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LG Accesorios
LG Accesorios

LG Appliance Códigos de error

Los electrodomésticos LG se basan en tu forma de vida. Ya sea que su estilo sea moderno o tradicional, sus soluciones de ahorro de recursos innovadoras e intuitivas de electrodomésticos están ahí para hacer la vida más fácil en su cocina y su cuarto de lavado.

Distancia Códigos de error

Código: F-2
PROBLEMA: Indica que el sistema operativo de la puerta no funciona.

PROBLEMA: Error de tecla corta.

PROBLEMA: Indica un sensor del horno en cortocircuito.

PROBLEMA: Mazo de cables defectuoso.

PROBLEMA: El horno no se calienta.

Lavadora Códigos de error

PROBLEMA: Error de puerta abierta
FIX: Cierre la puerta o abra/cierre la puerta con firmeza

PROBLEMA: Error de desequilibrio
FIX: Reacomode la carga Añada otro elemento (¿un elemento pesado?) para equilibrar la carga Asegúrese de que la máquina está nivelada

PROBLEMA: Error de drenaje
FIX: Limpie el filtro de desagüe
PROBLEMA: Bloqueo infantil activado
FIX: Desactivar el bloqueo infantil. Busque el botón de bloqueo para niños y manténgalo pulsado hasta que el bloqueo para niños se desactive
PROBLEMA: Enfriamiento
FIX: No es un error como tal. La máquina ha terminado su ciclo pero se está enfriando mientras te espera. Puedes mantener pulsado cualquier botón para desbloquear la puerta

Lavaplatos Códigos de error

PROBLEMA: No se llena
FIX: Compruebe que la válvula de corte de suministro de agua del lavavajillas está completamente abierta. Compruebe que la manguera de suministro de agua de entrada no esté doblada. Desenchufe el lavavajillas, cierre el suministro de agua y desconecte la manguera de suministro de entrada de la válvula de agua de entrada. Compruebe si la malla del filtro de la válvula de entrada de agua está obstruida; sustituya la válvula si la malla del filtro está obstruida.

PROBLEMA: No desagua
FIX: Compruebe si el desagüe del fregadero o del triturador de basura está atascado y elimine cualquier atasco que encuentre. Si el fregadero o el triturador de basura desagua bien, retire la manguera de desagüe del lavavajillas de la conexión del fregadero o del triturador de basura y compruebe el extremo de la manguera de desagüe para ver si hay un atasco de grasa. Elimine los atascos de grasa de la manguera de desagüe. Si el lavavajillas utiliza una cámara de aire, compruebe si hay atascos en la cámara de aire y elimínelos.

PROBLEMA: Fuga de agua detectada
FIX: Una velocidad anormalmente alta de la bomba de circulación causada por un nivel bajo de agua en la bañera puede causar los códigos de error AE o E1. El agua que se filtra en la base del gabinete del lavavajillas y dispara el interruptor de inundación también puede causar el código AE o EI. Desenchufe el lavavajillas y cierre el suministro de agua. Compruebe si hay agua en la base del armario del lavavajillas. Si hay una fuga de agua en la base, busque y repare la causa de la fuga. El agua podría filtrarse por la línea de llenado de agua, la guía de entrada de agua, la bomba de desagüe, la manguera de desagüe, las juntas de la puerta o el sumidero.

PROBLEMA: Se ha detectado un desbordamiento de agua
FIX: La bomba de desagüe funciona automáticamente cuando se muestra el código FE. Una válvula de entrada de agua con fugas o un relé atascado en la placa de control electrónico pueden permitir que el agua llene el lavavajillas constantemente. Para comprobar si la válvula de entrada de agua tiene una fuga, desenchufe el lavavajillas y compruebe si la bañera sigue llenándose de agua. Si lo hace, cierre el suministro de agua y reemplace la válvula de entrada de agua porque la válvula está dejando que el agua fluya hacia el lavavajillas constantemente.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del termistor (sensor de temperatura)
FIX: Desenchufe el lavavajillas y desconecte los cables del termistor del calentador. Mida la resistencia a través del termistor utilizando un multímetro. El medidor debe medir 11.320 ohmios a 75 grados (temperatura ambiente). Sustituya el conjunto del calentador (que incluye el termistor) si el medidor mide menos de 1.000 ohmios o más de 20.000 ohmios.

PROBLEMA: Motor de la bomba de circulación bloqueado
FIX: Desenchufe el lavavajillas y compruebe si hay alguna obstrucción que esté impidiendo que el impulsor de la bomba gire. Retire cualquier residuo u objeto extraño del sumidero. Si el impulsor de la bomba está despejado, compruebe las conexiones del cableado de la bomba y vuelva a conectar los cables sueltos. Si las conexiones del cableado están bien, desenchufe el mazo de cables del motor y compruebe la resistencia a través de las clavijas 1-2, 2-3 y 1-3 del motor utilizando un multímetro. El medidor debe medir entre 8 y 20 ohmios (resistencia de los bobinados del motor).

PROBLEMA: Fallo del calentador
FIX: Este código aparece cuando el agua no se calienta o cuando el termistor (sensor de temperatura) detecta que la temperatura del agua es superior a 194 grados. Si el agua dentro de la cuba del lavavajillas está muy caliente, mida la temperatura del agua con un termómetro preciso. Si el termómetro mide la temperatura del agua cerca de los 190 grados, entonces es probable que tenga que reemplazar la placa de control electrónico porque un relé del calentador atascado en la placa de control está causando que el elemento de calentamiento permanezca encendido constantemente.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del motor del desviador
FIX: Desenchufe el lavavajillas y compruebe las conexiones del mazo de cables del motor del desviador y del interruptor de posición del desviador. Vuelva a conectar los cables sueltos. Si las conexiones del cableado están bien, desenchufe los cables del motor del desviador y compruebe la resistencia a través del motor utilizando un multímetro. El medidor debe medir alrededor de 4.000 ohmios de resistencia. Reemplace el motor del desviador si el medidor mide una resistencia infinita.

Microonda Códigos de error

Código: E-01
En el modo de convección - El termistor está en cortocircuito/abierto
El conector amarillo (YL) de 2 pines tiene un contacto suelto con la PCB
El cable del termistor está cortado
Compruebe el termistor yamp; sustitúyalo si lo encuentra defectuoso
Reconecte el conector YL de 2 pines del termistor

Código: E-02
Problema: En el modo de convección la temperatura no sube a 100C en 10 minutos.
Compruebe el relé de convección, sustituya la placa de circuito impreso si el relé no funciona
Compruebe el calentador de convección, sustituya el calentador si está defectuoso
Compruebe el termistor, sustitúyalo si está defectuoso
PROBLEMA: En el modo de refrigeración, la temperatura es superior a 100 grados incluso después del tiempo máximo (30 minutos). Tiempo (30 Min) entonces se muestra el Error E-03.
Compruebe el relé de convección, sustituya la placa de circuito impreso si el relé no funciona
Compruebe el calentador de convección, sustituya el calentador si está defectuoso
Compruebe el termistor, sustitúyalo si está defectuoso
PROBLEMA: En el modo de convección, la temperatura alcanzada es superior a 70C yamp; el usuario ha fijado una temperatura de 40C que es inferior a la temperatura alcanzada actualmente.
FIX: Enfríe el MWO yamp; luego ajuste la Convección 40C

CODE: E-10
PROBLEMA: Tecla Corta
FIX: Compruebe si alguna tecla del panel/membrana está atascada o en cortocircuito.

PROBLEMA: En la cocción por convección, si la temperatura no alcanza más de 100C en 10 minutos
FIX: Compruebe el termistor, cámbielo si está defectuoso

Código: F-02
PROBLEMA: En el modo de cocción por convección, si el termistor dura más de 1 minuto, aparece el error F-02.
FIX: Compruebe el termistor, cámbielo si está defectuoso

Código: F-10
PROBLEMA: Tecla en cortocircuito durante más de 1 minuto
FIX: Comprueba si alguna tecla del panel/táctil está atascada o en cortocircuito.

PROBLEMA: En el modo de cocción por convección, si la temperatura está por encima de los 100C incluso después del tiempo máximo (30 minutos), se muestra el error (Convection Fab ON/Suction Fan OFF)
Compruebe el relé de convección, sustituya la placa de circuito impreso si el relé no funciona
Compruebe el calentador de convección, sustituya el calentador si está defectuoso
Compruebe el termistor, sustitúyalo si está defectuoso
CODE: F-14
PROBLEMA: En el modo de fermentación (convección 40C), si la temperatura sube por encima de 70C durante más de 4 segundos
FIX: Enfriar el MWO yamp; luego ajustar Convección 40C

Refrigerador Códigos de error

Código: F dS
PROBLEMA: Sensor de desescarche del congelador
FIX: Cortocircuito del sensor o problema de cableado.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de desescarche del frigorífico
FIX: Cortocircuito en el sensor o problema de cableado.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de humedad
FIX: Cortocircuito del sensor o problema de cableado.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de fabricación de hielo
FIX: Cortocircuito del sensor o problema de cableado.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de la despensa
FIX: La despensa es el cajón de la charcutería. Cortocircuito en el sensor o problema de cableado.

CODE: Er rt
PROBLEMA: Sensor de temperatura ambiente
FIX: Cortocircuito en el sensor o problema de cableado.

PROBLEMA: Error del sistema dentro del fabricador de hielo
FIX: Rutina de autocomprobación del fabricador de hielo.

PROBLEMA: Código de error del caudalímetro
FIX: Presión de agua, caudal de agua.

PROBLEMA: El sensor no superó los 40 F en el desescarche
FIX: Fusible, calentador o placa de control defectuosos.

PROBLEMA: El sensor no superó los 40 F
FIX: Fusible, calentador o placa de control defectuosos.

PROBLEMA: El ventilador del compartimento de hielo ha fallado
FIX: El ventilador de hielo se ha bloqueado, el motor del ventilador de hielo está defectuoso, el cableado del circuito está defectuoso o la placa de control ha fallado.

PROBLEMA: El ventilador del evaporador ha fallado
FIX: Motor del ventilador, placa de control o mazo de cables.

PROBLEMA: El motor del ventilador del condensador está defectuoso
FIX: El motor del ventilador del condensador, el cableado o la placa de control.

PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación
FIX: Error de comunicación entre la placa principal y la placa de visualización.

Secadora Códigos de error

Código: FO (Filter Out)
PROBLEMA: El filtro no está bien instalado
FIX: Compruebe que el filtro de pelusas está bien insertado.

PROBLEMA: Voltaje inadecuado con el cable de alimentación
FIX: Asegúrese de que las conexiones de los cables blanco y rojo no están invertidas en el bloque de terminales de la secadora. Desconecte la alimentación y vuelva a realizar el cableado.

Código: CL (Pantalla de bloqueo para niños)
PROBLEMA: Una indicación de que la función de bloqueo para niños está activa.
FIX: Mantenga pulsada la tecla etiquetada como BLOQUEO INFANTIL durante 3 segundos para desactivar la función de Bloqueo Infantil.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del termistor
FIX: El control detecta que el sensor de temperatura está defectuoso. Desconecte la alimentación de la secadora y mida la resistencia a través del termistor. Debe medir unos 10.000 ohmios. Si el termistor está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del termistor
FIX: El control detecta que el sensor de temperatura está defectuoso. Desconecte la alimentación de la secadora y mida la resistencia a través del termistor. Debe medir unos 10.000 ohmios. Si el termistor está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: Condición de error = Fallo del termistor
FIX: El control detecta que el sensor de temperatura está defectuoso. Desconecte la alimentación de la secadora y mida la resistencia a través del termistor. Debe medir unos 10.000 ohmios. Si el termistor está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: La manguera de desagüe está doblada, aplastada, obstruida o el agua del sumidero está congelada.
FIX: Compruebe que la manguera de drenaje no está doblada, retorcida o atascada con agua en el extremo de la manguera.

PROBLEMA: Hay un problema con el cableado eléctrico de la vivienda y no se detecta corriente en el calentador.
FIX: Compruebe la alimentación
PROBLEMA: Error del interruptor de la puerta
FIX: Compruebe el funcionamiento del interruptor de la puerta. Hágalo utilizando el modo de prueba de diagnóstico. Si el interruptor de la puerta está defectuoso, debe ser sustituido.

PROBLEMA: La secadora ha detectado un error con el sensor de humedad. (El código de error HS hará que la secadora funcione durante 2 horas y media, lo que puede parecer que la secadora no está secando).
FIX: Limpie los sensores del interior de la secadora que se encuentran debajo del filtro de pelusas. Deje que los sensores se sequen completamente antes de intentar otro ciclo.

CODE: Añada agua
PROBLEMA: Hay un error en el suministro de agua
FIX: Antes de utilizar un ciclo de vapor, el alimentador de vapor debe estar lleno de agua hasta las líneas del indicador MAX. Compruebe el alimentador de vapor para asegurarse de que está lleno de agua y de que el cajón está completamente cerrado.

LG Códigos de error del aparato

LG códigos de avería del aparato

LG códigos de diagnóstico del aparato

LG símbolos de error del aparato

LG fallos comunes del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

The motor grenaded 5 months after the 4 year optional extended warranty exp
The motor grenaded 5 months after the 4 year optional extended warranty expired. LG products are not made to last. My 3.8 year old LG fridge stopped working a month earlier, coils and compressor. LG products may look fancy, but they are NOT make to last.
Publicado: October 30, 2020
Joseph of San Diego, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Their products are junk. Getting anyone to service them is impossible. Take
Their products are junk. Getting anyone to service them is impossible. Takes too long to get parts from Korea. I will never buy LG products again. American made products for me from now on. My experience was with a refrigerator.
Publicado: October 12, 2021
Deb of Shenandoah, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a beautiful black SS French door refrigerator (LFXS30766D) that I si
I have a beautiful black SS French door refrigerator (LFXS30766D) that I simply love, or did love. IT IS BROKEN. The compressor has gone out. It has been two weeks already and Warrantech says it should not take more than a MONTH to get it fixed. I wish I had seen all of these complaints about the compressors going out on the LGs before I bought it. We are getting the run around. Lots of spoiled food, a lot of waste. Why dont they make good products anymore? This fridge was made in 2015 Nov and I have had it for only a year and a half.
Publicado: August 16, 2017
Ann of Providence Forge, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I will NEVER purchase a LG product. My sister purchased a brand new refrige
I will NEVER purchase a LG product. My sister purchased a brand new refrigerator and it stopped working properly after 2 weeks. Around week two she started getting an error code on the freezer control panel and the door alarm started ringing even when the fridge and freezer were closed. She contacted LG and they promised to send out a technician. The first technician came out could not fix the issue and said the door had to be replaced. She waited another two weeks for the door to arrive. The tech came back out to replace the door. Within 2 hours of the technician leaving, the error code returned. She contacted LG once again and a tech was sent out. He said another part needed to be ordered, a month went by before the part arrived.After receiving the part she had to call LG once again and was promised the tech would return. That never happened. She has scheduled two appointments since then and the technician has failed to show. This has been dragging on for three months and the issue still is not resolved. The customer service reps in the warranty departments have poor dispositions and the bottom line is she spent over $1500 for a refrigerator that stopped working properly after 2 weeks. I dont understand why LG has not fixed or replaced the refrigerator. Why is it so hard to get something to simply do what you paid for it to do? LG why have you not resolved the issue? Buyers beware, because this surely could be you.
Publicado: October 29, 2019
Amanda of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a $3,000 LG refrigerator September 5, 2015. On February 17th i
We purchased a $3,000 LG refrigerator September 5, 2015. On February 17th it stopped working. Did not cool. We called our home warranty company, after two visits it was determined it had to be repaired by a certified LG technician. In speaking with LG to set that up, there is only one certified technician in the area. Called them twice to set up an appointment, they never returned the call. In addition, the compressor and all the moving parts are covered by a 7 or 10 year warranty depending on what it is. LG tried to sell me another one-year warranty for $475.00. Searched the reviews on the fridge we have, all of them stated problems with service (i.e., taking off of work to meet the repairman multiple times) only to have the fridge do the same thing within a six month period.Long story short - we went and bought a Whirlpool (made in the USA). BUYER BEWARE, stay away from LG. It does not stand for Life is Good - it stands for Lotsa Grief! I will never buy an LG product of any type - their customer service is beyond awful, their products are not top quality even though you pay a wheelbarrow full of money for them. Before we bought another fridge we called a repairman that we used before for another appliance and asked him what to stay away from - he said LG, Samsung and GE. I wish I had that information before we bought the nightmare that is sitting my kitchen which will be replaced on Saturday.
Publicado: February 27, 2017
Susan of Richmond, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Seems like from the very beginning we had issues. The water filters don&eu
Seems like from the very beginning we had issues. The water filters don€t last as long as they should, the main fridge door hinge got bent (somehow)? We had a serviceman come out to inspect. He wanted 300.00$ to replace a 50$ part. No way! I ended up getting small magnets to try and pull the door gasket closed, this kinda worked at best. And now, yesterday the whole fridge cooling system died? I pulled the fridge out, cleaned the coils, hoping for the best. This did nothing. Unfortunately service calls are out almost a month. We need it fixed now!! Food is going bad. We ended up buying a new GE Profile fridge. We€ll never buy anything LG again!!!
Publicado: February 10, 2021
Darin of Heber City, UT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a $3,000 LG refrigerator and the day after it was delivered, I calle
Bought a $3,000 LG refrigerator and the day after it was delivered, I called LG to have it repaired due to the refrigerator arriving damaged with a broken drip tray. Was told I couldnt get just the drip tray, that I would need the entire door assembly and that a tech would have to install it. I have spent 3 days and over 2.5 hours on the phone trying to get this tray fixed/replaced. Finally, I was transferred to a supervisor who set me up with a local service company. The service company would not order the part or come to do the repair because they said that trying to get reimbursement from LG was almost impossible and that LG fought them every time they did a warranty repair on LGs behalf. The service company said they would do it if I paid COD. Why would I pay for a part and labor for warranty work? Called LG back and spent another hour on the phone with no satisfaction. I will never buy another LG product.
Publicado: February 3, 2017
Jill of St. James, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Large space, worked well to keep the food cold. I liked the extra snack dra
Large space, worked well to keep the food cold. I liked the extra snack drawer. Movable shelving was a plus. Brand with a reputable review. Power saving features was another reason to purchase. Plastic hinge broke shortly after purchasing. We still have not replaced it. The price for LG is high because of its reputation I believe. Good consumer reports. Hard to find part to fix. Make hinges more durable. Reputation was the reason we purchased this refrigerator. Yes LG has lived up to its reputation. It also was a brand we could buy at our local big box store.
Publicado: September 11, 2019
Sandra of Lombard, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I liked the pricing as well as the features that this refrigerator had to o
I liked the pricing as well as the features that this refrigerator had to offer. And it fit conveniently in the space provided. I liked the fact that it had an automatice ice maker along with purified water. I liked the freezer space and also space for the vegetables and fruits as well as the meats. There were no features that I disliked about this refrigerator other than it didnt process ice quick enough for me and especially when I had company over for outings.
Publicado: September 9, 2019
Thomas of Murfreesboro, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought an LG refrigerator from Home Depot in August 2007. It is the freez
I bought an LG refrigerator from Home Depot in August 2007. It is the freezer on the bottom model. After about two months I noticed dripping in my basement. The ice maker plastic hose had a pin hole right behind the fridge and water was leaking down into the basement and onto the I beam. The whole beam was filled with water. Home Depot came and replaced the plastic hose. Then it leaked under my new laminate flooring and ruined a section of it.I just shut the ice maker and the water to it off. I use old fashioned ice cube trays because I am afraid to have another leak. I also have had to replace the crispers in the refrigerator section twice as the plastic keeps cracking, making the crisper unusable. The new ones dont quite fit and are relatively expensive. I need a new one again. Thats 5 repairs in 6 years. I cant afford new fridge but this one is a piece of junk.
Publicado: September 17, 2013
Renee of Columbus, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lavavajillas LG modelo LDF6810ST - La secadora y la placa principal se quem
Lavavajillas LG modelo LDF6810ST - La secadora y la placa principal se quemaron en menos de 7 años. Si pagas tanto por un lavavajillas debería durar más. Sus productos son una basura.
Publicado: July 15, 2013
Danny of G-Town, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lg refrigerator LFX31925st - This is in addition to my previous review from
Lg refrigerator LFX31925st - This is in addition to my previous review from a couple of weeks ago. A company that LG sent out to look at the unit came out and replaced the main control board and fan panel for the second time. It got rid of the error for a few hours and then by that night the unit completely shut down and when I checked the temp the refrigerator compartment a few days ago, it was 85.4 degrees F and a little warmer in the freezer compartment. LG is still refusing to work with us at all on the issue. I have contact the Texas Attorney General and the New Jersey Attorney General (LG corporate office location) for assistance in resolving this matter.
Publicado: August 18, 2013
Daniel of Florence, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought the fridge new October 2012. First problem September 2013 main board
Bought the fridge new October 2012. First problem September 2013 main board and freezer fan replaced. June 11, 2015 fridge died again. Main board again. Not getting replaced till June 15. Got nowhere with LG people because I have a three-year warranty even though same thing has happened twice within three years. I DO NOT EVER recommend LG.
Publicado: June 13, 2015
Teresa of Holyoke, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a LG washing machine from PC Richards in July 2013. Water start
I purchased a LG washing machine from PC Richards in July 2013. Water started leaking from the bottom of machine. I called PC Richards repair service. 1st technician came out and said he had to order part. 2nd Technician came out two weeks later. He ran the washing machine through a cycle and no water came out. He said nothing was wrong with it, that I must be overloading the washer. I explained to him that it wasnt being overloaded and that the 1st technician ran the cycle and he saw the water coming out, that is why he ordered the part. 2nd technician refused to change any parts because he was convinced I was overloading the machine. He left without doing anything.I washed clothes when he left. Same thing happened, water all over the place. I called service center and complained that 2nd technician didnt do anything. Service center kept telling me they would call me back, that didnt happen. I called again to speak to supervisor. He tells me I have to wait till 12/10 for another technician to come back to my house. LG washers are horrible and PC Richards service center is horrible. I do not recommend either one.
Publicado: December 5, 2013
Angela of Brooklyn, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a WT5070CW a year ago. This has to be the worst washing machine
I purchased a WT5070CW a year ago. This has to be the worst washing machine I have EVER owned. Every load gets off balance. When it gets unbalanced the machine stops. When you adjust the clothes and restart it will get off balance again. It has taken me a full day to wash one load of clothes. Today it took three hours to do one load. If you have a small load (a couple of towels) it takes six or seven tries to get the load done. I dont think it is possible to keep this machine balanced. I paid a lot more for this machine than I planned on spending and am VERY disappointed. I have found several other complaints about the same machine and the same problem. I think this model should be recalled.
Publicado: January 2, 2015
Pam of Mcdonald, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Im so glad to have found this. Thought I was crazy. Our LG frontload washer
Im so glad to have found this. Thought I was crazy. Our LG frontload washer smells terrible and weve had service calls out 3 times for what looks like pen marks all over our white clothes. Its not a pen. The first time they said it was a drum shooting oil onto our clothes; nice. They replaced the drum. The second time, service didnt show up. The third time they said it was because the washers accumulate black slime that is accumulating throughout the internal parts of the washer and will randomly shoot out the black ink appearing lines. Do not ever purchase an LG. They make a good TV, but not washers or kitchen appliances. They also do not have service centers anywhere in our area (maybe our country?).
Publicado: September 2, 2012
Sara of Warrenville, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I will never buy an LG refrigerator again. They have very poor customer ser
I will never buy an LG refrigerator again. They have very poor customer service. They are very good at giving you bogus information and youre calling customer service in the Philippines. My refrigerator went out on a Friday and LG gives me two supposed authorized dealers, one never picked up the phone and the other one was closed at 2:30 and I couldnt leave a message because of a full mailbox. I took it upon myself to get someone out and had it fixed by Monday. If your product goes out on the weekend forget it.The one supposed authorized dealer said they dont fix LG refrigerators in Arizona anymore and LG still continues to give out that name, the other one said they couldnt get someone out for a week. They are very good at jacking people around and it ended up costing me 743.00 for a new compressor which is covered by LG but they said since I didnt call who they told me to they werent covering it. I had Sears products for 20 years and never had a problem. As a company we keeping signing on for these foreign products and they just dont last. I will never purchase another LG product and I will tell as many people I know the same information.
Publicado: February 15, 2017
Donna of Tempe, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Nuestro microondas LG fue fabricado en febrero de 2013. Lo compramos e inst
Nuestro microondas LG fue fabricado en febrero de 2013. Lo compramos e instalamos en abril de 2013. La placa de alimentación falló en 2014 justo fuera de la garantía. Al igual que los escritores anteriores, se cobró una cuota de servicio y la cuota de la pieza de reemplazo. Un año más tarde (2015) placa de alimentación falló. El personal de servicio era bueno pero el producto LG es malo. No compraremos otro microondas LG.
Publicado: July 26, 2015
J of Centerville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Horrible experience. We need to have a class action lawsuit against LG for
Horrible experience. We need to have a class action lawsuit against LG for the defective products, poor customer service and incompetency. Just as we approached our 2 year mark with this refrigerator (nearly two months now), the freezer stopped producing ice and the cooling system stopped. Since we were out of warranty and only approved service providers in my area could do the repair, we were convinced into purchasing an out of warranty contract for $500 before we could get anyone at LG or their insurance company to assist us. We waited nearly one week before the service provider came out to diagnose the issue. When he left, he told us it was the compressor and that he would need put in an order for its replacement.Another week went by and the compressor was finally replaced. However, the refrigerator barely got cool and the freezer, although it produced ice, was not keeping the items like ice cream frozen. Again, we needed to have the service provider return and he concluded that the refrigerator may be leaking freon and damaging the compressor. He also thought it was the fan. The repair company and us have been going back and forth with LGs insurance claim department who refuses to replace the refrigerator until all repairs are exhausted. We are now waiting nearly two weeks for a replacement compressor but this is going to be the last concession that we are making. If this next compressor does not work, LG can be rest assured that they will be replacing our refrigerator (without any depreciation factor).We have lost a ton of food and continue to live out of ice coolers in the scorching hot weather. We cannot afford to continue to eat out or buy food on a daily basis with not care or concern from LG. They kept us waiting for hours and have made promises to call back and still no sense of urgency. Clearly based upon the reviews on this site, this is a known issue of this LG product which was rated to be top of the line. We will never purchase anything LG ever again. They clearly are not experts in this market and moreover any technology... All they seem to do is copy from other experts and spend no time with R&D or testing before rolling out products to the market.LG needs to get out of the business completely and we will not stop until we have a satisfactory resolution. We cannot exist with a young infant in our household without a working refrigerator. Our old GE refrigerator lasted nearly 20 years and this LG not even 2 years. We should have known from the first time we got the first delivery. It did not go well and blew all the transformers outside my house. That should have been our warning of what in store for us. Very, Very dissatisfied with this product and LG customer service experience. :-(
Publicado: July 28, 2017
Janice of Norwalk, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dont buy this refrigerator! 2 months after purchasing the freezer stopped w
Dont buy this refrigerator! 2 months after purchasing the freezer stopped working, the food thawed out, then it randomly started working again. The next month it started making a loud buzzing/drilling noise on and off the entire day. Its so annoying, you dont want to be in the same room! LG said, its in defrost mode, your ice is too full! Took their advice and nothing changed. Home Depot says they cant do anything until its been serviced by LG three times. LG is sending out a tech but even if they fix it Im stuck with a defective product that I still have to pay full price for! I want a partial refund or a replacement but neither will do this, I just have taken another day off of work and continue making the payments! I wish I would have done my research. I now see online that many others have had the same problems with this product. Take my advice, dont waste your $ on this product!
Publicado: March 2, 2015
Sonja of Temecula, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Nuestra experiencia hasta ahora ha sido estupenda. La electrónica hace que
Nuestra experiencia hasta ahora ha sido estupenda. La electrónica hace que nuestra gama sea fácil de manejar y eficiente de utilizar. El elemento de calentamiento en todas las funciones es muy preciso, por lo que no tenemos que adivinar cuando se utiliza una receta específica para los requisitos de temperatura.
Publicado: February 10, 2021
Olen of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos nuestra flamante lavadora de carga frontal LG hace 2 años. Ya ti
Compramos nuestra flamante lavadora de carga frontal LG hace 2 años. Ya tiene un rodamiento defectuoso. LG no ofrece garantía porque no tengo una garantía extendida. Está claro que se trata de piezas baratas o de una terrible garantía de calidad por parte de LG. Los rodamientos no deberían estropearse tan rápido. Las ruedas de los coches tienen rodamientos que duran hasta 200.000 millas. El servicio de atención al cliente me dijo que no era realmente su problema, y siguió pidiéndome que pagara un depósito por el servicio de la unidad. No volveré a comprar un electrodoméstico LG.
Publicado: October 15, 2019
Adam of Mentor, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

For the most part I love my LG washer & dryer. I have more options than
For the most part I love my LG washer & dryer. I have more options than what I need but it€s nice they€re available. Very dependable!!! I have the front loader and it€s stacked which saves a lot of space!
Publicado: May 12, 2020
Cheryl of Longview, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the LG top loader 1 year ago. It hasnt washed my clothes properly
I bought the LG top loader 1 year ago. It hasnt washed my clothes properly since Ive had it. I always have dirt covered all over my clothes after, and have to wash them sometimes twice. Never can I wash blacks one time. I will never get another LG and when I called about it, I was told I needed to call some other number. When I went back to the store, I was told, Oh ,you probably arent putting enough clothes in it. Very disappointed and really would like my money back.
Publicado: December 18, 2014
shelly of Calgary, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought my LG counter depth refrigerator just over two years ago. I loved th
Bought my LG counter depth refrigerator just over two years ago. I loved this refrigerator! I loved the style, the many features and it worked well until a week ago. It was only after I was researching the possible causes of the failure did I learn of the problems with the compressors. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. To learn that LG does not honour the warranty on refrigerators outside USA/Canada made me angry since they wouldn€t even sell me the replacement compressor. What a shame! LG can do better and should do better. It sells its products worldwide. Customers all over the world love and buy LG products and are having problems with their refrigerator compressors. What a shame!
Publicado: November 6, 2019
Sybil of Other, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos estos electrodomésticos hace unos 6 años. El frigorífico nos d
Compramos estos electrodomésticos hace unos 6 años. El frigorífico nos dio problemas enseguida. Los cajones de plástico se agrietaron. El ventilador del dispensador de hielo se rompe y el hielo se derrite y gotea en el suelo. Además, la puerta del dispensador se rompe y deja salir el aire frío y ocurre lo mismo. La luz situada debajo del dispensador se apaga y se enciende aleatoriamente. Todas estas cosas las ha solucionado una empresa de reparación de electrodomésticos externa con piezas de LG, pero no se han quedado arregladas por mucho tiempo, así que vivimos con ello y compramos hielo. Lo que es más importante, el horno ha empezado a sobrecalentarse recientemente dando una lectura de F9. Esto es peligroso y obviamente quema la comida. Las temperaturas alcanzan más de 400 grados según nuestro termómetro, no el termostato del horno. En fin, espero encontrar un buen reemplazo que no sea defectuoso. No será LG.
Publicado: November 29, 2014
Laurie of Burleson, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compró un modelo LFXS30766S y pagó mucho dinero por él. Comprado en 2014
Compró un modelo LFXS30766S y pagó mucho dinero por él. Comprado en 2014 y murió en 2020. Llamé a tres lugares antes de poder encontrar una persona que viniera a ver un LG. Técnico con 35 años de experiencia vino y dijo que el compresor está disparado. No dibuja los amperios requeridos. Llamé a LG y me dijeron que estaba fuera de garantía, pero que cubrían el compresor durante 10 años, así que no había que preocuparse. Me dieron un número de orden de trabajo y dijeron que el compresor y la mano de obra estarían cubiertos y que volviera a llamar en 24-48 horas para ver si la reparación estaba aprobada. Volví a llamar después de 48 horas y la señora me dijo que mi número de reclamación no era correcto, toda mi información estaba allí, pero no mi nombre.Me dijeron de nuevo que no me preocupara y que alguien me devolvería la llamada y confirmé con ella que mi número de orden de trabajo era válido. Esperé una semana y cuando volví a llamar la señora me dijo de nuevo que mi número de orden de trabajo no era correcto. Me dijo que podía ver dónde había llamado, pero que mi frigorífico estaba fuera de garantía, así que tenían que ponerse en contacto con el lugar que lo había revisado para ver si podían hacer la reparación, pero que yo sería responsable de la mano de obra. Me pidió el nombre y el correo electrónico del lugar de reparación y se lo di. El lugar de reparación, con 35 años de experiencia, me dijo que no desperdiciara mi dinero tratando de arreglar un LG. Sólo se va a romper una y otra vez. Me dijo que me aguantara y que pusiera mi dinero en un producto mejor. Ahora la señora me da un número de un lugar que está a 1,35 horas de distancia (Rochester. Yo vivo en Buffalo) para establecer la reparación. Supongo que el hecho de que nadie en un radio de 1,35 horas de una gran área metropolitana toque un LG demuestra lo horribles que son sus productos y lo mal que tratan a sus clientes. Llamé al lugar de reparación que me dieron y todavía estoy esperando que me devuelvan la llamada. Dirijo una gran empresa a nivel mundial y me aseguraré de hacer entender a todos mis conocidos mi agotadora y terrible experiencia.
Publicado: August 21, 2020
Kevin of Sanborn, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife and I purchased a 26cf refrig. Water dispenser does not work proper
My wife and I purchased a 26cf refrig. Water dispenser does not work properly. Repair service wants $157.00 to come out, order parts and $157.00 to come out and install. We purchased new elec. range and they did come out and replace glass in oven door. We purchased a microwave and the bottom of handle broke loose after warranty (have superglued in place). We purchased a dishwasher and the rollers on the upper rack keep breaking loose. This was all done within the last 5 years and only warranty was oven door glass. We are now in the process of replacing all appliances with a different brand and never to buy another LG product.
Publicado: June 2, 2013
Ralph of Shortsville, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The ice maker is inside the freezer door and the bin is very small. It does
The ice maker is inside the freezer door and the bin is very small. It doesnt make enough ice for my husband and me. It also shuts off. A small dribble of ice has to be chopped off the front to get it started again. Very disappointed in this aspect. Also only two positions to adjust each shelf in the refrigerator part. Not very accommodating.
Publicado: May 1, 2018
Jaqi of Beaumont, Texas
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a HE LG top loading washer and it just does not get my clothes cle
I bought a HE LG top loading washer and it just does not get my clothes clean. I work construction and my knees get dirty. My old sears kenmore always got my jeans clean. This new expensive HE machine is a piece of crap. Do not buy one!!!!
Publicado: June 4, 2014
Floyd of Willard's, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My mother who lives in LA got a high tech LG fridge about 4 years ago which
My mother who lives in LA got a high tech LG fridge about 4 years ago which 2 months ago its compressor stopped operating and from that time she has made 6 different appointments with LG customers service to fix it! Every time they go and have look at the fridge and they say well, its the compressor and we dont have it with us!!! Thats all they do. Then my mom has to call them again and book another appointment which usually takes 2 weeks for them to appear, and the same story goes on! Its such a shame that the summer is going to finish and my mom couldnt use her fridge for 2 months. I wonder if LGs customer service has any ideas about living without a fridge in the summer time at all??? Its while my mom paid about $4000 for an useless huge box to sit in her kitchen! Thats not acceptable, frustrating and were not only gonna stop buying LG products, but also well get a lawyer to fix this problem ASAP!!!!
Publicado: August 28, 2021
Mehrad of Osborne Park, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The LG front loader is a horrible machine. Even with leaving the door open
The LG front loader is a horrible machine. Even with leaving the door open it smells like a sewer. Most times clothes come out dirtier than when they went in... Greasy stains that wont come out. Sad that Id rather inconvenience myself & go to the laundromat, than do laundry in my own home. What a waste of money.
Publicado: August 25, 2016
Jackie of Harriston, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré la gama LG hace 9 años. Recientemente la gama no se puede apagar.
Compré la gama LG hace 9 años. Recientemente la gama no se puede apagar. Lo consulté con LG y me dijeron que estaba en la lista de piezas retiradas y que era un problema conocido. Enviaron al técnico y éste dijo que la pieza estaba agotada. E informará del problema a LG. Una mujer del servicio de atención al cliente me llamó los dos días siguientes y apenas respondió a mi pregunta. Tuve que pasar a su supervisor y toda la conversación con él fue un desastre. Básicamente me dijo: Yo soy el jefe, tienes que hacer lo que yo te diga. No me gustó nada la conversación. And he ask for the receipt, hey, the range was purchased 9 years ago, not sure how many people keep receipt for 9 years, not even the tax receipt.and finally, he said he will order the part, but it will be available on next year Jan. Then I ask for call me back if the part is available, and he said, thats my business, I have to call back myself to check. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Vaya, qué gran servicio de LG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luego le pedí hablar con su gerente, y me dijo: Yo soy el jefe, y soy la última persona con la que puedes hablar. ¿Alguien puede decirme qué más puedo hacer?
Publicado: November 8, 2014
Leo of Scarborough, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Professional company, ice maker, friends and family recommend LG refrigerat
Professional company, ice maker, friends and family recommend LG refrigerator, heard reviews on it that it was good. Did meet my expectations on what I wanted the fridge to do which is store and keep my food cold. Enjoy storing food in it and keeps food cold. Looks nice. Ice maker, water machine and the bright inside of the fridge, the exterior is a nice material. That is all I like about the LG fridge. But improve space inside fridge. Dont like double doors. Too many shelves. Not enough room. Side by side doors.
Publicado: September 8, 2019
Celena of Aurora, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a double oven model # LDG3035ST/01, within the first year the top
Purchased a double oven model # LDG3035ST/01, within the first year the top oven kept giving a F9 and F11 code and the oven wouldn€t heat past 100 degrees-so we started only using the bottom oven which now gives us the same code. We basically only use our range for the cooktop. So disappointing and we never will buy a LG product.
Publicado: June 17, 2020
Danielle of Methuen, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Issue: The refrigerator (French door LFXS30766S) broke down on 7/4/2018, ju
Issue: The refrigerator (French door LFXS30766S) broke down on 7/4/2018, just couple days after two years warranty. Find out it€s €sealed system€ issue and this is still covered by LG for five years. Called LG and reported the issue on 7/6/2018, they have created ticket and mentioned that they will find the technician and assign it. How many days since then? One month now. Technician is yet to come my home and look into issue. In between, I have called so many times to LG, each time their answer is standard, they are still trying to find the technician and escalating the ticket or creates new ticket, which is nothing but their excuse to tell customer to wait for 3-5 business days. I wonder why no technician wants to work with LG, whoever I talked to they either says they are two far away from my destination or they don€t work with LG. I have even asked LG if they can assign work order to €Sears home service€ they are reliable and guarantee they will come, but LG says it is not possible for them to assign the work order to Sears. Why? No idea. After so many phone calls and many tickets where are we? Nowhere near the resolution. I wouldn€t recommend LG product anymore. Settlement that I am looking: LG assign reliable tech which I can count on or refund the money.
Publicado: August 2, 2018
Jay of Danbury, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Estoy muy molesto con mi compra de LG. De vuelta en enero de 2019 mi estufa
Estoy muy molesto con mi compra de LG. De vuelta en enero de 2019 mi estufa fue entregada andamp; instalado. Todo parecía estar bien hasta que decidí limpiar la estufa usando la función de autolimpieza el viernes 8,9,2019. Después de usar la función de autolimpieza el esmalte de mi estufa está quemado en las esquinas de la puerta. Durante la conversación inicial con el Departamento de Garantía me dieron un número de caso y me dijeron que se pondrían en contacto conmigo para concertar una cita para que su técnico viniera a echar un vistazo a la estufa. Dos días más tarde recibí una llamada telefónica de una empresa de servicio explicando que mi defecto cosmético no está cubierto por la garantía y que si vienen y determinan que no es un defecto del fabricante tendré que pagar una cuota de servicio. Le comenté mi preocupación por el sobrecalentamiento o el posible esmalte quemado y le expliqué que no me sentía cómodo con este escenario.Volví a llamar a LG y decidieron enviar a un técnico certificado de LG. Llamó esta mañana 8,14,19 y dijo que estaría aquí entre 2-5. Cuando llegó hoy (17:10) dijo que no tenía ni idea de la causa de estas marcas, incluso señaló que no podía probar el horno porque ocurre durante el ciclo de limpieza cuando la puerta está cerrada. Llamó a su equipo técnico en la oficina. Incluso a él le ponen en una larga espera. Me dijo que tenía que ir a su próxima cita y que me llamaría para decirme lo que habían decidido. Cuando me devolvió la llamada me dijeron que no iban a cubrir el defecto de que está quemado en la comida. (¡¡Huh!!)Primero como lo saben. ¿No estaban aquí? El técnico que físicamente miró la estufa y no llegó a este escenario - una persona en el teléfono lo hizo?? Pero incluso con este posible escenario - pregunté cómo puede la comida entrar entre la junta y la puerta? Sin embargo, no hay comida quemada en ningún otro lugar de la estufa. Ni siquiera en el suelo de la cocina. Me dice que no puede hacer nada y que llame de nuevo al servicio de atención al cliente. Ahora estamos esperando la visita de un segundo técnico. Tenga en cuenta que he pasado literalmente horas en el teléfono con cada llamada. Me he tomado 3 horas libres en el trabajo hoy y tendré que tomarme más tiempo libre el viernes para la segunda cita. Espero que esta pesadilla termine pronto.
Publicado: August 15, 2019
Amber of Ocoee, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

LG front load washer is four years old. I got an LE message then the machin
LG front load washer is four years old. I got an LE message then the machine wouldnt run, so I called for service. Stainless Steel drum has lifetime warranty. The motor has 7-year warranty. The service technician was on the phone with LG for about an hour, apparently trying to understand the Pakistani man. The end result was $700 to repair the drum and motor and replace the plastic drum around the inner drum, which of course has no warranty, and about 5 hours labor to tear it all apart. It doesnt matter what model. It is a $1,000 washer that should not need $700 in repairs in four years. This is the very last LG product that is ever purchased at my house. If I could have given it zero stars, I would have.
Publicado: December 11, 2012
Daniel of ., Ny
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We upgraded to LG appliances 7 years ago. The Linear Compressor just stoppe
We upgraded to LG appliances 7 years ago. The Linear Compressor just stopped working. LG will provide a replacement Linear Compressor but will not cover the $600 cost for labor or the $350 for the refrigerated food spoilage. LG is aware they sold, and continue to sell, these refrigerators with Linear Compressors that fail after a few short years after purchase. If you are considering purchasing any LG products, think again and spend your hard earned money on a reputable brand. Do your research. I am so upset and disgusted.
Publicado: October 18, 2019
A. of Pompano Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just move along, people, move along. Nothing to look at here... keep on mov
Just move along, people, move along. Nothing to look at here... keep on moving, over to the other part of the appliance department, the area that has anything BUT LG. You have worked hard for your money, dont waste it on LGs products that offer a huge warranty on the motor, but rust out in under a year. Sure, theyre cute, they sing to you, they are curvy where your last washer/dryer was boxy... dont be deceived. In under a year this washer has gone from being the superstar of the house, to a tired shadow of its former self. The bleach dispenser rusted almost immediately and now, the appliance can only be used to wash dark clothes, ones that the rust stains will not show upon. Thats real nice, an $1,100 machine that can only do 1/3 of my wash. Maybe when I replace it - which will be very soon - the motor with its warranty can be re-purposed to drive a pottery wheel. Ultimately, it was designed for it - making everything it touches dirty instead of clean. Skip this washer, the dryer too. Go with Costco. At least there is some semblance of customer satisfaction there AND you neednt speak Tagalog to get it.
Publicado: February 9, 2015
Celeste of Jamul, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a LG LFX31925ST 2 1/2 years ago from Nebraska Furniture Mart. The
I bought a LG LFX31925ST 2 1/2 years ago from Nebraska Furniture Mart. The compressor went out in only 2 1/2 years. You would think when you pay $2400 for a fridge it would last a little bit longer. Last fridge I had lasted 35 years but then again it was not a LG. Got extended warranty but takes over a week and half to get repairman here. I like getting ice for coolers on a daily basis, updating kitchen and laundry room. But rest assured they will not be LG, worst junk I ever bought.
Publicado: December 14, 2015
GREG of Shawnee, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

So far haven€t had any problems with my LG washing machine. It is ea
So far haven€t had any problems with my LG washing machine. It is easy to operate and cleans the clothes perfectly. You can choose your own cycle but typically I usually just have normal loads unless I am doing a towel or blanket wash in which I choose one of the heavier load settings. I love that I can also add an extra rinse or 2 to any load as well.
Publicado: May 13, 2020
Ashley of Katonah, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a fridge and a gas ranger from LG buy American just a little ov
I purchased a fridge and a gas ranger from LG buy American just a little over a year ago. And immediately after, the range burners control knobs started cracking and falling. The fridge rubber gaskets on the door started to come off. The parts are very expensive and do not correct the original defects in the product. I am ashamed of these products, and I will not recommend it to anyone. LG, shame on you.
Publicado: December 30, 2011
Gamal of Jackson Heights, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Como otros que han revisado previamente este producto,item, estoy extremada
Como otros que han revisado previamente este producto,item, estoy extremadamente decepcionado en su funcionamiento durante el ciclo de centrifugado. Nunca falla que tengo que atender a la máquina durante los ciclos de centrifugado ya sea para reajustar el lavado o sacar todo y ponerlo todo de nuevo de alguna manera que parezca equilibrada. Nunca me había encontrado con este problema en otras lavadoras. Como el televisor LG que compré era excelente, supuse que lo mismo ocurriría con sus lavadoras o cualquiera de sus productos. Me equivoqué. No volveré a comprar ninguno de sus productos a menos que hagan grandes mejoras. Ahora me veo obligado a comprar otra lavadora. Pero esta vez haré mis deberes y compraré una que tenga un alto rendimiento. Y sin duda le diré a todo el mundo que hable de lavadoras que evite LG. Mi pregunta final a la corporación LG es: ¿Acaso les importa?
Publicado: January 17, 2018
Gary of San Antonio, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We started to have problems with our brand new LG refrigerator 2 weeks afte
We started to have problems with our brand new LG refrigerator 2 weeks after getting it home. First, it was the ice maker. We were still under warranty, and called to have it fixed. The rep said someone will be out the next day. The next day, the repair person said, I dont know why they would have told you that. I wont be able to come till next week. He came out, and said he fixed the problem and went on his way. Two months later, it was the same problem, repair scheduling and all. This repair man (when he finally came out) said, Oh, your ice maker has been broken since you bought it (wonder why the first guy didnt figure that out). He replaced it and went on his way. The outcome is we have ice but it perpetually gets jammed in the shoot and we always have to manually pull the ice out every time we want ice.Now, three years later, we are no longer under warranty, and are having major issues. The freezer is not working. It wont defrost and ice was building up. I called LG. The rep said $95 over the phone just to tell me what the problem is (I know what the problem is, I want to know how to fix it. I read the book and the error message on the control panel on the door says defrost problems). They will not give me any information without paying for it first. We decided not to deal with them anymore and called our local appliance repairman (nice guy). Yes, our 3-year old refrigerator needed to be taken apart and defrosted. The control panel had gone out and inadvertently kept it from defrosting. The control panel is $300 plus the cost of the house call. According to the repair man, 99% of repair calls on LG refrigerators are the control panel. When will the United States stop allowing poor quality appliance in this country?
Publicado: July 10, 2012
Donna of Groveland, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been waiting to have my washer properly fixed for 3 weeks. Customer
I have been waiting to have my washer properly fixed for 3 weeks. Customer service was not helpful and the technician while helpful when he was here was often gone and not available which left no one in my zip code to attend to the repair. I have never had a more difficult time getting something done than with this company.
Publicado: November 30, 2016
Nickie of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

LG has one of the best refrigerators that I have ever used and was easy to
LG has one of the best refrigerators that I have ever used and was easy to maintain and clean which is an underrated feature. It was recommended and the sale made it unbeatable. It did everything I needed it to for the price. It was a good reliable refrigerator for the apartment that it was in. Well kept and easy to store and organize food and beverages. The shelving was well done and easy to use, allowed for no clutter while storing a vast amount of food and drinks. The features I liked the most are simply how it was laid out on the inside, perfect amount of shelving and organization abilities. It had quite the capabilities and was just as good as all of the LG products that I had previously used or owned so no disappointment.
Publicado: September 16, 2019
Billy of Riverview, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like the capacity of this particular refrigerator. Its a nice size with g
I like the capacity of this particular refrigerator. Its a nice size with great features that I use all the time. I like the fact it has an ice maker. I like choosing different kinds of ice. It also has cold water that tastes like bottle. I love it and wouldnt change anything. I like LG in general. I think the brand is underrated and reasonably priced. Other brands were too expensive and didnt offer the same features.
Publicado: September 20, 2019
Madison of Silver Spring, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My LG refrigerator quit around Feb. 14. The repairman came on Feb. 17 and s
My LG refrigerator quit around Feb. 14. The repairman came on Feb. 17 and said he would order a new board and compressor. It is now March 11 and I am still waiting. I called the Brick customer service and they do seem to want to help but nothing comes of it. I have a serious heart condition and am finding it even harder since I do not feel well enough to go out to get food most of the time. The customer service did not call back and kept me waiting all day yesterday so I did not get to go out and get some food. It is getting warmer outside so my new outdoor storage is no longer working either and the remaining food is going bad. My cats can attest to that and refuse to eat the remaining steak. I am having to eat food that causes me to get terrible attacks of angina. This whole episode is like something out of a nightmare.I called the Brick customer support again this morning and he said he would call the Brick store in Barrie where I purchased the refrigerator and see about having a bar fridge sent over to use until the repair gets done. I should not have had to wait this long as they should have a stock of parts locally and not to be sent from China. Also, since I have paid a large sum of money for the extended guarantee, there should have been immediate action to see that I was not so inconvenienced as this. The very nice man in the Brick customer service just called and said he talked to the Brick store.The Brick store just called and it seems all is starting to go more smoothly and they are prepared to lend me a bar fridge. Of course, that still means long walks just to get to the fridge as I have little room for it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the repair is now going to be done soon. If not, I will be taking much stronger action to see results and maybe help the rest of people that own LG products to get better treatment in the future. I have many LG products so it means a lot to me.
Publicado: March 11, 2016
Beverley of Innisfil, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our LG washer and dryer in 2006. You can take any of the complai
We bought our LG washer and dryer in 2006. You can take any of the complaints/descriptions from the others and put our name under it as our problems are the same as theirs. The problem with smell and extreme mold buildup started immediately and continues to this day. We clean it weekly with washing machine cleaners, bleach and dishwasher detergent to no avail. The washer door stays open when not in use. LG customer service? It does not exist. We will never buy an LG product ever--not even an alarm clock! I would give it zero stars if I could. We have a smelly washer filled with mold and mildew. We are going to buy a new washer today. Good riddance, LG!
Publicado: November 26, 2011
Joseph of Niceville, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We are extremely dissatisfied with LGs customer service and lack of commitm
We are extremely dissatisfied with LGs customer service and lack of commitment to honoring its product warranty. We gave the experience a one star rating as it was the lowest option in order to continue this review, but we would assign a negative rating if that was an option. We bought an entire suite of LG kitchen appliances in 2013. The fridge stopped cooling at the beginning of May, 2019. Since that time, we have paid for service calls by two different repair companies and have made numerous phone calls to LG in an attempt to resolve this problem. LG has agreed that the parts are covered under warranty, but they no longer carry one of the parts (an evaporator). One of their representatives advised us that we could have them try and obtain the part from a third party or file an appeal for a defective unit.After determining that the part through the third party was on backorder and would take at least three weeks to obtain, with no guarantee as to an exact delivery date, we elected to file the appeal. At that point, we had been without a refrigerator for over a month, Several more weeks have gone by. Despite assurances from LG that we would be contacted, we had to call them multiple times for a status update and had to submit the appeal more than once. When we called a few days ago to once again to determine the status of our appeal, we were advised that it had been rejected the week prior (again, nobody from LG contacted us). They claim the appeal was rejected because the part is available through the third party (even though is is on backorder for at least another three weeks). We are fed up with this whole process!We never expected to have to replace a refrigerator that is just 6 1/2 years old - our prior refrigerators each lasted over 20 years. We were hoping that since LG no longer carries the parts necessary to honor their warranty, they would honor a defective unit appeal with at least some type of discounted price on a replacement refrigerator. In researching this issue on the internet, we have seen numerous complaints about LG refrigerators with faulty compressors and poor customer service from LG in attempting to get the problem resolved. Think twice before purchasing a product from LG... We will certainly never buy anything else manufactured by this company.
Publicado: July 5, 2019
Roberta of Trenton, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos una estufa y un horno LG nuevos en 2014. El panel de control come
Compramos una estufa y un horno LG nuevos en 2014. El panel de control comenzó a darnos problemas hace un mes (27 de enero de 2016). Informamos del problema al servicio de atención al cliente de LG y nos ofrecieron una garantía ampliada por unos 275 dólares. La compramos y su representante de reparaciones llegó a nuestra casa. Verificó que se trataba de un producto LG por el modelo y el número de serie, y confirmó que la estufa, el horno fue producido en 2013. Luego dijo que no tenía las piezas necesarias para realizar la reparación, y que LG ya no fabrica las piezas. Desde entonces, LG no repara su propio producto porque no tenemos el recibo de compra inicial. Desde entonces hemos estado discutiendo con los llamados servicios ejecutivos de LG. En definitiva, se trata de un producto LG, LG se quedó con nuestro dinero por la extensión de la garantía, y son incapaces de arreglar su propio producto. ¿Es esto un fraude?
Publicado: February 24, 2016
Gordon of Ottawa, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My problem with this machine, is that Ive never seen a wash machine take so
My problem with this machine, is that Ive never seen a wash machine take so long to wash a load of clothes! If I use the Speedwash feature, which is supposed to be a 35-minute cycle, it will take nearly two hours to wash the clothes. Loads that I know should take longer, like extended soak cycles, stain removal cycles, extra rinse or extended spin cycles, extend the wash cycles into hours and hours. Im dissatisfied with this purchase and I have seen so many complaints that I know I wont get the matter resolved to my satisfaction. I remember when this company went under the brand of GoldStar. I didnt like the look of their appliances back then and they were known as cheap. They must have found a company to re-market and re-brand them, with great looking outside features, but the same crappy inside components.
Publicado: July 31, 2016
Kurt of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The refrigerators met my expectations. Ive had it about 3 years now and it
The refrigerators met my expectations. Ive had it about 3 years now and it still cools well even on really hot summer days. The freezer is really great. Also freezes well. Its also a very quiet device. Doesnt make a lot of noise when running. I like the color, the storage in the bottom, the storage in the freezer, the coolness, the size, the longevity and the pricing is great. But the size is kind of inconvenient for the fridge space in my house. It had to be set out a little farther than expected. The bulkiness wouldnt fit in the area. Its a overall great product. Would recommend it to friends and family. I feel like everyone should invest in one. Its one Im sure will still be in great condition 5 years from now.
Publicado: September 19, 2019
Christy of Huntsville, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La opción LG Easy Clean es un horno terrible. No se limpia con agua. El se
La opción LG Easy Clean es un horno terrible. No se limpia con agua. El servicio de atención al cliente recomienda utilizar un rascador, pero no demasiado duro. No se puede utilizar la limpieza química. El agua sola y el rascador no limpian completamente el horno. Extremadamente insatisfecho. Pensé que la opción de limpieza fácil significaba autolimpieza. No compre este producto a menos que no le importe tener un horno sin manchas. No he obtenido el valor de mi dinero. Pagué 800 dólares, ¿por qué iba a pensar que no venía con una opción de autolimpieza?
Publicado: October 31, 2018
Mary of Vanderbilt, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

There is water leakage from the last compartment of the bottom freezer and
There is water leakage from the last compartment of the bottom freezer and later forms ice. Due to this, proper closing of the freezer compartment is not possible.
Publicado: March 18, 2012
Vijaya of Sundarapuram, Coimbatore 641024,, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is the WORST washing machine ever. Not only does it not clean the clot
This is the WORST washing machine ever. Not only does it not clean the clothes but the balance issues are enough to drive you crazy. If Im not standing over the machine it can take hours for a load to complete as its constantly off balance. Never again would I purchase anything from this company. Their customer service doesnt exist when they cant admit theyve produced a flawed product and do something about it.
Publicado: January 27, 2015
Jerre of Baxter, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré un lavavajillas LG en 2017 en Home Depot. Lo registré y funcionó
Compré un lavavajillas LG en 2017 en Home Depot. Lo registré y funcionó bien durante casi un año. Luego empezó a detenerse antes del ciclo de secado y a emitir constantes pitidos y no desaguaba. A lo largo de 9 meses, 2 compañías de reparación diferentes, muchas horas en el teléfono, hemos tenido el panel de control reemplazado 2 veces, la placa base reemplazada 1 vez, la cerradura de la puerta, el pestillo 3 veces. Cada reparación dura unas 2-3 semanas. He tomado videos del problema cuando no me creyeron. La máquina no muestra ningún código de error y la aplicación inteligente en mi teléfono cuando se vincula dice que la máquina está funcionando bien. He pedido una lavadora de reemplazo porque esto es un limón. He documentado todos mis correos electrónicos a LG y a los técnicos del servicio técnico. Cuando leo todas las críticas negativas sobre este mismo producto, y bajo la crítica LG responde que se ponga en contacto con ellos llamándoles, o contactando en Facebook o Twitter porque quieren arreglarlo, tengo que reírme. Yo he hecho todo eso, incluso contactar con ellos en Facebook. Cuando el reparador visita tu casa y reporta tu problema al servicio técnico de LG, luego envía el reporte a LG, te dice que esperes la respuesta de LG. No hay respuesta en más de una semana, así que llamo al servicio de atención al cliente. No puedes llamar al servicio técnico, sólo los reparadores tienen acceso a ellos. El servicio de atención al cliente no tiene acceso al servicio técnico. Les dejan una nota para que te llamen. Así que se dan vueltas y vueltas. Mientras escribo esto estoy esperando de nuevo a que llegue el técnico para arreglar mi lavavajillas LG que ahora no arranca en ninguna posición. Parpadea, luego pita y se para.
Publicado: June 17, 2019
tom of Long Beach, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Llevamos 8 años con un modelo LG DLG7188WM y ha dejado de funcionar por oc
Llevamos 8 años con un modelo LG DLG7188WM y ha dejado de funcionar por octava vez. Tuvimos 3 reparaciones en los primeros 2 años y no tuvimos suerte en conseguir que LG reemplazara la unidad ya que el problema era siempre el mismo, un tambor y un panel trasero defectuosos. Esto sucedió 4 veces más. Por suerte, el lugar donde compramos nos ofreció una garantía ampliada gratuita debido a todos los problemas. Ahora la unidad se ha agarrotado y probablemente haya que cambiarla. Nuestra lavadora LG, que se compró como un juego, ha funcionado, pero tiene olores de moho a pesar de que dejamos la puerta abierta y la limpiamos de forma rutinaria como se recomienda.
Publicado: May 30, 2016
Darren of Sanford, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The LG refrigerator was on a sale brand new and nothing was wrong with it.
The LG refrigerator was on a sale brand new and nothing was wrong with it. It was the first fridge I bought using my own credit card in my name. It has no issues what so ever mechanically. Stainless steel and I loved the organization options it has with it being huge. It had freezer drawers and fridge was sorted in a way even buying $1000 worth of food anyone could find anything without looking very hard. Best one bought yet. Love it! But it got dirty really fast, you can see the dirt without even looking very hard. The only thing is I can use water or simple cleaners to clean it. My parents and grandparents were looking for a fridge too and I recommended this fridge to both. 1 and 2 bought it and have said they love it. No issues at all and it matches with other appliances they have in their kitchen.
Publicado: September 12, 2019
Anastasia of Shreveport, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

El interruptor del horno de la cocina eléctrica LG dejó de funcionar desp
El interruptor del horno de la cocina eléctrica LG dejó de funcionar después de dos años. LG me dijo que la sustitución de la placa costaría 1.000 euros. No volveré a comprar productos LG.
Publicado: August 10, 2015
Sharon of Clayton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The fridge has great cooling system, very practical design plus the aesthet
The fridge has great cooling system, very practical design plus the aesthetics fit my taste. The height is just perfect for someone petite. It also has cold savers and french doors. It was more affordable compared to the other brands with the specifics that I wanted. It has add ons, it is also very durable. It has definitely met my expectations with all the bells and whistles. But I wish the organizing bins were adjustable. Temperature per shelf adjustable, a roll out shelf, easy to remove and clean bins, an area where we can put odor neutralizer. That would really be helpful
Publicado: September 14, 2019
Mia of Prairieville, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré el horno LG LRE30453ST. Se sobrecalienta y quema todo. Lee el error
Compré el horno LG LRE30453ST. Se sobrecalienta y quema todo. Lee el error F9. He llamado a LG como 6 veces y dicen que mi garantía expiró y me dijeron que el problema era la placa de control. Así que fui a traer y pagar para conseguir reemplazar y todavía el mismo problema. Entonces me dijeron era el sensor de temperatura, reemplázalo. El mismo problema. Lo siguiente fue el fusible térmico. Reemplácelo ahora. No hay error F9 pero el horno sigue calentándose demasiado. Quema todo. He terminado con LG. Nunca compraría otro producto LG. Me quedo con mi estufa por ahora hasta que compre una nueva, pero creo que las estufas LG son peligrosas.
Publicado: July 22, 2015
Eddy of Brandon, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Something with the mechanical of my LG refrigerator wasnt cooling. And when
Something with the mechanical of my LG refrigerator wasnt cooling. And when the tech came he also found out that the freezer was almost about to not work. The temperature was still keeping it cool, but it wasnt working. Another problem I had was the submission. Some guy there did not know the rule and he was telling me that it was just the refrigerator, and if the freezer was still working, that it was not covered under the warranty. So, when I was talking to my warranty people, they said, No. Theyre supposed to cover it. But after back and forth for like two weeks I finally spoke to somebody that know what they were doing and then, they got the parts sent out. That contractor repaired it, and he left me his number in case I had any issues. But when I need ice, my refrigerator doesnt make enough ice for me. I was unhappy that it broke down. Its not even three years,
Publicado: August 29, 2019
Amira of Overland Park, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In 2012 I bought LG French door refrigerator. This refrigerator last 18 mon
In 2012 I bought LG French door refrigerator. This refrigerator last 18 months. After several attempts to fix and few hundreds dollars of groceries dumped in the garbage I had to buy a new one. Because of custom kitchen I created by appliances only LG can fit. My new refrigerator still working but I cant use water it still smelly. Another time I got upset and decide to look for similar complaints after 2 pages of peoples cry about this horrible products I realized how lucky I am it just stinky ice and water. My question is how come LG still in business??? Is any of high authorities ever read this feedbacks??? My experience to get in touch failed. Unfortunately I dont speak Hindi. I hardly I learned English. So my idea not to be writer of bad feedbacks but to see if someone has a balls to answer simple questions. I am waiting. P.S. This item price $3000.00. WOW!!!
Publicado: November 22, 2015
Mara of Pikesville , MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought LG model LMXS28626S on July 2018 because it was nice looking. On A
I bought LG model LMXS28626S on July 2018 because it was nice looking. On Aug. 9, 2021, it no longer cooling. I called customer service and at first she said I should pay. I insisted that it seems it is a compressor problem and the warranty for it is 5 years parts and labor. From where I live there was only 2 repair shop that was listed in the LG website, but only 1 answered. The technician installed a new universal compressor that was so loud. It turned out it was not configured correctly. The technician came back and I think tried but he just messed it up and it died.I searched for help and found a write up about LG and I am not alone. It seems that LG has a reputation on Bad product and customer service. I read that I can call executive services. I was able to talk to a person in executive services. I told her the technician they sent seems to not know how to fix my refrigerator. She said that she will set up an A&E technician. After 1 month on Sept. 8, the technician will come. If you want to have the chance to have this same BAD experience, then go ahead and buy an LG.
Publicado: September 4, 2021
Esperanza of Kansas City, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased the refrigerator from HH Gregg and within a week or two, we wer
I purchased the refrigerator from HH Gregg and within a week or two, we were waking up to water on the floor and ice in the freezer on everything. Also the seal was frozen and the fridge was not keeping the food cold. LG sent out a repairman who was the first of many to tell us LG has a problem with their refrigerators and cant seem to fix it. They have so far replaced left hand refrigerator door 3 or 4 times, also fixed a few other things which did not last. They keep wanting to send out repair guys which means someone has to be here for a 6hr window for him to make it. My time is more valuable to me than that. Thank God HH Gregg is trying to do a buy back so I can get a unit that actually works right. Thank God for honest business that helps the customer.
Publicado: August 2, 2013
Gerald of Ormond Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a LG front load washer, at the most, five years ago. It started ma
I bought a LG front load washer, at the most, five years ago. It started making a horrible sound when it spun. My repair guy accurately referred to it as like a train. He said that the main bearing has gone out. He told me to get a Whirlpool next time. I asked him if he has seen problems with the LG washers and he said yeah, they arent lasting as long as they should. Given that I am out of work and also cannot get to a laundromat, purchasing a washing machine is not something I look forward to doing. So we are going to keep using it until it completely freezes up. I am extremely disappointed in LG and just hope the LG dryer will continue to function.
Publicado: September 27, 2014
Vicki of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi lavavajillas LG me ha proporcionado una vajilla y cristalería muy limpi
Mi lavavajillas LG me ha proporcionado una vajilla y cristalería muy limpia. El ciclo que ejecuto es muy silencioso y como lavado rápido, dura 78 minutos para lavar y secar. En los últimos 5 años me ha dado un servicio excelente.
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Stuart of San Jose, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

No puedo creer que esta máquina se esté oxidando - incluso la lavadora qu
No puedo creer que esta máquina se esté oxidando - incluso la lavadora que tuve hace 25 años no hacía esto - justo donde se añade el detergente. Ojalá pudiera subir fotos, pero no puedo. No he tenido más que una suerte horrible con sus lavadoras desde el principio. Es triste que ya no se haga nada en Estados Unidos.
Publicado: May 31, 2020
Sanjiv of Riverview, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We plugged in our new LG fridge 3 days before Thanksgiving of 2007. Two yea
We plugged in our new LG fridge 3 days before Thanksgiving of 2007. Two years and one month later, the ice maker broke down. LG policy would not cover the expense. Four years to the day, after plugging in our new fridge, the compressor failed. That was November 22, 2011. I am sending this note on February 2, 2012, and we are still waiting for parts to repair the new LG.
Publicado: February 2, 2012
Ed of Roseburg, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a brand new LG refrigerator in December of 2015 from H. H. Greg
I purchased a brand new LG refrigerator in December of 2015 from H. H. Gregg (who went bankrupt shortly after my purchase therefore making the extended warranty null and void). Sunday morning September 23, 2018 I woke up to find a puddle in front of the freezer compartment (its a side by side). I opened the freezer to find everything defrosting rapidly. I put everything in the refrigerator side (which seemed cold). Within the day I realized the refrigerator wasnt working either.The next day, September 24th (my birthday) my husband called an appliance service person (Coastal Appliance) who came within the hour. The technician, Mark said it was the linear compressor 134A that failed. He said morally he couldnt fix it because the failure rate on this part is too high and too expensive. After checking on his phone he said the parts and labor would cost approximately $1,000 and it would only fail again at some point. He suggested we purchase another refrigerator not an LG or Samsung as they both use the same compressor. I feel like I was scammed by the LG Refrigerator company. I paid thousands of dollars for this refrigerator and I should be getting more than 2 years and 10 months of service from it.
Publicado: September 25, 2018
Susan of Ormond Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La temperatura del horno se disparó el lunes 26 de enero de 2015. Precalen
La temperatura del horno se disparó el lunes 26 de enero de 2015. Precalenté el horno a 350, coloqué la pizza en la bandeja del horno y la alarma de humo se disparó 5 minutos después. Los controles de la cocina me permitieron apagar el horno y dejar que se enfriara. La pizza se redujo a carbón. Obtuve un termómetro de mi parrilla con un límite superior de temperatura de 600 F y lo colgué de la rejilla del horno LG y puse la temperatura a 350. En 5-7 minutos la temperatura máxima del termómetro fue de 600 grados. Apagué el horno y escuché un ruido agudo detrás del horno seguido por el reloj y todas las otras pantallas LED que se apagaron. El DMM de Bluepoint mostró 0 VAC cuando ambos cables calientes se tocaron (debería haber sido 220 - 240). También mostró 0 VAC cuando cualquiera de los cables calientes tocó el neutro (debería haber sido 120). El disyuntor estaba en posición abierta y ya no se cerraba para completar el circuito. Tomé la tapa del conector de la gama 240 y encontré que ambas patas calientes estaban físicamente fundidas, formando un espacio de 3,16 pulgadas entre el final del cableado y los receptores de los cables del conector (en inglés, hubo un tipo de fallo eléctrico tan repentino y cortocircuito que voló los cables de los terminales en el conector y totalizó mi disyuntor Siemens). Con el Junk LG ahora desconectado, utilicé el DMM para comprobar la continuidad del enchufe de tres puntas mientras todavía estaba conectado a la estufa y tenía un circuito caliente en cortocircuito con el neutro. El cable de la estufa se retiró y con el DMM se comprobó que no había cortocircuito entre los hilos del cable. Envié un correo electrónico a LG y me enviaron un diagrama de cableado completo. Como esta cocina nunca mostró un código de error en ningún momento, retiré la cubierta trasera y la cubierta de la placa de circuito impreso. En la parte trasera de la cocina se observan muchos puntos de decoloración de la pintura, incluyendo la zona de la luz de la estufa, los dos conectores eléctricos secundarios grandes y otras zonas. No tengo intención de jugar con LG en esto por razones de seguridad. Tengo nueva gama Whirlpool viene hoy y estoy a punto de reemplazar 240 conector, el cableado y el interruptor de circuito para nuestra protección. La estufa LG va a ir a un centro de reparación de electrodomésticos local, certificado por LG y de confianza personal. Pediré a esta tienda sin nombre que proporcione a mi abogado los resultados de sus pruebas y diagnósticos junto con las piezas defectuosas. Mi intención es hacer que LG se sienta muy incómodo por vender estos peligrosos aparatos a nosotros como consumidores.
Publicado: January 29, 2015
Ronald of Redford, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We too made the mistake of purchasing an LG front loading washer and dryer
We too made the mistake of purchasing an LG front loading washer and dryer from Best Buy. After just 15 months, the circuit board on the dryer went out. The technician that came out told us it was probably because of the vibrations from the washer which the dryer was stacked on top of. The salesperson at Home Depot, who sold us the stacking package, never indicated that this could create a problem. Lucky for us that when I called LG, they agreed to extend our warranty enough to cover the bad circuit board. They would not refund the $85 I spent having a technician come to my house to diagnose the original problem. I have read a lot of complaints about LG washers and dryers and I cannot believe that no consumer groups or the consumer protection agency of our government have not jumped all over this. A dryer used under normal conditions should work for years without any of the types of major problems that are being noted all over the internet. I, for one, will never buy an appliance from Best Buy nor another LG appliance.
Publicado: July 12, 2012
Bruce of Florence, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compré 5 electrodomésticos LG (cocina, lavadora, secadora, lavavajillas y
Compré 5 electrodomésticos LG (cocina, lavadora, secadora, lavavajillas y frigorífico) en agosto de 2009. Enseguida empezaron a darme problemas. La secadora no se secaba completamente, debido a que llamé tantas veces, enviaron a un técnico y me dijo que no usara hojas de secadora, um ok. Luego recibí una pieza, todo un panel electrónico en el que ni siquiera sabía que iba a venir sin nadie que lo pusiera. Todavía tengo que secar mi ropa 2 veces para que se seque completamente. A la lavadora le han cambiado varias piezas, de hecho las pedí por Internet ya que LG me dio largas. El frigorífico funciona pero tiene problemas con la forma en que se construyó, ¡barata! El lavavajillas no hace nada cerca de lavar los platos. Lo enjuago todo antes de meterlo y sale sucio, como si estuvieran sumergidos en un baño de barro. La mayor queja es la cocina LG LRE30453. Es peligrosa. He llamado durante más de 2 años por el sobrecalentamiento de esta cocina, tanto de los quemadores como del horno. Me dijeron que la desenchufara, que reiniciara los disyuntores, que la dejara apagada 10 minutos, que reiniciara la temperatura manteniendo pulsada la tecla de hornear y que subiera o bajara la temperatura. Lo he hecho todo y no funciona correctamente. La gama se calienta hasta 600 grados sin importar la temperatura a la que se enciende. No da un código de error y no se bloquea como lo haría si se sobrecalentara, también hay un fusible que se supone que se funde si se calienta demasiado, por el técnico que finalmente fue enviado esta semana, por LG extendiendo mi garantía en piezas y mano de obra. El técnico dijo que, debido a la gama de ser RECALLED, así como la cantidad que costaría para arreglarlo, que se consideraría irreparable y LG debe reemplazarlo. Pues bien, LG me ha llamado esta mañana y me ha dicho que me iban a enviar un cheque de 253,43 dólares más impuestos por mi cocina y que desechara la que tengo ahora. Les dije que eso no era aceptable y que no cubriría el precio ni siquiera de una marca genérica y que quería un supervisor, que tenían a Michael, supuestamente un supervisor me llamó y me dio un año más de garantía para subir la cantidad a 375,14 dólares más impuestos (403,25), pero quiere que envíe la cocina a LG, espere de 3 a 6 semanas para que revisen la cocina y luego me envíe un cheque por la cantidad indicada. Le pregunté si iban a cubrir las comidas durante ese tiempo y se rió y dijo: um no señora, seguro que no. Estoy TAN furiosa por esto. El técnico dijo que la cocina se podía arreglar pero, en su trabajo, normalmente considera que no se puede reparar si el coste de la reparación supera el precio de la sustitución por LG para el cliente. Bueno, ahora estoy jodido, LG tiene que arreglar mi cocina por 1500 o reemplazarla por los 800 que pagué por ella en la venta. Estuve al teléfono con LG, 4 personas diferentes, colgué en 2 ocasiones después de esperar a que su equipo de escalada respondiera. Llamé la 3ª vez, me atendió una señora llamada Ross y estuve 25 minutos en espera antes de que se pusiera al teléfono para decirme que estaba leyendo mis notas y que ya había hablado con Michael, así que no había nada que hacer. Le pregunté acerca de la línea de escalada de nuevo y ella era muy grosero, y actuó como si yo sólo quería una nueva estufa porque la mía estaba rayado o la pintura estaba desconchada, debido a la señora que toma mis técnicos llaman RMAd la gama y poner debido a la pintura chipping ... Supongo que era la cosa más fácil de elegir para devaluar la gama de la mayoría. Mi técnico les llamó y les hizo saber que no lo consideraba irreparable debido a la pintura, que era sólo un problema de sobrecalentamiento de la unidad y que era inutilizable no cosméticamente dañado como informaron que afirmó. En realidad les llamó desde mi cocina en el altavoz del teléfono para describir a ellos los problemas. Ross entonces muy groseramente me dio un número para llamar al equipo de escalada a mí mismo y el teléfono sonó y sonó, para finalmente una grabación de, este departamento está cerrado, por favor llame de nuevo en horario normal. Estuve al teléfono con estos payasos TODO el día, con el supervisor Michael diciéndome que esta semana era la primera vez que les llamaba. Es curioso cómo todas mis llamadas desaparecieron una vez que los llamé a cabo en no notificarme de la retirada de este limón de un rango. Entonces me referí de nuevo a mi problema secador y actuaron como si estuviera loco. Supongo que en este punto, ESTOY LOCA, y quebrada de comer fuera y arruinar comida y ollas y sartenes. LG es una BURLA. La vida NO es buena con LG, apestan y NO respaldan sus sobrevalorados dolores de cabeza de electrodomésticos.
Publicado: July 22, 2014
Michelle of Panama City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Hemos comprado una lavadora y una secadora LG nuevas. El sistema tiene toda
Hemos comprado una lavadora y una secadora LG nuevas. El sistema tiene todas las funciones de secado automático y sólo funciona cuando haces un secado manual. El vendedor nos dijo que limpiáramos los sensores o frotáramos con agua la cesta. No funcionó. Parece que la secadora de gadgets es demasiado complicada para secar realmente la ropa. Tengo que hacer funcionar la secadora durante horas para secar una simple carga de vaqueros.
Publicado: March 30, 2017
Michael of Castle Pines, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased an LG French door refrigerator for my newly remodeled kitchen i
I purchased an LG French door refrigerator for my newly remodeled kitchen in December of 2008. During this time, I have had 9 service calls - 8 of which pertained to the water system. Each time, there was leakage in the rear of the appliance which remained undetected for some time since the fridge was built in. When finally discovered water had been sitting on my hardwood floor for days and days. The plastic water tube along the back of the appliance split twice and water valves failed 3 times. After awhile the sitting water eventually seeped into the underlayment of my hardwood floor and wicked its way out and under the floor of the eating area of my kitchen which then warped the floorboards terribly. I now have a warped, bumpy floor, very noticeable and will have to spend $3,000 to have the entire floor redone. After repeated attempts for relief from LG, I was told I had not saved all the broken parts so I had no evidence and therefore they would do nothing. Who saves the broken parts once they have been replaced? NEVER, NEVER purchase an LG refrigerator. Every time a serviceman came over he said Oh ya, LG is no good. This is not the first time I have had water and ice in the door. My last fridge was a Kenmore and never saw a sign of a leak. AGAIN, NEVER, NEVER buy one of these refrigerators.
Publicado: August 26, 2014
Mary Lou of Chicago, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Actualizamos toda nuestra cocina con electrodomésticos LG. Esto puede term
Actualizamos toda nuestra cocina con electrodomésticos LG. Esto puede terminar siendo un error mortal. Estoy paranoico que no vamos a despertar alguna mañana. Los mandos de la cocina de gas son inseguros. Sólo hace falta un ligero golpe para que se encienda el gas o los quemadores. No puedo creer que LG no haya retirado del mercado estas cocinas. Pedí mandos de seguridad de gas a prueba de niños para ponerlos, pero los mandos de LG son demasiado grandes. LG te ruego que corrijas esto antes de que alguien muera.
Publicado: March 28, 2018
Shawn of Eaton, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Esta es una lavadora de 5 meses. Ha sido ruidosa desde la primera semana. L
Esta es una lavadora de 5 meses. Ha sido ruidosa desde la primera semana. Los instaladores de Lowes no pudieron arreglarlo del todo. Últimamente, es excesivamente ruidosa y vibra durante el centrifugado, incluso a bajas velocidades. El servicio técnico de LG es muy amable al hablar. Sin embargo, no envían ninguna información.
Publicado: February 9, 2020
Emad of Bothell, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This piece of crap not only left my clothes stinky it would not actually wa
This piece of crap not only left my clothes stinky it would not actually wash clothes very well. I was dazzled by a tiny machine they had on top of the real machines. I should have known to never be impressed by a sample. If you want dirty clothes buy an LG. If you try to complain to the company you cannot find a way to contact them. BOO!
Publicado: June 18, 2015
Kristen of Monument, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Keeps even temperature, easy to clean, very spacious. I liked the finish on
Keeps even temperature, easy to clean, very spacious. I liked the finish on it. Looked well with other appliances that I already owned in my kitchen. It had a nice price point to it, and I had an LG phone that I liked once that made me find the brand to be trustworthy. It absolutely has met my expectations, also I would recommend it, am surprised to have seen an LG fridge as I wouldnt of associated the brand with major kitchen appliances offhand. But more configuration options with the inner shelving. Perhaps offering even more choices in finishes than standard like fashion colors or a retro shape to it like a fifties kitchenette design.
Publicado: September 16, 2019
Jessica of Milton, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Less than 2 years old. UE message regularly, takes a very long time to fini
Less than 2 years old. UE message regularly, takes a very long time to finish a cycle on speed wash, only Methesula could attempt a different cycle. But I can live with all that - now it is leaking from inside. This was a terrible mistake and definitely a piss poor machine. I am 50 years old and I have never had service this bad from a washing machine.
Publicado: January 18, 2015
mark of Burlington, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After just having bought my first home, I really wanted to splurge and buy
After just having bought my first home, I really wanted to splurge and buy a nice big beautiful $3,400 stainless steel refrigerator as a center piece. But buying this expensive LG LMXS30776S was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. At just 2 years the thing is broken and will no longer cool. I came home one night to find that all of the ice in the ice maker had melted and puddled onto my hardwood flooring and all of my food was spoiled. Completely dismayed that my refrigerator is now cooling at 60F I called LG. They sent a tech out and he diagnosed a failed sealed system. To have a failed sealed system in 2 years is truly, truly remarkable. But you then think to yourself, Well thats ok though, sealed system is under warranty right? NOPE! The parts might be covered by warranty, but the LABOR is not. And apparently sealed system is a specialty repair service and I was quoted at $850-$1100 on the low end JUST OF LABOR.And then you think to yourself, Well Jesus, thats unbelievably expensive, so you call LG and ask them why they are selling $3400 refrigerators that dont even last 2 years? What kind of product quality are they really putting out? And they dont back up their own products? We work hard for that kind of money and consumers deserve quality assurance for their purchase. Agent very reluctantly escalated my case and I was eventually granted an exception to cover labor under warranty as well, but now heres the most interesting part. I called their authorized service provider to come back out and fix it, now with a warranty exception code but they flat out REFUSED to come back to work on the thing because apparently LG has stiffed them multiple times on warranty repairs. So LG is not only stiffing their customers with cheap and faulty appliances but they are also stiffing their own authorized service providers on warranty reimbursement to repair their cheap and faulty appliances. But you could figure that would happen if so many of them break right? Its not good business for LG to repair everything they build.So at this point, it has been 1 month since Ive had a working refrigerator. There are literally only two service providers in my area that can fix sealed systems and are authorized to work on LG (a huge amount of service providers dont even want to work on LG, so let that be the giant red flag for you.) But of these two service providers, both of them refuse to do any warranty work for LG whatsoever. I guess I wouldnt want to either, if I wasnt getting paid for my work. I have been in contact with LG daily about this, asking to give me a real solution, but they just keep giving me lip service and lists of more and more service providers, all of which are completely out of the state and cant even come here because they are not licensed outside of their own state. Ive gone through 20+ service providers that LG has given me and its the same story over and over. We dont service your area, we arent licensed in your state etc etc.I tried explaining this to LG repeatedly but they either dont listen or dont care. Or perhaps they already know, but they just give you an endless run around with no real solution. The last agent I talked to just bluntly told me Im SOL. So ask yourself this, what good is a warranty if their own company wont back it up? What good is a warranty if no service provider will accept it because LG is scheming them out of their money too? At this point I can either pay $1200+ for parts and labor out of my own pocket and reinvest back into this terrible piece of garbage that I am confident will just fail again in the near future or I can just take this thing out to the backyard and blow it up and buy a different brand. And really, in full and total honesty, Im much more inclined to do the latter. Because I will never trust my food in this thing ever again, even if it gets fixed.I will never trust LG again. Im now just far too ashamed to even have the LG symbol in my household now that I know the truth of this company. Yeah, youre sitting there reading all these reviews because this is a big purchase for you, just like it was for me. And youre thinking to yourself, This poor guy, he just got unlucky that his broke so early, but mine wont be like that and even if mine does have a problem, I have this great LG warranty right? You dont. LG is proven to have cheap and faulty products and they have proven that their warranty is completely meaningless because THEY HAVE NO INFRASTRUCTURE TO REPAIR IT ANYWAY. Youre better off buying 30 mini refrigerators for the same price and then just replacing them as they break throughout the years... But the truly sad part is... You wont need that many because one cheap $100 mini fridge will still last significantly longer than any giant shiny piece of junk you buy from LG.
Publicado: July 29, 2017
Kris of Vancouver, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Spent approx. 8000.00 on new high-end kitchen appliances 5.5 years ago (all
Spent approx. 8000.00 on new high-end kitchen appliances 5.5 years ago (all LG) the dishwasher was very quiet but didnt clean as well as our old Maytag but I understand they use less water and so on. We bought the 4 year extended warranty. 2 years in we noticed that stains on our utensils and found that our upper rack had rusted out. We called future shop and they sent us to the repair company. The repairman came out looked at it and ordered a new rack. 4 months he showed up with a rack and while putting it in he broke it. He said he would have to reorder. After 6 months and endless phone calls he told me due to poor service from LG he is no longer fixing LG products. I took my rusted out rack to future shop and told them to exchange it with one out of their units... They would not do it. 2 weeks later I had a new rep with a new rack. Only took almost 1 year for a new rack. 4 years in I noticed water on the floor under my fridge. Found the factory water line on the back of the fridge was split. Called for service. They said 2 weeks before they could look at it. I gave the repairman the part # of the piece I needed. He told me LG makes him go there to physically diagnose the issue... Are you kidding me... The hose is split. I went to the hardware store bought a piece of water line and installed it myself. 6 buck fix. Now my dishwasher pump has packed it in warranty ended 3 months ago. Estimated repair 500 dollars. A new Maytag dishwasher is 700 so going to add to the landfill 1 great looking LG piece of crap.
Publicado: July 12, 2015
danny of Duncan, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos en Lowes por 800 dólares cada una la secadora eléctrica LG Turb
Compramos en Lowes por 800 dólares cada una la secadora eléctrica LG Turbo Steam Easy Load Steam Cycle (Black Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR y la lavadora LG High Efficiency Steam Cycle Top Load Washer (Black Stainless Steel), ambas por menos de 1600 dólares en oferta. A mi mujer le encanta lo silenciosas que funcionan y lo mucho que limpia la lavadora y muy bien. Hice mucha investigación para comprar lo mejor por el precio y sin duda hemos estado muy satisfechos 2 años en nuestro uso de estos a los productos LG.
Publicado: May 24, 2020
Louis of Warren, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo un lavavajillas LG (modelo LDF692ST) con algo más de 2 años. Le han
Tengo un lavavajillas LG (modelo LDF692ST) con algo más de 2 años. Le han cambiado 2 motores y una bomba y ahora el técnico dice que el motor se ha vuelto a estropear. No seca la vajilla en absoluto y la puerta se cae al abrirla sin apoyo. Lo único que hice bien en Best Buy fue comprar una garantía pero se me acabará en 2 semanas. Tengo una cocina llena de LG pero eso está cambiando. Quería un reemplazo pero parece que otra reparación es todo lo que recibiré. Comprador, ten cuidado: son una basura y mi único recurso es advertir a los demás.
Publicado: February 2, 2012
Barbara of Lithia, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been loading home dishwashers for over sixty years and my LGF7774 is
I have been loading home dishwashers for over sixty years and my LGF7774 is the worst, and I must say, nearly impossible to load effectively. Because it doesn€t seem to be designed for actual dishes, it takes longer to load, as I have to move things around constantly to get them where they will actually get clean. The top rack areas for glasses seems to be slanted wrong and are the wrong width. As a result the glasses often fall over and break as I€m closing the tray. The bottom rack is even more frustrating. Those prongs that flop down to accommodate (what?), pans perhaps, may have seemed like a good idea to some engineer, but in use they plop down whether you want them to or not. The bottom of the lower rack could also use some redesigning. I have many square dishes and have to be over-cautious about seeing that the corners don€t extend downward where they will interfere with the spray arm.The dishes washed appear to be clean, but don€t smell clean. I€m asking the world of manufacturers, €If the user has to rewash things, or wash them before using a machine, how much water and electricity is that saving? And if I cover the food-left-on smell with a scented rinse does that make the dishes cleaner?€ In fairness I must add that I just discovered that it has an extra rinse cycle and am at the moment trying that one out.
Publicado: April 14, 2018
Mikyla of Aurora, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have always had good experiences with LG products. They are one of my fav
I have always had good experiences with LG products. They are one of my favorite brands. Like that it is stand up side by side. It has water and ice on the door. It also has a light that brightens up the ice and water on the door. If I had to choose something to improve Id want more space inside. I do like the LG refrigerator. Its very nice aesthetically. It keeps the food inside at just the right temperature. I havent had any issues with it.
Publicado: September 19, 2019
Tara of Jackson, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Cuando nuestro viejo frigorífico dejó de funcionar hace algo más de 2 a
Cuando nuestro viejo frigorífico dejó de funcionar hace algo más de 2 años, mi mujer y yo buscamos y decidimos comprar un nuevo frigorífico LG. Cuando el control del panel de la puerta nos indicó que debíamos sustituir los filtros de aire y de agua, pedimos unos nuevos, pero antes de que llegaran los nuevos, la refrigeración se apagó por completo y perdimos todo lo que había en el frigorífico. Más tarde nos enteramos de que si los filtros no se sustituyen inmediatamente la refrigeración se apaga. Hace poco más de una semana y sin avisar de la sustitución de los filtros, el frigorífico y el congelador dejaron de funcionar por completo. De nuevo, perdimos todo lo que había en el frigorífico y el congelador. El servicio de atención al cliente de LG no nos ayudó. Nos dijeron que un reparador se pondría en contacto con nosotros en 24 horas. 48 horas después, mi mujer localizó al técnico. He observado que no fue culpa del técnico. El técnico dijo que el panel de control eléctrico, el compresor y alguna otra pieza eran defectuosos y debían ser sustituidos. Básicamente, había que reconstruir el frigorífico. El técnico pediría las piezas. 6 días después seguimos esperando. Usamos un frigorífico de mi oficina para mantener la leche fría para nuestros dos hijos. El servicio de atención al cliente de LG ha sido totalmente inadecuado y muy decepcionante.
Publicado: June 11, 2020
Mike of Brunswick, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Habíamos comprado una lavadora y secadora LG de carga superior a través d
Habíamos comprado una lavadora y secadora LG de carga superior a través de Costco y en 3 meses la lavadora no se encendía. Un día funcionaba bien y al día siguiente se quedaba sin energía. Tal y como se nos aconsejó, reiniciamos el disyuntor y la toma de corriente, y ambos funcionaron bien. Llamamos a LG el día 6,13 para consultar el problema y nos dijeron que en 3 días laborables vendría un técnico a arreglar la máquina. Esperamos pacientemente hasta el día 18, pasamos unas 10 horas entre Costco y el servicio de atención al cliente de LG, para que nos dijeran que el servicio había sido cancelado por LG. Pusieron otro ticket y nos pidieron que esperáramos de nuevo a que viniera otro servicio técnico. Volvimos a esperar hasta el día 22, y todavía no nos comunicaron el día ni la hora de la cita, y llamamos al servicio de atención al cliente de LG para que nos dijeran que la cita más temprana podría ser el día 30. ¡Mi mujer es una trabajadora de la salud, y su ropa está amontonada en el garaje desde hace dos semanas y se está quedando sin ropa! Cuando explicamos nuestra situación a la supervisora del servicio de atención al cliente de LG, Sarah, le dijeron a mi mujer que no podían hacer nada. Que teníamos que esperar. Cuando pedimos hablar con alguien por encima de ella, me dijeron que no hay nadie por encima de ella, que es la persona más alta con la que podría hablar. Pedimos un reemplazo ya que la máquina se acaba de comprar el 10 de marzo, y se le dijo por Sarah que teníamos que ir a través de Costco para un reemplazo. Así que llamamos a Costco que a su vez dice que debe hacerse a través de LG. ¡NUNCA COMPREN PRODUCTOS LG! ¡Todo lo que obtendrá es un paseo en un nuevo producto que no tiene ni siquiera 3 meses de edad!
Publicado: June 22, 2020
Bhaumik of Doylestown, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This washing machine will not get anything clean. Had it about 2-3 years -
This washing machine will not get anything clean. Had it about 2-3 years - what a piece of junk. I have never seen a washing machine in my 68 years of life that would not get something clean. This is a top loader, direct drive, true Balance. I totally believe this machine should fall under the Lemon law.
Publicado: October 28, 2014
Dave of Commerce, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Updated on 08/21/2019: This is an update to my previous post about my 3 yea
Updated on 08/21/2019: This is an update to my previous post about my 3 year old LG refrigerator. LG tech was great but could not fix my refrigerator. He replaced the compressor and left saying it will take some time to cool. The next day it was hotter than before inside. I called him and he came back next day to find a clog and a broken pipe. He had me send the original receipt. He submitted it to deem the fridge unable to be fixed and needing replacement.Apparently, the entire process can take up to two weeks... so I am to go without a fridge for that long. I purchased a mini fridge, but I€m sure LG will not be reimbursing me for that either. As well, LG ONLY reimburses you what they deem the refrigerator is now worth, since it is 3 years old. Yet, I have seen statements by LG in warranties and online that are misleading about this €replacement€.Lastly, I have a dead, large refrigerator sitting here and no information on LG picking this up. Even if I wanted to go buy a replacement prior to LG getting through their long approval process AFTER the tech explained it all, I can€t!!! I am single and have no way to remove it. LG - You owe me the money that I spent on this refrigerator just 3 years ago, plus the cost of the mini fridge I had to buy. And you need to remove this worthless fridge this week! I have never had so many issues with a refrigerator (even 10yrs old), much less all of the trouble I€m having to go through for this lemon product I was sold!Original review: It seems my refrigerator will fall under the same bucket of consumers that have started the class action lawsuit! I bought the LG Side by Side Refrigerator in Stainless Steel in May of 2016. It has suddenly just stopped cooling. Opened my freezer to find melted food all over and had to throw out hundreds of dollars of food from the freezer and fridge!Contacted LG on Saturday and they said I only have warranty to replace for 1 yr. Some parts are warrantied for 5 yrs and some 13, though. The rep was scripted and seemed annoyed if I asked any questions about best temperature, etc. So, not a great experience with their customer support after their appliance fails after only 3 yrs! She did give me a €courtesy€ one-time free service call. But, who knows how much it will cost in the end, nor how long parts will take.I€m fairly certain the compressor went bad, due to the symptoms and fact that coils are cleaned. The model I bought had the linear compressor - which I was sold on by Home Depot as being great per warranty and reliability. Upon now reading the class action suit that€s ongoing... the issue is these linear compressors failing at 3 yrs on average!I will never buy an LG appliance again! I bought their washer and dryer and the dryer stopped working in 1 yr and 1 month after purchase. That also required repair and I was without a dryer for over a week. I€m single and facing upcoming lay-offs at my job. In all my 44 yrs, I have never had any issues like this with a refrigerator, or dryer (even at 10+ years!). I have already lost money from all my food going bad and expensive medication for my pet has also gone bad! LG can€t get anyone out here until Tuesday. They need to do the right thing for customers that experience this with faulty parts, or appliances... without a lawsuit, or hassle!
Publicado: August 18, 2019
Kristen of Huntersville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It was a very simple fridge without a water spout or anything like that. I
It was a very simple fridge without a water spout or anything like that. I liked that it has a lot of fridge space, there were many shelves and even door space. The light was nice and bridge and high enough that the food didnt cover it or a tall drink didnt get in the way of the light. It had adjustable temperature settings that didnt freeze the stuff in the fridge or leave the stuff in the freezer half frozen. I disliked the amount of freezer space, it left a lot to be desired, it was two shelves that were like baskets and slid out if something fell behind the basket. It was very hard to get and extremely hard to clean out. The basket design was a big flop. Yes I can complain about the fridge section whatsoever and that was my main concern since most people generally use the fridge portion of their refrigeration unit the most and the freezer is generally built much smaller for lesser needs. Most people I know eat fresh food more often than frozen food.
Publicado: September 8, 2019
Carmella of New Haven, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I called to explain about some washing machine detergent dropping on the fr
I called to explain about some washing machine detergent dropping on the front of my LG washer. As I began to dry it off, the lettering on the console completely faded and disappeared. Instead of reading prewash, it reads pre ash. I called twice and today, December 7, 2011, spoke to a supervisor who said it is cosmetic abuse, and they do not cover it.They said I could only purchase a new console. I explained that the machine is about 1 1/2 years old, and that this lettering is poorly done. They repeated that it is cosmetic abuse. I paid over $800.00 dollars for the washer, and told the supervisor that I had a Kenmore for over 25 years, and none of the lettering came off. I wasnt washing down the machine, just cleaning some small droplets of laundry soap off the front, that dripped down.
Publicado: December 7, 2011
Joan of South Hempstead, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Compramos un LG Studio de primera línea y estamos teniendo problemas con l
Compramos un LG Studio de primera línea y estamos teniendo problemas con la bombilla interior que se sigue quemando. La sonda de la carne no funciona. La primera llamada a LG fue el 15 de septiembre e iban a enviar a alguien, la segunda llamada fue el 25 de septiembre, de nuevo estaban esperando para enviar a un técnico. La tercera llamada fue el 2 de octubre y Nathan, el asesor del servicio de atención al cliente, prometió que se pondría en contacto conmigo al final del día con una solución... Todavía estoy esperando y es el 3 de octubre a medio día. NO VOLVEREMOS A COMPRAR NINGÚN PRODUCTO LG.
Publicado: October 3, 2017
Don of Inverary, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After reading on the energy savings we bought an LG HE front loader in 2010
After reading on the energy savings we bought an LG HE front loader in 2010. Well, after reading my booklet and other information, I understood that have to keep the door open to not have odors in the washer. We have terrible build-up of mold inside the rubber gasket. I am allergic to mold. I have to get in there and clean with bleach but still comes back. I will say it cleans my clothes. You only need a tablespoon of detergent. But my problem now is the terrible LOUD noise it makes every time it empties the water out. Goes off-balance all the time with small loads. CANNOT wash a small throw rug. Its IMPOSSIBLE to find a reputable repairman. My mom bought the same washer 2011 and now her motor went after others issues with leaking. Shes going out and buying another name brand. I would never buy another LG appliance again.
Publicado: January 13, 2015
wendy of Levittown , PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

LG WT1101CW Top load washer - I purchased this washer January of 2014. I re
LG WT1101CW Top load washer - I purchased this washer January of 2014. I read the reviews in consumer reports and that is how I came to purchase this washer. My issue with it is that I feel it has more control over me than I do over it. It uses less water and does not saturate the items and because it uses less water, when you add chlorine bleach it leave chlorine fade marks on white wash as well as a darker wash. This has happened many times and a lot of my items were ruined. I do not believe that Consumer Reports tested this issue on clothing. I have also had to rewash my clothing because the dirt just didnt come out. I currently have sent LG an email with regard to this issue. Today, I just purchased a Kenmore with an agitator and it has a water level that I can choose. Although it is 3.6 cf as opposed to 4.3 cf. submitted by serial number. CHLORINE BLEACH DISPERSEMENT AND WATER LEVEL IS THE ISSUE. I have gotten unbalance codes but machine works and is quiet but I want my laundry clean.
Publicado: November 17, 2014
KAREN of Kerhonkson, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This LG fridge is stainless steel. It has never ending fingerprints and doe
This LG fridge is stainless steel. It has never ending fingerprints and does not have handles to pull the doors open. I wish I had purchased a different style.
Publicado: December 5, 2017
Linda of Falls Church, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased an LG washer in July now having nothing but problems with uneve
I purchased an LG washer in July now having nothing but problems with uneven loads and my whites turning yellow. Repair guy seemed agitated he had to come repair my machine which he did not do. He turned the machine on and then started complaining about LG washers and this same problem and left my load of sopping wet sheets in washer and said ordered parts will be back on in a week to fix. So what am I supposed to do with the wet clothes leave them in there to smell up my new washer? Not happy. Want a replacement or monies returned.
Publicado: November 4, 2015
kimberly of Doylestown, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

LG bottom freezer, freezer stop cooling. LG sent LG service man, needed new
LG bottom freezer, freezer stop cooling. LG sent LG service man, needed new compressor. Worked for 2 months. Came out again July, same thing compressor. Repairman has to order another compressor, parts under warranty 90 days. Here it is October 31. Guess what? No parts yet. Maybe December. Coming from South Korea, repairman says probably not! LG almost says go ** yourself!
Publicado: November 1, 2015
lynda of Pittsburgh, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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