
Yvette of San Antonio, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

2013 Toyota Camry - less than 23,000 mile - Steering Column must be replace
2013 Toyota Camry - less than 23,000 mile - Steering Column must be replaced. Dealer has provided details. I have been told a decision has been made... no return calls. Refusal to allow me to speak w/ Mgr.
Publicado: May 6, 2019
Mo of Orlando, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have purchased 3 Toyota vehicles. My last was a 2015 Venza LE. Its a red
I have purchased 3 Toyota vehicles. My last was a 2015 Venza LE. Its a red color. As of 3 weeks ago I notice clear spots on the rooftop on the passenger side and door. Its like the primer didnt settle correctly. I bought the car as new. Its only two yrs. old and only 17,566 miles on it. Brought it to the dealer where I originally bought it and the service manager gave me a I dont care attitude. A week goes by - no answer. Finally I called Toyota care customer service and they got in contact with the dealer. The service manager forgot to file the claim. Wow. I was so upset. That same day Toyota told the dealer that Its not a Toyota defect. I was told by the service manager its acid rain. Its a new car. I had older cars with no paint problems caused by acid rain. The primer never settled. Toyota doesnt want to fix the problem. I cant believe how they have treated me. I will never buy a Toyota vehicle. I think I might go with a Kia or Mazda.
Publicado: April 24, 2017
Barbara of Hyde Park, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Avalon is nimble in traffic, extremely reliable, required very little m
The Avalon is nimble in traffic, extremely reliable, required very little maintenance on 166,000 miles and very high visibility for the driver. The partition in the back seat allows you to put items with extended length like 2x4, pipes and large opening into trunk allows luggage to slip easily into trunk.
Publicado: January 29, 2018
Dan of Peachtree Corners, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The worst company ever!!! If you plan to buy a car, dont even go to Toyota.
The worst company ever!!! If you plan to buy a car, dont even go to Toyota. They are all total jerks. I called them in March to postpone my payments due to pandemic because I was not able to work and make money. They postponed my payments and they said that there was not going to be in any interest charge. Looking at my August bill, seems like they placed $398 interest fee on top of my $400 payment. I called them and explained everything and they acted like they are not from Earth and they were not aware of Pandemic. They were talking about my contract and which line of the contract indicates that I am still forced to pay interest charge if I dont make any payments. I mean are they stupid? I know if you dont make payments there will be interest fee and thats why I called them so we can extend the payment period. They did not care at all.
Publicado: September 11, 2020
Askim of San Francisco, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Celica was bought with over 200,000 miles on it 2 years ago... still
Toyota Celica was bought with over 200,000 miles on it 2 years ago... still running strong. I hope to keep it for awhile. I will have to invest some to keep it going.
Publicado: April 29, 2018
Karyn of Bedford Hts, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Hard to build a new car to order from the site. The combinations offered ar
Hard to build a new car to order from the site. The combinations offered are too often in packages and allow very little flexibility. Exterior color choices are limited even in high end models. Site is not difficult to navigate. Not all options are available on all models making it frustrating.
Publicado: May 28, 2020
Monica of Tinley Park, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This 1991 Toyota pickup truck has good gas mileage. This truck takes knocks
This 1991 Toyota pickup truck has good gas mileage. This truck takes knocks and bumps great. This truck always starts no matter what the weather. They seem to run forever. Ive had many people at gas pumps offering to buy it. It is 4 WD and gets through mud and snow easily. Its a stick shift so it can be push started without getting a jump. This pickup truck gets good gas mileage and is easy to handle and drive. It has the perfect amount of bed space as well as cab space for me. This truck is easy to work on and its easy to find parts for which are inexpensive. The insurance is also low for a vehicle as well as the taxes and tags. It is so sound. I only wish there were more of them. The thing I did not like about this truck is how the seatbelts are. They are placed in a way that they cut across your neck and no kind of seatbelt comfort aid helps this. I put a clamp on mine at the part where it retracts.
Publicado: June 23, 2018
Paula of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

New Entune interface is horrible. Toyota completely ruined the mobile inter
New Entune interface is horrible. Toyota completely ruined the mobile interface with their so called app suite that doesnt contain any actual apps. My 16 Prius system is so much better. At least it has something a real person can use. To do anything you have to plug your phone in and use the apps on that. What is the point? Just about every other manufacturer has a better interface, Toyota doesnt have one at all. Go buy a better vehicle with technology thats actually useful....
Publicado: December 14, 2019
Mike of Boise, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Toyota Sienna 2015. I drove only 15k in 35 month. Found 3rd row
I bought a Toyota Sienna 2015. I drove only 15k in 35 month. Found 3rd row both seats handle cracking. I took it to Dealership in High Point North Carolina. Dealer said cracked handle is not defect. Cracked handle not cover in 36000 miles warranty, I called Toyota they said same thing. This is my last Toyota. I am very disappointed with Toyota.
Publicado: November 3, 2018
Owais of High Point, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It’s through the dealership and I trust that it will get fixed corre
It’s through the dealership and I trust that it will get fixed correctly. It is not from some third party company who I have no idea is legitimate or not. You never know till the first time you need help.
Publicado: December 28, 2020
Rod of Rigby, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dependable, minor repairs, die hard reliability. I wont buy American anytim
Dependable, minor repairs, die hard reliability. I wont buy American anytime soon, had those and problems. Went with Toyota, Nissan, Lexus... so damn elated I did. Rock solid reliability and dependability!!! Resale was simple and more money compared to the American counterpart. Im sold on foreign vehicles. Even when repairs were needed, they were few and far between. The parts were the biggest money suckered, ouch!
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Steve of Harlingen, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Many of us believe that TOYOTA is a best brand and it will run at least for
Many of us believe that TOYOTA is a best brand and it will run at least for 100000 miles. I also felt the same and bought the car from a dealer earlier in 2013, a 2010 Toyota Camry. Now the miles is around 84000. All of the sudden the engine started to make noise. No rains, no animals, no accident. It started to behave on its own. The check engine light and VSC light started to glow, I am shocked to see this happening. I went to TOYOTA dealer. They said this is a serious problem. A car having trouble in engine within 84000 miles. I was also crazy to hear it.I called the Toyota Motors. They simply state the engine is out of warranty and they cannot help on this as they can provide only the warranty for 5 Years or 60000 miles. Even though I explained the situation they are not ready to listen anymore and they simply declined the request. With no other options left I have to go back to my Toyota dealer again. Now he me about 6000$. After an hour talk he reduced to 4000$. The part is coming only around 1000$ but the service charge they are asking for 3000$. The problem is with the ignition coil and when I read it in the websites there are chances that the car could have been gone uncontrol and its a risk factor for anyone to drive. Toyota is not ready to accept this as its fault. I believe they need to value the customers and their safety.
Publicado: May 26, 2017
MUTHUKRISHNAN of Prospect Heights, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My local dealership worked the issue from their end and got Toyota to pay f
My local dealership worked the issue from their end and got Toyota to pay for half the repair. Not a total success but better than nothing. Very pleased with the service team at Wyatt Johnson Toyota in Clarksville, TN.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Nolan of Clarksville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota cars and trucks are extremely dependable. I have a Toyota Matrix tha
Toyota cars and trucks are extremely dependable. I have a Toyota Matrix that has 265000 miles and still runs like a champ. I understand people want fancy but I would prefer a car that starts every single time.
Publicado: December 13, 2019
Cirilo of Bakersfield, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My daughters 2012 Yaris that I bought used within 2013 with about 20,000 mi
My daughters 2012 Yaris that I bought used within 2013 with about 20,000 miles on it for her graduation gift now in 2017 is cutting off while in traffic and drive mode. She has taken it to not one Toyota dealership but about two or three and they all say its nothing wrong with the car. But it keeps cutting off for about 4 to 5 months. She has to drive about an hour out to her job and I am very scared for her that it may cut while she is in traffic and wouldnt be able to get over... I have made complaints to Toyota main office and they stated no recall was noted for this model. She cant afford to not have a car nor to purchase another one. This is very bad for their brand... I guess I will be working more hours to trade this in for a Honda because Toyota is not the brand I thought they were...
Publicado: July 21, 2017
Tanya of West Palm Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Its a Toyota, which is a great thing. Its small, which is what I look for.
Its a Toyota, which is a great thing. Its small, which is what I look for. Very stable & easy to park. Plenty of room for driver and one passenger, a perfect commuter car. Im confident driving it on the highway and the interstate where its heavy enough to withstand traffic turbulence.
Publicado: November 30, 2019
Steve of Paoli, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lets examine how Toyota treats its customers. Helped my 76 old mother purch
Lets examine how Toyota treats its customers. Helped my 76 old mother purchase a new Corolla Hatchback as my dad suddenly died before they could go car shopping. I needed to wait for the state license plates to arrive so as to replace the plastic dealer branded plates. I find that the the rear dealer plate had been attached to the rear bumper cover using two shorter self-tapping screws. There are two 2 x 2 1/8 holes completely through the bumper cover, exposing the internal aluminum structure of the bumper. Just above these are screws holes with metal clips. These are for mounting Japanese license plates, but are not even usable for that as the metal clips have no internal threads. Toyotas solution for attaching American plates is to attach the plate directly to the bumper cover large screws that are typically used here to secure metal siding to a farm building.The front license plate bracket has snaps to the front grill along its bottom edge. Toyotas solution for attaching the top of the license plate bracket and the top of the plates is to use even two larger screws through the front of the grill. The front license plate bracket is not a Toyota part, but something one of their distributors or dealer put on. Likely one of their distributors as it has holes for American, Japanese and Australian plates, which are are screwed into the front of the grill. Even if this had been an official Toyota part, it would still attach to the front grill in the same manner.This not only damages the car, but prevents the use of any aftermarket license plate brackets as these rely on machine screws that fit into internally threaded screw holes. I have used aftermarket license plate cases for year as they protect the license plate from the environment and protect the car from the license plate. Toyota instead expects you to screws the plate directly onto the back of the bumper cover where it will be unprotected and scratch the car.Toyota has gone out of its way to hide this fact form potential buyers. Every single photo of this model on their website, printed materials and inventory searches has a simulated license plate over the rear bumper cover so you can see the two large holes and metal clips for Japanese plates as well as four small circles indicating where to drill holes for American plates. Every single photos of this product does not show a license plate attached to the front of the vehicle at all. They have also digitally removed the small drill here dots from the front grill.Upon searching Google I find that the company has been engaged in this fraud for a number of years and did nothing to address consumer complaints. The company and dealer response is that you were dumb enough to be suckered by our fraud so its your problem. They refuse to do anything. I encourage you to contact your state attorney general and a law firm engaged in class action lawsuits to make Toyota pay for its fraud. **
Publicado: July 16, 2021
G. of Minneapolis, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In my life Ive had Chevys, Fords, AMC and Nissan along with Toyota. Todays
In my life Ive had Chevys, Fords, AMC and Nissan along with Toyota. Todays cars and trucks are not made to last. You would be lucky to get 75,000 to 100,000 miles of trouble free use out of America cars. Very sad. Seem we made them for the masses. But Toyota is incredible for what you pay, as long as you take care of it maintenance wise. You can very easily run it for 300,000 to 500,000 miles. Which is why I buy them, I got 350,000 mile out of my last Corolla and now I have a Tacoma that has 130,000 miles and still runs great and along with that everything still works on the truck.
Publicado: November 9, 2021
Lawrence of Florence, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I own a 2008 Toyota Sequoia and my GPS system stopped working while driving
I own a 2008 Toyota Sequoia and my GPS system stopped working while driving it. Dealership states there is nothing they can do as well as Toyota Corporate. Their solution: Replace unit at a tune of $2K. No diagnosing of what the problem could be, they dont have personnel to do this, etc. Toyota Corporate did offer to pay half of replacement though. Im ecstatic! Like hell. Why should I replace a navigation system at $1K, when I dont know what the problem is. Love my Sequoia and planned to purchase another when and if the body style changes. Scratch that! Toyota will not be getting my business again.
Publicado: August 16, 2016
Yvette of Ruther Glen, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is regarding Toyota case #** that I have filed for Toyota Of Dallas wh
This is regarding Toyota case #** that I have filed for Toyota Of Dallas when I purchased 2018 Rav4 XLE on April 27, 2018. Its been 4 business days and still this issue has not been resolved yet. Let me describe you the details about this issue - I got the OTD with student grad offer for that vehicle one day prior before purchasing that vehicle and I also filled out my loan application to save 1.5 hours as mentioned in your website. When I came to Toyota of Dallas dealership, the salesman told me that I am not eligible for student grad offer even though I submitted my diploma and proof of income (As per Toyota, I should be eligible to get this offer as I have all the documents and excellent credit history and score). So, I ended up getting another OTD for this vehicle. When I went to Toyota Financial Advisor for this dealership, he told me I can get student grad offer but I have to purchase extended warranty as well otherwise I cannot get that offer. But I had told him that I do not want extended warranty but only GAP insurance. At last, I ended up signing contract as I was exhausted, starving as I hadnt had any meal. Even though I had OTD for this vehicle and I submitted loan application online, it took me about 4.5 hours to get this vehicle out. I know this dealership usually takes time to make customer exhausted so they can play with their numbers. When I came home, and started looking out contract, there should be 2 contracts which the Financial Advisor told me but instead there was 3 contracts (last contract he just attached to my other paperwork). The Financial Advisor told me if I submit last year tax document, then my monthly payment for vehicle will be 406, if not then 419, then how come there was another contract with 456 (As you can see, they make me sign electronically in pad and there was nothing except signature box)? Then I open a case against this dealership with Toyota. So, next day I went to the dealership and told Internet sales manager Syed to let me meet to one of the PR Manager, then he told me, “I am the manager.” So, I told him that I dont know about that. After that, he told me to get out of this building as I was disrespecting him. How I am going to know who he is until he show me some proof? And this dealership is treating customer like a piece of crap after buying vehicle. How can a manager say to customer to get out of the building instead of trying to resolve the issue?So, today I called Toyota again as I had not receive any response yet from dealership. Finally, today I got a call from Director from Toyota of Dallas around 2 PM and he told me that I have to submit 2 years of Tax document in order to qualify for student grad offer. So, at this point the dealership are just telling me whatever they want because another Financial Advisor told me to submit only last year tax document. I told him that and I told him what my numbers should be and then he told me that he will review and call me back. The dealer is closed right now and I have not receive any call yet. Does it take more than 7 hours to review this case? Its been 7 days I have been stressing out due to this reason. So, could you try to escalate this issue to be resolve asap? I wish it would have been a happy purchase but the fraud/false activities of this dealership wont making us customers happy.Also, PFAs for contracts and paperwork and at this point, even though If I submit my tax return, I do not know which amount is going to be my monthly payments? I want to remove extended warranty and GAP insurance from my contract. And I want to re-sign the contract with the Financed Amount 22701.43 (406.58 monthly payments one, after deducting extended warranty and GAP Insurance) because I have put $3000 down payment already and it was a deal I received before going to the dealership. After 4 business days, this issue has not been resolved yet. They make me sign on electronic pad which there was nothing written except the signature box. and found out that they are charging me more amount in that contract than what I was given OTD. Do not sign on that electronic pad. Now, I have 3 different amounts for one car. I would rather spend that extra charge money on lawyer instead letting this business get it. Its not #letsgoplaces, its #letsgocourt #toyota #fraud #fraudbytoyota #toyotafinancialservices #frauddealership #toyotaofdallas #toyotaheadquarters
Publicado: May 4, 2018
Roman of Grand Prairie, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this 2010 Toyota Sequoia over a year ago with 100000 miles. It is
I bought this 2010 Toyota Sequoia over a year ago with 100000 miles. It is white, which is easy to keep clean. It has been very dependable so far. It has never stranded me and I love the moonroof and the audio system too. It also handles well for a large vehicle and I feel safe in this vehicle. But it only gets about 15 miles per gallon and it is expensive to operate. It is also hard to park due to its gigantic size. I wish it had some other features on it like a keyless entry. But Toyota is a very good brand.
Publicado: June 13, 2018
Vicki of Nashville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Absolutely loved the Toyota CHR from the moment I drove it. It has spacious
Absolutely loved the Toyota CHR from the moment I drove it. It has spacious interior and the camera is extremely useful and well placed on the rear view mirror which is super convenient. It also has great seating considering that its a MID sized car. Moreover, it has radio with Bluetooth. Driving this vehicle on a daily basis is something I look forward to. Although it has no CD player, which I get, it would be useful for those times where you want to listen to a CD. Also, I feel that the engine is lacking a little bit of power. I wish it was a little stronger. All in all, driving this vehicle on a daily basis is something I look forward to. And the experience we had at Toyota of Hollywood Florida was absolutely stellar. I would buy a the Toyota CHR again in a heartbeat.
Publicado: July 10, 2018
Joel of Hialeah, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is a great car. It has all of necessities that I think of a car should
This is a great car. It has all of necessities that I think of a car should come equipped with. It has great fuel mileage. Theres a nice smooth ride and a lot of extra perks. Its not too low to the ground so you dont feel like youre sitting on the ground. It also has a large trunk enough space to comfortably fit 5 people. And everything inside is touchscreen. This car also comes in a ton of different colors and you can completely customize it any way you want. Not to mention affordable. And I love the way this car is easy to handle. Its a very nice overall car to have. But I would like to see more features on the vehicle well that would make it more appealing to people who like technology. I would also like it do defrost work faster because here in the cold winter months it takes forever to thaw your car out.
Publicado: July 1, 2018
Heather of Romeoville, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great on gas..winter I get 40 mpg summer 34 mpg...2007 and no major issues
Great on gas..winter I get 40 mpg summer 34 mpg...2007 and no major issues since. Reliable. Great in snow and rain. Handles amazingly. All basic are met. Easy to maintain. Drive is smooth and power when needed.
Publicado: December 16, 2019
leopoldo of Chelan, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota Yaris has run very well. I have over 110,000 miles on it and it has
Toyota Yaris has run very well. I have over 110,000 miles on it and it has not needed any repairs except general maintenance. I replaced the oil pan, but was covered by warranty. It also gets very good mileage. The seat are fairly comfortable and I can fit 4 adults in the car with no problem. Good trunk space. It is very reliable. However, I want a car with bluetooth. It is a very light car, and in high winds, or when a truck passes me, it is very noticeable. Blind spots are a problem as well.
Publicado: July 3, 2018
Alex of Newark, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Venza is fun to drive, durable, great in snow, and comfortable to ride in,
Venza is fun to drive, durable, great in snow, and comfortable to ride in, both front and back seat. It gets excellent gas mileage on the road, often over 28 MPG.
Publicado: April 25, 2018
Charles of Valparaiso, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new Toyota Camry-LE in 2003 at Toyota Dealership in Riverside
I purchased a new Toyota Camry-LE in 2003 at Toyota Dealership in Riverside Ca. After less than 90,000 miles I began experiencing engine problems, ie, gray smoke emitting from my tailpipe when first starting my car in the morning. On 9/7/17, I left my car with my mechanic, Moe. After several hours inspecting my car and performing a compression, he believed I had major engine problems and stated that this type of car should not experience this problem at a low mileage. He checked to see if there was a recall on my engine and found none. He advised me to check with Toyota Corporate office to see if they could help me. I checked with Toyota Corporate office in Torrance Ca. I contacted their office and they stated I should not have engine problems at this low mileage. The next day I took my car to the dealership to be inspected. I told the manager that my mechanic suspected engine problems. When I went to pick up my car the same day, the manager said I had not engine problems. However when reading the report on my car, the mechanic recommended an engine teardown. No test were run on this car (compression test). I asked to speak to the mechanic and I was denied. I then returned to my mechanic and authorized a teardown to find a bad engine. I replaced the engine for $ 6,85.91. I decided to send this to the manufacturer in Plano Texas with all the receipts, oil changes, tires, fluid changes, belts, etc. In speaking to a manager named Nancy at this office, I was denied any financial help stating that there was no record of me using Toyota for repairs. I reminded Nancy that it states in the Toyota manual that Toyota will not deny a claim because you choose a service provider other than Toyota. Nancy insisted on sticking to her story, that I must use Toyota services. I realize the warranty has expired, but what options do I have?? I paid a lot for this car, and believe I deserve better. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Publicado: October 19, 2017
pat of Riverside, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Well, it is a Toyota so I bought a 2019 Avalon XLE Hybrid primarily for its
Well, it is a Toyota so I bought a 2019 Avalon XLE Hybrid primarily for its reliability. However, it has two major flaws. Firstly, it is supposed to provide 43 mpg, but actually it is a lot less. Currently, it is 34.6 mpg. Secondly, for a pretty luxurious car I expected it to have all the safety features for which Toyota is famous. Unfortunately, it turned out that it is missing Intelligent Clearance Sonar and Parking Assist. When I called Toyota and asked if these features could be installed, I was told that it was too complicated. Big disappointment.
Publicado: May 2, 2019
Andrzej of Grand Blanc, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota went out of their way to make their cars more affordable. I was offe
Toyota went out of their way to make their cars more affordable. I was offered a First Responder Discount. Then they also had a $1000 rebate. Their vehicle is extremely reliable. I have traveled extensively with it and put it through its paces and been very happy with its performance. I also tow a 3000 lb camper with it and it doesnt feel like its back there. Highly recommended all around vehicle. For reference, I drive the 2018 Toyota 4Runner.
Publicado: November 7, 2021
J of O Fallon, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I received my Toyota Yaris 2007 (sedan) as a Christmas gift while in High s
I received my Toyota Yaris 2007 (sedan) as a Christmas gift while in High school in 2010. At the time it only had 26k miles on it, now it has 185k and shows no signs of giving out. Between high school, college, road trips, and long daily commutes, I have put this car through the wringer! Outside of routine oil changes, I haven’t had to spend much on maintenance. I have had to replace the belts a few times, brakes twice (first shop did it wrong and did not even replace nor check the rear brakes), and now it needs a new wheel bearing. I would say that’s pretty good for such a small car with high mileage. I am now looking for another car because I have a little one and the compact size does not agree with a growing toddler. But I won’t be trading in this car. I’ll be passing it down to my niece. Toyota really does prioritize dependability!
Publicado: February 2, 2019
Vontavia of Pearland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

On 4-4-18, went for my scheduled oil change, the car is 5 yrs. old, only ha
On 4-4-18, went for my scheduled oil change, the car is 5 yrs. old, only has 15,318 miles, I was told I had a oil leak and would need a reseal on the timing cover, the cost is $2,074.00. I purchased the car at AutoNation Toyota in Hayward, Ca. Had all my services completed there. I told my service adviser this shouldnt happen to a car with these low miles. I was very upset. I feel this is a defect, and its causing the engine to lose oil, usually caused by a faulty sealant. My service adviser sent a email Re: Good Will Request, I dont have a extended warranty on my car. Im waiting for a decision from technology manager from another dealership.
Publicado: April 11, 2018
Dorothy of Hayward, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ordered a 2019 RAV4 Hybrid on March 7. The dealer informed me that it was b
Ordered a 2019 RAV4 Hybrid on March 7. The dealer informed me that it was built on May 27 and should be delivered in about two weeks. Its now July 11 and I am still waiting. Toyota will not tell me why delivery has been delayed. No one at the dealer or at Toyota Canada HQ will come clean about the reason for the delay. I will never buy a Toyota product again.
Publicado: July 11, 2019
Peter of Ottawa, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When The air is turned on I hear a very high pitched noise that comes from
When The air is turned on I hear a very high pitched noise that comes from the blower motors of the car. I took it to go get looked at and another car on the lot was making the same noise so they said it is just a noise that the car makes. I wish I would have heard the noise before I bought the car. Now I’m stuck with it.
Publicado: December 3, 2018
Devon of Arlington, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Unfortunately a header cracked in our Highlanders engine and caused the ent
Unfortunately a header cracked in our Highlanders engine and caused the entire engine to blow at less than 84,000 miles. As the mechanic at the Toyota dealership put it, This shouldnt have happened. After contacting the Customer Experience Department I was told that financial assistance in these situations is based upon customer loyalty and service records. We own a second Toyota that was purchased at a Toyota dealership a few years prior to our Highlander.Additionally, I offered to provide my service records but the Customer Experience Department already decided they werent going to help us recover any of the loss. The cost to replace the engine was $7,500. Toyota could have easily offered to pay $2,000 of the cost and kept me as a customer but apparently making intelligent business decisions is not a top priority for the Customer Experience Department. In total I gave Toyota over $60,000 for two automobiles in the last 7 years. My wife and I are in our 30s which means we will probably purchase another 10 cars in our lifetime. If half of those were Toyotas at an average cost of $30,000, that is $150,000 in revenue they just gave up because they refuse to assist a loyal customer. Congratulations Toyota, I will never buy another one of your automobiles again! You have officially lost me as a customer for life.
Publicado: April 22, 2019
Michael of Davidsonville, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dependable, good power, comfortable, great fit and finish. Routine maintena
Dependable, good power, comfortable, great fit and finish. Routine maintenance and repairs are minimal and cost of parts and labor reasonable. I have owned 3 Toyotas new and used. All are still on the road with 200 to 70 miles on them.
Publicado: December 7, 2019
Edward of Montgomery, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Honestly I am not very satisfied with the change of vehicle I made since th
Honestly I am not very satisfied with the change of vehicle I made since the car for which I made the change was in perfect condition - a Corolla of 2014 with only 21000 miles to get the new RAV4 Limited of 2019 and not even have a month and already have to change the differential sincerely and Im not very happy with this new SUV. Would have preferred to stay with my Corolla in the end. Did not give me problems all the time I was driving
Publicado: April 3, 2019
Yassiel of West New York, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been a loyal Toyota customer since the year 2000 buying and leasing
I have been a loyal Toyota customer since the year 2000 buying and leasing multiple vehicles for my personal use, my husband and as the kids got older for my kids. Today 8/30/2019 I had the worst customer experience and left Team Toyota (Route One NJ) in tears. The service department manager has no empathy, no customer service skills. I bought 16 vehicles from Toyota and I am due to get my daughter a vehicle her senior year, It will not be a Toyota. They lost me as a customer. No loyalty towards customers, no care, no empathy ... I am done with them and I will be writing a letter of complain.
Publicado: August 31, 2019
Vashti of Langhorne, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a new Toyota Rav4 premium and once it got on the highway the cabin n
Bought a new Toyota Rav4 premium and once it got on the highway the cabin noise is just too much. I drive all the time and it sounds like air is getting in, I can assure no air is getting in the car. Just want to return the car. This car was bought less than 24hr ago as I write this complaint. The GM was suppose to meet with me but conveniently left and no one told me and left me at a table just sitting there waiting. The sales person I had been dealing with was really no help.Syed is his name.There is nothing they can do to fix the noise in the cabin of the car, it is what it is. But I shouldnt be stuck with a car I dont love. Customer service is about retention and not just money. Which is what it feels like it is. I need help returning the car. The gm Cody ** left knowing I was there to talk to him and didnt acknowledge me at any point. Quite frustrating to have the gm treat you like that when a consumer just purchased a vehicle. All they did was technically make me own the car longer today which I dont know if that matters or not. But if it does, then it was a very malicious move on their part. Again all I want is to return the car and buy something I love. Not something that isnt a great product for me. Not a single person pointed out the cabin noise to me directly and I find that to be reckless and predatory onto consumers.
Publicado: August 23, 2019
jhon of Dallas, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This truck is the best manual it has 160 hp. You can go anywhere cheap. The
This truck is the best manual it has 160 hp. You can go anywhere cheap. The downside is they get rusty here in Canada but I go hard and weld metal to body. It is very easy and nice. The style is better than most new trucks. This is a balling whip thats great to chop.
Publicado: December 18, 2019
W. B. of Other, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Venza is eight years old and looks almost new. Great overall utility cro
My Venza is eight years old and looks almost new. Great overall utility crossover, from distance driving, hauling cargo or passengers, it has been a very reliable vehicle.
Publicado: May 6, 2018
Marlene of Tulsa, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great gas mileage car with a surprising amount of room in the Sedan 4 door
Great gas mileage car with a surprising amount of room in the Sedan 4 door version. Doesn’t have cruise but I can get 46mpg hwy. My only complaint is it’s disc brakes in front and drum brakes in back.
Publicado: December 15, 2019
Tracy of Elkhart Lake, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great car! But Toyota does not manufacture the this model. If Toyota did, I
Great car! But Toyota does not manufacture the this model. If Toyota did, I would buy another one. The MR2 is fantastic, mine is 15 yrs old. The car is a convertible, manual transmission, 2 seater.
Publicado: March 19, 2019
Karen Micheal of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 2012 Highlander. The roof is peeling! I was told that Toyota would pay t
My 2012 Highlander. The roof is peeling! I was told that Toyota would pay to repair and now they say they wont do it! How can this not be a paint defect! Ive been a loyal customer for 40 years or more! Very unhappy??? Shame on you Toyota!
Publicado: November 9, 2020
Scott of Englishtown, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have a 2019 from new Toyota CHR hybrid 7months in use and the paint has
We have a 2019 from new Toyota CHR hybrid 7months in use and the paint has started to bubble, after inspection by Toyota said its because of bird poo. We have had cars for over 45 years and never had this issue. Is the paint suitable for purpose? Wont be able to use on the roads or park outside for fear of birds droppings. I would of thought that the modern day environments the new paint coatings would be able to cope with this issue. How is it that all the other cars we have owned over the years never had this problem. Is it due to the thin quality of the body paint.
Publicado: October 2, 2019
Paul of Ebchester, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Toyota had a recall on the passenger airbag of some of their vehicles. My T
Toyota had a recall on the passenger airbag of some of their vehicles. My Toyota Corolla was one of them. I was to take my Toyota to my nearest Toyota dealer for an airbag replacement. I did so promptly. The issue is that I had to travel 280 km (return) as well as take 4 hours out of my day. I believe that I should be compensated for my time and mileage because it was not my fault that the air bag was faulty. I have contacted Toyotas customer service department but they have refused any compensation whatsoever. I do believe this is totally unfair and I am more than disappointed. I used to hear nothing but great things about Toyotas customer service but I have now had two unsatisfactory incidents with Toyota, neither of which was my doing. I must say, I was very pleased with the customer service that I received from the installer of the airbag, the Toyota Northwest Edmonton dealer.
Publicado: March 19, 2019
Patricia of Athabasca, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Horrible customer service. This is the worst Toyota site to come to. No one
Horrible customer service. This is the worst Toyota site to come to. No one offered us a chair. We have been standing here looking stupid for more than 20 mins. All the workers are sitting down at their computers doing absolutely “NOTHING”!!!! I’ve watched a woman back up out of a space and hit a Mercedes twice and none of the workers went to help direct her out of the space. The one guy that walked up and pretended to be helpful and told me where we should park never came back to help us. I will never be coming back here. With his ** looking like looking & talking like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air THIS PLACE SUCKS!!!
Publicado: November 14, 2018
Nicole of Silver Spring, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I inherited this Toyota Rav4 from my mother when she stopped driving. It wo
I inherited this Toyota Rav4 from my mother when she stopped driving. It works good for hauling kids, dogs and gardening supplies plus can handle 5 small bails of straw with ease. I also like the power locks and power windows and I love the 4 wheel drive. The car runs great, good on gas, handles great and can make it through a MN winter. I can make it up my drive way during the winter. But I would have liked better tires and wish it was less like a station wagon. And Id like it if it is higher off the ground, I feel like Im getting into a car and not a SUV. I also wish it had tilt steering and blue tooth.
Publicado: July 6, 2018
Maria of Chicago, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Toyota Solara Convertible is an excellent car and fun to drive. It has a
My Toyota Solara Convertible is an excellent car and fun to drive. It has a lot of room seating wise and holds 4 people comfortably, has good trunk space, and good gas mileage. I love the fact that its a convertible and its a great car for the climate in Arizona. But Toyota stopped making this model... its a fantastic car with so many positive features. We did have an issue with a crack in our dashboard, but it was a warranted issue, so it was promptly remedied, completely to our satisfaction. Toyota makes a terrific automobile and has an excellent reputation, they stand by their product and have a great service record.
Publicado: July 9, 2018
B of Glendale, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My friend and I were looking for a car for me. We went to a car place and f
My friend and I were looking for a car for me. We went to a car place and found a grey Toyota. Its a very nice plain color and the inside is nice as well. It works very well, good to drive around and no gas problems. But sometimes it wont lock right away when I press the lock button on my keys. Other than that a lot of my friends and family love the car. Not all cars are the same but, some cars are definitely worth having.
Publicado: June 21, 2018
Vanessa of Indianapolis, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

So, I brought a brand new Toyota Highlander 2017 in Louisiana. About half a
So, I brought a brand new Toyota Highlander 2017 in Louisiana. About half a year later, my family and I moved to Indiana. That when we start to go to local dealership to get our car check for every 5,000 miles. After about the fifth time we go there, they told us that the nitrogen metal valve stem caps have melted or got stuck in the tire so they cant get the tire pressure reading. They told us that we have to pay $600 to get THREE of them fixed. But that is just straight up dumb, the warranty should have paid for it. We have a 3 year warranty on the car. But, they were just repeating themselves and not offering any help. They were saying how Toyota doesnt put metal valve stem caps in their cars and they put plastic caps so it dont cease. They told us that we have to call the dealership that we brought it from to tell them about it and what to do. Well, we called the dealership and they said that they do put metal valve stem caps, but it is insulated so it dont get stuck in the tire. Pretty much both dealerships were being jerks and not admitting whose fault it is and making us pay $600 while it was clearly one of thems fault. It was a terrible experience.
Publicado: January 26, 2019
Peng Yun of Richmond, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My name is Andrew ** and I work in the automotive industry. I am a Team Lea
My name is Andrew ** and I work in the automotive industry. I am a Team Leader at a Toyota Dealership in Lancaster, Ohio. I have been around, owned or driven hundreds of makes and models of cars new and used. I have also owned my fair share. Recently I purchased a 2017 Toyota 4Runner JTEBU5JR9H5470030 (Sep. 2, 2017) and within the first couple hundred miles of driving in I noticed a really bad steering wheel shimmy/walk/shake. I am not sure what is the best way to describe it. I brought it back into the dealership (at that time I worked at a Kia dealership) to have them look at it. They balanced the wheels and checked the alignment and said it was fixed. I picked it up and nothing was fixed so the car ended back up in the shop for the another I believe 9 days as they tried to balance the tires. Bought new equipment to balance the tires better, switch tires and wheels from another 4Runner to finally saying that all 4 tires were no good and switching them out and using the new machine to road force balance them. Did it help? Yes it did for about a week. Unfortunately it all came back just the same. At this point I was tired of dealing with it so I just figured I would suck it up an accept it because it was only a lease and even though I wanted to buy it out at the end I didnt have to. Then in February I ended up getting a positon at the Toyota dealership and the problem was bothering me so bad still that I decided to try again to get it fixed since I didnt have to drive my car anywhere extra because now I worked there. Again they road force balanced the tires and said it was fine and then another week or two went by and I asked them to check the alignment which was off (probably from the constant shimmy) and they fixed that. I even reached out to Toyota to see if they would buy the car back since I was a good Toyota client. They said that the car was within guidelines. So here I am.I am not trying to get rich or get a settlement. All I want is for someone to look into this long existing problem that the Toyota 4Runner has that Toyota denies. It might never help my situation out but maybe just maybe it could help someone else out in the future. I am attaching some links that will show you that this is been a long ongoing problem that Toyota wont address. If you need to reach me other than by email my cell phone number is ** and my work number is ** Thanks for listening.
Publicado: June 8, 2018
Andrew of Canal Winchester, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

UPDATED 03/07/2022: I purchased a new 2017 Rav4 from Toyota of Rock Hill. O
UPDATED 03/07/2022: I purchased a new 2017 Rav4 from Toyota of Rock Hill. One of the freebees we were offered was “free oil changes for the first 30,000 miles”. This was really an oil change at 10,000 miles and one at 20,000 miles. At 10,000 miles I took my new Toyota in and had the oil changed. I was working for the public schools at the time and the automotive shop teacher told me I did not want to change the oil on the recommended 10,000 miles, that I should change the oil at 3,000 or 5,000 miles as I had always done. Toyota of Rock Hill refused to change the oil “early”, so at 15,000miles, I changed the oil myself. I drained oil and I removed the oil filter. The oil filter was packed, I repeat packed with dirt and sand! I’m not sure how this could have happened by accident. I could not have offended anybody in the shop. I did not come into contact with anybody at all… At 20,000 miles I again changed the oil and the filter was very clean. I do not know why this happened, but I will never let any Toyota service department touch another vehicle of mine again.ORIGINAL REVIEW: I have purchased many new Toyotas over the past 25 years. The autos have been great. 2004 Solaria, 2006 Solaria, 2006 Rav4 and a 2017 Rav4. I drove the Solaria for 450,000 miles total and the 2006 Rav4 is coming up on 200,000 miles. The newest Rav4 will turn 40,000 miles soon. No mechanical problems of any kind on the older Toyotas. The new 2017 Rav4 had some issues.The one major problem has been with the new tires that came on the two new Rav4s. The tires were manufactured by Yokohama and have had a number of problems. On the 2006 Rav4 the tires did not last. Maybe 30,000 was all. After several calls Yokohama I was told by somebody on the executive staff that “We can manufacture better tires but we manufacture these tires to Toyota’s specifications.” The Toyota dealer would not stand behind the tires even though we purchased a warrantee package which cost the equivalent of a set of four tires $600. The 2017 Rav4 had a flat spot or broken belt on one of the four tires. The dealer would not stand behind the problem. Four years and 40,000 miles later and the Rav4 still makes a loud vump, vump, vump noise. It has really gotten under my skin! A second major issue with the 2017 Rav4 is the automatic radar braking. • Moving through traffic at speed limit speeds if you try to pass a car and come close to the vehicle, sometimes the radar will engage the brakes unexpectedly. It may even brake very hard. • Trying to pass a car on a two-lane highway when you come close to the vehicle, the brakes may come on unexpectedly. It may brake very hard. This is very dangerous if there is a car coming at you in the other lane. You can’t pass the car you were trying to pass and you may be stopped by the oncoming car as well. • If you are going around a curve and there is a guard rail next to the road the brakes may come on unexpectedly. If you are on a slippery road the back end will kick out and the car will spin!• If you are on a hilly road the radar may see the hill as a solid object the brakes will come on unexpectedly. Unexpected braking in heavy traffic may get your Rav4 rear ended.The problems are even worse if you use the cruise control. I never use the cruise control at all, it is just too dangerous. I talked with the dealer many times about the problems and the dealer pooh poohed the issues and refused to write up the problem.
Publicado: March 7, 2022
Michael of Matthews, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was denied service. I need a copy of my tire replacement warranty FROM YO
I was denied service. I need a copy of my tire replacement warranty FROM YOU because it is different from what you claim it to be. I will NEVER purchase another extended warranty or any type of additional insurance/service ever again!
Publicado: November 26, 2021
Renee of Haskell, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love working with the people at Larry Miller Toyota in Phoenix. They are
I love working with the people at Larry Miller Toyota in Phoenix. They are so very helpful, knowledgeable and supremely customer oriented. They will describe to me what the issue is, give me the opportunity To accept or reject the maintenance that is suggested. They will also tell me the cost and tell me how I can pay it or finance it and whether it is absolutely necessary at the time. I so appreciate the work that they do and the honesty that they provide. I also am very comfortable waiting for my vehicle to be serviced as their customer service lounge is awesome. Barbara
Publicado: April 6, 2020
Barbara of Litchfield Park, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my 2018 Camry XSE 3 weeks ago and I love. Only thing I donâ&eur
I purchased my 2018 Camry XSE 3 weeks ago and I love. Only thing I don’t like is that a remote start doesn’t come standard. After paying that amount of money I thought it would have remote start seeing as other cars of different makes and models but are sedans do have the remote start. I think it comes on the XSE V6 but that car is about $4000 more than my car. Toyota should be ashamed for not making that standard.
Publicado: December 17, 2017
Barron of Hutchins, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Software does not work, no radio, phone, music, etc function. So poor quali
Software does not work, no radio, phone, music, etc function. So poor quality Toyota car! Screen cant be initiation by self??!! It has been connected Toyota for half year. I got nothing! So poor service after sold car of Toyota! Its so regret and purchased three cars from the Toyota so far! Bye Toyota for forever! For Customer no way.
Publicado: February 25, 2020
Amy of Richardson, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Prius is fine. However, I regret this recent purchase as I have just lea
My Prius is fine. However, I regret this recent purchase as I have just learned that Toyota is irresponsibly abetting the attempt to reduce emission/mileage standards. I have bought a number of Toyotas in the past and have always thought that I was helping to move, however slowly, towards the massive reduction in emissions that we achieve before further collapse makes that question, and so many others (as well as auto makers profits) moot! I truly hope that Toyotas management will consider our collective future and abandon this position - and regain my trust.
Publicado: November 15, 2019
Jack of Santa Cruz, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After purchasing a Toyota certified Venza that as used, I noticed the steer
After purchasing a Toyota certified Venza that as used, I noticed the steering column as shaking making rattling noise in which there are tons of complaints. I contacted the Toyota corporate and they agreed to have it looked at. When they finally found the problem and I was right, they denied me of getting it fixed. They told me to call the Kia dealership in which I purchased. However, why would I have my Toyota certified vehicle fixed at a Kia dealership. Then they told me to buy a warranty. But if the car has a precondition, it wont get fixed anyway. So now Im out money and instead of their price of 300 I will have to pay 1300. Im so upset. I was almost in an accident a couple of weeks ago for failure to control my steering wheel.
Publicado: February 17, 2017
Robin of Waller, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Venza is my favorite car so far. It has been very reliable and I have on
My Venza is my favorite car so far. It has been very reliable and I have only had to do routine maintenance. I really like the sporty look of it and there are vents in the back. The back seats are comfortable and they fold down easily to provide a lot of storage space. Also, the car has good pick-up and I was impressed with the gas mileage. However, the cabin could be quieter, the road noise is pretty loud and the engine seems loud as well. My automatic locks are not working right now, either. But overall I am satisfied.
Publicado: July 2, 2018
Kate of Beverly, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

White Pearl Paint peeling off vehicle in sheets. Due to factory faulty issu
White Pearl Paint peeling off vehicle in sheets. Due to factory faulty issues with primer that was used. Lots of people are having this issue with that. And sadly Toyota is not willing to admit to the factory problem with the primer. Never again.
Publicado: February 25, 2019
Georgia of Charlotte, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In 2015 I went to a dealership in Lawrence, KS where I was approved for a c
In 2015 I went to a dealership in Lawrence, KS where I was approved for a car loan for the RAV-4 hybrid. In hindsight I am not sure I should have been approved for the loan. I told them how much I thought I could afford a month with insurance included. They quoted me a price, when I said I couldnt afford the insurance the floor manager said that he would make a phone call then sold me liability insurance. He said I didnt need comprehensive insurance only liability. After a few months I realized I couldnt afford the payments. I went to the dealership in the new state I was living to ask for advice about what to do in my situation. They insisted that I go in person to speak with one of their sales reps. When I arrived the sales rep I was assigned was relentless. I got flustered, I had mentioned several times I needed to leave to take the night to think about what to do however, I ended up leaving with a car I didnt want. I was a single mom, my daughter was getting restless. When signing the paperwork we looked into switching the insurance plan over to the new car, that is when I was told that legally I was required to have full coverage insurance on a car if you have a loan. In the end I left with a car I didnt want because I thought it would be affordable but cost me the same. Since I have had this car (2016 Prius), the handle came off when I went to open the door. The dealership said they wouldnt cover the cost because they determined it had come off due to someone forcefully opening the door. Three years after having the car the AC stopped working. I was told it was due to the air conditioning radiator damper servo sub assembly malfunctioning. I was told again that Toyota would not cover the cost to repair it and it would cost me over $1,000 to repair it. I do claim responsibility for my naivete and for not educating myself more before walking into a car dealership. My experience was not great. I suspect the dealership in Lawrence is manipulating paperwork to give loans to people who would otherwise not be approved for those loans. And erroneously advising customers to purchase liability insurance. I will never buy from Toyota again. I would never advise anyone to.
Publicado: September 8, 2019
Jesse of Milford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our Toyota Yaris brand new in 2008. After one year, the paint on
We bought our Toyota Yaris brand new in 2008. After one year, the paint on the roof began to peel. At first it was just a small bubble of paint. But over the past few years, the peeling has spread to our entire roof. We asked the dealership about it and were told that it was our problem, that we would need to pay for a paint job. We couldnt figure out what was causing it. But we took the dealership at their word. Recently, weve noticed other Yaris with the same issue. Most of them have been blue, just like ours. All of the peeling paint has been on the roof. We just saw one today thats red. We talked with one of the owners and she showed us where the peeling paint had moved down toward the drivers side door. Toyota needs to do a recall for a free paint job. The resale value of the car is diminished by the slip-shot paint job.
Publicado: October 6, 2016
Nancy of Burbank, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Contrast to common belief about Toyotas service excellence, I have had horr
Contrast to common belief about Toyotas service excellence, I have had horrible experience despite being a Stern user of Toyota since long. They have denied the gear box replacement after 80K running and which is a clear fault which is covered in extended warranty. This clearly proves their commitment to service. This happened immediately after my Fortuner went for service and they put the blame on some rear which happened one year back and after that it has run 20000 kms. I would say please do not believe on their false commitment and customer centric claims as it does not hold ground. I am a customer in Gurgaon and going legal with them purely on technical grounds. We as consumers should not leave these manufacturers to do what they want to and strip our rights and rightful compensation after having paid for extra.
Publicado: June 8, 2019
Dinesh of Gurugram, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I did not have much money. I live off of a small amount every month and I n
I did not have much money. I live off of a small amount every month and I needed something good on gas, reliable around town & easy to fix, cheap tags, cheap insurance. I really did not care what make or model I got as long as I got one that I could afford and would be dependable enough to get me around town. It was not too big and it was not too small. Everything worked on it and thats all that mattered. Ive had a good experience overall with 1976 Toyota. Its dependable for being 19 yrs old. I liked that it was cheap and it is cheap on gas. It is easy to fix. I like older cars cause it is easier to work on, the parts are cheaper and the parts are easier to take off and on. Cheap tires too. I got a really good deal. The person that sold it to me took payments off 50 a month.I liked that it had decent mileage on it for as old as it was. Comfortable, relaxing, not too big and not too small. Doesnt draw heat in the summer heats up fast too. But old radio, old windows, small trunk and no sunroof or car seat warmers and not automatic start. Also it gets off balance & shakes cause its so old and the alignment. But insurance is cheap on it and like how I have to shift gears & how smooth it shifts. Real nice experience.
Publicado: June 28, 2018
Melissa of Topeka, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

So back in 2017 I had an auto accident where I was found not at fault and I
So back in 2017 I had an auto accident where I was found not at fault and I was given a large sum of cash from my insurance to help pay for a new vehicle. During the time of obtaining the funds I decided to try to head back to Toyota and get another Toyota Camry Hybrid as this was my all time favorite vehicle and to this date and time still is.Well needless to say me and my wife head down here and I was approached immediately which I told one rep I was here to buy a new Toyota Camry Hybrid. He attempted to ask me sales pitch questions like whats my number or figure I am looking at with cash down and what kind of payment. I immediately told him to give me time to go over the features in the vehicle, colors available, and pricing.The sales guy agreed and showed me the lot and long story short he once more once near the vehicles asked me again about price, down payment, cash or financing and I cut him off and said, Look I wont say that right now, because I need to see the vehicles and colors. Once I located the one I wanted I simply asked what is the overall price of the vehicle I found. He then tried to gain more information on what I wanted and again cash flow.I told my wife we were leaving. I am not going to waste my time with this guy. I simply never dealt with this before as this must have been a new tactic by this particular person, but the last sales guy I dealt with was not even close to being this ignorant or pushy. I went to another dealer which was not the same model I wanted, but nonetheless I did not deal with any of the aggravation I dealt with here.The reason I kept this information from the sales guy was simple. They use that information against customers. Colors, features, cash down, and financing is easy to push a higher valued vehicle with more features than I wanted or needed. I know this, because my Uncle was a Salesman and taught me what they do. All I simply wanted to do was point out the vehicle I wanted to explain all the details afterwards.
Publicado: September 19, 2021
Brian of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am writing regarding my concern about a technical service bulletin that I
I am writing regarding my concern about a technical service bulletin that I recently became aware of. My husband and I keep all documentation from our cars and mailings that we receive and to be honest we do not have anything in our files that Toyota sent us regarding the oil consumption problem. I have a 2009 Matrix that I purchased at the end of July 2008. Recently I have had to put between 2-4 quarts of oil into my car in between oil changes. Recently when I had my car at my mechanic he was the one who mentioned this issue to me so I contacted the dealership in North Attleboro where I purchased the car 10 years ago. The person that I spoke with told me to come in and they could start an oil consumption test and if they found anything he mentioned they would replace the pistons and look to see what else needed to be done.Today when I brought my car in I was informed that I was no longer eligible and would have had to had this completed by the end of July since that is 10 years from when I purchased my car or 150K miles whichever came first. I am currently at 128,000 miles. I am very frustrated that they have extended this program but have no flexibility in helping a customer when it happens a couple months after they are out of the 10 year period. As mentioned I am still under the mileage.I called the customer care line today and spoke with a woman who could only read me verbatim what I already knew and could not offer any other resolutions. I am saddened that Toyota does not stand behind their products with known issues when they happen outside of a certain time period. I will be submitting something to the BBB to and the reference number for the contact I have had with Toyota is **. I would hope that others who have this same issue are offered a solution. At this time I know that my solution is you will have likely lost at least 3 households who have been loyal to Toyota in the past.
Publicado: October 5, 2018
Beth of Plainville, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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