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Samsung Accesorios
Samsung Accesorios

Samsung Appliance Códigos de error

Samsung se compromete a cumplir con las leyes y normativas locales, así como a aplicar un estricto código de conducta global a todos los empleados.

Distancia Códigos de error

Código: C0, C1, C2, C3
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor
FIX: Reinicie la placa de cocción utilizando el botón de encendido. Si el problema continúa, desconecte la alimentación (desenchufando o usando el disyuntor) durante 30 segundos y luego reinicie la placa de cocción.

PROBLEMA: Error de botón atascado
FIX: El panel detecta que se está tocando continuamente un botón. Esto puede ocurrir si el panel está mojado o si algo está tocando continuamente el panel. Asegúrese de que el panel está libre de cualquier residuo o gotas de agua, y luego reinicie la placa de cocción utilizando el botón de encendido.

CÓDIGO: F0, F1, F2
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación
FIX: Reinicie la placa de cocción utilizando el botón de encendido. Si el problema continúa, desconecte la alimentación (desenchufando o utilizando el disyuntor) durante 30 segundos, y luego reinicie la placa de cocción.

Código: Subrayado u
PROBLEMA: Error de detección de la sartén
FIX: Este error se produce sólo en las placas de inducción. Significa que no se detecta la sartén, porque es de tamaño incorrecto o no es magnética. Por favor, utilice una olla magnética de tamaño correcto, o utilice un elemento diferente que coincida con el tamaño de la parte magnética de la olla.

CÓDIGO: Cualquier otro código de error
FIX: Reinicie la placa de cocción utilizando el botón de encendido. Si el problema continúa, desconecte la alimentación (desenchufando o utilizando el disyuntor) durante 30 segundos, y luego reinicie la placa de cocción.

Lavadora Códigos de error

Código: LO o FL
PROBLEMA: Error de bloqueo de puerta
FIX: Compruebe las conexiones del cableado de la cerradura de la puerta/interruptor, y apriételas si es necesario. Forzar la puerta para abrirla podría dañar el bloqueo/interruptor de la puerta, que suele ser de plástico. Sin embargo, es sencillo de sustituir y mucho menos costoso que llamar a un técnico.

PROBLEMA: La puerta no está bloqueada
FIX: Si la lavadora no arranca, puede aparecer el código ds, que indica que la puerta de la lavadora está abierta y la cerradura funciona mal. Utilice el modo de prueba de diagnóstico para comprobar el conjunto de cerradura e interruptor de la puerta. Si eso muestra que la cerradura está defectuosa, reemplácela.

Código: dc
Problema: Carga desequilibrada
FIX: El código dc significa que la carga ha sido detectada como desequilibrada durante el centrifugado final. Cancela el ciclo, o simplemente deja que termine. Redistribuya la carga y vuelva a centrifugar.

CÓDIGO: Sud (F70)
PROBLEMA: Demasiada espuma
FIX: Deje que la espuma se asiente y pase al ciclo de centrifugado. Vuelva a lavar la ropa sin detergente y luego limpie su lavadora.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del sensor de nivel de agua
FIX: En primer lugar, desenchufe la lavadora y compruebe las conexiones del mazo de cables entre el sensor de nivel de agua y la placa de control principal. Si el código IE sigue apareciendo después de enchufar la lavadora de nuevo, el sensor de presión de nivel de agua debe ser reemplazado.

Código: nF
Problema: Problema de llenado de agua
FIX: Compruebe que los grifos de suministro de agua situados detrás de la lavadora están completamente abiertos y sin torceduras. Las líneas también pueden congelarse si la lavadora está expuesta a bajas temperaturas. El código también podría aparecer si las válvulas de llenado de entrada de agua están defectuosas y necesitan ser reemplazadas.

PROBLEMA: Bajo nivel de agua durante los ciclos
FIX: Las caídas del nivel de agua pueden ser causadas por fugas en la tina de la lavadora o por una línea de drenaje mal instalada, que puede sifonar el agua fuera de la lavadora. Vuelva a instalar la línea de drenaje, y trate de llenar de nuevo.

Código: OE
PROBLEMA: Desbordamiento o niveles de agua demasiado altos
FIX: Una lavadora que se llena en exceso suele ser causada por válvulas de entrada de agua que no están cerrando el flujo de agua correctamente. Sustituya el conjunto de la válvula de entrada de agua.

PROBLEMA: Las líneas de agua caliente y fría están invertidas
FIX: Conecte correctamente las mangueras de llenado de agua caliente y fría en la parte trasera de la lavadora.

PROBLEMA: La temperatura del agua es demasiado alta o demasiado baja
FIX: Ejecute el modo de prueba de diagnóstico para comprobar la temperatura del agua que detecta la placa de control. Si la temperatura real es significativamente diferente, el sensor de temperatura o el termistor deben ser reemplazados.

PROBLEMA: El agua no drena
FIX: Si la lavadora no drena en quince minutos, compruebe el filtro de drenaje de la lavadora y la manguera de drenaje para ver si hay una obstrucción o restricción. Si la bomba de desagüe está defectuosa o dañada, sustitúyala.

PROBLEMA: Llave atascada en el tablero de control
FIX: Intente liberar la llave con una fuerza suave. Si no puede liberar la llave, sustituya la placa de control de la interfaz de usuario (también llamada placa de control de la subplaca).

PROBLEMA: No hay señal del tacómetro del motor de accionamiento
FIX: Desenchufe la lavadora. Compruebe las conexiones del mazo de cables del motor de accionamiento y de la placa de control electrónico. Si las conexiones del cableado son correctas, el motor de accionamiento o el tacómetro normalmente necesitan ser reemplazados.

PROBLEMA: Fallo de la placa de control interna
FIX: Desenchufe la lavadora durante cinco minutos para reiniciar la placa de control electrónico. Vuelva a enchufar la lavadora. Si el código vuelve a aparecer, sustituya la placa de control electrónico.

PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación entre el PCB principal y el sub PCB en el panel de control
FIX: Compruebe las conexiones del mazo de cables entre las placas de control del PCB en el panel de control. Si las conexiones del cableado son correctas, sustituya una o ambas placas de control.

PROBLEMA: Error en la placa principal
FIX: Desenchufe la lavadora durante cinco minutos para reiniciar la placa de control electrónico. Vuelva a enchufar la lavadora. Si el código vuelve a aparecer, sustituya la placa de control electrónico.

Lavaplatos Códigos de error

PROBLEMA: Error de filtro obstruido
FIX: Limpie el filtro fino de la parte inferior del lavavajillas (consulte el manual de usuario para obtener instrucciones).

PROBLEMA: Error de funcionamiento de la bomba
FIX: Apague el lavavajillas e intente iniciar de nuevo el ciclo.

PROBLEMA: Error de suministro de agua a alta temperatura
FIX: Verifique que el suministro de agua caliente no esté ajustado a más de 176 grados Fahrenheit.

PROBLEMA: Error de suministro de agua
FIX: Verifique que la presión y la temperatura del agua cumplen con los requisitos de suministro de agua.

PROBLEMA: Error de desagüe
FIX: Inspeccione la conexión de desagüe del lavavajillas en el fregadero. Compruebe la manguera de desagüe.

PROBLEMA: Error en el reflector de la pared de agua
FIX: Si ha desembalado recientemente el lavavajillas, verifique que se ha retirado la cinta de embalaje del reflector de la pared de agua, permitiendo que se mueva. Compruebe que el reflector está instalado en la posición correcta y no está bloqueado.

PROBLEMA: Error de bajo nivel de agua
FIX: Vacíe el lavavajillas. Añada detergente y, a continuación, realice un ciclo normal.

Código: AP
PROBLEMA: Modo punto de acceso
FIX: Si no está intentando conectarlo, apague el lavavajillas y vuelva a encenderlo.

PROBLEMA: Error de botón
FIX: Apague el lavavajillas. Toque cada botón del panel.

Código: CE
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación
FIX: Apague el lavavajillas e intente ponerlo en marcha de nuevo.

PROBLEMA: Error en el calentador de alta temperatura
FIX: Apague el lavavajillas (30 segundos) y vuelva a encenderlo, en el disyuntor.

CÓDIGO: Código de error HE
PROBLEMA: Error del calentador
FIX: Vacíe el lavavajillas. Agregue detergente y luego ejecute un ciclo normal.

PROBLEMA: Error de fuga
FIX: Si observa una fuga, consulte la guía para Lavavajillas pierde agua.

PROBLEMA: Error de sobre nivel de agua
FIX: Inspeccione la conexión de desagüe del lavavajillas en el fregadero. Compruebe la manguera de desagüe.

PROBLEMA: Error de lavado de zona
FIX: Apague el lavavajillas y luego intente iniciar el ciclo de nuevo.

Código: PE
PROBLEMA: Error en la función de media carga
FIX: Vacíe el lavavajillas. Añada detergente y realice un ciclo de media carga.

PROBLEMA: Error del sensor de temperatura
FIX: Vacíe el lavavajillas. Añada detergente y realice un ciclo normal.

Microonda Códigos de error

Código: C-10, C-11, C-12
PROBLEMA: Error con el sensor de gas/fácil/hora.

CÓDIGO: C-20, C-21, C-22
PROBLEMA: Error en el sensor de temperatura.

CÓDIGO: C-70, C-71, C-72
PROBLEMA: Error en el sensor de vapor.

CÓDIGO: C-A0, C-A1, C-A2
PROBLEMA: Error de funcionamiento.

CÓDIGO: C-d0, C-d1, C-d2
PROBLEMA: Error de puerta o de llave.

CÓDIGO: C-F0, C-F1, C-F2
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación.

PROBLEMA: Error de apertura
CODE: E-02
PROBLEMA: Error de ajuste del tiempo de cocción (microondas)
CODE: E-03
PROBLEMA: Error de ajuste del tiempo de cocción (Grill)
CODE: E-04
PROBLEMA: Error de ajuste del tiempo de cocción (convección)
CODE: E-05
PROBLEMA: Error de ajuste del tiempo de cocción (combinación)
CODE: E-06
PROBLEMA: Error del calentador oscilante
CODE: E-11
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de gas abierto
CODE: E-12
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de gas en corto
CODE: E-13
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de gas de tiempo máximo T1
CODE: E-14
PROBLEMA: Error del sensor de gas de secado / sin carga
CODE: E-21
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de temperatura abierto
CODE: E-22
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de temperatura cortocircuitado
CODE: E-23
PROBLEMA: Error de tiempo máximo T1
CODE: E-24
PROBLEMA: Error de sobretemperatura
CODE: E-25
PROBLEMA: Error de temperatura anormal de micrococción
CODE: E-26
PROBLEMA: Error de temperatura no sobre AD
CODE: E-31
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de gas abierto
CODE: E-32
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de gas en corto
CODE: E-33
PROBLEMA: Error de bajo peso
PROBLEMA: Error de sobrepeso
CODE: E-35
PROBLEMA: Error de peso no válido
CODE: E-36
PROBLEMA: Error de puerta abierta
CODE: E-41
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor Easy/PH abierto
CODE: E-42
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor Easy/PH cortocircuitado
CODE: E-43
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor Easy/PH de tiempo máximo T1
CODE: E-44
PROBLEMA: Dry Up Easy/Error del sensor de pH
CODE: E-45
PROBLEMA: Error de enfriamiento
CODE: E-46
PROBLEMA: Error de apertura del primario
CODE: E-47
PROBLEMA: Error de apertura de la puerta
CODE: E-51
PROBLEMA: Fallo de detección
CODE: E-52
PROBLEMA: Error de cortocircuito de la EEPROM
CODE: E-53
PROBLEMA: Error de lectura/escritura
PROBLEMA: Error de cero
CODE: E-61
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de humedad abierto
CODE: E-62
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de humedad corto
CODE: E-63
PROBLEMA: Error de sensor de humedad de tiempo máximo T1
CODE: E-71
PROBLEMA: Error del sensor de vapor abierto
PROBLEMA: Error del sensor de vapor en corto
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación abierta
CODE: E-82
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación breve
CODE: E-83
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación
PROBLEMA: Error de apertura adicional
PROBLEMA: Error de cortocircuito adicional
PROBLEMA: Error de cortocircuito de la llave
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicación táctil

Refrigerador Códigos de error

PROBLEMA: Corte de energía. El frigorífico no dispensará hielo ni agua hasta que se solucione
FIX: Mantenga pulsado el botón de ahorro de energía y el botón de iluminación simultáneamente durante 15 segundos
Código: 88, 83E, 85E, 86E
Problema: Pérdida de energía. Cada uno de ellos puede aparecer si se corta la corriente o se apaga de forma intermitente.
FIX: Desenchufe el frigorífico, espere al menos 60 segundos, vuelva a enchufar.

Código: Parpadeo de
PROBLEMA: Modo de enfriamiento apagado. A menudo causado por una puerta dejada entreabierta.
FIX: Cierre la puerta/espere a que el frigorífico se enfríe

Código: PC ER
PROBLEMA: Desconexión de la puerta y de la unidad principal.
FIX: Asegúrese de que no hay nada que impida el sellado de la puerta. Limpie el polvo o los residuos de la parte superior de la puerta.

PROBLEMA: Válvula de agua o máquina de hielo en mal estado.
FIX: Reemplace la válvula de agua (parte trasera inferior de la unidad). Asegúrese de que la máquina de hielo está encendida, descongele cualquier bloqueo del tubo de llenado y verifique que la temperatura está por debajo de los 8 grados F.
CÓDIGO: 24E, 40E
PROBLEMA: Mal funcionamiento del descongelamiento del congelador.
FIX: Descongelación de la acumulación de escarcha. Retire el contenido del congelador y la pared interior posterior del mismo. Utilice un secador de pelo para derretir el hielo/escarcha. Vuelva a montar la pared. Mantenga pulsados los botones superior derecho e izquierdo simultáneamente para reiniciar.

PROBLEMA: Desescarche defectuoso del frigorífico.
FALLO: Compruebe que el temporizador de desescarche y la placa de control funcionan correctamente. Reemplácelos si no es así.

PROBLEMA: Problema del ventilador del condensador.
FIX: Asegúrese de que el ventilador del condensador del frigorífico recibe corriente. Suministre energía si no es así, reemplace el ventilador si la energía no es el problema.

Se trata de un problema de alimentación del ventilador de la nevera.

Secadora Códigos de error

CODE: do
PROBLEMA: Puerta abierta
FIX: Comience por limpiar el interruptor/cerradura de la puerta para eliminar cualquier pelusa o residuo que esté impidiendo que se cierre correctamente. Utilice un poco de alcohol en un hisopo para limpiar los conectores. Deben hacer completo contacto para que la secadora funcione.

PROBLEMA: Fallo en el circuito de la puerta
FIX: Desenchufe la secadora y compruebe si hay conexiones de cableado sueltas o dañadas en el circuito del interruptor de la puerta/cerradura. Vuelva a conectar los cables o reemplace los cables si parecen quemados o dañados.

Código: Odbr>PROBLEMA: Tiempo de secado excesivo
FIX: Limpie el sensor de humedad del interior del tambor de la secadora con un poco de alcohol y un bastoncillo de algodón. Si utiliza hojas de secadora, éstas cubren el sensor con residuos y prolongan el tiempo de secado engañando al sensor para que piense que todavía hay humedad.

Código: FE
PROBLEMA: Problema con la alimentación eléctrica
FIX: Puede comprobar el voltaje que recibe la secadora con un medidor de voltaje. Si la secadora está recibiendo la energía de 60 Hz que requiere, la placa de control electrónico está defectuosa y debe ser reemplazada. Para ello se necesita un profesional. Un electricista o su proveedor de energía eléctrica debe comprobar la frecuencia de su suministro de energía eléctrica cuando venga a la cita de reparación.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de temperatura defectuoso (eléctricamente en cortocircuito o eléctricamente abierto)
FIX: Desenchufe la secadora y utilice un voltímetro/ohmímetro para comprobar la resistencia del sensor de temperatura o termistor. Si la resistencia es superior a 40.000 ohmios, sustituya el termistor.

PROBLEMA: Error de calentamiento de la secadora de gas
FIX: Desenchufe la secadora y vuelva a conectar cualquier conexión de cableado suelta en las bobinas de la válvula de gas o sustituya el mazo de cables si está dañado.

PROBLEMA: Error de calentamiento de la secadora eléctrica
FIX: En primer lugar, compruebe los disyuntores del cuadro eléctrico de su casa para ver si se han disparado. Reinicie si se han disparado.

PROBLEMA: Botón atascado en el panel de control
FIX: Pulse todos los botones del panel de control para liberar el botón atascado. Si no se puede liberar el botón atascado, sustituya el control de la interfaz de usuario.

PROBLEMA: Fallo de la placa de control
FIX: Empiece desenchufando la secadora durante cinco minutos para restablecer la placa de control. Si el código aparece de nuevo después de restablecer la alimentación de la secadora, la placa de control electrónico tendrá que ser reemplazada.

Samsung Códigos de error del aparato

Samsung códigos de avería del aparato

Samsung códigos de diagnóstico del aparato

Samsung símbolos de error del aparato

Samsung fallos comunes del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

I will never buy another black appliance. It is a nightmare to clean. Other
I will never buy another black appliance. It is a nightmare to clean. Otherwise Samsung makes a great product. It is about 5 yrs old and the refrigerator light blinks and won€t stay on. I have changed the bulb. I believe it is the internal workings.
Publicado: August 29, 2019
Linda of Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Once an order was placed, THD kept me informed as to where it was and the d
Once an order was placed, THD kept me informed as to where it was and the delivery target. Delivery personnel were super and very professional. Quality and operation of the range is terrific....so far.
Publicado: February 8, 2021
Bradley of Airway Heights, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our Samsung fridge (model RF28K9380SR1AP) was not making ice for at least a
Our Samsung fridge (model RF28K9380SR1AP) was not making ice for at least a month and prior to that when it did make ice, it could never keep up. We were 1 month out of warranty when I called about it. I paid $100 to have a repair company out who found that the issue was related to a manufacturer defect. The fill line to the ice maker was in too far so not allowing the fan to cool the line and make ice. I called Samsung back to notify them of what the company found and thought they should reimburse my $100, but they didnt even consider it. It was almost impossible to understand the out of country rep but it was CLEAR that he and his company did not care about me in the slightest.
Publicado: May 15, 2018
Melissa of Queen Creek, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Buyer beware of purchasing any Samsung home appliance. I purchased a comple
Buyer beware of purchasing any Samsung home appliance. I purchased a complete stainless steel kitchen set, fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, in July, 2017. They look beautiful, but dont work. Repairmen have been to my home eight times in 4 months. Only the microwave has been problem free. The ice maker has been replaced three times and still makes slushy ice. The dishwasher was delivered with multiple problems, which Samsung claimed were not their fault. Begging with Home Depot got me a replacement from them, not Samsung. Now the finish is coming off in black globs.The stove had an oven door that did not close properly. Multiple trips by Samsung repairman finally resulted in having to have the oven door replaced. That only occurred after long conversations with Samsung customer service, and a request for the address of their administrative office. They said they were doing it for me as a one time courtesy. Their repair service (Lake Electronics in our area) matches Samsung in their incompetence and customer disservice. Be smart and invest your hard earned money in a company whose products are worthwhile.
Publicado: November 16, 2017
Dorothy of Stuart, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this microwave (SMH9151STE) in December 2010. Today (January 2013
We bought this microwave (SMH9151STE) in December 2010. Today (January 2013), 25 months into ownership, it just died. It powered off when I hit the Start button and no longer works. I told the Samsung rep that there seems to be a lot of complaints regarding this microwave online and that they should stand behind their products. They told me, Sorry, its only a 1-year warranty. What a waste of $175! I refuse to spend $150 to get it repaired. Id rather go spend $300 for a highly rated Maytag microwave.
Publicado: January 24, 2013
Steven of Warren, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 3 door Samsung refrigerator with ice maker 3 years ago. The r
I purchased a 3 door Samsung refrigerator with ice maker 3 years ago. The refrigerator is junk. It freezes up making clucking jarring sounds because of the ice build up. It leaks under the crisper drawers and on to the floor outside of the fridge. I have contacted Samsung for the last 6 months. They asked me to allow them to pay a service tech to come fix it. The service tech broke the fridge and had me pay $400 to fix it. Still does the same thing. Samsung asked to pay for another repair but their techs could not make an appointment that was convenient for me then told me to use a tech in my area to state the fridge was unrepairable. I did so and paid $85. Now they are telling me that it is a seal problem and that I am either leaving my doors open or the doors are not on properly. I have since purchased a Maytag and threw the Samsung off my back porch. Samsung creates ticket numbers and closes them never returning phone calls or emails. Showing they are the guilty party in the problem with this fridge. I currently have had another ticket escalated to ask to pay for what I have put out because they asked me to do this in order to resolve the issue. $481. They just give you the runaround once again proving they are guilty of knowing that these are junk. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING SAMSUNG.
Publicado: January 14, 2019
Kristy of Munising, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Refrigerator freezer stopped working first and the inside stopped soon afte
Refrigerator freezer stopped working first and the inside stopped soon after. After calling Sears out to repair they diagnosed it as the sealed refrigerator system stopped working. This was covered by Samsungs factory warranty, (covered for 5 years). After contacting Samsung they had 3 techs come out over the course of 3 weeks trying to repair it. They could not and said we would receive a new unit in 48 hours. After no contact in 48 hrs. I called and they had to do the paperwork. After calling several times for updates. They decided to refund our money because they did not have the same unit. It has been over a month since the unit stopped working. We are now waiting for our refund. They say it takes between 7 to 14 days but the Samsung Reps. say thats not true. They wait the full 14 days to refund the money. So if your fridge stops working please check your Warranty that comes with the fridge even if you dont have a store warranty. The warranty information is in your refrigerator manual. The number for Samsung is on the back of the manual or your decal inside of your fridge.
Publicado: May 3, 2018
Tammy of Desoto, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Do not buy Samsung appliances. This refrigerator was counter depth. Very ex
Do not buy Samsung appliances. This refrigerator was counter depth. Very expensive from Lowe€s. It is 1 year and 2 months old. The ice maker broke and they wont cover it. Bought Lowe€s Appliance Protection. I guess its not covered there either. Bought Samsung microwave. Returned first two and this one is 1 year old and sucks! Never going to buy Samsung again. Their customer service sucks!
Publicado: March 20, 2017
Colleen of Seminole, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We just bought this refrigerator in December 2013 and in July (only 7 month
We just bought this refrigerator in December 2013 and in July (only 7 months later) the refrigerator side stopped cooling. I called customer service on July 26th. They gave suggestions over the phone and told me to wait 24 hrs to see if it worked. It didnt. I was then given a different number to schedule the repair. I waited a week for parts and a tech to come. We went on vacation and came back and found out that the problem was not resolved. I called customer service again on Aug 6th and a resolution specialist contacted the tech and they told me they will contact me the next day to schedule a repair. Aug 9th, no phone call from them. Once again, I called them and now they advise to start the whole process of ordering parts and scheduling the tech to come in who knows when. What a sour experience this has been.
Publicado: August 9, 2014
Olga of Kissimmee, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Two months after buying a brand new side by side Samsung refrigerator, a fa
Two months after buying a brand new side by side Samsung refrigerator, a fan blade broke and the sound was very loud. It took Samsung 10 days to find a technician to come to the house. The gentlemen discovered the defected blade and was quite surprised being that it was only two months old. He suspected a manufacturers defect and he ordered the part, but it would take several days. In the meantime, we had lost the food in the freezer and refrigerator. I then called Samsungs customer service and explained everything as it happened. She was not very sympathetic and said that the part was on its way and thats the best that they could do. It was a major purchase for us and we felt cheated. Will think twice before buying another Samsung appliance!
Publicado: August 21, 2014
Stewart of Marshall, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It only takes one bad experience. With that said I will never ever buy anot
It only takes one bad experience. With that said I will never ever buy another Samsung product again after this last experience. For the last two weeks Ive been dealing with Samsung and the most awful, horrible, unprofessional customer service in 2015. They refuse to just take care of a customer as a priority. My $3600 refrigerator that is less than two years old and all I get is Maam we will get back to you. Maam you will have to wait 24 to 48 hours. Maam you will have to wait 24 to 72 hours. Maam its being processed now. No maam you cannot speak to supervisor. I heard what you said maam. I will not let you speak to supervisor!! Oh and Maam you will just have to wait for your refund. We dont know when that will be. Most disgusted by the Samsung Company.
Publicado: May 6, 2015
Melissa of Henderson, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

There are numerous reviews of this unit stating that the stove burner knobs
There are numerous reviews of this unit stating that the stove burner knobs are poorly designed and can easily be turned on by casually bumping into them. I can attest that this is true. This is why we remove the knobs from the stove when not in use. However, it appears that my unit (NE58F9710WS), with knobs removed, turned on spontaneously and caused a small fire with paper items that were on the stove. There was nobody home at the time, and the damage caused by the fire was minimal. My range hood must be replaced, and smoke damage occurred throughout my home. It could have been much, much worse. So far, Samsung has been cooperative and has agreed to repair the unit and cover the costs of the damage to my home. I hope Samsung takes these claims seriously and provides an updated design that is less likely to cause fires.
Publicado: August 17, 2017
Jeffrey of Lake Worth, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought the refrigerator brand new. It worked great for about a year then on
Bought the refrigerator brand new. It worked great for about a year then one day it wouldnt keep items cold. Turn out the freezer was too full. It was a large capacity freezer that did not actually accommodate a large amount of food.
Publicado: May 2, 2018
Laura of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The ice maker has been replaced TWICE in 3 years. Once under warranty, the
The ice maker has been replaced TWICE in 3 years. Once under warranty, the other cost me another $600. The exterior is large for the relatively small refrigerated volume. The french doors are nice, but the central drawer is shallow and fragile.
Publicado: September 10, 2019
James of Huntersville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Refrigerator mod # RF28HMEDBBC/AA - From the first day of having ice, it to
Refrigerator mod # RF28HMEDBBC/AA - From the first day of having ice, it took FOREVER to get a glass of ice out of it. I called customer service after 2 weeks of use and had them listen to the ice come out and how long it took and she said oh that is normal. The ice comes out in a half crushed half cubed form and I told her THAT is not normal. After trying to convince her that I was over 70 years old and have had ice maker the last 40 years and I know how they are supposed to work and this one sucks and I got extremely frustrated with her I hung up. 4 month later I called back in because the ice maker was freezing up on the inside and outside. They sent a repairman out that totally blew off the first appointment and the second appointment but showed up for the third one but didnt have the parts needed and had to order them. Showed up with those parts, replaced them.After a week it started freezing again. I called back in and they replaced the internals again and two weeks later it froze again and they replaced it again with an upgrade of gaskets on the ice maker along with the internals of the ice maker again. It took almost 36 hours to fill the ice maker and it still comes out half crushed and half cubed. Yikes. It has made a loud noise since we have had it and all of them say this is NORMAL!!! REALLY. The refrigerator part has worked great. The shelving totally sucks for placement of items. NOTHING fits anywhere. Would I buy another one? Not only no but hell no!!! Freezer part is great and no complaints with it. I certainly hope this helps anyone looking to purchase a Samsung French door refrigerator.
Publicado: July 2, 2018
Jerry of Kansas City, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought July 2016. Now 3 1/2 years old. Called because freezer was not freez
Bought July 2016. Now 3 1/2 years old. Called because freezer was not freezing while refrigerator still worked. Day before tech came found ice on inside wall of refrigerator. Tech said two problems. Ice on the wall is a little problem. Freezer is big problem. I would have to pay for the little problem and warranty would cover freezer. GREAT worth fixing. Freezer had a Freon leak. Suppose to be covered. After working on and discussing with manager he said they wont warranty it, there are many leaks in copper tubing and corrosion on compression. Said it was due to environmental reasons maybe humidity. Crazy we built our house 30 years ago and put in a Sears Kenmore refrigerator. It lasted 27 years without any repairs, replaced because of color. No leaks. No corrosion. Was still working.My house has copper tubing plumbing. I havent had a leak in 30 years. Other appliances replaced washing machine 1 time during the 30 years and I am on 3rd dishwasher (once to update color once because I tripped and fell on door bending the hinges). In fact I bought the dishwasher around same time as Samsung refrigerator and it is still going. Only the Samsung refrigerator rotted out in 3 years. Not one p problem two problems on this Samsung in 3 years. Search sealant leaks, Freon leaks. You will find it is not uncommon for relatively new Samsung refrigerators.
Publicado: January 30, 2020
Jerri of Sussex, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

They said it was just out of warranty and they could not help, but they ref
They said it was just out of warranty and they could not help, but they referred me to a repair person. They could fix the microwave for $350.00 or to buy new. They told me to buy GE.
Publicado: August 21, 2013
:Eeann of Dundee, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased an expensive Samsung refrigerator (model # RFG297AAWP). If any
We purchased an expensive Samsung refrigerator (model # RFG297AAWP). If any water from the water dispenser does not make it into the cup, it leaks behind the clear protective plastic coating on the refrigerator door. (Obviously it was not sealed properly... a manufacturers defect.) The water leaves unsightly stains on the refrigerator door that cannot be cleaned (because it is behind the plastic coating). It is embarrassing to have company over because the refrigerator looks filthy. Its frustrating that it is not cleanable. Samsung accepts no responsibility for this because they claim it is cosmetic in nature. Yes, my refrigerator still keeps the food cold... but it looks horrendous!Furthermore, Samsung has since changed the door. I was willing to pay $300 for a new door even though the issue was Samsungs fault. However, the replacement door does not match the other door. Samsung changed the look of the doors. (The new door is more squared off and less rounded, plus the handle is higher than the handle on the second door.) My only option is to replace BOTH doors at $600. Samsung claims no responsibility and will do nothing other than let me know its my problem to deal with. Never buy a Samsung refrigerator. Their customer service is poor and they accept responsibility for nothing! Im done with Samsung!
Publicado: March 29, 2016
B of Cedar Park, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a whole kitchen of Samsung product, dishwasher, microwave, range
Purchased a whole kitchen of Samsung product, dishwasher, microwave, range and fridge. So far in a little over a year the microwave burnt out, and the dishwasher has broken down twice, drainage pump and washer motor. Samsung is a piece of garbage. Anyone thats thinking of buying this brand DONT. YOU WILL BE SORRY AND SAMSUNG DOESNT CARE.
Publicado: November 19, 2018
Joseph of Oakville, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

No matter what we have done, it sounds like this fridge is an airplane taki
No matter what we have done, it sounds like this fridge is an airplane taking off in our kitchen. It is embarrassing. We just changed the filter, again, and ran 3 gallons of water, and it still sounds horrible. I would not buy this again. This fridge is about a year old and has done this since day one. It is a French door, and other than this I love the appliance. It sounds all time of the day and night whenever the ice maker fills or you try to fill a glass of water. Called company, the last thing the rep told me was to move it away from the way. I told her if that was all she could come up with it was pitiful.
Publicado: May 11, 2015
Carol of Omaha, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Water leak under drawers, water frozen, needed new part for that. Water fre
Water leak under drawers, water frozen, needed new part for that. Water freezing again - needed another new part. Needed longer part to help prevent leak. Needed temperature control. Now knocking when ice tries to dump. Sounds like the gears are frozen and/or teeth banging when it tries to dump. Thankfully I bought a warranty (which I never do as a rule). It runs out in a couple of months - fridge is about 4 years old now. Calling yet again for a repairman to come out. Bet when the new part is put on the compressor will go - after the warranty expires.
Publicado: April 21, 2015
Martha of Wake Forest, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Model RF268ACPN. Freezer section of refrigerator was unable to maintain fre
Model RF268ACPN. Freezer section of refrigerator was unable to maintain freezing temperature. Called authorized dealer and he stated that he was unable to get parts to repair the compressor fan. Refrigerator was only 4 years old and now parts are not available.
Publicado: September 16, 2015
Marilyn of Palmyra, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Will never buy a product made by Samsung ever again. Purchased a fridge 4 y
Will never buy a product made by Samsung ever again. Purchased a fridge 4 years ago and had problems 2 months outside the warranty period. Called Samsung customer service. Was told that we would have to bear the cost ourselves. They will notify the technician and he will call us the same day. 3 days later no contact. Spoke with Samsung again... useless. Fan iced up and fridge stopped being cooled so all food went bad. The technician (we found ourselves) that serviced it said it was a design flaw and he had seen a lot of these problems in Samsung fridges. Samsung have no idea of customer service. Today our fridge finally died - both fridge and freezer too warm. Went out today and had to buy another fridge/freezer..... WILL NEVER RECOMMEND OR EVER BUY SAMSUNG PRODUCTS AGAIN.
Publicado: October 6, 2013
Lis of Sheidow Park, OTHER
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung Model RF260BEAESR/AA - Loud cracking noise from the fridge. The noi
Samsung Model RF260BEAESR/AA - Loud cracking noise from the fridge. The noise happens all throughout the day and night. Samsung was aware of the problem according to the Totem Appliance technician. A new evaporator plate was installed. This did not solve the problem. Samsung technicians claim that this loud cracking sound is normal. It is so noisy that we are awaken from our sleep each night. How can the technicians claim that this is a normal sound when they have never heard my refrigerator. Customer service has been extremely bad. I have spent hours and hours trying to talk to customer service which has gotten me nowhere. Samsung does not back up their warranty.
Publicado: March 14, 2015
Gerard of Langely, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife and I bought all new Samsung appliances 2 years ago. First the dish
My wife and I bought all new Samsung appliances 2 years ago. First the dishwasher failed. They couldnt find anyone in my area to work on it and made no attempt to honor the warranty. Did repairs myself. The refrigerator has been nothing but issues freezing the coil up, the fan being bound in ice and now the ice maker died. 1 week ago the microwave died and it now need the whole control panel. Samsung has been useless in resolving these issues so Im stuck fixing them myself. What a huge waste of money. Do not buy Samsung appliances. Guess my stove will be next.
Publicado: November 16, 2015
Thomas of Oxford, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

RF266AEPN/XAA French Door Samsung Refrigerator looks great but is not relia
RF266AEPN/XAA French Door Samsung Refrigerator looks great but is not reliable. Paid $1500 5 years ago and numerous repairs since. 03/14 icing in the refrigerator vents began, called Samsung support and they acted like this was the first time they ever heard this. I learned later its a common issue. Service Ticket **- no one called back or showed up. Refrigerator started making a lot of noise and some water appeared in refrigerator. I learned the Samsung refrigerator Series RF267 has an ongoing issue with freezing up and icing over the fan and evaporator coil. Class action suit.04/14/14 Called Best Buy Geek Squad technician who removed back of Samsung refrigerator and attempted to defrost back of defective design. Remove inside back panel, inserted $4 part to prevent refreezing and replaced original back with broken styrofoam insert. Ice still remained in cooling vents 2 days later and still is icing up. $162.38 service call. Either Best Buy or Samsung should cover charge of full repair or replacement for 2-year-old French door refrigerator that clearly has a poor design and many complaints online. Problem continued so we periodically defrosted the refrigerator to clear ice from coils. Contacted Samsung again 09/17/14 and was told by Sherlyn: There are no reported issues with the unit. Ha! Representative Sheryln assigned the transaction number ** and forwarded it to Executive Customer Relations department. No helpful response, credit, or repair.We contacted Best Buy/Geek Squad again and for $400+ they replaced the inside back panel of the refrigerator, door seals, fan, etc. After a horrible experience and almost $700 in repair bills we hoped to put this behind us and enjoy our beautiful stainless steel refrigerator for a while and we did until the noise started again and the temperature started going up in the refrigerator this week. Now food is in ice chests and I am shopping for a new fridge. Unfortunately there are some pretty bad reviews out there on Whirlpool, LG, Samsung, etc. Will definitely purchase the extended warranty and may go with Costco because of their customer service. Samsung should stick to android phones where they know what theyre doing.
Publicado: July 8, 2016
Dorothy of Roanoke, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

DO NOT BUY A SAMSUNG FRIDGE!!! It is garbage. I only had the fridge two yea
DO NOT BUY A SAMSUNG FRIDGE!!! It is garbage. I only had the fridge two years. It makes noise like a rocket about to launch. It freezes up and have to defrost for days. Then will work for a few months. Samsung wont do nothing about it. They said they will a service tech call to set up appt but no one ever calls. I finally just broke down and purchased a Whirlpool fridge. Samsung should just stick to TVs and phones. Even my Samsung washer and dryer is junk.
Publicado: February 15, 2019
Gina of Denham Springs, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a new Samsung oven, dishwasher and fridge combo from Best Buy. Wi
Purchased a new Samsung oven, dishwasher and fridge combo from Best Buy. Within 4 months of owning the oven, used very little, the oven started having serious issues. The oven would take forever to heat up, have to put it on 500 degrees to get it to heat up to 350 degrees. When you opened the door to put anything in the oven it dropped about 200 degrees. Have to wait for it to heat up again. In the middle of baking time, the oven would drop its temperature. Other times it would heat above whatever you place the oven temp on. Went to Best Buy, they had to call Samsung. Was going to be on hold for over a half hour so left and placed the called myself. When I finally got a hold of Samsung, they said they had never heard of anything like this before happening. They sent out a tech. The tech determined the whole motherboard needed replaced. Three weeks later the motherboard arrived and a tech came out and installed. Havent had problems since however for the oven only being a few months old the motherboard should not have failed. The fridge is very loud and the freezer causes freezer burn on everything. I am glad that Samsung had no issues sending someone out to repair it at no charge however they need to look more into what is causing the issue. It ruined our Thanksgiving dinner!
Publicado: January 29, 2016
mj of Washoe Valley, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Samsung SMH9187ST microwave OTR from Best Buy in early 201
We purchased the Samsung SMH9187ST microwave OTR from Best Buy in early 2010. This unit was one of the top-rated OTR microwaves on Consumer Reports. The oven has been very lightly used as we have a second microwave in the kitchen (a Sharp which is over 7 years old). Anyhow, 29 months after purchasing the Samsung, the keypad is showing the SE code and is basically unusable. As others have experienced, this is a known defect that Samsung should take care of but wont. I will be sadly buying another brand to replace this nice looking junk, but I would eagerly participate in a class action lawsuit against Samsung!
Publicado: June 27, 2012
Jay of Agoura Hills, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Samsung microwave (M# SMH9187ST) is out of warranty and the Sensor Membr
My Samsung microwave (M# SMH9187ST) is out of warranty and the Sensor Membrane switch is shot (SE code). Whoever heard of making an over-the-stove microwave that cant handle venting steam from the stove? Anyway, replaced this part for about $75 and my labor and its good for maybe another year. Samsung should not be allowed to sell their junk in this country! Its my experience that their products are cheaply made and fail just out of warranty. Ive had problems with their TV (bad capacitors), their dishwasher (always stopping before wash cycle is over), and their refrigerator (wont make enough ice). I will not buy any more Samsung products. If it has Samsung on the label, stay away.
Publicado: April 20, 2015
Chris of Arab, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Water is leaking inside the refrigerator and freezing under the produce bin
Water is leaking inside the refrigerator and freezing under the produce bins. Then we notice vents on the inside back wall were full of ice. A few weeks we found water on the floor. Then the freezer started frosting and we found ice forming on the outside freezer drawer. We have defrosted it several times and the problem keeps repeating. I see online hundreds of complaints for this. These models should be recalled! Last Samsung product for me!
Publicado: July 24, 2014
Bob of Murrieta, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The freezer part of the refrigerator quit working after only two years. The
The freezer part of the refrigerator quit working after only two years. The fact that Samsung is aware of the problem tells me it is a regular occurrence. I wrote to them about the problem and they directed the questions and then said it had to be repaired at my expense. The specific model is RF217 French door.
Publicado: May 9, 2013
Christine of Galena, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this piece of crap dishwasher a year and half ago from Home Depot
I bought this piece of crap dishwasher a year and half ago from Home Depot and it has been total garbage, does not dry dishes and poorly cleans them and worse of all it leaks from the front door which I cant seem to stop. I would love to have my money back but thats not gonna happen so good bye to Samsung products FOREVER!
Publicado: November 22, 2016
Brent of Abbotsford, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchasing a Samsung Dishwasher - was the WORST appliance weve EVER purchas
Purchasing a Samsung Dishwasher - was the WORST appliance weve EVER purchased. If interested in having food re-circulated on dishes over AND over again and are interested in eating someone elses digested ick - then it may work for you! NEVER again here. We had 2 screw ups involving a wonderful.Service man come out to no avail. Over, over and OVER again to hand wash and soak our dishes, as the food particles would be stuck on 99% + our dishes, glasses and cutlery!! So, whats the point of owning a dishwasher??? All we can say from a family point of view: unless you like eating Uncle Bills and Brother Brets regurgitated disgusting leftover food bits and pieces on the plate or spit- up in the glass and stuck on the cutlery. Gross, Gross, GROSS, over and over again. Nope!!! And hello to another reliable brand... Look into/research what (company) you buy from.
Publicado: August 14, 2016
Sherry of Millet Ab, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this Samsung convection microwave oven and had it two weeks and i
We bought this Samsung convection microwave oven and had it two weeks and inside Glass Shattered. Very very dangerous especially when a child is standing in front of it. Very very disappointed with Samsung on their products. We bought all the Black Stainless Samsung products, Microwave, stove, dishwasher, fridge, washer & dryer. And within days there is scratches on every item we bought. We spend over $1,000 and within one week everything we owned looked like it was already 2 years old due to the awful scratches. We waited 3 months to even get them, they had to get them from Korea. Now have to wait another 3 months for a microwave which out of 500 complaints from glass shattering the new one will probably shattering again. Because Samsung wont recall this horrible item. Customers DONT buy Samsung especially ANY Black Stainless.
Publicado: February 4, 2018
James of Richmond, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a dishwasher Samsung 19 months ago. It has been repair 3 times, tw
I bought a dishwasher Samsung 19 months ago. It has been repair 3 times, twice during the first year. Now is broken again! And the technicians dont want to come again to fix it! DO NOT BUY SAMSUNG! It is really terrible! I am so done with that brand. Buying a new one!
Publicado: July 6, 2015
F. M. of Tracy, NB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Waterwall dishwasher model DW80h993OUS started pouring water from the botto
Waterwall dishwasher model DW80h993OUS started pouring water from the bottom shortly after we bought it. Two service repairs later it is still leaking. It is only a few months old and this is unacceptable! There is no reason a new, expensive dishwasher should be continuously patched together. Im going to give Samsung one more call and hope they do the right thing and replace this dishwasher.
Publicado: July 22, 2015
Christina of Bartlett, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Zero support. Dishwasher dead 14 months. I tried both chat support and thei
Zero support. Dishwasher dead 14 months. I tried both chat support and their online message board - chat hung up on me and mod wont reply when I give the serial number and they find 14 month dishwasher out of warranty for two months. Spent $200 to diagnose and parts more than the dishwasher - repair guy says Samsung like toilet paper - disposable and zero reliability. Bought $2500 Bosch this morning and this crap going in the dump.
Publicado: September 18, 2019
steve of Lions Bay, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Approximately 14 months after purchasing a Samsung french door refrigerator
Approximately 14 months after purchasing a Samsung french door refrigerator (Model #RF28HMEDBSR) the ice maker froze up and stopped working. It had to be manually defrosted (frost and ice removed). This issue occurred every 2 to 3 weeks. We trusted Samsung and did not purchase an extended warranty. A call to the service center revealed that any cost for service provided would have to be paid for by myself. A research of this equipment failure revealed hundreds, if not thousands, of similar complaints and unresolved issues. I continued to manually defrost the ice maker but the issue remained. We are now making ice cubes in ice cube trays.
Publicado: July 18, 2019
Steven of Union City, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I, like everyone else, got the Samsung SE error out of nowhere, at around 1
I, like everyone else, got the Samsung SE error out of nowhere, at around 18 months after purchase. I read all these reviews today and was about to go shopping to replace my SMH9187ST microwave. After power cycling it, the SE error would come back between two minutes and immediately. So far, after I did what I did, it hasnt happened in 8 hours. So here is what I did. Hopefully this will work for someone else. All you need is a Philips-head screwdriver and I didnt even have to remove the microwave from where it was mounted.Take out the top two screws. They fasten the top front vent grill to the microwave. To remove the vent grill, simply slide it to the left and pull out. Now when that is removed, you now have access to the one Phillips-head screw that holds on the dreaded keypad on the right of the microwave. Remove that screw. Then, slide the keypad assembly up and wiggle left and right to slide the fingers that hold it on to the microwave free from the slots they are in. Now once that is free, you can pull it out and see the few connectors that connect the keypad to the rest of the microwave. There is a white connector and a blue connector towards the bottom of the back of the keypad assembly. I simply reseated those connectors. Meaning, I unplugged them then plugged them back in making sure they were snug. The blue connector seemed to be a little loose when I went to reseat it. Im thinking maybe it had backed its way out somehow and was causing a bad connection, therefore giving me the SE error.But thats it. Line up the keypad assembly fingers back up with their proper slots and slide it down, therefore lining up the screw hole on the keypad assembly with the screw hole on the microwave and put that screw back in. Then slide the top front vent grill back on from left to right after lining up the little fingers with the slots they fit in. Then screw back in those two screws that hold the grill on. My beeping that was happening has now stopped and Ive microwaved a few things since. It took me no more than five minutes to figure out how to open it up, reseat the connectors, and put it back together. So far, problem seems solved!
Publicado: September 6, 2012
Gordon of New York, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My previous fridge was also a Samsung and it worked without any issues for
My previous fridge was also a Samsung and it worked without any issues for the past 12 years. It is like plug and forget appliance and it came with all the features as described in the website. It is energy efficient and sleek in design.
Publicado: February 14, 2021
Bee of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I dont see model no on it but it is stainless interior and black exterior w
I dont see model no on it but it is stainless interior and black exterior with electronic buttons. I have been very satisfied but I couldnt give it a 5 because it has some trouble occasionally with heavily soiled dishes and when it dries it leaves water in any surface that is not completely flat. The quick run doesnt seem to be any shorter than the regular and it is a long run. It has a heavy soil. It is very quiet.
Publicado: January 8, 2016
Fred of Pleasant Hill, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Samsung French door fridge in 2013 and soon after we have been h
I bought a Samsung French door fridge in 2013 and soon after we have been having the exact same icemaker problems and now after making loud noises, it has stopped working. Im glad I read what others have gone through. I will cancel the repair appointment which would have cost me $160.00 just for them to tell me that the compressor had gone. Thanks everybody, thats it for me and Samsung appliances.
Publicado: March 30, 2019
Ezelu of Rosenberg, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 4 door Samsung refrigerator 18 months ago 01-21-17. The icema
I purchased a 4 door Samsung refrigerator 18 months ago 01-21-17. The icemaker is defective, per the technician that indicates this is a known issue and not a recall, but basically the water spatters as it fills the ice maker, causing frost to build up, and eventually freezing the fan. This leads to melting of the ice and re-freezing and more frost and eventually locks up the entire ice maker. In some cases the ice builds up so quickly that you cant get the ice drawer out. This is not a gasket or seal issue. The issue is caused by a poorly designed water filling process that eventually fails, so if you want to piss away $2800 buy this RF23J9011SR piece of junk.
Publicado: August 15, 2018
Martin of Tampa, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Double convection electric range bought for our new home in Nov 2014. Attem
Double convection electric range bought for our new home in Nov 2014. Attempted self-cleaning, only my 3rd time in 2 years. Half way thru the control panel died. Cant even open door as it is still in lock mode. Was told to turn breaker off then on. Nothing. The repair number Samsung gave me doesnt ever answer phone. Waiting now for Sears technician. Would not buy Samsung again.
Publicado: March 1, 2016
Laurie of Fuquay-Varina, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our range/oven in October 2018. Not even 3 months later had to
We purchased our range/oven in October 2018. Not even 3 months later had to have it repaired: the entire control unit was replaced as the controls locked up with food burning in the oven, with oven door locked. Now the oven turns on at random times, and also locking the oven door, and freezing the control unit again. So called Samsung again, and explained that this range/oven is dangerous, as it could burn down the house with my family in it. Their response? Cant exchange it because we have to wait for the second round of repairs. Last time it took at least 3 weeks for the spare parts to arrive, so when asked the Specialty Claim Rep at Samsung, her answer was that if I am afraid of the unit, I should unplug it until fixed.My question is, why would I want a unit replaced when this is systematic issue, and not a unit-specific problem? When asked if Samsung will take full liability for possibly causing property damage or bodily harm, their answer was I can not talk to a supervisor as my case has been already escalated. Which agency is responsible of forcing a manufacturer to recall a dangerous product? And why they are not acting after all those reviews on this site? Indeed, I failed to read these comments, otherwise I would avoided this product line and Samsung altogether... Now I am stuck with a product for a very long time...
Publicado: May 1, 2019
Janos of Charlotte, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung microwave SMH9187 - As others describe, the microwave started to be
Samsung microwave SMH9187 - As others describe, the microwave started to beep and the -SE- error code appears. This signifies a display panel issue. Some have had success disconnecting power source for ~15 seconds. Others had success by simultaneously holding the stop/clear and enter/start buttons for 20 seconds. Someone else recommended disconnecting the display panel. This is easy. It is easy to remove the plugs and on my model, only the two white and blue plugs at the bottom could be incorrectly swapped but the blue plug connection has the word blue clearly shown. I had disassembled and am trying to use fans to remove moisture. This malfunction occurred after a nearly two inch rainstorm, so there might be some moisture causing the failure. Samsung said they would extend the parts warranty even though I am outside the 1 year warranty, so I would need to pay for a serviceman. If it is just the display panel and if I can get the part for no cost, this is an easy install.
Publicado: August 28, 2012
Ron of Ashford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung Dishwasher from Best Buy in February of 2014 as pa
We purchased our Samsung Dishwasher from Best Buy in February of 2014 as part of a 4 appliance suite for our kitchen remodel. BIG MISTAKE! We did not buy the extended warranty through Best Buy. The dishwasher started to fail (would not complete the cycle) in February of 2015. It was still barely under warranty so Samsung sent VA Electronics out to repair this problem. Worked until Sept 2015 when the same issue came back and the front door started to leak. Had to pay VA Electronics $99 to come back out to repair the problem, but it just started leaking again! Never buy a Samsung Dishwasher.
Publicado: November 4, 2015
John of Stafford, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased new Samsung refrigerator only 3yrs. old, 1) Ice maker not working
Purchased new Samsung refrigerator only 3yrs. old, 1) Ice maker not working. 2) Changed water filter cartridge and water is leaking inside the tray. Called their tech. support. Told me to reset inside button for icemaker, No luck. Tried 5 times and check the temp. inside area, all good but still not making ice. 3) Several times inserted new water filter cartridge, still water is leaking. Called Tech. Told me I need to replace defrost sensor, icemaker heat probe for drain, total: cost $320 to fix. DO NOT BUY THIS MODEL: RFG297HDRS/XAA. I will never buy Samsung product, GE is excellent experience I had. Lasted for 17 yrs. no problem and was working condition. Now this Samsung is not good, spend $1800+tax from LOWES.
Publicado: March 31, 2017
Roger of Placentia, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband and I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher less three years ago after
My husband and I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher less three years ago after we bought our house. So far we had to call a tech guy out at least four times and it still gives an error message! The dishwasher does not dry or clean our dishes! Do not buy Samsung appliances. They suck!! Horrible and so disappointed.
Publicado: June 15, 2016
Kathy of San Jose, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive been so disappointed since I bought my Refrigerator at Lowes in 2011, p
Ive been so disappointed since I bought my Refrigerator at Lowes in 2011, paid over $1,000 and have had it serviced so many times. The ice bucket cracked, then the ice maker broke, it had a water leak. They had to remove the panel. It was FROZEN. Now, called again because I dont know if its the fan or motor, I hope my food doesnt go bad. Im upset because of all the problems I continue to have and have to get another service contract just so I can keep it as long as I can. The first refrigerator I had lasted 10 years and I didnt have as many service calls as I do with this Samsung. I dont think I will be buying another Samsung refrigerator again. Too many problems!!
Publicado: January 5, 2016
Virginia of Albuquerque, NM
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Samsung dishwasher on 10/30/15. It began failing and showing
We purchased a Samsung dishwasher on 10/30/15. It began failing and showing error codes three weeks after its one year warranty expired. Samsung sent techs out three times, twice with no charge and never fixed the fundamental problem; the machine stopped cleaning dishes. Samsung made exceptions and we did not pay a cent for the service visits, but it was utterly impossible to get the company to simply replace the washer as it was just not functioning any longer. Short fused customer service at best and obviously a product line that is inferior. A class action lawsuit ought to be initiated against the company for anyone who bought a dishwasher that has failed in the past 5 years. An abhorrent experience with a dishwasher that was less than 14 months old.
Publicado: January 13, 2017
Jim of Rockville, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just bought a Samsung French door refrigerator rf263beaesg and waited 2 h
I just bought a Samsung French door refrigerator rf263beaesg and waited 2 hours for the unit to get cold. The inside temperature has not changed one degree! I called the company I bought it from. No help. The lady answered the phone gave me the number to Samsung. They offered no help except to say I have to wait 24 hours. I wished they would have told me that before my old fridge was towed out! Meanwhile Ive bought cheaper refrigerators and they were cold in less than an hour. $1400.00 fridge, 24 hours. Go figure. Technology failed in this case! So is that how its an energy saver by not working?
Publicado: June 28, 2017
Tracy of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dishwasher never worked well. I complained to Lowes 2 weeks after purchasin
Dishwasher never worked well. I complained to Lowes 2 weeks after purchasing but nothing was done. Then the dishwasher stopped working completely. I called Lowes and they had a crew come out twice and try to fix it with no luck. We have been without a dishwasher for over 5 weeks. Lowes said we had to contact Samsung so Samsung could issue a refund back to Lowes. I wonder how much longer that will take?! Another month?
Publicado: January 30, 2012
Joi of Lees Summit, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased Samsung microwave model SMH9187B on November 12, 2009. It is no
I purchased Samsung microwave model SMH9187B on November 12, 2009. It is now September 7, 2012, less than 3 years later and the microwave got the SE error code. Samsung, of course, will not cover it since it is out of warranty. They are aware of the problem but dont care at all. It will cost me over $150 to get a repairman out to service it. Ridiculous! Im all for a class action suit - sign me up!
Publicado: September 7, 2012
Lisa of Wrentham, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung digital stove model number-joz17dcc600113x - Where do I start? Very
Samsung digital stove model number-joz17dcc600113x - Where do I start? Very first month, it had to be repaired. By the second year, the circuits would make a popping noise. Few weeks later, completely fried, no pun intended. Horrible!
Publicado: September 29, 2016
Marisol of Providence, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher Model Number: DW80F600UTS/AA on June 22, 2
I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher Model Number: DW80F600UTS/AA on June 22, 2014. Everything seemed to be working fine until November 30, 2014. We had issues with the Dishwasher, Product Symptoms: Operation/Doesnt work/Doesnt dry. This was covered under Samsungs warranty within a year. It is now August 2015 and were already having another issue with this Dishwasher - we had an appliance repair person come to the house and he tells me we now need a computer board for this dishwasher. One hundred something dollars and thats just for the part, thats not covering labor to install the part. The Technician is telling me if you have any sort of voltage issues these Dishwashers will need parts replaced.What is getting me angry is that we have a whole house surge protector protecting our main breaker and were still having issues. I would expect issues after several years say 4, or 5 not within the first year to year and 1/2. I contacted Samsung Customer Service and explained to them the latest issue. I also explained to them there was another issue several months after we bought this Dishwasher. Samsungs reply was its over the warranty, period. You used to buy appliances from Sears no less that would last years, now you pay good money thinking youre getting a good product - Samsung no less - and this is the way they treat you. It is not right. Period.
Publicado: August 18, 2015
Charles of Sarasota, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung OTR microwave Model SMH9207st - Wow, where to begin! I believe I bo
Samsung OTR microwave Model SMH9207st - Wow, where to begin! I believe I bought this microwave in August of 2013. I will explain later why I dont know the exact date. In December of last year I got the dreaded SE code. I called Samsung (after reading all the horrible reviews about my microwave) and told them I was getting the dreaded code. They said since my microwave was over a year old, the warranty had expired and there was nothing they could do. I asked to speak to superiors and went through four of them and they all told me there was nothing they could do. Sooo I threw away the receipt, the owners manual and the mounting screws. He took down the microwave and I told him to take the stupid thing to the dump. Luckily he hadnt done it yet because a couple days later I received an email from Samsung saying that they were going to pay for a one time parts and labor fix.A company called me and set up date and time to come out. The tech came out and noticed that my microwave had scratches in the bottom and said it was a fire hazard and he didnt know if they would fix or not. I have heard online about the glass plate wobbling so maybe that is how it got scratched. They called back and said they ordered a new door and I would have to pay for the coating paint to cover the scratches and also the mounting screws. Tech came out and the door had the wrong connections and wouldnt work. Had to reorder. Came out today, replaced the door in a couple minutes and told me he was through...everything was working...clock, light, etc. As he walked out the door I opened the door and closed it and it DIED! I called him back in and he made a phone call and said he would have to reorder another door! Going on almost three months so far and still no working microwave. Luckily a friend had an OLD $50 microwave that she let me use and it has worked wonderfully! I need to know how to join class action lawsuit. I just want a different microwave! FRUSTRATED!
Publicado: February 10, 2015
Tami of Boones Mill, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Loved the fridge. Bottom handle broke off, just plastic based. Fridge 2011
Loved the fridge. Bottom handle broke off, just plastic based. Fridge 2011 and parts no longer available so must buy a new fridge. Maria employee#** on ticket # **. If you want a fridge to last more than ten years dont buy Samsung.
Publicado: January 4, 2021
Scott of Martintown, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have to defrost this refrigerator every month. Had it serviced twice now,
I have to defrost this refrigerator every month. Had it serviced twice now, its not cooling at all and wait for it...its getting warmer on the inside. This some bull!!
Publicado: January 21, 2015
Michael of Memphis, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had a leak in the water everytime you use the crushed ice--cannot g
We have had a leak in the water everytime you use the crushed ice--cannot get it to stop, now the water works and no ice---I notice this is an ongoing problem with this Samsung RF23HCEDBS/AA Bottom Freezer. I have them coming out to fix this and it is 2 years old so it is out of warranty. I have seen that it may cost up to $600.00 to repair this, well we paid over $2,000 for this fridge and if it costs me that much I will dump it and buy a new one but never again a Samsung! This is very frustrating and when I tell them that this is an ongoing issue based on the reviews all they say from whatever country they are answering from thank you sir. Must be the first thing they teach them in India answering the phone!
Publicado: February 20, 2017
Danny of Yorba Linda, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung range from Lowes. The range works exactly as it is
We purchased our Samsung range from Lowes. The range works exactly as it is supposed to. The convection is a definite added plus that cooks food so much quicker. We have not tried the air fryer yet. The €Smart€ feature allows us to preheat, or cook anything in the range without having to touch the oven. So far we are extremely pleased with our purchase.
Publicado: January 29, 2021
Audrey of Lakeland, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung gas oven/range in 2015 and after 3 years the digit
We purchased our Samsung gas oven/range in 2015 and after 3 years the digital display stopped working, so we replaced it for about $100. 6 months later it stopped working again, we replaced it again. Now 3 months after replacing it, it has stopped working again. So instead of spending $200-$300 a year replacing digital motherboards we have decided to get rid of it. Samsung offered to come out and look at it, but they want $185 just for the visit and diagnosis of the oven before any parts.
Publicado: August 24, 2019
Karl of Manahawkin, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Queríamos un horno adicional para complementar nuestro horno regular; este
Queríamos un horno adicional para complementar nuestro horno regular; este Samsung encaja en el proyecto porque es un horno de convección que puede asar e incluso asar carnes como el pollo que a veces puede ser difícil de cocinar a fondo sin que la carne se vuelva demasiado seca o dura. Con 1,1 pies cúbicos de capacidad, podría ser un ajuste apretado para el pollo Perdue Oven Stuffer o cualquier cosa más grande, por lo demás, hace bien su trabajo. Nuestro microondas es de 1700 vatios, más que suficiente para cualquier tarea, desde sopa hasta palomitas de maíz y asados, y vimos que Loweands tiene nuestro horno, modelo MC11K7035CG, actualmente en oferta por 299 dólares a partir del 3 de julio.
Publicado: July 15, 2019
Dan of Chicago, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had pump changed and no different (It is really bad). You can add bleach
We had pump changed and no different (It is really bad). You can add bleach and it comes right back. You can put vinegar in it and it comes right back. Very poor setup. Of all our dishwashers we have had over the past 45 years this is the worst by far. We never had this problem with other mfg dishwashers. We keep 2 homes and have had a lot of dishwashers also.
Publicado: July 9, 2015
Archie of Lumberton, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My only problem is that I am short and sometimes have trouble reaching the
My only problem is that I am short and sometimes have trouble reaching the back or top. Also, the plastic on the door and bins does break easily. Otherwise this is a good fridge and I love that its stainless and truly fingerprint proof.
Publicado: February 13, 2018
Jeanne of Woodbridge, Virginia
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher (DW80F800UWS) in January 2014. Within the
I purchased a Samsung Dishwasher (DW80F800UWS) in January 2014. Within the 1st month it had stopped working and a technician contracted by Samsung determined it was unrepairable. I received the same model as a replacement- still within 1st month of purchase. The dishwasher had worked fine until week of October 7th, when I contacted Best Buy and Samsung. Working with Samsung, it is now December 21st, 3 replacement parts, 3 separate appliance repair companies, countless hours spent on the phone with Samsung, with the appliance companies, waiting at home and the dishwasher is still not working. I have remained calm and polite but cannot seem to get anyone higher than a receptionist to take action and stand by their product. Samsung needs to rethink their phone message that they stand by customer service/satisfaction since this isnt true. In fact this is an outrage. The icing on the cake is that in the most recent phone call from another customer service rep, I described my frustration over the minor inconvenience of not having a working appliance that I paid for in full. I suggested that at the very least, Samsung extend their 1 year warranty since I am quickly coming up on the end of theirs and I doubt it will be fixed. I was told that would never happen nor would a replacement be possible. REALLY???? I am disgusted by Samsungs lack of genuine response. I have worked for large companies who stand by genuinely customer satisfaction and take pride in resolving matters. In fact, the successful companies I have worked at and continue to work at would actually have a senior member make contact and rectify the situation. I am waiting. Hope you enjoy your next holiday loading dishes into your dishwasher, I will be washing by hand- AGAIN!!!!
Publicado: December 22, 2014
maria of Trenton, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In late 2012, I upgraded my white GE kitchen appliances with stainless stee
In late 2012, I upgraded my white GE kitchen appliances with stainless steel appliances. So I purchased a Samsung stainless steel gas stove and microwave and a Whirlpool fridge from Lowes. The stove and fridge continues to operate smoothly. The microwave worked well the first year then begin to malfunction. The power would cut off in the middle of heating a meal. I would unplug the power cord then plug it back in the outlet after 10 secs to turn the power back on. I thought that it could be an issue with the power outlet or breaker. My electrician confirmed both sources were working properly. So this malfunction occurred often until recently the microwave goes out after 5 secs of running. Then I repeat the plugging and unplugging every 5 to 10 secs until the food warms up. This is frustrating because I always have to drag the tall bar stool and use it as a stepping stool to reach the power outlet inside the rear of the cabinet. Sometimes I get so fed up that I just use the oven or stove to heat up my food. I called Samsung service center today and the rep was very polite, took my model number and zip code and provided me the telephone number of the nearest service technician. I called the number and it was not in service. I called Samsung back and this time I reached a rep who was really nice but we struggled to understand each other because of our accents. I explained to him about my earlier call and that the telephone number wasnt in service. He checked and confirmed that was the only service tech listed in my area. I asked whats the alternative. I was advised that since my microwave was out of warranty that I would need to find my own repairer. I asked what is the lifespan of this model because Ive had it 3 yrs and its been malfunction most of the time. My last microwave came with the home in 2001 and still worked fine over 10 yrs later. This is unacceptable.
Publicado: February 17, 2016
kim of Waldorf, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our Samsung RF26HFENDSR/AA French door with lower pull out freezer has repe
Our Samsung RF26HFENDSR/AA French door with lower pull out freezer has repeatedly iced up around the fan, the coil and the vegetable/fruit drawers. I have replaced the tab that keeps the drain for the coil from freezing up and ensured that the drains were patent. I also checked to see that the fan was working...But it froze up again within two weeks. On review of literature, it may be that the heater is shot. There have been so many issues with this online, it would appear that this is a major design flaw. Samsung should address this and help the public out.. Trying to get help online from Samsung is very poor. I have multiple Samsung appliances, phones, watches, etc and if this is the way they are dealing with the public, they have lost me as a customer!
Publicado: March 17, 2022
JOHN M &;PATRICIA C of Mill Bay, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a brand new side by side Samsung refrigerator from Home Depot 6 ye
I bought a brand new side by side Samsung refrigerator from Home Depot 6 years ago and I have had 8 repairmen out here. This is the worst refrigerator I have ever had and I tell all my friends, relatives and neighbors do not buy this brand. I have a home warranty and they cant even figure it out. Right now I cannot get water to work so now wont make ice. Never ever ever buy a Samsung refrigerator, please.
Publicado: July 24, 2020
Mauri of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Aunque el precio es superior a la media, la calidad y la comodidad añaden
Aunque el precio es superior a la media, la calidad y la comodidad añaden mucho atractivo. Las piezas del microondas (como el plato, por ejemplo) son reemplazables en los diferentes modelos. Los microondas Samsung no suelen requerir la lectura de la documentación: la interfaz es intuitiva. Puedo hacer hincapié en la calidad: la fiabilidad y la calidad de los materiales - Nunca he experimentado ningún problema como piezas oxidadas durante el uso prolongado, etc. La garantía (aunque nunca la haya usado) de Samsung añade cierta confianza en la calidad del producto. Hasta ahora, no he tenido ningún problema con los productos de esta empresa. Recomiendo encarecidamente los microondas y otros utensilios de cocina de Samsung.
Publicado: July 15, 2019
Slava of Austin, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Worst refrigerator EVER! Within a couple of months the bottom plastic piece
Worst refrigerator EVER! Within a couple of months the bottom plastic piece cracked, there was ice in the bottom of the pull out drawer that froze, and NOW... The entire freezer quit and I lost tons of food! Since it is a dual cooling system my refrigerator section is also warm. I complained to Samsung and was informed that I put a heavy item on the bottom and thats why the plastic cracked. NOT!!! Ive had refrigerators for years and NONE OF THEM EVER CRACKED!!! Even if I did put a 22-pound turkey on it! BOTTOM LINE: PIECE OF CRAP!!! DO NOT BUY! YOU WILL REGRET IT!
Publicado: June 21, 2017
Sue of Kingston, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Samsung SMH9187 microwave in November 2010 and on 9/2/12, it spo
I bought a Samsung SMH9187 microwave in November 2010 and on 9/2/12, it spontaneously beeped and showed the dreaded SE code that so many have written about. I tried to cycle it per the instructions by unplugging the unit with no result. The keypad was dead. I called Samsung service who were less than helpful. They could not find an authorized repairman anywhere nearby and I live in a major metropolitan area. After spending about 4 hours trying to find a local repair person who works on Samsung with no luck, I called Samsung again and pressed very hard for a repairmans name in my area. They finally found only one. He, fortunately, was quite helpful over the phone, but so far away that he would not do the repair. He told me that the part number is DE94-02001C and is available for about $52 at Sears Parts Direct and mentioned that anyone handy with computers could make the repair. I was about to go that route when I found these posts and tried the quick fix of holding the Stop/Clear and Start buttons together - and so far, so good. Meanwhile, I would advise anyone considering a purchase of this unit to be sure there is a Samsung repairman nearby before purchasing. The microwave is clearly not reliable based on the number of keypad failures mentioned here within the first 15-36 months. Planned obsolescence and poor service to boot.
Publicado: September 8, 2012
M of Monterey, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had this dishwasher for just a few months. It is not a dishwasher, i
I have had this dishwasher for just a few months. It is not a dishwasher, it is a wet washer! It doesnt clean, I didnt realize that it had no heating element, thought all dishwashers did. I am cleaning cupboards and it doesnt clean clean dishes that are just dusty! What a ripoff. The company needs to stop selling dishwashers or call them something else as it does not wash or clean dishes.
Publicado: April 29, 2016
sue of Carlisle, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchase my home 4 years ago. So I wanted all new appliances to go with m
I purchase my home 4 years ago. So I wanted all new appliances to go with my new home. I went to Sears. Bought a refrigerator, washer and dryer. All Samsung. I also did renovations to my home before I moved in. I didn€t move I until maybe 10 months later. Now my refrigerator leaks. The drawers are flooded with water. Or it€s frozen and can€t open. Also my dryer. That stopped working. Was told I need a new motor. And Samsung told me the manufacturer warranty is only for two years. I can€t even wrap my head around this. Samsung does not stand by their products. I€m so disappointed. Here I thought I was getting a good brand. And got everything brand new. So upset.
Publicado: October 3, 2018
Selina of Bergenfield, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought this new side by side bottom freezer Samsung refrigerator 2 years ag
Bought this new side by side bottom freezer Samsung refrigerator 2 years ago and it has been nothing but headaches ever since. Ice maker has quit and been replaced three times, water leaks into the bottom of refrigerator. Ice maker freezes up. Have called for service while under warranty and got nowhere, told me the temp was not low enough or door left open which neither ever happened. I got all excuses until my warranty was up. This is the biggest piece of junk I have ever bought and will never buy or suggest to anyone to buy a Samsung product again, whether it be appliance, or musical equipment, or phones or anything with Samsung name on it.
Publicado: June 5, 2017
Scott of Coventry, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I wish I would have read the reviews on Samsung Appliances - thought they w
I wish I would have read the reviews on Samsung Appliances - thought they would have been good quality but theyre not!!! Fridge from the get go started doing exactly what all the others are saying - water in veg trays, summer time frosts up, fans noisy because of the frost so have to unplug and thaw Junk!!! Washer and Dryer Samsung washer have to place clothes in certain way or makes banging noise - Junk!!
Publicado: January 11, 2015
Dennis of Fruitvale, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Two weeks ago we bought a Samsung DW80H933US dishwasher, the highest end mo
Two weeks ago we bought a Samsung DW80H933US dishwasher, the highest end model that Home Depot sold in our area. Two weeks ago. 14 days. Tonight it stopped with error code LE. Looked it up, it says theres a leak. We looked everywhere, it is not leaking. There is no way to clear this error code. We have to cut the power to the machine and request service. This is after TWO WEEKS. Did I mention that? I wish Id done some reading up on Samsungs dishwasher before we bought it. Fortunately (I suppose), we purchased a 4-year extended warranty, so that over the next five years we wont have to pay for the monthly repairs. Two weeks in I am also concerned that the door seems to resist closing for no apparent reason either. These seem to be really, really common complaints. What a piece of expensive junk. Well see how much Home Depot cares about their customers tomorrow when I go in.
Publicado: December 3, 2014
Phil of Whitby, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I recently replaced all my appliances and I was tempted by the Samsung styl
I recently replaced all my appliances and I was tempted by the Samsung style so I bought all Samsung appliances. The problem so far was the dishwasher after 2 months old. Reading on Internet I figured out the inlet valve went bad. I have tried to contact Samsung customer service multiple times. The waiting time is very frustrating. The representatives dont really know what they are talking about. They just waste even more of the time. They are very polite though but not helpful. Finally, they told me they will send me a technician. This was exactly 2 months ago. Im still waiting for them to come and repair the dishwasher. At this point we know that replacing the dishwasher again may be the best option. Tossing $500 bucks annoys me but dealing with Samsung its not worth it anymore. Honestly, I have been a big fan of Samsung but this dishwasher turned me down. Please be aware of Samsung dishwasher is NOT the way to go.
Publicado: May 5, 2016
Mariano of Holmes Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased Samsung Refrigerator in April of 2019, by Sept of 2019 freezer st
Purchased Samsung Refrigerator in April of 2019, by Sept of 2019 freezer stopped working, a week later refrigerator stopped working. Called samsung and they sent out 2 different repair places, first one told us it was a sealed system and they did not work on those. Called Samsung back and asked them to replace the refrigerator they said they would have to try to repair first and unless there was a second problem that came up they would not replace it. Well that second problem was the refrigerator stopped cooling, I placed a thermometer that I purchased in refrigerator and took pictures, of temperature. The thermometer said 48 degrees while Samsung digital readout said it was 34 degrees. We lost over $400 dollars with of food and we see that Samsung will possibly reimburse up to $200 (maybe). Second repair person came out and said that he could not fix problem today that he would have to order parts which would take 3-5 days to get then schedule another appointment to do a temporary fix, he said he would recharge the system and then when we saw a temperature change of 10 degrees to call them and they would send a tech back out to attempt to find the leak. He stated that once they found the leak they would have to order parts and schedule another appointment to fix said it could take 2-3 weeks. All he did was take down serial number and model number never even checked out to see if he could find a problem. I called Samsung back and they did their Usual BS trying to get me to wait on repairs that could take another 2-3 weeks. I told her how about I come to your house and take your refrigerator away and you have nothing to store food in would that be an inconvenience. She said I understand your frustration but there is nothing I can do. I asked to speak to supervisor and she finally approved to replace the refrigerator said it would take approximately 7-14 days to get a replacement. Their Customer service Sucks. The refrigerator is a POS. I will never purchase any Samsung Products no matter what From here on out. Save yourself the headache and stress of having to deal with them and buy anything but Samsung. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON SAMSUNG APPLIANCES!!!! THIS PRODUCT DOESNT EVEN DESERVE 1 STAR RATING!!!! But unable to give it a negative rating.
Publicado: September 25, 2019
Wade of Fountain, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Last year at the Black Friday sale I purchase the French door Samsung fridg
Last year at the Black Friday sale I purchase the French door Samsung fridge and a Samsung dishwasher. Terrible experience. Fridge and dishwasher came defective. I paid warranty on both. After so much trouble they finally fixed my fridge, which would make this terrible noise, like an old car. Now, with the dishwasher for which I paid 700 dollars, came with a defective rail on one of the trays, and also the door is defective. Neither Lowes or Samsung have been able to help me. They said is nothing they can do. Even with the warranty. I havent been able to use my dishwasher and I still making payments on it. Never in my life I will buy or recommend Samsung products again. And not at Lowes either. They are the worst.
Publicado: August 16, 2018
Monica of South Plainfield, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought all new Samsung appliances about a year and half ago. Since then had
Bought all new Samsung appliances about a year and half ago. Since then had to repair refrigerator and dishwasher. Luckily I bought an extended warranty on the fridge but nothing else. Called Samsung and ask if they would send the part for the dishwasher. I would take care of labor they refused. Will never buy Samsung again. They make nothing but JUNK!!
Publicado: March 18, 2018
Larry of Lexington, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased and a 2 door stainless steel refrigerator assembly and in 3 to
I purchased and a 2 door stainless steel refrigerator assembly and in 3 to 5 months we had to replace the ice maker - since then we are on our 4th ice maker. I have had many contacts with Samsung corp, and customer service and now that the unit is out of warranty they now tell me that the repairs will be at my cost - I simply requested a replacement unit for the one that I have. With saying that I have to add that I also have the microwave, oven, smart tv and dishwasher.I have been on the phones with Samsung tech support for hours going over what we are experiencing with their product - they just keep saying now that the unit is out of warranty and that I didnt purchase an extended warranty my request for a replacement unit is and I quote not an option. My question to them is that this problem was existing during the warranty period and 2 ice makers have been replaced during that time. I would think they would have taken that into consideration for it is obvious this problem was pre-existing prior to purchase. I guess their business is stronger than the consumers of their products. They stated to me the only thing they will offer is a one time free repair to the unit and that was the best they could do. I then asked if we have the repair done and 3-5 months again down the road this happens again then what? They said they could say at this time.In other words you just ** out of luck and $1500.00. I wasnt asking for restitution on any type. I just asked for a replacement unit and that was no longer an option because the unit was out of warranty. In closing, I must say I can no longer support the Samsung product. And in closing a message to the Samsung corporation - the definition of great company service is not defined when things are going right. It is defined when things are going wrong!!!!
Publicado: June 11, 2019
Brian of Bowie, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a 4 year old top of the line Samsung electric cooktop/oven that has
I have a 4 year old top of the line Samsung electric cooktop/oven that has always worked great, up until several months ago when it almost blew up. Many others have reported having the main computer board fail/catch fire. Mine was the 2 main oven heating, element wires at the solder connection app heating up, sagging and touched back metal panel. Wires shorted, blowing them off the oven. Luckily breaker tripped, shutting off power to oven, one wire did catch fire briefly. Dont remember what the warranty did cost but the 5 year one is prob worth it on the expensive ones. I looked at the back with the panel off and a thousand dollar unit has the same build quality as the 200 dollar one. **.
Publicado: March 4, 2015
steve of Ft. Wayne, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had to get the stove repaired twice, dishwasher once and the refrige
I have had to get the stove repaired twice, dishwasher once and the refrigerator has practically all the shelves cracked or broken. We bought all these appliances from Lowes In 2017. My wife and are over 65 and live alone so these are not abused, do not buy Samsung, maybe TVs.
Publicado: June 30, 2020
Dennis of Yulee, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is accurate and fair. Here it goes. I purchased this refrigerator in 2
This is accurate and fair. Here it goes. I purchased this refrigerator in 2014 from the Home Depot. I also purchased the 5 yr extended warranty (just in case). It all began with them delivering the wrong unit and it also had a hole in the back from a forklift. The delivery company left it in my driveway and drove off and in the process, ran into and wrecked my neighbors picket fence and would not share insurance information for replacement. Yes. HD sent two young men to pick up the fridge without a lift on the back so all of us had to heft this into a high bed truck to remove it. Ended up renting a truck and picking up and installing the new one ourselves. So I have had this refrigerator for 10 months and it stopped cooling in the fridge and the freezer. I want to add that the vegetable storage units do not keep the vegetables for long at all. They go bad after a couple of days. Back to the technicians, 3, yes 3 hours on the computer chat with a (3) tech(s) from Samsung to reset the OFF reading on the digital display. After 3 hours of attempting to reset and do all the bells and whistles to reset, the tech(s) then tell me that the panel is bad and needs a technician to go to the home location and repair it. They said to call Samsung to create a ticket. Ok, also called Asurion who has the warranty. They said they would create a ticket and send me a food loss form. Sent food loss form and then Im told that a reimbursement will not be issued until after the repair? I then call Samsung who tells me that there should be a repair person by Wednesday or Thursday (it is Saturday) and they would create a ticket. Then I called the Home Depot who tells me that if the issue was not solved by Wednesday or Thursday they would send me a check for the fridge or a new one? WTH? Its now Thursday (6 days after fridge quits) and no one knows about the problem or any ticket issued. I snapped. We then start all over. I am then told that it is a simple fix and I would have to pay for the repair? NO, NO, NO. I am then sent to the secondary customer person who then creates ANOTHER repair ticket and tell me that the repair person will call me in about 48 hours or so and cannot even conceivably come until next Tuesday or Wednesday. No we are into 11 days of this issue. So, this Samsung refrigerator has NO repair people in this area and yet they are continuously sold. Now what? I paid over $2,200 (on sale) for this absolute piece of mechanical scrap with the worst customer service ever. NEVER, and I mean NEVER purchase this refrigerator or any Samsung refrigerator, NEVER. Repeat that to yourself.
Publicado: September 24, 2015
Olexandra of Langdon, NH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Weve had our Samsung microwave for almost 3 years and we dont usually use i
Weve had our Samsung microwave for almost 3 years and we dont usually use it as wed rather use gas to cook or heat food than use the microwave. So far, its okay and its working for its function although the self-cleaning feature does not work well. The manual that comes along with it says the self-cleaning feature can help eliminate the odor but it doesnt seem to be working. We have to use conventional methods like using baking soda to eliminate odor trapped in the microwave... I wont really recommend Samsung microwaves if you have other and better choices.
Publicado: May 22, 2016
Blandina of Baguio City, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this refrigerator new on 07/24/2011, and on 03/27/2012 while we w
We bought this refrigerator new on 07/24/2011, and on 03/27/2012 while we were at home we heard water running all of a sudden. We went into the kitchen and water was flowing out of the ice maker. We quickly shut off the water to the house and then moved the unit out and turned off the water at the wall. Because we were there and heard this, we prevented $60k to $70k in water damages. Most of our downstairs flooring is wood. The refrigerator was fixed under warranty by a Samsung contracted service organization. Then again on 08/30/2013, the unit failed again. This time I woke up at 5am and heard the faint noise of water running. I immediately went down stairs and stepped into a LAKE. The entire downstairs of our home was flooded and all the flooring, walls up to 16 and cabinets that were built in were ruined. The bill for all this will definitely be well over $50k. NO one should ever buy a Samsung refrigerator with an ice maker. The new unit failed in 8 months and the Samsung repair only lasted 17 months. This is most definitely a product liability case.
Publicado: September 1, 2013
Jerome of Chula Vista, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

One of the worst appliances I ever bought. Samsung over the range w/ hood m
One of the worst appliances I ever bought. Samsung over the range w/ hood model SMH1816S. First microwave in 30 years I ever had to have repaired. And customer support on an issue with it was horrendous, and then non-existent. I recommend anyone considering this unit to finish off their kitchen matched set of other Samsung products forgo aesthetics and get something else. First, as others have stated on other review sites, the control panel is awful. It is hard to read and the buttons are set in such a way (presumable to keep someone from pushing a button unintended with cleaning the panel) that you have to press very hard in exactly the right spot. No feel and go with this unit. The food, in spite of the revolving turntable, does not heat evenly. The stainless steel, for some odd reason, is difficult to clean (exterior). We have had other stainless steel appliances from other companies that cleaned easily. Then, a short time after warranty expired, the unit failed to work. It turns out some of the factory work was not done well on the circuit board and a loose connection caused a short and burned out the primary microwave making unit. The dealer told us it was out of warranty, (barely) so we had it repaired, then one of their repair people said it was a defect, not a warranty issue and I should contact Samsung. Samsung used every excuse in the book, and finally said something along the lines of policy does not allow us to ever pay out of pocket expense, regardless of the cause or situation. End of story, end of Samsung. Later, a salesperson told me they have had numerous complaints about the unit. Samsung TVs are great. We thought the refrig, range, dishwasher, microwave would be good, too. Not happy with the other units, but at least they work. But I will never own another Samsung appliances!
Publicado: December 23, 2014
Norm of Seattle, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung refrigerator in 2016. I have since had to manually de
I purchased a Samsung refrigerator in 2016. I have since had to manually defrost the coil and fan three times and as I am writing this, the fan is running noisily and tomorrow I will have to pull off the back panel behind the shelves and defrost it yet again with a hairdryer because this build up keeps the refrigerator from cooling. I am a disabled man living mostly on a fixed income. The refrigerator cost roughly $3000 which took me a year to pay off. I called customer service and the rep told me that he could do nothing about it. I asked to speak to his supervisor to see what recourse I had if any and was met with extreme hostility. He outright refused to resolve my issue or offer anything helpful. Samsung needs to teach its people what professional customer service looks like. I did not appreciate the condescending tone of their customer support agents. I also work for the largest home goods and building material retailer in the United States and have actively informed customers not to purchase any Samsung appliance until they improve the quality of their product and customer support. I would suggest that others provide the same service to family and friends who need to spend their hard earned money on a new appliance. Recently, we needed a new dishwasher and purchased a GE which my wife and I are very pleased with. Presently, we will never buy any Samsung product whether it be a household appliance, phone, tablet, TV or anything else. After the €convenient€ freezer door handle, being only supported through plastic, broke off for the second time and after having manually defrosted the fan, coil, and heating element for the third time in two weeks, I bit the bullet and bought a new fridge. It seems you have to purchase the entire freezer drawer to fix one plastic piece. By the way, the Whirlpool I purchased has performed great with all the features of the Samsung for about 40% less cost. I have just finished writing a rather lengthy letter to the consumer protection agency documenting the numerous issues and failed CS conversations. I advise anyone thinking of doing the same be sure to document all calls (i.e. date, time, rep name, etc.). Take pictures with your phone of all visible issues including the rust spots your stainless probably has because of its apparent poor quality. I am hopeful someone may read this who can help...
Publicado: August 1, 2018
John of Willow Grove, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The crisper drawers in a $2000.00 Samsung refrigerator are two pieces assem
The crisper drawers in a $2000.00 Samsung refrigerator are two pieces assembled at factory. There is an overlap of plastic in which food and water gets trap and there is no way to remove the front of the drawer to clean out rotting food and sitting liquids. Customer support confirms this when I called. There is no way to seperate them, there is no way to clean it. No solution. Rotting food and stale liquid must remain trapped. They do not offer any solution or different parts to resolute the problem.
Publicado: July 13, 2015
Sharon of Newport News, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the Samsung slide in range because of its sleek look. However, the
I bought the Samsung slide in range because of its sleek look. However, the knobs and buttons on the front are extremely sensitive and the oven and range turned on accidentally all the time. One night while sleeping, the smoke detector went off. A towel lying on the range had caught fire and flames were everywhere. Trying to get the towel into the sink so my house didnt burn, I knocked a bottle off the counter that shattered the glass on the oven door. A technician for Samsung came to assess damage. He suggested I contact Samsung customer service. After multiple calls, I contacted them through their chat line. I was assured the situation would be taken care of, the existing ticket was escalated, and I was to be sent transcript of call. No transcript, nothing taken care of because product was not defective. The design certainly is defective and this product is not safe. Samsung is irresponsible. I had this stove 3 weeks.
Publicado: May 21, 2020
karen of Granville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had our brand new refrigerator delivered yesterday. This morning realize
We had our brand new refrigerator delivered yesterday. This morning realized the refrigerator part was really not cooling off enough. Checked the degrees in it and it registered 50. We called Samsung and was told we had to go through where we purchased and they in turn contacted Samsung. Samsung at first tried to say 50 degrees was acceptable. We went down to Home Depot with the manual and asked where does it say that.After a number of phone calls Samsung has agreed to replace it but a new delivery one month from now! They leave you high and dry and could care less you are without a refrigerator and why would I want it repaired. I forgot to mention the handle was broken too! At this point I want Home Depot to come pick up the refrigerator and Ill pick out a new one. Not a Samsung brand. Customer service does not care about the consumer! Will never buy that brand again!
Publicado: August 7, 2013
Joanne of Largo, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My story is the same as everyone elses. A 2-year-old Samsung over-the-range
My story is the same as everyone elses. A 2-year-old Samsung over-the-range microwave starts beeping and I get the SE error code. I think Ill skip the repairman route. (I was having trouble finding one who would work on it anyway.) Class action lawsuit? Im definitely interested.
Publicado: August 27, 2012
C of Oklahoma City, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our 2-yr old RF197 has failed 4 times. At the first failure, at the one yea
Our 2-yr old RF197 has failed 4 times. At the first failure, at the one year point of ownership (the minute the warranty expired) and after a lot of time spent badgering Samsung, they agreed to pay for fixing the ice-backing up on the interior back, and stopping the water collecting on the fridge floor. But the repair didnt work. Again back to badgering Samsung - a terrible, terrible company. I hear there is a class action lawsuit; we plan to get in on that now. Also our atty. is pressing Samsung corporate starting today. Outrageous, because it has broken again! We paid $1300 for this junk in 2011! Recently, we arranged with them to receive a prorated refund to discard/return to them this lemon. They agreed. Yesterday, a new, very rude, sweet-voiced stumbling employee in the exec office, reading off a sheet that had nothing to do with this case said, Not approved even though we have sent the receipt properly and were told (and it is recorded on our ans. machine) that they were in the process of arranging the refund. Avoid this company! We plan - and please all of you do the same - to report to BBB and to our state Attorney General Dept of Consumer Affairs. This could be rampant fraud by Samsung and needs to be investigated. Tell everyone you know, to exert widespread political pressure. When in the store, tell others looking to buy to avoid Samsung. Check your state: many states require a better warranty than that granted by Samsungs warranty and you may have more rights than that limited Samsung warranty. Best of luck to everyone. What a racket. Our previous 2 refrigerators lasted 25 years with not one repair! We will post what we find out.
Publicado: March 14, 2013
None of City, other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Samsung side by side 25.6 CU FT refrigerator on 5-6-10 (serial
We bought a Samsung side by side 25.6 CU FT refrigerator on 5-6-10 (serial # JJ5Z4GBZ400545J; model # RS261MDBP). We didnt have it a full year when he had to call for a repair service man to come out because the unit wasnt cooling and all the lights on the panel were all lit up. Something in the panel went out and had to be ordered. Then the last week in December we were having a birthday party and we had a house full of guests and had to buy 6 coolers for the party food as well as all the food we already had and I was never so embarrassed in my life as all my guest had to keep going out in the cold to the coolers for their drinks because the unit wasnt cooling and the freezer wasnt freezing. So I called service department again on January 3rd. After two service appointments, it was determined the mother board had to be replaced. So on 1-17-12 it was replaced and as of 1-21-12 the unit is still not working. I have another service appointment for 1-23-12. I have lost $300.00 in groceries because of this and have to buy ice and use a cooler in January in the winter no less and I have to go to the store daily to buy dinner, which is very costly not to mention very time consuming. I have two elderly and 5 babies under the age of 5 and that is so inconveniencing them as well as the rest of the family members and very costly. This is the absolute worse experience we have ever had. I will never again purchase any Samsung products and will tell everyone about this horrible, embarrassing, very costly experience.
Publicado: January 21, 2012
Alane of Glendale Heights, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased this refrigerator from Lowes in April 2013. In December 2013,
We purchased this refrigerator from Lowes in April 2013. In December 2013, we noticed that the ice cubes were smaller, and the water dispenser flow was much slower. I contacted the Samsung Help Center and was told to turn up the water pressure in my home, even though it was (properly) set at 60 pounds per square inch! I did turn it up to 90 pounds per square inch, and it seemed to be OK --not back to normal-- for a short while!Several months ago the ice cubes began to be much smaller, and the water flow reduced again. Ive tested the water supply to the unit, and it is just fine. I believe Samsung refrigerators have a basic engineering design flaw, one that Samsung will not admit nor own up to... Thus, my recommendation to NOT BUY a Samsung refrigerator! Coincidentally, we have a GE refrigerator purchased around the same time for our Florida house, and we have NEVER had a problem with it at all. Come on Samsung, own up to the problems with your design, and either FIX THEM, OR GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK!
Publicado: June 8, 2015
Jeff of Pittsburgh, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was heart-sick when I read all the horrible reviews for the Samsung refri
I was heart-sick when I read all the horrible reviews for the Samsung refrigerators. I have only had model RS265TDRS for 6 months and it quit cooling 2 days ago. Tried the OnLineChat and was sent by the agent to a Samsung link that extolled how you should NEVER put a thermometer in the refrigerator to see what temp it is. I couldnt believe it. Then I put in a work ticket... and heard NOTHING. As I purchased the extended warranty through Conns the appliance store, they do warranty service as well, and when I heard nothing from Samsung.. I called them. They came out within 48 hours and told me the problem was the plastic cover over the coils, and it would take 3 to 5 business days to get the part. I nearly died. I explained this is my only refrigerator and they didnt seem to care. I agreed and after we plugged up the open spaces around the coils with small strips of quilt batting he left. The cooling element does seem to be working... as the vegetable drawers are 42 degrees... but up on the top shelf it is 60 degrees. How do I know??? I left the horrible thermometer they wanted me to immediately take out... in the unit. Now.... the door is telling me that the refrigerator is 34 degrees... but it is not. I FINALLY got the local service company contact information from them... however... the online chat lady said I had to file a work report with them first and then I could call the repair company directly and give them the work order.So! Lets start a lawsuit.... This is insane... to that poor couple who had been using a cooler for over 30 days... I went online and purchased a small GE fridge that I will keep in the garage... or get one sized for a dorm room... to keep your meds in... I am ready to fight them on this one...
Publicado: February 1, 2014
Susan of Spring, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ditto on all the above comments. Unfortunately we did not see the reviews b
Ditto on all the above comments. Unfortunately we did not see the reviews before our dishwasher purchase 1 yr ago. Just like others have commented on, dishes werent cleaning, drying, or finishing cycles. And dont forget about all the blue sensor lights flashing all the time without any indication of the problem. Service came out and told us its the Display Unit that needs to be fixed. A $300.00 part, even though we just paid $600.00 for it brand new a yr ago. Contacted customer service to explain our issue, and they said there is nothing they could do and good luck. At the same time they were servicing my Samsung dishwasher, they were trying to fix the Samsung refrigerator that we bought on the same day. REALLY! Both appliances have problems at the same time? How nice for Samsung. So after paying 2 service fees on the same day for 2 appliances, we have decided to throw the dishwasher out in the driveway and put a sign on it saying FREE - Junk. We did mention to customer services about all the horrible reviews, and they could careless because they know more unaware consumers are going to make the bad choice of buying anything from Samsung.
Publicado: January 15, 2015
cristy of Indianapolis, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have Samsung three year old appliances - microwave, dishwasher, stove and
I have Samsung three year old appliances - microwave, dishwasher, stove and refrigerator. The ice maker on my refrigerator is shot. My microwave got the dreaded 5E error. I checked out what it meant on the internet. Found a video for a quick fix. Tried that. It lasted two days now Im having problems with it beeping and telling me to set the power level and turn it on. The 5E code has to do with moisture affecting the display panel. If youre going to make an over the range microwave make it sturdier. Of course theres going to be steam from cooking going up in to the microwave. Samsung should repair this problem for no charge. Not happy at all with these appliances. I wish I would have stuck with Kenmore!! Thank you.
Publicado: September 26, 2013
Lillian of Jupiter, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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