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Speed Queen Accesorios
Speed Queen Accesorios

Speed Queen Reparación de electrodomésticos

Ningún otro equipo de lavandería está construido de manera más resistente para durar más. Y sus máquinas son solo el comienzo. Desde su fuerza laboral dedicada hasta sus socios de distribución mejor calificados, nadie está comprometido con la limpieza como Speed ??Queen.

Lavadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y mås allå, Speed Queen fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Speed Queen por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Mi lavadora Speed Queen no gira
Conjunto del interruptor de la tapa. El conjunto del interruptor de la tapa evita que la lavadora gire cuando la tapa estĂĄ abierta. Si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa falla, la lavadora no girarĂĄ. Para determinar si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa estĂĄ defectuoso, utilice un multĂ­metro para comprobar la continuidad del interruptor de la tapa. Si el interruptor de la tapa no tiene continuidad, sustitĂșyalo.

Mi lavadora Speed Queen hace ruido
Rodamiento. El cojinete de la cuba estĂĄ montado en el centro de la cuba exterior. El rodamiento de la tina ayuda a mantener la tina interna girando suavemente. La sustituciĂłn del cojinete de la cuba es una reparaciĂłn muy complicada y requiere el desmontaje de la mayor parte de la lavadora. Si el cojinete de la cuba estĂĄ defectuoso, recomendamos sustituir tanto la cuba exterior como el cojinete.

La lavadora Speed Queen no agita
Juego de reparación del agitador. Si la lavadora no agita, la sustitución del kit de reparación del agitador puede resolver el problema. El kit contiene los componentes del agitador que tienen mås probabilidades de desgastarse y/o fallar. Si alguna de las piezas estå desgastada, despojada o dañada, sustituya el kit.

La lavadora Speed Queen no desagua
Bomba de desagĂŒe. A veces, pequeños objetos o artĂ­culos de ropa pueden quedar atrapados en la bomba de desagĂŒe. Para determinar si algo estĂĄ bloqueando la bomba de desagĂŒe, retire la bomba de desagĂŒe y compruebe que no haya obstrucciones. Si la bomba de desagĂŒe estĂĄ libre de obstrucciones, pero sigue siendo ruidosa durante el ciclo de desagĂŒe, sustituya la bomba de desagĂŒe.

La lavadora Speed Queen vibra o se agita
Amortiguador. Uno o mås de los amortiguadores podría estar roto o desgastado. Los amortiguadores amortiguan la vibración de la cuba de la lavadora. Si uno o mås de los amortiguadores estån desgastados, la lavadora vibrarå o se sacudirå. A veces, cuando se traslada la lavadora a otro lugar, los amortiguadores pueden separarse. Compruebe los amortiguadores para asegurarse de que estån colocados correctamente, e inspecciónelos en busca de daños y desgaste. Si uno o mås de los amortiguadores estån rotos o desgastados, recomendamos sustituir todos los amortiguadores como medida preventiva.

La lavadora Speed Queen se llena lentamente o no se llena en absoluto
VĂĄlvula de entrada de agua. La vĂĄlvula de entrada de agua se abre para permitir que el agua entre en la lavadora. Si la vĂĄlvula de entrada de agua estĂĄ defectuosa, la lavadora puede llenarse lentamente o no llenarse en absoluto. La vĂĄlvula de entrada de agua requiere una presiĂłn de agua suficiente para funcionar correctamente. En primer lugar, compruebe la presiĂłn del agua para determinar si es adecuada. Si la presiĂłn del agua es adecuada, intente limpiar las rejillas del interior de los puertos de conexiĂłn de la manguera de la vĂĄlvula de entrada de agua. Si la lavadora sigue llenĂĄndose lentamente, sustituya la vĂĄlvula de entrada de agua.

Mi lavadora Speed Queen tiene fugas
Bomba de desagĂŒe. La bomba de desagĂŒe bombea agua por la manguera de desagĂŒe. Si la bomba de desagĂŒe estĂĄ agrietada o dañada, o si los cojinetes estĂĄn desgastados, la bomba de desagĂŒe puede perder agua. La bomba de drenaje no se puede reparar; si la bomba pierde agua, reemplĂĄcela.

La lavadora Speed Queen no se pone en marcha
Temporizador. El temporizador es frecuentemente mal diagnosticado - antes de reemplazar el temporizador, primero revise todas las partes mĂĄs comĂșnmente defectuosas. Para determinar si el temporizador estĂĄ defectuoso, consulte el diagrama de cableado de su lavadora y utilice un multĂ­metro para comprobar la continuidad del temporizador.

La lavadora Speed Queen no centrifuga ni agita
Correa de transmisiĂłn. Inspeccione la correa de transmisiĂłn para determinar si estĂĄ rota o si estĂĄ suelta en las poleas. Si la correa de transmisiĂłn estĂĄ rota o suelta, reemplĂĄcela.

Secadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y mås allå, Speed Queen fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Speed Queen por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

La secadora Speed Queen no arranca
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando estå bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrå continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica estå interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior estå restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

La secadora Speed Queen ha dejado de girar
Correa de transmisiĂłn. La correa de transmisiĂłn es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensiĂłn y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de transmisiĂłn. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa estĂĄ rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rĂĄpidamente si la correa estĂĄ rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa estĂ© rota. A continuaciĂłn, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que estĂĄ rota. Si la correa estĂĄ rota, sustitĂșyala.

El tambor de la secadora Speed Queen no gira
Correa de transmisiĂłn. La correa de transmisiĂłn es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensiĂłn y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de transmisiĂłn. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa estĂĄ rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rĂĄpidamente si la correa estĂĄ rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa estĂ© rota. A continuaciĂłn, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que estĂĄ rota. Si la correa estĂĄ rota, sustitĂșyala.

La secadora Speed Queen tarda demasiado
Problema de flujo de aire. Si el respiradero estå obstruido o parcialmente obstruido, restringirå el flujo de aire a través de la secadora, aumentando sustancialmente el tiempo de secado. Para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de la secadora, debe limpiar el sistema de ventilación de su secadora al menos una vez al año.

Secadora Speed Queen sobrecalentada
Elemento calefactor. El elemento calefactor calienta el aire antes de que Ă©ste entre en el tambor de la secadora. Si el elemento estĂĄ parcialmente cortocircuitado, puede producir calor continuamente, incluso si la secadora ha alcanzado la temperatura adecuada. Cuando esto ocurre, la secadora se calienta demasiado. Para determinar si el elemento calefactor estĂĄ averiado, utilice un multĂ­metro para comprobar la continuidad de cada terminal con la carcasa. Si el elemento calefactor tiene continuidad con la carcasa, estĂĄ en cortocircuito. Si el elemento calefactor estĂĄ en cortocircuito, sustitĂșyalo.

La secadora Speed Queen no se detiene
Problema de flujo de aire. Si el respiradero estå obstruido o parcialmente obstruido, restringirå el flujo de aire a través de la secadora, aumentando sustancialmente el tiempo de secado. Para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de la secadora, debe limpiar el sistema de ventilación de su secadora al menos una vez al año.

La secadora Speed Queen no calienta
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando estå bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrå continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica estå interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior estå restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

El disyuntor de la secadora Speed Queen se dispara
El disyuntor estå débil. Con el tiempo, los disyuntores pueden debilitarse. Si el disyuntor es débil, puede dispararse con demasiada frecuencia, incluso si el consumo de amperios estå por debajo del límite. Si ya ha comprobado todos los componentes potencialmente defectuosos de la secadora, considere la posibilidad de que un electricista sustituya el disyuntor.

Speed Queen Reparación de electrodomésticos

Speed Queen servicio de electrodomésticos

Speed Queen ayuda del aparato

Speed Queen asistencia de electrodomésticos

Speed Queen mantenimiento de electrodomésticos

Reseñas de productos:

Este es el segundo juego de lavadora y secadora Speed Queen que hemos compr
Este es el segundo juego de lavadora y secadora Speed Queen que hemos comprado. (Vendimos nuestra casa y dejamos el juego para los nuevos compradores.) Speed Queen estå hecha en los Estados Unidos de acero de alta calidad y productos duraderos. Es la marca que han utilizado en las lavanderías durante años por su durabilidad. No tiene un montón de campanas y silbatos. Es una lavadora de carga superior y una secadora de fondo frontal. Nunca he tenido problemas de olores, no secado, lavado, etc. Cuestan mås, pero merecen la pena. No compraría nada mås de SPEED QUEEN.
Publicado: May 25, 2020
Christine of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a Speed Queen washer in 2013. Just recently started making noise. Ca
Bought a Speed Queen washer in 2013. Just recently started making noise. Called in repairman who found that a bolt had broken causing other damage to the tune of $800. Contacted Speed Queen, and Andrea in Customer Support said sorry, out of warranty, nothing we can do. So, when their website claims they can last for 25 years, Im not sure I believe that. I would think a good quality bolt would last a long time.
Publicado: February 11, 2021
Dennis of Hartville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Researched washer and dryers for over 2 years while in the process of savin
Researched washer and dryers for over 2 years while in the process of saving for the new machines, saved a little longer and a little more because the decision was made to get the reputable, American made, commercial quality “Speed Queen” brand. Certain I was getting what I was paying for, boy was I wrong. We settled on the old school simple styled TC5 and DC5 dryer, the washer has been okay but is actually worse than our previous GE top loader as in you can’t fill it with clothes and soap as the machine fills with water, the cavity is smaller and the water level is shorter, not to mention sometimes stains are not being removed and forget about deodorant stains without scrubbing first compared to our old washer, also at times the clothes I put on the top are still on the top at the end of the wash cycle so it’s as if the agitator hadn’t worked.My biggest complaint and problem however has been the dryer, right from day one it took 2 cycles to dry loads. We purchased this set in October 2020 and by March 2021 the dryer is now taking 4 and sometimes 5 restarts to completely dry loads. When I first tried to claim my warranties, which is only online Speed Queens request page was down for maintenance for weeks and I finally had to get through to them via Facebook and email to send me my warranties. In March being fed up with the length and energy it takes to dry a load of clothes we contacted the store we purchased them from “Rochester Appliance” and they said they wouldn’t service us under warranty because we are a county over, then tried saying it was our dryer vent (no) and then gave us a number of another service man.We called him and he won’t service us under warranty because we didn’t buy them from him. Called Speed Queen and they too gave us contact numbers for servicemen that wouldn’t work under warranty or that just didn’t exist. So ended up taking it to Facebook where I’ve met up and actually joined a group of others who have had the same issues, and discovered from them another common problem we all share is a burnt, melty, sharp (from melting/burning) grate at the back of our dryers starting to rip and burn our laundry, so now we also have a potential fire hazard. And many others are experiencing their dryers running and never turning off, sometimes the whole time they’ve been at work, serious scary stuff and absolutely NO help, the warranties are essentially useless. I now despise this company and the dealer.
Publicado: May 29, 2021
Linda of Bloomfield, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tried to wash clothes this week, burning smell is coming from washer. Does
Tried to wash clothes this week, burning smell is coming from washer. Does not spin. Machine is 4 years old. Bitter Neumann tells me it is no longer under warranty. Warranty should be at least 5 years for this kind of problem. Disappointed. Poor design. Will not buy another Speed Queen. Machine is extremely heavy and very hard to take up and down stairs.
Publicado: July 15, 2018
Candy of Manitowoc, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This washer was bought in November 2019 and started malfunctioning in June
This washer was bought in November 2019 and started malfunctioning in June 2020. It refused to go to the rinse cycle. After several calls to Speed Queen they said it needed repair and recommended a repair service. After over 4 months of waiting, the motor has been replace along with a main computer board and still the machine wont work. they are coming to replace a second computer board today. thats three parts being replaced in a machine that is under a year old. Ive had washers over a decade old that never needed parts replaced. Speed queen refuses to replace the machine. Their warranty only covers repairs, not replacements. Even if its made in America its still garbage and a lemon that should never have made it to a showroom. This is what happens when sales top quality control. its the most expensive machine Ive ever owned and the absolute worst. Stick with Samsung, Whirlpool, anything other than Speed Queen. Dont believe the hype and advertising.
Publicado: October 28, 2020
sonel of Woodhaven, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband and I bought a Speed Queen Washer in 2018, might I say it was no
My husband and I bought a Speed Queen Washer in 2018, might I say it was not cheap. We had heard good reviews and wanted to get one that would last. We have now had it two years and now I am having to wash each load twice to just get most of the stains out of the clothes. My husband is a farmer and can go thru two to three pairs of jeans a day depending on what he is working on. For what we spend I could have bought a cheap one every six months for what this one cost. If you are looking to do heavy duty laundry the Speed Queen is not for the job.
Publicado: October 14, 2020
Dana of Mc Leansville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a matched set Speed Queen washer/dryer in June of 2013. We experi
Purchased a matched set Speed Queen washer/dryer in June of 2013. We experienced burning smells from the dryer from day one, but really didnt think much of it. Finally, in September of 2017, the smell got really bad so we called the repairman. When he opened it up, he couldnt believe the mess he saw inside. The machine had bad connectors from day one and they had finally gotten to the point where they burned so badly inside, they almost started a fire. The repairman said it was a manufacturer defect and to contact the company. We did, and they did nothing. They didnt even apologize that they almost burned our house down. Considering I frequently run the dryer during the night, a fire could have easily started while we were sleeping. I am stunned by the lack of customer service and am afraid to continue using the unit. The washing machine has made a noise from day one, as well, but the repairman cannot figure out where its coming from. I am so upset that all my long research to find the best, longest lasting machines still turned up junk.
Publicado: October 27, 2017
Elizabeth of Carmel, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I wanted a good reliable washing machine, like the good old days! It didnâ&
I wanted a good reliable washing machine, like the good old days! It didn’t matter about looks, or fancy stuff, I needed a workhorse that would clean clothes with heavy usage. I couldn’t take a chance. Speed Queen is the brand used in laundromats. I got a Speed Queen, and couldn’t be happier!
Publicado: February 21, 2019
Vicki of Olympia Fields, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a TR5 Speed Queen Washer in December 2019. It started malfuncti
I purchased a TR5 Speed Queen Washer in December 2019. It started malfunctioning even before the delivery truck was out of my driveway. The whole control panel was then replaced at the end of December 2019. Today, January 12, 2020, it is malfunctioning again. The lid locking mechanism works sometimes, but not other times. Im afraid that this will cause the machine to stop working completely as did the prior problem. This machine is not living up to its reputation. Maybe this one is just a lemon, but hopefully I can get a replacement or a working machine at some point. This was a $1,000 machine.
Publicado: January 12, 2020
Karin of Scotland, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I love this washer. It is the same washer they put in coin operator cleaner
I love this washer. It is the same washer they put in coin operator cleaners. The drum is made of steel and takes a lot of heavy clothes. I am amazed at how quiet it is. What I like best is that if I forget to add something, I can open the top and add it. Many washers lock the door once it starts. This washer is the only one made totally in the USA and comes with a three year guarantee. I have heard people say that their Speed Queen has lasted the 20 or more years.
Publicado: February 6, 2019
Nancy of Westampton Township, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have to say something because Im disgusted with this machine. Probably th
I have to say something because Im disgusted with this machine. Probably the most sturdy machine out there but simply does not clean good. My wifes dress clothes come out with the white marks on blacks. We have tried different soaps, and every possible setting to no avail. Extra rinses and all. Forget about my work jeans. They come out of this machine looking just as dirty as I put them in. I wish I kept my good perfectly running old washer with the good old agitator. I seriously dont know what Speed Queen was thinking of when they designed this machine. Think about this review before you buy this $1000 machine.
Publicado: March 8, 2019
Michael of Spotswood, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I recently was given an almost new Speed Queen electric dryer that was disc
I recently was given an almost new Speed Queen electric dryer that was discarded due to a problem that was going to cost over $400 to repair. The problem was definitely a factory defect. The problem involved the factory leaving a component out when it was assembled. This model ADEE8RGS173TW01 was repaired by me using new parts and now works properly... I have an older Speed Queen washer and gas dryer in my house and they work great but this factory defect situation on an almost new unit makes me wonder if the factory has the proper QC in place to make sure new units will indeed last a long time. I work on washers and dryers daily and I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hope they correct this type of problem...
Publicado: April 1, 2018
Thomas of Washington, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Not happy with the washer. Purchased to replace LG that was destroyed when
Not happy with the washer. Purchased to replace LG that was destroyed when my home burned during the N. Calif wild fires. Completely new home and just moved in. The washer has suds coming up the Drain, stand pipe during the spin cycle which overflow down the wall and onto the floor. The rubber adapter supplied to defuse this problem lessens but does not eliminate it. Online search shows this is a common problem with this washer as does the fact that Speed Queen has developed a adapter to defuse the suds problem. Unfortunately the solution is inadequate. Im considering taking the 2K loss paid for the washer and dryer to save on home repairs down the road. My suggestion is to look elsewhere for your washer.
Publicado: December 27, 2019
Gene of Redding, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Updated on 04/28/2021: We purchased a TR5 Speed Queen washer/dryer in June
Updated on 04/28/2021: We purchased a TR5 Speed Queen washer/dryer in June 2020. The washer has never worked right and the place of purchase Big Sandy Dublin, Ohio keeps sending out repairman that cannot fix it. Yesterday we had a 3:00 appointment after waiting another 2 weeks and repairman canceled. Next month the washer warranty will run out and I’m wondering if that’s the goal. I will never buy anything from Big Sandy or Speed Queen again. They don’t treat the customers right or back up their product. I’m reading many customer complaints of these newer speed queen appliances not working so this is definitely an issue they ARE aware of... There needs to be a recall and these customers need refunded the money they spent on these appliance lemons!! I spent the extra money for the speed queen name and quality and I’m now regretting it!Original Review: BUYER BEWARE???? Warning on buying Speed Queen appliances.??? We purchased the TR5 washer and dryer around this time last year. Almost immediately the washing cycle would stop and 4 lights come on simultaneously. The repairman have been to our house 3 times and the last time they replaced the control board but that didn’t fix it. Now they’re saying it’s a balance issue. We were sold a lemon and I have asked for a refund since we alerted them to this problem from the very beginning. I was told in an email that the manufacturers warranty covers repairs; there are no provisions for returns/exchanges so I’ll have to keep the lemon they sold me! I spent the extra money on this set because of the Speed queen name and quality and I’m deeply regretting it. I will NEVER buy a product from this company again nor will I recommend them to anyone.
Publicado: April 14, 2021
Julie of Orient, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi familia es muy activa. Mi hija monta a caballo y trabaja en un establo,
Mi familia es muy activa. Mi hija monta a caballo y trabaja en un establo, por lo que tenemos mucha ropa sucia y maloliente, incluidas las mantas de los caballos y las almohadillas de las sillas de montar. Cuando mi Maytag se rompió, fui a una pequeña tienda local que tenía varias marcas de electrodomésticos a la venta. Le conté al vendedor nuestra situación y le dije que no quería nada lujoso, que sólo quería una lavadora y una secadora que fueran un caballo de batalla. Me recomendó Speed Queen. Nunca había oído hablar de Speed Queen, pero confié en él e hice la compra.
Publicado: September 6, 2019
Sarah of Clayton, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Speed Queen washer and dryer for our new home in December 20
We purchased a Speed Queen washer and dryer for our new home in December 2017. I was surprised to see that were making these for home use as I used to work for a man who had several commercial washing centers in Philadelphia. These were the best machines ever. Now after using this for a few months it takes so long to dry towels and when washing new towels this week they came out with all kinds of pulled loops on towels, hand towels and washcloths. Very disappointed with this dryer. Washer also does not have a longer time to wash. Only 29 minutes max for heavy duty. What’s up with that?
Publicado: May 3, 2018
Margaret of Hardeeville, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I could not be more disappointed in an appliance, and Ive been buying them
I could not be more disappointed in an appliance, and Ive been buying them for my home for over 40 years. We had our Speed Queen dryer one month (!) and it stopped working. Cracked terminal block. Part not in stock! Long wait for repair.
Publicado: December 29, 2020
Pam of South Easton, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our Speed Queen washer & dryer in 2016. We were looking for s
We bought our Speed Queen washer & dryer in 2016. We were looking for something that would last & be durable. Even though the speed queen was smaller than other washers we thought the durability would be worth doing smaller loads. We were wrong! We have had numerous issues. In the beginning we would call customer support with no help. We needed to get a technician. We called several places, but only certain people work on them. I finally found a ace close, but because I did not buy it from them they would not repair it.The washer constantly leaks. Socks are constantly getting stuck in the rubber ring where it’s suppose to drain water. It’s disgusting! When you pull them out they are soaking wet & grimy. The little holes where the water drains get clogged so they have to be cleaned out constantly. There is an odor that lingers. We have tried to switch detergent to see if it helps which it does not. You can’t do many towels or blankets because it will throw an error code & water won’t drain. You have to unplug it to reset it. This usually leads to flipping the breaker because can’t get it pulled out to unplug it.The dryer is supposed to have an auto shut off when the clothes are dry, but it does not work. I was told to get it fixed I would have to pull it out in a regular basis & reset the auto sensor. Sometimes the clothes are dry & sometimes they are still damp. It takes over an hour to dry a normal load of clothes. Please don’t make the same mistake we did. Buy something else, anything else! A wash board would be better.
Publicado: July 1, 2020
T of Waxahachie, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Speed Queen is the monster washer, it never fails, it handles large and sma
Speed Queen is the monster washer, it never fails, it handles large and small loads and frequent use, it is not fancy but it is sturdy and reliable and cleans in a much faster time. This washer is made for families with a lot of cleaning needs. These are the same washers that they use in car washes and laundromats, you will spend about 500 more but the machine is superior and saves you on the extended service plan.
Publicado: May 27, 2020
Laurel of Medford, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Speed Queen was an excellent machine. I never had any problem with it a
The Speed Queen was an excellent machine. I never had any problem with it and it cleaned the clothes completely. I liked that it had different levels to choose from. From light to heavy duty. My beddings were cleaned safely. The dryer worked well and dried my clothes quickly which was great for me. I always like to finish with my laundry as fast as possible. I was completely satisfy. The clothes came out great, not too much wrinkles. The dryer did its job and would consider using it again in the future or even buying one for my personal use. For what I needed the Speed Queen delivered. All and all great features.
Publicado: March 21, 2017
Marsha of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

La mejor lavadora y secadora que se ha fabricado nunca - ÂĄsuperior a cualq
La mejor lavadora y secadora que se ha fabricado nunca - ¥superior a cualquier otra del mercado! Es un producto fiable y seguro: lo he tenido durante mås de 4 años sin necesidad de mantenimiento. Compraría otra Speed Queen antes que cualquier otra del mercado.
Publicado: May 22, 2020
Mary of Fond Du Lac, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a new washer and dryer set from Albees appliances in Los Angel
We purchased a new washer and dryer set from Albees appliances in Los Angeles in October of 2018. We have had Speed Queens throughout the years with little issue. Sadly, both the manufacturer and seller no longer stand by their product, 5 months after purchase the washer is not working, they will cover parts, not labor.
Publicado: March 26, 2019
Heather of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Speed Queen is built to last, and doesn’t have all the options t
The Speed Queen is built to last, and doesn’t have all the options that you never use. The machine does a great job washing your clothes and spin drying them. It’s top loading and has a agitator which I like very much.
Publicado: May 12, 2020
Dennis of Pasadena, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Speed Queen washer is a replacement for a Maytag Neptune that I had for
My Speed Queen washer is a replacement for a Maytag Neptune that I had for many years. I am very pleased with the performance and especially the amount of water it uses during a cycle. It gets the clothes just as clean using about 1/2 the water, very important as we have well water. It is not as pretty as the Neptune was, but thats extremely low on my list of requirements.
Publicado: May 26, 2020
Christy of Painesville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a washing machine in September 2020. Upon the first use, the mach
Purchased a washing machine in September 2020. Upon the first use, the machine made this horrible annoying knocking noise. It is now February 2021 and after multiple service calls, we still have this machine with its horrible annoying knocking noise! A local technician was just here yet again today, and was even on the phone with Speed Queen for over an hour trying to get help to repair it, and still nothing. No one seems to know what is causing the noise, or how to fix it. Wouldnt it make sense to replace the machine? Perhaps its defective? Or am I just suppose to take multiple more days off work to accommodate technicians until they get it fixed?
Publicado: February 26, 2021
Julie of Omaha, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

TR3 and DR3 washer and dryer. Told the sale man we are farmers and get pret
TR3 and DR3 washer and dryer. Told the sale man we are farmers and get pretty dirty at times. He said Speed Queen without a doubt, which was the most expensive. Well it cant clean worth a **. Found out the drum and agitator are one and locked together, so no agitating. Just spins the drum back a forth. My pant legs come out dirty in the folds. Went as far as stapling, yes stapling the fold open and re-washing again. I find more dirt in the lint trap of the dryer then lint itself. Speed queen calls it gentle I call it **. Replaced it with a used dual agitator washing machine for 1/5th the cost and now just lint in the dryer and way, way, way cleaner clothes. The dryer has needed to be serviced twice with all this being less then a year old. Things get caught between the spinning drum and the seal and some load sensor turns the dryer off. Feel completely ripped off. Now Im going to sell it cheap and honestly cause cant stand seeing it sitting there unused.
Publicado: February 6, 2020
Christian of Surrey, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Mi esposa andamp; Tuve una carga superior Sears Kenmore (manf. Whirlpool) H
Mi esposa andamp; Tuve una carga superior Sears Kenmore (manf. Whirlpool) Heavy Duty Serie 60 lavadora que compramos (junto con la secadora) segunda mano andamp; utilizado para 20 años, a lo largo del camino reemplazando perros agitador andamp; 2 interruptores de la tapa, y un par de otras cosas que canandt incluso recordar, manteniendo que va mucho despuĂ©s de que muchos wouldandve dado por vencido andamp; tirado. Finalmente, en algĂșn momento en 2017, llegĂł a donde serĂ­a ciclo completamente en sĂłlo 1 de los ajustes del interruptor principal, asĂ­ que tuve que decidir si la oportunidad de comprar un nuevo interruptor principal en aproximadamente $ 140 andamp; instalarlo correctamente, o dar el paso andamp; obtener una nueva lavadora totalmente.
Publicado: December 30, 2019
Chuck of Batesville, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had this same washer before they redesigned it and it was the best washer
I had this same washer before they redesigned it and it was the best washer I had ever had, LOVED it! But the redesigned washer is awful. I hate to say that, but it is true. I have had it less than a year and the spin cycle doesnt work. Nor does it clean clothes! It may be easier on clothes, but who cares if they are dirty. It doesnt spin the water out and clothes have to be dried twice. How is this easier on them? I wish they would bring back the old washer! Since my expensive Speed Queen has been a total disappoint, I have purchased a new washer with no computer parts and an agitator that isnt just for looks!
Publicado: December 9, 2018
Deborah of Waverly, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have used this washer for over a year. The tub barely fills to 2/3 and I
I have used this washer for over a year. The tub barely fills to 2/3 and I was told by customer service this is because of government regulations. Very annoying if you would like to wash what is normally considered a full load. My MAIN COMPLAINT is the problem I have with bedsheets becoming literally knotted and twisted so badly that I must continually monitor my washer as if a naughty child! I’m over babysitting my washer.I have tried so many techniques when washing bedsheets, one at a time with small miscellaneous clothing or pillowcases, a top and bottom sheet with a few other items. Ninety percent of the time I’m untangling sopping wet clothes so they will at least be clean, as well as monitoring the rinse cycle. Has anyone found an answer for this problem?
Publicado: November 10, 2019
Joey of Ormond Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Me gusta mucho mi Speed Queen. Antes tenĂ­a una nueva lavadora de carga fro
Me gusta mucho mi Speed Queen. Antes tenía una nueva lavadora de carga frontal LG. Mi ropa se ensuciaba cada vez mås. Pero cuando cambié a Speed Queen estaban mucho mås limpias. Tiene todos los ajustes que puedas desear. Desde el ciclo suave hasta el planchado permanente y el regular. No hay nada mejor que el viejo agitador.
Publicado: May 30, 2020
Linda of Huntsville, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I live in a remote area and have difficulty getting service personnel to co
I live in a remote area and have difficulty getting service personnel to come to my location. After reading so many reviews of computer boards failing, mold problems with front loaders, and front loaders failing to clean, I knew I wanted a RELIABLE washer that CLEANED. Speed Queens have an excellent reliability record. Although my washer is only 3 years old and maybe old school with no digital computer boards, it does a great job cleaning.
Publicado: February 17, 2019
Scherry of Payson, Arizona
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Since day one the speed queen has had issues. Lately it stops all lights fl
Since day one the speed queen has had issues. Lately it stops all lights flashing. Takes repairman a week then another week for parts. Wash one load without issue then it start yet again. The lid lock was said to be issue last time but clearly has more issues. Big mistake purchase.
Publicado: October 16, 2020
Josh of Wilson, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased our Speed Queen top load washing machine based on reviews and the
Purchased our Speed Queen top load washing machine based on reviews and the excellent recommendation from our expert neighborhood appliance store. This has been the worst purchase. I agree with the other reviews. Great - wash cycle is only 30 minutes but the clothes are not clean which is unacceptable. I have been left with smelly kids clothing, stains and loads. I couldnt tell have even been through a wash cycle, plus it’s noisy. There are even times when globs of the detergent have been left on the clothing. Not sure about the previous history of Speed Queen (which apparently was great at one time) as some have mentioned a contrast between older and newer versions. Our old front load Maytag cleaned just fine. Wouldn’t recommend but if you insist, you can buy mine (humor).
Publicado: April 7, 2018
Tracie of Henrico, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had a Speed Queen for many years and I was very happy with its performanc
I had a Speed Queen for many years and I was very happy with its performance. It didnt spin too long like some washers do but it still spun out good. It lasted a good many years without any problems. My Speed Queen washer had just one feature that I really liked and that was the permanent press feature so clothes wouldnt wrinkle. Best as I can tell it would wash in warm and rinse in cold or something to that effect. Its transmission worked fine the entire time I had it.
Publicado: March 14, 2017
Dawn of Seymour, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was shocked to see the low ratings on this site. I breed Golden Retriever
I was shocked to see the low ratings on this site. I breed Golden Retrievers and to put it mildly I wash dirty stuff. From muddy dog towels to poopy puppy pads. Dirty Stuff! My Speed Queen (TC5000WN) does a wonderful job on my dirtiest loads. It washes faster than my old machines, (GE & Maytag) and has an option for a larger fill. It is a workhorse, which is what I want in a washing machine. I had an LG Front Load washer and hated it! You cannot properly soak anything, and I was constantly cleaning the rubber gasket to keep it from smelling.
Publicado: May 8, 2020
Colleen of Barberton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been waiting for an element for 2 months for my dryer. Of course due
I have been waiting for an element for 2 months for my dryer. Of course due to the pandemic it is on back order. I was told when asked about a replacement to contact the retailer I purchased it from. The would not send them a return authorization. When I asked for a manager the rep refused and hung up. I am spending money going to the laundromat when I have a dryer at home. I wish I could give them zero stars at this time. They don’t deserve not 1 star!!!!
Publicado: October 21, 2021
Nicole of Birmingham, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a pair of coin-operated commercial washer and dryers both back in
Purchased a pair of coin-operated commercial washer and dryers both back in 2016 and had to return both after the washer started giving away free washes. All you had to do was press the button and it would start up again without coins. Service operators came out repeatedly until the west coast regional manager for Speed Queen came out: the mother board was even entirely replaced and still the washer would give away free wash. The dryer started out with a swishing noise with each revolution and would not stop. The entire drum was removed and replaced and the same thing repeated itself. It was rubbing somewhere but the service and SQ rep couldnt figure it out. Both machines were returned.Fast forward, November 2019 and my son buys Speed Queen washer and dryer hoping for the best. The washer fills with hot water to about 1/8 of the drum and then stops. Then the cold water fills the drum and by the time the wash starts, its not a hot wash, it is barely a warm wash. The hot water is shutting off too soon. And the dryer is doing the same thing again, it is rubbing somewhere as it makes it revolution. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH ALLIANCE/Speed Queen products?!?! There seems to be no quality control. These are brand new machines with problems already out of the manufacturing company and theyre brand new? We are not pleased with these machines at all.
Publicado: February 21, 2020
M of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought two new speed queen dryers. Both starter buttons are defective. Afte
Bought two new speed queen dryers. Both starter buttons are defective. After time button came apart inside. Tried to repair, but came apart once again. Now have it put together with plastic wire ties.
Publicado: April 5, 2019
S gary of Saint Petersburg, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Wish I had not bought- washer foams out the drain every time- no, I am not
Wish I had not bought- washer foams out the drain every time- no, I am not using too much soap, no I am not using th wrong kind of soap (tried HE and regular in very small amounts), plumbing is not clogged, no issue with old Maytag for years... Also, you need an instruction guide to understand settings- seems like they just chose random words... Hey SpeedQueen- how about small medium large and cold warm hot... I know you are trying to get around Gov. efficiency standards, but whoever you pay to design these controls should be fired- Its not that difficult people.. Im sure it is made with more metal parts than most washers, but whats the point if it doesnt work? What a mess and a waste of $1,000.
Publicado: April 3, 2021
Jerry of Hanover, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After one year I had to wash my clothes by hand. The Speed Queen model AFNE
After one year I had to wash my clothes by hand. The Speed Queen model AFNE9BSP116TW13 totally stopped working. It took almost 2 months to get a service person to repair it. Then to add insult to injury the Alliance customer service Chat was a total joke, no response even though I was number 1 and so was trying to get through on their phone number. I hung up after 25 minutes. I need moving bolts and cannot find anywhere to get them. It puts me at risk for totally damaging the machine in my upcoming move. The dealer lied to me about it being a 10 year warrantee. When the machine broke down I opened up the sealed package (no manual) and it said 5 years. The dealer denied he ever claimed it was a 10 year warrantee. What a racket.
Publicado: October 7, 2021
Julie Ann of Sellersville, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a stackable Speed Queen after reading about the reliability and lo
I bought a stackable Speed Queen after reading about the reliability and longevity of the machines. I had read that they are workhorses and well built. Unfortunately, they are not that well designed and it is a daily frustration when I use mine. First of all, the upper dryer door is not round, it is flat at the bottom. This seems like it is a trivial detail, but because of the shape of the door opening, it is about 2-3 inches higher that I need to reach in the grab the dry clothes and for me at 51 that is the difference between being able to reach the back of the machine or not. Presumably this was done to have a straight edged lint catcher, but that is a foolish compromise.The lint catcher brings me to my next complaint. You cannot remove the lint catcher without unscrewing it! To remove the lint, you just need to swipe your hand and grab the lint - no big deal, BUT if you want to clean it properly with a brush every so often, like I do, you cannot. Most people may not clean the lint catcher and the exhaust tube from there, but I always have and I can see that there is plenty of dust that gets through the catcher and is in the tubing beyond where I can reach without breaking out my screwdriver. That is a fire hazard and a ridiculous inconvenience to the average homemaker, housecleaner or working mother.Next issue is the soap dispenser. It is so poorly designed that unless you close the dispenser immediately it leaks down the front of the machine and not only that, it tracks to yet another spot where it is difficult to reach and clean! When I take my soap dispenser out to clean, about every two weeks, the inside of the space where it fits also has dried liquid detergent in the corners and edges. This is poor design, it is not because I am using too much detergent - I am not. The lower panel at the bottom of the machine also needs to be cleaned/serviced, according to the manual every 6 months. Well this is also a major pain in the neck requiring the machines to be pulled out from their built in cabinetry positions and a couple of hex screws to be undone. Really? Couldnt they make it so the access was all from the front?As for their functionality - it is fine. They are pretty quiet machines, they do the job, though I dont believe the auto-sensor works for dryness, and they certainly havent broken, though I have only been using them for 1 year. Leaving the washing machine door open after using it has prevented any bad odors, BUT the glass insert in the door accumulates a weird soapy grime that requires a scrubby sponge to clean each week. I use the same regular eco-safe detergent (Persil) I used in my previous machine and never had that problem, which makes me believe it is the shape of the glass design. Of course also, these are a bit smaller than many of the big machines out there, but that is well stated in their literature and was no surprise. Realistically, you cannot do two sets of sheets in one load though. The machine is just stuffed then and the dryer takes forever to dry if it is that full. This is an issue if you have a cleaning lady coming to do all the sheets in one day. It will take forever. Luckily, we just change our sheets on different days, but I no longer have a house full of kids - If I did - this would NOT be family functional washing machine and dryer
Publicado: March 27, 2019
Jessica of Fort Lauderdale, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had both the washer and dryer for seven years with no problems or s
We have had both the washer and dryer for seven years with no problems or service calls. Ten year guarantee on the washer is comforting and they both perform at a quality level. The only complaint we have is that the washer does not have a buzzer, but the dryer does.
Publicado: August 13, 2021
Elizabeth of Marion, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought above S Queen washer and dryer almost five years at the strong sugge
Bought above S Queen washer and dryer almost five years at the strong suggestion of the appliance store owner here in Tucson. AZ. Almost five years later we are in the midst of renovation from water damage in the walls in our utility room, kitchen, guest bedroom. How long has the washer been spewing suds out of the washer drain? No answer, quiet and continual lethal damage sums it up.Three plumbers verify our house plumbing is A OK! Speed Queen appliance service manager and general manager defend the washer; problem is not the washer they say. One month of chaos from an overflowing drain pipe and still torn up. I hope other Speed Queen owners never experience this situation caused by “a top model washing machine”
Publicado: May 31, 2021
Naomi of Tucson, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this machine new in late June 2017. However, Monday, August 7,
I purchased this machine new in late June 2017. However, Monday, August 7, 2017 I put a load in the washer, it gets off-balance and I find my garage full of smoke. The repairman later informs me that a belt broke, wrapped itself around the pulley and broke that as well. Here I am 6 days later, brand new BROKEN washer in my garage next to the growing mountain of dirty linens and clothes. Speed Queen apparently feels little incentive to get the parts to us as the appliance store is still waiting for them to arrive. Wow, I would say this is exactly the circumstance I hoped to avoid by buying this so called reliable brand. Yet it couldnt even handle a small off balanced load. Never been so unhappy with a purchase.
Publicado: August 12, 2017
Twila of Palm Bay, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Funcionamiento silencioso, limpia bien, hace funcionar una carga media en u
Funcionamiento silencioso, limpia bien, hace funcionar una carga media en unos 30 minutos. El centrifugado es especialmente eficaz, por lo que el tiempo de secado es menor que el de nuestra antigua Whirlpool. Tiene un agitador vertical, una caracterĂ­stica que querĂ­amos. Como Speed Queen ha eliminado la transmisiĂłn, el agitador es fijo y el tambor se mueve para hacer girar la ropa por el agua. Funciona con un suave sonido de silbido en lugar del antiguo sonido de golpeteo. Hasta ahora, ha funcionado bien. Nuestra mĂĄquina tiene controles analĂłgicos, no el panel de control digital. Todos los controles estĂĄn marcados de forma comprensible y son fĂĄciles de usar. A mi mujer le gustan los ciclos de lavado delicado y a mano, algo que nuestra antigua mĂĄquina no tenĂ­a.
Publicado: May 23, 2020
Bob of Sacramento, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our Speed Queen washer (TR3000WN) through Amazon in Oct. 2016. Th
We bought our Speed Queen washer (TR3000WN) through Amazon in Oct. 2016. This is the old school model; not computerized. Formerly we went through several brands and models of different big-name washers, some of which were rather expensive, and most of which lasted only a few years at best. While many of the reviews of the newer Speed Queens seem to indicate that the brand is no longer as good as it once was, I can attest that so far ours has been WONDERFUL. IT WASHES THE CLOTHES. We live on a farm and have lots of dirt. The Speed Queen does not play around, but washes the clothes quickly and gets them clean. Our former eco-friendly washer took FOREVER and still did not do as good a job. I recommend this particular model of Speed Queen, if you can find one.
Publicado: June 26, 2018
S. D. of Gilmer, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Thought I was buying a quality product, it definitely is not! Was told it w
Thought I was buying a quality product, it definitely is not! Was told it will last 25 years. Wrong! Lucky if it makes it to six. Had nothing but problems with this Speed Queen Dryer since we purchased it in 2014. The thermal fuse 4 times, the thermostat, the timer. It doesnt dry clothes. Had it fixed 3 times in the last few months. Twice within 10 days and now it isnt drying my clothes again. Sick of this piece of crap. Do not buy a Speed Queen nothing but trouble!!
Publicado: February 25, 2021
Christal of Birdsboro, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I used my neighbors brand new Speed Queen top load washer they had just bou
I used my neighbors brand new Speed Queen top load washer they had just bought to try it out. I was shocked at how really poorly it washed my clothes. The dirt and stains on my clothing were all still there when they came out of their new 2018 washer. There was even some undissolved soap still on my clothes. I immediately went to the local laundromat, which I dread having to ever do and rewashed my clothes to get them clean and took them home to dry them. Needless to say, I will NOT be buying a speed queen when I replace mine. Amazing that Speed Queen would make something that this bad.
Publicado: February 28, 2018
Bruce of Tulsa, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought the SpeedQueen Commercial Heavy - Duty grade Washer (AWNE82SP113T
We bought the SpeedQueen Commercial Heavy - Duty grade Washer (AWNE82SP113TW01) & Dryer (ADGE8RGS113TW01) in Feb 2018. Washer Cons: Short wash cycle does not get clothes clean. Additionally, the timed wash counts down even as it fills. It may use up 5 mins of the wash time before even being full. Cannot chose warm in its default ECO mode- essentially very cold only. Ridiculously loud wash cycle.Dryer Cons: Wetness Sensor doesnt do anything. However wet the clothes are at the end of the timed cycle - thats how theyll sit. Clothes are often damp after cycle finishes. If were not home to immediately start the Fluff cycle, clothes sit damp for hours/days. In short, the limited number of cycle options dont dry clothes. Im very concerned about energy efficiency, but not drying clothes doesnt make it a better unit.I did a good deal of research on this product before purchasing and really hoped for a better than box-store experience. (My wife has been very kind in not complaining about my well-reasoned choice.) Technically, the units work; we have not had any non-functional issues as some have reported here. And we make adjustments to get clothes clean & dry. In short, I wouldnt recommend either product and we regret our purchases. I hope the American made brand can get their act together going forward.
Publicado: December 29, 2018
Paul of Philadelphia, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new Speed Queen Commercial Top Load washer and front load dry
I purchased a new Speed Queen Commercial Top Load washer and front load dryer in June 2016. Within a week I had service come out to try to fix the thumping in the dryer. Repairman came out 3 times and decided I needed a new drum! That helped but didnt really fix the noise. Today, Dec. 2019, the repairman told me my washer needs a new motor and some other parts, that is why it wont start or just cuts out. It trips the circuit too. Ive had clothes with water sitting in the machine for a week waiting on the repairman to get here to fix it. He had to install new roller bars in the dryer for the thumping, and I guess we will see how long that lasts. I am very disappointed in this set. I want my old Maytag set back that I had been using for 15 years with no issue, but the buyer of my house wanted them so I let them go. I should not have done that. Today I paid $157 and who knows what the washer repair will be.
Publicado: December 17, 2019
Denise of Wellington, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a TC% washer in October 2019. A couple of weeks ago the machine
I purchased a TC% washer in October 2019. A couple of weeks ago the machine smoked and had a burnt wire smell. Then the machines drum would not turn. Authorized technicians came out a found a broken belt which they say appeared dry rotted. Replaced the belt and left. 1st load after that the machine would not drain. Techs came back next day and replaced the pump, After replacing the pump I had them try to run a load and the machine would not fill with water. After consulting with Speed Queen authorized techs they then discovered the transmission was locked up and the control board was malfunctioning. Replacing all these parts on a machine that is less than 6 months old is not acceptable, Speed queen needs to replace the machine. Their tech department then tells me I need to go back to the distributor to see what they will do?? Why is that my job? The distributor tells me they cannot do anything unless Speed Queen authorizes them, leaving me in the middle. The machine is junk and the customer service is unacceptable as well.
Publicado: April 9, 2020
PERRY of Garland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I wanted a heavy duty dryer and bought this on the recommendation of the sa
I wanted a heavy duty dryer and bought this on the recommendation of the salesman. It was professionally installed by the dealer who confirmed proper ventilation. Drying takes at least one hour per load. The sensor cycles do not work. The clothes are still damp even when set to dry. After talking to the manufacturers representative, the repairman said the dryer is functioning properly.I contacted the company who wrote, During the first 6 minutes of the cycle the machine takes readings of how wet the load is. During this time the control calculates how much time will be needed to dry the load. It also takes into account, with the current options selected, the average of the last 5 loads with the same settings selected. The time will vary with load size, type of fabric, amount of moisture in the load, air flow and the laundry room environment. After the initial 6 minutes when the time is calculated, the machine then runs for that amount of time.In other words, the sensor does not sense the present load but stops at some predicted time regardless of the dryness of the load. Further, the representative said only delicates should be dried on the delicate setting. Jeans, sweaters, and other items that would shrink at high temperature are not delicates. He suggested drying them on the timer on low temperature. While this does work, it means the sensor settings are useless.
Publicado: March 4, 2019
J. of New Wilmington, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I made a HUGE mistake not taking my Whirlpool W/D set to my new house. I ha
I made a HUGE mistake not taking my Whirlpool W/D set to my new house. I had heard so many wonderful reviews about Speed Queen - workhorse, great warranties, etc. Now Im stuck with a horrible washer and disgusting mildew smell. I contacted the dealer - the mildew problem is not covered by the warranty. They suggested I contact Speed Queen directly which I did but never received a response. Ive tried everything - vinegar/baking soda, Affresh, always leaving the washer door wide open - nothing works. Twenty years ago I purchased the first front load washer Maytag made. It had the same mildew problem and Maytag contacted me ahead of me contacting them! The problem was fixed at NO CHARGE. My opinion - dont buy Speed Queen.
Publicado: May 24, 2019
Leslie of Lake Oswego, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Speed Queen Washing Machine in 2017 after it was highly reco
We purchased a Speed Queen Washing Machine in 2017 after it was highly recommended to us by a trusted appliance technician and internet research. The washing machine worked satisfactorily until approximately five weeks ago. Water was noticed under the machine after doing a load of laundry. We thought it might be due to our water well/septic system because of very wet weather. We waited to do any further laundry until the septic tanks were drained. After the septic tanks were drained, a load of laundry was started and our laundry room flooded. We contacted an appliance technician who informed us the wash tub was cracked. A major repair. Since he did not perform warranty work on Speed Queen machines, we contacted Speed Queen customer service and a technician came out. He informed me that he ordered the tub replacement from Speed Queen but could not give me any information about when the tub would arrive. I contacted him two days later since I had not heard from him about when to expect the tub replacement, and my husband had an upcoming surgery and would need clean sheets, towels etc. after surgery. The technician informed me that he still had no information about the parts arrival from Speed Queen. I called Speed Queen customer service the same day but they had no information on the arrival of the part. Two days later, a Friday, I was able to learn from customer service (when I called back) that the part would arrive the following Tuesday. I contacted the technician, who still had not been notified of the parts arrival by Speed Queen, and we scheduled an appointment for Wednesday morning. The tub replacement arrived in a defective state and could not be installed. The technician contacted Speed Queen before he left my home that Wednesday morning to request a second tub replacement since the one sent was defective. No one could provide him with an arrival date for the second tub replacement. I called Speed Queen the same day and the customer service representative told me shipment of the part would be expedited. When I checked with the technician two days later, again on a Friday, he informed me that he had heard nothing from Speed Queen. I reached out to Speed Queen immediately and after numerous phone calls learned the tub replacement was not expedited (though I was previously told otherwise) but was due to arrive the following Tuesday. The technician was again scheduled to install it on a Wednesday morning. This never happened because the (second) tub replacement did not arrive according to the technician. Speed Queen claimed it did. Both my husband and I contacted Speed Queen customer service that Wednesday and both of us were informed by two different representatives that the tub replacement (now the third attempt to obtain this part) would be overnighted directly to our home, not the technicians address. Based on their representation, we scheduled an appointment with a different Speed Queen technician to install the tub replacement. The representation by Speed Queen turned out to be untrue. The tub replacement did not arrive the next day as we were told. The repair appointment had to be cancelled. That day, customer service told us the matter had been turned over to management and they had no details or information about when the part would reach us as technical oversaw that. We requested a call back from customer service once they were able to obtain this information from management or technical but no one contacted us. I received an email letting me know that customer service did not know anything about when the part would be shipped. In frustration, I reached out again to customer service several times the following day. They had different stories every time; no one could give me any information on when we would receive the tub replacement. A week later, Speed Queen has yet to contact us about the status of sending the tub replacement to repair our washing machine. Speed Queens misrepresentations and inaction forced us to purchase a new washing machine this week. Its customer service department is unlike any I have encountered. They give misinform nation and misrepresentations. They provide no actual information or assistance to the customer. They demean customers and give the clear impression that Speed Queen could care less if the customers washer is repaired or not. Because of our awful experience with Speed Queen, I cannot recommend its washing machine to anyone. Instead, I recommend avoiding this brand.
Publicado: February 18, 2021
Gage of Friendswood, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought it yesterday at the largest hardware stores in Ohio... Hartville Har
Bought it yesterday at the largest hardware stores in Ohio... Hartville Hardware, after our front loader developed a motor board problem and didnt want to put any more $$ into it... Picked it up and dropped off our old one - nice to not have to worry about getting rid of it!!! Installation was easy - hose gaskets included - mesh screen for the inlet and standard for the machine attachment... no leaks - thats rare for me!!! Seven loads - various sizes - all washed very well - stains out (we have a 10 year-old so we do Spray-N-wash - have since she was 1... LOL) several pair of jeans along with towels in a load - no problem... Bought it on the recommendation of the service tech who was looking at the front loader... After reading all the comments on here - will give an update in six months... Thanks to all of you for your comments!!!!
Publicado: April 3, 2021
Steve of Hartville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Moved to new home 4 years ago & bought very expensive SQ commercial-gra
Moved to new home 4 years ago & bought very expensive SQ commercial-grade washer/dryer set as advertised, #1 recommended in the nation. Thought it would be more durable & last longer. Salesperson said true. Washer literally destroys clothes! Chews material shreds towels, rips seams, trashes underwear, rips out zippers. So much lint removed from items at each washing that lint trap cannot hold it all. And that continues for months, after every washing! No towel in the house has lasted more than 3 months (good-quality towels!)! They look 25 years old!Worse, this model has no “balancer!” Clothes go out of balance constantly & washer makes a horrible, loud pounding sound & hops 6” across the floor! Called recommended repair service & he said nothing he can do! He cannot add one, either. Shortly after we bought this model, the company must have gotten so many complaints, they supposedly added a balancer, but that does nothing to help us. Finally, the controls on both units are annoying beyond words. You set water temp, and the unit changes the load size on its own; or you set load size, and the temperature changes. Have to keep pushing same buttons repeatedly to get them to finally “stick” where you want them! Same with dryer .very confusing on how to get it to just dry. It’s like trying to operate it in a foreign language! Bottom line: this set is a disaster from start to finish! Save your money: do not buy!
Publicado: September 4, 2021
B of Clarkston, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought this piece of crap washer in August 2018. Since then I have had serv
Bought this piece of crap washer in August 2018. Since then I have had service on it 7 times and 2 complete drum and all the inside of tub replaced. Called Speed Queen and they said it was the technicians fault that it was not working right. So they sent another tub and tech replaced that too. This machine sounds like a jet airplane is taking off and you better have headphones when you do the wash. Why bother washing. Youre better off just wearing your clothes inside out as they would be cleaner than what this piece of $1000 crap would get it. Customer service specifically John in residential washers got his feelings hurt when I expressed my animus to him. He acted like a baby and threatened to hang up if I wasnt nice to him. I asked him to call Speedy Appliance and call me back when he did. I was told they had to get approval to call me back from his boss. My comment to him at Alliance was to ask him if he needed permission to use the phone. Please please DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. I feel like throwing it on the highway with a huge sign of do not buy Speed Queen so everyone on the highway can see what a terrible product this is and let them know that Alliance who owns Speed Queen is a consumer nightmare. It appears that our dealer washed his hands of this situation. Why are they still in business if they cannot stand behind their product.
Publicado: May 25, 2019
Linda of Naples, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Prior to purchasing this Speed Queen AFNE9B-AWo1 Front Load Washing Machine
Prior to purchasing this Speed Queen AFNE9B-AWo1 Front Load Washing Machine we had an old LG 10kg machine and as we are in our 70s decided to pay the $3.5k so the machine would outlast us. Unfortunately lasting ability is no use if it doesnt do the job. IT DOES NOT CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES! This machine has NO lint filter so flecks of lint cover your freshly washed clothes and in the folds of the clothes there is often dirty marks which have to be rubbed off in a clean tub of water despite using the second rinse cycle on the machine. My advice is AVOID THIS MACHINE at all costs.
Publicado: November 10, 2019
Grahame of Bundaberg South, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Speed Queen washer fall 2020 based on its stellar reputation. I
I bought a Speed Queen washer fall 2020 based on its stellar reputation. I was sorely mistaken. I’ve had the tide pods not devolve and clothes come out with dirt still on them—-dirt —like something as simple as milk that should have easily washed out. Someone on these reviews correctly called the wash cycle a “soothing bath.” The drum does not agitate. Often the clothes are weakly spun and too wet for the dryer. The lid lock is a complete nuisance. They put that on there so you can’t see how feeble the agitation cycle is! The plastic bleach dispenser discolored after 1 month of use. The cycles are awful and LONG, which wouldn’t be bad if it were doing something. I have to agree with Every one-star review on here—HEED THE WARNING! The machine makes doing laundry an even worse task than it is. SHAME ON YOU SPEED QUEEN...SHAME SHAME SHAME...OR SHAM SHAM SHAM!
Publicado: March 12, 2021
Melissa of Greensburg, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We really love how simple this machine is to operate. I love that you can f
We really love how simple this machine is to operate. I love that you can fill up the tub and soak stuff without it automatically getting rid of the water you have in the tub soon as you decide to shut off. The other type that are top-loading but are similar to front loaders they would always empty out the tub in. That isnt what I wanted to do. I love this machine because it works like the machines I grew up on where you can start and stop it wherever you want without it emptying. Does a great job washing our clothes no matter what cycle we use. Definitely would recommend.
Publicado: May 21, 2020
Michelle of Chesterfield, Michigan
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Very first use of this dryer with only a light, partial load, and either th
Very first use of this dryer with only a light, partial load, and either the belt or the pulley broke! Actually, for the record, not VERY first use, as I tried it briefly after installing it with no load just to make sure all was well. It survived that initial test, but not with clothes in it. Very disappointed. The seller is going to make it good, but thats besides the point. For $950 I expect a product to actually work.
Publicado: December 21, 2018
Frank of Steubenville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I like the timer on the Speed Queen because it lets you know how long you h
I like the timer on the Speed Queen because it lets you know how long you have left until you have to deal with your laundry. I also like the large size of the machines especially when you go to wash blankets and comforters. But, I hated my washer, nothing came clean and the dryer never dries everything. The only place I have ever used one of these was at the laundromat so it might have been bad up keep on the machine. I would make it that it washed better and maybe increase the heat in the dryers so they dry better. I would also move the area that you add the detergent. It is always on the top and really hard for someone who is not tall to reach it.
Publicado: March 12, 2017
Sarah of North Blenheim, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After buying washers from big-box stores and poor service/quality, I electe
After buying washers from big-box stores and poor service/quality, I elected to purchase a 2018 top load washer from Speed Queen. Decided to support products made in USA and a brand known for quality and integrity. Within 2 weeks after purchase of new washer, it would not turn on. Started keeping log of events and now (week later) the same occurrence. It has been reported there are known issues with control panel and I am very disappointed that Speed Queen would sell washers under this circumstance. I only hope that I can get a repair or a refund.
Publicado: August 27, 2018
Sandra of Atlanta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased Speed Queen washer and dryer from Orvilles in Buffalo New York. 4
Purchased Speed Queen washer and dryer from Orvilles in Buffalo New York. 4 years later the heating element stopped working. 10 day lead time for part and half the cost of the dryer. Will never purchase a speed queen again, piece of junk.
Publicado: March 4, 2021
patricia of Buffalo, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought the Speed Queen front load washer and dryer in the fall of 2017.
We bought the Speed Queen front load washer and dryer in the fall of 2017. Its now almost a year later and we are absolutely as pleased as is humanly possible with them. The washer is fast and quiet and the dryer does an amazing job of drying. Doing laundry has never gone this fast! Zero problems, using less detergent than ever and saving $$$. Thank you Speed Queen!
Publicado: August 1, 2018
Jim of Sleepy Eye, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive had this Speed Queen front loader washer for almost ten years. It has n
Ive had this Speed Queen front loader washer for almost ten years. It has never broken down or needed any parts replaced or repaired. I do at least two loads a day and some are heavy towels and sheets. If you want a reliable, energy efficient machine that takes in large loads and gets it done - this is the machine for you!
Publicado: May 28, 2020
Pamala of Tracy, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Updated on 10/06/2020: Hello, this is an update to my first review, July 20
Updated on 10/06/2020: Hello, this is an update to my first review, July 2020, after three washers in a week, (all had a loose control panel) then told by manufacturer to schedule a repair date (for the new washer), this is the rest of the story, to quote Paul **... so in addition to the control panel being loose, the tub was always tilted and setting off the switches for unbalanced load. As I mentioned in the first review, I will be wondering what else will go wrong...turns out the tub was always tilted because the wrong type of springs were installed when built (green v.s. blue, if that helps anyone). They have been replaced. So the new machine was delivered july-23-2020 and finally fixed on sept 5, 2020.... or until something happens for being poorly assembled / built.Original Review: I purchased a Speed Queen washing machine, tr5003wn, a month ago. There was a 3 week back-log for delivery. In the past week, I have had 3 of these machines. On the first one delivered, the control board, the part with all the knobs was very loose and wiggled. I called the appliance company, they sent a replacement 4 days later, out of the box, the second one, same problem, I said take it back. The 3rd one, delivered today, July 28, 2020, has the same issue but not as severe, so I kept it. I called speed queen, they said call for a repair, but I will need to register it online first, then schedule a repair. I was told that management will be informed and call the factory. My concern is, what else was not screwed/bolted together properly? Now left wondering what else will go wrong? A leak, a loose wire to cause a fire or blow a fuse? Whats the point of buying made in America, when built like, made in China, ggrrrrrr. There was nothing wrong with the way machines were built 20 years ago. I miss my old Fisher & Paykel, but now they are owned by China. I realize companies had a down-time due to covid, and companies are trying to build things so fast and get them out the door for a back log of orders, someone forgot to tighten down the screws? I purchased this brand based on reading a lot of reviews, hoping to get machine that will last many years, now I will just wonder/worry, for how many years, when will something go wrong with this machine. :-(
Publicado: July 28, 2020
sue of Center Barnstead, NH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a Speed Queen TR7000 top loading washer in Feb 2020, just before the
Bought a Speed Queen TR7000 top loading washer in Feb 2020, just before the Covid shutdown. After being handed a line about the durability of these washers, little over year later, its not fully draining and leaking. Id give them zero stars if I could.
Publicado: June 25, 2021
kathleen of North Weymouth, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My mother normally used the Speed Queen ringer washer to wash clothes for 7
My mother normally used the Speed Queen ringer washer to wash clothes for 7 people on a regular basis and there were no problems with it as I recall. She was hospitalized for a while and that was when I used it when I was 18 years old -- Im now 65. It was a pretty basic ringer washer, but its features were fine at the time because me and my family lived on a small farm in the country. There really wasnt space for what was referred to back then as an automatic washer. So the ringer washer suited fine. The main features were a stainless-steel tub and the ringer. It was of course portable (on wheels).
Publicado: March 27, 2017
Cora of Denton, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I know a lot of people start by saying this but, I RARELY write reviews. Go
I know a lot of people start by saying this but, I RARELY write reviews. Good or bad. After becoming frustrated with our Whirlpool Cabrio washers lack of cleaning ability I took the advice of our repairman and purchased a SET of Speed Queens washer and dryer. That was less than 8 months ago. Didnt even NEED the dryer but hey Get the matching set. Speed Queen has always had an impeccable reputation for quality and reliability. Short story about the washer- Speed Queen washer does average to poor at cleaning on any temperature. Control knobs are basic and there is no way of telling how long your cycle will take. I mean NONE. Long story on the dryer- After just a few weeks the dryer knob was not lining up correctly with the corresponding cycle and it was taking a minimum of 2 full cycles to dry most anything. I was literally guessing where I was in a cycle and hoping for the best. The dials are all made of cheap plastic (unlike their older, more reliable models) I have now had the same knob, timer and other parts replaced FOUR TIMES. The last time was one week ago and it has already happened again! FIVE TIMES in 8 months. I am beyond frustrated. Hence my review. I called the only number I can find for Speed Queen that seems to relate to customer service. I was told that to get a replacement machine I had to go to the dealer and not through Speed Queen. No one wants to take responsibility for an obviously defective machine.
Publicado: April 18, 2019
Jo of Fairhope, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this commercial washer for our apartment complex which we manage.
We bought this commercial washer for our apartment complex which we manage. Within 10 days of installation the machine was smoking and flooded the basement. When we contacted customer support, they said they would come out to repair it. It has now taken 3 service trips, and 6 weeks to try and fix the machine. Our tenants have been without a washing machine for nearly 2 months now, and they still refuse to simply replace it. I am extremely dissatisfied with this washer, and believe it is a LEMON! Customer service should replace it, as this is a huge inconvenience for us - but they still refuse! We are very frustrated over here.
Publicado: November 15, 2018
Mona of Phoenixville, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this because it was big and the salesman said it was reliable and
We bought this because it was big and the salesman said it was reliable and it fit our budget. So far so good. It seems to do a pretty good job cleaning our clothes. Our old washer and dryer were Maytag and they lasted 22 years and cleaned well. At the time we were buying new ones we needed something less expensive. They seem to be doing a good job.
Publicado: February 25, 2019
Patricia of Collegeville, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Purchased in October of 2019. From the very beginn
DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Purchased in October of 2019. From the very beginning there has been an undetermined leak. It appears that when in the spin cycle and the load is not balanced, but that is just my uneducated guess. A service rep has not been able to replicate the leak. I cannot use a spin cycle other than low spin. So much for warranty - the place of business where it was purchased (Dr. Appliance in Delmar, IA) has washed their hands and told me to deal directly with Speed Queen. That is a JOKE. Speed Queen has done NOTHING to resolve the issue - so much for the 10-year warranty! Now the Washing Machine wont even turn on. And by the way, most dealerships who service Speed Queen Appliances wont ever service if it was not purchased by them.
Publicado: September 30, 2021
Pam of Donahue, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Speed Queen is built like a tank and has a 10 year warranty. Shes defini
My Speed Queen is built like a tank and has a 10 year warranty. Shes definitely speedy and has the usual options. She has a Large stainless top loading tank. I liked her so much I bought the dryer as well which has the same warranty.
Publicado: May 13, 2020
Irene of Akron, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have owned expensive LG front load and numerous top load washers and dry
We have owned expensive LG front load and numerous top load washers and dryers over the years. I read several negative reviews of the 2018 Speed Queen washers and dryers, following its redesign. Made in America means a lot to me, this along with the 5-year parts and labor warranty is the reason we decided to pay up for the Speed Queen 5000 series washer and dryer and give them a try. We decided to purchase this model because it has 6 cleaning cycles and easy to use knobs vs. the push button control board. We are very pleased with the performance of our new appliances. The washer is quiet, and exceeded our expectations in cleaning our clothes. Every load has came out clean and smells nice. I believe this is the result of adequate water usage and Speed Queens design to push water along with the cleaning agent through the cloths. The only con I see with the washer is it has a safety lock while in use that requires you to pause the cycle to add items to your wash. The dryer is efficient, my clothes are usually dry in 35 minutes.
Publicado: January 6, 2019
Lloyd of Lebanon, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My 25 yr old Maytag still worked and sold for $100 on Letgo. My washer of 2
My 25 yr old Maytag still worked and sold for $100 on Letgo. My washer of 20 yrs was broke and I wanted a matching set. My first in 50 yrs of marriage. $2,000 later what a mistake. The same day the dryer made such a loud banging noise that I called the salesman right away. Got service two days later. It started again. I should have had it replaced then. Because it never waste solved but after warming up it would stop. Now six months after warranty is out the timer won’t turn off the dryer. It ran for four hours before I realized it. Lakeview Service came out on the washer problem was very rude and abrupt. Do not use them. He wanted to charge me a service call charge. The washer was a yr old and Speed Queen advised me to call them. I am a married 70 yr old only user of this machine and so very disappointed in this Product. Buyer Beware.
Publicado: April 7, 2021
William of Oak Forest, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I find when using the washer it is extremely noisy. My worst complaint is t
I find when using the washer it is extremely noisy. My worst complaint is that even using (1) king size sheet (not the full set) to wash, it comes out in a tied up knot. Its put in loosely. Its really bad if I put in the full set. What in the world is the agitator doing?
Publicado: March 6, 2019
Janice of Medford, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When washing Speed Queen does an amazing job. Its super fast and has multip
When washing Speed Queen does an amazing job. Its super fast and has multiple settings for washing. The dryer dries fast and doesnt take a long time to dry. Its just a little too expensive for my taste. This washer and dryer have amazing settings and multiple settings when it comes to washing and drying. One of the favorite things about it is the length of time it takes to dry. The cost of the Speed Queen washer and dryer is on the more expensive side for me. It does a good job but I could find something cheaper that could do the same job just less money.
Publicado: March 24, 2017
Stacey of Kasota, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I can choose the amount of water I need for the size of laundry I’m
I can choose the amount of water I need for the size of laundry I’m washing. It cleans a very large or a small delicate load equally! It is quiet and very user friendly. And best of all, it’s faster than the average washer even when I use the twice rinse cycle.
Publicado: February 7, 2019
N of Chandler, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

September 2018 we purchased the new washer. We had heard that they were a t
September 2018 we purchased the new washer. We had heard that they were a top notch machine since they were considered commercial. Well last night we had the machine shred plastic into our drum. We have no idea what happened. Today is Sunday so I have to wait until tomorrow to contact the supplier for service. Since the shredding of plastic was so bizarre I decided tonight to read some reviews to see if anyone else had this issue. Lo and behold sure enough Suresha of San Anselmo, CA posted a review about this exact same issue on Jan 20, 2019. Seems this machine is a lemon and defective.I will be taking this information to the store where we purchased our machine. I do not even want to go thru what she already went thru. I will see what our distributor does to correct this problem but I dont see anything other than replacing it with a new machine and even that based on the other reviews I have read about Speed Queen I dont want to stay with Speed Queen but I may have to just to try and get some of my money out of it.
Publicado: March 4, 2019
Valorie of Ashburnham, MA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Speed Queen model TC500 top loader (costs over 900.00). I bou
I purchased a Speed Queen model TC500 top loader (costs over 900.00). I bought it thinking it would last 25 yrs. It stopped working in 1 week..stuck on Rinse/Spin only. Horrible customer service with no compensation even given the machine is under warranty.
Publicado: June 19, 2021
Daniel of Highland Park, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased our washing machine May, 2017. Having problems with the unit. It
Purchased our washing machine May, 2017. Having problems with the unit. It has been to the service for 2nd time now at the Meyer Appliance where we purchased it. Since the unit is less than one year old, I have called the Speed Queen directly if we can get a new unit, but they denied our request. The unit has been in service since March 22, 2018. The first time was last year October-November, 2017. Very frustrated that we got the defective unit and they are still trying to fix it. Serial No.: 1704003888. Model: AFNE9RSP113TW.
Publicado: April 5, 2018
Mitsi of Los Altos, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this model of Speed Queen Washing machine (as a set with a Spee
I purchased this model of Speed Queen Washing machine (as a set with a Speed Queen Dryer) in September of 2011. And almost 9 years to the date, the washing machine bearings froze and burned the belt. The machine cost me $706 in 2011 and another $150 for a technician to determine the bearings were frozen. I wouldnt expect such low life expectancy from such a high end washing machine. And as such, I wouldnt recommend this brand to anyone. My next machine will be a Miele or Bosch. I hear they are still producing high quality and most importantly DURABLE products. Very disappointed!
Publicado: October 13, 2020
Gilda of Olympia, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Speed Queen top load washer 5/14/2018 ran 60 loads and it bro
I purchased a Speed Queen top load washer 5/14/2018 ran 60 loads and it broke. Called Speed Queen and they said I have to get service thru the selling dealer which is 200 miles away. They have no authorized service company within 200 miles of me. Dont buy Speed Queen!
Publicado: February 20, 2019
Dan of Florence, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Speed Queen washer 1 year ago. What a disappointment. US made
I purchased a Speed Queen washer 1 year ago. What a disappointment. US made, 3 year parts & labor warranty. Dont fall for it as I did. Have had nothing but problems with this machine since day one. It washes fine but the fabric softener does not dispense properly, is all over the clothes once the cycle has completed. Have been in touch with Alliance which is the warranty service and we have tried several things to correct the issue, such as cleaning the dispenser even though clean, running extra rinse with every wash, avoiding the normal wash cycle, technician came out was not helpful or friendly nor fixed the problem. Have been told by several individuals at Alliance not to use Downy fabric softener. So I have diluted my downy until is it like water and I am still having issues. So I have a washer that I cannot use the normal cycle and I cannot use downy. Also, due to my rural location, they do not have any technicians in my area to fix. I have requested a refund but they refuse. DO NOT BUY SPEED QUEEN.
Publicado: March 24, 2022
Pat of Dade City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had several washing machines and dryers in my life. I bought a Speed
I have had several washing machines and dryers in my life. I bought a Speed Queen washer and dryer last month thru recommendation of my appliance repair man. He told me if people would buy them they would never go back, he said I would get at least 20 years out of them. Thank goodness for him. I got the top load commercial and it is wonderful. You can actually adjust from mini loads to extra large loads. It takes 30 minutes to wash a normal soil load of clothes instead of the 116 minutes on the other. The clothes are much cleaner. The energy and water savings are great. You can have any appliance in my house. Just dont take my Speed Queens.
Publicado: August 14, 2017
Linda of Miramar Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our Maytag dryer died & they could no longer get a circuit board for it
Our Maytag dryer died & they could no longer get a circuit board for it. It was the 2nd time in 5 years to need service. We had the top of a line Maytag washer & dryer. I asked the repairperson what brand he would recommend & he stated SPEED QUEEN. He said they cost more but are very well built. They are the same ones in laundromats. I read the reviews & found the TC5 model. This is an old school, simple controls & will last 20 years washing machine. We bought the set - Washer & Dryer. The appliance person mentioned they are hard to keep in stock because of their reputation.
Publicado: January 28, 2021
Jack of Williamsburg, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

He pagado un poco mĂĄs, pero me encanta mi Speed Queen. Es fiable, puedo la
He pagado un poco mås, pero me encanta mi Speed Queen. Es fiable, puedo lavar una gran carga y deja mi ropa limpia - se llena de agua. La lavadora que tenía antes de esta era un andquot;water saverandquot;, llenando sólo alrededor de la mitad. Mi ropa didnandt olor a limpio, así que empecé a lavar sólo la mitad de una carga a la vez. No mucho en el ahorro de energía, ¿eh?
Publicado: May 29, 2020
Doris of Dumfries, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchase a Speed Queen because I had the last one for over 30 years. I wi
I purchase a Speed Queen because I had the last one for over 30 years. I wish I had researched the new machines better. I bought a top load TC5003WN and it is terrible. It has very few options you can choose for yourself. For example, you cannot control the water level. It has a small and large load water level, nothing in between. The autofill barely covers the clothes in the tub. Ive had to wash my clothes twice and we are only 2 adults here who do not get that dirty. Secondly, the fabric softener gets on my clothes and again, I had to wash them again. There is no rinse only cycle on this machine. I have added water to the fabric softener to dilute it, but it still stained a nightgown. I wish I had my old machine back. Id spend whatever it took to get a new tub on it, at least I could control the washings. I really hate this unit. The only good thing I will say is that it is very quiet. Unbelievable that this made in America product from this company is so bad. Sorry to be so negative, but I wish someone had warned me about these details before I bought.
Publicado: January 16, 2022
Beverly of Orange, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Very, Very, Very, Disappointed. Lousy cleaning - Lousy Drying. Terrible, Te
Very, Very, Very, Disappointed. Lousy cleaning - Lousy Drying. Terrible, Terrible equipment. Washer and Dryer do not work as I expected. They are noisy, do not wash or dry clothes very well. I have owned FOUR sets of Washer Dryers over the last 30+ years, leaving them in the homes I move from. Washer has ruined some of my clothes, even on the delicate cycle! The clothes are almost dripping when the wash cycle is done. Soap does not get dispersed very well, with soap splotches on cotton items. On top of lousy functioning, the top of the top loading washer is warped. The manufacturer says they make them that way on purpose. WTF For???? GIVE ME A BREAK - BUILT WITH A WARPED TOP??? Most money I ever spent for a washer and dryer and I feel like I have been had.
Publicado: April 21, 2020
Dominique of Salt Lake City, UT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Updated on 11/05/2020: Three years ago I wrote a comment on this review pag
Updated on 11/05/2020: Three years ago I wrote a comment on this review page about my experience with Speed Queen washers. At that time my Speed Queen was 28 years old and had never had a repair. Its 31 years old now and is still working beautifully. No repairs yet. Id purchased it new in 1989 after having such a good experience with my previous machine which lasted seventeen years of heavy use and was god-knows-how-old when I paid $30.00 for it. I have no idea how good new Speed Queen machines are but Im certainly able to vouch for the older models.Original Review: I checked this site to see if the newer model Speed Queens are as good as the old ones. Kind of mixed reviews here so Im not sure what to think. Im not really in the market for a new washing machine -- the one I have now is absolutely fine and has never had a repair -- but you never know whats in the future. My current machine is 28 years old. My kids are out of the house now so it isnt used daily anymore but I still run it four times a week. Since they took phosphates out of laundry detergent I do notice a lower level of cleaning, but thats certainly not my washing machines fault. My previous machine was also a Speed Queen. I bought it used from a neighbor -- had no idea of its age -- and it ran seventeen years. And I was doing multiple loads in those days! So are the new ones as good? I doubt it. Hope I dont have to find out for a while!
Publicado: October 19, 2017
Bonnie of Spokane, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Tengo una lavadora y secadora comercial Speed Queen. La mejor de todas. Las
Tengo una lavadora y secadora comercial Speed Queen. La mejor de todas. Las lavadoras de carga frontal son una mierda. Tuve una Maytag y una Whirlpool Duet. Ambas murieron en 5 años. Todas de plåstico. Las lavadoras de carga superior que no tienen agitador no limpian la ropa.
Publicado: May 24, 2020
Bonita of Circle, MT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new set of Speed Queens on 2/28/17. These are commercial grad
I purchased a new set of Speed Queens on 2/28/17. These are commercial grade Washers & Dryers. I have NEVER had a problem with other dryers and a friend raved about her new Speed Queen product so we decided to look into them. Since purchasing this “High Efficient” washer and dryer I have had to dry my clothes, towels, etc. twice each time. How efficient is that? I had a repairman come out. He told us the problem was in the vent. My husband had cleaned out the vent before he showed up so afterward he did it again and was given the ‘all clear’ from another service. The Speed Queen repairman came a second time. The only thing he could tell us was that there was nothing more he could do and it’s something we have to put up with. What??? Put Up With??? Not acceptable. Today we had another repairman come out to test the heating element. His answer was the heating element was not running as it should. He will order a new part. WHAT??? A new part on a brand new Dryer? Now I realize I said it was purchased in February and this is November but please take into consideration that we are gone from June-October so this dryer was not in use at that time. This is totally ridiculous. I can’t believe Speed Queen, a company that is supposed to be the Number 1 seller of Washers & Dryers, would not replace this unit. So wrong. I will NEVER buy another one.
Publicado: November 15, 2018
Karen of Hilton Head Island, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I really don’t want to give this rating a star but I had to select a
I really don’t want to give this rating a star but I had to select at least one. My one star is under duress. This machine doesn’t even deserve one star. I bought a top load Speed Queen washing machine a year ago and used the “eco” setting which didn’t rinse the soap out of my clothes and I developed a terrible skin rash that I had to treat with **. The customer service rep at Speed Queen said the “eco” setting is to comply with government regulations and I should not use it and I should always use the “auto fill”. My clothes never were clean, in fact they became dingy. The biggest test of all was that none of my dog toys ever came out clean, they came out with the same dirt they had when I put them in the washer. I called customer service at Speed Queen 3 times to discuss the machines disappointing performance... “Don’t use eco setting”. “Small loads won’t get clean if there’s not enough clothes in them”. “The machine is designed so that the clothes rubbing against each other will clean”. In the end after a year of frustration I bought an Electrolux and my clothes are clean again.
Publicado: June 4, 2019
Angel of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After trying to find this washer in stock for months I finally found one...
After trying to find this washer in stock for months I finally found one... They had just received 3 and had 2 people on their way to get one... We jumped in our truck to go purchase one and was the first ones there (an hour away) got it in place and I have been washing everything in site... After going through 5 sets of front loaders of various brands.. GE, Whirlpool, Kenmore, Maytag and LG... what a relief to have a machine that finally gets the clothes clean... I can pre-soak and everything comes out so clean... very basic controls (which is a nice change). We are very impressed with this machine and the quality. Waiting on the matching dryer to come in... But I couldnt be happier with this washer.
Publicado: November 15, 2021
Christie of Bonne Terre, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

May 2021 bought a brand new washer and dryer Speed Queen. Did a read a revi
May 2021 bought a brand new washer and dryer Speed Queen. Did a read a reviews and heard how great it is. Washer won’t even get a little dirt out. I washed twice and still dirty. Try so many times to called Customer Service. Cannot get a hold of no one. Only auto play of computer voice telling you to hold on. Nobody ever answer t by e called of mine. Horrible customer service. I regret buying Speed Queen! I paid $1,000 for washer alone. I just lost $1,000 down the drain! I’m so mad and sad. DO NOT BUY SPEED QUEEN!!! Good getting a hold of customer service!!!
Publicado: July 25, 2021
lo of Pleasant Hill, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Speed Queen Washer and Dryer (TR5) in August 1919 and I’
I bought my Speed Queen Washer and Dryer (TR5) in August 1919 and I’m not happy with them! The day they were installed and I was told they were ready to use as they walked out the door, I did a load of laundry and found the control panel loose so I called and said I needed repair to come fix it. Then I threw in the very first load into the dryer and started it up and wow, what a racket it made! So I called service back and told them they needed to repair the dryer too. When service showed up two weeks later, they tried to tell me that the loose control panel was normal! Well, it’s not and amazingly it was fixed! The support rollers and Idler Arm Assembly had to be replaced on the dryer. I had them back to repair the washer last winter, but I don’t remember why. So repair was back again today for my washer that started to walk all over the floor. I was told that it was built up dust! Very little was cleaned out from under the machine!I was told to clean the feet, I needed to push back on that heavy machine to raise it and then put a block under it so I could clean it! Really, I am expected to raise that heavy machine and keep the dust cleaned out from under the feet? As heavy as that machine is, I want to know how dust can vent get under the feet! I am so disappointed in the quality of this expensive Speed Queen Washer and Dryer!
Publicado: January 27, 2021
L. F. of Jay, ME
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We LOVE our Speed Queen TR7 washer and dryer system. Dont be misled by nega
We LOVE our Speed Queen TR7 washer and dryer system. Dont be misled by negative reactions based on how it washes. This washer does not drag expensive clothing through the washer like machines of the past. Rather, it moves the water at high speed around the tub and through the garments. The end result is the best wash AND gentler on clothing. Weve had fantastic results. Heavily soiled clothes from yard work and gardening came out beautifully.The machine is very sophisticated with so many options for wash settings. Im enjoying the process of discovering how to wash different clothing in the best manner possible - which this machine does. Theres an extended soak option available along with a pre-wash cycle. You can even delay start the machine so that the washer sleeps until you want it to start. This allows for the ability to have the wash finish just as you arrive home which in turn eliminates standing wet clothing. Then just toss the clothes immediately in the dryer and the wash is done! (Not leaving the clothes in the dryer after they dry helps greatly reduce wrinkling.) Thorough cleaning PLUS preserving expensive clothing makes this the best washing system available.
Publicado: September 8, 2018
Cool of Suwanee, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had these appliances when my family was young (in diapers through grade s
I had these appliances when my family was young (in diapers through grade school), and found them to be reliable and dependable. They were purchased more than 30 years ago in Columbus, NE and I chose them because the laundromat had that brand. I remember there was an extra prewash cycle that worked well for doing cloth diapers. I really liked the prewash cycle for rinsing diapers before doing their regular wash cycle. Alas! Few people use cloth diapers anymore! Then, as my sons got older, and into sports, I found the prewash cycle handy for tough, messy dirt and spills on their clothes. But when we moved to Sheboygan WI, we decided we would buy new appliances rather than move the ones that were over eight years old. The store in Sheboygan did not carry the Speed Queen brand.
Publicado: March 17, 2017
Nancy of Chattanooga, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Speed Queen washer that we purchased at Warners Stellian, is model #AWN
The Speed Queen washer that we purchased at Warners Stellian, is model #AWN432SP113TWD4. Had repair person out 3 times due to water on floor after washing. Unable to determine problem. Problem continues daily, leaking water on rugs and shoes. Contacted Warners Stellian and they want their repair person coming out a 4th time. Company will not issued a new washer due to daily leaking from this Speed Queen washer.
Publicado: October 19, 2019
Jody of Saint Paul, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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