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Whirlpool Accesorios
Whirlpool Accesorios

Whirlpool Reparación de electrodomésticos

La empresa comercializa Whirlpool, Maytag, KitchenAid, JennAir, Amana, Gladiator GarageWorks, Inglis, Estate, Brastemp, Bauknecht, Ignis, Indesit y Consul. Su sitio web también menciona las marcas Diqua, Affresh, Acros y Yummly.

Aire acondicionado Reparar

Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Filtro de aire
Si el filtro de aire está obstruido, el aire no puede fluir correctamente a través del acondicionador de aire. Esto reduce en gran medida la capacidad de refrigeración del aire acondicionado. Además, si el filtro de aire está obstruido, las bobinas del evaporador se congelarán. Para eliminar los residuos del filtro de aire, intente limpiar el filtro. Si no es posible limpiar el filtro de aire, sustitúyalo.

Los serpentines del condensador están sucios
Los serpentines del condensador disipan el calor cuando el refrigerante pasa por ellos. Si los serpentines del condensador están sucios, no podrán disipar el calor con la misma eficacia. A medida que los residuos se acumulan en las bobinas, el aire acondicionado será menos eficiente, haciendo que el aire acondicionado trabaje más para enfriar. Si las bobinas están muy sucias, el aire acondicionado no podrá mantener la temperatura adecuada, y el compresor funcionará continuamente en un intento de enfriar la habitación. Compruebe las bobinas del condensador para determinar si están sucias. Si las bobinas del condensador están sucias, límpielas.

El compresor puede estar defectuoso. Sin embargo, este no suele ser el caso. Antes de sustituir el compresor, asegúrese de comprobar los componentes más comúnmente defectuosos, en particular el protector de sobrecarga y el condensador del compresor. Si el compresor está defectuoso, sólo debe ser sustituido por un técnico autorizado.

El termostato controla la temperatura del aire. Cuando la temperatura del aire se eleva por encima de un punto de ajuste, el termostato activa un interruptor para proporcionar energía al ventilador y al compresor. Si el termostato está defectuoso, es posible que no enfríe correctamente. Para determinar si el termostato está defectuoso, ponga el aire acondicionado en refrigeración y luego use un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del termostato. Si el termostato no tiene continuidad mientras el acondicionador de aire está ajustado en refrigeración, sustituya el termostato. (Nota: Algunos termostatos también pueden controlar un calentador y, por lo tanto, tendrán tres terminales. Consulte el diagrama de cableado de su acondicionador de aire para obtener más información).

Placa de control
La placa de control regula la tensión del compresor y del motor del ventilador. Si la placa de control falla, algunos componentes no funcionarán correctamente o no funcionarán en absoluto. Los tableros de control son a menudo mal diagnosticados; asegúrese de revisar primero las partes más comúnmente defectuosas antes de reemplazar el tablero de control.

Placa de control principal
La placa de control principal regula la tensión del compresor y del motor del ventilador. Si la placa de control principal falla, algunos componentes no funcionarán correctamente o no funcionarán en absoluto. Las tarjetas de control principal a menudo se diagnostican de forma errónea; asegúrese de comprobar primero las piezas defectuosas más comunes antes de sustituir la tarjeta de control principal.

Calentador de agua Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Sin agua caliente
Un calentador de agua eléctrico recién instalado puede tardar varias horas en alcanzar la temperatura normal de funcionamiento. Si no tiene agua caliente después de dos horas (el agua ni siquiera está caliente), primero compruebe que el calentador de agua recibe energía eléctrica. El hecho de que no reciba energía es una razón común para que los calentadores de agua nuevos no funcionen.

Fugas de agua
Con un nuevo calentador de agua, la mayoría de las fugas son causadas por fugas en las conexiones de la salida de agua caliente o la entrada de agua fría. Ocasionalmente, se pueden encontrar fugas procedentes de un accesorio (como alrededor de la válvula de alivio de temperatura y presión) o alrededor de uno de los elementos de calefacción. Los racores con fugas suelen poder apretarse o repararse. Es extremadamente raro que un tanque nuevo tenga fugas.

Gotas de agua
Si se observan gotas procedentes de la tubería de descarga de la válvula de alivio de temperatura y presión, es posible que la presión del agua de la casa sea demasiado alta o que se necesite un tanque de expansión térmica.

PresiĂłn del agua
Compruebe la presión del agua de su casa con un manómetro. La presión de agua recomendada es de 50 a 60 PSIG. Si la presión es más alta que eso, instale una válvula reguladora de presión (o ajuste su válvula reguladora de presión existente si tiene una). Si tiene problemas de presión de agua, consulte a su empresa local de suministro de agua o a un fontanero cualificado. La mayoría de los códigos de fontanería requieren una válvula reguladora de presión si la presión del agua es superior a 80 PSIG.

Comprobación de la potencia eléctrica
Para comprobar la potencia, apague el disyuntor marcado como "calentador de agua" (o retire los fusibles). Retire el panel de acceso superior del calentador de agua. Retire con cuidado el aislamiento y la cubierta de plástico. Identifique los cables de alimentación. Normalmente, éstos se conectan a los dos tornillos superiores del termostato superior. Vuelva a conectar el disyuntor y compruebe si hay tensión en los dos tornillos superiores del termostato superior.

Depósito de expansión térmica
Cuando el agua se calienta, se expande. En los hogares más antiguos, el agua expandida se devuelve a la red de agua. Hoy en día, la mayoría de los hogares tienen válvulas de prevención de reflujo que impiden que el agua de su casa vuelva a entrar en el suministro de agua. Un depósito de expansión térmica tiene una cámara de aire interna que puede absorber el agua expandida, protegiendo las tuberías, los electrodomésticos y el calentador de agua. Por estas razones, la mayoría de los hogares necesitan ahora un tanque de expansión térmica (y una válvula reguladora de presión correctamente ajustada). No tener un tanque de expansión térmica es la razón más común para una tubería de descarga que gotea.

Distancia Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El Horno Whirlpool no calienta.
Interruptor. El encendedor es la pieza más comúnmente defectuosa para un horno que no calienta. El encendedor tiene dos funciones principales. En primer lugar, el encendedor toma corriente eléctrica a través de la válvula de seguridad del horno para abrirla. En segundo lugar, el encendedor se calienta lo suficiente como para brillar y encender el gas en el quemador del horno. Si el encendedor se debilita, no podrá abrir la válvula de seguridad correctamente. Si la válvula no se abre, el horno no se calentará. Para determinar si el encendedor está defectuoso, observe el encendedor cuando el horno está encendido. Si el encendedor brilla durante más de 90 segundos sin encender la llama de gas, esto indica que el encendedor es demasiado débil para abrir la válvula. Si el encendedor es débil, sustitúyalo. Si el encendedor no brilla en absoluto, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del encendedor. Si el encendedor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El horno de hidromasaje no hornea uniformemente.
Elemento de cocción. Si el elemento de horneado está quemado, el horno sólo se calentará con el elemento de asado. Esto hará que el horno se caliente de forma desigual. Cuando el elemento de cocción se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si el elemento se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañado. Inspeccione el elemento de cocción en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si el elemento de cocción se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del elemento. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, reemplácelo.

La parrilla del horno de hidromasaje no funciona.
Elemento de cocción. El elemento de la parrilla puede haberse quemado. Cuando el elemento de la parrilla se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si el elemento se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañado. Inspeccione el elemento de asado para ver si tiene agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de asado no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

La resistencia de la estufa de hidromasaje no funciona.
Tablero del elemento de superficie. El tablero del elemento de superficie tiene relés que regulan el suministro de energía a los quemadores. Si uno o más de los relés fallan, el elemento de superficie no funcionará. Si dos o más quemadores fallan al mismo tiempo, esto indica que el tablero del elemento de superficie es probablemente el culpable. Si sólo un elemento de superficie no funciona, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del elemento. Si el elemento de superficie tiene continuidad, la placa del elemento de superficie podría estar defectuosa.

El quemador de la estufa de hidromasaje no se enciende.
Módulo de chispa. El módulo de chispa proporciona energía a cada electrodo de chispa del quemador de superficie. Si el quemador produce una chispa débil, o si el quemador chispea intermitentemente, el módulo de chispa podría estar defectuoso. Antes de sustituir el módulo de chispa, compruebe primero el electrodo de chispa y el cable de chispa. Si el electrodo de chispa y el cable de chispa no están defectuosos, es probable que el módulo de chispa esté defectuoso. Si el módulo de chispa está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

La temperatura del horno de hidromasaje no es exacta.
Elemento de cocción. Cuando el elemento de cocción se está calentando correctamente, se ilumina en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si la resistencia se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañada. Inspeccione el elemento calefactor en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

La luz del horno de hidromasaje está apagada.
Conjunto de luces. Si la luz del horno está apagada, es posible que sea necesario reemplazar todo el conjunto de la luz. A menudo los componentes del conjunto de la luz no se venden por separado.

El horno de Whirlpool no se enciende.
Elemento de cocción. Cuando el elemento de horneado se está calentando correctamente, brilla en rojo. Si el elemento no brilla en rojo, esto indica que el elemento no está calentando. A menudo, si la resistencia se ha quemado, estará visiblemente dañada. Inspeccione el elemento calefactor en busca de agujeros o ampollas. Para determinar si la resistencia se ha quemado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la resistencia. Si el elemento de cocción no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

Horno de hidromasaje no autolimpiable.
Motor de bloqueo de la puerta y conjunto del interruptor. Durante el ciclo de autolimpieza del horno, el interruptor de bloqueo de la puerta activa el motor de bloqueo de la puerta para evitar que se abra la puerta del horno. Si el motor de bloqueo de la puerta y el interruptor están defectuosos, la puerta del horno no se desbloqueará una vez que el ciclo de autolimpieza se haya completado. En la mayoría de los hornos, usted puede abrir la puerta del horno retirando ciertos tornillos o paneles. Consulte el manual del propietario para obtener más instrucciones.

El horno de Whirlpool no se apaga.
Placa de control del horno. El tablero de control del horno tiene relés que envían voltaje a los circuitos de horneado y asado de acuerdo con la configuración del usuario y la entrada del sensor. Si uno de los relés del tablero de control se cierra en cortocircuito, el tablero de control puede enviar voltaje continuo al circuito de calentamiento. Si el horno sigue calentando después de apagarlo, es probable que la tarjeta de control esté defectuosa. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, sustitúyala.

El elemento de superficie del horno de hidromasaje no se apaga.
Interruptor del elemento de superficie. El interruptor del elemento de superficie envía tensión a la bobina del elemento de superficie. A veces, cuando el interruptor del elemento de superficie falla, los contactos eléctricos dentro del interruptor se fusionan, haciendo que el interruptor envíe voltaje continuo al elemento de superficie. Si el interruptor del elemento de superficie está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

El ventilador del horno de hidromasaje no se apaga.
Placa de control del horno. El tablero de control del horno tiene relés que regulan la energía a los circuitos de horneado, asado y ventilador de acuerdo con los ajustes del usuario y la entrada del sensor. Si uno de estos relés se cortocircuita, la placa de control puede enviar tensión continua al ventilador del horno. Sin embargo, esto no suele ocurrir. Antes de sustituir la placa de control, compruebe primero los termostatos del horno. Si un termostato del horno falla, puede hacer que el ventilador del horno funcione continuamente.

Los quemadores de la cocina de hidromasaje chispean todo el tiempo.
Interruptor de encendido de chispas. Uno de los interruptores de encendido por chispa podría estar defectuoso. El interruptor de encendido por chispa envía tensión al módulo de chispa. Cuando los contactos eléctricos dentro del interruptor se cierran, la energía fluye al módulo de chispa. Si el interruptor de encendido de chispa falla con los contactos eléctricos cerrados, el interruptor enviará tensión continua al módulo de chispa. Para determinar si alguno de los interruptores de encendido de chispa está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada uno de los interruptores. Si un interruptor de encendido de chispa muestra continuidad en todos los ajustes, reemplácelo.

Horno Reparar

Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

La ignición se calienta mucho y brilla de color naranja brillante para encender el quemador de gas. Si el encendedor falla o se agrieta, el horno no calentará. Para determinar si el encendedor está defectuoso, retire el encendedor e inspecciónelo en busca de grietas. Si el encendedor está agrietado, sustitúyalo. Si el encendedor no está agrietado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del encendedor. Si el encendedor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

Sensor de llama
El sensor de llama controla el quemador para detectar si hay o no llama. Si el sensor de llama está defectuoso, podría no detectar una llama. Si el sensor de llama no detecta una llama, la placa de control cortará la tensión a la válvula de gas para evitar que el horno se caliente. A veces, si el sensor de llama está sucio, no detectará la llama. Intente limpiar el sensor de llama con una almohadilla abrasiva fina. Si el horno sigue sin calentar, sustituya el sensor de llama.

Motor del inductor de tiro
El motor del inductor de tiro introduce aire en el intercambiador de calor y luego lo expulsa por la chimenea. El presostato detecta un cambio de presión y cierra un interruptor para indicar a la placa de control que el horno tiene un flujo de aire adecuado. Si el motor del inductor de tiro está defectuoso, puede ser incapaz de cerrar el interruptor de presión, haciendo que el proceso de encendido se detenga y el horno se apague después de unos minutos. Si el proceso de encendido se detiene, el horno se apagará. Si el motor del inductor de tiro está averiado, sustitúyalo.

Placa de control
La placa de control regula el suministro de energĂ­a a todos los componentes del horno. Si la placa de control falla, podrĂ­a no enviar tensiĂłn al sistema de encendido, haciendo que el horno no se caliente.

Interruptor de lĂ­mite de apagado de llama
El interruptor de apagado de llama controla el calor que rodea a los quemadores. Si el motor del ventilador del inductor no puede aspirar suficiente aire a través de los quemadores, o si el horno no está ventilando correctamente, el interruptor de apagado de llama se abrirá para detener la secuencia de encendido y evitar que el horno se caliente. Para determinar si el interruptor de apagado de llama está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si el interruptor no tiene continuidad y el botón de reinicio no se dispara, reemplácelo. Tenga en cuenta que un flujo de aire deficiente a través del quemador es a menudo el resultado de una ventilación insuficiente o de un conducto de escape restringido. Asegúrese de que su horno está en un lugar bien ventilado y de que el conducto de escape está libre de obstrucciones.

Termostato de pared
El termostato de pared tiene contactos eléctricos que controlan el suministro de energía al horno. Si los contactos del termostato fallan, el horno no se encenderá. Para determinar si el termostato está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si el termostato de pared no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

Lavadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

La lavadora Whirlpool no gira.
Conjunto del interruptor de la tapa. El conjunto del interruptor de la tapa impide que la lavadora gire cuando la tapa está abierta. Si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa falla, la lavadora no girará. Para determinar si el conjunto del interruptor de la tapa está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del interruptor de la tapa. Si el interruptor de la tapa no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

La lavadora de hidromasaje hace un ruido fuerte durante el ciclo de lavado.
Rodamiento. El cojinete de la bañera está montado en el centro de la bañera exterior. El cojinete de la bañera ayuda a mantener la bañera interior girando suavemente. La sustitución del cojinete de la cuba es una reparación muy complicada y requerirá el desmontaje de la mayor parte de la lavadora. Si el cojinete de la cuba está defectuoso, recomendamos sustituir tanto la cuba exterior como el cojinete.

La lavadora de hidromasaje no agita.
Juego de reparación del agitador. Si la lavadora no agita, la sustitución del kit de reparación del agitador puede resolver el problema. El kit contiene los componentes del agitador que tienen más probabilidades de desgastarse y/o fallar. Si alguna de las piezas está desgastada, despojada o dañada, sustituya el kit.

La lavadora de hidromasaje no desagua.
Bomba de desagüe. A veces, pequeños objetos o artículos de ropa pueden quedar atrapados en la bomba de desagüe. Para determinar si algo está bloqueando la bomba de desagüe, retire la bomba de desagüe y compruebe si hay obstrucciones en la bomba. Si la bomba de desagüe está libre de obstrucciones, pero sigue siendo ruidosa durante el ciclo de desagüe, sustituya la bomba de desagüe.

La lavadora de hidromasaje vibra o se agita.
Amortiguador. Uno o más de los amortiguadores pueden estar rotos o desgastados. Los amortiguadores amortiguan la vibración de la cuba de la lavadora. Si uno o más de los amortiguadores están desgastados, la lavadora vibrará o se sacudirá. A veces, cuando se traslada la lavadora a otro lugar, los amortiguadores pueden separarse. Compruebe los amortiguadores para asegurarse de que están colocados correctamente, e inspecciónelos en busca de daños y desgaste. Si uno o más de los amortiguadores están rotos o desgastados, recomendamos sustituir todos los amortiguadores como medida preventiva.

La lavadora de hidromasaje se llena lentamente o no se llena en absoluto.
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua se abre para permitir que el agua entre en la lavadora. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa, la lavadora puede llenarse lentamente o no llenarse en absoluto. La válvula de entrada de agua requiere una presión de agua suficiente para funcionar correctamente. En primer lugar, compruebe la presión del agua para determinar si es adecuada. Si la presión del agua es adecuada, intente limpiar las rejillas del interior de los puertos de conexión de la manguera de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si la lavadora sigue llenándose lentamente, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua.

La lavadora de hidromasaje tiene una fuga.
La bomba de desagüe bombea agua por la manguera de desagüe. Si la bomba de desagüe está agrietada o dañada, o si los cojinetes están desgastados, la bomba de desagüe puede perder agua. La bomba de drenaje no se puede reparar si la bomba pierde agua, reemplácela.

La lavadora de hidromasaje no arranca.
Temporizador. El temporizador es frecuentemente mal diagnosticado antes de reemplazar el temporizador, primero revise todas las partes más comúnmente defectuosas. Para determinar si el temporizador está defectuoso, consulte el diagrama de cableado de su lavadora y utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del temporizador.

La lavadora Whirlpool no centrifuga ni agita.
Correa de transmisión. Inspeccione la correa de transmisión para determinar si está rota o si está suelta en las poleas. Si la correa de transmisión está rota o suelta, sustitúyala.

La lavadora de hidromasaje se desborda.
Válvula de entrada de agua. Pruebe a cortar la corriente de la lavadora mientras ésta se llena de agua. Si la lavadora sigue llenándose de agua aunque no reciba corriente, esto indica que la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa, sustitúyala.

La puerta o la tapa de la lavadora de hidromasaje no se bloquea.
Motor de la cerradura de la puerta y conjunto del interruptor. El bloqueo de la puerta asegura el cierre de la puerta de la lavadora durante el funcionamiento. Una vez que la puerta de la lavadora está cerrada, la lavadora puede comenzar a funcionar. Si la cerradura de la puerta está defectuosa, la puerta de la lavadora no se cerrará correctamente. La cerradura de la puerta puede fallar mecánica o eléctricamente. Inspeccione la cerradura de la puerta para ver si está dañada. Si la cerradura de la puerta está dañada o no se traba correctamente, reemplácela. Para determinar si la cerradura de la puerta ha fallado eléctricamente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada uno de los interruptores de la cerradura de la puerta. Si uno de los interruptores no tiene continuidad, reemplace el interruptor.

Lavadora de hidromasaje se detiene a mitad de ciclo.
Motor de bloqueo de la puerta y conjunto del interruptor. El bloqueo de la puerta asegura el cierre de la puerta de la lavadora durante el funcionamiento. Una vez que la puerta de la lavadora está cerrada, la lavadora puede comenzar a funcionar. Si la puerta de la lavadora no está cerrada, el interruptor de la puerta impide que la lavadora funcione. Si el cierre de la puerta está defectuoso, la lavadora puede detenerse a mitad del ciclo. La cerradura de la puerta puede fallar mecánica o eléctricamente. Inspeccione la cerradura de la puerta para ver si está dañada. Si la cerradura de la puerta está dañada o no encaja correctamente, reemplácela. Para determinar si la cerradura de la puerta ha fallado eléctricamente, consulte el diagrama de su lavadora y utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada uno de los interruptores de la cerradura de la puerta. Si uno de los interruptores no tiene continuidad, reemplace el interruptor.

Lavaplatos Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

Microonda Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El microondas Whirlpool no calienta.
Diodo. El diodo convierte la salida de energía A/C del transformador en D/C, duplicando el voltaje a casi 5.000 voltios. Este alto voltaje alimenta el magnetrón para calentar los alimentos. Si el diodo se quema, el magnetrón no recibe suficiente voltaje para funcionar, impidiendo que el microondas se caliente. Cuando el diodo falla, suele estar visiblemente quemado. Inspeccione el diodo y, si está quemado, sustitúyalo. Si la inspección del diodo no es concluyente, pruébelo con un multímetro que utilice una pila de 9 voltios o ponga una pila de 9 voltios en serie con el diodo. Cuando se invierten los cables, el diodo sólo debe tener continuidad en una dirección. (Advertencia: El horno microondas puede almacenar una cantidad letal de electricidad en su condensador de alto voltaje, incluso después de que el horno microondas haya sido desenchufado. Debido a la alta tensión de funcionamiento y a la posibilidad de sufrir una descarga eléctrica, es extremadamente peligroso sustituir los componentes electrónicos de un microondas. Sólo un técnico autorizado debe sustituir el diodo).

El microondas de Whirlpool no funciona.
Fusible de línea. Si pasa demasiada corriente por el circuito del microondas, el fusible de línea se fundirá. Si el fusible de línea se funde, el microondas no arranca. Para determinar si el fusible de línea está averiado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar su continuidad. Si el fusible no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo. Además, debe investigar y resolver el problema que ha provocado la rotura del fusible. Si no resuelve el problema subyacente, el nuevo fusible también se fundirá. (Precaución: El horno microondas puede almacenar miles de voltios de electricidad en su condensador de alto voltaje, incluso después de que el horno microondas haya sido desenchufado. Debido al potencial de descarga eléctrica, es extremadamente peligroso reemplazar los componentes electrónicos de un microondas. Sólo un técnico autorizado debe reemplazar el fusible de línea).

La bombilla del microondas Whirlpool no funciona.
Bombilla. La propia bombilla puede estar quemada. Reemplace la bombilla antes de reemplazar cualquiera de las partes asociadas con la bombilla
El microondas de Whirlpool se apaga después de algunos segundos.
Interruptor de la puerta. Un interruptor de puerta podría estar fallando intermitentemente. Compruebe cada uno de los interruptores de la puerta para ver si hay signos de sobrecalentamiento, formación de arcos o quemaduras. Si no ve ningún signo evidente de fallo, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada interruptor. Si alguno de los interruptores está visiblemente dañado o sólo tiene continuidad intermitente, sustitúyalo.

El plato giratorio del Microondas Whirlpool no gira.
Motor del plato giratorio. Utilice un multĂ­metro para comprobar la continuidad del motor. Si el motor del plato giratorio no tiene continuidad, sustitĂşyalo.

Los botones del microondas de hidromasaje no funcionan.
Panel táctil. Para determinar si el panel táctil está defectuoso, intente pulsar cada uno de los botones del panel de control. Si algunos de los botones responden correctamente y otros no, sustituya el panel táctil.

La pantalla del microondas Whirlpool no funciona.
Placa de control principal. Si la pantalla se apaga parcialmente, el tablero de la pantalla es más comúnmente el culpable. Si la pantalla no funciona en absoluto, la placa de control principal o la placa de la pantalla podrían ser las culpables.

El microondas de Whirlpool se enciende solo.
Placa de control principal. En primer lugar, asegúrese de que el panel táctil funciona correctamente. Si el panel táctil funciona correctamente, es probable que la placa de control principal sea la culpable. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, reemplácela.

El microondas de Whirlpool produce chispas o arcos eléctricos.
Cubierta de la guía de ondas. La cubierta de la guía de ondas podría estar dañada y en cortocircuito. Intente quitar la cubierta de la guía de ondas y vea si el problema se resuelve. Si la cubierta de la guía de ondas está quemada o no se mantiene en su sitio, sustitúyala.

La puerta del microondas de Whirlpool no se abre.
Gancho de la puerta. El gancho de la puerta encaja con el pestillo de la puerta para mantener la puerta cerrada durante el funcionamiento. Dado que el gancho de la puerta está hecho de plástico, puede romperse debido al desgaste regular. Si el gancho de la puerta está roto, no liberará la puerta correctamente, impidiendo que la puerta se abra. Si el gancho de la puerta está roto, sustitúyalo.

El extractor del microondas de Whirlpool no funciona.
Motor del ventilador de escape. Para determinar si el motor del ventilador está defectuoso, retire el motor del ventilador del microondas e intente girar las aspas del ventilador con la mano. Si las aspas no giran libremente, sustituya el motor del ventilador. Si las aspas del ventilador giran libremente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la alimentación y la continuidad del motor. Si el motor tiene corriente pero no funciona, sustitúyalo. Si el motor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El microondas Whirlpool es ruidoso o hace ruido.
Magnetrón. El magnetrón utiliza energía de CC de alto voltaje y alta corriente para generar la frecuencia de microondas que cocina los alimentos. En circunstancias normales, el magnetrón emite un zumbido bajo. Sin embargo, si el magnetrón está dañado o casi quemado, puede empezar a emitir sonidos agudos o gruñidos. Si el magnetrón es ruidoso, esto indica que el magnetrón se está acercando al final de su vida útil o podría estar defectuoso. Un diodo de alto voltaje defectuoso también puede hacer que el magnetrón sea ruidoso. Antes de sustituir el magnetrón, compruebe primero el diodo de alta tensión. Si el diodo no está defectuoso, sustituya el magnetrón. (Advertencia: El horno microondas puede almacenar una cantidad letal de electricidad en su condensador de alto voltaje, incluso después de que el horno microondas haya sido desenchufado. Debido a la alta tensión de funcionamiento y a la posibilidad de sufrir una descarga eléctrica, es extremadamente peligroso sustituir los componentes electrónicos de un microondas. Sólo un técnico autorizado debe sustituir el magnetrón).

Refrigerador Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

El frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool no enfrĂ­a.
Motor del ventilador del condensador. El motor del ventilador del condensador aspira el aire a través de las bobinas del condensador y sobre el compresor. Si el motor del ventilador del condensador no funciona correctamente, el frigorífico no enfriará bien. Para determinar si el motor del ventilador está defectuoso, compruebe primero si las aspas del ventilador están obstruidas. A continuación, intente girar el aspa del motor del ventilador con la mano. Si el aspa no gira libremente, sustituya el motor del ventilador del condensador. Si no hay obstrucciones y el aspa del ventilador gira libremente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del motor del ventilador. Si el motor del ventilador del condensador no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El dispensador de agua de la bañera no funciona.
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua se abre para suministrar agua al dispensador. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa, o si la presión del agua es demasiado baja, la válvula de agua no se abrirá. La válvula requiere al menos 20 psi para funcionar correctamente. Asegúrese de que la presión del agua que llega a la válvula es de al menos 20 psi. Si la presión del agua es suficiente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si la válvula de entrada de agua no tiene continuidad, reemplácela.

La máquina de hielo de Whirlpool no funciona.
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua es una válvula controlada eléctricamente que se abre para suministrar agua al dispensador y al fabricador de hielo. Si la válvula de entrada de agua está defectuosa, o si no tiene suficiente presión, no permitirá que el agua fluya. Como resultado, el productor de hielo no producirá hielo. La válvula requiere al menos 20 psi para funcionar correctamente. Asegúrese de que la presión del agua que llega a la válvula es de al menos 20 psi. Si la presión del agua es suficiente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la alimentación de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si la válvula de entrada de agua tiene suficiente presión y recibe energía, pero el productor de hielo no se llena de agua para hacer hielo, reemplace la válvula de entrada de agua.

El fabricador de hielo del frigorĂ­fico de Whirlpool no dispensa hielo.
Placa de control del dispensador. El tablero de control del dispensador gobierna la mayoría de las funciones del sistema del dispensador. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, puede dejar de suministrar energía a todo el sistema dispensador. Si sólo una parte del dispensador no funciona, pruebe cada uno de los componentes del dispensador antes de probar el tablero de control. Es más probable que una sola pieza haya fallado. Si todo el sistema dispensador no funciona, es más probable que la placa de control sea la culpable.

El frigorĂ­fico de Whirlpool no se descongela.
Placa de control de descongelación. La placa de control de descongelación determina la frecuencia con la que se debe ejecutar el ciclo de descongelación. Si la placa falla, el frigorífico no entrará en el ciclo de descongelación. Antes de reemplazar la tarjeta de control de descongelamiento, primero pruebe el calentador de descongelamiento y el termostato de descongelamiento. Si el calentador de descongelación y el termostato de descongelación funcionan correctamente, es probable que la placa de control de descongelación esté defectuosa.

El frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool es ruidoso o fuerte.
Señal del ventilador. Si el frigorífico es ruidoso o ruidoso, especialmente cuando se abre una de las puertas, es posible que el ventilador del evaporador o del condensador esté defectuoso. En primer lugar, compruebe el aspa del ventilador del evaporador en el congelador, detrás del panel trasero. Intente girarlo con la mano. Si el aspa del ventilador no gira libremente, compruebe si el aspa está rozando con algo o si hay algo atrapado en el aspa. Además, compruebe el aspa del ventilador del condensador en la parte inferior trasera del frigorífico para determinar si tiene alguna obstrucción.

Drenaje de descongelaciĂłn del frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool obstruido.
Calentador de desagüe. Algunos frigoríficos están equipados con calentadores de desagüe. Los calentadores de desagüe evitan que el agua de la bandeja de desagüe se vuelva a congelar y obstruya el desagüe de descongelación. Si el calentador de drenaje está defectuoso o no está en la posición adecuada, el drenaje de descongelación podría congelarse.

El frigorĂ­fico de Whirlpool no enfrĂ­a, pero el congelador funciona.
Motor del ventilador del evaporador. El motor del ventilador del evaporador extrae aire frío sobre las bobinas del evaporador y lo hace circular por todo el congelador. Si el ventilador del evaporador no funciona, el congelador o el frigorífico no enfriará adecuadamente. Para determinar si el motor del ventilador del evaporador está defectuoso, intente girar el aspa del ventilador con la mano. Si el aspa no gira libremente, sustituya el motor del ventilador. Además, si el motor es inusualmente ruidoso, sustitúyalo. Por último, si el motor no funciona en absoluto, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de los devanados del motor. Si los devanados no tienen continuidad, sustituya el motor del ventilador del evaporador.

El frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool pierde agua.
Cabezal del filtro de agua. El cabezal del filtro de agua puede estar agrietado, o la junta puede estar rota o faltar. Inspeccione la carcasa del filtro de agua en busca de grietas. Si descubre alguna grieta en la carcasa del filtro de agua, cámbiela.

CongelaciĂłn de alimentos en el frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool.
Termostato de control de temperatura. El termostato de control de temperatura dirige el voltaje al compresor, al motor del ventilador del evaporador y al motor del ventilador del condensador (si corresponde). Si el termostato de control de temperatura no funciona correctamente, puede hacer que el sistema de refrigeración funcione más tiempo del necesario. Como resultado, el refrigerador estará demasiado frío. Para determinar si el termostato está defectuoso, gire el termostato desde el ajuste más bajo hasta el más alto y escuche un clic. Si el termostato hace clic, no es probable que esté defectuoso. Si el termostato no hace clic, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del termostato. Si el termostato de control de temperatura no tiene continuidad en ningún ajuste, sustitúyalo.

La máquina de hielo del frigorífico Whirlpool se desborda.
Válvula de entrada de agua. La válvula de entrada de agua requiere un mínimo de 20 psi para cerrarse correctamente. Si la presión del agua es demasiado baja, es posible que la válvula no se cierre por completo una vez que se haya cortado la corriente. Como resultado, la válvula tendrá una fuga de agua en la máquina de hielo y hará que ésta se desborde. Compruebe la presión del agua para determinar si es de al menos 20 psi. Si la presión del agua es suficiente, es probable que la válvula de entrada de agua esté defectuosa. Es posible que la válvula no cierre del todo o que esté atascada, haciendo que el agua se filtre a través de la válvula. Si la presión del agua es suficiente, pero la máquina de hielo sigue rebosando, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua.

La luz del frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool no funciona.
Bombilla. Es posible que la bombilla esté fundida. Reemplace la bombilla antes de reemplazar cualquier otra pieza asociada a la bombilla.

El frigorĂ­fico Whirlpool funciona constantemente.
Junta de la puerta. Si el frigorífico funciona constantemente, la junta de la puerta puede estar rota o defectuosa, o si la puerta no está bien cerrada, el aire caliente puede entrar en el frigorífico y hacer que los serpentines del evaporador se congelen. Esto ocurre porque el aire húmedo de la habitación entra en el frigorífico a través de la abertura de la junta. Cuando la humedad entra en contacto con las bobinas frías del evaporador, se condensa y se congela. Normalmente, el sistema de descongelación elimina esta escarcha y el hielo. Sin embargo, si la junta de la puerta está defectuosa, los serpentines del evaporador se congelan demasiado rápido y el ciclo de descongelación no puede seguir el ritmo.

Secadora Reparar

Para el hogar, la cocina y más allá, Whirlpool fabrica electrodomésticos en los que los propietarios han llegado a confiar. Sin embargo, incluso un electrodoméstico de confianza requiere un mantenimiento o reparación ocasional. Si necesita una reparación de electrodomésticos Whirlpool por parte de profesionales experimentados, su Ayudante de Electrodomésticos local puede ayudarle.

La secadora Whirlpool ha dejado de girar.
Correa de transmisión. La correa de transmisión es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el camino alrededor del tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensión, y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de accionamiento. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa está rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rápidamente si la correa está rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa esté rota. A continuación, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que está rota. Si la correa está rota, sustitúyala.

El tambor de la secadora de hidromasaje no gira.
Correa de transmisión. La correa de transmisión es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensión y luego alrededor de la polea del motor de transmisión. Con el tiempo, la correa puede romperse por el uso normal. Si la correa está rota, la secadora no gira. Para determinar rápidamente si la correa está rota, introduzca la mano en la secadora y gire el tambor con la mano. Si el tambor gira con facilidad, es probable que la correa esté rota. A continuación, inspeccione la correa para confirmar que está rota. Si la correa está rota, sustitúyala.

La secadora de hidromasaje tarda demasiado en secar la ropa.
Rueda del soplador. La rueda del soplador funciona con el motor de accionamiento para introducir aire en el tambor de la secadora. Las pelusas, los calcetines y las prendas pequeñas pueden escapar del filtro de pelusas y quedar atrapadas en la rueda del soplador. Además, el manguito de la rueda del soplador puede desgastarse, permitiendo que la rueda del soplador se tambalee sobre el eje del motor. Si la rueda del soplador está obstruida o defectuosa, puede tardar demasiado en secar la ropa. Para determinar si la rueda del soplador funciona correctamente, retire la rejilla de ventilación de la secadora y evalúe la fuerza del flujo de aire. Si el flujo de aire es débil, compruebe si la rueda del soplador está obstruida. Si no hay obstrucciones, intente girar la rueda del soplador con la mano. Si la rueda del soplador se tambalea al girar, sustitúyala.

Secadora de hidromasaje sobrecalentada.
Elemento calefactor. El elemento calefactor calienta el aire antes de que éste entre en el tambor de la secadora. Si el elemento está parcialmente cortocircuitado, puede producir calor continuamente, incluso si la secadora ha alcanzado la temperatura adecuada. Cuando esto ocurre, la secadora se calienta demasiado. Para determinar si el elemento calefactor está averiado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada terminal con la caja. Si el elemento calefactor tiene continuidad con la carcasa, está en cortocircuito. Si la resistencia está en cortocircuito, sustitúyala.

La secadora de hidromasaje no se detiene.
Rueda del soplador. La rueda del soplador aspira el aire a través de la secadora y empuja el aire fuera de la ventilación. Las pelusas, los calcetines y las prendas pequeñas pueden escapar del filtro de pelusas y quedar atrapadas en la rueda del soplador. Además, el manguito de la rueda del soplador puede desgastarse, permitiendo que la rueda del soplador se tambalee en el eje del motor. Si la rueda del soplador está obstruida o defectuosa, puede tardar demasiado en secar la ropa. Para determinar si la rueda del soplador funciona correctamente, retire la rejilla de ventilación de la secadora y evalúe la fuerza del flujo de aire. Si el flujo de aire es débil, compruebe si la rueda del soplador está obstruida. Si no hay obstrucciones, intente girar la rueda del soplador con la mano. Si la rueda del soplador se tambalea al girar, sustitúyala.

La secadora Whirlpool no se calienta.
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando está bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrá continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica está interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior está restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

Secadora Whirlpool dispara el disyuntor.
Elemento calefactor. A veces, si el elemento calefactor falla, se cortocircuita contra la carcasa del calefactor, haciendo que la secadora dispare el disyuntor. Para determinar si el elemento calefactor está averiado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de cada terminal con la carcasa. Si el elemento calefactor tiene continuidad con la carcasa, está en cortocircuito. Si el elemento calefactor está en cortocircuito, sustitúyalo.

La secadora Whirlpool hace ruido.
Correa de transmisión. La correa de transmisión es una correa muy larga y delgada que envuelve todo el tambor de la secadora, alrededor de una polea de tensión y luego alrededor del motor de transmisión. Con el tiempo, la correa de transmisión puede deshilacharse o dañarse. Si la correa de transmisión está deshilachada o dañada, la secadora hará ruido al girar. Inspeccione la correa de transmisión en busca de signos de desgaste. Si la correa de transmisión está desgastada, sustitúyala.

La secadora Whirlpool no arranca.
Fusible térmico. El fusible térmico es un dispositivo de seguridad diseñado para proteger la secadora del sobrecalentamiento. El fusible se encuentra en la carcasa del soplador o en la fuente de calor de la secadora, como la resistencia en las secadoras eléctricas o en el quemador en los modelos de gas. El fusible debe estar cerrado por continuidad, lo que significa que tiene una trayectoria eléctrica continua a través de él cuando está bien. Si se sobrecalienta, el fusible no tendrá continuidad, lo que significa que la trayectoria eléctrica está interrumpida y el fusible se ha fundido. Se puede utilizar un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad. Tenga en cuenta que un fusible térmico fundido es una indicación de que la ventilación de la secadora hacia el exterior está restringida. Compruebe siempre la ventilación de la secadora cuando sustituya un fusible térmico fundido.

Whirlpool Reparación de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool servicio de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool ayuda del aparato

Whirlpool asistencia de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool mantenimiento de electrodomésticos

Reseñas de productos:

Bought the hot water heater, installed it. It leaked from bottom. Whirlpool
Bought the hot water heater, installed it. It leaked from bottom. Whirlpool warranties it. Replace it with new heater. It too leaks. I Google problems with Whirlpool hot water heaters. Found over 1500 complaints.
Publicado: April 4, 2017
Michael of Panama City Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We our adding our name to a list that is remarkably long. We purchased a to
We our adding our name to a list that is remarkably long. We purchased a top loading Cabrio washing machine just over a year ago and the problems with the balancing of the unit are the same as everyone else who has written in. The service company A&E has promised a lot but has done little to resolve the issues we have had with the machine. One representative told us that she would order the part and have it sent to our home. When the part did not arrive, we called A&E back only to find out it was never ordered because the service technician would not return their phone calls. I find this excuse ridiculous and similar to other false statements they have given us on the other four phone calls made to address the problem. After reading these reviews, we realize that this is only the beginning of what will be a frustrating and costly experience. Never again will we buy a Whirlpool!
Publicado: November 30, 2011
Greg of New Paltz, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It works quite well except if you put items in the back of the top shelf of
It works quite well except if you put items in the back of the top shelf of the refrigerator it will freeze them as if they were in the freezer section. I have a bottom freezer and that works quite well. And it is very quiet when running.
Publicado: February 16, 2021
Jerome of Harbor Beach, Michigan
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased new home with Whirlpool appliances installed Aug 21/17. Six month
Purchased new home with Whirlpool appliances installed Aug 21/17. Six months ago, I noticed that when I opened the door to the microwave over my range, the light flickered. A few months ago, intermittently, stopped working, now, not working. After reading the reviews, I am having the same problems other consumers are having. DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS! DONT BUY!
Publicado: February 27, 2019
Catherine of Etobicoke, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Im 61 so I have some experience. I personally know fridges that have lasted
Im 61 so I have some experience. I personally know fridges that have lasted over 20 years. I just Googled it and found out the norm is 14 to 17 years. This hunk of crap lasted 4 years. As soon as I got it home and plugged it in (4 yrs ago) the most noticeable thing was the noise. It sounded like a tractor! I considered taking it back (wish I did). Then after a couple of years the pull handle came off! The whole time we had to be careful the door was closing properly. It was problematic. Ive owned (and re-sold) about a dozen fridges in my life. This the first one to fail on me. It was bad from day one!
Publicado: June 10, 2019
Mark of Escondido, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Top loading Washing Machine Model #WTW4950XW2 - You would think that a big
Top loading Washing Machine Model #WTW4950XW2 - You would think that a big company like Whirlpool would make quality washers. NOT! Our top loading washer bought in late 2011 has been making loud noise during the washing cycle for the last 6 months, and last night was struggling to spin. Seriously, with just my wife and myself using the washer once a week, this washer should last over a decade! So I called Whirlpool and explained the problem... and, as expected, they cannot help me as it is over the one year warranty. NO MORE WHIRLPOOL BRANDS FOR US!
Publicado: January 19, 2015
Leo of Toronto, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

First one had major problems. The bladder they call it. They took out the w
First one had major problems. The bladder they call it. They took out the whole system out, replaced the tube that goes to the top of the refrigerator which is where it always starts leaking so they worked on it three times, junked it, gave me a new one and here I am again same thing. Ruined my hardwood floor and Im stuck with it. Never again will I buy WHIRLPOOL.
Publicado: July 29, 2014
Paul of Hanover, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Washer MOD WTW4800XQ2 - I purchased this washer about 2 years ago after my
Washer MOD WTW4800XQ2 - I purchased this washer about 2 years ago after my 15 year old washer died. I have always used Whirlpool appliances as well as my Mother that recommended Whirlpool to me some 40 years ago. I knew when this machine was delivered and set up that I was in for change. It locks down to where you cant get in it for too long of a period of time. I am a really busy person, and HATE this, but if that were the only issue, I could accept that. We live on a farm and our clothes get really soiled especially in the warmer months. I like to pre-soak white clothes, NOT happening with this machine!!! It ends the cycle after about 30 minutes so I have to start over, wasting water. But the main issue is the machine tries to level the clothes, or whatever it is doing on its own before filling with water. I wash a lot of clothes!!! I am going to say that 90% of the loads of clothes that I have washed with this machine have been off balance, banging around bad. I then have to wait for it to unlock so that I can pull out the dripping wet clothes and replace to try and get it balanced. I am 59 years old, I got married at 14. So Ive been washing clothes for a LONG time... This machine is junk to say the least. I recently house sat for family. They purchased a new GE washer and dryer a little bit before I got these, wonderful machines!!! I washed dog beds, sheets, blankets and tons of clothes during this time. WOW, I had forgot that washing clothes didnt have to be torture. I will NEVER purchase another Whirlpool product. This washer has exhausted me. I purchased it at Lowes on tunnel rd in Asheville, NC. Please, if you havent already, junk this design... Its gonna lose your loyal customers. This complaint has nothing to do with where I purchased it. I did not contact the store as they did not design the machine. I did NOT want to pay for service on a poorly designed product...
Publicado: December 8, 2014
Linda of Asheville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We just purchased a new fridge - September 2021 -- Whirlpool side by side.
We just purchased a new fridge - September 2021 -- Whirlpool side by side. Why is just okay? It is a loud refrigerator. A roaring sound is pretty constant. The ice tray in the door has no recessed tray ... so water and melting ice just follow down the front of the door and onto the floor. Two days after purchase we went back to Lowes to return this fridge ... but all the other refrigerators do not have a recessed ice tray. And since they are not plugged in ... who knows if they roar.
Publicado: September 27, 2021
Dan of League City, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ice machine went out right after the year warranty was up. Convenient right
Ice machine went out right after the year warranty was up. Convenient right? We called a hometown tech to come out and look at the water valve. He was unable to locate it, so we called Whirlpool service. After waiting 30 mins, they told us they cant tell us where to locate it for safety reasons, and if we wanted anything done to the refrigerator, we needed to pay a tech to come see it. EXTREMELY RUDE!!! I would NOT recommend whirlpool ANYTHING.
Publicado: May 29, 2015
Sierra of Greenfield, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a house almost 10 years ago and it included a Maytag washer and d
We bought a house almost 10 years ago and it included a Maytag washer and dryer. About 5 years ago, we decided to buy the Whirlpool front loaders. What a mistake as the washer shook every time it ran. After several warranty service calls and days of vacation waiting for the service, they finally said they couldnt do anything. During that time I had been in contact with Whirlpool and asked for them to take them back. Of course they wouldnt. I asked for a swap for top load washer and they would need to also replace the dryer to match: still no deal. It took a letter from a lawyer to make it happen. They also bought back the washer and dryer stands which covered the lawyers costs.So shortly after I received the Cabrio washer and matching dryer, the lid is very heavy which I believe the lid spring broke. I refused to call the service company as I did not want to go thru that crap again. I also know I can fix it myself easier and without all the drama. I keep waiting for another failure but so far all is acceptable. Whirlpool is not the same company as they were when I made my living doing warranty service for Whirlpool! 30 years ago they were the best in the industry.The Maytag pair was giving to our relative and they are still working flawlessly. Unfortunately Whirlpool now owns Maytag. This experience has cost Whirlpool replacing our kitchen appliances. As much as I want to buy American, I will go with Bosch or LG only.
Publicado: December 26, 2014
Daniel of Newnan, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our gas stove (Whirlpool WFG714hLAS1) has been working fine and it looks gr
Our gas stove (Whirlpool WFG714hLAS1) has been working fine and it looks great. However I just tried the self clean cycle to clean it up. I dont do a lot of cooking with only the two of us, but I like to keep things clean. I was very surprised after the first time - it didnt look much different than before I ran it! I was used to simply wiping down the oven following a cleaning, just removing the leftover ash. I havent had to scrub an oven for many years and it is very hard for me. I ran a second cleaning cycle and it didnt look any cleaner. We both had to kneel down and try a variety of non abrasive cleaners which finally got most of the grease spots, but not all. I guess we will just have to cover the roasts and try to keep aluminium foil on the bottom rack as much as possible. PLEASE re-consider buying any brand stove that has this awful feature, unless you like cleaning ovens by hand!
Publicado: April 2, 2015
Mary of Long Beach, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Refrigerator: Model # WRT111SFDW - We bought this frost-free frig
Whirlpool Refrigerator: Model # WRT111SFDW - We bought this frost-free frig. in Feb of 2016 and this Feb. before the year was up, it started freezing up. I called the Co. and they sent a young man to my house to fix it and he thought he had. Well 2 wks after that it started freezing again and I called the Co. again and the same thing happened again and this was after my warranty had expired. Well then this young man came out and replaced the fan and a heating rod I believe to help it to stop freezing. Well 2 days ago it started freezing up once again. Im disabled and live on a fix income so now Ive got to figure out to get me another frig. And it WILL NOT BE A WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR. But kudos to the Co. and the young man for trying to fix it even though it took 3XS and still not working.
Publicado: April 13, 2017
FLORINDA of Gooding, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Sole owner/operator for 6 years using same products that came packed with d
Sole owner/operator for 6 years using same products that came packed with dishwasher. Bottom rack has simply crumbled away, prong by prong at first and now large sections. Inferior quality of coating and metal used for the forms, means it wont withstand the daily use for which a dishwasher is intended. Worst quality control ever!!
Publicado: April 19, 2017
Anne of Dayton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this washer about 3 years ago to replace a dishwasher which las
I purchased this washer about 3 years ago to replace a dishwasher which lasted 20 years. Within a year the racks began to rot, the front panel plastic started to peel off. Within two years half of the racks rods completely rotted away. 3 years later the washer is busted - most likely pump which was probably blocked by one of the pieces of the rack rods. I am replacing it with Bosch - German engineering. Needless to say I will NEVER buy a Whirlpool - formerly reputable company again. Good-riddance Whirlpool.
Publicado: October 23, 2014
Radomir of Lawrenceville, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

KitchenAid double oven glass exploded during the self-clean cycle. The oven
KitchenAid double oven glass exploded during the self-clean cycle. The oven was purchased on 9-20-11 and the glass exploded on 11-30-11 during the first-use of the self-cleaning cycle. The cavity was damaged with dents and shards of glass from the explosion. Unfortunately, the warranty for KitchenAid is replacement of parts and repair only. Nicole, supervisor at Whirlpool, offered to extend the warranty 6 months. Then I was somehow disconnected from the call.
Publicado: December 2, 2011
Diane of Birmingham, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just purchased a new Whirlpool Counter Depth, French Door, Freezer on botto
Just purchased a new Whirlpool Counter Depth, French Door, Freezer on bottom, Refrigerator from Lowes. Delivered Sept 1, missing the flap that makes the seal between the two doors. Shelves can be seen inside the fridge with doors closed. Exposed wires on the side of the door in a port with no cover. The fridge is unusable. Cold air flows out between the doors, temperature will not go lower than 45Âş. Moisture build up on the top and dripping down through the fridge. Frost build up on the back. Refrigerator runs continually. Had to shut it down. Called Whirlpool Sept 2. They will not replace the defective product. I must wait for a repair. The promise was within 24 hours for a technician to call. Called them Sept 2. Local family operated appliance repair company did not receive the request until Sept 4. They do not have the part nor does the parts supply company they deal with. Its on back order. Whirlpool has the part but long weekend and it will not be here until Sept 8 at the earliest. Whirlpool has advised Lowes that the issue is dealt with. I will see the technician on Sunday (Sept 6). Small family Business does not operate on Sunday or holiday, Monday, and have advised Whirlpool of this multiple times. Whirlpool doesnt care. I paid $2700 and do not have a working refrigerator. I will never purchase another Whirlpool Appliance.
Publicado: September 8, 2015
Jo-Ann of Coldwater, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In the last two years, the inner glass door of the oven has exploded. The l
In the last two years, the inner glass door of the oven has exploded. The last time was Tuesday, 14th January. The oven door was ajar because we had just finished cooking dinner. The noise was deafening but the worst thing about it was the large pieces of glass thrown all over the kitchen. Most of which were large enough and sharp enough to kill a child and seriously wound an adult. I phoned Whirlpool to report this. The operative I spoke to was very polite but told me these things happen and I could have banged it a while ago and left a weak spot! She also said a Supervisor or similar person would telephone me that day. It is now Saturday 18th January and NO phone call. MY concern is there is no mention of this being a possible problem in their literature and their obvious lack of concern under a Health and Safety situation. Not to mention the cost of replacement door glass.
Publicado: January 18, 2014
Janice of Whitstable, OTHER
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a new Whirlpool washer/dryer 6 months ago. Dryer is ok, seems to
We bought a new Whirlpool washer/dryer 6 months ago. Dryer is ok, seems to take a long time to dry. Washer is horrible. It constantly goes off balance and shakes all over the floor. Once opened, the clothing may be a little off, but not enough to cause such commotion. SO FRUSTRATING! If we could afford to replace these, they would be out on the curb today!
Publicado: January 12, 2019
kerri of Holland, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dont buy. Purchased over the range microwave. Service order less than a wee
Dont buy. Purchased over the range microwave. Service order less than a week after install. Heats unevenly. Burns center of bacon consistently without fully cooking ends. Popcorn pops half the kernels yet Whirlpool says nothing wrong with product. Well within 1 year warranty but had to pay for service call cause Whirlpool determined microwave was operating as manufactured. Laughable! This company does not stand behind their product or their customers. Never again will I purchase a Whirlpool product.
Publicado: November 27, 2020
Tracey of Oviedo, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Cabrio WTW8200YWO - We purchased this washer five years ago. About a year a
Cabrio WTW8200YWO - We purchased this washer five years ago. About a year ago it started getting noisier and noisier on spin cycle. Now it sounds like a jumbo jet taking off. A Google search quickly revealed this is a ubiquitous problem with these washers. As we are in our 70s and dont have kids at home, we are very light users of the washer. First, I would suggest that no one buy this washer. Second, I suggest that Whirlpool should recall these washers. I called Whirlpool and it turns out they clearly know about this issue. The good news is they will offer you a discount on repairs or even on a new machine. The bad news is it will still cost you several hundred dollars to fix their design defect. I suggest that you avoid purchasing Whirlpool products both because of their defective design and because of Whirlpools unwillingness to take responsibility for these problems.
Publicado: February 2, 2017
J. of Saratoga, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I went from an HE front loader to an HE top loader (Whirlpool Cabrio WTW700
I went from an HE front loader to an HE top loader (Whirlpool Cabrio WTW7000DW0) due to the risk of mildew with the front loader. Im not the only one doing laundry and if someone else does it, it always seems that they shut the door when empty, contributing to moisture and mold that needed to be cleaned out of the gaskets. I am so unhappy with my top loader HE washer. When I stop the machine and look, I always see my laundry half covered with dingy water, sometimes part of it still dry at the top and it is disgusting. I frequently have to rewash loads due to detergent getting trapped in folds or pockets created that hold on to dirt and lint, even being careful with the detergent amount. I run the washer now every time with settings of deep water, extra rinse, heavy load and presoak with instructions, with settings taped to the top for others.At almost 1 1/2 hours each load, we just cant keep up. The laundry still forms pockets and sheets form a giant tent over the entire load that has to be unraveled at the end of the cycle and wound so tight it had no chance of rinsing. I had to get a repair person out because it got out of balance and he had a small hand-held computer to enter a code to rebalance it. When we discussed the issues I was having, he was ready for everything I was doing wrong. He told me I can not wash blankets or large items (I thought I was buying large capacity with such an enormous drum). He told me they have caught people adding water with a bucket during cycles and that the washer software can tell them if people are trying to work around the system which voids the warranty.Apparently, this is a common complaint he blames on the government wanting high efficiency so they make the numbers look good, sacrificing the ability of the washer to perform at what a consumer expects. I have never seen the water in my drum higher than a couple inches and the drum is HUGE, but never used to capacity. He told me his wife demanded they get a commercial washer because she was so angry about how poorly it cleaned. I feel so scammed and I wish I could have my old agitator back. $100 for the repair call, $150 for the code to be put in and Im on warning that they will see if I try to add water, run out of balance or dont comply with any reason they can void the warranty by just checking the data the washer is collecting on us.
Publicado: February 23, 2018
Lisa of Burbank, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just love the durability of my machine and the features that it offers. I
I just love the durability of my machine and the features that it offers. It does a great job washing my clothes and I feel like its a solid appliance that lasts for many years and its good quality for the price.
Publicado: May 19, 2020
Carol of Meridian, Idaho
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Duet Front Loading Washer. Purchased date was 1/09/10 and I paid
Whirlpool Duet Front Loading Washer. Purchased date was 1/09/10 and I paid $629.00. It failed in 7/1/11 and got a service call for $60.00. The result of service call: Bearing shot and crank shaft broke. Im very disappointed. Whirlpool should be liable for the malfunction of their product. Whirlpool was contacted and they were sorry that there is nothing they can do.
Publicado: September 28, 2011
Kathy of Hortonville, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our suite of appliances from Home Depot, this was a great expe
We purchased our suite of appliances from Home Depot, this was a great experience. Unfortunately that is were it stopped. Our 1st refrigerator caught on fire in the electrical within the unit. We got a 2nd refrigerator sent to us and it came damaged. Then they sent us a 3rd refrigerator and it caught on fire in the electrical as well. Weve been dealing with this all since August 27th 2019 and here its now October 14th 2019. At this point I feel this model of Whirlpool is truly unsafe.
Publicado: October 14, 2019
Karen of Onaway, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased an extended warranty with my product purchase and only a year a
I purchased an extended warranty with my product purchase and only a year and a half into using this brand washer the lid broke on one side at the hinge, it looked really rusty and like others I thought I was making a very decent purchase because all of my previous appliances were Whirlpool so figured Id keep up with the brand. Sad to say that was the worst decision I could have ever made for 13/1400 dollars for a washer with a light inside. Never again. They wouldnt even keep up the warranty because they said it was too expensive to repair it. Whirlpool is very bad for business...
Publicado: November 30, 2015
Claudette of Philadelphia, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The bottom of the drawer collects water and freezes and then overflows onto
The bottom of the drawer collects water and freezes and then overflows onto the floor. There is no drain pan under the refrigerator. Then the freezer collects frost over the food, and walls of the freezer. I have to unplug the refrigerator and let it thaw and then plug it back in. This process is repeated every week. I have had it less than 2 years!
Publicado: March 6, 2014
Myra of Largo, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Whirlpool model# BFG1J4040T3NOV 40 gallon natural gas hot
We purchased the Whirlpool model# BFG1J4040T3NOV 40 gallon natural gas hot water tank in the spring of 2010. The pilot light went out this weekend, 2011. And it will re-light but does not stay lit. This was bought at Lowes, rated as a 9-year warranty on the tank and parts. This is premature failure of a product that is listed as 9 years. Due to all the other similar complaints of this Whirlpool hot water tank, I would like my money back plus installation. I do not want the Whirlpool replacement as obviously it does not work. I will use a different brand and vet it much better in the future. We almost purchased at Home Depot but decided it would be a better bet to go with the Whirlpool reputation and name and Lowes than with the only Home Depot option, which is the self branded water heaters. It was a big mistake!
Publicado: October 19, 2011
Joseph of Cumming , GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have purchased Protton 3 door (Protton 20142, S.N **) fridge in Mar 2016
I have purchased Protton 3 door (Protton 20142, S.N **) fridge in Mar 2016 and since purchase of the fridge I have facing cooling issue. Its take around 24 hours to make ice. After sales service is also pathetic because after raised request the service person came about 6 or 7 days later, and he did not check anything and recommend me to go to the service center. I am not sure why Whirlpool kept this type service person and service. My concern is if Whirlpool is not ready to provide home service then should mentioned in service commitment we dont provide home service. I am using first time Whirlpool product and I realized Whirlpool product are very bad and service is also too bad. I strongly recommend to everyone please dont buy the Whirlpool product and I also want to know either Whirlpool will provide service or this fridge product is useless for me.
Publicado: June 28, 2016
Alam of Mau, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer In July 2014 for $937 cd. What a wast
I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer In July 2014 for $937 cd. What a waste of my hard earned money! I have had nothing but issues with it since I purchased it. The retailer no longer sells them as they have seen nothing but complaints with them yet Whirlpool did nothing to help me as a client. It does not wash the clothes, there is such a foul smell even when cleaning it once a month as requested and the clothes comes out soaking and not rinsed properly. The technician came out and advised the washer was not broken. That is just the model. I have requested supervisors to call me back and most recently wrote the corporate office. I am out almost $1000 and in a situation where I have to go purchase a new washer as I just cant stand to use this product any longer. I am shocked they have not placed a recall on this model. What a poor product.
Publicado: August 27, 2016
Lisa of St. John'S, NL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I rent a condo unit and hardly use the microwave. It is nice to have. Never
I rent a condo unit and hardly use the microwave. It is nice to have. Never had one over the stove and it came with the unit, so I gave mine away. After living here for 3 years I am now moving to another city 5 hours away. I noticed the other day when I went to melt butter for popcorn, the door crack, which I noticed the second year we lived here, has gotten worse. Not just worse, but the handle looks like one pull and its completely broken. My landlord expects us to pay for this. I am reading and I see that its from the heat from the stove, which is also a Whirlpool product, is to blame, not the user. How is this right, how is this fair?? When we move we will have to buy a new microwave, that will sit once again on my beautiful microwave cabinet and I promise, it WILL NOT be a Whirlpool!!!
Publicado: June 5, 2015
shiela of Nepean, Ontario Canada, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

There are plenty of reviews on this board already about how the so called A
There are plenty of reviews on this board already about how the so called AquaLift technology for oven cleaning is completely worthless so I wont repeat what they have already so eloquently described. AquaLift has managed to take us back in time to around 1947 or whenever it was before the old easy off oven cleaner was invented. I purchased the cleaning kit (affinity) as well but it doesnt do much of anything. The only people who might consider purchasing a stove with AquaLift are those who do no roasting or broiling of meat. The oven looks beautiful, so maybe it could be for those who enjoy a show kitchen and prefer takeout.
Publicado: March 16, 2018
Suzanne of Dover, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this washer thinking it would last me for a long time. And now it
I bought this washer thinking it would last me for a long time. And now it wont wring out my clothes and I just wanted to say I am disappointed in my Cabrio Washer.
Publicado: November 13, 2015
Melba of Seneca, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ive had other brands of washers and dryers and I must say I always return t
Ive had other brands of washers and dryers and I must say I always return to Whirlpool. They are well made and do what they are supposed to. Never had problems. My last set of Whirlpool was about 12 years old. Great product.
Publicado: February 18, 2019
Sherryl of Fruithurst, Alabama
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have Whirlpool Gold washer and dryer and microwave. All handles and grill
I have Whirlpool Gold washer and dryer and microwave. All handles and grills and trays have broken. What a disappointment ! Their top of the line? We, at this house, will always avoid buying anything from crap pool gold!! Its a disgrace the way they make these things. And the support sucks!
Publicado: September 8, 2013
Charles of New Hope , PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased it from Best Buy. It was a good thing we got the extended warr
We purchased it from Best Buy. It was a good thing we got the extended warranty. They completely rebuilt it two times. In the 6 years we have had the washer. The motherboard went out. The bearings went out. The only thing nice I can say is that it’s a top loader and doesn’t get smelly like the front loaders do.
Publicado: May 15, 2020
Kathie of Conroe, Texas
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had an electric 36 Whirlpool, smooth top cook top for 18 yrs. Worked grea
I had an electric 36 Whirlpool, smooth top cook top for 18 yrs. Worked great, cleaned with Windex and occasional scraper. Didnt show streaks or spots. I remodeled my kitchen 10/15 and bought a KitchenAid 36 glass smooth top vented cook top. What a piece of junk. Wish I had kept my Whirlpool. I can not get it cleaned. Every little fingerprint, mark, etc. shows. I thought KitchenAid was an upgrade to whirlpool but I was surely wrong. I am glad that I didnt change my built-in double oven. I did change out the Whirlpool quiet gold dishwasher for the KitchenAid. Again, wish I kept my Whirlpool. The KitchenAid is noisier, looks terrible with the stainless inside. Im embarrassed to open it with all the water stains. My Whirlpool was white inside and looked like new. I wish I had the money to change it back but I dont unfortunately. Moral of the story is if it aint broken dont fix it!
Publicado: December 26, 2015
Tammy of Southington, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Whirlpool Washing machine a couple of years ago. We have been h
We bought a Whirlpool Washing machine a couple of years ago. We have been having problems. It does not get the clothes clean and laundry has an odor to it. We bought it at HHGreg by the Dayton mall in Centerville, Ohio and also bought the extended warranty. It was the largest capacity machine they had in Whirlpool so I dont need to mention what we spent for this thing. We have had a service tech out 3 times. The first time he replaced a part. It still didnt fix it. So they were out two other times saying nothing was wrong with it. Not only is it not getting the clothes clean, but is putting lint pieces all over the laundry. The warranty place already said if they come out again and they cannot find out what is wrong, then we would have to pay for the service call. We then went to the store we bought the machine and talked to the manager. We got no help from him. All he did was throw us back to the warranty place. Not to mention, the family is having itching problems with their skin because the clothes are not only not getting clean but the soap is not rinsing out. In other words, we are suppose to eat this expense and move on. This is a new machine!!!!! And all it is worth is taking it to a metal place to scrap out!!!!! We will never buy another Whirlpool product again. It is really **. They don’t back their products up and do the consumer right. There are a lot of complaints online about the same identical thing I am writing about. They should reimburse the people the money that they wasted. Thank you.
Publicado: February 12, 2014
Sue of Centerville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The dishwasher chopper blade broke, and the check valve is gone. My over-th
The dishwasher chopper blade broke, and the check valve is gone. My over-the-stove microwave handle came off in my hand, and the top cover for the fan fell off in a pan of hot grease and almost burned me. What the hell is wrong with this picture? I paid a lot of money for inferior products, and I cant find replacement parts anywhere. And they are expensive when you can find them.I have tried to get this resolved before I talked to a rep, and your computers were down. I will never buy another Whirlpool again, and I am spreading the word. Dont buy Whirlpool. I am thinking of posting this on Facebook.
Publicado: January 29, 2012
Linda of Palmdale, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought this refrigerator in 2018 and ice maker went out 2x, then compressor
Bought this refrigerator in 2018 and ice maker went out 2x, then compressor went out and waited 4 weeks for part. Now the refrigerator is broken again and not cooling. Dozens of other reviews indicate the same issue with this model. It’s clearly a defective model. Customer service in Tennessee are very friendly but my refrigerator is still not working. Whirlpool French door - wrf954cihm.
Publicado: November 29, 2019
Rick of New Lenox, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My son purchased the Whirlpool 2 door w/ icemaker about 3 years ago. Twice
My son purchased the Whirlpool 2 door w/ icemaker about 3 years ago. Twice weve had a repairman here. Yesterday was the 2nd one. He tried 3 ways to get liquid to go through a round coil I could see at the back. He said the problem was between the two back panels (back of fridge & inside wall) where there was a tubing to release the water from defrost cycle. It appears to be a manufacturing problem. I am very upset! It should be replaced at the very least.
Publicado: February 12, 2020
Vera of Mount Holly, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I was excited to have an energy efficient washing machine and chose the Whi
I was excited to have an energy efficient washing machine and chose the Whirlpool Cabrio top loader. I truly wish I had read reviews rather than trust the salespersons advice. It does not clean clothes properly at all. They come out smelling dirty and are covered in white goo, even when the machine has just been cleaned. Stains never come out despite all of my efforts. Now I have water leaking out of the bottom as it fills. Not impressed at all. What a giant waste of money.
Publicado: January 6, 2016
Patricia of London, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANOTHER WHIRLPOOL PRODUCT IN MY LIFETIME!!!! If I could I would rate this fridge and Whirlpool’s repair and customer service a NEGATIVE 100. My wife and myself purchased this refrigerator on 6/2/19. On 6/16/19 we noticed that it was not cooling as should, we called in to set up a repair service call only to find out that we had to wait until 6/20/19 to have a service tech come out to look at the refrigerator. When the service person came out to look at it he stated that it needed a sensor??? And that they would have to wait until the evaporator thawed out to replace the sensor. We had to reschedule another tech on the following Monday 6/24/19 to replace the part. 8 days after the refrigerator stopped cooling.Now fast forward 2 weeks and now we have the exact same issue, whatever was fixed did not correct the issue. We had to call back into Whirlpool to make a setup another service call. We have to wait 5 more days until a service tech can come out to recheck the issue. Whirlpool offered no other assistance. If I could I would return this defective unit and buy a different brand of refrigerator. I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANOTHER WHIRLPOOL PRODUCT IN MY LIFETIME!!!! I will make sure that I let everyone I know that I would never recommend a Whirlpool product!!
Publicado: July 11, 2019
Jim of Saint Charles, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool water heater from Lowes in 2011. Everything was fi
We purchased a Whirlpool water heater from Lowes in 2011. Everything was fine up until June 2015. We got the dreaded 4 flashes. We called for service to come out, that costed us around $300. December 23rd of 15 it goes out again. We called Whirlpool instead of a service company and the part was under warranty. We paid for overnight shipping but because of the holiday it was not guaranteed. We told them we are fine with Sat. delivery. In the meantime we had to cancel a holiday party scheduled at our house the 24th. We waited around all day Sat. for the part to show and nothing. We called Whirlpool to get the tracking number and we find out that the other service rep didnt mark our package for Sat. delivery. I am very close to just buying a new heater. I am trying to tell everyone I can about how horrible Whirlpool is. I feel sorry for any suckers that buy based on the name and dont do their research.
Publicado: December 27, 2015
S. of Westland, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We went out and bought the new front loader washing machine and dryer. Neit
We went out and bought the new front loader washing machine and dryer. Neither one of them works correctly. A service call had to be made the the day we ran the first load. The washing machine only washes errors popping up F8 and E3. On the dryer error code E3 pops up and cannot dry clothes. Worst purchase I have ever made.
Publicado: July 16, 2019
Daniel of Wheatfield, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased this machine new less than 6 months ago. We found that it is n
We purchased this machine new less than 6 months ago. We found that it is not cleaning our jeans. We cant even work cattle and get our jeans clean. I called Sears and Whirlpool and told them it does not clean our jeans. They said it was under warranty and that they would come out to see if it was working properly. Well they said it was and then sent us a bill for $77. They said Customer Instruct was not covered under warranty. I already read the instructions and I knew how to operate this machine. The technician said this is not the first time he has had this type of complaint. Anyway I am VERY dissatisfied with this washing machine and I want Sears and Whirlpool to take it back and give me a better machine. I want one that can get clothes clean. If you are satisfied with dirty clothes then I guess you will like this machine.
Publicado: December 4, 2013
Connie of Decatur, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this Whirlpool Cabrio washer three and 1/2 years ago and the assem
I bought this Whirlpool Cabrio washer three and 1/2 years ago and the assembly which is basically the transmission and the assembly which is the agitator is out! Needs replaced! This is complete crap! The new parts will costs over $500 bucks plus labor! Ridiculous! My last washer which was a Maytag lasted me 20 years! What a piece of junk! Now I have to. It a new washer! No thanks to you Whirlpool! I will never buy another Whirlpool appliance again! Neither will my family or friends!
Publicado: January 28, 2019
Colleen of Dayton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool refrigerator, model # wrt779reyb00 with serial # vs135
I bought a Whirlpool refrigerator, model # wrt779reyb00 with serial # vs13537798. The icemaker quit working and then water started leaking out from the door. A&E serviceman came out to repair and said we needed a new door. It had been over 11 weeks and the door still has not arrived and we have been told it could be as late as November. When I purchased an item, I expect it to work and if not, to be repaired within a reasonable time or be replaced. I have called and been told that replacement is not an option and that I will just have to wait. This is unacceptable. I purchased this refrigerator with water in the door and an icemaker and I expect it to work.
Publicado: July 31, 2012
Richard of Philpot, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My double oven is less than 2 years old. I just used the self-cleaning feat
My double oven is less than 2 years old. I just used the self-cleaning feature on the bottom oven and now it wont work at all. I understand that this is a common problem with Whirlpool ovens and I will never buy another Whirlpool appliance again. What a piece of junk! I have used self-cleaning on my ovens ever since they were invented and have never had a problem before.
Publicado: March 14, 2022
Anne of Littleton, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio about 3 years ago. Have never really like i
We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio about 3 years ago. Have never really like it. It doesnt add enough water to the wash cycle unless you use the bulky setting, which fills the tub up the entire way, so wastes water. It would have been nice to choose your water level like you could on the old machines. Now it wont drain completely and wont spin totally. Ive tried using the drain/spin cycle 2-3 times extra and it still wont spin all the water out. Ive noticed that there is still water in the drum, you can hear it slosh when you move the drum, so I wonder - has anyone ever been told there is a filter in there somewhere that might be clogged keeping it from draining completely? My husband thinks that maybe all the water in the bottom of the drum is not letting it spin because its throwing it off balance. And yes, it stops before the cycle is complete and just sits there and blinks and you have to unplug it to clear the cycle. What a pain. We will never again buy a Whirlpool and I absolutely do not recommend Whirlpool washers. I have a Maytag as well and have not yet had problems with it. Bought it at the same time we bought the Cabrio (2 households). At least the water levels in the Maytag are a little more normal. You can wash more than 1 pair of jeans and get them clean in the Maytag. For those of you with the problem of the clothes not smelling clean - try running the clean cycle with a cup of bleach about once a week. No clothes in it - just a cup of bleach in the bleach dispenser and nothing else. Works for us.
Publicado: June 23, 2015
Mary of Pearland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a NEW Whirlpool 40 gallon, natural gas hot water heater from Lowes
I bought a NEW Whirlpool 40 gallon, natural gas hot water heater from Lowes in May 2012. January 04, 2014, the main electronics failed that controlled everything. It has a 9-year warranty (after 1 yr.- parts only). What failed was the Gas Control/thermostat unit, and it takes a HVAC-trained person to replace it. Yes, theyd send the part - free, but required me to pay for installation. Talking with an HVAC business owner, he said hes replaced about 30 of these and he surmised that Whirlpool KNOWS that nationwide, over 10,000 needed replacement yet Whirlpool cares less. Ive had trouble with other Whirlpool products, so when my appliances, etc. go bad, I will NOT replace with Whirlpool products.
Publicado: January 5, 2014
William of Union City, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I hate my Cabrio units. Dont waste your money on these machines. I stay fru
I hate my Cabrio units. Dont waste your money on these machines. I stay frustrated because I have to work so hard doing my laundry. Clothes not clean, laundry liquid on clothes, parts of clothes not even wet, debris left on dark colors from spin cycle, lint all over dark clothes from dryer! Mad in Texas.
Publicado: March 29, 2016
Melanie of Waco, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool duet set on sale at Lowes about two years ago. The
I purchased a Whirlpool duet set on sale at Lowes about two years ago. The front loading washer has been leaking when I put in a full load of clothes. It usually floods the floor when it leaks. I am upset and very angry because this leak has ruined the doors to my washer doors. Apparently, the defects with this machine was known by Lowes and the Whirlpool company at the time that I purchased it (thus the sale price). This was not forementioned at the time of purchase. What a lousy way to do business. Whirlpool screwed me. Shame on me. Never again.
Publicado: June 22, 2012
Clannie of Fredericksburg, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Best microwave for your money. It is very quiet and easy to use. This micro
Best microwave for your money. It is very quiet and easy to use. This microwave is very sharp looking and comes with all the bells and whistles that you need. I like the potato setting. You put your potatoes in and it will ask you some stuff and you press the button.
Publicado: July 10, 2019
Randall of Fort Myers, Florida
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool front load washer was not working. I waited two and a half weeks
Whirlpool front load washer was not working. I waited two and a half weeks for parts. The parts came but they cant fix it. I waited for answer for two more weeks. They decided to replace. After waiting two more weeks, no washer. Its going on eighth week, still no washer. Theres no reason we have to wait so long after paying for the extended warranty in this day and age, and paying good money for the washer.
Publicado: June 8, 2012
James of St. Andrews, MB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My husband and I purchased a Whirlpool over the range microwave in 2005, mo
My husband and I purchased a Whirlpool over the range microwave in 2005, model number MIX155XHPT-1 and serial number TR S 30 32419. At first the top vent broke then the opening side broke off. Then the whole side of the closing door broke off. Now the whole door wants to fall off. I would have never expected this from Whirlpool, but it happened.
Publicado: December 28, 2014
Michelle of Laurel, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Quiet running, does a great job cleaning and drying the dishes, experienced
Quiet running, does a great job cleaning and drying the dishes, experienced some cloudiness on the glassware but found that if I position them in the middle of the upper rack that issue was solved.
Publicado: January 23, 2018
Palma of Eldersburg, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have had the machine pair (Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum) for almost 4 years
I have had the machine pair (Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum) for almost 4 years and up until a few months ago I LOVED the washer. I was advised when I bought the machine to make sure to read the manual, which was very helpful in learning to use it properly. I have never had residue on my dark clothing or ever had the clothes come out partially dry. I use liquid HE detergent nothing powder goes in the machine. I also read many reviews before buying it and a got some advice from them. I have washed king size comforters with no problems. Everything has always cleaned very well. The only issues I have are that when bleach was used in a previous cycle. Ive had a problem with the bleach not being fully dispensed and ending up in the next load. Fortunately it was just towels and not darks!!! Although, I had just bought the towels and now they look tie died which was very upsetting to me. I learned to add water to the bleach dispenser to dilute it and that issue seemed to dissipate. BUT NOW... I COULD THROW A TANTRUM. I PAID 1800+ FOR THE PAIR AND THE WASHER IS SHOT!!! A pretty common problem with the Cabrio from what Ive read. It started by making a very loud noise when spinning, like a helicopter was landing in my laundry room! I continued using it, I even thought the sound was getting better after I did the clean cycle. The last load I did would not complete the cycle because it kept reading that it was unbalanced and unfortunately it was a load of heavy wet towels. I was far from happy when I had to remove them and go to a Laundromat. Needless to say its the bearings and to fix its very costly. I cant even fathom that a less than 4 year old machine needs to be repaired and the cost is roughly half of what I paid for it!!! I do know I will NEVER buy another Whirlpool. What happened to making things to last??? Next machine I will definitely get extended warranty. I can honestly agree with all the other reviews... THIS MACHINE IS HORRIBLE!!!
Publicado: July 15, 2016
chrystne of Albany, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this washing machine in May 5, 2012 and delivered in July from Pad
I bought this washing machine in May 5, 2012 and delivered in July from Paddys Market. We do not use the machine that much because me and my wife and two kids living in the house. Yesterday I put my clothes in the machine and left it to wash it. When I went to get my clothes, water was all over the place in the basement and the machine was beeping and reading code LF. I turn off the machine and turned on back. Water started to fill and then suddenly water started to coming from the bottom of the machine. I removed the bottom panel and I could see the water was coming very fast from the bottom of the basket (the drum shape). I called the private company to repair it and waiting to find out.
Publicado: October 6, 2016
Nawagopan of Pickering, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The worst washing machine ever. First off you cannot turn the water on to l
The worst washing machine ever. First off you cannot turn the water on to let it fill and add clothes as its filling. Secondly the Normal setting will not allow you to spin on low, your choice is high or no spin. High tangles your pants, slacks, shirts, etc. No spin leaves them soaking wet. Also its a water safer but never, never, never covers the clothes in water, and sometimes they dont come out smelling so clean. I dont save water if I have to rewash two or three times. Absolutely hate this washing machine. When I get enough money I am going back to the old agitator model and not any Whirlpool either. Oh and the other thing, you cant just throw you clothes in the washer, you must arrange then to the outside of the center itty bitty agitator. Hate it.
Publicado: August 5, 2015
Wayne of Wallingford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In August of 2008 I purchased a Whirlpool Amana refrigerator, Model# ABR222
In August of 2008 I purchased a Whirlpool Amana refrigerator, Model# ABR2227FES. It worked great for exactly 6 years. In Aug of 2014, the motherboard needed to be replaced as it was not forcing a defrost when needed. I tried to get a refund on the cost of the part and labour but both were refused. In Dec 2016, just two and half years after the motherboard was replaced, the exact same problem re-occurred. Again I tried to get a refund on the cost of the part and labour but both were refused. Will I be buying this refrigerator in the future? A definite no!!!
Publicado: January 5, 2017
Joseph of Boucherville, QC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased the model WDF530PAYM0 serial: F14106104 dishwasher. The foremos
I purchased the model WDF530PAYM0 serial: F14106104 dishwasher. The foremost reason I purchased this was it had nylon racks. I have discovered that the racks are rusting! It is rusting on the ends where nothing can touch it. I am very disappointed that it is advertised having nylon racks and now it is rusting and deteriorating. This dishwasher states racks-nylon, not racks-nylon coated. I just took some pictures of the racks. I decided to look underneath the top rack where the upper spray arm is located. Now I am plain sick! Most of the underneath is rusting. This dishwasher was purchased and installed 2 years ago. I paid $600 and you would assume that something mechanical would quit after years of use on an average of 1 to 2 times per weeks. Not this one...rusting racks and hard telling what damage the rust flaking off during running is causing to the mechanical components. Lesson learned: Their definition of nylon and nylon coated has no difference.....I very much disagree!
Publicado: March 5, 2014
Bobbi of Holcomb, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased an energy efficient Whirlpool water heater on 10-20-2005. This
We purchased an energy efficient Whirlpool water heater on 10-20-2005. This water heater has been serviced at least if not more than three times. The computer box on the top has been replaced twice each time leaving my garage flooded. This time the water is running from the thermostat box again the garage is flooded. I called for service and the representative was very nice and understanding. He gave us the information to pick up a replacement heater. The complaint is the mess that it made. I have already filed a previous claim with my homeowners insurance for the damage. I would like to know why I have to file repeated claims with the risk of losing my homeowners insurance because of the repeated damage caused by Whirlpools obvious defective water heater? I would appreciate some resolution from Whirlpool for the damage this water heater has caused. The replacement heater is fine but I would ask that the to company consider some compensation of the water damage this heater has caused again.
Publicado: November 1, 2011
Vanessa of Chesapeake, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool washing machine on 16 Feb 2011. I started having probl
I bought a Whirlpool washing machine on 16 Feb 2011. I started having problems with it in June. It was making very loud noises when it was agitating and the clothes were still wet after the spin cycle. I called Nebraska Furniture Mart where I purchased it and they said that after 30 days, I had to call the manufacturer. I called Whirlpool and they sent A&E out to fix it. The technician that came out spent an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with it. When he was gone, I was left with two inches of water on my washroom floor and I had to pull the washer and dryer out myself to wipe it up. He ordered a part that came the next week and a different technician came out to put it in. After looking at the washer, the second technician said that the first technician diagnosed it wrong and he ordered a new transmission for it. About a week later, the transmission arrived at my house and a third technician came to install it. The washer worked for a few days and started acting up again and leaking water. I once again called Whirlpool and they sent yet another technician out. I told Whirlpool that I had lost faith in A&E so they sent All Appliances out. The technician from All Appliances said that it needed a transmission and he would have to order it in. A few days later, he came back to install it. It worked for a few loads. The leaking had stopped but now, it does not spin out the clothes. To make matters worse, it now releases the Downy at the wrong time and I now have blue spots all over my clothes. I have made repeated calls to Whirlpool and talked to two different managers. I asked the first manager for her direct number so I wouldnt have to go through the whole explanation again if I needed to call back. But she gave me her number without her 4-digit extension so, there was no way of finding her again. When I talked to the second manager (by this time, I have lost my patience), I told him my whole story and I told him that Whirlpool has spent $1,000.00 between parts and technician service on a $460.00 machine and it still doesnt work. It is a lemon and I deserve a voucher for the full price to purchase something different.After one and a half hours on the phone, Lukas informed me that the only thing he could do was to send yet another technician to my home. I have lost all faith in Whirlpool and I believe that they do not stand behind their product. They only push you until the warranty has expired! I will never buy another Whirlpool appliance again!
Publicado: August 25, 2011
Christine of Omaha, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have many rentals, and for over 39 years have always bought Whirlpool dis
I have many rentals, and for over 39 years have always bought Whirlpool dishwashers for them and my own home. I have noticed over the last 15 years or so they are getting more and more poorly made. First I quit buying the plastic tub ones because they collected mold on the back. Then putting one in a rental, we went through 3 brand new ones that all leaked before we got a good one. Now, I bought the very best for my home 2 years ago, had the pump replaced under warranty due to leaks. Now, the plastic upper rack wheel has snapped off its plastic base. For under 30 dollars you get a replacement kit for it, that is all metal. So why didnt Whirlpool just put in the metal ones and charge a little more. So this will be my last Whirlpool, and all the brands they make. Do your research, many of the name brands you know are all made by Whirlpool.
Publicado: April 25, 2021
Lynne of Port Clinton, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Contacted this am. See through top glass lid is separating from plastic cau
Contacted this am. See through top glass lid is separating from plastic causing sensor to turn washing machine off. Looked complaints up on this machine and it is a common occurrence and is a defect. The machine is a little over 2 or 3 years old and out of warranty. Was told not a common occurrence and I would be responsible for repair. Model # wtw7800xw2. Serial # c12270139. Thank you.
Publicado: October 24, 2015
Elizabeth of Mount Holly, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have no problem with Conns. My complaint is with Whirlpool for making suc
I have no problem with Conns. My complaint is with Whirlpool for making such a terrible machine with the Cabrio Washer. Its a piece of junk.Fortunately, I bought the extended warranty – which was used many times to replace computer modules and pumps. Now that the warranty is out, once again the machine is doing the same thing. Bad codes, not filling, etc... Some cycles you cant use it at all. The cleaning cycle is never ended (literally). I am debating on having it fixed or just getting another machine.
Publicado: August 6, 2011
Tina of Corpus Christi, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a front load washer and dryer brand new. The washer is under a
I purchased a front load washer and dryer brand new. The washer is under a 2-year warranty on all parts and labor. Since I have purchased them, the washer has had to be fixed on several occasions. I have had 10 parts replaced and had to be out a washer for a month at one given time. I have had the repair company email me all the parts and services that they have done. All I want is a new washer! I have argued with Georges Appliances on several occasions because I believe they sold me the obviously faulty washer and I dont believe that I should be responsible to have to figure it out for myself. They should be responsible to provide me a new one. They told me that I had to contact Whirlpool in order to receive a new washer. Please contact me asap.
Publicado: November 26, 2012
Elise of Ransomville, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Its supposed to be energy efficient yet it takes AT LEAST two times as long
Its supposed to be energy efficient yet it takes AT LEAST two times as long to get one load done, regardless of size or cycle preference! Now laundry takes all day! Literally! And why is there a lid lockout? Did someone accidentally fall in? If I drop something after Ive pushed start, I have to wait until the machine unlocks the lid. Why? This seems counterproductive. Its a top loader!
Publicado: February 19, 2019
Marika of Indianapolis, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

They will not honor the extended warranty on their fridge which Ive had for
They will not honor the extended warranty on their fridge which Ive had for less than three years which will not defrost making me lose thousands in spoiled food. Extended warranties are contracts and this company should be penalized and shut down for fraud.
Publicado: May 24, 2021
Amy of Johnston, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Big bang for your buck. I have used Whirlpool for years without any needed
Big bang for your buck. I have used Whirlpool for years without any needed repairs. Typically you may see brands began to fade as you use them. However, the Whirlpool brand microwave always seem to stay true to its form. As long as you keep the inside clean the microwave should last a long time.
Publicado: July 15, 2019
Derek of Garner, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The dishwasher racks in Whirlpool/Amana/Kitchen Aid/Maytag dishwashers do n
The dishwasher racks in Whirlpool/Amana/Kitchen Aid/Maytag dishwashers do not last as long as the dishwasher does. The vinyl coating on the cheap metal tines wears off causing the metal underneath to corrode and rust. This rust will deposit on your flatware, stainless or otherwise. When the vinyl coating wears away at the base of the tines, the tines will break off, creating more opportunity for rust to deposit onto flatware. You can purchase new tips for the end of the tines, and more vinyl to paint onto the tines, but you cannot replace the tines themselves or paint the vinyl onto any rusty surfaces.Another option would be to buy a new rack. A new bottom rack costs almost half of what a new dishwasher costs and if you need both top and bottom racks, you will pay almost $400 for the pair. Whirlpool was not amenable to negotiating a better price on the racks, but they would sell me a new model at a price that was close to what it would cost to replace both racks! Now does that make sense? Does it make sense for appliance companies to cause consumers to have to throw out an entire appliance rather than fix it? No, and it is creating more waste and filling more landfills. My dishwasher has run great for 7 years and I refuse to buy into the rack racket! No more Whirlpool for me!
Publicado: February 20, 2014
Cathleen of Lewisburg, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchase Whirlpool refrigerator. After a year it has done nothing but giv
I purchase Whirlpool refrigerator. After a year it has done nothing but give me problems. Thank God I purchase insurance for repairs. I had the refrigerator fix over 3 times. First the water and ice wasnt working so the filter had to be change. Then the ice was made and my refrigerator start leaking. The repair guy stated the fan and something else is not working. I am a single mother struggling and to spend over a 1000 dollars for a refrigerator that does nothing but give me trouble. I am totally unhappy with this product.
Publicado: July 16, 2017
Catrice of Bronx, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool side by side from Lowes and an extended warranty.
We purchased a Whirlpool side by side from Lowes and an extended warranty. Immediately maybe a month the ice maker froze. Ice container in the door. Repairman said design is notorious for this problem. This was an ongoing problem. They replaced icemaker and it continued. Finally the warranty people told me it could be deemed a lemon if repaired for the same issue 4 times in a year. They deemed it a LEMON and I received a store credit for the purchase price less the warranty amount. I purchased a new LG French door. No issues and its been 5 years. If you have an extended warranty do some checking on the lemon.
Publicado: January 27, 2019
Tammie of Ennis, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

18 months old, fridge was not cooling properly. Two service people came inc
18 months old, fridge was not cooling properly. Two service people came including the last one from Whirlpool, said the cooling system is bad and unserviceable. Called whirlpool and they were not helpful at all.
Publicado: July 28, 2020
Gordon of Murray Harbour, PE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool Cabrio Washer is less than one year old and quit working. Sear
My Whirlpool Cabrio Washer is less than one year old and quit working. Sears was supposed to come out and fix it (I even have the extended warranty till 2014). Service never showed up; when we called, they told us we had been rescheduled. Here it is the rescheduled day time slot and they still have not arrived. Im getting the runaround from them and I am supposed to be grateful because they gave me a $75 gift card for my inconvenience. Im on hold with Whirlpool because I just want them to take the washer back. I have been told by Sears since it is over 90 days, they cannot refund my money. I just have to wait for a repair which may or may not happen since they may not have the parts. This is unsatisfactory service from both Sears and Whirlpool. I have always bought my appliances through Sears and they have always been Whirlpool. I wish I would have read all these reviews before I purchased this model.
Publicado: July 25, 2012
Susan of Fairfield, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Whirlpool microwave for new home in December 2013. Model WHM310
Purchased a Whirlpool microwave for new home in December 2013. Model WHM31017AW-1. This is the second time the heater element has to be replaced. Im starting to learn the warning signals: open door and then a short time later the microwave would die a sudden death. In my 20s I purchased for my house in Boca Raton Fl all Whirlpool products... they worked forever. Now not so much. In order to get this one fixed again, I had to get a service contract for $300 which would be cheaper than getting it fixed again, heating element $400 and service call another $100. Serious $300 service contract money too much for a senior citizen. Never will I buy another Whirlpool product as a result.
Publicado: April 28, 2015
Maryellen of Tarpon Springs, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I apparently am one of the lucky ones to have an electric water heater. My
I apparently am one of the lucky ones to have an electric water heater. My unit started giving me failure codes during the Christmas holidays. Each time it would fail, I would get a different failure code indicating the upper element, the lower element, and a sensor failure. After testing all 3 of these components, it was determined to be a controller issue. After speaking with Chris on the phone, he overnighted a new controller to me. I installed the new controller and had no more failures. Hot showers for New Years! Thank you Chris.
Publicado: January 16, 2012
Jim of Port Orange, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Buyer beware! I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrico topload and with my second wa
Buyer beware! I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrico topload and with my second wash, I realized I had a mess of a new washer. Ive called the call center on 3 separate occasions and I have spoken to other customers who have the sample complaint. The clothes are not washed clean. They have a residue left on them. My advice to all potential buyers, dont even consider buying a Whirlpool Cabrio washer. It is the worst purchase I ever made in an appliance. Im very unhappy with my washer.
Publicado: January 30, 2013
Anne of Dunville, NL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool over stove microwave/convection oven model GH7208XRY-4 - I purcha
Whirlpool over stove microwave/convection oven model GH7208XRY-4 - I purchased this top of the line unit in April 2012 for a vacation home kitchen remodel. It wasnt installed until June 2012 and stopped working in May, 2013 just after the warranty period expired. The problem was with the touch screen panel that went blank and the fan/light control switches also failed. This unit has only had light use since my wife and I are retired and use it primarily for heating tea/coffee. I contacted Whirlpool customer service and they graciously offered to cover the cost of replacement parts but I had to pay a service charge of $125. The factory technician said the whole door needed to be replaced since the electronics were not readily accessible so it took about a week to get the replacement door which turned out to be the wrong one and needed to be reordered. The technician finally replaced the door and the faulty fan/light switch. Within a month the fan/light switch failed again but was still under warranty so it was replaced for free. A little more than a year after the last service the touch screen control panel began operating by itself changing screens and beeping randomly. This was somewhat disconcerting but the unit continued to work pretty normally until my wife placed a small plate of leftovers in oven to be reheated for 1 minute. She walked away to do other things and forgot about the food in the oven until we noticed a strong burning odor and found that the microwave was still running some 20 minutes later and had turned the food into a black mass of burned food and the plastic cover was melted and burned.I contacted Whirlpool service thinking that the unit was under warranty from the previous service but they said the parts only carried a 90 day warranty and my only recourse was to pay for another service call and purchase another door panel for approximately $400 or I could buy an extended service contract for $300. Needless to say Im not about to spend that kind of money to, at best, get another year of service from this inferior product. This is simply not a safe product that could have started a deadly fire if I had not been present to stop it when I did. I have probably owned a dozen microwaves from other manufacturers and have never had any kind of problem including a comparable GE unit that has been flawless for over 15 years. I am extremely disappointed that Whirlpool has cheapened its product line to such an extent but I suppose I shouldnt be surprised since I noted this product was made in China.
Publicado: January 5, 2015
Barton of Delavan, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a new Whirlpool washer and dryer at Best Buy 6 months ago. We com
Purchased a new Whirlpool washer and dryer at Best Buy 6 months ago. We complained to Best Buy and Whirlpool about our clothes not getting cleaned. In other words, my clothes are coming out of the washer dirty. My make-up towels come out with make-up, my husband’s fishing clothes smells like fish and my son’s bike riding clothes is full of dirt. Whirlpool’s answer was the technician is reporting that the machine is working fine. Whirlpool told me to use different cycles and detergent etc. and I have done everything they ask, but my clothes are still the same. I told them this is a defected item. A washer should do its job - wash dirt and smells out. I want a different washer and they refuse to exchange this item for another washer after a second call to technician. Best Buy is telling us there nothing they can do for us. What has America come to? The manufacturers and dealers are selling to consumers and taking advantage of them by not responding to the needs of the consumer. In other words, we the consumers pay for product, take time from work and personal time to reports these problems and we get nothing back, just the run around. Is there something we can do? What can we do? This is very frustrating. We work for what we need. We pay for what we need and we dont get what we need. On the other hand, the manufacturer and dealer get what they need, our hard working money. What can we, the consumer, do to get our hard working money worth????? If anyone knows, please share your experience.
Publicado: August 23, 2013
Cira of Hialeah, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased an HIE washer one year ago this month. I have never been happy
I purchased an HIE washer one year ago this month. I have never been happy with the cleanliness of the clothes when they came out of the wash. The only way to get them moderately clean is to wash a few items at a time and even then the whites, especially socks, seem dingy. I noticed the new Whirlpool washers now have an extra setting to add more water to the machine, so the executives have realized there is a problem with the original model.I think Whirlpool should give all customers who previously purchased the models without this feature a trade-in option to get the newer model that fills with more water or for another model with the full spindle that has worked well for so many years. I have been very unhappy with the performance of this washer and would only hope the executives would do something to resolve this problem and satisfy previous customers.
Publicado: January 19, 2014
Barbara of Arden, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In less than 4 years my dryer had to be fixed twice as well as my washer. T
In less than 4 years my dryer had to be fixed twice as well as my washer. The dryer does its job. The washer is one of those HE washers that does not use much water. Clothes do not get clean without much water so I always need to set the washer on bulky to have water to cover the clothes. I wished I had kept my old washer. It worked a lot better.
Publicado: February 8, 2019
Monique of Coeur D Alene, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased in Nov. 2013, by March 2014 noticed water leak on floor, after 8
Purchased in Nov. 2013, by March 2014 noticed water leak on floor, after 8 service calls in 3 months it was deemed unrepairable By Whirlpool. Got a new fridge in June 2015, no cost to us, but have had 2 service calls already for the same problem. The first leak damaged our kitchen floor, and the ceramic tile that we have is no longer made so we have had to file an insurance claim on our homeowners to pay for repairs. I would never buy any Whirlpool product again, or buy from the local company we bought the original fridge from.
Publicado: September 9, 2015
Dennis of Beaverton, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

If it were not for the fact that this refrigerator has a defect that Whirlp
If it were not for the fact that this refrigerator has a defect that Whirlpool has recognized and is replacing the unit for, I would give the unit 5 stars in all areas. I would buy another Whirlpool due largely to the companys willingness to recognize a problem and promptly take corrective action.
Publicado: January 5, 2017
Peter of Raleigh, North Carolina
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Whirlpool I purchased has been the worst ever! Nothing comes clean even
The Whirlpool I purchased has been the worst ever! Nothing comes clean even when I hand wash everything first and never has even from the beginning. I will never purchase a Whirlpool again. Now the machine wont drain I have gone through all the recommended steps for cleaning. The Whirlpool stove is almost as bad!
Publicado: October 10, 2014
Carla of Piedmont, SC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool side by side. When the compressor cycles, there is a loud knockin
Whirlpool side by side. When the compressor cycles, there is a loud knocking noise. Called Whirlpool when under warranty with no results. They could not tell me the cause of the knocking. Sort of live with it attitude. The funny part is when we have someone visiting and the knocking starts, they are puzzled as to why we are not answering the door. Sounds like someone knocking on the front door. We have been whirlpool customers for 30 years. Probably will not be so in the future. Too bad that a great company has go the way of the Nash and Studebaker automobile.
Publicado: December 25, 2014
Thomas of Haines City, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This company should be avoided at all costs. Purchased 2 Whirlpool dishwash
This company should be avoided at all costs. Purchased 2 Whirlpool dishwashers in 2018 and in less than 2 year the top dish rack glide rail front wheel broke off causing the rack to drop down and render the dishwasher unusable. Warranty was one year and I went online only to notice that the OEM factory replacement part(s) are now made out of stainless steel (or aluminum). I also noted that the parts were made prior to 2015 (date on the video and other vendor sites) Which is a good 2 years prior to my purchasing of this product. This means that they obviously knew there was an issue but continued to produce and sell them with known faulty parts well after they realized at least 2 plus years when you consider that they would have had to re-tool, redesign and send to production prior to the product release date.So it looks like they have continued to sell the product knowing fully well they were defective and did so just to sell replacement parts or to use up existing parts inventory. Either way this means this company has no scruples and does not stand behind their product. Another stain on the reputation of products made in China! Shame on you Whirlpool!
Publicado: September 13, 2019
Chris of Christina Lake, Canada
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

On 02/25/13 we purchased a Whirlpool Gold Series side by side (French door)
On 02/25/13 we purchased a Whirlpool Gold Series side by side (French door) refrigerator with an ice maker at the cost of $1,850.00. In April of 2014 the ice maker stopped working and the freezer at the bottom would not freeze food. Luckily for us it was still under warranty and was repaired. At the time of the repair, the repairman (associated with HHGregg) told us that the refrigerator should have been replaced since the cost of the repair was more than the fridge itself. Now July 20th, 2015, the same issue has surfaced. Again the ice maker will not work and the freezer wont freeze. I would not recommend this product or if you do pay the extended warranty.
Publicado: July 21, 2015
Carolyn of Morris, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool washer is lasted 15 yrs and is very good at cleaning clothes,
My Whirlpool washer is lasted 15 yrs and is very good at cleaning clothes, it is also easy join my water bill. I purchased mine at Home Depot. They also finance. I hope you enjoy your purchase. I know I do.
Publicado: May 17, 2020
Tracy of Magnolia, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

5 years and 11 months ago I bought a 50 gallon gas, Whirlpool hot water hea
5 years and 11 months ago I bought a 50 gallon gas, Whirlpool hot water heater with a 6-year warranty from Lowes. The 2007 water heaters were on sale, so I paid $329 for it. Within 6 months, I replaced the gas valve, and a few months after that, the thermo-couple went out and I replace that. Each time I called Whirlpool and got return authorization numbers for the parts, I still ended up paying for the parts plus labor. A year after that, the igniter went out and I had that replaced. Last year (the day before Thanksgiving), the thermo-couple went out again and I had to have that replaced - and it cost me for the part plus the labor - even though I had a return authorization number. I also replaced the water line connections/hoses to the water heater at that time. The customer service rep for Whirlpool told me at that time if I had another problem with the water heater, they would replace it for free - and the warranty was good until Dec 31, 2013 (this year). NOTE: Every plumber that has come out to fix the water heater and replace the parts stated that they see a myriad of problems with Whirlpool water heaters. They said the parts like the thermo-couples, igniters, gas valves, etc are poorly built and they replace them all the time. On Christmas Eve 2013 (two days ago), the water heater started leaking from the top by the valves - and so much pressure had built up in the heater the new water hose connections burst, spewing water all over the heater closet. I called Whirlpool the day after Christmas (today). At first, they told me they would not replace the heater as it was not in warranty and then I told them what I was told by the service rep last year. She finally agreed that my heater is indeed under warranty and gave me a replacement authorization number but she told me my warranty did not cover labor. I called Lowes. At first, they told me I would have to remove the old hot water heater myself and bring it back to the store in order to get my replacement. I am a 59 year old woman and I take care of my brother, a disable veteran. Although I am in good shape and healthy, I dont have anyone to help me get the gas and water disconnected and help me lift it into my Suburban. The man at Lowes agreed to bring out the the replacement heater and pick up the old one at no charge, but I will still have to pay $299 plus the cost of new hoses to have it installed. By the time the replacement one is installed, I will have paid a little over $1200 for a $329 water heater. I could have installed a tankless one for that, but I cannot see spending that kind of money right after Christmas. If I have one issue with this replacement, I will install a tankless water heater - and it will not be made by Whirlpool or any of its affiliates. My recommendation would be to steer clear of Whirlpool and their products.
Publicado: December 26, 2013
Diana of Houston, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Cabrio washer broken lid, asked WP to fix warranty. They offered $250 off $
Cabrio washer broken lid, asked WP to fix warranty. They offered $250 off $500 Amana washer. Said just send me the new lid that would cost me $210. They said no. Asked if they would send me metal lid with hinges less than $100 they said no. Told them I was not going to spend more money with WP, my turn to say no. If you are wise dont buy WP products...
Publicado: February 4, 2018
J of Fort Oglethorpe, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a mobile home in 2008 that had all Whirlpool appliances. The m
We purchased a mobile home in 2008 that had all Whirlpool appliances. The microwave quit working 2 times before the warranty was expired. They paid to have it fixed. After the warranty expired it quit working again when it was about 3 years old. I called the repairman and he said it might be the most expensive part in it, so it would probably be cheaper to buy another one. I had to buy the same model because it was a built in microwave and I couldnt find another one to fit. It quit working about 2 months before it was 2 years old. I called the company and they were polite but said they couldnt do anything since it was out of warranty. I have been through two of these same models in 5 years. It ought to be against the law to sell such junk.
Publicado: January 18, 2014
Evelyn of Bardwell, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The refrigerator is about 2 years old. Has worked great. Stainless steel fi
The refrigerator is about 2 years old. Has worked great. Stainless steel finish looks great. Was a good price at Lowes, with free delivery and removal of old refrigerator. I bought a simple model. Did not need a water connection.
Publicado: December 30, 2016
Harry of Honolulu, Hawaii
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Cabrio Top Loading Washer and Dryer 3 years ago from Lowes and
Purchased a Cabrio Top Loading Washer and Dryer 3 years ago from Lowes and our clothes have NEVER even come close to coming clean without spending a ton on stain removing aids, which only work part time. So I approached the salesperson at Lowes and I was informed (after the fact) that the Cabrio top loaders had poor ratings due to the fact the basket only spun 30 times a minute whereas the front loaders spun 300 times a minute. So after 3 years Im forced to bite the bullet and purchase another washer. Ever since they purchased Maytag, their quality control has gone down the crapper. Now Im going back to the old reliable, the agitator washer. Newer is not better in this case.
Publicado: November 11, 2016
Ron of Kansas City, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Whirlpool double oven gas range from Lowes in July of 2014
We purchased the Whirlpool double oven gas range from Lowes in July of 2014. The oven heat that boils out onto the stove top when you use either oven makes it difficult to handle the pots on the range top. The first time I used both ovens at the same time the plastic front to the control panel started to melt and the fumes were horrible. It was under warranty so Whirlpool replaced it with an identical panel that also melted when I used the top oven and range top at the same time. Its out of warranty so Whirlpool says its not their problem. From reading these other complaints it is obvious to me that customer satisfaction is not important to Whirlpool - just that profit margin. Build cheap - sell high should be their motto.
Publicado: July 11, 2015
Michelle of Mooresville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We had to have a sensor switch installed. We purchased this washer, plus th
We had to have a sensor switch installed. We purchased this washer, plus the matching dryer June 10, 2010. This was just 16 months ago today.The cost of this repair was $160.24, for part labor and service call. The service call was excellent. Wish I could say the same for washer.We had previously owned a KitchenAid washer for over 20 years (before purchasing Whirlpool washer) and did not have to have one repair on it. Very doubtful I will purchase another Whirlpool.Looks like quality is a thing of the past.
Publicado: October 10, 2011
Nancy of Morristown, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a stackable electric washer/dryer unit and received in October
We purchased a stackable electric washer/dryer unit and received in October. Had issues from the start. Called Whirlpool in Dec 2018 and they sent out their contracted service company. Told us they were ordering parts. Never heard from anyone. Called service contractor and they said never received parts. Called January. WP told us that because it was a new model, they didnt have the parts. We asked them to replace the unit. WP called us and said they would replace the unit and it would arrive in late January. NO CALL. Called 2/22 and said, no similar units available. Ask them to upgrade me if there were units available. Said they would and the inventory of the upgraded unit was promising. Would get a call from delivery company for a 3/6 delivery and install. 3/2: Called because hadnt heard from anyone and called WP. Today Katrina ID # ** tells me they are making the new upgraded unit with an anticipated delivery of MID MARCH. I just about flipped my lid. I asked for a supervisor of which she said she was a SR support specialist. I asked that this be escalated and I get a call regarding status. She advised that she would inquire and call me back. Likely shouldnt hold my breath or try to call back because you are on hold for up to 1-2 hours. Just to clarify, have never had an issue with Whirlpool. Every appliance we have in our home is Whirlpool. I just cant believe this experience. I am going to the media on my next stop.
Publicado: March 1, 2019
Elaine of Cornwall, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have all Whirlpool appliances in our home as well as our rental property
We have all Whirlpool appliances in our home as well as our rental property. All of the appliances are of great quality and perform extremely well. The dishwashers are both heavy duty and do a tremendous job of cleaning the dishes. Both have a jet dry feature which is extremely important to us.
Publicado: February 11, 2021
Bobby of Birmingham, Alabama
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

lD and UL codes are displaying. The UL code displays when the load is even
lD and UL codes are displaying. The UL code displays when the load is even and also displays UL load when I take all clothes out of washer. How could the load be uneven if there are no clothes in? I have had four different issues with this washer. I have started use on this washer in Aug. 2008 and there have been already three major repairs. I am a very dissatisfied customer. I dont know if I should spend more money on washer repairs or just buy a new washer. Please help.
Publicado: November 20, 2012
Esmeralda of San Pedro, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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