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Viking Accesorios
Viking Accesorios

Viking Reparación de electrodomésticos

Ser líder requiere confianza. Se necesita visión para anticipar lo que está más allá del horizonte. Se necesitan agallas para crear algo en un espacio donde antes no existía nada. Liderar es exactamente lo que Viking ha estado haciendo durante casi 40 años. Creamos la gama de calidad profesional para la cocina del hogar.

Distancia Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Viking fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o una reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Viking por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El horno no se enciende
Su horno Viking no se calentará si ni siquiera se enciende. Tanto si tiene un horno de gas como eléctrico, el primer paso para solucionar un horno que no se enciende es comprobar la caja de interruptores. Una subida de tensión, por ejemplo, puede hacer que el interruptor del disyuntor se dispare al moverlo a la posición de "apagado". Cuando compruebe el interruptor que corresponde a su horno, asegúrese de que está en la posición de "encendido" y también asegúrese de que su horno está enchufado a una toma de corriente de 220 a 240 voltios para asegurarse de que tiene un suministro de energía adecuado.

El horno no cocina uniformemente
Los elementos de horneado y asado pueden no estar conduciendo el calor como deberĂ­an. Encienda el asador y compruebe si el elemento de la parte superior de su horno brilla con un color rojo uniforme. Apague el asador y ponga el horno en la posiciĂłn de horneado; compruebe si el elemento de la parte inferior del horno tiene un color rojo uniforme. Si ve alguna interrupciĂłn en el color rojo de cualquiera de los elementos, el elemento defectuoso debe ser reemplazado.

La puerta del horno no se cierra
Puede ser el momento de sustituir la bisagra de la puerta si ésta no se cierra correctamente. También es posible que quiera comprobar si las rejillas del horno están correctamente instaladas. Si recientemente ha movido una de las rejillas a una posición diferente en el horno para hacer espacio para una bandeja grande para asar, por ejemplo, la rejilla puede estar descansando incorrectamente en las paredes laterales y obstruyendo la puerta del horno para que se cierre bien.

El horno no se autolimpia
El ciclo de autolimpieza en un horno Viking no puede comenzar hasta que la puerta esté bien cerrada. Si tiene problemas para cerrar la puerta, es posible que el interruptor de la puerta o la cerradura misma estén defectuosos. Un cable quemado o un temporizador fallido también pueden ser los culpables.

La luz no funciona
Una solución obvia y fácil para la luz que no funciona en su horno Viking es simplemente que necesita reemplazar una bombilla mala. Asegúrese de utilizar una bombilla de la potencia adecuada, de acuerdo con la recomendación de su manual de usuario. Si eso no soluciona el problema, un técnico de hornos comprobará algunos problemas eléctricos, como el interruptor de la luz, el interruptor de la secadora o la placa de control. A menos que usted sea un electricista certificado, llamar a un experto es la forma más segura de diagnosticar y reparar cualquier problema eléctrico.

Lavaplatos Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Viking fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o una reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Viking por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El lavavajillas no desagua
Si su lavavajillas Viking no desagua correctamente, siga estos sencillos consejos:
Limpie el filtro de cualquier residuo
Asegúrese de que la manguera de drenaje no está doblada o retorcida
Limpie el espacio de aire
Revise la unidad de eliminaciĂłn de basura en busca de atascos
Si ha probado todos los consejos anteriores y su lavavajillas sigue sin desaguar correctamente, es probable que el problema se deba a un fallo en los componentes internos de su lavavajillas. Puede ser:
Bomba o motor de desagĂĽe defectuoso
Impulsor de desagĂĽe roto
Juego de solenoide de desagĂĽe defectuoso
Válvula de retención que funciona mal o muchos más.
En este caso, se requiere la ayuda de un reparador de electrodomésticos profesional.

El lavavajillas no limpia bien
Si encuentra que la vajilla sale sucia después de completar el ciclo del lavavajillas, pruebe los siguientes consejos para resolver el problema:
Da una vuelta a los brazos rociadores para asegurarte de que pueden moverse libremente sin obstrucciĂłn
Abre el grifo de agua caliente más cercano al lavavajillas y despeja la línea de agua fría.
Agregue detergente fresco y seco al dispensador
Cargue todos los artĂ­culos de manera que la fuerza del agua y el detergente lleguen a las superficies sucias
Desgraciadamente, incluso después de estos útiles consejos, su lavavajillas Viking puede no limpiar los platos, como debería debido a estas piezas defectuosas:
Anillo de rodamiento del brazo rociador desgastado
Válvula de entrada de agua defectuosa
Tubo de suministro de agua restringido
Girador de lavado agrietado
Confíe en nuestros técnicos experimentados cuando necesite reemplazar algunas piezas defectuosas.

El lavavajillas gotea
Cuando su lavavajillas Viking gotea, intente lo siguiente antes de llamar a los profesionales:
Asegúrese de que el lavavajillas está nivelado
Limpie el agua condensada de la parte inferior de la superficie de trabajo
Revise las mangueras de desagüe y de entrada en busca de desgarros o daños en el material
Si ha revisado todos estos lugares y su lavavajillas sigue goteando, puede ser el momento de llamar a la ayuda profesional, ya que las siguientes piezas podrĂ­an estar causando el problema:
Válvula de entrada de agua defectuosa
Brazo de lavado roto
Sello del eje del motor agrietado
Sello del sumidero dañado
Junta de la puerta defectuosa
El lavavajillas no arranca
Y finalmente, cuando su lavavajillas Viking no arranca, puede realizar lo siguiente:
Asegúrese de que su lavavajillas está enchufado y recibe corriente
Compruebe si la puerta del lavavajillas está bien cerrada
Asegúrese de que el suministro de agua está abierto al lavavajillas
Si su lavavajillas no arranca, estas piezas pueden ser las culpables del problema:
Interruptor de la puerta roto
Picaporte de la puerta defectuoso
Fusible térmico fundido
Panel táctil dañado
Placa de control principal defectuosa
Temporizador defectuoso
Si su lavavajillas Viking sigue sin funcionar y puede necesitar la asistencia de un técnico cualificado.

Microonda Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Viking fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o una reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Viking por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

PreparaciĂłn de la reparaciĂłn del horno microondas
La reparación del horno microondas es a veces sencilla, pero muchos problemas quedan fuera del ámbito de las reparaciones caseras casuales "finge hasta que lo consigas". Algunos puntos importantes:
No intente una reparación si su microondas todavía está en garantía, porque eso anula su garantía. Además, ¿por qué hacerlo usted mismo cuando un profesional se encargará de ello?
Desenchufe siempre el microondas antes de quitar la tapa y empezar a probarlo.
Los condensadores pueden provocar una descarga desagradable y potencialmente letal, incluso cuando el microondas está desenchufado. Si no puede reconocer un condensador a la vista, probablemente debería dejar la solución de problemas a nivel de placa a alguien más experimentado.

El microondas no tiene energĂ­a
Si su microondas no tiene energía en absoluto, eso es en realidad una buena noticia porque significa que algunas de las soluciones más simples pueden aplicarse. Para empezar, si su microondas dejó de funcionar en medio de la cocción, podría ser simplemente un interruptor (o fusible, en una casa antigua). Comprueba el panel, reajústalo si es necesario y vuelve a intentarlo. Si el disyuntor vuelve a saltar de inmediato, hay un problema con el microondas y debe dejar de usarlo.
Un segundo problema común, y de fácil solución, es que el fusible principal del microondas puede haberse fundido. Se trata de un fusible cilíndrico, normalmente de cerámica y con una potencia nominal de 20 ó 25 amperios. Quítelo del portafusibles, ponga su medidor en la posición de continuidad si tiene una o en la de ohmios/resistencia si no, y pruebe el fusible. Si no hay continuidad, o la resistencia es infinita o nula, sustituye el fusible. Es la reparación más sencilla del horno microondas, una que la mayoría de la gente es capaz de hacer.
La mayoría de los microondas también tienen un corte térmico o "fusible térmico" para evitar el sobrecalentamiento. Estos son un poco más difíciles de detectar, pero bastante reconocibles si busca algunas imágenes en línea. Desconecte el cortacircuito de la placa y compruebe su continuidad. Al igual que con un fusible convencional, la falta de continuidad o una resistencia de cero o infinita significa que el cortacircuito debe ser reemplazado. El valor nominal de la temperatura del cortacircuito estará impreso en el lateral, y deberá sustituirlo por uno del mismo valor nominal.

El microondas no se pone en marcha
Si su microondas tiene potencia pero no cocina, suele ser un problema de la puerta. El pestillo de la puerta contiene un interruptor de bloqueo que impide que funcione cuando la puerta no está cerrada. Si eso falla, el microondas no funcionará.
Para probar el interruptor, desenchĂşfelo y retire el gabinete. El interruptor es del tipo "normalmente abierto", lo que significa que sĂłlo deberĂ­a obtener continuidad cuando se presiona el botĂłn del Ă©mbolo/actuador. Con los cables de su medidor conectados a los terminales (etiquetados C para comĂşn y NO para normalmente abierto), presione el interruptor. Si no obtiene continuidad, el interruptor es el culpable y debe ser reemplazado.
Si el interruptor funciona, el problema puede estar en los ganchos de la puerta con resorte, que cierran la puerta firmemente y activan el enclavamiento. Si los ganchos están desgastados o los muelles han perdido tensión, puede que no activen el interruptor de la puerta correctamente. Sustituirlos requiere desmontar y, posiblemente, retirar la puerta. Lleva algo de tiempo pero no es especialmente difícil.

El microondas no cocina
Si el microondas arranca bien pero no cocina los alimentos, el problema suele ser el magnetrón. Tendrá que desenchufar y abrir el microondas, y luego descargar el condensador de forma segura para evitar el riesgo de descarga, según el Servicio Autorizado de Reparación de Electrodomésticos. Si no confía en su capacidad para hacerlo de forma segura, debe llamar a un profesional de la reparación de electrodomésticos.
Una vez que tenga acceso al magnetrón, desconecte sus cables y compruebe su continuidad. Debe mostrar una continuidad de 2 a 3 ohmios entre los terminales. Si no hay continuidad entre los terminales, o si hay continuidad entre los terminales y la carcasa exterior del magnetrón, será necesario reemplazarlo.

Refrigerador Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Viking fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o una reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Viking por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El control y las luces del congelador están encendidos, pero el compresor no funciona
El frigorífico está en modo de descongelación
Funcionamiento normal Espere 40 minutos para ver si el compresor se reinicia.

El frigorĂ­fico no funciona
El frigorífico no está enchufado. Enchufe el frigorífico.
El control no está encendido El fusible está fundido, o el disyuntor necesita ser reajustado. Ajuste correctamente los controles. Reemplace los fusibles quemados. Compruebe el disyuntor y reajústelo.

La temperatura de los alimentos es demasiado frĂ­a
Los serpentines del condensador están sucios. Limpie las bobinas.
Los controles del refrigerador o del congelador están ajustados demasiado altos. Ajuste correctamente los controles.

El frigorĂ­fico tiene olor
El compartimento está sucio o tiene alimentos que causan olor.

Se forman gotas de agua en el exterior de la puerta
Compruebe que las juntas estén bien selladas. Limpie las juntas.
Los niveles de humedad son altos. El clima cálido y húmedo puede aumentar la condensación.
Los controles requieren un ajuste.

El frigorífico o la máquina de hielo emiten sonidos extraños o parecen demasiado ruidosos.
El frigorĂ­fico pierde agua
Se ha utilizado un tubo de plástico para la conexión del agua. El fabricante recomienda utilizar tubos de cobre. El plástico es menos duradero y puede provocar fugas.
Se ha instalado una válvula de agua incorrecta. Compruebe el procedimiento de conexión de agua en las instrucciones de instalación. Las válvulas autoperforantes y de silla de montar de 3/16" causan baja presión de agua y pueden obstruir la línea con el tiempo.

Viking Reparación de electrodomésticos

Viking servicio de electrodomésticos

Viking ayuda del aparato

Viking asistencia de electrodomésticos

Viking mantenimiento de electrodomésticos

Reseñas de productos:

When our family bought our home we purchased all new Viking kitchen equipme
When our family bought our home we purchased all new Viking kitchen equipment. Double oven, heat warming tray, 2 oversized units, one refrigerators, one freezer, ice machine dishwasher, hood, and 6 burner stove top. Within two years the refrigerator started leaking. We complained to the company we purchased it from and he said it was the seal. They ordered a new one from Viking but what Viking failed to tell them was that the refrigerator we had purchased was one of the first 100 off the assembly line and they had recalled this item.The continuing leakage from the refrigerator ruined our hardwood floors. We finally had a rep come out and look at the refrigerator and believe it or not we got a new one after this continuing over a year. The ice machine in the freezer went bad so he ordered us a new one while he was there. The ice machine that was self standing the board went out after 4 years and it cost almost as much to fix so we threw it out. Now our freezer only freezes halfway. There is a hole in the condensing coil that they can not locate. Now the refrigerator that was replaced the door keeps catching and it will not close properly. The dishwasher would not drop water after 5 years. Could not figure out why it would not and just ended up throwing that away.
Publicado: February 25, 2016
Lisa of Kitty Hawk, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I needed a new oven after 31 years. I started doing research and going to d
I needed a new oven after 31 years. I started doing research and going to different places. I had certain requirements like Ive got animals and I wanted induction. I also wanted front knobs and dials. I didnt want all the push button stuff. I also needed a free-standing unit. Through my process of elimination, I was deciding between a KitchenAid and a Viking because theres no Miele here in east of London. The KitchenAid didnt work because I didnt like the way the controls were positioned on the surface of the unit. Then I was at the appliance shop and I started looking around at the different models. I saw the Thermador then I found that they only do gas. Then I looked at the Viking and it looked like a beautiful piece of equipment. I loved the fact that its 100% stainless on the side. Its not piecemealed with a black metal and just a front view of stainless. I love the front dials. Theyre very professionally done. I like the flat surface and the design of it. Theyve got squares and circles inside not these curves and arrows that go all across like a contemporary artwork piece. Moreover, its an exceptional oven and has a great induction. I love it. It cooks well and faster. It also heats up my water wonderfully because Im doing a pitcher of tea every two days. I dont have to wait six minutes anymore to boil my five cups of water. I also like that as soon as I open the door, the light goes on. I dont have to sit there and press the light then open the door kind of thing. I like the fact that its got three trays, two slide and one regular. I like the slide trays. Ive only used my oven about a dozen times and so far, so good. However, theres no timer and when I pointed it out to them they said its because its a Brigade Professional. But its not a major deal because I have a little timer right by the stove. So thats my unit and its the best range. I bought it at the appliance shop and dealt with one of the owners. He was very professional. I tend to do more research than the average customer and therefore I tend to have more questions. I try and dot my Is and cross my Ts and he took the time with me. I wouldnt hesitate to go back when I need a second appliance. This range is very expensive and I cant afford to make a mistake on an appliance because its not something that I can take back and say its not working and I need to get another one. I have a good warranty from Brigade for three years. I also bought the maximum extended warranty of three years so Im hoping I never have to call on a warranty issue. Im hoping this thing lasts me 20 years. But the fact that the warranty is three years and not a year has to say something, too, because everything else has a warranty for one or two years. And I know Viking was going down to two but Im glad I got the three.
Publicado: December 31, 2016
Linda of Tecumseh, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had Viking Ranges since they pretty much came out. We are on our th
We have had Viking Ranges since they pretty much came out. We are on our third Viking Range. When we remodeled our house, my husband wanted to get me something high quality because I’m a baker and I cook a lot. So we’ve researched and thats what came up. I like the way the Viking Range looks. We also renovate houses since the 80s and we always put a Viking Range in there. We flip higher end houses and people wanted Viking look or Wolf. We bought one Wolf and I hated the Wolf. I was like, Forget it. I don’t have to buy another Wolf. Weve bought plenty of Viking Ranges.The first one I had was a gas range and I loved it. And then we traded that for a dual fuel electric oven which I hated. The oven was much smaller and I couldnt fit all my baking pans. I couldnt even fit a turkey in it. I was really disappointed in that. It also started arching, spitting and shooting flames out the vent and the top. Wed called Viking to find out if there was any root cause. And they said not that they are aware of. So we ended up going through our insurance company in getting a new one. I got the Dual Fuel Viking Range. Its the four-burner. They did change the oven so its much bigger. Ive baked four cakes already with it and its only been a month. I wish they would have had one on the floor so I could have looked at it. But most people arent caring them because theyre so expensive.The people that I talked to at Viking have been very nice. But I wish we could have gotten more information about the other one that had started the fire. They didnt seem very interested and we still have that oven. They werent also going to take the oven so we figured we just hang on to it and see. Were thinking of making an outside kitchen and just tearing the oven apart and turning it into an outside stove. They also have people who came to hook a Viking Range up but hooked up the electric cord wrong. So then we didnt have an oven for a week cause it wouldnt work. Somebody came to fix it. They replaced the cord and took it right one on and that works great.
Publicado: April 15, 2017
Denise of Whitefish Bay, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I cannot seem to get my range repaired and no one at Viking seems to care.
I cannot seem to get my range repaired and no one at Viking seems to care. Six weeks out and no action taken. When I use the oven, the face plate holding the knobs heats up so bad you cannot touch them. Viking repair said they may install a blower behind the plate to expel the heat but after six weeks, I am about to give up. Seems to be a major design flaw to me. I sure learned a lesson about Viking. Beware.
Publicado: November 18, 2013
Paul of Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The electronic control panel on our Viking Wall Oven began to blink when we
The electronic control panel on our Viking Wall Oven began to blink when we tried to turn it on. The oven is five years old and seldomly used. We did the usual troubleshooting, then called Viking to have an authorized service rep come out. The service rep pulled the unit from the wall, unplugged it and gave us a quote for $4300 for the repair! He says we need a new glass panel (even though it is obviously a circuit board behind the panel) and the part is slightly less expensive than purchasing a brand new oven! Unacceptable Viking!!!
Publicado: January 24, 2018
Mitch of Toronto, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Viking Range was installed in our home and it’s been very high-q
The Viking Range was installed in our home and it’s been very high-quality. My favorite feature is the even heating, baking, and the temperature control. We did have to have someone come and service it though. The issue was that one of the sensors for starting the oven was incorrectly tuned so it wouldn’t catch to start. We contacted a certified service provider that was in our area that we found using their tool on the website. The technician came and fixed that fairly easily. And it was also very easy to contact the technician. And they were very helpful in terms of organizing the service. It was also still under warranty. Overall, we were very satisfied with the appliance.
Publicado: January 18, 2020
Zachary of Wyckoff, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive known Viking from many years ago in the food service business. I wasnâ&
Ive known Viking from many years ago in the food service business. I wasn’t going with the Viking Refrigerator, but with the Viking cooktop. Both appliances came as a package deal and the sales pitch was one item would be free, so it was easier for me to do that. I would have never gone with Viking for my refrigeration purchase. I’ve been using the refrigerator for about a month now and it appears very sturdy and I feel its gonna last. It also appears to do a great job to have the room that I thought it did for its size. I also like the digital controls on top that tells me what’s going onPeople have to understand the options that come with their Viking Refrigerator, like the ice maker versus non-ice maker, down to if they have water filtration for access to waterspouts. Viking is really there when you’re looking at the quality. On the other hand, Viking is not sitting extremely well with me on the customer service side. I had the direct vent and it hasn’t worked since day one. After three months, they finally decided to replace it. I saved my money for a very long time for those items and they are the biggest expense Ive ever made on appliances. It was quite depressing knowing that Viking didn’t stand by some of their equipment. So, be cautious.
Publicado: June 10, 2018
Rob of East Greenwich, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive known about Viking Ranges for years. I wanted a six-range top, so we we
Ive known about Viking Ranges for years. I wanted a six-range top, so we went out and look at them at ABT and they seemed to have the cleanest look. They had somebody who comes out especially for Viking who was very knowledgeable. When we first got it, it wouldnt go on properly so somebody came out and adjusted it. Then when I clean and put the pieces back together, one or two of the jets would flare. Also, when I put it down on low, I get this ticking sound which means that the gas is not coming through properly. It is also a little crowded, so I have to remove one rack to get anything big in. But other than that, I really like the quality.
Publicado: July 24, 2016
Carol of Evanston, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We sent back a previous refrigerator to Viking as the water dispenser wasnt
We sent back a previous refrigerator to Viking as the water dispenser wasnt working. The ice maker was working initially but it stopped working as well. A technician came first to evaluate the refrigerator and said he needed to replace some parts. It took weeks for him to get the parts and he finally came back saying that the refrigerator needed to be replaced. It took a while to get the issues resolved and we had to take time off of work to do that. The coordination was a little frustrating, but the process of getting their product replaced went smoothly. The guys who delivered the new refrigerator and helped set it up were great. However, it doesnt have a water dispenser and I wished that Viking had told us that because I spent money buying the charcoal filtration and I dont know what to do with it now. Other than that, their overall service was good. The installation of the refrigerator went fine and the ice maker is working okay.
Publicado: August 9, 2018
Bhavani of New York, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

All Viking appliances provided by the builder when house was purchased new
All Viking appliances provided by the builder when house was purchased new in 2010. Have already had the dishwasher serviced 4 times, had to replace the interior racks, and finally had to remove it and purchase a different one. Now the refrigerator is acting up - service company selected by Choice Home Warranty has been out here 4 times (so far), replaced thermostat, sensor, ice maker, gasket. I have completely defrosted the unit 3 times since September. I am still getting frost in the lower part of the unit. In my consumer opinion, a $10K refrigerator should last more than 7 years. I have a smaller $300 Home Depot HotPoint refrigerator that has been running non-stop (except for 2 interstate moves) and I have NEVER had a problem with it. Seems to me the more expensive one should last longer. Save yourself the headaches and DO NOT get Viking branded dishwashers or refrigerators. And it is difficult to find authorized repair people.
Publicado: December 13, 2017
Nancy of Prosper, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

10 years ago we bought a 42 inch side by side frig. Service and repair bega
10 years ago we bought a 42 inch side by side frig. Service and repair began regular visits from day three and it has been a terrible experience. There are too many issues to list here, but if any one cared I would be glad to share the rap sheet. The original dealer was Sewell Appliance in Sandy Springs, GA and the service company was Hadco. One of the frustrating issues was that many of the diagnosis discussions did not make sense. Cause and effect, symptoms and solutions, etc. are not always rocket science. Many ill-fated service calls have been endured. Once again, details available upon request.We have lost contents several times and constantly put up with. High temps, iced up element, overflowing drain pan, on and on - we now have a small back up fridge plus TWO $160 freezers to rely on. I have no confidence in the Viking fridge. Im surprised they are still made. I curse the day we saved $700 by not buying a Subzero. What do I want? I would like to have a qualified Viking rep look at my service records and admit that this is not normal. In the meantime, I would never have a Viking product and am seeking ways to publicize my opinion until Viking would step in for some sort of acknowledgement.
Publicado: September 3, 2014
Ron of Dunwoody, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My son and my daughter used to rent places with Viking appliances and they
My son and my daughter used to rent places with Viking appliances and they loved it. They suggested it to me and we went with it because of the reputation and the good quality product. I purchased the refrigerator from the local appliances store and it was wonderful because we had done the research. We came up with what we wanted and looked up who could order it for us. Then we went to the store where they recommended online from Viking and we ordered that. So it was good. I like the look of the refrigerator and how all the buttons are inside. Theyre not visible. Weve installed everything according to the instructions but the ice is not working. So the dealer who sold us the refrigerator is coming to see what’s going on. Hopefully, they will fix it. But other than that, there has been no problem and overall, the experience has been excellent.
Publicado: October 23, 2018
Vera of Greenfield, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When the refrigerator was delivered, the shell was dimpled. So I had two re
When the refrigerator was delivered, the shell was dimpled. So I had two replacements come out, and Viking could not correct that. I got a third refrigerator last week. I was traveling on a weekend, and the compressor stopped, but it came back on. So Im still having problems with Viking. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldnt choose Viking. Theyre not very good products at this time. But their technicians have been great.
Publicado: September 10, 2021
Mark of Dacula, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our kitchen looked beautiful. Viking appliances look great but dont last. B
Our kitchen looked beautiful. Viking appliances look great but dont last. Bought a wall oven in 2006 and had it fixed twice and then had to replace it with a Maytag in 2012 because the self-cleaning option burned up so much of the electronics that it was cheaper to buy a new oven. Our microwave, also bought in 2006, has been repaired twice and now we are going to replace it because it needs to be repaired again. Our beverage refrigerator either freezes anything close to the sides or can only keep things above 40 degrees, nothing in between. The thermostat was replaced but it made no difference. We are now using it as a cabinet for extra housewares. Our dishwasher works GREAT since we only use it about five times/year. The oven door on our large 6 burner stove has never been level but it works well enough for my use. My calls to Viking have produced nothing but oh sorry, you are just out of warranty but here is your closest authorized repair shop. I will NEVER buy another Viking product and will not recommend them to anyone.
Publicado: December 4, 2014
Carol of Vail, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like the reputation of Viking. I purchased a refrigerator-freezer from th
I like the reputation of Viking. I purchased a refrigerator-freezer from them but then it came without the leveling package at the bottom. Furthermore, it doesnt make ice and it makes a weird “boing” noise when I open the freezer door. Also, the door on the freezer got scratched when the men came to put my cabinets in. That’s being replaced under the 90-day cosmetic warranty. But in the meantime, I asked them to put the grill on the front of the refrigerator down at the bottom. However, the guy who was installing the cabinet said that he couldnt because my leveling package isnt there. Their techs are coming out to put it in, and that’s gonna be quite an ordeal â€cause it’s gonna take three men to stand it on its side and put it the leveling package. Also, Im not happy with this issue because I’m gonna have to sign a waiver telling them I won’t sue them if my floor gets damaged.Furthermore, the people who are dealing with the warranty issue regarding the door and the leveling package kept asking me who delivered my refrigerator. So, the people who delivered it to me knew that the leveling package wasnt there and didnt say a word to me. I wouldnt have known had I not had cabinets built around the refrigerator. Nevertheless, the refrigerator-freezer works very well, except with not making ice.
Publicado: September 9, 2018
Cheri of St Pete Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When I walked into the showroom, I saw this Viking refrigerator and I liked
When I walked into the showroom, I saw this Viking refrigerator and I liked the look of it. Viking has a good name too. When I made the purchase, the reps I dealt with were good and helpful. Ive had my Viking refrigerator for about three weeks now and I like it overall. However, there are some things I have some issues with. The refrigerator is so-called commercial and the compressors are a little louder than I would have expected. Also, the ice bin is trash. There are major problems with it. For one, there is a lower side in the back so when the ice fills up and you pull the ice bin out, the ice falls into the track. When you try to close it, the ice gets crushed in there and you have a hard time closing it. The ice bin also leaks so it freezes over the wires that are underneath the ice bin. At some point, that is probably gonna be an issue. Another issue is the toe kick although its not a big deal. They just didnt put it on yet and I cant figure out how to do it. On the other hand, I like the pizza box holder at the bottom. And although I didnt like these at first, I now like the automatic closing doors, as well as all the meat and vegetable compartments. It is also very bright inside the refrigerator. I like the lights.
Publicado: January 28, 2019
Jim of Stuart, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband ordered a Viking range for me as a surprise birthday present. Th
My husband ordered a Viking range for me as a surprise birthday present. The service people that we paid to do the installation were horrible and didnt know anything about it, and so we ended up having to do it ourselves. The range is good and I like the easy clean. None of my stuff seeps down in the burners when what I cook overflows. However, the range should have more of the easy slide racks because the ones that arent are too small for the oven. Also, when the oven is on and I would turn it to low, the flame on the two front ranges would go out. The two outer knobs would also turn with a resistance. So Viking is replacing the oven.My husband is waiting for someone to call him back for our inconvenience. Since were getting a new stove, we hope we can keep the easy glide rack as compensation for our difficulty because this oven is not cheap. I would recommend Viking with reservation. If they don’t take care of the issues I have right now and I have to keep calling, then I will get Better Business Bureau involved. I would really not like to because this is a very nice birthday present and I was very happy with it.
Publicado: April 23, 2017
Marcia of Kenosha, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband is a builder, and he always thought that Viking Ranges are more
My husband is a builder, and he always thought that Viking Ranges are more expensive than others. But the lady at Best Buy called and said they have this floor model line. We were getting a new range, and I love to cook, so I was like, Sure. However, for three weeks I didn’t have a range and it was a big mess. There seems to be a big disconnect on the Best Buy part of Viking. In summary, don’t buy a Viking from Best Buy. It started last September 22nd and it was awful at first. Best Buy would not get someone out here. They didn’t even know they sold us an LP. Apparently Viking misstated it. Best Buy couldn’t say why it didn’t work and then when they figured it out, the sales girl said they were getting someone because they kept telling me its really hard to get a Viking tech. It was out for two weeks. I also had a Best Buy warranty and they told me that it covers Viking. I called the Geek Squad. The day they came, theyre like, We don’t service Viking ranges and I still don’t have a clear answer on that. The manager was supposed to get me whether or not the Best Buy warranty covers Viking and they still don’t have an answer yet. Once the manager got involved, he saw how I upset I was. At first were going to convert the range but they couldnt.The techs involvement helped. He said, Its either buy a Viking LP or gas or you have to take the whole oven apart to convert it.” That ended up being a no-go. That weekend, he got me a loaner and that’s when they said, “Were just going to get you a new range.” Ive been using it and I love it. The front right burner is boils water fast. My least favorite feature though is it doesn’t go real low even on simmer. It still boils. The low setting is not like I put it on and let it go without worrying that its going to burn, which is weird. When the oven stops working that day, Im like. Its coming up to Thanksgiving. What if it stops working? But a girl called me and she must have set up a tech because I got a call from someone and theyre coming.
Publicado: January 1, 1970
Tammy of New Braunfels, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’m in construction and I have seen Viking Ranges in the supply hous
I’m in construction and I have seen Viking Ranges in the supply houses. The quality of the range I received is good. The team that I dealt with at the Viking dealer was good as well. I knew what I was looking for, but they explained everything. I’m satisfied with my experience with Viking.
Publicado: August 25, 2018
Ernie of Jacksonville, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When we bought the house, we requested for Viking appliances. We wanted to
When we bought the house, we requested for Viking appliances. We wanted to get the big 42-inch refrigerator but our realtor failed to tell us at the last minute that they ordered a 36-inch model instead. But even though its not the model I liked, I love its quality. The aesthetics, as far as the door hinges, doesn’t get in my way. It was well-thought out and well-engineered. I also like the option that the temperature is different in certain compartments. However, I dont like the freezer part. As far as the stovetop, we had a choice in that. We got the eight-burner stove and it is phenomenal. It also has a conventional oven built in. All in all, I like Vikings appliances because I can buy a certain model and it has options that come along with it.
Publicado: August 23, 2016
Namon of Fort Washington, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased about six months ago and I have been picking up ice off the floor
Purchased about six months ago and I have been picking up ice off the floor several times a day since! It overproduced ice into the bucket and when you open freezer ice falls out. I contacted customer service and a technician came to house. After consulting Viking directly it was found that this is a known problem and there is no fix for our model. I was told I need to lift the ice handle to stop making ice and put it down again when I need more. Can’t believe I have to make my own ice for a fridge that cost close to $10,000! The rep I purchased the fridge from contacted Viking to see if I could return and the answer was NO! Very disappointed!
Publicado: May 8, 2019
Alicia of North Scituate, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive owned Viking Range products before in my previous home and the quality
Ive owned Viking Range products before in my previous home and the quality of the product is very good. Their ovens are also awesome.
Publicado: February 18, 2017
Wayne of Dallas, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We wanted a good range and Viking had a good reputation. However, it was no
We wanted a good range and Viking had a good reputation. However, it was not a good experience. We were not given full information about the internal cooling fan, which was not only loud, but it didn’t just cool down and then shut off. Through our entire dinner, we heard the fan going on and off. Another other issue was that the burners all fluttered and made noise. We had our propane company come out and check the pressure of our propane and everything was fine. But we couldn’t get it to simmer without it going out and we couldn’t get it on high, even the highest flame without it fluttering. It never worked properly. We have good people here in the area who came out with an additional set of burners, but it never got fixed. So, we were completely disenamored of Viking altogether.
Publicado: December 27, 2017
R. of Ny, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’ve had a Viking range for around the last 17 years. It kinda stopp
I’ve had a Viking range for around the last 17 years. It kinda stopped working really well and I purchased a new one. I like the way the new range looks. But I had to have it replaced for a scratch. Then, the oven wasn’t heating up properly. I had them come out and look at it, which took a couple of days. Before, the oven would just turn off and they fixed something. However, the oven is still not staying as hot as it’s supposed to be.
Publicado: May 1, 2020
Vickie of Ontario, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like my Viking refrigerator. It is a little less steep than my old one bu
I like my Viking refrigerator. It is a little less steep than my old one but I needed it for my kitchen and its good quality. I liked that it was the same brand as the Viking Range that I was buying. That was what I wanted with the refrigerator and it was countertop too. And the air filter that is in there is pretty cool. I worked with a guy from Viking quite often for my business and he was great. He was like a friend and my experience had been good.
Publicado: July 21, 2018
Daniella of Armonk, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I wanted to get a Viking Refrigerator for its quality. I like the brand, th
I wanted to get a Viking Refrigerator for its quality. I like the brand, thats why I purchased a second refrigerator. But Im not happy with the grid up top. When I got the first refrigerator, the grid was higher and the height of the cabinet above the fridge was based on that grid. But now this one is lower, so now I can see a gap between the cabinet and the top of the fridge. Their quality is just not as good as it used to be. I still like it, but Im not happy with the way they changed things. The fridge has the same features and size as the first one. But I liked the way the light didnt dim on and off when I open the fridge. Its drawers and cooler are also different and better. In terms of my experience with the Viking dealer, I’ve dealt with them in the past and I purchased my baking products from them originally. I would have been happy if they were more knowledgeable about the grid on the new fridge. I feel like it ruined my kitchen. I designed the original kitchen around my appliances so it doesn’t make sense to me why they would shorten the grid up top. My experience with the Viking Refrigerator would be nicer if it lasted more than 10 years for that amount of money. Other than that, it was fine.
Publicado: March 16, 2019
Rita of Stoneham, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchasing a Viking range was the contractors decision, but we were asked i
Purchasing a Viking range was the contractors decision, but we were asked if we were okay with that and to me its one of the best out there. The whole thing is awesome because right now in my other home, I have an electric range and theres no comparison. You can cook faster and you can turn it off and on and have the heat go away. We have the grill part in the middle of our range, which I havent used yet but I love that feature. Overall I havent used the range much yet since its our second home and we were only there over the holidays, but the little bit that I did, I loved it.
Publicado: February 8, 2017
Nancy of Nashville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The fridge is a little loud and in the ice machine, the ice falls out of th
The fridge is a little loud and in the ice machine, the ice falls out of the bucket and into like the lower baskets.
Publicado: March 13, 2022
Joann of Buena Park, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Viking a Professional Single Wall Oven June 14. We have no
We purchased the Viking a Professional Single Wall Oven June 14. We have not been able to use this oven. It can take up to 1 hour to pre-heat. After the oven had pre-heated and turned OFF the entire panel is so hot you cannot touch it. The oven was replaced once and we are having the same problem with the new oven. We have had 2 different electricians look at this along with Viking service techs. No one seems to have an answer to our problem. Would never have chosen Viking if we had known this. We also called Viking who told us to call the store we purchased the oven from. Viking basically told us there wasnt anything they could do!!
Publicado: August 10, 2014
Ann of St. Simons Island, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We remodeled our kitchen eight years ago. We were so excited that our new k
We remodeled our kitchen eight years ago. We were so excited that our new kitchen was going to be an all Viking Professional kitchen, seven appliances. Unfortunately, our excitement was short lived. We began having issues, first, with our range. After several years of dealing with the oven we finally got those issues resolved. The refrigerator is just not well made. The crisping drawer has lost its plastic windows. The plastic butter keepers on the door have broken also. But we have had to have the ice maker repaired continually. Currently, the water dispenser and ice bucket have broken again. We had our repairman find out how much it will cost to replace them. Its going to cost $1,600 to replace the parts. So we have decided not to put any more money into repairing this refrigerator since we could have bought a brand new one with the money we have already spent on repairs on this one. We also have a Viking Professional three zone wine refrigerator. The fans for the different zones continue to break. We are currently waiting on two fans because two zones fans are broken. In fact, this time one fan broke and we ordered the fan. When it arrived it had broken in the mail. In the meantime another fan has broken. So we are currently waiting on two new whole fan units. Our Viking Professional dishwashers bottom rack only has one wheel because the others have broken. On the top rack there are folding panels on the sides that have broken so many times that we have just zip tied them on. And the door on the soap dispenser has broken off. I realize our appliances are eight years old but we have had problems with them from the very beginning. I also realize Viking is under new ownership. But, unfortunately, Ive lost my faith in the brand.
Publicado: July 7, 2019
Edy of Clifton, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When I purchased my Viking refrigerator, it was a good price and the built-
When I purchased my Viking refrigerator, it was a good price and the built-in lock on the counter was good. However, I dont know if its the fridges or the customer services fault, but I was starting to get water pooling in the bottom of the freezer. Ive got some damage in my wooden flooring and my pantry. I sent a complaint back in February and Im finally starting to get a response. The technician was out last week. It took six months to have someone come look at my fridge, and Im not sure why it took so long for them to get back to me. They have poor service and Im not very happy.
Publicado: October 5, 2016
Mike of Bolton, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We moved into a brand new home about four weeks ago and I think I was most
We moved into a brand new home about four weeks ago and I think I was most excited about the Viking range. Wed worked really hard for this house and Id always viewed Viking as top drawer. What a disappointment its been. Since the day we moved in, it hasnt worked and multiple visits by Viking repair people still havent helped. Were about a hot minute from replacing it. The salesperson at our Best Buy who weve come to trust tells us that Thermador is a much better buy. So the morale to the story is buyer beware: go with quality even when it might not have the name quotient.
Publicado: December 22, 2016
Fred of Campbell, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking refrigerators had the designs we were interested in so I bought from
Viking refrigerators had the designs we were interested in so I bought from them. But the quality is very substandard. They had to replace the first refrigerator because it was defective. It took eight service calls with countless calls back and forth over a period of seven months to finally replace it. Then, they shipped a new one and before they installed it, the installer scraped off the insulation on the outside of the door. It was a custom ready refrigerator so we installed our own custom panel on the outside of the refrigerator. So now, we’re getting water drippage between the refrigerator door and the inside surface of the custom panel onto our hardwood floors. And the food is freezing inside the refrigerator.I’ve been going back and forth with Viking for a couple of weeks about this and I found out that they changed the engineering on the door. They’re saying that they can have new doors installed but they can’t be held accountable if my custom panels won’t fit the door. They’re not giving me any help. I called Juanita, the supervisor in the customer service department and she doesn’t answer our calls and doesn’t return calls readily. It’s ridiculous. My whole kitchen was breaking. I have this very expensive 42-inch side by side refrigerator, the dishwasher and the warming drawer. All the appliances are Viking. And then I don’t get straight answers from them at all. It wasn’t a good experience. I would not recommend it.
Publicado: August 2, 2017
Larry of Boxford, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have the whole Viking suite in our kitchen for 16 years and its built re
We have the whole Viking suite in our kitchen for 16 years and its built really sturdy. We have two refrigerators, two dishwashers, three ovens, the microwave, and the range top with the downdraft. The size of the refrigerator works really well, the space inside of it is great. We use one for all food and the other one is a beverage refrigerator. I use Executive Appliances for all my services. Its easy to get parts. Its easy to get things fixed. Viking is the best you can get out there. I recommend it to anybody whos going to do a kitchen suite. Its better to have everything thats the same and all of the components go well together.
Publicado: July 24, 2021
Darrell of Laguna Beach, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The purchase and installation of the new range was very seamless and easy.
The purchase and installation of the new range was very seamless and easy. Everything was delivered on time and in good shape. The only negative is that the glass panel keeps getting loose on one of our two Viking ranges. I have to keep screwing it back in. But everything works great. They all perform as advertised and we havent had any issues. It’s a good quality product.
Publicado: April 21, 2021
James of Rye Brook, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We were looking for something that has a range with a gas oven. Viking is o
We were looking for something that has a range with a gas oven. Viking is one of the few ones that provide that amenity. The quality of the product is good. I love it. We’ve used it so many times and it’s been consistent as far as the heat where the oven is concerned. We love the range.
Publicado: April 11, 2021
Maryann of Lawnside, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When our builder gave us two options, whether the lower grade or the higher
When our builder gave us two options, whether the lower grade or the higher grade, I went with the higher grade which was Viking. I have already known that Viking Refrigerators were better and I like them. I like how easily I can move the shelf and I like the partial shelf a lot which drops under so I can put more tall things on the inside shelf.But one thing I don’t like about the Viking Refrigerator is the icemaker. The refrigerator is a three-door and I love the way the bottom freezer opens but every time I do the ice, it knocks an ice cube underneath. It’s crazy and I can’t get it to stop doing that. I’ve called it in but they told me that it is a standard problem. If I would have known that problem, I wouldn’t have bought it because it’s aggravating for me to chase around ice cubes under the refrigerator. They shouldn’t be there but it spits them out to the floor in front but if I pull the door out, they drop down behind the door. Also, the freezer part needs development because the top tray sticks and it’s hard to remove sometimes, and it’s brand new. I’ve seen the double drawer and I don’t know if I can have that in the freezer part at the bottom where the one big solid door with two racks inside is. They have a slim drawer on the outside and it’s the rest of the door, and even that would be a better model. Then, the first time I got my refrigeration filters, it took three months to get the filters replaced. It was some back order and I never knew the status of it. It was really aggravating and absolutely crazy how long it took to get the filter cartridge because it’s brand new. I really wanted them replaced for a while and it took at least two months come through. I didn’t even know that the order was still placed because I never got any feedback. So, there was really poor communication. I called Viking customer service and it was crazy. When I called the warranty department, the phone went automatically to their “We’re out for lunch.” I ended up calling a different department and said, “I’ve left messages on the line. I’m in the east coast. You can’t be out for lunch at 1 because it’s 8 AM.” They called me back and Desiree was lovely and was wondering why I was getting that message so I told her to try the number I called. There was another person who helped me, because the house was in North Carolina, and we’ve had an easy 10 hours in trying to contact Viking, which is beyond reasonable. I’m surprised they haven’t called to follow up on the status yet. Viking sent three different people to see if they would fix the machine. The first two wouldn’t even come for service because they don’t service Viking. Now, I fully expect the service for any repairs to be that awful. I should have shopped for a different model or looked for different ones because they’re a pain in the butt.
Publicado: January 30, 2018
Lisa of Boston, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The door does not shut properly and the racks inside are not easily moved i
The door does not shut properly and the racks inside are not easily moved in and out of the oven. The racks just scrape the lips they sit on. For the oven to keep the consistent temperature the oven constantly audibly relights when baking. I wish I had bought a Thermador.
Publicado: January 11, 2017
Anna of Katy, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The quality of the Viking Range is fantastic. I already have one and I want
The quality of the Viking Range is fantastic. I already have one and I wanted another one. I like the light above the knobs. Its pretty awesome. I dont have it on my old one, but we just got the new one. The customer service at the designer show has been really good, too. However, we have had a problem with the oven temperature. Ive had a technician come out and it wasnt resolved the first time so Im waiting for them to call me back and see if they can resolve the issue. It would also be nice if there was more information on troubleshooting oven temperature for owners, if thats possible, or just a little bit more explanation on how the ovens work and how theyre a little quirky. Nevertheless, its such a beautifully made stove. The racks didnt slide out. Its a great piece of equipment.
Publicado: May 11, 2019
Carl of Oxford, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I liked the actual look of the Viking. Its the commercial look that I wante
I liked the actual look of the Viking. Its the commercial look that I wanted for my kitchen. I was redoing my kitchen. I love the quality of my Viking. Its great. Its really nice that its just like an old-school type. You turn the knob and it goes on. Theres no timer. Its very simple. I didnt realize it until I brought it in the house because I was used to the oven, but I do like it very much. Its very easy to clean.
Publicado: May 19, 2020
Lisa of Sayville, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I wanted the French doors on top and the drawer at the bottom. That month,
I wanted the French doors on top and the drawer at the bottom. That month, Viking came out with a new model but it did not have the water dispenser either inside or on the door and that was something I was looking for because everywhere that I did research on, the word was that there was a glitch with every refrigerator that has either a water dispenser inside or outside and you always have to buy the filter. I thought that was a hassle so I was pleased that Viking came out with a model that didnt have that. It was also a good made on their part because the one they had before the new model had an internal water dispenser and I dont drink cold water. I like either tepid or hot water so this refrigerator was made for my needs. It was perfect. But the crisper drawers would ice up and there would be big chunks of ice there. They wouldnt thaw out so I would have to go at it with an ice pick. Viking brought a technician over to try and fix it but he said he couldnt do a fix. He said the refrigerator was a lemon. He worked on other refrigerators of Viking and they were fine. Mine was the only model where the defrost wasnt working. But they couldnt repair it so they swapped it out with a new refrigerator. And I love the meat drawer of the new refrigerator. It keeps the meats colder so that it lasts a little longer. If I dont use the meat thats in there for three days, it would still be okay. I also like the freezer drawer. The fridge I had before I remodeled my kitchen was a side by side door. By then side by side refrigerators were not that well made because all the refrigerator manufacturers were moving toward the French doors with the drawer freezer. Some people say that one of the problems is when you have the drawer that pulls out, youre always fishing for space. But I find that I didnt have to do that because within the freezer, theres two pull out and one at the bottom. I can always see whats there which is nice. And then all of the freezer baskets that pull out, theyre all wire baskets and not solid panels so the frozen food gets frozen hard.I also like the fact that the lighting is in the front. In the Hotpoint refrigerator we had before we remodeled, the light is in the back of the refrigerator. So if I have any item thats tall enough, itll block the lights and I dont get the light in the front. But with Viking, they put the light in the front and the lighting is good. I can see everything so Im impressed with that, too. So overall, I like the layout and the one that I bought was counter depth which is nice too. The Hotpoint refrigerator that we had stuck way out in front of the cabinet so everyone is always bumping into it. So now being counter depth, theres enough room in the inside, too. Its a little bigger than my Hotpoint but efficiency-wise, its all around so much better.The delivery person had to deliver and install it and he was very conscientious about not marring the parquet hardwood floors and all of the other stuff. They made sure before he left that everything was up and running very well. I was impressed with the installer they hired as well. They didnt cut corner on service and didnt corner on the refrigerator which is nice. But Im most impressed with the Viking service. Usually, companies dont replace defective products. They keep sending a technician once a month to try to mess with it. Viking couldnt repair the fridge so they swapped it out with a new refrigerator and Im pleased with the decision. I never had that before so that was quite a statement as to how well Viking stand behind their product.
Publicado: May 15, 2017
Jadde of San Francisco, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We are building a brand new house, so we went to the appliance store and th
We are building a brand new house, so we went to the appliance store and they showed us all kinds of different options. I knew I wanted the 36-inch or I want it bigger and I want the more commercial-like because I like to cook and I like to bake. The Viking range is what the sales guy had and he showed us. We were interested in the dual because I know an oven is nicer to have electric for baking and stuff like that and the gas for the top. Its very nice.But weve had problems right from the get-go. We love the top, but the oven part is where we having all the issues. The installer noticed an issue with the fan being super loud whenever we run it on convection. He started the claim for us. The installer worked with the store that we bought the range from and was gonna have them come out and take a look at it. Weve had the guy out here twice and we still dont have it fixed. The guy said he was gonna order some parts and he would be back out. He came back out and he said it was not the right thing. He went back and we havent heard from him since.Weve had it since October so the known problems have been since then and we cant get anybody to fix it. We cant even get them now to return our calls. My husband tried to reach out to him a couple of times and havent gotten a callback. The range seems to run really hot. I keep burning stuff in it and Im kinda irritated. But the top is fine and we love the griddle. Other than the oven issue, everything works really great.
Publicado: June 13, 2020
Jessica of Kingsville, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I paid a high price for this Viking VDB 301ss dishwasher which keeps leakin
I paid a high price for this Viking VDB 301ss dishwasher which keeps leaking and the dishes dont dry like they should. Repairman is coming out for the third time. Im very unhappy and would never get another Viking product again!
Publicado: November 27, 2012
Linda of Holderness, NH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a 6 burner dual fuel in TX and a 30 gas Viking in Seattle. Love cook
I have a 6 burner dual fuel in TX and a 30 gas Viking in Seattle. Love cooking on both! The temperature control on all burners is far superior to the Dacor we gave away. Even heat in the oven is great for baking.
Publicado: July 18, 2017
Gunther of Kingwood, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a refrigerator and I feel very good about it. The dishwasher which
I bought a refrigerator and I feel very good about it. The dishwasher which came with the refrigerator was kind of faulty so we had to change that off. Viking promised us when we bought them that there was a 10% cash back but we havent received that cash back yet. Also, my fridge got delivered in three months. It did not come at a reasonable time when it was supposed to come and it was difficult to chase anybody. Viking could be better in communicating things. Some of the shops I went to gave me heads up not to buy Viking as it will take months to get the fridge. I still wanted to go with Viking because I heard good things about it. We like the product quality and the product themselves for now.
Publicado: March 29, 2021
Gursimran of Redmond, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In 2007, when we had our hood installed, we thought the contractor installe
In 2007, when we had our hood installed, we thought the contractor installed it wrong because we could not get the waffle plates out to clean. A service technician was ready willing and able to come and take the whole thing apart, but thank God I also called another technician who came first and said that the motor was installed correctly but that there was something wrong with the design and the filters were not able to come out. I called Viking and they sent one of their technicians. This guy sat on the stove and told me to look carefully. He said, You have to punch in this side while pulling down and shake it around a lot.Needless to say, that idiot was out of my home in a flash. I had not yet paid for all of our appliances with the retailer: Viking 6-burner stove, two Bosch dishwashers, one Subzero fridge, one Subzero freezer, etc. A big bill. Eventually, a Viking big shot came to our home and redesigned pieces so that the filters could drop out easily. Customer service on the phone had asked me why I needed to take the filters out so often. Hello? I cook. Hate Viking. Today, June 5, 2013, the hood which has been turning on its own for a month with minimum heat blew. Wish me luck. Have to make one of many calls. Oh, and the burners in the oven had been replaced 3 years ago and I was told that I use my oven a lot, NOT. The burners cost over $1,000 to replace. Hate Viking.
Publicado: June 6, 2013
Nina of Ny, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Both our built-in freezer and refrigerator were purchased brand new with ex
Both our built-in freezer and refrigerator were purchased brand new with extended warranties. Freezer constantly breaks down and the technician cannot fix it right away and they have to keep coming back to change parts and still it take 3 to 4 weeks sometimes to fix it. That is why I purchased a spare Kenmore freezer used for $200.00 and it works better than my $5000.00 dollars Viking freezer, it does not break down. The refrigerator is falling apart. All the drawers are all broken or cracked from change in temperature and the warranty does not cover bad quality products. In short my recommendation to all Americans is dont buy Viking, it is a very bad company with a big line of bad products and bad customer service. My previous built-in refrigerator and freezer was Thermador and I did not have any problem for 24 years.
Publicado: June 12, 2015
Josh of Bell Canyon, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was unhappy with Viking Range. It wouldnt hold temperature and it was ser
I was unhappy with Viking Range. It wouldnt hold temperature and it was serviced a number of times by a variety of authorized service agents and it cooks extraordinarily a long time to get it to function the way one would expect a range should. It took many months to get it working. So, the low point definitely was that the initial manufacturing quality was way out of alignment and I expected a lot more out from it being a full type model range. My experience with it has been rough. But I like its center burners, coupled with after the fact we acquired an integrated griddle piece that sits on top, which Im guessing Viking did use some mileage with that kind of burner.
Publicado: August 6, 2016
Kurt of Elgin, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We ran into the Viking Refrigerator and it was on sale. Plus, we liked it a
We ran into the Viking Refrigerator and it was on sale. Plus, we liked it and it was counter depth, which was what we were looking for. Its quality is good. I like that it’s tall enough so that you can place the wine bottles right on the door where you can move the shelves. And I like the compartment for the wine bottles too. However, you cannot open one of the drawers without opening up both doors. We thought we needed some repairs a while back. When we came back, it wouldn’t make any ice. We replaced the filter and it seemed to work, but it has been taking too long to make ice.
Publicado: May 6, 2018
C. of Ca, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking 48 Side by Side Refrigerator - We have experienced multiple reliabil
Viking 48 Side by Side Refrigerator - We have experienced multiple reliability issues with failed ice maker x3, A recall for the door which will fall off, as well as a leak from the indoor water dispenser. Viking service has been dismal at best. I urge you to avoid the Viking refrigerator products.
Publicado: September 4, 2017
Pat of Brentwood, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Viking is the first built-in refrigerator I have ever had. I am very ha
The Viking is the first built-in refrigerator I have ever had. I am very happy with the way the interior is designed. Everything functions well in the refrigerator portion. I do however find it is a bit difficult to take apart and clean. The exterior door does not open wide enough to remove the bins and shelves easily. It is hard to maneuver. I am also happy having the freezer on the bottom. It makes it very easy to use.I have had no problems with the refrigerator however I had a very severe problem with the freezer. For some reason the small drain where the defrost water cycles got clogged up. This I think is quite difficult to do as it is behind a whole plastic wall. But it happened and the freezer froze full of ice and the door would not open. It was a total mess. The service man who repaired the freezer said that the Viking factory does not install a small part in the drains that would have alleviated this problem because of the fact that then the refrigerator would no longer have the economy rating it has. I do not know if this is a true statement or not but it was what I was told. I want to say that fortunately this occurred three days before the three-year warranty expired as it was an extremely expensive repair.
Publicado: November 8, 2017
Patricia of Wilmette, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking dishwasher (we have an all Viking kitchen) has disappointed me twice
Viking dishwasher (we have an all Viking kitchen) has disappointed me twice now in 5 years of ownership. Hoses that are internal to the cabinet just come off which results in leaks. Since this model has a catch pan, a float will result in the dishwasher staying in drain mode. Ive found that short non-barbed plastic nipples will allow hoses to come off over time. Poor design on what otherwise could have been a nice unit since it did a great job cleaning dishes. I just purchased a new unit from another company.
Publicado: November 24, 2019
James of Howell, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought 3 Viking appliances for $30,000. Big mistake! I have been so disap
I bought 3 Viking appliances for $30,000. Big mistake! I have been so disappointed with them & wished I had read these comments before I purchased these expensive junk appliances. The fridge is only 5 years old and has leaked 3 times which resulted in 3 service calls with 1,000$ in repairs without warranty. Third time leaking & repairman said the motor is shut, the refrigerator coolant is low & thered ice buildup etc... Its a 3500 fix & I have no warranty. What a waste of money and everyones time. So pissed off since the fridge is built into our cabinetry. Fridge is turned off. Power off. Cant use it at all now cause it leaks. Poor landfill with all these damaged appliances. What a shame. Never again!
Publicado: March 10, 2016
Cindy of Vancouver, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I liked Vikings looks and reputation. However, we already had the refrigera
I liked Vikings looks and reputation. However, we already had the refrigerator serviced. There were issues with the door. We bought it through Best Buy and they were difficult to deal with. They put the fridge in a flush mount and the one that we got is not a flush mount. So, its just not installed correctly. Also, we had a lot of issues with Best Buy. Just having them set up delivery, their delivery people coming out, not telling us to do certain things that we needed to do before installation. And it went with everything that we had, with the stove and the dishwasher. The only thing that went okay was the microwave. I love my stove. But I had two things serviced already.
Publicado: January 13, 2021
Rebekah of Streetsboro, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased the 3 Series Freestanding 30 Gas Range from Guler Appliances in
I purchased the 3 Series Freestanding 30 Gas Range from Guler Appliances in Rockford, IL. Very shortly after beginning to use the stove the problems with it became very apparent. The fan began making grinding noises shortly after the oven reached temp and continued through the entire cool down process after the oven was turned off. The oven does not hold temperature and is regularly at least 60 degrees off, and after it preheats the heat continues to decrease. This makes it pretty hard to bake multiple batches of anything. The first batch overcooks and the second batch barely cooks. Its ridiculous.The convection oven does not cook evenly. The batch on the left side of the oven overcooks and the batch on the right side undercooks. The purpose of a convection is even cooking. When on any baking setting the bottom of the pan overcooks whatever is on there (cookies, scones, etc.) even when moved to the top rack. The burner knob on one of the burners is almost too tight to turn. It does not turn smoothly. The original repairmen came out and told me this was beyond them. Now Viking is taking their sweet time seeing if they can remedy the problem starting with a new motherboard. Great way to spend $4,500!
Publicado: January 6, 2017
Lana of Forreston, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’m very happy with my Viking fridge, so far. My experience with the
I’m very happy with my Viking fridge, so far. My experience with the Viking dealer was fine. I just called him, told him what I wanted and he delivered it. I like the size and the look of my Viking fridge, and the French doors are my favorite.
Publicado: October 19, 2018
Grace of Port St Lucie, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a 120 year old Queen Anne with a beautiful Chefs Kitchen filled with
I have a 120 year old Queen Anne with a beautiful Chefs Kitchen filled with all Viking Appliances. I have 500 to 600 people visit and touring this historic Victorian house on an annual basis. The 36 Viking Refrigerator stopped cooling both the refrigeration and freezer sections. I contacted the local high-end appliance center, and was told by them, that they no longer work with Viking because of their very poor service of there appliances, especially their refrigerators. I spoke with all other neighbors in our mansion district and was told the same thing. So, this was shocking because I own a complete set of Viking appliances in my beautiful kitchen.Nevertheless, I decided to find out myself, what experience of service I would get by contacting Viking. Well... the person on their (1866) toll free number, kind of summed it up as exactly like I was warned. The unhelpful person referred me to the closest authorized service company 75 minutes away, which after calling twice and not hearing back, lead me to believe I was dealing with a truly amateur company. I am highly thinking of changing-out ALL the Viking appliances to a more professional manufactures.
Publicado: February 11, 2020
Leonard of Catasauqua, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a new-build and the Viking range was already installed in the hou
We bought a new-build and the Viking range was already installed in the house. Viking had a reputation that I heard of and the builders use of that appliance increased our impression of the rest of the house. We really like and enjoy our Viking range, and weve only had minimal issues with it.
Publicado: January 12, 2019
Marcus of Portland, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The parts for our Viking Range are well made. The knobs are sturdy and the
The parts for our Viking Range are well made. The knobs are sturdy and the grates lift up so you can clean underneath. It is very functional. We use it all the time and weve been very happy with it. However, the oven is a little on the powerful side and it doesnt function as labeled. We have to turn the temperature down and reduce the cook time with any recipe that we are following. But weve learned to work with it and sometimes, its helpful if were cooking something very hot.
Publicado: December 29, 2018
Laura of Freeland, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Weve had a couple of Viking Ranges before from friends and family and we de
Weve had a couple of Viking Ranges before from friends and family and we decided to purchase with them once again. The new range I got from them has been excellent and I really like the wine rack that came with it.
Publicado: June 12, 2018
Joel of Pinecrest, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Outside of the range, all the Viking Products we have purchased, including
Outside of the range, all the Viking Products we have purchased, including build in microwave, built in oven, and dishwater failed numerous times and service has been horrible to say the least. Parts take months to get if you can get them at all and service reps pretty much just play guessing games on what to do. Do yourself a favor and go buy a GE or KitchenAid. Viking is all smoke and mirrors and not a high end brand they claim to be.
Publicado: January 26, 2019
Eric of Spring, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking is a good brand. I have all Viking appliances and I love them. I bou
Viking is a good brand. I have all Viking appliances and I love them. I bought the refrigerator three months ago and I like everything about it. The salesperson who sold it to me was nice, friendly and helpful. Overall, it was a great experience.
Publicado: January 3, 2018
Leticia of Marana, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking is a good product and it looks beautiful but the functionality is a
Viking is a good product and it looks beautiful but the functionality is a big problem. I bought a high-end oven, thinking that it would be more efficient and Id be able to get better use out of it. Instead, Im having a problem with this brand-new and expensive oven thats over $5,000 after having it for less than two months. Ive bought a lot of different appliances in my time and Ive never run into a problem with an appliance immediately. I asked my husband to preheat the oven and he had to shut it off because it wasnt turning on and there was a gas smell in the house. Also, the microwave is a little weird. The fan has two speeds but it certainly sounds the same to me. I reached out to where I purchased the oven from and they sent somebody to service it.
Publicado: January 29, 2019
Renee of Long Beach, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We like the look of the Viking professional series, but there are some reli
We like the look of the Viking professional series, but there are some reliability issues. We’ve had two service calls in just over a year which made me a little concerned. The first service call happened when the unit didn’t have a fan, so it was overheating, and the thermostat kept cutting off and shutting down the stove oven. Then the second time was when the control panel that drove the gas valve for the main oven and the igniter for the broiler both acted up. We were unable to use the main oven for about three weeks. They had to get some parts, then came back, and fixed the issues.
Publicado: March 19, 2018
Mark of Newtown Square, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had a Viking refrigerator for 15 years and it was built-in. It was good
We had a Viking refrigerator for 15 years and it was built-in. It was good until it conked out. We had to go with the same refrigerator because we happen to have certain size constrictions. I called Viking because we needed a specific size and I was checking on all the measurements on the 48-inch. The gal told me that it should all work out as far as the fit because we didnt want it to get here and not have it fit in its space. I also asked about the pricing so that I knew I wasnt going to be ripped off. The new refrigerator is updated and it seems to have a better seal. Theres also supposed to be a thing inside where we never have to clean it. Id like my refrigerator to last longer than 15 years because its expensive. Thats like 1,000 a year when you add it up and I dont wanna have to pay that for a refrigerator. They said that the new one supposedly is gonna be lasting longer. Im hoping thats true and so far, it seems to be fine.
Publicado: August 12, 2018
Nancy of Sedona, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife and I liked the cabinetry that was in the house that we purchased e
My wife and I liked the cabinetry that was in the house that we purchased except the refrigerator was a KitchenAid counter-depth. We wanted a new one but the cabinetry kinda limited us on the size because it has room for a 48-inch wide counter-depth refrigerator only. So, we went looking and KitchenAid Sub-Zero had a very solid name. Its made locally here in Chicago and it was a top consideration. However, their pricing wasn’t as favorable as the Viking which we felt had the same features and has as good a name as the Sub-Zero. So, we decided to go ahead with Viking because with them, we were able to save a little bit of additional money.Also, when we bought it, the original kitchen was done in white appliances and we decided we wanted to go with the stainless steel look to get a little more modern look. But it required a new built-in oven and a new refrigerator. And with the deal that was going on for the Viking, if you bought the oven and the refrigerator, you got a free dishwasher. So, that was another reason why the Viking brand stood out for us at the time.So far, its has a very solid refrigeration and it’s got a nice ventilation system that if there’s something that’s going bad, the whole refrigerator doesnt necessarily smell bad. It also has this great little spot on the bottom where you could put a pizza box which, with the depth of a refrigerator, is not an easy thing and it’s kinda out of the way. So, that’s a nice little feature. I like the style of the coolers as well and the fact that the drawers have an automatic soft close. So, Ive been pretty darn happy with our Viking refrigerator. We’d gone to Abt Electronics which is local here and he go-to place in Chicago. We ended up looking again online just to see what was available and found a place called the Appliance Connection. Theyre out in New York and they also sell very similar high-end appliances. And because of what the end process was gonna be, we ended up going with the Appliance Connection. It was over $1,000 that we were gonna be able to save by utilizing them as compared to using Abt. However, the delivery took over six weeks and when they delivered it, they sent two guys. But the refrigerator that we purchased weighs 500 pounds. It’s a heavy refrigerator and the two guys who delivered it said that they couldnt put in in our house. But we told them that we paid for it to go into our house. They ended up having to send another crew out three weeks later to finally get it into the house. It became a pretty big fiasco as far as we were concerned. Also, on the day that were supposed to come out, they said they were gonna be there then, apparently, their dispatch had given them a bad address or the one appointment took longer than it was supposed to, so they didn’t show on the day that they were supposed to come. All in all, I don’t think I’d ever buy from them again. But it was nothing that Viking had done. As a matter of fact, I went to Viking and complained about Appliance Connection being a reseller of their product and the next day, I was getting a manager’s call from the Appliance Connection to try and make things right. So, Viking did everything they could to try and make it as good as possible. Also, the refrigerator is in now as well as the oven. They are both great and Im very happy with them. Viking also has a great name in ranges and stoves and the double oven we got from them fit the spot. It works well and looks good. It’s very nice and phenomenal. The oven and the refrigerator are pretty close together and my wife didn’t want two different looks. She didnt want the handles to be off, for the color of the stainless steel to be slightly different, or even for the grain of the stainless steel to be slightly different. So, when you’ve decided that youre gonna go with that oven, it pushes you to go for the refrigerator as well.
Publicado: February 7, 2019
Matthew of Darien, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We got our Viking refrigerator through Famous Tate and they took care of ev
We got our Viking refrigerator through Famous Tate and they took care of everything for us. The refrigerator we got is very nice and Im pleased with it. It was an easy purchase and delivery, and the quality of the product is extremely high.
Publicado: September 29, 2016
Rhonda of Lakeland, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife first heard of Viking Refrigerators, and we went with them for the
My wife first heard of Viking Refrigerators, and we went with them for the price of the unit, the model we purchased and the brands reputation. The team at the Viking dealer was very helpful and delivery was done on time. The style and the temperature settings are nice. However, I dont know if Viking was worth the money we paid for. Weve had less expensive brands in the past that worked as well or had fewer issues than weve had with it. It should be more reliable for its price.The water dispenser is leaking and the ice dispenser has been replaced twice since we purchased the Viking refrigerator. Also, the approved service provider that was recommended on Vikings website was terrible. They came on April 17th, ordered several parts and then they communicated but there hasnt been anything done. They said they havent gotten the parts in yet or they are not sure if theyve gotten the parts in yet. Im having to contact them to follow up, and theyre not calling me despite our verbal agreement. I already paid for the parts, too. Well never use those people again.
Publicado: June 2, 2017
Paul of Dallas, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

8 years ago we did a total renovation to our kitchen and chose to put in a
8 years ago we did a total renovation to our kitchen and chose to put in a 48 Viking range/hood. This undoubtedly was our most expensive purchase. In the last 7 years I have had nothing but problems. 2 of the burners never light unless done with a match. I am now on my 3rd thermostat for the broiler, I have been waiting 3 MONTHS for this part... Again!!! The oven thermostat has been replaced 2 times. Of course these repairs have cost us $500-$1500. This has been the most disappointing purchase I have ever made. Terrible product and terrible customer service. Dont DO IT... Buy something that backs up its product for more than a year!!!
Publicado: March 8, 2016
Sue of Whitehouse Station, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We did our brand new house so we had to do an entire kitchen and its the la
We did our brand new house so we had to do an entire kitchen and its the last kitchen well do so we wanted something that we felt would last. We had heard that there were issues with Viking as far as repairs but my husband really wanted a Viking. There was some issue with registering the product and for some reason, the cards never reached them but when I had to call, the lady from customer service, Charlotte is the kindest, most patient and helpful person. She was magnificent and very empathetic.We also had issues so early on which was a little disappointing. I have the Double French-Door Oven unit and there was a 100-degree difference. However, theres not a lot of people who service Viking in my area and it took four weeks to get someone out. But the person who came was extremely helpful, nice and professional. I liked him a lot. He fixed it so that was okay but then we had an issue with the oven that was under the range and he got everything taken care of at once.I also wish Viking would reconsider what they put around the burner range to be a more durable, washable and scrubbable type of metal. Because if you try to use an abrasive, you wear off that surface and Im a bit of a neat freak so it irks me a little bit that I cant keep that ring clean. The repairman said once the food is on it, theres really not much I can do to clean them. He even admitted that it was a definite drawback. But the range overall is fantastic and my favorite is that it cooks very efficiently and evenly.
Publicado: October 3, 2017
Elizabeth of Stonington, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Viking double drawer under counter refrigerator is fantastic. The unit i
My Viking double drawer under counter refrigerator is fantastic. The unit itself feels of super strength quality. The temperature is always spot on even with the abuse of my 4 children going in and out for drinks. We love the LED interior lighting and heavy duty door rails on the drawers. We also love our Viking dishwasher. It is very quiet and has a spotless wash. Viking truly the heart of our kitchen. Thank you!
Publicado: June 5, 2019
Claudia of 33040, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have renovated and used this Viking Ranges in 6 homes. Not only are they
I have renovated and used this Viking Ranges in 6 homes. Not only are they amazing, I believe they help sell the house as well. I enclosed a picture showing the matching dishwasher that I used in my current home. It is equally amazing and most of all quiet.
Publicado: April 18, 2018
Thomas of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Had Viking stove top for 3 years without any problems. One day spilled abou
Had Viking stove top for 3 years without any problems. One day spilled about 3 tablespoons of water over a flame adjuster knob which somehow shorted the wiring inside!!! Then it seems in the entire Northwest suburbs of Chicago, there is only ONE Viking authorized repair service. So you guessed it... they charge astronomical prices. Went to a highly peer-rated appliance repair service that was a lot less costly. They stated Viking is slow as snails in giving up replacement parts unless you work through their authorized repair shops. Sure enough, its been almost 2 months without parts shipped. Dont buy Viking if living near Chicago.
Publicado: March 15, 2016
Y. of Glenview, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I went with a five-piece Viking appliance package for its price and the bra
I went with a five-piece Viking appliance package for its price and the brand reputation. I was able to get the five pieces that worked best for me at that time. However, I found that Viking appliances as a whole are very simplistic. Its great in a refrigerator, but not so much in some of the other appliances. I had Jenn-Air previously and their appliances just had more features. But for refrigeration, it just needs to keep cool things cool and frozen things frozen. The refrigerator is the Viking appliance that we have that I like the best. It’s nice-looking and seems to be doing what it’s supposed to do. It also has a good amount of space. The lighting is nice. The shelf assembly and the drawers are all great. The refrigerator is working out really well.
Publicado: April 22, 2020
Lee of Washington, DC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like my Viking Range very much. I like the design and the ruggedness, and
I like my Viking Range very much. I like the design and the ruggedness, and just the reputation they have. My favorite feature of my range is the six-burner top. I had one service call under warranty on it and it was a very simple and easy fix. If I ever move, Ill buy another one.
Publicado: October 2, 2017
Christopher of Silver Spring, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I went with Viking for their style and quality. However, the quality of the
I went with Viking for their style and quality. However, the quality of the range that I bought from them is mediocre for what I paid. It cost $5,000 and it’s not really living up to it. The door is loose. It hasn’t worked properly and its slow to start sometimes. I had tried to rectify the door myself a few times and Viking did come out to rectify it. I called Viking and it was pretty good. I complained about the door and they were nice. But the dealers at Karl’s Appliance wasn’t so great. They’re sort of flakier. But I like the five burners. It’s the 30-inch stove. It fits the space. Those who come to my apartment love looking at it. They’re jealous. But that wasn’t what we were going for. We wanted a big stove/oven. Its the wider range, its freestanding. It gives you more capacity inside. It has three racks as opposed to just two. It would be better if Viking could extend the warranty. Mine’s good for like three years allegedly. And now, its only a year-long from what I hear which is sort of silly. Mine hit the cut-off date unless the seller offers included the warranty. My LG washer has a 10-year warranty. And it’s expensive to install and what have you. The result is expensive. This one is a $5,000 range and then, two, it’s expensive to just connect it and reconnect it with the new ones. Moreover, it would be better for it to have heat-resistant handles. When you’re cooking at a high temperature for a while, the knobs near the top front of the top of the space get really, really hot and they’re not supposed to. And the door is not supposed to get that hot, either. For instance, if youre cooking turkey for a long time. It takes three hours and it gets hot. They should work on that and get that fixed.
Publicado: January 25, 2018
Elizabeth of New York, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking is American made, which I like. We have all-Viking in our kitchen, o
Viking is American made, which I like. We have all-Viking in our kitchen, other than the refrigerator. Then, we needed a new refrigerator, so we bought a Viking. But the freezer is not working properly and it has been going on for a few weeks now. Their people already came out twice to try and fix it but they have been unsuccessful and they’ve replaced a part the last time. Other than that, the Viking reps are very nice and cooperative. We’ve got other Viking appliances that work extraordinarily well. We have a Viking oven, a cooktop, and a microwave and they’re great. There just needs to be an adjustment in the operation of the condenser of the refrigerator. I’m not happy now. I spent $10,000 for the refrigerator and I expect it to work properly.
Publicado: November 27, 2017
Barry of Westlake Village, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’ve known about Viking Ranges for a long time and I like the featur
I’ve known about Viking Ranges for a long time and I like the features of the Series 7. I bought my range from Bade Appliances where they had it on display. The quality of the range is very good and the convection bake is my favorite feature. I use it everyday to cook some chicken for my dog, and it’s very fast. The chicken comes out very flavorful and moist too.
Publicado: October 28, 2018
Virginia of Dallas, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I always liked the look of Viking ovens and since Viking always seems to ha
I always liked the look of Viking ovens and since Viking always seems to have a package deal sale, we got suckered into buying the package and “saving” some money. The Fridge is awful. The door is too heavy and constantly breaks. They will send someone to fix it, but it is a temporary fix. A band aid. We have thrown out hundreds of dollars worth of food because this fridge door will not close right (very bad design way — too heavy). They will not do the right thing and replace the fridge. I wish we bought the other brand that’s a bit more expensive but actually lasts and is built right. Don’t fall for the bundle deal. There’s a reason they offer it.
Publicado: August 24, 2020
Kathrin of Beverly Hills, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We worked with a design studio on a kitchen project and Viking came recomme
We worked with a design studio on a kitchen project and Viking came recommended. We had purchased multiple products from them. We wanted to stay consistent with a line. And so, we bought an oven, a cooktop, a dishwasher, and a refrigerator. So far, the refrigerators quality is all right. However, the ice falls out sometimes behind the bottom shelf in the freezer. Other than that, I enjoy the style of it.
Publicado: September 27, 2018
Jennifer of Glen Ellyn, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Everything is fantastic with my Viking range. The brand was associated with
Everything is fantastic with my Viking range. The brand was associated with high-end quality, durability and functionality and I wasnt misled, thats for sure. I really liked the fact that it seems like a commercial kitchen, but yet there are some modern aspects to it. It works how I want it to work. While I dont anticipate purchasing another one anytime soon, I have no doubts that if I ever needed another range, I would be coming back to Viking.
Publicado: August 23, 2020
Nick of San Francisco, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Viking refrigerator was part of the house that I bought, and so far its
My Viking refrigerator was part of the house that I bought, and so far its great. Its got modular shelving which I like. The icemaker in the fridge needed to be dialed in but it’s covered under warranty so that was fine.
Publicado: March 3, 2017
Brandon of Nashville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Constant repair of Viking vgic365-6bss range. One thing you can count on ar
Constant repair of Viking vgic365-6bss range. One thing you can count on around the holidays is to work on this piece of ** range. I was sold on the idea of handing this down to generations to come. I would not wish this piece of ** to any of my children. Shop around and read reviews. Regrettable.
Publicado: November 13, 2015
Anthony of Akron, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like Viking products. It’s like residential/commercial use. We coo
I like Viking products. It’s like residential/commercial use. We cook a lot and I like the burners on our range. They are very good burners. So far, the quality of our range good. The only thing I don’t like is that the oven don’t have a timer on it. I didn’t realize that it didn’t have a timer until we started using it.
Publicado: May 16, 2020
James of Glen Cove, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We love our Viking Refrigerator so far. The size is great because it is a r
We love our Viking Refrigerator so far. The size is great because it is a really tall one. And of course, side by side is good. The only thing is that the side door where the butter is held, on occasion, if I put butter in there whatever keeps that door closed isnt strong enough and it pops open and the butter falls out every once in a while. But overall the refrigerator is restaurant quality, and Viking is professional. And when I originally mailed in the warranty and I had to call because I have the wrong address, whoever helped me there was wonderful.
Publicado: May 4, 2017
Colleen of Phoenix, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive known about Viking for years but its always been out of my price range.
Ive known about Viking for years but its always been out of my price range. I was able to find a good deal at Pauls Appliances in Newark so I went for it because it is the best for sure. The dealers there were just great. They were very helpful and was telling me all the great things about Viking, so I chose it. They were very knowledgeable about Viking. I love my refrigerator. I like it when you open the doors, the lights come on slowly. And I also like that it has a separate door that I can program for like wine or something else. It is great and I ever move, I am taking it with me.
Publicado: May 26, 2017
Stephanie of Newark, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

For my kitchen renovation, my design company that they use, Fergusons and t
For my kitchen renovation, my design company that they use, Fergusons and the chain of them here in the southeast, the only ones they had everything in stock was Viking. And when I purchased the stove, I got a free dishwasher. Headquarters had to call a lot and I had to have people here all the time. They were really concerned. When you open the fridge, the drawer to pull out, which is cold and you can keep cheese and meats in it, I cut my fingers and they were concerned and had headquarters call. And then, the repair people -- everything was free -- coming out all the time from Fort Myers. The guy called it metal burrs that havent been sanded down. That was quite a worry. They called me from Mississippi. Its very rare and it just wasnt finished. And depending where you place your fingers, you could cut them on metal to open that inside drawer. So, that was a bad experience.Also, the freezer didnt shut properly and the tech had come out several times. It was the most finite adjustment on something. But I could have lost a couple of hundred bucks worth of food because the alarm kept going off. And he came and fixed it, and an hour and a half later, the alarm went off again. He thought he fixed it. So, it was really challenging for the Morale in Fort Myers to contract repair people with Viking here in this area. That was maddening. And then, the dishwasher, an extra button for quietness fell right off on the floor, and it was a glue problem. The Morale had to come again.Its free for me under warranty. It just was disconcerting and all the appliances were brand-new. I heard him talk to headquarters and he said, Yes its a glue issue. And he said, No, I cant reuse it. Its covered in labrador fur and cat hair, which as soon as it started to hang out and the labrador would walk against it and it hung down from the bottom. It didnt seem to make much difference in the quietness. Its an incredibly quiet dishwasher anyway. But they had to order a new one, so that took a while, and they had to come back and put that in. That was a surprise, all that happened right away. But everything got fixed and Ive been very pleased since. Its a super quiet dishwasher and I like the red light that shines on the floor that shows when its on.And then, all the new fridges, all brands, the alarm for the freezer and different ways to adjust the temperature of that meat drawer and the freezer. And then, I like the microwave. Its so nice and simple. There were higher-end ones with the convection fan in the microwave, and I got simplest because I picked over the stove with the vent pan under the microwave. The way my kitchen was designed, it seemed the best route rather than a hood.The stove is unbelievable. This induction stove is the best thing in the planet. I heard good things about them and everybody I know whos renovating was getting new appliances, and new stoves are getting induction, and were just in shock about it was the fastest weve ever seen to boil water or cook. So safe, the way the magnetic field isnt hot. The oven is incredibly fast too. Its interesting. You dont have to preheat at all. The fix-it guy is a surprise too. He was fabulous, a longtime veteran and knows all his Vikings, and he was stunned. He was so puzzled about the freezer not closing. He thought of it truly as a challenge, a puzzle he had to solve. Because when he thought he fixed it, just 90 minutes later, it broke again. So truly, puzzled, and worked on the phone a long time with Viking in Mississippi and tried to solve it. It was the most infinitesimal thing, some tiny adjustment of a gear in the bottom drawer of the freeze. One tiny little gear off compared to the other side and it meant it couldnt close completely, and then it couldnt stay cold.That was his first time ever had to have that. Also, the button that fell off, he was also puzzled. We couldnt figure out where it fell off from. Just one day, I was just looking, and Id hardly had the dishwasher, and there it was hanging down the bottom, then it came completely off, and I called him up. When he came, You sure that came from this? He figured out where it was, couldnt save the old one or the new one, and it took a while to come. But ever since, things have been okay.
Publicado: April 30, 2021
E. of Fl, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our Viking range broke. Our range had two flaws in it, one of them was rath
Our Viking range broke. Our range had two flaws in it, one of them was rather dangerous. The manifold, which serves all the burners, had a leak in it. It wasnt because of the way it was connected, it was because it wasnt inspected properly by Viking. The other thing is, it also had a broken shelf in it. Those are two things that should have been found before it was ever released from their Viking warehouse. The company we bought it from brought it here to my house and took it out of the box, so it was not something they did. We contacted the company we bought it from, which is Abt Electronics, because within 30 days, we have the right to return it without question. What they wound up doing was replacing our range with another range that they had promised at a later date. We had two different people come out. I had the gas company come out and check the gas lines to the range. Because I had my gas connection replaced because I thought that that was what the problem was until we had Abt Electronics come out. Their technician was the one, after taking part of the range apart, who found the actual problem.This is not a cheap range because its a 36-inch range, its larger than most. Its something my wife has always wanted because she does a lot of cooking. This was something we were moving up to something that was really special. We were originally very disappointed with the problems we had. Overall, it took a couple of weeks to find and fix the problem during the holidays. But as far as Im concerned now, I would recommend the product. The range holds heat very well. Certainly heats what we put on the stove evenly.
Publicado: April 19, 2021
John of Worth, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The quality is good. The only thing I dont like about the range is the burn
The quality is good. The only thing I dont like about the range is the burner is chipping already. Other than that, its a great range. I highly recommend it.
Publicado: February 10, 2022
Sharmin of Scarsdale, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We love it! Not only is it a great stove and oven, it is a work of art and
We love it! Not only is it a great stove and oven, it is a work of art and the centerpiece of our remodeled kitchen. I would heartily recommend it to anyone who loves to cook and appreciates the benefit of a top quality product.
Publicado: November 15, 2019
Philip of Glastonbure, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

48 Side-by-Side Refrigerator AND VICU165 - 36 wide cooktop - To say Ive bee
48 Side-by-Side Refrigerator AND VICU165 - 36 wide cooktop - To say Ive been disappointed in Viking products is an understatement. When we began building our house we wanted a great kitchen. We chose Viking professional products. We purchased them about a year or so before we actually installed and moved into our home. Within the first 3 months our water dispenser in the door of the fridge/freezer froze over and completely quit working. We had a repairman come out... it worked for about 3 more months and we have not had water in the door since because we couldnt get anyone out to repair. Within 8 months the drawers in my fridge began cracking... nope, sorry, you have to pay astronomical prices to have those replaced. Within the first 2 years one of the shelves in the door came crashing down when we opened the door. Again, nope, sorry, thats your problem attitude from customer service.Now, our cooktop is horrible. We have the 36 all induction with 6 burners. We NEVER had all 6 working at one time. We call a Viking, get a repairman out... it works for about 2 weeks. Then we are back to 5. Slowly but surely others started going out. We call, we email, we call some more and finally get someone out there. He needs parts. Hes going to order then come back. No, we never hear from him again. We start calling, emailing, calling again. They send another guy out... he needs some parts. Meanwhile, all of this is taking literally years between the calling and emailing. The burners never get fixed. The last time they sent out a repairman, he again did not return. We called again and were greeted with a sorry, your warranty has expired, it will cost you an insane amount to repair. Right now, we are down to 1 burner that sometimes works and sometimes doesnt. I will NEVER purchase Viking again nor will I EVER recommend their products. Pitiful customer service.
Publicado: November 9, 2015
Jane of Elba, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Viking hace muy buenos electrodomésticos. Havenandt tenía ningún problem
Viking hace muy buenos electrodomésticos. Havenandt tenía ningún problema importante con él. Pero su garantía es excelente. Por alguna razón el mecanismo de la puerta se desgasta y tiene que ser reemplazado cada 4 o 5 años. El servicio técnico lo sustituye en unos 30 minutos, sin coste alguno.
Publicado: July 16, 2019
Joe of Ozawkie, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The reps influenced us in a way to buy the Viking versus any other. I wante
The reps influenced us in a way to buy the Viking versus any other. I wanted to go to Miele, but I would have to pay for transportation and for installment. Viking Ranges was quite a good deal at that time and I could get the dishwasher for free. We bought some extended warranty and I thought I could negotiate it and I think it was cut a bit too much. It was my fault though. Other than that, Viking range is an excellent product and we had a very good experience. I like the simplicity of Viking ranges. I had one with all those lights and buttons and electronic stuff and I wasn’t happy.
Publicado: November 21, 2017
Mihail of Camarillo, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive always known about Viking and bought their range online recently. When
Ive always known about Viking and bought their range online recently. When it was delivered, it had two burners that werent working and yet, it had this hand-signed quality control sheet with all these guys initials on it. So, that didnt work too well. Im glad that theres a good service provider here because they had come to fix that last burner today. Were basically happy we bought the range but disappointed in the initial quality.
Publicado: October 16, 2017
Scott of Piedmont, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When it was time to replace my range, I went with Viking because the other
When it was time to replace my range, I went with Viking because the other brands gave me a hard time. The rest of the range worked, when I got it, except for the infrared broiler. So, I registered with Viking and they sent service techs from R&E Appliance who were able to take care of the problem right away. It was a little disappointing that the range needed new parts right away. Other than that, the range has been working ever since it was repaired. I love the quality of the range and I like the way the lights light up across that I can see my knobs. Then the burners are on high right away when I turn them on, so I don’t have to fiddle to get them on high because they usually don’t cook low. Also, things roll out of the oven easily, so you’re not fighting against trying to pull it out.
Publicado: July 26, 2018
Tracy of Lloyd Harbor, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is my email to Middleby Residential who own Viking: Hello, On 7/19/201
This is my email to Middleby Residential who own Viking: Hello, On 7/19/2016, I purchased the following appliances for a total price of $42,500: 1-Viking Professional 7 Series VGR7488BSS 48; Wide 24; Deep Natural Gas Range, 1-Viking VCFB5363LSS 36; Professional 5 Series Upright Freezer with 19.2 cu. ft. Cap, 1-Viking VCRB5363RSS 36 Professional 5 Series All Refrigerator with 22.8 cu. ft. Capacity, 4-Viking RVEWD330SS 30; Wide 1.6 cu. ft. Electric Warming Drawer with Temperature SE, 1-Viking Professional 7 VDOF730SS 30 French Door Electric Double Wall Oven with 9.4 cu., 1-Viking RVM320SS 24; Wide 2.0 cu. ft. Microwave Oven with 16; Diameter Turntable, 2-Viking VDW302SS 24; 3 SERIES Energy Star Fully Integrated Dishwasher with 14 PLACE, 1-Viking VRCO5240DRSS 24; Outdoor Series Undercounter Beverage Center with 5.3 cu. ft.I chose Viking because of its reputation as an elite brand and their strong commitment to customer service, even though lesser brands seemed to offer more gadgets for less. My hope was that a big investment in appliances would mean less maintenance headache down the line and the Viking name will preserve the resale value for my house. Unfortunately, Ive had nothing but trouble since. Ive had multiple issues with the fridge (4 axial fans replaced, Defrost terminator replaced, defective bolt in fridge door replaced), the freezer (rust on the ice drawer), both dishwashers (electronic card/display already replaced on one and currently needs replacement on the other, Diverter valve replaced on the other), the microwave (electronic card/display currently needs replacement. It is worth mentioning that the appliances werent in use until late January 2017 since the house was still under construction.When all these issues started, Ive contacted your customer service number and was referred to one of your certified repair services, Executive Appliance Service in Garden Grove, CA. They can confirm all the issues mentioned above as they made NUMEROUS service calls to my house. I was about to call them again to replace the electronic display for both the dishwasher & the microwave when I realized that the amount of times Ive had to service those appliances is excessive & abnormal. Ive had to purchase a very basic appliance package for a guest house at the same time Ive purchased the Viking package and I havent had a single issue with them.Thats why I decided to to share my concerns with you and ask what could be done for me. Did I purchase what would be called a lemon in car terminology? Can you send someone to take a look at them? How can you help me with all the issues I mentioned & restore my trust in your brand? Thank you very much for your help & understanding. Looking forward to receiving your response.Their response was to cover parts only for the dishwasher. They wouldnt do anything about the microwave and said that rust inside the freezer is a cosmetic issue therefore would only give me %15 off their ice drawer which came out to $218.37. When I said that Id want them to cover parts and labor for the dishwasher & microwave, they refused. The appliances I purchased are most definitely defective. There are many similar complaints on the Better Business Bureau website. STAY AWAY AT ALL COST!
Publicado: October 6, 2021
Randa of Trabuco Canyon, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Before, I was so excited to have Viking. Ive known the brand for a long tim
Before, I was so excited to have Viking. Ive known the brand for a long time and they are well-known. Also, the builder of the house we had built wanted to put in Viking appliances, so we agreed to it. But every single one of the Viking appliances is just okay, if not less than okay, which is a bummer. Ive had issues with the very top shelf of our Viking Refrigerator. It freezes food because thats where the air comes in from the freezer and you have to be careful on that shelf because the food will get frozen. That has never happened in any of the other refrigerators we’ve had and we’ve owned 40 refrigerators because we move a lot and we’ve owned a lot of homes. I’m also not happy with the design of the ice machine in the bottom. The sensor bar doesn’t sense the ice very well, so it gets full. When you open it, it knocks the ice off into the back of the refrigerator so you have to patter around there like a kitten trying to get back the ice cubes out after they’ve fallen. I shouldn’t have to do that and its a silly feature. All in all, the Viking refrigerator is not so great and not worth the money.
Publicado: February 10, 2019
Lisa of Auburndale, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We noticed that on the refrigerator side, when we would open our Viking, th
We noticed that on the refrigerator side, when we would open our Viking, the door wasnt closing on its own when we let go of the door handle. So, I called in the place where we purchased it and then they said we still had a warranty for the refrigerator itself for Viking. So then I called them and put in a claim. I turned out that the latch from underneath the door was broken. We waited two weeks for the parts to be delivered. It also seemed that the doors were not levelled. The freezer was fine but the refrigerator was a bit lower than the freezer. But thats fixed now and its working fine. I love that we have more room to place everything in.
Publicado: April 8, 2021
Elizabeth of Covina, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a 6 burners, 36 Brigade gas range a year ago. After 6 months one
We bought a 6 burners, 36 Brigade gas range a year ago. After 6 months one of the door hinges got really loose and the glass on the door started to slide sideways. We called an authorized repair company to come and assess the problem. The decision was to replace the door, hinges, glass so they ordered a new door assembly. After 2 months they brought the door but it was a Viking range door and with a different liner color. They ordered it again and 4 months later they brought the exact same door! I dont know how they identify the parts but its obvious that the Brigade door does not exist. We have not used the oven for 6 months. It is scandalous to pay so much and not only to get a bad product but bad service too.
Publicado: October 15, 2014
claudia of Markham, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our house was on fire and we had deadlines on different things to get done.
Our house was on fire and we had deadlines on different things to get done. We needed the liquid propane and so instead, we got natural gas and had to do the conversion and had to get reimbursed by the dealer. It was not a pleasant experience. Our house had a Viking Range in it so we had to buy a Viking Range to replace it. However, the dealers were terrible. We went to two different places and they both wanted to sell me something that isn’t in stock. They told me, “Oh, yeah. We can get it and we’ll have it in such and such period of time.” Then they wait 24 hours or so and then called me and said, “Oh, I am sorry. We just learned that this is backordered and you’re not gonna get it until hell freezes over.” So I canceled one order with one dealer, then went to another one but they pulled the same stunt on us. But it was nice that we got an extra microwave and a 5% rebate, both offered by Viking. Also, I like the small oven and the hood.
Publicado: December 14, 2018
Sue of Palm City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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