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Samsung Accesorios
Samsung Accesorios

Samsung Reparación de electrodomésticos

Samsung se compromete a cumplir con las leyes y normativas locales, así como a aplicar un estricto código de conducta global a todos los empleados.

Distancia Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi horno Samsung no calienta
Ignición. El encendedor es la pieza más comúnmente defectuosa para un horno que no calienta. El encendedor tiene dos funciones principales. En primer lugar, el encendedor toma corriente eléctrica a través de la válvula de seguridad del horno para abrirla. En segundo lugar, el encendedor se calienta lo suficiente como para brillar y encender el gas en el quemador del horno. Si el encendedor se debilita, no podrá abrir la válvula de seguridad correctamente. Si la válvula no se abre, el horno no se calentará. Para determinar si el encendedor está defectuoso, observe el encendedor cuando el horno está encendido. Si el encendedor brilla durante más de 90 segundos sin encender la llama de gas, esto indica que el encendedor es demasiado débil para abrir la válvula. Si el encendedor es débil, sustitúyalo. Si el encendedor no brilla en absoluto, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del encendedor. Si el encendedor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El horno Samsung no hornea uniformemente
Elemento de cocción. Si el elemento de horneado está quemado, el horno sólo se calentará con el elemento de asado. Esto hará que el horno se caliente de forma desigual. Cuando el elemento de cocción se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si el elemento se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañado. Inspeccione el elemento de cocción en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si el elemento de cocción se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del elemento. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, reemplácelo.

La parrilla del horno Samsung no funciona
Elemento de cocción. El elemento de la parrilla puede haberse quemado. Cuando el elemento de la parrilla se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si el elemento se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañado. Inspeccione el elemento de asado para ver si tiene agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de asado no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

La resistencia de la estufa Samsung no funciona
Tablero del elemento de superficie. La placa del elemento de superficie tiene relés que regulan el suministro de energía a los quemadores. Si uno o más de los relés fallan, el elemento de superficie no funcionará. Si dos o más quemadores fallan al mismo tiempo, esto indica que el tablero del elemento de superficie es probablemente el culpable. Si sólo un elemento de superficie no funciona, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del elemento. Si el elemento de superficie tiene continuidad, la placa del elemento de superficie podría estar defectuosa.

El quemador de la estufa Samsung no se enciende
Módulo de chispa. El módulo de chispa proporciona energía a cada electrodo de chispa del quemador de superficie. Si el quemador produce una chispa débil, o si el quemador chispea intermitentemente, el módulo de chispa podría estar defectuoso. Antes de sustituir el módulo de chispa, compruebe primero el electrodo de chispa y el cable de chispa. Si el electrodo de chispa y el cable de chispa no están defectuosos, es probable que el módulo de chispa esté defectuoso. Si el módulo de chispa está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

La temperatura del horno Samsung no es precisa
Elemento de cocción. Cuando el elemento de cocción se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si la resistencia se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañada. Inspeccione el elemento calefactor en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

La luz del horno Samsung está apagada
Asamblea de luces. Si la luz del horno está apagada, es posible que haya que sustituir todo el conjunto de la luz. A menudo los componentes del conjunto de la luz no se venden por separado.

El Horno Samsung no se enciende
Elemento de cocción. Cuando el elemento de horneado se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no se está calentando. A menudo, si la resistencia se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañada. Inspeccione el elemento calefactor en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El horno Samsung no se autolimpia
Motor de bloqueo de la puerta y conjunto de interruptores. Durante el ciclo de autolimpieza del horno, el interruptor de bloqueo de la puerta activa el motor de bloqueo de la puerta para evitar que se abra la puerta del horno. Si el motor de bloqueo de la puerta y el interruptor están defectuosos, la puerta del horno no se desbloqueará una vez que el ciclo de autolimpieza se haya completado. En la mayoría de los hornos, usted puede abrir la puerta del horno retirando ciertos tornillos o paneles. Consulte el manual del propietario para obtener más instrucciones.

Lavadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi lavadora Samsung no gira
Conjunto del interruptor de la tapa. El conjunto del interruptor de la tapa impide que la lavadora gire cuando la tapa está abierta. Si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa falla, la lavadora no girará. Para determinar si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del interruptor de la tapa. Si el interruptor de la tapa no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

Mi lavadora Samsung hace ruido
Rodamiento. El cojinete de la bañera está montado en el centro de la bañera exterior. El rodamiento de la bañera ayuda a mantener la bañera interior girando suavemente. La sustitución del cojinete de la cuba es una reparación muy complicada y requiere el desmontaje de la mayor parte de la lavadora. Si el cojinete de la cuba está defectuoso, recomendamos sustituir tanto la cuba exterior como el cojinete.

La lavadora Samsung no agita
Juego de reparación del agitador. Si la lavadora no agita, la sustitución del kit de reparación del agitador puede resolver el problema. El kit contiene los componentes del agitador que tienen más probabilidades de desgastarse y/o fallar. Si alguna de las piezas está desgastada, despojada o dañada, sustituya el kit.

La lavadora Samsung no desagua
Bomba de desagüe. A veces, pequeños objetos o artículos de ropa pueden quedar atrapados en la bomba de desagüe. Para determinar si hay algo que bloquea la bomba de desagüe, retire la bomba de desagüe y compruebe si hay obstrucciones en la bomba. Si la bomba de desagüe está libre de obstrucciones, pero sigue siendo ruidosa durante el ciclo de desagüe, sustituya la bomba de desagüe.

La lavadora Samsung vibra o se agita
Amortiguador. Uno o más de los amortiguadores podrían estar rotos o desgastados. Los amortiguadores amortiguan la vibración de la cuba de la lavadora. Si uno o más de los amortiguadores están desgastados, la lavadora vibrará o se sacudirá. A veces, cuando se traslada la lavadora a otro lugar, los amortiguadores pueden separarse. Compruebe los amortiguadores para asegurarse de que están colocados correctamente, e inspecciónelos en busca de daños y desgaste. Si uno o más de los amortiguadores están rotos o desgastados, recomendamos sustituir todos los amortiguadores como medida preventiva.

La lavadora Samsung se llena lentamente o no se llena en absoluto
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua se abre para permitir que el agua entre en la lavadora. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa, la lavadora puede llenarse lentamente o no llenarse en absoluto. La válvula de entrada de agua requiere una presión de agua suficiente para funcionar correctamente. En primer lugar, compruebe la presión del agua para determinar si es adecuada. Si la presión del agua es adecuada, intente limpiar las rejillas del interior de los puertos de conexión de la manguera de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si la lavadora sigue llenándose lentamente, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua.

Mi lavadora Samsung tiene fugas
Bomba de desagüe. La bomba de desagüe bombea agua por la manguera de desagüe. Si la bomba de desagüe está agrietada o dañada, o si los cojinetes están desgastados, la bomba de desagüe puede perder agua. La bomba de desagüe no se puede reparar; si la bomba pierde agua, reemplácela.

La lavadora Samsung no se pone en marcha
El temporizador. El temporizador es frecuentemente mal diagnosticado-antes de reemplazar el temporizador, primero revise todas las partes más comúnmente defectuosas. Para determinar si el temporizador está defectuoso, consulte el diagrama de cableado de su lavadora y utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del temporizador.

La lavadora Samsung no centrifuga ni agita
Correa de transmisión. Inspeccione la correa de transmisión para determinar si está rota o si está suelta en las poleas. Si la correa de transmisión está rota o suelta, reemplácela.

Lavaplatos Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El lavavajillas Samsung no limpia
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua se abre para permitir que el agua entre en el lavavajillas. Si la válvula está obstruida o defectuosa, el lavavajillas no recibirá suficiente agua para limpiar los platos correctamente. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está obstruida, reemplácela. No intente limpiar la válvula de entrada de agua; limpiarla podría aumentar las probabilidades de que falle.

El lavavajillas Samsung no desagua
Impulsor de desagüe. El impulsor de desagüe empuja el agua a través de la manguera de desagüe y hacia el triturador de basura o la línea de desagüe. Si el impulsor está roto, reemplácelo.

Los botones del lavavajillas Samsung no funcionan
Panel táctil. Primero, confirme que la pantalla del lavavajillas funciona. Si la pantalla sigue funcionando, pruebe a pulsar algunos de los botones del panel táctil. Si algunos de los botones responden correctamente pero otros no, es probable que la almohadilla táctil sea la culpable. (Algunos fabricantes venden el panel táctil por separado del panel de control. Otros fabricantes exigen que el panel táctil y el panel de control se compren juntos. Si no puede sustituir el panel táctil por separado, sustituya el panel táctil y el panel de control).

Mi lavavajillas Samsung tiene luces parpadeantes
Elemento calefactor. La resistencia calienta el agua hasta la temperatura de funcionamiento. Si el agua no alcanza la temperatura adecuada después de un tiempo determinado, una luz en el panel de control puede empezar a parpadear. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si la resistencia no tiene continuidad, sustitúyala.

Las fugas del lavavajillas Samsung
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua se abre para permitir que el agua entre en el lavavajillas. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está atascada y abierta, el lavavajillas continuará llenándose de agua hasta que el lavavajillas gotee o se desborde. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está averiada, sustitúyala. Las válvulas de entrada de agua no se pueden reparar; si la válvula está defectuosa, debe reemplazarla.

Los lavavajillas Samsung pierden agua por la zona del motor
Empalme y kit de juntas. En primer lugar, intente determinar el origen de la fuga. Si el agua gotea por la zona del eje del motor, es probable que la junta del eje del motor esté defectuosa. Si la junta está defectuosa, sustitúyala. (Algunos fabricantes venden la junta independientemente del impulsor. Otros fabricantes exigen que se compre el impulsor y la junta juntos. Otros fabricantes exigen que se compre todo el conjunto de bomba y motor en lugar del impulsor y la junta. Suele ser más rentable sustituir el kit de impulsor y junta en lugar del conjunto de bomba y motor).

El lavavajillas Samsung no arranca
Interruptor de la puerta. El interruptor de la puerta impide que el lavavajillas funcione mientras la puerta está abierta. Si el interruptor de la puerta está defectuoso, el interruptor impedirá que el lavavajillas funcione incluso cuando la puerta esté cerrada. Para determinar si el interruptor de la puerta está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del interruptor. Si el interruptor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El lavavajillas Samsung no se cierra
Bisagra de la puerta. Si las bisagras de la puerta están dañadas, la puerta no podrá trabarse correctamente. Inspeccione las bisagras de la puerta para ver si están dañadas. Si una bisagra está doblada o rota, sustitúyala.

El dispensador del lavavajillas Samsung no dispensa jabĂłn
Bi-Metal. El actuador bimetálico es un bucle metálico que actúa como un pestillo para la puerta del dispensador. Cuando se aplica electricidad al bimetal, éste se deforma y se dobla alejándose del pestillo, liberándolo. Si el bimetal está quemado, no liberará la puerta del surtidor. Para determinar si el bimetal se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si el bimetal no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo. Además, asegúrese de que el lavavajillas recibe suficiente agua. Si el nivel de agua es demasiado bajo, es posible que el motor de lavado no extraiga suficiente corriente a través del bimetal, haciendo que éste no se doble lo suficiente para funcionar correctamente.

Microonda Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi microondas Samsung no calienta
Diodo. El diodo convierte la salida de energía A/C del transformador en D/C, duplicando el voltaje a casi 5.000 voltios. Este alto voltaje alimenta el magnetrón para calentar los alimentos. Si el diodo se quema, el magnetrón no recibe suficiente voltaje para funcionar, impidiendo que el microondas se caliente. Cuando el diodo falla, suele estar visiblemente quemado. Inspeccione el diodo y, si está quemado, sustitúyalo. Si la inspección del diodo no es concluyente, pruébelo con un multímetro que utilice una pila de 9 voltios o ponga una pila de 9 voltios en serie con el diodo. Cuando se invierten los cables, el diodo sólo debe tener continuidad en una dirección. (Advertencia: El horno microondas puede almacenar una cantidad letal de electricidad en su condensador de alto voltaje, incluso después de que el horno microondas haya sido desenchufado. Debido a la alta tensión de funcionamiento y a la posibilidad de sufrir una descarga eléctrica, es extremadamente peligroso sustituir los componentes electrónicos de un microondas. Sólo un técnico autorizado debe sustituir el diodo).

El microondas Samsung no funciona
Fusible de línea. Si pasa demasiada corriente por el circuito del microondas, el fusible de línea se fundirá. Si el fusible de línea se funde, el microondas no arranca. Para determinar si el fusible de línea está averiado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si el fusible no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo. Además, debe investigar y resolver el problema que ha provocado la rotura del fusible. Si no resuelve el problema subyacente, el nuevo fusible también se fundirá. (Precaución: El horno microondas puede almacenar miles de voltios de electricidad en su condensador de alto voltaje, incluso después de que el horno microondas haya sido desenchufado. Debido al potencial de descarga eléctrica, es extremadamente peligroso reemplazar los componentes electrónicos de un microondas. Sólo un técnico autorizado debe reemplazar el fusible de línea).

La bombilla del microondas Samsung no funciona
La bombilla. La propia bombilla puede estar quemada. Reemplace la bombilla antes de reemplazar cualquiera de las partes asociadas con la bombilla
El microondas Samsung se apaga después de unos segundos
Interruptor de la puerta. Un interruptor de puerta podría estar fallando intermitentemente. Compruebe cada uno de los interruptores de la puerta para ver si hay signos de sobrecalentamiento, formación de arcos o quemaduras. Si no ve ningún signo evidente de fallo, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada interruptor. Si alguno de los interruptores está visiblemente dañado o sólo tiene continuidad intermitente, sustitúyalo.

El plato giratorio del microondas Samsung no gira
Motor del plato giratorio. Utilice un multĂ­metro para comprobar la continuidad del motor. Si el motor del plato giratorio no tiene continuidad, sustitĂşyalo.

Los botones del microondas Samsung no funcionan
Panel táctil. Para determinar si el panel táctil está defectuoso, intente pulsar cada uno de los botones del panel de control. Si algunos de los botones responden correctamente y otros no, sustituya el panel táctil.

La pantalla del microondas Samsung no funciona
Placa de control principal. Si la pantalla se apaga parcialmente, el tablero de la pantalla es más comúnmente el culpable. Si la pantalla no funciona en absoluto, la placa de control principal o la placa de la pantalla podrían ser las culpables.

El microondas Samsung se enciende solo
Placa de control principal. En primer lugar, asegúrese de que el panel táctil funciona correctamente. Si el panel táctil funciona correctamente, es probable que la placa de control principal sea la culpable. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, reemplácela.

El microondas Samsung produce chispas o arcos eléctricos
Cubierta de la guía de ondas. La cubierta de la guía de ondas podría estar dañada y en cortocircuito. Intente quitar la cubierta de la guía de ondas y vea si el problema se resuelve. Si la cubierta de la guía de ondas está quemada o no se mantiene en su sitio, sustitúyala.

Refrigerador Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi frigorĂ­fico Samsung no enfrĂ­a
Los serpentines del condensador están sucios. Los serpentines del condensador suelen estar situados debajo del frigorífico. Disipan el calor cuando el refrigerante pasa a través de ellos. Si los serpentines del condensador están sucios, no disiparán el calor eficazmente. A medida que los residuos se acumulan en los serpentines, el frigorífico se vuelve menos eficiente, haciendo que el frigorífico trabaje más para enfriar. Si las bobinas están muy sucias, el frigorífico no podrá mantener la temperatura adecuada. Compruebe las bobinas del condensador para determinar si están sucias; si las bobinas del condensador están sucias, límpielas.

El dispensador de agua de mi frigorĂ­fico Samsung no funciona
El tubo de agua de la puerta está congelado. Para determinar si el tubo de suministro de agua está congelado, desconecte el tubo en la parte inferior de la puerta y sople aire a través de él. Si el aire no pasa, esto indica que el tubo de suministro de agua está congelado. Si el tubo de suministro de agua está congelado, descongélelo. Además, asegúrese de que el congelador se mantiene a la temperatura adecuada. La temperatura del congelador debe mantenerse entre 0 y 10 grados Fahrenheit. Si el congelador está demasiado frío, el tubo de agua puede congelarse.

Mi máquina de hielo del frigorífico Samsung no hace hielo
La temperatura del congelador es superior a 10 grados F (-12C). Si la temperatura del congelador está por encima de los 10 grados Fahrenheit (-12C), el fabricador de hielo no producirá cubitos de hielo de forma eficiente. La temperatura del congelador debe ajustarse entre 0 y 5 grados Fahrenheit (-18 a -15C) para que el fabricador de hielo funcione correctamente. Si la temperatura del congelador es demasiado alta, asegúrese de que los serpentines del condensador estén libres de residuos y que el ventilador del condensador funcione correctamente. Además, compruebe si se ha acumulado escarcha en los serpentines del evaporador. Si los serpentines del evaporador están escarchados, es probable que parte del sistema de descongelación haya fallado.

El dispensador de hielo del frigorĂ­fico Samsung no funciona
Placa de control del dispensador. El tablero de control del dispensador gobierna la mayoría de las funciones del sistema del dispensador. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, puede dejar de suministrar energía a todo el sistema dispensador. Si sólo una parte del dispensador no funciona, pruebe cada uno de los componentes del dispensador antes de probar el tablero de control. Es más probable que una sola pieza haya fallado. Si todo el sistema dispensador no funciona, es más probable que la placa de control sea la culpable.

El frigorĂ­fico Samsung no se descongela
Placa de control de descongelación. La placa de control de descongelación determina la frecuencia del ciclo de descongelación. Si la placa falla, el frigorífico no entrará en el ciclo de descongelación. Antes de reemplazar la tarjeta de control de descongelamiento, primero pruebe el calentador de descongelamiento y el termostato de descongelamiento. Si el calentador de descongelación y el termostato de descongelación funcionan correctamente, es probable que la placa de control de descongelación esté defectuosa.

El frigorĂ­fico Samsung hace ruido o es ruidoso
Se trata de un ventilador. Si el frigorífico es ruidoso o ruidoso, especialmente cuando se abre una de las puertas, es posible que el ventilador del evaporador o del condensador esté defectuoso. En primer lugar, compruebe el aspa del ventilador del evaporador en el congelador, detrás del panel trasero. Intente girarlo con la mano. Si el aspa del ventilador no gira libremente, compruebe si el aspa está rozando con algo o si hay algo atrapado en el aspa. Además, compruebe el aspa del ventilador del condensador en la parte inferior trasera del frigorífico para determinar si tiene alguna obstrucción.

Drenaje de descongelaciĂłn del frigorĂ­fico Samsung obstruido
Drenaje de descongelación obstruido o congelado. El desagüe de descongelación podría estar obstruido o congelado. Si el desagüe de descongelación está congelado, el agua desbordará la canaleta de desagüe y goteará hasta el fondo del compartimento. Si el desagüe de descongelación está congelado, descongélelo y asegúrese de que el desagüe esté libre de residuos.

Mi frigorífico Samsung no enfría pero mi congelador está bien
Los serpentines del evaporador están escarchados. El calefactor de descongelación se enciende unas cuantas veces a lo largo del día para derretir la escarcha que pueda haberse acumulado en los serpentines del evaporador. Si el calentador de descongelación está defectuoso, la escarcha continuará acumulándose en los serpentines del evaporador, y los serpentines se obstruirán con escarcha. Si los serpentines del evaporador están cubiertos de escarcha, el flujo de aire a través de los serpentines se verá restringido, haciendo que el refrigerador no se enfríe. Compruebe los serpentines del evaporador para determinar si están escarchados. Si los serpentines del evaporador están escarchados, compruebe cada componente del sistema de descongelación.

Fuga de agua del frigorĂ­fico Samsung
Drenaje de descongelación obstruido o congelado. Si el desagüe de descongelación está congelado, el agua desbordará el canal de desagüe y goteará hasta el fondo del compartimento. Esta agua puede llegar a filtrarse al suelo. Compruebe el desagüe de descongelación para determinar si está obstruido o congelado. Si el desagüe de descongelación está congelado, descongele el hielo. Además, enjuague el desagüe con agua caliente para asegurarse de que está libre de residuos.

Secadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Samsung fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Samsung por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi secadora Samsung no arranca
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando está bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrá continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica está interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior está restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

La secadora Samsung ha dejado de girar
Correa de transmisión. La correa de transmisión es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensión y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de transmisión. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa está rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rápidamente si la correa está rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa esté rota. A continuación, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que está rota. Si la correa está rota, sustitúyala.

Mi secadora Samsung no gira
Correa de transmisión. La correa de transmisión es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensión y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de transmisión. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa está rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rápidamente si la correa está rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa esté rota. A continuación, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que está rota. Si la correa está rota, sustitúyala.

La secadora Samsung tarda demasiado
Problema de flujo de aire. Si el respiradero está obstruido o parcialmente obstruido, restringirá el flujo de aire a través de la secadora, aumentando sustancialmente el tiempo de secado. Para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de la secadora, debe limpiar el sistema de ventilación de su secadora al menos una vez al año.

Secadora Samsung sobrecalentada
Elemento calefactor. El elemento calefactor calienta el aire antes de que éste entre en el tambor de la secadora. Si el elemento está parcialmente cortocircuitado, puede producir calor continuamente, incluso si la secadora ha alcanzado la temperatura adecuada. Cuando esto ocurre, la secadora se calienta demasiado. Para determinar si el elemento calefactor está averiado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada terminal con la carcasa. Si el elemento calefactor tiene continuidad con la carcasa, está en cortocircuito. Si el elemento calefactor está en cortocircuito, sustitúyalo.

La secadora Samsung no se para
Problema de flujo de aire. Si el respiradero está obstruido o parcialmente obstruido, restringirá el flujo de aire a través de la secadora, aumentando sustancialmente el tiempo de secado. Para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de la secadora, debe limpiar el sistema de ventilación de su secadora al menos una vez al año.

Mi secadora Samsung no calienta
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando está bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrá continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica está interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior está restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

El disyuntor de la secadora Samsung se dispara
El disyuntor está débil. Con el tiempo, los disyuntores pueden debilitarse. Si el disyuntor es débil, puede dispararse con demasiada frecuencia, incluso si el consumo de amperios está por debajo del límite. Si ya ha comprobado todos los componentes potencialmente defectuosos de la secadora, considere la posibilidad de que un electricista sustituya el disyuntor.

Samsung Reparación de electrodomésticos

Samsung servicio de electrodomésticos

Samsung ayuda del aparato

Samsung asistencia de electrodomésticos

Samsung mantenimiento de electrodomésticos

Reseñas de productos:

Black French door Refrigerator Model # RF263AEBP. After just over 1 year fr
Black French door Refrigerator Model # RF263AEBP. After just over 1 year from purchase, we were alerted to our 1st of now 3 water freeze-up in our fridge. In time #1 & 2 noted water on kitchen floor which was ultimately also on the floor of refrigerator section. Warranty was expired. Thank goodness for websites like this and youtube as we determined the problem was water line freezing and ultimate ice back up. Ice was thick all over the coils and drain clogged with ice. After following youtube directions all was fixed and we felt pretty darn happy with ourselves. (Rightly so as based upon reviews here not only do Samsung techs not know what’s going on - there is no fix, thats clear - but private techs dont know either and all just sell you a bill of goods you dont need.)About 6 months later we were alerted to the problem again in the same way described above. Followed the same youtube process and although this is getting old, solved the problem. Its been over a year and no freeze ups. Until 2 days ago. This time no alert of water, simply the fridge was warmer than usual. Rebooted the fridge and the sensor panels. The key here we didnt hear the fan going. Fridge and freezer cold enough but no noisy fan motor (a lifetime issue with this fridge). Again alerted by one of the reviews, we tried to do what we always do but this time it took 40 min to remove the back panel to access the frozen coils. When we finally got it off the fan was still under over 3 inches of ice (fan is on the back panel). Well after another hour of defrosting all ice with hair dryer and clearing the iced up drain.. all was cleaned (only positive occurrence for me) and put back.Well, while ice is gone, this must have been the straw on the camel’s back as even though the fan moves freely it seems the motor probably has had it. Froze up too long. No early alert system which clearly this defective product needs. I am mad. Not at defective product but at the dismissive attitude of this company to all those who have been trying to go through the proper channels. I do have no choice but to call my regular appliance company who I trust. Then Ill decide whether or not to repair or replace. Its a shame because the physical structure Im happy with. But will never, ever, ever buy an appliance that has any association with Samsung in the future...
Publicado: December 31, 2014
kerry of Ormond Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Had the fridge for about 9 months and a fan started to make noise, then it
Had the fridge for about 9 months and a fan started to make noise, then it stopped cooling altogether... Called the local warranty service and waited for over two weeks. Finally called and they were waiting for almost a dozen parts. Still without the fridge for over three weeks. Then the ice couldnt decide whether to dispense ice or water. It would indicate water then dispense ice. Paid more for supposedly a higher quality product but turned out to be a turkey. Never a Samsung product again.
Publicado: June 15, 2017
Joe of Byron Center, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung stainless steel french door fridge 1 yr 4 months a
We purchased our Samsung stainless steel french door fridge 1 yr 4 months ago. (FModel # RF261B EAESR). Yesterday I noticed the right door was slightly lower than left door by looking at the top. The same day I went to open the door and it came crashing down on the floor!! Thankfully my 3 year old son and my little dog were not around and no one was hurt. Upon inspection the upper right door hinge broke that anchors the door. I think its a horrible design flaw in the part. Although the door hinge plate is metal the male end of the hinge is plastic! That part is what failed. The fall did cause one of the removable door shelves to crack. Im writing this complaint because Im big on safety and hope Samsung reads this so no one gets hurt in the future.
Publicado: October 24, 2014
C. of Pinckney, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive had ongoing issues with the error code 9E since I purchased a Samsung d
Ive had ongoing issues with the error code 9E since I purchased a Samsung dishwasher 3 years ago. Ive had it serviced 2-3 times per year. I had problems under warranty and under the extended service contract from Lowes. Now I am on my own to continue to struggle with it. I replaced a unit from another manufacturer that was 20 years old that worked better. I am very disappointed and will never purchase another Samsung product. The 9E error code is the water fill tank which can get blocked or dirty. I use dishwashing grease cutting soap occasionally to reduce this problem. But I clean and rinse my dishes with soap and water prior and never put food covered dishes in. This has been a major mistake in purchasing. I intend to replace a less than 5-year-old machine as this error code goes on every other washing.
Publicado: December 21, 2013
Shannon of Golden, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the RF217AWCP French Door in Nov. 2011. I had problems with crispe
I bought the RF217AWCP French Door in Nov. 2011. I had problems with crisper drawers filling with water. This week the motor started running loud and quit cooling altogether. I spent over $400 to have back panel, evaporator and fan piece replaced. The tech advised that he does the repair often and it is a known quality issue. When I called Samsung service, I was told 1) they have no complaints filed in their database on this model and 2) I probably was keeping too much food in it. Unbelievable!
Publicado: October 31, 2014
Tricia of Akron, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased this Samsung refrigerator two yrs ago. At 3 months old the mother
Purchased this Samsung refrigerator two yrs ago. At 3 months old the motherboard went out and fridge was out for two weeks. Ice maker had to be repaired in the first three months as well as the seal and a broken glass shelf. The refrigerator has numerous dings throughout and looks terrible. The current issue is a broken ice maker, lots of water pooling in the refrigerator, and icing throughout the inside vents of the refrigerator. Horrible product. Samsung has not been very helpful throughout these issues. Now to contact them about the recent trouble.
Publicado: February 10, 2014
Stephanie of Hensley, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dishwasher worked great for 6 months or so. Much quieter than previous dish
Dishwasher worked great for 6 months or so. Much quieter than previous dishwasher. Loved the extra space on the top rack. Samsung Dishwasher DW80F800UWS. Started intermittently displaying OE error code. We would try again, shake things, etc. Eventually it would run. Now, it consistently fails, having tried 10+ times in a row. I opened things up and clean parts and reassembled it. I tried what I thought was the most vigorous setting... pots and pans with storm wash. Failed within a minute. I took out all the dishes and racks. Now... it works. Bottom rack. Works fine. Top rack... fails.Experimenting a bit, it fails when the water first attempts to spray out the top rack. That nozzle at the back of the dishwasher hooks into the spinning bit on the bottom of the top rack. I cleaned and rinsed it with vinegar to remove any build up. Still fails. Of course I let it all dry and tried again. Now it fails and the top part is still dry. I smack the side of it a few times and now its sort of working again. No telling how long until it fails again. It is so aggravating.
Publicado: August 17, 2016
Kyle of Reston, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 3-year old refrigerator (Samsung rsg257aars) stops making ice every 3-4
My 3-year old refrigerator (Samsung rsg257aars) stops making ice every 3-4 weeks. I have to empty the ice bin because ice is frozen together, then I have to run the blow dryer on the ice maker to thaw it so it will begin making ice again. There is obviously a bigger problem with this machine but I dont know what it is. I have tried for 2 years to get Samsung to fix this for the thousands of folks who purchased this lemon to no avail. Samsung is not going to stand behind this product, so I will no longer be a Samsung consumer!
Publicado: November 6, 2012
Adrianne of Knoxville, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I highly recommend this tv! The picture Quality is out of this world! The s
I highly recommend this tv! The picture Quality is out of this world! The sound is exceptional before even using a sound bar. We now prefer to watch everything on this tv then going to the cinemas as we feel we get a better experience at home with this tv and the Samsung Qn90B sound bar. Our only regret was not getting the 85”!! Though still satisfied with the 75”. After this, it will be hard to settle for anything less. You won’t regret purchasing this product. It brings old and new to life. You will feel like you are there in person. Detail and colour quality will blow you away! A good investment! Enjoy! P.s your friends and family, once they see the quality, they too will want one.
Publicado: July 8, 2022
Fuente: BestBuy.com

Right after the 1 yr warranty ran out the refrig froze up. We had called th
Right after the 1 yr warranty ran out the refrig froze up. We had called the repair line and were charged 180.00 to have a metal tab added to the defrost coil to keep the drain from freezing. Lasted 3 months. We have had to defrost the refrig every 3 months for the past 2 1/2 years.
Publicado: May 5, 2015
DONALD of Glenville , NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

On May 12, 2016 my Samsung side-by-side refrigerator (model RSG257AAWP) tha
On May 12, 2016 my Samsung side-by-side refrigerator (model RSG257AAWP) that I purchased on April 14, 2012 stopped cooling. It has been an absolute nightmare trying to work with Samsung to have someone come out to diagnose the problem. It is now May 23, 2016 and I am still calling Samsung trying to find resolution. I was assigned to a repair service (Home Service Network) on May 14th. On May 16th they informed me that they dont have any technicians that could work on my refrigerator. I called Samsung back and my ticket was reassigned to another repair service (Priceless Appliance Services). I was told that companies are to respond in 1-2 business days. I waited. Nothing! I called Samsung again. My ticket was reassigned again (Mr. Appliance of Central Maryland) and again I did not receive a call from this service repair company. When I called Samsung once more, today May 23rd, my ticket is showing that its assigned to Priceless and not even the last company that I was given so it appears that my ticket was not even reassigned. Now Im starting to think that the Samsung warranty policy is a sham. If they refer a customers ticket to enough non-responsive repair companies, at some point, especially with such an essential appliance as a refrigerator, the customer will become totally frustrated and seek to resolve the issue with a non Samsung repair service. This deems your appliance out of warranty even if you only have someone diagnose but not fix the product that you have so desperately tried to seek help for from Samsung. BE AWARE! BE CAUTIOUS! Its probably best to NEVER, EVER purchase Samsung appliances. In the future, I will only purchase appliances made in the USA.
Publicado: May 23, 2016
R of Glenn Dale, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Model RF220NCTABC/AA - cracking noise from doors. The problem with the door
Model RF220NCTABC/AA - cracking noise from doors. The problem with the doors is not exactly in the hinges themselves. There are two plastic pieces: one black in the top next to the hinge, another white in the bottom next to the hinges. These parts have the function of toggle-close the doors and unfortunately are not of the right quality. They are each attached to the door with one Phillips screw. If any of them breaks, you get the crack sound. I just removed the one on the bottom right and the problem went away. Your technicians answering the phone should be trained on that and even if the refrigerator was bought more than one year ago, send customers these parts for free. Probably the postage will be more expensive than the parts.
Publicado: February 7, 2015
Enrique of Green Bay, Wi, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our beautiful and expensive Samsung fridge has locked up several times, req
Our beautiful and expensive Samsung fridge has locked up several times, requiring a hard defrost. This time it actually burnt up the fan, requiring an emergency overnight purchase of a new fan. And were not sure the new fan will work - the serial numbers on our fan show that its no longer available, and Samsung doesnt have replacements. We had to go with a third party and hope their best guess is right. In the meantime our food is in coolers for two days, and the ** of it is that Im pretty sure that the best case scenario is that this fan will fit, and in a few months it will all freeze solid and lock up and burn the fan out again.Im ready to throw in the towel, but we spent a couple of grand on this (considerable for a not-wealthy family) and my husband wants to keep trying. It would be so bad but apparently this has been going for almost a decade. Im pissed off at Samsung for still putting out this shoddy product, as well as Lowes for continuing to see it. Theyll be hearing from me too.
Publicado: May 16, 2018
Suzanne of Sharpsburg, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Samsung SMH9187 microwave one year ago (along with a dishwas
We purchased a Samsung SMH9187 microwave one year ago (along with a dishwasher and fridge). Weve had the SE error. My husband fixed that by cleaning the sensors in the control panel. Then the door latch broke. He fixed that too after watching a DIY video. Now the microwave is turning itself on at random last night at 3am. Similar problems with the dishwasher and refrigerator. Wont recommend this to anyone!
Publicado: October 18, 2013
Bel of Wilmington, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Samsung side-by-side refrigerator in 2010 and since buying i
We purchased a Samsung side-by-side refrigerator in 2010 and since buying it, we have had problems with the ice maker spilling ice all over my floor every time you use the ice maker. The ice maker bin is too small and does not fit a family of 4 at all. My recent encounter is now, it doesnt defrost so I have to take it apart and use my hair dryer to melt the ice. We found that you have to take it off energy saver mode so that it will defrost. Samsung suggests we dont pack it very much. Amazing! Why did I buy it in the first place? I wanted energy saver, enough space to handle my large family but this is by design. Im very disappointed not to have read reviews first.
Publicado: May 20, 2013
Sandra of Fountain Valley, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had to have the icemaker fixed at least 4 times in the first year a
We have had to have the icemaker fixed at least 4 times in the first year and now it is out of warranty and I am holding my breath until it dies again. Does not crush ice well but often full cubes fall into the cup. Icemaker leaks and has created a mold problem that has to be kept wiped down with bleach. Rubber gasket on freezer door has been compromised for over a year and it is a pain trying to get service. We will NEVER buy a Samsung refrigerator again! TVs are great and they need to stick to them!
Publicado: May 4, 2018
Diane of Powhatan, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After less than two years, the compressor fan on the refrigerator went out.
After less than two years, the compressor fan on the refrigerator went out... at less than 2 years old! We took a chance in buying the Samsung and after this, I wont recommend them. Stick with the more notorious brand appliances - Kenmore, GE, etc. Ive never, ever had an issue with a refrigerator going out that wasnt at least 10 years old. Ridiculous! Were out $180 for parts and service plus a whole fridge full of food. Samsung appliances are crap! With all the complaints on here, youd think there would be a class-action started!
Publicado: April 23, 2013
Lisa of Manteca, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Hello, we purchased the Samsung 30.5 CuFt French Door Refrigerator Stainles
Hello, we purchased the Samsung 30.5 CuFt French Door Refrigerator Stainless Steel Model Number RF31FMESBSR in June 2013. It looks like there is some manufacturing defect as we see the water leakage and rust on the backside of the refrigerator. Thus anyone else is facing similar issues? We had 1-year manufacturer warranty and 60 months protection plan from Home Depot; however, in this specific issue it was a little difficult to notice the problem since it was on the backside of the refrigerator and as you know how many people go and look at the backside of the refrigerator once its install. As per the Samsung service company, other consumers also had similar issues. However, Samsung is not taking any actions to resolve the issue citing the refrigerator is out of warranty.
Publicado: August 8, 2019
Jayant of Cranbury, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Thinking about buying a Samsung refrigerator think again, Question is - Wha
Thinking about buying a Samsung refrigerator think again, Question is - What is Samsung doing about the frozen drain line issue? Do you think that a customer wants a defective product? I dont want to defrost my system every so-often, plus with the Samsung name youd think they would do something. Im almost 4 hours in working basically for Samsung... BS! Contacted Samsung customer service and get what I expected, nowhere.. The customer service rep said this is a unknown issue, https://www.samsung.com/in/support/home-appliances/resolving-drainage-issues-in-samsung-refrigerators/. So, I sent that link to customer service rep... Then was told its out of warranty. Yea, I know I only have it for 1 1/2 year and have learned that I will be repeating this process about every 1-2 years. Luckily, I am a handy person and do not need a service call. If you have a Samsung refrigerator plan on a defrost cycle every couple years when water pools up under the tray thats a good sign to start eating up the food.. Then plan a weekend to shut it down.... What I learned is to stay to the basics. A simple refrigerator without all the crap, ice trays work fine, the sink for water and 2 doors. Oh and that smug free door. Yeah, wanna see a picture it aint smug free and its dame hard to clean it off too.. Venting over!
Publicado: January 30, 2020
Maintance of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung RF32MWDBSR at HHGREG on 10/12/2014, in Fort Wayne
We purchased our Samsung RF32MWDBSR at HHGREG on 10/12/2014, in Fort Wayne Indiana, am I thankful we purchased the 5 years warranty, never planned to have to use a warranty on such an expensive item but for weather considerations on a $2749.00 model you will consider. I paid an additional $449.99 for 5 yrs warranty to which is SLOW AND SLOWER to have repairs done. This is my 3rd complaint and according to their 3 complaints and Ill replace it with a NEW ONE I am waiting to see. I am not happy with this model. It has had so far, our first repair was on 7/23/2015 when compressor 66A and 34 A went out. E23/ Cond Fan error & Main PCB FAILURE. All this occurred the 1st time, then it would not cool equally as said to be in manual. We called in 2nd complaint they refused to send a repair man out. They made issue to call the other warranty program and give us the runaround. We called the other and nothing happened, then after 6 months they finally issued a check for loss of food for $200 which didnt even come close to all we lost two times. The refrigerator still has a flood of issues they wont fix. I have again just today decided to call in again and ask for a ticket order, all automated, with a 999-999-9999 number to call. Its a joke!! I put in for now a third service call because freezer ice maker is dead for 3 months cause they lost my last service ticket AGAIN... oh my! Well all I can say is Samsung offers no help whatsoever, on this faulty model and have no plans to help their customers who have a 5 yr warranty out either. I would love to sue them! It is beyond a recall when their product cant run for more than 8 months between major repairs. THEY LIE ABOUT WARRANTY CALL INSURANCE. They do not stand behind their product. PLEASE BUYERS BEWARE!
Publicado: June 14, 2017
Sofia of Fort Wayne, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The ice maker wont shut off even when the dispenser pad is not engaged. It
The ice maker wont shut off even when the dispenser pad is not engaged. It keeps cranking out ice which fills the dispenser and then backs up all over the fridge. When you open the freezer door, ice then spills out all over the floor, etc. What a mess. Has anyone else experienced this? Model #RS261MDRS, purchased from Lowes on 8/3/2011. I will never buy another Samsung!
Publicado: August 7, 2012
Suzanne of Valencia, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had had many different errors snd seemed to be able to clear with what w
We had had many different errors snd seemed to be able to clear with what was in the guide. Almost 5 years to the date and 5e error we could not clear. So to repair would be over $600.00. This is so sad. We paid 1,600.00 and only got 5 years. We are a senior household so not overused. Just very disappointed. Wont buy a Samsung dishwasher again. We are now having trouble with the microwave same collection same age.
Publicado: October 22, 2020
Kathy of San Diego, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the Samsung French Door Refrigerator RF28HFEDBWW/HDPP in 2014 and
I bought the Samsung French Door Refrigerator RF28HFEDBWW/HDPP in 2014 and the ice maker hasnt worked right since. It started out that I researched refrigerators thoroughly before buying, went to Home Depot to order and thought everything was fine. They didnt tell me that the refrigerator I wanted didnt come in white, so they changed it to one that did. It was a completely different refrigerator! I didnt know this until my old broken one was on the truck and they started to install the new one. At that point I called Home Depot and they said, “We’ll return it.” I didnt have a refrigerator that worked, so against my better judgment I kept it thinking its just a different color Samsung, it should be fine.Within weeks we noticed the ice maker wasnt working correctly. It was dripping water, inside and outside down the door. We thought we werent closing the doors correctly, so we just kept wiping up the spills. When I wiped the front of the door, the paint chipped off because water had gone under the paint, rusted the door, and created bubbles. At this point we also saw the ice was jamming in the tray, and we had to keep breaking up the ice.To make a long story short, 3 years and at least 6 (soon to be 7) service calls later, the problem hasnt been fixed. We did buy the 5 year extended warranty from Home Depot, so thankfully all the parts, service and even a new refrigerator door have been covered. The problem is that 3 years later, its still not fixed, and they have replaced everything that can be replaced. The last 2 service calls, were to document that theres nothing more that they can do, and theyre insisting on another because they havent documented things correctly.To say Im frustrated is an understatement. Im disappointed in Samsung as a brand, and furious at Home Depot for the run around theyve been giving me. I will continue to call and have them service this stupid refrigerator until I get a new one. I will keep jumping through their dang hoops, until I get a refrigerator that works, but I WILL NEVER purchase another Samsung or buy another large appliance from Home Depot.
Publicado: April 26, 2017
Judy of Spring Valley, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I scrolled down and read the reviews until the Dec. 28, 2010 entry where I
I scrolled down and read the reviews until the Dec. 28, 2010 entry where I found someone who had the same dishwasher as I have: DMR57. I loaded my dishwasher last night, put in the soap and shut the door to start it. When I touched the start button, it was dead. The whole touch panel was dead. Thinking somehow a breaker had blown, I checked on that and it had not. The machine was just dead. My husband is an electrician, but he didnt even get a chance to check the electrical. He shut the door and something inside, the latch broke. Now the door doesnt latch. We bought this unit in September 2008. After having it for two weeks back then, we called the service department explaining how touchy the control panel was. If you just skimmed the panel, you could turn it on or off. The instrument was replaced but it is still extremely sensitive. We began to put the touch panel in the child lock mode when in use and when not in use. By doing so protected the touch panel; we couldnt turn it on or off. It is awful when the dishwasher is on and in mid-wash cycle and you accidentally touch or skim the panel and the whole machine is turned off. This dishwasher does not restart from where the cycle was shut off. You have to restart the wash cycle from the beginning. Weve decided to replace the dishwasher with another brand instead of fixing this one. Dishwashers should last some 10-15 years. We will not be buying a Samsung. I must say that we have a Samsung refrigerator that I just love! I may jinx myself, but lets hope not.
Publicado: July 17, 2012
Kb of Pittsburg, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my dishwasher and had it installed. After two washes the washer
I purchased my dishwasher and had it installed. After two washes the washer started leaking. We called customer service and after many attempts of scheduling and cancelling because theyre too stupid to confirm an appoint or called the correct number, they came. The technician told us that the panel was not sealed properly and that he would come back and get it fixed or would replace with a new one. The following appointment attempt, they called on me at the very last min and asked to come another. They told me 10:30-11:30 but instead came at 5pm. Another technician came this time but instead of fixing it, he blamed on the height adjustment screw removal and thats why the washer was leaking.What kind of ridiculous excuse is that because its not even related!? They refuse to fix my washer but what kind of crap machine breaks after two washes? Reassure that I will never buy a Samsung product again. I would make sure to make everyone knows about this. I would rather buy LG or GE instead of this crappy, poor service Samsung brand!
Publicado: February 24, 2017
Doan of Hercules, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The icemaker leaks water onto my floor. When the crushed ice is used some w
The icemaker leaks water onto my floor. When the crushed ice is used some will stay in the tube and melt. This drops down and leaks water. The ice maker has been replaced twice and still does it. Also it freezes up and we have to call a repairman for that. It produced a loud noise at one time and we called a repairman to fix that. We have had 6 or 7 repair calls but since we purchased an extended warranty from Lowes we have not had to pay yet. We have had approximately 4 different companies to work on this product. We are extremely unhappy with the Samsung and do not recommend it to anyone.
Publicado: December 2, 2015
Jean of Spring Hill, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a Samsung Refrigerator 6 years ago. We have had nothing but problems
Bought a Samsung Refrigerator 6 years ago. We have had nothing but problems with it and to top it off Samsung Customer Service is a joke. I have spent my day trying to get someone to just help me get in touch with a repairman. 1st call to Samsung today tried to convince me that I had set the refrigerator to the wrong setting (didnt touch it). 2nd call to Samsung gave me a number to call to set up a time for a repairman to come. I was told it would be quicker if I made my own appointment. I called the number that I was given, waited on the line for 25 minutes, and the first question I was asked was what state I was in. (That should have been a red flag.) The person on the other end asked for serial number and everything else you can imagine about my refrigerator. After I gave her my zip code she proceeded to tell me that Samsung doesnt service in my area. Really? Well they sure sell in my area. Tonight my husband pulled the refrigerator out of the wall and recycled the power. All of a sudden water was all over the place. We have unloaded the freezer and refrigerator and I will be buying another tomorrow. I had this 6 year old refrigerator serviced last year with a bill of over $300.00. It was horrible trying to get someone to work on it. I will not EVER buy another Samsung product. I have two friends remodeling their kitchens and believe me I am spreading the word. Samsung is a poor product all the way around and so is their customer service. I cant get this product out of my house quick enough. Samsung, thanks for nothing!!!
Publicado: July 1, 2016
Karen of Advance, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a new Samsung refrigerator about 2 years ago and now the glass sh
Purchased a new Samsung refrigerator about 2 years ago and now the glass shelf that holds the crisper drawers is broken on the corner and the rail that the crisper drawer runs on is broken where the screw hole is broken where a worker had screwed it in too tight. The rubber gaskets are coming apart as well....This refrigerator cost was over $2000.00. Called customer service and they said TOO BAD out of warranty ....Model # RF267AEBP. Someone needs to get a class action lawsuit going on this and let all of us know...
Publicado: October 9, 2014
Debbie of Melbourne, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

First the motherboard went out and my clams, lobsters, and shrimp got spoil
First the motherboard went out and my clams, lobsters, and shrimp got spoiled. I had the insurance right? Ok. The Geek Squad gave me a new refrigerator with the display always showing when you go to open door get ice or water. Now ever since Ive had this fridge every year since 2014 in July the ice maker goes out and a new one is replace. I got tired of paying for the insurance and let it go in October of last year. Guess what. ICE MARKER WENT OUT AGAIN. THUS ITS THE 4TH YEAR IT HAS DONE THIS. IT COST WITH LABOR AND PARTS 419.00. I hate Samsung products. Where and when will there be a recall on this ** ice maker??? Ill make my own goddamn ice!!!
Publicado: August 17, 2018
Sheila of Jacksonville, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung has eye-catching features on their refrigerators HOWEVER as the say
Samsung has eye-catching features on their refrigerators HOWEVER as the saying goes Just because it glitters does not mean its gold! In other words JUST BECAUSE IT LOOKS FANCY DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL WORK LIKE IT SHOULD! I purchased a Samsung (Model#: RF28HFEDTBC - bottom freezer) four (4) years ago (9/2014) with a 3yr warranty. I paid over $1800 ON SALE! Now the ice is building up in the fridge ice maker and in the back unit. A technician from the Network Group technicians came out to check why my fridge was not cooling like it should. The tech told me that the ice maker has a replacement unit and this is why the fridge back panel has iced up. He said that the issue with the ice maker NOT working properly is causing the other issues. That sounds like a defective part to me! REFRIGERATORS LIFE EXPECTANCY IS MINIMUM 14yrs!He recommended that I keep the top ice maker off and only use the freezer ice maker or this will probably happen again. The technician also recommended that if I did not want to pay the $300.00 for the ice maker replacement, $150.00 for the back panel defrost/replacement of the fan, $80.00 for labor, that I could just pay the $80.00 for his 10-minute visit and unplug the fridge for minimum 3-5 days to allow it to defrost myself. I have been without a fridge for a week now trying to make sure the ice has fully defrosted. My cooler with bags of ice is keeping my food colder than that SAMSUNG! Maybe I should have got a mini fridge and an ice chest! Anything would have been better than this SAMSUNG refrigerator! I will NEVER buy a SAMSUNG product again.
Publicado: July 20, 2018
Robin of Mitchellville, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought 4 years ago, now have lost everything in the fridge twice and multip
Bought 4 years ago, now have lost everything in the fridge twice and multiple visits from technicians to replace parts... Still not working correctly... Today is Thanksgiving and now it has gone out again. Fridge fan and coils freezing up preventing the fridge from cooling. It is now 56 degrees and we are going to lose everything again. I Do Not recommend Samsung refrigerators to anyone and suggest stores to stop selling them to consumers.
Publicado: November 28, 2019
Terry of Richton, MS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

These refrigerator/appliances were advertised as black stainless steel and
These refrigerator/appliances were advertised as black stainless steel and they are simply Black Shrink Wrapped. Have had my fridge for 3 years and am embarrassed when company comes over. Recently purchased a high end dishwasher and had to chose a different brand. I do love the black, but unless Samsung chooses to find a paint, replace the door or find another way to make this fridge look as advertised, I can no longer recommend Samsung black stainless products. Samsung has made no attempt at a resolve. Why advertise black stainless when it is a film that is applied and peels off in creases, near handles, folds and edges. I have several areas of peeling that began a year after purchase. Requested a paint from the company and was told there was none available nor would a paint be available. Probably because shrink wrap is not paint.
Publicado: August 16, 2021
Christine of Cape Coral, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This refrigerator has a known design flaw that allow ice build up behind th
This refrigerator has a known design flaw that allow ice build up behind the back panel in the refrigerator compartment. Unfortunately I just learn that after my Samsung refrigerator stop cooling. I bought this refrigerator three years ago and it takes $400 to fix it. Shame on Samsung. NEVER buy a Samsung appliance. Their customer service is terrible and less than USELESS. I am in Central NJ and they found the closest customer center is in New York State and asked me to contact them.
Publicado: July 13, 2014
Jiangbo of Cranbury, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Since the freezer is on the bottom I feel it creates water to form or ice d
Since the freezer is on the bottom I feel it creates water to form or ice depending on the temp at the base of the refrigerator. But the freezer is large enough, has 2 drawers, plenty of space.
Publicado: June 10, 2018
Wendy of Amoret, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a Samsung side by side refrigerator model # RSG307AARS, That is only
I have a Samsung side by side refrigerator model # RSG307AARS, That is only a few years old and is having a problem with the ice maker chute door that keeps opening and closing by itself. I am a single person that lives alone and a retired military veteran on a fixed income that is going to have to suck up the cost of replacing a refrigerator door and icemaker at the cost of about $1000.00 to me.I always thought that Samsung was a good product, but after having this problem and doing a little research about Samsung refrigerators I see that this is an ongoing problem with this model and make of refrigerator. I believe that a class action lawsuit should be filed to force Samsung to honor their product and ensure that Samsung stand by their products and customers. This is surely an ongoing problem.
Publicado: April 3, 2019
Edward of Navarre, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I will not buy Samsung again. My microwave screen went bad in one year. Man
I will not buy Samsung again. My microwave screen went bad in one year. Many people had same problem. Now my refridge is having a well known problem Samsung response is, Fix it yourself. These are very common known issues. A friend of mine has an 1800 washer dryer combo. Samsung gave him notice it could catch fire. They sent him a 200$ credit for trade on a new one. No more Samsung.
Publicado: July 9, 2019
Steve of Cedar Park, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Re: Samsung Double door fridge Model # BS22HDHPNSR/AA Serial 067143AF301211
Re: Samsung Double door fridge Model # BS22HDHPNSR/AA Serial 067143AF301211J bought in 2015. This fridge constantly gave us problems and totally stopped working 4 times with total loss of frozen food and perishable items. When Samsung customer service was called they suggested pressing some buttons and tell them if we heard a whirring noise! We did that and it worked on 3 occasions! In December 2017 it happened again and when called they said it was out of Warranty and we should not call them again! We went to Lowes to buy a new fridge and the appliance guy told us that the sealed unit including the compressor in our Samsung Fridge has a Five year warranty. On calling Samsung they now agreed that the sealed unit and compressor indeed had a warranty for 5 years and directed us to contact their service center Lakes Electronics, 2101 W. Atlantic Blvd #108, Pompano Beach, FL. 33069.They sent their technician on 11/10/2017 who confirmed that the compressor is locked (Error 84E) and charged us $99.00 for his visit. He asked us for the original receipt which We could not provide as a lot of paperwork was damaged and lost in the Hurricane! We contacted the Manager at Lakes Electronics who confirmed that without the receipt they cannot repair though the compressor and sealed unit was still under a 5 year warranty as Samsung had not paid them for work done without a receipt in the past! We then contacted Samsung and after much cajoling We were given a one time parts and labor ticket valid for one week only. A repair was scheduled but as the compressor did not arrive on time, the ticket was cancelled. After the holidays We were asked to call Samsung again for a new ticket valid for 7 days and a repair was scheduled, but cancelled again as compressor had not arrived. Finally, when the compressor had arrived a repair was performed in our home on 01/25/2018. We were made to sign a work completed sheet by the technician who said that you should start using it from next morning! Lo and Behold, come Morning and both the Freezer and the Refrigerator compartments showed a higher than room temperature!!! We contacted Lakes Electronics and were told that as We had signed the work completed sheet they cannot come back to check unless We get a new Ticket from Samsung. This time Samsung customer representative told us that our unit was not under warranty anymore. When asked to be directed to her Senior who reluctantly agreed to talk to us. We requested that Samsung should do any one of the following: 1) Arrange for their service center to pick it up and do a complete and Satisfactory repair before returning it to us. 2) Give us a replacement for their defective item. 3) Arrange a refund. Neither of the above options were accepted but a New one week one time repair ticket was issued and the technician again came on 01/29/2017. He confirmed in his notes that both sides were not cooling and the compressor was making a loud noise. He asked for advice from Samsung tech department if a replacement should be done but this was summarily rejected and he was asked to change the Condenser and purge all the gas (?Freon) and flush it with Nitrogen. As he did not have either Nitrogen or a replacement condenser a new appointment was scheduled for 02/01/2018. A Nitrogen flush was performed and We were shown that it was working to his satisfaction and that We ought to sign the work completed form again. We refused to sign and asked him to wait for 24 hours before signing the work completed form. After 2 days i.e today the fridge is dead again and all the frozen food including expensive Salmon Lox purchased over the weekend is rotting! WE HAVE INCURRED A LOSS OF AT LEAST $4000 IN DAMAGED AND LOST PERISHABLE ITEMS, long hours waiting for proper if never a prompt response! Marital discord as the wife wanted me to dump the Samsung fridge and all the other Samsung products in the house and replace them with preferably American made products!
Publicado: February 8, 2018
Amar of Viera, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am having the same issues that was stated by Sandy. I was and am very dis
I am having the same issues that was stated by Sandy. I was and am very disappointed that I feel Samsungs marketing is not telling the truth about this stove. The tech came out today and told me that even though my stove says 350 degrees, it is not because Samsung wanted the energy star rating and that the stove is actually 265 and needs another 15 minutes to be at temperature, even though the stove says 350. He said a lot of companies are doing that now so they can get the rating. The other thing that I am not happy is that the top part of the oven, that says you can bake, you really cannot. It is more of just a broiler. So all my stuff burns, but does not cook in the middle. This is not what I thought I was purchasing.
Publicado: December 13, 2014
Mary of Waterford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My family recently purchased a Samsung, french door refrigerator. We even p
My family recently purchased a Samsung, french door refrigerator. We even purchased a 5-year warranty with this appliance and a lot of good that did us. After owning it 6 months, the ice machine kept thawing out and refreezing, never working properly. Then after a big whopping 1 year, the SAMSUNG FRIDGE COMPLETELY QUIT!!! We lost everything inside the fridge and went without a fridge for over a week and a half. And do you think SAMSUNG honored the warranty... Nope!!! Do you think they honored the full replacement... Nope!!! We still have a little loaner fridge because nobody can seem to help us. So I wouldnt recommend a Samsung fridge to anyone. Not only is it $expensive$, but it never worked properly and obviously the warranty is worth nothing.
Publicado: May 9, 2017
Heather of Great Bend, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

What a huge disappointment with my less than 3 year old Samsung Fridge!!! A
What a huge disappointment with my less than 3 year old Samsung Fridge!!! And their aftercare service! As soon as I bought this refrigerator, Model # RF24FSEDBSR/AA which costed me $3,400 started having a problem within a week from the installation. Samsung sent me 2 different the 3rd party vendors to fix the problem since the 1st one couldnt. These two 3rd party vendors moved around my refrigerator in order to take a look at the back at that time.For last 5-6 months my fridge stopped cooling and it was accumulating ice in the back panel along with lots water dripping on the wall panel. Foods were easily molding and spoiled. When I called Samsung, they stated its because the refrigerator is not leveled and eventually its ruined fan functions. My refrigerator stayed exactly how the Samsung repairman left little less than 3 years ago with the wheels touch ground which was causing unleveling and eventual ruining the fridge completely. Samsung was showing no apology nor remedy whatsoever since the warranty time is over. They were asking me to talk to the vendor who left the refrigerator unleveled even though Samsung is the one who hired those vendors 3 years ago. Extremely disappointed with Samsung product and their service. Never buying Samsung products again. Definitely I will let other people to hear my voice every chance I get.
Publicado: July 13, 2018
Lou of La, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Its a great fridge and I would highly recommend Samsung. We have the two do
Its a great fridge and I would highly recommend Samsung. We have the two door side by side. Next fridge will be three door with bottom freezer. We have never had an issue with our fridge and thats the main reason we like it.
Publicado: September 2, 2020
Edwin of Clifton, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After 7 months of having a new Samsung refrigerator in black stainless the
After 7 months of having a new Samsung refrigerator in black stainless the finish began chipping. When I called Samsung they said it was not covered under warranty. Agreed, but this should not be a conversation I had to have. They are not willing to stand by their product or their customers. They told me I could pay to have it repaired. Will never buy Samsung again!!!
Publicado: November 28, 2016
Jamie of Portage, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought Samsung, French Door Refrigerator (Model No. 220NCTASE/AA) in Jan
We bought Samsung, French Door Refrigerator (Model No. 220NCTASE/AA) in January, 2014 from local Leons. Its working fine, but two days we noticed the fridge is not cool as usual and I adjusted the temperature to make cooler, same as for the freezer. And it seemed nothing happens after 24 hours. Then I tried unplugged and re-plugged the power, and waited another 24 hours, I still cant feel any cold air from the fridge and freezer. I am for sure its stopped work just after two years.I then called Samsung support 1-800 phone number and got answered with 10 minutes, unexpected really short wait time. The girl said that she needs to transfer to technical support number. Well after 30 minutes of waiting I got hung up. I re-called the 1-800 phone number again, it happens the same. I tried to re-called the 1-800 from my cell phone and got the same hung up. This is really frustrated getting technical support from Samsung. How could be a big company like Samsung with BAD customer services? The bad thing is that we recently bought a Samsung washer. Well, from now on we will stay away from Samsung brand.
Publicado: August 29, 2016
Thanh of Ottawa, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The model I have is 5 years and the freezer does not work. I call Samsung.
The model I have is 5 years and the freezer does not work. I call Samsung. They send a tech once then another one. They fix the problem then two months later the same problem again. Call Samsung again. They told me the fridge was out of warranty that I have to pay 950 dollars to get it fix. Guess what I am still fighting with them. Dont buy a Samsung refrigerator. Dont do it.
Publicado: October 29, 2021
Fermin of Mount Arlington, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased the range in 2016 and the black stainless steel finish started
I purchased the range in 2016 and the black stainless steel finish started peeling 1 yr after purchase. I also purchased a 3 yr extended warranty. They will not cover the finish because they say that it is cosmetic and will not cover the knobs because they were not considered a mechanical item. How can I use the stove if I cant turn it on? I am beyond frustrated. I am looking to join a class action lawsuit. I appreciate any information regarding this.
Publicado: July 31, 2018
Antonio of Toms River, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I recently replaced all my appliances and I was tempted by the Samsung styl
I recently replaced all my appliances and I was tempted by the Samsung style so I bought all Samsung appliances. The problem so far was the dishwasher after 2 months old. Reading on Internet I figured out the inlet valve went bad. I have tried to contact Samsung customer service multiple times. The waiting time is very frustrating. The representatives dont really know what they are talking about. They just waste even more of the time. They are very polite though but not helpful. Finally, they told me they will send me a technician. This was exactly 2 months ago. Im still waiting for them to come and repair the dishwasher. At this point we know that replacing the dishwasher again may be the best option. Tossing $500 bucks annoys me but dealing with Samsung its not worth it anymore. Honestly, I have been a big fan of Samsung but this dishwasher turned me down. Please be aware of Samsung dishwasher is NOT the way to go.
Publicado: May 5, 2016
Mariano of Holmes Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased new Samsung refrigerators almost 4 months ago in Conns, but the p
Purchased new Samsung refrigerators almost 4 months ago in Conns, but the problems start 2 month after buyer ice maker not working, leaking water inside the tray and freezing. Called their tech support and start my nightmare. The tech start to change everything and Conns tech came 8 or 9 times, and the refrigerator is still the same. Later contact Samsung customer service and send a tech and he said he had change another part and I told them not because I need new or I return. I recommended that they do not buy the Samsung brand. The Model is RF263BEAESG. I spend $2100 from Conns. PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANY SAMSUNG PRODUCT. REMEMBER CELL PHONE OR WASHING MACHINE.
Publicado: April 11, 2017
Margarita of San Antonio, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung dishwasher is broken down again. DMR78AHS 3 years old. Immediately
Samsung dishwasher is broken down again. DMR78AHS 3 years old. Immediately the plastic tabs for the upper rack adjuster broke off. This is a common problem and has happened 3 times. Warranty covered too. Once the tab jamming the pump causing error code LE. No warranty this time, $179 to fix. Next the door tension spring is attached with a nylon cord and runs over a plastic pulley. Cord broke, door came crashing down, another $179 labor and $20 parts for 2 cords. Today it will not turn on at all, no response from control pad. I guess another $179 down the drain. It washes so poorly that we only load it half full, plates in every other space and dont even think about putting dishes in without pre-rinsing. We are very disappointed in this appliance. We have spent the price of the washer in service calls. We filed a request with Samsung when the tab jammed the pump for reimbursement of the service call but were denied. We feel a class action suit is appropriate.
Publicado: June 16, 2014
Michael of Vancouver, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I Bought a French door Samsung refrigerator 11/13/16. Year and a half later
I Bought a French door Samsung refrigerator 11/13/16. Year and a half later the ice maker had to be replace. 3 weeks ago, my fridge stop work, call Samsung, a technician came over today, 04/01/2020 and just told me, the little over three years old refrigerator is dead. No repair, no warranty. It have a sulfur damaged. How that can be? I have a city water and a purified water system in the whole house. I have a 15 year old refrigerator, from the time the house was build, and still work in the garage. This is BS. I been read a lot other reviews in the internet, and people had the same problem. I paid $2,058.64 for this crap at Home Depot, and now I have to go out and buy another one. Please don’t waste your money with Samsung.
Publicado: April 1, 2020
Adriane of Port Saint Lucie, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

RF 268 Series Model RF268ABBP - We bought this refrigerator three years ago
RF 268 Series Model RF268ABBP - We bought this refrigerator three years ago and now it is going to cost me a minimum of $400 to get repaired. I came home to a flood in the kitchen because the cheap plastic piece going into the water filter cracked. Next the temperature and water control panel goes out and the freezer is freezing up. It sounds like there should be a Class Action Lawsuit against Samsung regarding these refrigerators. Also, I called Samsung and they were going to have a local repair company call but they never did. I finally went to Lowes and got someone to come out. DO NOT BUY SAMSUNG!!
Publicado: August 30, 2014
Lisa of Saint Louis, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Model RF268ACPN. Freezer section of refrigerator was unable to maintain fre
Model RF268ACPN. Freezer section of refrigerator was unable to maintain freezing temperature. Called authorized dealer and he stated that he was unable to get parts to repair the compressor fan. Refrigerator was only 4 years old and now parts are not available.
Publicado: September 16, 2015
Marilyn of Palmyra, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The warranty is up in our fridge and the light bulb has gone out. Im unhapp
The warranty is up in our fridge and the light bulb has gone out. Im unhappy with Samsung appliances, and do not recommend buying any of their products. As soon as the warranty expires, the appliance falls apart. And they will not fix it. They want more money from you, after spending $2,000.00 on a fridge! The first day I bought it, the handle fell off!! It was still under warranty, but they wanted to charge me $150.00 for a service repair. I called Home Depot, where I purchased it, and they showed up the same day. Home Depot fixed it with no additional fee. Hooray for #HomeDepot! They stand for their service.
Publicado: January 16, 2018
beth of Imperial Beach, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a new Samsung (model RSH7PNRS) side-by-side refrigerator with
We purchased a new Samsung (model RSH7PNRS) side-by-side refrigerator with ice and water through the door. This is supposed to be Samsungs latest and greatest design. From the start, the ice maker has never worked properly! It makes ice but will not dispense it. In less than 2 days, the ice chute froze up. Samsung and the dealer, Omni electronics, refused to fix the unit, or give a refund. It’s such a huge disappointment! Unfortunately, we paid cash, and have no recourse without going to the court, and bearing those expenses. We may picket by the dealer’s showroom! Dont buy Samsung products!
Publicado: March 12, 2012
Arthur of Lake Toxaway, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Do Not Buy Samsung - products and support are the worst. Bought an expensiv
Do Not Buy Samsung - products and support are the worst. Bought an expensive 4 door French door refrigerator. Ice formation happens frequently. Ice maker breaks frequently. Samsung refers to local support franchises which are worst. More than 1000 dollars of repair on a 3 year old product. With a spend each year. Samsung should be banned from selling refrigerators in the US.
Publicado: April 27, 2019
Sue of San Jose, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The 2 stars are given because they are beautiful BUT we did a complete kitc
The 2 stars are given because they are beautiful BUT we did a complete kitchen remodel in 2018 and nothing is holding up. We spent over $5000 on a SmartHub fridge that wont make ice properly and freezes up every month or so, $400 on a microwave that broke 5 months ago, over $5000 on a double oven that wont hold its temp properly and now we have to pay fo fix the washing machine that we spent almost $2000 on. We spent well over 15,000 to have matching smart appliances that well end up having to replace within the next few years. Nothing has connected properly to the smart hub. SAVE YOUR MONEY.
Publicado: May 15, 2021
Tina of Citrus Heights, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

There is a known problem with the French door model freezer seal. It leaks
There is a known problem with the French door model freezer seal. It leaks and then builds up ice behind the drawer. The frost free freezer must then be defrosted. This happens about every 9 months. Replacing the seal will work for some time but the defect returns.
Publicado: August 29, 2020
Douglas of Valencia, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Weve had our Samsung microwave for almost 3 years and we dont usually use i
Weve had our Samsung microwave for almost 3 years and we dont usually use it as wed rather use gas to cook or heat food than use the microwave. So far, its okay and its working for its function although the self-cleaning feature does not work well. The manual that comes along with it says the self-cleaning feature can help eliminate the odor but it doesnt seem to be working. We have to use conventional methods like using baking soda to eliminate odor trapped in the microwave... I wont really recommend Samsung microwaves if you have other and better choices.
Publicado: May 22, 2016
Blandina of Baguio City, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am doing something that I was hoping that I would not have to do. I am pu
I am doing something that I was hoping that I would not have to do. I am putting the Samsung Corporation on public blast because I have been given absolutely no other option! After purchasing a top of the line dishwasher just last fall, our unit has required repair for error codes 3 TIMES. All were under warranty and while the first tech was educated and efficient...the problem was not fixed leading us to where we are today. Approximately 6 weeks ago (while still within the manufactures warranty) we placed a call for repair. After an hour of waiting on the line, we were told that a service repair shop would be calling us. Never did. I called said company 3 times and left messages hoping for a return call. Never happened. Called Samsung back...waited an hour and 40 minutes for a rep. Was told that a repair shop would be calling me to schedule. Gave me the number for the exact same repair shop. I declined. Asked for another shop. They finally agreed to send someone else out at your request...like it was unusual that I wanted another company. That company called and scheduled with me but needed a week to order parts (how did they know what part if there was no in person diagnostic?). Fine. No dishwasher 2 weeks...ok, well be patient. Came out, replaced main board in about 30 min and was out. Started the cycle and it looked to be working and left. Day after, first full load in the machine...ERROR CODE. Are you kidding me? Called Samsung...I could go on and on about the HOURS AND HOURS we have sat on hold with Samsung. At least 1 hour and 30 minutes EACH CALL, EVERY TIME. We have phone records to support this. We have asked to be expedited to executive customer service = declined. We have asked for a replacement unit = declined. We have asked why this has happened = no answer. WE HAVE BEEN MORE THAN PATIENT but at this point it has been upwards of SIX WEEKS since this has started and there has been NO RESOLUTION whatsoever. We have followed up almost every other day with this company to check the status, we have proven our bill of sale, we have provided them with many, many, many opportunities to make this right = DECLINED. We asked for our case to be forwarded to a higher level = declined. We feel totally at their mercy. We are at our wits end because we feel we are being taken advantage of and have been given NO SOLUTION to our issue. The customer service has been DEPLORABLE to say the least. I am BEGGING for someone, anyone...please help! Has anyone experienced this? What do we do? We 100% do not want this unit anymore (when warranty is up...well be responsible to pay for these constant error codes to be fixed) and we would be more than happy with either a full refund or an exchange for a non-Samsung dishwasher (from HH Gregg). We feel like this company has us strung up with no option but to be continually jacked around. We have asked for a copy of our communication transcript and were told that they cannot provide that for us. (WHAT?) We do not have finances to pursue legal action, but if we did, that is the route we feel is appropriate after all that we have experienced.
Publicado: October 1, 2014
Kristen of Bartlett, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a (expensive) Samsung Fridge at Home Depot and after 1 month of
I purchased a (expensive) Samsung Fridge at Home Depot and after 1 month of having the fridge there are small rust spots all over the front of the fridge. When I called Samsung support they said its a cosmetic issue and not covered under the warranty. They said it could be caused by prolonged exposure to moisture (Ive had it for a month) or an abrasive cleaner was possibly used. The only cleaner that has been used was warm water and dish soap one time and a mixture of vinegar and water one time. Samsung refuses to stand by their product and Home Depot says the issue needs to be handled with Samsung.
Publicado: January 15, 2018
Daniel of Beaverton, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The ice maker leaks and we cannot find anyone in our area to look at it. I
The ice maker leaks and we cannot find anyone in our area to look at it. I had 7 Samsung products and only 2 still work correctly - the stove and microwave. Washer drum bearings went out, dryer buttons don’t work, dishwasher has to be started 2-3-4 times and the ice maker leaks.
Publicado: August 24, 2020
Sandy of Dale, Indiana
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased this on 8/14/16. Oct 20, 2017. Its completely useless. Lasted
We purchased this on 8/14/16. Oct 20, 2017. Its completely useless. Lasted 14 months. I have been without a refrigerator for 24 days. Still have two weeks to wait for a part. (38 days total) In the meantime I have a refrigerator with black mold. I have been contacting Home Depot about a refund. Its a NO! I asked for a small loaner. My local Home Depot says NO. I am a very dissatisfied customer. I would give it a zero not a one star. I am on a waitlist to be repaired. This is unacceptable. I want a refund.
Publicado: November 13, 2017
Linda of Austin, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Have brand new expensive induction stove. One plastic leg would not adjust
Have brand new expensive induction stove. One plastic leg would not adjust the height. Manufacturer defect. Samsung told me to hire technician and refused to even ship the part. Worst part that they wasted my time on the phone and online filling stupid forms. Would not count on their warranty and product.
Publicado: May 10, 2016
Bal of Hsdgvd, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Besides the problem we are having with Samsung refrigerator, customer servi
Besides the problem we are having with Samsung refrigerator, customer service department is a nightmare, in 10 days they called me to send same document that I already sent. Every time I called, I was given different information. I really dont know which one is true now.
Publicado: August 3, 2017
Haci of Mastic, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

RF series fridge freezes up, leaks water on to floor causing damage to floo
RF series fridge freezes up, leaks water on to floor causing damage to flooring. Ice maker also freezes up. Must defrost fridge for an entire day every month or so. Samsung will not share the root cause of this failure. The solution offered by Samsung is to defrost it for 24 hours. Our $1000.00 dishwasher was placed curbside after 1.5 years. Microwave oven also failed after 3.5 years. Dont purchase Samsung appliances unless you are willing to replace the appliances every 2 years.
Publicado: June 17, 2019
Christine of Acton, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

10 months ago we purchase a Samsung dishwasher model DW80J3020. It complete
10 months ago we purchase a Samsung dishwasher model DW80J3020. It completely stopped working. While it was still under warranty, we had service technicians come out which took 3 days. Then they had to order a part. Two days later we had it working... It worked one time. Two more service calls later it was deemed unrepairable. Since that time we have tried to get a refund and all we get is shuffled from one Customer Care (what a joke) Department to another with no information or response. Finally we sent them the receipt on the suggested form... Still no response. My advice to you is dont ever buy a product from Samsung. They have shoddy products and the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
Publicado: September 11, 2017
Felix of Bellaire, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a call into a repair service for which I pay a maintenance agreement
I have a call into a repair service for which I pay a maintenance agreement fee. It will take me 2 1/2 weeks to get a repair person here. 2nd time this refrigerator has quit due to a frozen drain. It is 2 years old. I will never buy a Samsung product of any type again. Its 10:30 at night and my children and I have just moved out into a garage refrigerator.
Publicado: June 8, 2015
Cory of Des Moines, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung side by side with ice maker less than two years ago.
I purchased a Samsung side by side with ice maker less than two years ago. It went out on Oct 28. We have had a technician out twice. The second time he ordered parts which have been here for over a week. It is now Nov 20 and now they tell me they can’t have anyone come out until Dec 9. I have called numerous times to see if they could send someone out before Dec 9. The last time the technician was here over two weeks ago, he told us not to put much food in the fridge because it will just refreeze and go out. It is such a hassle and expense to go to the store every couple of days. We have lost hundreds of dollars of food that has not been replaced.
Publicado: November 20, 2013
Roberta of Fairborn, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung refrigerator 9 months ago from the Sears home applian
I purchased a Samsung refrigerator 9 months ago from the Sears home appliance store. Just over 3 weeks ago, I noticed the freezer wasnt cooling. When I called Sears, they informed me that a technician would not be able to come out for 10 days. If I wanted someone sooner, I would have to call Samsung. Samsung sent out a tech within 3 days who said there was a leak and more than likely it would break down again until they can find the source of the leak. Just over a week ago, the freezer stopped cooling again. I called Samsung and they told me that I had to get in touch with someone to repair and I would be compensated, but they had to be certified to work on Samsung. I called the same company that came out before, who, as of 2 days ago, no longer deals with Samsung and 2 other companies who wont work on Samsung at all. Im stuck with a $3000 refrigerator that was purchased less than a year ago with an extended warranty that no one, including Sears or Samsung, is willing to fix!!
Publicado: June 27, 2013
Cindy of Washington, DC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a gas range and woke up to my daughter puking and the home sme
We purchased a gas range and woke up to my daughter puking and the home smelling like gas!!! Called the gas company and they red flagged my rage. It was defective at oven. Samsung said Oh we are going above and beyond to get this taken care of and need to do a full inspection! After everybody calling me hours all day about getting it taken care of O A we have no service agents in your area. You are now without anything till a week and a half away! Gas company said we are very lucky!
Publicado: September 4, 2019
Holly of Kittanning, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Samsung microwave turned itself on. I could not turn it off - had to unp
My Samsung microwave turned itself on. I could not turn it off - had to unplug it. When I opened it my plastic plate cover was melted completely.
Publicado: January 17, 2015
patricia of Rotonda West, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a French Door refrigerator. The Freezer temperature will not set at
I have a French Door refrigerator. The Freezer temperature will not set at the temperature that I set it at. It is way too cold or too warm. After 4 service calls, the repairman says that there is nothing I can do. It is a faulty design. New parts have been replaced that did not help. I have spent many hours on the phone trying to get this situation resolved, and I only get that same thing, Well send a repairman out, but the repairman cannot fix the problem. Ive asked repeatedly for a new refrigerator to replace this one, which is still under warranty. Ive sent numerous emails to Samsung, as high up the corporate ladder as is possible online. Someone tell me what I can do next. Go to the Federal Trade Commission? Thanks.
Publicado: April 12, 2016
bob of Corvallis, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I would like to prevent others from going through the same disappointment (
I would like to prevent others from going through the same disappointment (anger) of trying to obtain service on a Samsung refrigerator. When I bought the refrigerator 6 years ago at Lowes, I was told I would have service. After one week of many phone calls to Lowes and Samsung (a loss of all food in the freezer), I have a message on my phone today that they do not have a repair person in my area and I am to find my own person to repair my unit! Not to mention that a 6-year old refrigerator with minimal use is broken. I will never buy another Samsung product.
Publicado: June 20, 2013
Sandy of Indiana, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Samsung Dishwasher because I thought I saw reviews that it was
I bought my Samsung Dishwasher because I thought I saw reviews that it was a good choice. Cant trust all those reviews as this dishwasher lasted less than 2 years. The cost to repair was more than what I paid for the dishwasher in the first place. I have never owned a dishwasher with such poor lasting ability. I will never purchase another Samsung appliance again. SHAME on Samsung for such a bad product. I should get at least 5-10 years out of it. They dont even have enough confidence in their product to offer more than the standard 1 year warranty. I am just so disgusted right now. I dont know what to do.
Publicado: October 18, 2018
Cheryle of Salt Lake City, UT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have not had any problems with my dishwasher. The dishwasher was not that
I have not had any problems with my dishwasher. The dishwasher was not that expensive and I would definitely buy it again. This dishwasher cleans well. It looks awesome in my kitchen. I am very satisfied with this purchase.
Publicado: March 12, 2020
Sabrenia of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 3 year old Samsung range model #NE59J7630SS blew a fuse when it was a ye
My 3 year old Samsung range model #NE59J7630SS blew a fuse when it was a year old. The technician told me to pull the stove out more as it was getting too hot when I cleaned it. Now my stove started sparking in behind and then turned into flames and burned all the wiring in the back panel. The fire dept called an inspector as they said this should not happen to a stove. I would not buy a Samsung again.
Publicado: July 17, 2019
Sharon of Calgary, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive owned the Samsung Fridge for 28 months and noticed that items in the fr
Ive owned the Samsung Fridge for 28 months and noticed that items in the freezer were thawing out. Called Samsung was given their authorized repair shop. 3 business day wait (Do they have a lot of work?). The coolant chemical Freon was leaking. I tell Samsung this is not normal and they say Well its past warranty so you are on your own. Over $1,000 to repair to the fridge is basically worthless. No sense repairing the existing piece of garbage so I will buy a new one. NEVER NEVER NEVER buy a Samsung. Quality is poor and they will NOT back you up when this problem occurs.
Publicado: October 30, 2015
Joel of Calgary, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Samsung Over-The-Range Microwave from Lowes in February 2010. I
I bought a Samsung Over-The-Range Microwave from Lowes in February 2010. I just found out I need the keypad replaced. The warranty ran out in February. I called Samsung and they said there is nothing they can do because the warranty has expired. They have already been out once while the microwave was still under warranty. The cost of the repair is about $260. I tried to explain to them that even though the microwave is no longer under warranty, I would think a $400 microwave would last longer than 18 months. She said I am eligible for a new one if they have to fix the same issue twice within a year. That doesnt really matter to me since I would have to pay to have it fixed twice. She didnt understand this concept and could not get past the fact that the warranty had expired. Now I have 2 options: get it fixed or buy a new one. I would just like for a company for once to stand behind their product. I dont think an 18 month life expectancy is what they had in mind. Especially since the last cheap microwave I had lasted 15 years without incident.
Publicado: August 7, 2011
Jeff of Salem, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a new model french door RF263TEASESR Samsung refrigerator 4 ye
We purchased a new model french door RF263TEASESR Samsung refrigerator 4 years ago. Recently the bottom ice maker in the pull-out freezer stopped making ice. The top ice maker still works but continues to ice up on the outside and will not defrost. I contacted a local tech for repairs and once he heard Samsung - he refused to visit for repairs. Mentioned lack of parts, difficulty of design for making repairs, lack of technical help from call center, etc. I went to Lowes, where we purchased for a recommendation and was told that they had no suggestions for help. Local techs had actually called them and told them not to send these repairs to them. I asked if they still sold Samsung products and he said YES. Unbelievable! My only recourse was to try to contact a Samsung regional repair center which I assume Ill have to do as no local service is available.
Publicado: July 12, 2017
Leonard of Mills River, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive owned nearly every brand of dishwasher available in the USA at one time
Ive owned nearly every brand of dishwasher available in the USA at one time or another, from a Caloric in the 1970s to, Whirlpool, GE, Frigidaire, Kenmore, and most recently a Samsung. None of my previous dishwashers ever leaked water except for the Samsung. The motor shaft seal leaked and the water caused the pump motor to fail. $150 dollar repair if you do the labor yourself. After watching many YouTube videos on Samsung dishwashers I have discovered this to be a common problem. Its a poor design that has cost Samsung a repeat customer forever.
Publicado: November 3, 2020
THOMAS of Keithville, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Water in crisper bins, ice underneath the bins, freezer compartment wont de
Water in crisper bins, ice underneath the bins, freezer compartment wont defrost, must do it manually every 6 weeks.
Publicado: January 11, 2015
Gary of Mission, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The white finish on our 2 1/2 yr old refridge started blistering near the i
The white finish on our 2 1/2 yr old refridge started blistering near the ice/water dispenser. It has been dry there the whole time. This has now been going on for several months. Now there are black spots in the blistering. I have taken photos and emailed them to Samsung. Samsung has refused to pay the approx $600 for a new door. They claim its cosmetic. When this same machine was less than a year, the panel on the dispenser went out and was replaced under warranty. All in all, were very unhappy with the fridge and even more unhappy with Samsungs response. I would never recommend Samsung and would never buy another product from them. Attached is one of the early photos. Its worse now.
Publicado: July 28, 2014
susan of San Clemente, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had the fridge for 3 years and have had it serviced, now will be the
I have had the fridge for 3 years and have had it serviced, now will be the 4th time. The fridge has stopped cooling because it freezes behind the produce bins and the fan stops working, over and over again. I have put another $600 or so since I bought this **. I am over it. I will never buy anything Samsung again.
Publicado: July 3, 2012
Bobbie of San Diego, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Samsung refrigerator not cooling bought 11 months ago. I am hoping for a fa
Samsung refrigerator not cooling bought 11 months ago. I am hoping for a fair solution from Samsung but not pleased with all the reviews that suggest that Samsung will not honor the one year warranty that it was sold with. If Lowes is to keep carrying Samsung refrigerators, the Samsung company needs to honor warranties and know how to fix their products. I am still asking for the warranty to be honored; they say it is out of warranty which it will be next week. I hope to get a repair this week and not need to take other action.
Publicado: June 13, 2017
Ben of New Orleans, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I will never buy another Samsung dishwasher again. The inside baskets start
I will never buy another Samsung dishwasher again. The inside baskets started rusting falling apart and the replacements cost over $200.00 for the top & $200.00 for the bottom.! The dishwasher also makes a squealing noise near the end of the cycle! The Samsung dishwasher cost us over $1000.00 dollars, it’s not worth the aggravation!!
Publicado: October 9, 2021
Pat of Sicklerville, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this French door Samsung refrigerator cause the one that came with
I bought this French door Samsung refrigerator cause the one that came with the house I bought had died. After looking at both Home Depot, H. H. Gregg, Lowe’s and Best Buy - I settled on this model RF268ABWP at Lowe’s in white. A little background - I went to culinary institute of America at Greystone and have been a professional chef for over 30 years - I know my way around a kitchen and appliances. This Samsung is the worst - there’s just not hardly any storage room in freezer and it continually ices up to the point the drawer/door is open and water/ ice melts on to the kitchen floor. The door at several places has started to rust, underneath the coolselect crisper drawer in the main body of fridge also continually ices up and the drawer starts to be pushed out. Have to thaw ice jam and remove ice sheet and then dry out fridge bottom and freezer drawer bottom. Complete pain in the **. Called Lowe’s customer service and nothing, also called Samsung and nothing no help. After reading and digging around on internet found that it’s a design flaw and company knew about it but refuses to fix. If I could fit on my boat it would be at the bottom of some lake. Complete junk and a waste of over 1400 bucks - my advice to anyone buying a new or used fridge - stay away from Samsung.
Publicado: November 3, 2018
Chef of Bridgeville, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We, like a couple of others, were going through a remodel and decided to up
We, like a couple of others, were going through a remodel and decided to upgrade our appliances. We bought the Samsung range, $2600, from Lowes when they had a special on this range. Expensive, to say the least, but it was beautiful. Because of construction delays we did not get the range and other appliances installed until several months later. We been using the range for about 6 months now and the oven just never seems to be right. The Tech has been out twice and says, Everything checks out? So, Thanksgiving come around and we do a Turkey, all timed out according to the oven temp and time for the 20 pound bird. 5 hours later and the temp wand said it was done. We took it to our Daughters house and began cutting -- nope, not done. It look done, but pink meat and really pink and red around the thigh joints. Closer to the breast the white meat was slightly pink as well.If you want to do cookies you have to settle for near burnt outer crust, making for hard cookies, if you want the centers to get done. The oven may test right but somewhere along the way, through the process of heating and cooling to maintain temp this oven is failing. Looking to get it replaced. We would even stay with Samsung if they would agree to a replacement of a different model. Im for going back to an Electric. That is a lot of money for a range that only half works. We had a cheap wall oven that worked great for all baking, did not know how well it worked until we bought this Samsung.
Publicado: November 24, 2018
Dan of Chico, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the Samsung electric range model NE59J7630SG in July 2017 from Hom
I bought the Samsung electric range model NE59J7630SG in July 2017 from Home Depot when they had the huge sale with refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher. Before, I have been using a different brand electric range for years with no problem. After about 2 months later, I started to see white scratches in the middle of burner. It looked like some liquid residue right underneath the glass top, which I could not get rid of with cleaning. After 3.5 months later, one night, my mom used it before she went to bed, slept, and when we came out the next morning, we saw round shaped broken glasses on the cooktop which soon gave a big long crack across the burner. I called customer service asking for replacement (had 1yr warranty). They sent me a tech to diagnose, then they said they could not replace it because its a physical damage.I requested second opinion, they sent another tech who said he would request for the replacement, didnt hear anything back for 2 weeks. I called the tech and found out Samsung denied it since its a physical damage. The tech said it would cost me $500 just to replace the top after I just spent $750 buying a new one. I have been fighting with Samsung for 2 months now, spoke with 4-5 different managers. Three of them gave me an approval to get it fixed at their cost, but nothing gets done. Every time I call them, I get a different rep at a different location, they cannot connect me to the person I spoke to before. You give them the ticket# with the approval, but doesnt matter. They dont care what the previous manager promised you, you will have to start from the beginning all over again. They are saying its their policy that physical damage is not covered by the warranty, I did something wrong with the range, doesnt admit that its their product defect. I googled to see if people had the same problem as I did, I found people with the same problem!!! Even I found one on this website, this lady her pictures on here and it looked exactly the same as mine and she said one day she heard a loud bang in her kitchen and the crack on her cooktop!! Do not waste your money on Samsung product. Their product is horrible and when there is a problem, good luck with it.
Publicado: January 21, 2018
Jennifer of Lawrenceville, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’ve had nothing but issues with my refrigerator... Ice maker gives
I’ve had nothing but issues with my refrigerator... Ice maker gives us grief and leaks at times, but most of all the problem at hand is the fact that our refrigerator just randomly overheats and when we reset it it gets super cold...it typically takes all of 24 hours of messing with it and resetting it multiple times to get it to run properly! We’ve tried to get it warrantied out with no luck so far!
Publicado: August 31, 2020
Bianca of Spanaway, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought two identical side by side refrigerators 5 years ago. Both now ha
We bought two identical side by side refrigerators 5 years ago. Both now have water is leaking from behind the crisper drawer. This appears to describe what is happening: **. The fact that it happened to both and that the repair is posted with the expectation that the consumer will fix is disappointing. Is there a class action? Do not contact us until March.
Publicado: February 15, 2015
Janice of Lincoln, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The ice maker stopped working within a few days after owning the refrigerat
The ice maker stopped working within a few days after owning the refrigerator. It freezes up requiring the ice maker to be removed and thawed out. This has to be a common problem with this refrigerator as it works for a few days then the problem repeats. I would not recommend buying any item from Samsung as I think they are just interested in ripping people off and not standing by their products. They got caught with the cell phones but appliances are harder to claim damages even if the damages are clear design problems.
Publicado: November 6, 2016
charles of Wheeling, WV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The refrigerator was purchased 8 years ago. It was replacing a 30 year old
The refrigerator was purchased 8 years ago. It was replacing a 30 year old General Electric that still worked but was not “energy” efficient. Shortly after the warrant (1 year) ended, the vegetable and fruit bins froze up. The temperature kept warming and all the food in the freezer and refrigerator had to be thrown away. The worth was about $200. I called for repairs and was told I had to use specific Samsung warranty repairman. The repairs were not covered but some of the parts were. Since then, I have had to have it repaired at least 5 times and have lost 100s of dollars in food. I finally purchased a small GE for the garage to move the food when the fridge shows signs of failing. I have written, emailed and called Samsung several times and have not received any satisfaction! I will never buy a Samsung appliance again. They need to stick to TVs.
Publicado: November 9, 2018
Libda of Perrysburg, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Samsung refrigerator 3 years ago. Ive been having problems si
I purchased a Samsung refrigerator 3 years ago. Ive been having problems since then. It is covered under warranty but this time is the last straw! My refrigerator has extreme mold and black smut that was blown in my air vent through my entire home. Its all over my curtains, furniture, dishes, appliances etc. Lowes refuse to pay for my damages. My family and Ive been inhaling this smut for almost 2 months. Ive decided to get an attorney involved. This is unfair!
Publicado: May 29, 2015
Sharon of Horn Lake, MS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought the Samsung Waterwall Dishwasher in Black Stainless Steel in July. I
Bought the Samsung Waterwall Dishwasher in Black Stainless Steel in July. It was not delivered on time, Lowes claimed that Samsung sends it when they feel like it and doesnt adhere to the deadlines they themselves create. My refrigerator wasnt delivered until late August! We had our first dishwasher leak in August, had to replace the kitchen floor! The dishwasher has had many problems with cleaning, Ive been told its due to the distance between the washer and sink. So I basically use it as a sanitizer. Started leaking again, called Samsung, they sent the information to a contractor in town. Contractor ordered parts, 7-10 business days to get the part!!! Are you kidding me??? An emergency plumber could come take care of this today!!!Ive been on the phone with them for hours today, there is nothing they can do to speed up this process. The best they can do is turn my water off so it doesnt ruin my floor again! Thats wonderful with a house full of people and Thanksgiving at my house. I bought brand new so I didnt have to deal with this. I guess Samsung just doesnt mean quality anymore.
Publicado: November 17, 2016
A. of Albuquerque, NM
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I should have listened to myself and only buy made with pride in the U.S. p
I should have listened to myself and only buy made with pride in the U.S. products UGH! We bought a SAMSUNG model RS265TDRS for an apartment that we use only on weekends. With 2 people, I hardly think that fridge gets much use but I do stock it with meats and other frozen food. I happen to notice my dog was licking something at the floor at the bottom of the fridge and that is when I noticed the leak was coming from the fridge. I open the freezer and refrigerator and everything is melting. I thought I maybe left the door ajar earlier ? NO, I did not! Who is going to pay for the spoilage now? Is Samsung going to reimburse me for all the food that got wasted? I also got Samsung TVs , Range, Microwave, Dishwasher, the whole works! Am I going to expect those to break down anytime soon?
Publicado: October 21, 2013
Juno of Jersey City, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the microwave on 5/2016 from Best Buy. 7/2016 microwave filter
We purchased the microwave on 5/2016 from Best Buy. 7/2016 microwave filter began to pop out randomly once hitting me on my chest, then buttons were pressed on their own as if we had a ghost. Fan turns its self on, the light goes on by itself, a code came on (Samsung comp said disconnect and connect again - WHAT!!!). Geek Squad came and changed the board panel, filter panel, door. Called Samsung company, they sent a tech who changed the SAME thing. The company refused to replace the microwave. Once all was replaced the microwave worked for 1 mo and began to malfunction once more. Now the microwave freezes, we can not press any button on the door, the microwave turns off as if it was unplugged plus all the other things that were wrong with the microwave.I have asked to speak with the manager and all I ever get told is the microwave will be replaced if the SAMSUNG tech recommends it. Hello they work for Samsung it will not get recommended. Well the tech came today. Recommendations replace the door again. Really. That will be the 3rd time. The stove it takes a long time igniting. I was told not to cook with flour (I do not cook with flour). The fridge the ice dispenser it is very small you are lucky if you get 4 cups with ice. Icemaker sweats and drips water inside the fridge. This was the first time we purchased Samsung appliances, and it will be the last one. I should of bought Viking/Frigidaire appliances. DO NOT PURCHASE SAMSUNG APPLIANCE. They are the worst.
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Claudia of Pearland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My experience with this Samsung 3 door fridge has been very disappointing.
My experience with this Samsung 3 door fridge has been very disappointing. I have never spent over 2000.00 on a fridge for it to cost more than 1000.00 in repairs only 2 years later. It constantly freezes up, ice cube maker doesnt work, the freezer door handle snapped the middle where doors close broke off. I need a new fridge after 2 years and spending over 3000.00.
Publicado: June 19, 2017
Cathleen of London, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

These are possibly the worst appliances ever made. Researched before purcha
These are possibly the worst appliances ever made. Researched before purchasing, and reviews were good for the price ranges. However, have had it repaired twice for same problem - no ice, leaking water, ice buildup on drawer so wont close. Repairman replaced freezer parts, drawer glides, ice maker unit. It now is creating the same problem that we have had from day one of owning it. This is the biggest piece of junk posing as a refrigerator. Samsung does not care. Haveterrible attitude when speaking to representatives, IF you get an answer, or a call back. DO NOT BUY THESE APPLIANCES.
Publicado: August 2, 2015
Donna of Middlebury, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung French Door refrigerator, 4/15, and within one mon
We purchased our Samsung French Door refrigerator, 4/15, and within one month there was mold starting to appear on all rubber door seals. Im sure Ill be told its all cosmetic, but all the same its very disappointing.
Publicado: November 23, 2015
Lisa of Thomaston, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had this Samsung model RF267 Water and Ice maker repaired every year
I have had this Samsung model RF267 Water and Ice maker repaired every year for the past 2 years. It was broken when I got it. When the ice maker work it is very loud. The water bottle has been replaced twice. It leaks water. The appliance company repaired it for me said they get calls every day from consumers about the same problems on the Samsung Refrigerators. I dont know what to do. This is an expensive piece of junk. The refrigerator is only 4 years old.
Publicado: September 24, 2014
Rosalyn of Saint Johns, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our Samsung in August of 2014. We were gone for an extended pe
We purchased our Samsung in August of 2014. We were gone for an extended period of time and the fridge was barely used and was off most of the time after delivery. We returned in mid March and a couple of weeks ago in early April 2015 I placed a double wrapped (plastic and butcher wrap) package of frozen fish on a fridge shelf to thaw for cooking in a couple of days. Two days later, when I went to the fridge there was a terrible odor... fish. I noticed the thawed fish had leaked and spilled all over the shelf and down into the drawer below. I removed it all and cleaned it up and tossed the fish too sickened to cook it. About 4 days or so later I noticed that the odor remained. I recleaned the entire fridge. I noticed that the shelf on which the fish leaked, the one that I had cleaned thoroughly now had a reddish brown stain all along all sides under the tempered glass between the shelf frame and the glass. Ok, I thought, I must remove the glass BUT the glass is sealed into the frame and I could and cannot remove it for proper cleaning. Now, the clear fluid that leaked under the glass has a reddish brown color which indicates to me that bacteria were feasting on the fish juice that spilled from the package. I was alarmed and ran hot water from the faucet directly onto the shelf sides. NO LUCK! I then tried soaking the shelf... one side at a time, in my sink in hot soapy water. STILL NO LUCK. I called Samsung, live chatted with Samsung and submitted emails and called my appliance dealer.We purchased an expensive 5 year warranty for service. I thought they would make this right. All of the shelves, freezer and fridge are sealed. You cannot clean any spilled liquid!!! I even tried inserting a single edged razor blade under the side to let water in but it would not. I asked Samsung for directions on how to clean those sides of the glass. THEY SAID THEY HAD NO SUGGESTION. My appliance dealer also said they could not help. After approximately 8 hours on the phone with Samsung I now have a refrigerator that is a bacteria factory and cannot be cleaned. I am going to report this here and now I am going to search out a class action lawyer who will take this case.I have NEVER owned a fridge that did now allow for cleaning of the glass, or if sealed, did not allow fluid leakage. SAMSUNG HAS A DESIGN FLAW. If you care about your health and the health of your family DO NOT BUY A SAMSUNG PRODUCT. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE HEALTH RELATED ISSUES. Samsung offered to send out a service person. HOWEVER, if this was a cleaning/maintenance issue, I would have to pay for a $55.00 charge. Do not even try going into their self help or request for service by phone or online. Both methods ultimately shift you back into a service request circle of forms that grow more complicated.I spent more than four hours on the link that I was given that would solve my problem. I took the link and filled out all the information, uploaded photos of the problem (bacteria growing) and scanned and uploaded my sales receipt. It then flipped me to a self-help page that one could NEVER escape from until Samsung clocked you out. If you are human, like me, and occasionally spill liquids in the fridge, DO NOT BUY A SAMSUNG, IT WOULD BE SAFER TO BUY AN ICE CHEST AND A BAG OF ICE IF YOURE LOOKING FOR SAFE FOOD STORAGE. Thats it, Ill never buy another Samsung product! Now, Im off to find a class action lawyer to make them fix this problem. Ive felt nauseated ever since noticing this reddish brown bacteria. Dont know if it was/is the bacteria I cant remove or the stress that Samsung has caused!
Publicado: April 26, 2015
Mary of Kettle Falls, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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