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Whirlpool Accesorios
Whirlpool Accesorios

Whirlpool Appliance Códigos de error

La empresa comercializa Whirlpool, Maytag, KitchenAid, JennAir, Amana, Gladiator GarageWorks, Inglis, Estate, Brastemp, Bauknecht, Ignis, Indesit y Consul. Su sitio web también menciona las marcas Diqua, Affresh, Acros y Yummly.

Aire acondicionado Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: UA.
PROBLEMA: Error de ajuste, unidad interior y exterior anormal.

PROBLEMA: Fallo de comunicaciĂłn.

PROBLEMA: La tensiĂłn de entrada de CC es demasiado baja.

CĂłdigo: PH.
PROBLEMA: La tensiĂłn de entrada de CC es demasiado alta.

CĂłdigo: F0.
PROBLEMA: Falta de protecciĂłn de freĂłn o de bloqueo.

PROBLEMA: Mal funcionamiento del sensor de temperatura de la aleta de carbono.

PROBLEMA: Sobrecorriente de CC.

CĂłdigo: P8.
PROBLEMA: Sobrecalentamiento de la aleta de carbono.

PROBLEMA: Cortocircuito y rotura del sensor de temperatura del condensador exterior.

PROBLEMA: Ruptura y cortocircuito del sensor de temperatura de descarga exterior.

PROBLEMA: ProtecciĂłn de descarga del compresor.

PROBLEMA: Mal funcionamiento del sensor de temperatura ambiente exterior.

PROBLEMA: Mal funcionamiento de la dicciĂłn de corriente de la unidad completa.

PROBLEMA: Fallo de sincronizaciĂłn.

CĂłdigo: EE.
PROBLEMA: Fallo de almacenamiento. AverĂ­a en la placa de circuito impreso interior.

CĂłdigo: E2.
PROBLEMA: ProtecciĂłn anticongelaciĂłn.

CĂłdigo: H4.
PROBLEMA: Sobrecarga del sistema.

CĂłdigo: H6.
PROBLEMA: No hay retroalimentaciĂłn del motor de la unidad interior.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del sensor de temperatura de la tuberĂ­a interior.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del sensor de temperatura ambiente interior.

CĂłdigo: UF.
PROBLEMA: Paso a cero anormal.

CĂłdigo: H3.
PROBLEMA: Sobrecarga del compresor.

CĂłdigo: LC.
PROBLEMA: Fallo de arranque.

CĂłdigo: UH.
PROBLEMA: No hay respuesta del motor de la unidad exterior.

PROBLEMA: ProtecciĂłn contra sobrecorriente.

CĂłdigo: U7.
PROBLEMA: Conversión de válvula de 4 vías anormal.

CĂłdigo: U1.
PROBLEMA: Mal funcionamiento de la detecciĂłn de la corriente de fase del compresor.

Calentador de agua Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: E01
PROBLEMA: Encendido eléctrico con el depósito vacío o no completamente lleno de agua
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación eléctrica en el disyuntor. Abra un grifo de agua caliente en la casa y luego abra el suministro de agua fría al calentador de agua y deje tiempo para que el tanque se llene de agua. Cuando vea que sale agua por el grifo de agua caliente, cierre el grifo de agua caliente. Restablezca la alimentación y deje que el calentador de agua realice un diagnóstico del sistema. Esto suele tardar 8 minutos.

PROBLEMA: La temperatura del agua ha superado el lĂ­mite alto
FIX: Cambie los dos disyuntores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF y luego pulse el botón de reinicio situado detrás del panel de control del calentador de agua. Coloque los disyuntores de la casa en la posición ON. Si el error vuelve a aparecer, llame a un técnico de servicio para que le ayude.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del sensor del termistor superior
FIX: Cambie los dos disyuntores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a la posición OFF. Sustituya el termostato electrónico situado detrás del panel de control.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del elemento superior
FALLO: Interrumpa los dos interruptores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua en OFF. Retire el panel de control para acceder a la resistencia superior. Desconecte el elemento calefactor superior y mida la resistencia en ohmios a través de los terminales del elemento. Con un multímetro, compruebe que los cables del elemento y del termostato electrónico no estén dañados. El elemento calefactor debe medir entre 5 y 25 ohmios de resistencia. Vacíe el calentador de agua y sustituya el elemento calefactor si está defectuoso. Si esta condición de error continúa, reemplace el termostato electrónico. Vuelva a llenar el calentador de agua antes de activar los disyuntores de la casa y restablecer la energía.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del elemento inferior
FIX: Cambie los dos interruptores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF. Retire la tapa inferior para acceder a la resistencia inferior. Desconecte el elemento calefactor inferior y mida la resistencia en ohmios entre los terminales del elemento. VacĂ­e el calentador de agua y sustituya el elemento calefactor si ha fallado. Si esta condiciĂłn de error continĂşa, reemplace el termostato electrĂłnico. Vuelva a llenar el calentador de agua antes de activar los disyuntores de la casa y restablecer la energĂ­a.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del termostato electrĂłnico
FIX: Cambie los dos disyuntores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF. A continuación, ponga los disyuntores en ON para ver si el error desaparece. Si el error no desaparece, desconecte los interruptores y sustituya el termostato electrónico situado detrás del panel de control.

CĂłdigo: E07
PROBLEMA: Fallo del sensor del termistor inferior
FIX: Cambie los dos disyuntores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF. Retire el panel de control y compruebe las conexiones eléctricas del termostato electrónico. Si el cableado y las conexiones están bien, sustituya el sensor termistor inferior situado sobre la resistencia inferior.

PROBLEMA: Fallo del mĂłdulo de energĂ­a inteligente (ESM)
FIX: Conmute los dos interruptores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF. Compruebe que los cables y el módulo de energía inteligente (panel de control) no estén dañados. Si esta condición de error continúa, sustituya el módulo de energía inteligente (ESM). Puede anular el ESM desenchufando el conector del arnés. El termostato electrónico del calentador de agua seguirá funcionando y el agua caliente seguirá estando disponible. Sustituya el ESM.

CĂ“DIGO: E9, E10, E11, E12
PROBLEMA: Error del termostato electrĂłnico (ET)
FIX: Cambie los dos interruptores de la casa dedicados al calentador de agua a OFF. Compruebe si el cableado del termostato electrónico está dañado. Restablezca la alimentación eléctrica en el disyuntor. Si este código de error sigue parpadeando, sustituya el termostato electrónico.

Distancia Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: F0
PROBLEMA: CĂłdigo F por defecto-sin fallos
FIX: El cĂłdigo F0 se muestra si no hay cĂłdigos de fallo anteriores y se mantiene la tecla CANCELAR durante 5 segundos. Pulse CANCEL para borrar la pantalla.

CĂłdigo: F1
PROBLEMA: Control electrĂłnico del horno (EOC) defectuoso
FIX: Desconecte la alimentaciĂłn o desenchufe la cocina. Sustituya el control electrĂłnico del horno (EOC).

PROBLEMA: El mazo de cables del teclado está desconectado
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la gama. Vuelva a conectar el mazo de cables del teclado si está suelto. Restablezca la alimentación eléctrica de la cocina y pulse CANCELAR. Si el código de error vuelve a aparecer después de 60 segundos, sustituya el teclado. Si el problema persiste, sustituya el control electrónico del horno.

CĂ“DIGO: F2/E5 o F2/E6
PROBLEMA: La tecla de cancelación está defectuosa
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la gama. Vuelva a conectar el mazo de cables del teclado si está suelto. Restablezca la alimentación eléctrica de la cocina y pulse CANCELAR. Si el código de error vuelve a aparecer después de 60 segundos, sustituya el teclado. Si el problema persiste, sustituya el control electrónico del horno.

PROBLEMA: Sensor de temperatura del horno defectuoso o circuito del sensor de temperatura del horno abierto
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la cocina. Vuelva a conectar la conexión del mazo de cables del sensor de temperatura del horno si está suelto. Reemplace el arnés de cables si está dañado. Mida la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno con un voltímetro/ohmímetro. Si la resistencia no es de 1080 ohmios a temperatura ambiente (70 grados F), sustituya el sensor de temperatura del horno. Si la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno y las conexiones del arnés de cables están bien, reemplace el control electrónico del horno (EOC).

PROBLEMA: Sensor de temperatura del horno defectuoso o circuito de temperatura del horno en cortocircuito
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la cocina. Vuelva a conectar el mazo de cables del sensor de temperatura del horno si está suelto. Reemplace el arnés de cables si está dañado. Mida la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno con un voltímetro/ohmímetro. Si la resistencia no es de 1080 ohmios a temperatura ambiente (70 grados F), sustituya el sensor de temperatura del horno. Si la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno y las conexiones del arnés de cables están bien, reemplace el control electrónico del horno (EOC).

PROBLEMA: La temperatura del horno supera los 575 grados F en el modo de horneado.
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la cocina. Vuelva a conectar el cable del sensor de temperatura del horno si está suelto. Reemplace el mazo de cables si está dañado. Mida la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno con un voltímetro/ohmímetro. Si la resistencia no es de 1080 ohmios a temperatura ambiente (70 grados F), sustituya el sensor de temperatura del horno. Si la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno y las conexiones del arnés de cables están bien, reemplace el control electrónico del horno (EOC).

PROBLEMA: La temperatura del horno supera los 950 grados F en el modo de limpieza
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la cocina. Vuelva a conectar el cable del sensor de temperatura del horno si está suelto. Reemplace el mazo de cables si está dañado. Mida la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno con un voltímetro/ohmímetro. Si la resistencia no es de 1080 ohmios a temperatura ambiente (70 grados F), sustituya el sensor de temperatura del horno. Si la resistencia del sensor de temperatura del horno y las conexiones del arnés de cables están bien, reemplace el control electrónico del horno (EOC).

PROBLEMA: Sonda de carne en cortocircuito
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la gama. Desenchufe la sonda de carne y mida la resistencia de la misma con un voltímetro/ohmímetro. Si la resistencia no es de 59.000 ohmios a temperatura ambiente, sustituya la sonda de carne. Si la resistencia de la sonda de carne está bien, inserte la sonda de carne en el enchufe y compruebe que la conexión entre la sonda y el enchufe es firme en el horno. Si la clavija está dañada o desgastada, sustitúyala. Vuelva a conectar la conexión del arnés de cables en la clavija de la sonda de carne si está suelta. Reemplace el arnés de cables si está dañado.

PROBLEMA: La puerta está abierta, pero el pestillo está bloqueado (el interruptor de la puerta comunica una puerta abierta, pero el interruptor del pestillo comunica una puerta bloqueada)
FIX: Pruebe el funcionamiento del interruptor de la puerta del horno utilizando la luz del horno. Abra y cierre la puerta del horno para ver si el interruptor de la puerta del horno enciende y apaga la luz del horno cuando la puerta del horno se abre y se cierra. Si el interruptor de la puerta del horno está defectuoso, sustitúyalo. Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe el horno. Vuelva a conectar los cables sueltos en el mazo de cables del conjunto de bloqueo de la puerta del horno. Sustituya el mazo de cables si está dañado. Compruebe si el conjunto de bloqueo de la puerta presenta daños visibles y sustitúyalo si está roto.

PROBLEMA: El pestillo de autolimpieza no se bloquea/desbloquea
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación o desenchufe la cocina. Vuelva a conectar los cables sueltos en el mazo de cables del conjunto de bloqueo de la puerta del horno. Reemplace el arnés de cables si está dañado. Compruebe si el conjunto de bloqueo de la puerta presenta daños visibles y sustitúyalo si está roto.

Horno Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: O P.
PROBLEMA: Funcionamiento normal.

PROBLEMA: Bloqueo por exceso de reintentos.

PROBLEMA: Presostato de baja intensidad atascado al inicio del ciclo de calentamiento.

PROBLEMA: Presostato de baja intensidad atascado abierto.

CĂłdigo: E 3.
PROBLEMA: Interruptor de lĂ­mite alto abierto.

CĂłdigo: E 4.
PROBLEMA: Se detecta llama cuando no deberĂ­a haberla.

PROBLEMA: Fusible abierto.

CĂłdigo: E 6.
PROBLEMA: Señal de llama baja.

CĂłdigo: E 7.
PROBLEMA: Fallo en el encendedor o conexiĂłn a tierra inadecuada.

PROBLEMA: Presostato de alta etapa atascado en el inicio del ciclo de calentamiento.

PROBLEMA: Presostato de alta etapa atascado abierto.

PROBLEMA: Polaridad de 115 VAC invertida.

CĂłdigo: d 0.
PROBLEMA: Datos aĂşn no en la red.

CĂłdigo: d 4.
PROBLEMA: Datos de la tarjeta de memoria no válidos.

CĂ“DIGO: b 0.
PROBLEMA: El motor del soplador no funciona.

CĂłdigo: b 1.
PROBLEMA: Error de comunicaciĂłn del soplador.

CĂłdigo: b 2.
PROBLEMA: Desajuste de HP del soplador.

CĂ“DIGO: b 3.
PROBLEMA: Motor del soplador funcionando en lĂ­mite de potencia, temperatura o velocidad.

CĂ“DIGO: b 4.
PROBLEMA: Disparo de corriente del motor del soplador o pérdida del rotor.

CĂ“DIGO: b 5.
PROBLEMA: Rotor bloqueado del motor del ventilador.

CĂłdigo: b 6.
PROBLEMA: Disparo por sobretensiĂłn/subtensiĂłn o por sobretemperatura.

CĂ“DIGO: b 7.
PROBLEMA: Parámetros incompletos enviados al motor.

CĂ“DIGO: b 9.
PROBLEMA: Bajo caudal de aire interior.

CĂłdigo: C 1.
PROBLEMA: Enfriamiento de baja intensidad.

CĂłdigo: C 2.
PROBLEMA: Enfriamiento de alto nivel.

CĂłdigo: L O.
PROBLEMA: Calor de etapa baja.

PROBLEMA: Calor de fase alta.

CĂłdigo: F.
PROBLEMA: Ventilador continuo.

CĂłdigo: 1 2.
PROBLEMA: CFM/100; se alterna con C1, C2, LO, HI, F.

Lavadora Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: LOC o LC
PROBLEMA: Se ha activado el bloqueo de control
FIX: Toque el botón de bloqueo de control, o (en los modelos más antiguos) determine qué botón activa el bloqueo de control en su manual de usuario. Algunos modelos requieren que se mantenga pulsado el botón.

PROBLEMA: No se detecta el cartucho de detergente en el dispensador.
FIX: Esto ocurre en algunos modelos. Si está utilizando dosis de detergente de una sola carga, ignore este mensaje. Asegúrese de que el cartucho dispensador está insertado correctamente y que el cajón dispensador está completamente cerrado.

PROBLEMA: El ciclo se ha pausado o cancelado.
FIX: La lavadora puede tardar entre 20 y 30 minutos en dejar de girar y desaguar, y mostrará este código de error durante ese tiempo. Para eliminar el código, pulse el botón de pausa o cancelación dos veces y el botón de encendido una vez. Si el código sigue apareciendo, desenchufe la lavadora o desconecte la corriente durante un minuto.

CĂ“DIGO: rL o F34
PROBLEMA: Se han detectado objetos en la lavadora durante el ciclo de limpieza de la lavadora.
FIX: Retire los artĂ­culos del tambor y reinicie el ciclo de Lavadora Limpia.

CODE: Sud o Sd
PROBLEMA: Hay demasiada espuma en la lavadora.
FIX: La lavadora no podrá centrifugar el agua con el exceso de espuma. Cuando se muestra "Sud" o "Sd", la lavadora prolonga automáticamente el tiempo de aclarado para eliminar el exceso de espuma. Durante este tiempo, la lavadora hace una pausa en el centrifugado y añade agua para un aclarado adicional. Esta pausa permite que las burbujas de la espuma se rompan. Esta pausa y el aclarado son necesarios y pueden ocurrir varias veces para eliminar la espuma.

PROBLEMA: La puerta no se bloquea correctamente.
FIX: Compruebe que no hay elementos que bloqueen la puerta y que Ă©sta se cierra completamente. Pulse el botĂłn de pausa o cancelaciĂłn dos veces y el botĂłn de encendido una vez para borrar el cĂłdigo.

CĂłdigo: F7 E1
PROBLEMA: Indica un error de detecciĂłn de la velocidad del motor,
FIX: El motor no puede alcanzar la velocidad correcta para la selecciĂłn del ciclo. Compruebe que se han retirado todos los pernos de transporte, que la lavadora no se ha sobrecargado, pulse el botĂłn de Pausa o CancelaciĂłn dos veces y el botĂłn de Encendido una vez para borrar el cĂłdigo.

PROBLEMA: La lavadora está detectando un bajo caudal de agua.
FIX: Compruebe que el suministro de agua de la casa está abierto y que los grifos o válvulas de agua fría y caliente están completamente abiertos. Las mangueras de entrada de agua no están dobladas (aprenda más sobre Cómo comprobar las mangueras de llenado si su lavadora no se llena). No hay mangueras y controles antiinundación en la línea de agua conectada a la lavadora (obtenga más información sobre ¿Debo utilizar dispositivos antiinundación en mi lavadora de carga frontal? Pulse el botón de Pausa o Cancelación dos veces y el botón de Encendido una vez para borrar el código.

PROBLEMA: Indica que hay un problema con el Sistema Dispensador
FIX: Esto ocurre en algunos modelos. Verifique que el cajón de detergente o el cartucho de detergente no esté obstruido con detergente.

PROBLEMA: Indica que los tiempos de drenaje son más largos de lo esperado, normalmente más de ocho (8) minutos.
FIX: Asegúrese de que la manguera de drenaje no está doblada ni obstruida. Utilice la forma de la manguera de drenaje en forma de U en la manguera de drenaje. Los requisitos de altura del tubo vertical (tubo de desagüe) son 244 cm (96") como máximo y 99 cm (39") como mínimo.

CĂ“DIGO: Otro cĂłdigo F E
PROBLEMA: Indica otro error
FIX: Desenchufe la lavadora o desconecte la corriente durante un minuto y vuelva a conectarla. Vuelva a seleccionar el ciclo y pulse Inicio.

Lavaplatos Códigos de error

CĂ“DIGO: 1-1
PROBLEMA: La placa de control electrónico está detectando un relé eléctrico atascado en la placa de circuito
FIX: Quite la alimentaciĂłn del lavavajillas durante 5 minutos para intentar reiniciar. Si el cĂłdigo de error vuelve a aparecer cuando se aplica la alimentaciĂłn, compruebe el cableado y los componentes. Si el cableado y los componentes son correctos, sustituya la placa de control electrĂłnico.

CĂ“DIGO: 1-2
PROBLEMA: Todas las luces están encendidas porque el control de la interfaz de usuario no es compatible con la placa de control electrónico
FIX: Este código de error se mostrará cuando se instale un control de interfaz de usuario incorrecto.

CĂ“DIGO: 2-1
PROBLEMA: La placa de control electrĂłnico detecta un botĂłn de tecla atascado en el panel de control
FIX: Si ninguna tecla funciona, sustituya el panel de control electrónico. Si el panel de control está dañado, sustituya el panel de control electrónico. Si el panel de control funciona, el problema puede estar en la placa de control electrónico.

CODE: 2-2
PROBLEMA: El control de la interfaz de usuario no puede comunicarse con la placa de control electrĂłnico
FIX: Desconecte la alimentaciĂłn del lavavajillas. Compruebe el cableado entre el control de la interfaz de usuario y la placa de control electrĂłnico. Si los cables y las conexiones son correctos, sustituya la tarjeta de control de la interfaz de usuario. Si el problema se repite, sustituya la tarjeta de control electrĂłnico.

CĂ“DIGO: 3-1
PROBLEMA: Puede haber una rotura en el cableado eléctrico O el componente del termistor (sensor de temperatura del agua) ha fallado. También puede haber fallado el indicador óptico de agua que detecta la cantidad de residuos en el agua.
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas y compruebe el cableado del termistor y del circuito del indicador óptico del agua. Si el cableado del circuito está bien, sustituya el termistor y el componente del indicador óptico del agua.

CĂ“DIGO: 3-2
PROBLEMA: El circuito del termistor / indicador óptico del agua está en cortocircuito eléctrico
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas y compruebe el cableado del circuito del termistor / indicador óptico de agua. Si el cableado del circuito está bien, sustituya el componente del termistor / indicador óptico de agua.

CĂ“DIGO: 3-3
PROBLEMA: El indicador Ăłptico de agua (OWI) ha fallado
FIX: Desconecte la alimentaciĂłn del lavavajillas y limpie el indicador Ăłptico de agua. Si el cĂłdigo de error vuelve a aparecer una vez que aplique la energĂ­a, entonces reemplace el indicador Ăłptico de agua (OWI).

CĂ“DIGO: 4-3
PROBLEMA: La comunicaciĂłn del motor de la bomba de lavado y la placa de control electrĂłnico se ha interrumpido
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas y compruebe el cableado del motor de la bomba de lavado a la placa de control electrónica. Si el cableado está bien, sustituya la bomba de lavado. Si el problema vuelve a aparecer, sustituya la placa de control electrónico.

CODE: 5-1
PROBLEMA: La puerta del lavavajillas no se cierra (Problema con el pestillo de la puerta)
FIX: Pulse el botón de inicio y cierre la puerta del lavavajillas. Si el código se muestra entonces quite la energía al lavavajillas. Compruebe el conjunto del pestillo de la puerta y el cableado del interruptor de la puerta. Si el conjunto del pestillo y el cableado están en su lugar y se comprueba que están bien, entonces sustituya el interruptor de la puerta.

CĂ“DIGO: 5-2
PROBLEMA: La puerta del lavavajillas no se abre
FIX: Compruebe que el cableado del interruptor de la puerta está bien. Si el cableado del interruptor de la puerta está bien, reemplace el interruptor de la puerta.

CĂ“DIGO: 6-1
PROBLEMA: La placa de control electrónico no detecta la entrada de agua en la bañera
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación y cierre el suministro de agua al lavavajillas. Asegúrese de que el agua que suministra el lavavajillas tiene un flujo adecuado y una buena presión. Compruebe el cableado de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si el cableado está bien y el suministro de agua está bien, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua.

CĂ“DIGO: 6-2
PROBLEMA: La válvula de entrada de agua tiene un problema eléctrico
FIX: Quite la corriente y cierre el suministro de agua al lavavajillas. Asegúrese de que el agua que suministra el lavavajillas tiene un flujo adecuado y una buena presión. Compruebe el cableado de la válvula de entrada de agua. Si el cableado está bien y el suministro de agua es correcto, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua. Si el problema persiste, sustituya la placa de control electrónico.

CĂłdigo: 6-3
Problema: Hay aire o SUDS en la bomba de agua
FIX: Compruebe el nivel de llenado de agua. Compruebe si hay espuma en el agua de llenado en el fondo de la cuba del lavavajillas. Si el nivel de llenado de agua es bajo, sustituya la válvula de entrada de agua. Si encuentra un exceso de espuma, compruebe el dispensador de detergente y sustitúyalo si está dañado.

CODE: 6-4
PROBLEMA: El interruptor del flotador está eléctricamente abierto o atascado
FIX: Compruebe el interruptor de flotador de sobrellenado y asegúrese de que no está atascado bajo hay algo debajo que lo sostiene. Asegúrese de que la válvula de llenado de entrada de agua está cerrando el agua cuando el lavavajillas está apagado.

CĂ“DIGO: 6-6
PROBLEMA: El agua que entra en el lavavajillas está demasiado fría
FIX: Utilice un termómetro para comprobar la temperatura del agua que entra en el lavavajillas. Si el agua está a menos de 110F grados entonces revise su calentador de agua. Ajuste el calentador de agua si es necesario. Si la temperatura del agua que entra en el lavavajillas está entre 110F y 120F grados entonces reemplace el termistor / indicador óptico del agua o como último recurso el tablero de control electrónico.

CĂ“DIGO: 6-7
PROBLEMA: El caudalímetro no está conectado o está defectuoso
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas. Compruebe los cables del caudalímetro. Si el cableado está bien, sustituya el caudalímetro.

CĂ“DIGO: 7-1
PROBLEMA: La resistencia no calienta
FIX: Quite la corriente al lavavajillas. Compruebe la resistencia y sustitúyala si la encuentra quemada o defectuosa. Si la resistencia está bien, compruebe los cables que van a la resistencia. Si el cableado es correcto, sustituya la resistencia.

CĂ“DIGO: 7-2
PROBLEMA: La resistencia no se apaga - calor constante
FIX: Quite la corriente al lavavajillas durante 10 minutos. Si el cĂłdigo de error vuelve a aparecer cuando se enciende de nuevo, sustituya la placa de control electrĂłnico.

CĂ“DIGO: 8-1
PROBLEMA: El agua sale muy lentamente
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas y cierre el suministro de agua al lavavajillas. Compruebe el recorrido del desagüe para ver si hay algo que lo bloquea. Si la vía de desagüe está limpia y completamente despejada, compruebe los cables de la bomba de desagüe. Si el cableado está bien, sustituya la bomba de desagüe.

CĂ“DIGO: 8-2
PROBLEMA: Problema eléctrico con la bomba de desagüe
FIX: Desconecte la alimentaciĂłn del lavavajillas y cierre el suministro de agua al lavavajillas. Compruebe los cables de la bomba de desagĂĽe. Si el cableado es correcto, sustituya la bomba de desagĂĽe.

CĂłdigo: 8-3
Problema: La bomba de desagüe está atascada en ON constantemente
FIX: Desconecte la alimentación del lavavajillas y compruebe los cables de la bomba de desagüe. Si hay daños en el mazo de cables, reemplácelo. Si el mazo de cables está bien, sustituya la placa de control electrónico.

CĂ“DIGO: 10-1
PROBLEMA: Problema eléctrico con el dispensador
FIX: Quite la energĂ­a del lavavajillas. Retire el panel exterior de la puerta. Compruebe los cables del dispensador de detergente. Si el cableado es correcto, sustituya el dispensador de detergente.

CĂ“DIGO: 10-3
PROBLEMA: Problema del ventilador de secado
FIX: Quite la corriente al lavavajillas. Compruebe los cables del ventilador de secado. Si el cableado es correcto, sustituya el ventilador de secado.

Microonda Códigos de error

CĂ“DIGO: ":" o "."
PROBLEMA: Se ha producido un fallo de alimentaciĂłn o se ha desconectado la hora del reloj.
Apague la unidad desconectando el/los disyuntor/es durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el/los disyuntor/es.
Supervise el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no vuelve a aparecer.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

PROBLEMA: Si aparece un mensaje sobre la puerta en la pantalla, la puerta ha estado cerrada durante 5 minutos o más sin que el horno microondas se haya puesto en marcha.
Retire todo el material de embalaje del microondas.
Asegúrese de que ningún material de embalaje esté bloqueando el sistema de cierre de la puerta.
Cierre la puerta firmemente.
Compruebe que la rejilla de cocción (si está equipada) no esté fuera de posición y no permita que la puerta se cierre.

PROBLEMA: Puede haber un problema con la interfaz de usuario o el teclado, el control o el cableado asociado.
Apague la unidad desconectando el(los) disyuntor(es) durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el(los) disyuntor(es).
Supervise el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no vuelve a aparecer.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

CĂ“DIGO: ERROR durante la cocciĂłn con sensor
PROBLEMA: El sensor no detecta la humedad.
Apague la unidad desconectando el/los disyuntor/es durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el(los) disyuntor(es).
Supervise el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no vuelve a aparecer.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

CĂ“DIGO: FunciĂłn no disponible o fallo detectado
PROBLEMA: Este mensaje se desplazará por la pantalla cuando se detecte un fallo mientras esté programando un ciclo de cocción.
Apague la unidad desconectando el/los disyuntor/es durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el(los) disyuntor(es).
Inicie un ciclo de cocciĂłn.
Monitoree el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no aparezca de nuevo.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

CĂ“DIGO: Hora intermitente, Reloj, 12:00, PĂ©rdida de energĂ­a o Introducir hora
PROBLEMA: Cuando se suministra energía al horno por primera vez, después de una interrupción o fallo de energía, se mostrará la "Hora", o "12:00", o "PÉRDIDA DE ENERGÍA".
Pulse CANCELAR para borrar la pantalla.
Ajuste la hora del dĂ­a.

CĂłdigo: Bloqueado, Bloqueo o Bloqueo
Problema: El Bloqueo de Control apaga los controles del panel para evitar el uso involuntario del horno microondas. Cuando el panel de control está bloqueado, ninguno de los controles funcionará.
Apague la unidad desconectando el/los disyuntor/es durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el(los) disyuntor(es).
Supervise el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no vuelve a aparecer.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno
CĂ“DIGO: No hay pitidos ni tonos
PROBLEMA: ¿Está desactivada la función de tonos?
Si la gama está en modo de Ahorro de Energía (modelos selectos), la pantalla estará en blanco cuando no esté en uso. El modo de ahorro de energía pone el producto en modo de reposo y reduce el consumo de energía.
Para desactivar el modo de ahorro de energĂ­a:
1. Mantenga pulsado SETTINGS/CLOCK durante 3 segundos. "Ahorro de energía desactivado" aparecerá en la pantalla.
2. El reloj volverá a aparecer en la pantalla y la gama podrá funcionar como de costumbre.
Para activar el modo de ahorro de energĂ­a:
1. Mantenga pulsado SETTINGS/CLOCK durante 3 segundos. "Energy saver on" aparecerá en la pantalla.
2. El ajuste se activará después de 5 minutos.

CĂ“DIGO: Pulse Cancelar para restablecer
PROBLEMA: Este mensaje se mostrará cuando se haya detectado un fallo o error.
Apague la unidad desconectando el/los disyuntor/es durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad encendiendo el(los) disyuntor(es).
Inicie un ciclo de cocciĂłn.
Monitoree el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no aparezca de nuevo.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

CĂ“DIGO: Sonda o Sonda de InserciĂłn
PROBLEMA: El Control está "buscando" una entrada de la Sonda de Carne.
Apague la unidad desconectando el(los) disyuntor(es) durante un (1) minuto.
Encienda la unidad conectando el/los disyuntor/es.
Supervise el horno durante un (1) minuto para asegurarse de que el cĂłdigo de error no vuelve a aparecer.
Verifique el funcionamiento del horno.

Refrigerador Códigos de error

E0 - Avería de la máquina de hielo (si está instalada)
Asunto: El fabricador de hielo de mi aparato no funciona correctamente.

E1 - Fallo del sensor del frigorĂ­fico
Sustituya el sensor

E2 - Fallo del sensor del congelador
Problema: La temperatura del compartimento de mi congelador es incorrecta.

E3 - Fallo del sensor de descongelaciĂłn
Evento: La temperatura del compartimento de mi frigorĂ­fico es incorrecta.
Consejo: Le recomendamos que compruebe que el tubo de desagüe y las tuberías bajo el fregadero no están obstruidos.

E4 - Fallo del sensor de descongelaciĂłn del frigorĂ­fico
Problema: La temperatura del compartimento de mi frigorĂ­fico es incorrecta.

E5 - Fallo del sensor de descongelaciĂłn del congelador.
Problema: La temperatura del compartimento de mi congelador es incorrecta.

E6 - AverĂ­a en la placa de control principal y en la placa de visualizaciĂłn.
Problema: La pantalla o los controles de mi aparato no funcionan correctamente.

E7 - Fallo del sensor de temperatura ambiental.
Problema: Pueden estar ocurriendo varias cosas que afectan a la temperatura de su electrodoméstico si ve este código de error en la pantalla.

E8 - Fallo del sensor de temperatura ambiental
Problema: Si ve este código de error en la pantalla, puede haber una serie de cosas que afecten a la temperatura de su electrodoméstico.

E9 - Alarma de alta temperatura del congelador
Problema: La puerta del congelador puede haberse quedado abierta, lo que ha provocado la descongelaciĂłn de los alimentos en el congelador.
Consejo: Por favor, compruebe si la puerta está bien cerrada.

EE - Fallo en el circuito de la máquina de hielo (si está instalada).
Problema: El fabricador de hielo de mi aparato no funciona correctamente.

Secadora Códigos de error

CĂłdigo: F01 - Fallo de la placa electrĂłnica
PROBLEMA: La secadora no funciona - algunas o todas las funciones no son seleccionables.
FALLO: Desconecte (desenchufe) el aparato de la red eléctrica durante un mínimo de 2 minutos. Vuelva a conectar el suministro y espere 30 segundos e intente arrancar la máquina de nuevo.

CĂ“DIGO: F02 - Fallo en el circuito del motor
PROBLEMA: RotaciĂłn intermitente o nula del tambor durante el ciclo de lavado.

CĂ“DIGO: F03 - Fallo de detecciĂłn de temperatura
PROBLEMA: Las secadoras no calientan en los ajustes de lavado o secado.

CĂ“DIGO: F05 - ObstrucciĂłn de la tuberĂ­a de desagĂĽe o problema con la bomba
PROBLEMA: La puerta de la secadora no se abre / la puerta se puede abrir pero el agua permanece dentro del tambor.
FIX: Por favor, compruebe si hay obstrucciones en el filtro de la bomba (si es aplicable al modelo - por favor, consulte el manual del usuario). Compruebe también si hay algún bloqueo en la manguera de aguas residuales y en cualquier tubería bajo el fregadero. Si ninguna de las soluciones anteriores funciona, es probable que tenga un fallo en la bomba y necesite más ayuda.

CĂ“DIGO: F06 - Fallo de bloqueo de la puerta
PROBLEMA: La puerta de la secadora no puede abrirse o cerrarse / cuando la puerta está cerrada la máquina el programa no se inicia.
FALLO: Si la puerta de su secadora no se cierra, por favor, compruebe si hay alguna obstrucciĂłn en la cerradura de la puerta.

CĂ“DIGO: F07 - Fallo de la placa electrĂłnica / fallo del circuito de calefacciĂłn
PROBLEMA: Durante un ciclo de lavado el programa se detiene en parte/ la máquina no calienta y la bomba funciona continuamente.

CĂ“DIGO: F08 - Fallo de la calefacciĂłn
PROBLEMA: Durante un ciclo de lavado el programa se detiene en parte.

CĂ“DIGO: F09 - AverĂ­a de software
PROBLEMA: La secadora no funciona Las luces y/o la pantalla parpadean varias veces. No se puede seleccionar un programa.

CĂłdigo: F11 - Fallo del circuito de la bomba
PROBLEMA: El agua permanece en la secadora / no se bombea.

CĂ“DIGO: F12 - Fallo del control electrĂłnico
PROBLEMA: La secadora no funciona (se enciende).

CODE: F13 - Fallo en la detecciĂłn de la temperatura de la secadora (sĂłlo lavadoras)
PROBLEMA: La lavadora-secadora no está secando la ropa.

CĂ“DIGO: F15 - Fallo en el control del calentador (Lavadoras y Secadoras)
PROBLEMA: La secadora no calienta el agua o se detiene durante el ciclo de lavado / no se seca o se detiene durante el ciclo de secado.

CÓDIGO: F16 - Fallo del sensor de posición de bloqueo del tambor (sólo máquinas de carga superior)
PROBLEMA: El tambor de la secadora se detiene en una posición incorrecta o no está bloqueado en la posición correcta.

CĂ“DIGO: F18 - Error de datos internos
PROBLEMA: Algunas o todas las pantallas / funciones no funcionan en mis secadoras.
FIX: Por favor, desconecte (desenchufe) el aparato de la red eléctrica durante un mínimo de 2 minutos. Vuelva a conectar el suministro, espere 30 segundos e intente arrancar la máquina de nuevo.

CĂ“DIGO: F19 - Fallo del motor del ventilador o de la calefacciĂłn (sĂłlo lavadoras)
PROBLEMA: La secadora no se seca / se detiene durante el ciclo de secado.

Whirlpool Códigos de error del aparato

Whirlpool códigos de avería del aparato

Whirlpool códigos de diagnóstico del aparato

Whirlpool símbolos de error del aparato

Whirlpool fallos comunes del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

Whirlpool serviceman came out to see why our brand new dishwasher didnt dry
Whirlpool serviceman came out to see why our brand new dishwasher didnt dry the dishes and left pools of water on glass bottoms. Repairman said all the new dishwashers are like this. The heating elements do not heat hot enough so that the machine gets a higher efficiency rating. He said the solution is to use the dishwasher during the day and at the end of the cycle, open the door so the dishes air dry. My previous 24 year old GE dishwasher did a great job of drying the dishes even when we didnt use the heated dry cycle! The only reason we had to buy a new dishwasher is because we bought a new house. I am very disgusted with the Whirlpool dishwasher. Might as well do dishes by hand.
Publicado: February 28, 2017
Deborah of Arlington, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a whirlpool water heater at Lowes 4 months ago, and it has stopped
I bought a whirlpool water heater at Lowes 4 months ago, and it has stopped working. I called the customer service number and was treated so unjust. I told them that I had just had it looked at by a plumber and he said that the water heater needed to be replaced, I told the whirlpool represented if what the plumber had just advise me. So I asked them if they could just replace it, the customer service representative told me I had to call another number to have their service people look at it and that wasnt for another 10 days. At which time I asked the representative what was I to do without hot water for 10 days. She told me that they could only schedule it that way. So Im here to tell you all please please please dont ever Buy anything from whirlpool because they will not back it up! I on the other hand just lost $500 and went out and bought a Rheem water heater instead.
Publicado: August 7, 2016
Norma of Wichita Falls, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Whirlpool dishwasher less than 2 years ago, began noticing a mi
Purchased a Whirlpool dishwasher less than 2 years ago, began noticing a mildew buildup inside. Cleaned it, and bought dishwasher cleaner products, but the problem continued. Realized the dishwasher heater was not working. The dishwasher was staying wet, therefore causing mold. Called appliance repair, and spent 3/4 of the price of the 2 year old dishwasher to repair it. The control box malfunctioned. I was told by the repairman that that was unusual. At the suggestion of the repairman called Whirlpool. I was told since it was beyond the 1 year warranty they will comp us nothing. As a consumer I have no other recourse but to warn others, and to never buy a Whirlpool product again!
Publicado: October 10, 2019
Cheri of Newport, RI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased our side by side refrigerator from Lowes. When it was delivere
We purchased our side by side refrigerator from Lowes. When it was delivered, we noticed the freezer door was rubbing on the ice maker and would not close properly. The refrigerator was replaced. Then about 10 months later, the water dispenser stopped working. Service came out and said the water line had ice in it (we do not keep the freezer on high). They replaced the water line in the door. About 6 months later, after the unit was out of warranty, the same thing happened. We called Whirlpool and they said there was nothing they could do, because the unit was out of warranty. I cleaned out the water line tubing myself and the unit worked again, but the problem occurred again several months later and it does not seem right that the water dispenser line should keep freezing up. In addition, every two months we have to take the ice maker apart because the ice will no longer dispense because of an ice buildup in the ice cube container. We used to think that Whirlpool made reliable products, but with these problems and Whirlpools unwillingness to correct the problem, we will never buy their products again. They have lost a long time customer because of their products now and their customer support.
Publicado: September 26, 2014
John of Flanders, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool dishwasher in December of 2015. It has had very lig
I purchased a Whirlpool dishwasher in December of 2015. It has had very light use, and today I found out the motor needed to fix it (it does not wash the dishes) is going to cost almost $500. Whirlpool used to be a very reliable manufacturer. Obviously, those days are gone!
Publicado: November 28, 2017
Beth of Mishawaka, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool stove and oven have been absolutely wonderful. My Appliance is
My Whirlpool stove and oven have been absolutely wonderful. My Appliance is 18 years old and Ive never had a problem with it since the day I bought it. I recommend Whirlpool appliances for the whole house.
Publicado: February 13, 2021
Charlotte of Melbourne, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just bought a Whirlpool stove (WFE540H0ES) from Home Depot. Oven gave off s
Just bought a Whirlpool stove (WFE540H0ES) from Home Depot. Oven gave off so much heat around the handle that I burned myself opening the door... Tech came out said it wasnt supposed to do that. Called into Whirlpool to get clearance for a replacement and corporate says no to the replacement because that is normal. Thats BS! If that is normal DONT BUY A WHIRLPOOL!! BTW... They are owned by Maytag.
Publicado: November 20, 2017
W of Pembroke Pines, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It washes everything well except the interior of the washer. And the filter
It washes everything well except the interior of the washer. And the filter is a pain also even when we rinse the dishes beforehand. The buttons are a pain in the ** to see without all of the lights on at night.
Publicado: December 1, 2016
Roland of Elk Creek, Virginia
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My new Tridel Condo came with a brand new Whirlpool washer and dryer and th
My new Tridel Condo came with a brand new Whirlpool washer and dryer and the washer has not been working well since the beginning. After several service calls the repairman finally gave up and now were getting a new replacement. However its been a nightmare working with them trying to get this washer replaced. The Whirlpool delivery team and the service team cant seem to coordinate a time together for the replacement. We had to make a first appointment for the service guy to uninstall the old unit, the second appt for the delivery guy to drop off the new unit and pick up the old and a 3rd appt to install the new unit. Each appt has a 4 hour wait window. This is their standard procedure, which is totally inconvenient to customers. To make matter worse, the delivery guy came too early for a condo delivery (before 9 AM) and told us he will be back the next day. And he didnt show up. It looks like now we actually have to have 5 appts (including the 2 missed appts by their delivery guy) to have the washer replaced. All the time I wasted waiting for this delivery is worth more than the washer itself. What would be 4 hours X 5 appts = 20 hours. This is the worst customer experience ever. After 3 months of constantly calling Whirlpool and still no washer. Whirlpool needs to hire some competent people who actually care about servicing their customers.
Publicado: May 8, 2015
Betty of Markham, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased Whirlpool front load washer 2010. Had it repaired 2013. Paid $599
Purchased Whirlpool front load washer 2010. Had it repaired 2013. Paid $599 for washer & $648 for the repair. Mailed copy of sales and repair to Whirlpool customer service. Received call from customer service and was told to have a nice day.
Publicado: September 26, 2013
Joyce of Hendersonville, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool Cabrio WTW5550xw0 has had many problems. It started with the l
My Whirlpool Cabrio WTW5550xw0 has had many problems. It started with the lid lock error, replaced it, lasted about 2 weeks, and got another one. I did the diagnostic test that pointed me to the actuator, replaced it. It worked for 2 weeks, got another one, and then another one. I was getting a bad reading from the control panel, replaced it, and that worked for a while. I found out that the actuator had a little water drops on it. I figured that it must be the tub seal, so I replaced it. That lasted about a week and a half, and it started dripping again. Now, I figured it is that the transmission has bad bearings, that causes my tub seal to leak, that causes water drips to go onto my actuator, causing a failure in that, which can give me all kinds of bad readings on the diagnostic test. I have replaced at least half the cost of the original purchase price on a year and a half old washer. I also bought my son a Whirlpool Cabrio washer a few months before I bought mine, and he hasnt had a single problem.
Publicado: January 22, 2012
Robert of Lake View, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 40-gal Whirlpool water heater model 40t91-403 last week and p
I purchased a 40-gal Whirlpool water heater model 40t91-403 last week and paid a plumber to have it installed. The old one (GE 40 gal) worked fine except for a leak. The new one used all of the old connections except the 2-inch in and out pipes. Same connections, hot, cold and gas. At first I got about a quart of hot water and then all cold. Whirlpool changed the valve and cold water pipe (inside the tank) and still the same. They are trying to tell me that the tank is fine - I have a plumbing problem. Two plumbers have told me different, but still they insist. Yes, I am upset. The old GE, even with a leak, performed better!
Publicado: May 29, 2013
Sam of Columbus, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been married for 43 years and started my marriage with a Kenmore Was
I have been married for 43 years and started my marriage with a Kenmore Washer and Dryer. That was because my mother, aunt, and grandmother all had Kenmore Washers and Dryers. Kenmore was made by Whirlpool. In 43 years I have gone through two sets of Kenmore Washers and Dryers, and one set of Whirlpool Washer and Dryer. I have always been very pleased with your product and have never considered buying anything else. However, last year we bought a new Whirlpool washer and dryer. I have no complaints about the dryer, but this washer is a piece of **! It is a cabrio top-loading high efficiency low-water washer. What idiot came up with this idea? Tonight I am once again having to divide my washer load and run them for at least a second time. This is not cost effective!!! This sprinkling with water and sucking it out doesnt work. Not to mention that since we have gotten these wonderful energy saving appliances our electric bill has increased instead of decreasing. You need to make a washing machine with a wash tub and agitator like you use too.
Publicado: May 27, 2015
Vick of Bolivar, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Two water heaters three yrs old that went kaput. Thankfully, they are under
Two water heaters three yrs old that went kaput. Thankfully, they are under warranty. However, the tech that I called out said that his company doesnt work on Whirlpool because they are junky and they try to blame the tech if something doesnt work. I called to get new part, and of course now, I get to pay for labor. The lady on the phone actually suggested that I hire an electrician and replace a breaker instead of receiving parts for Whirlpool. Unbelievable. Needless to say, I echo all of the same concerns as the other posts. Im done with Whirlpool.
Publicado: July 14, 2013
Butt of Dallas, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool Duet Front Loading Washer and Dryer. The control p
We purchased a Whirlpool Duet Front Loading Washer and Dryer. The control panel on the washer went out in March. We called for a repair. The repairman came, told us we needed to replace the control panel and he would order it. My American Express was charged $389.91 on March 26th. I called today, April 9, asking about where the part was and when my machine would be repaired. I was told the part would not be available until July 11, 2013. I cannot believe that a company would expect a customer to wait nearly four months for a part as well as charge them for the parts and labor four months ahead of the part. When I called, I was first told that there were 15 parts in stock, but then was told that there were not any available to me. I have cancelled the service but it will take them three weeks to credit my card back for the part.
Publicado: April 9, 2013
Linda of Sugar Land, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just bought a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer WTW8800YC1 yesterday (1/19/14) deli
I just bought a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer WTW8800YC1 yesterday (1/19/14) delivered today. First load never finished, kept getting error of F51, which I looked up and its a sensor. I looked up the review on this washer and it seems to be the census that this washer is POS. Im having the store pick it up and refunding my money. My old washer is 20 years old and never had an issue with it. We just wanted a more efficient washer. Thank Goodness I didnt have the store haul it away.
Publicado: January 20, 2014
Becky of Westerville, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a 40 gallon gas water heater from Lowes. Installation was a night
Purchased a 40 gallon gas water heater from Lowes. Installation was a nightmare trying to get the 3/4 pipe nipple fittings to seal. Once getting the two nipples to seal using extra thick Teflon pipe wrap, found the tank was leaking also. The return with Lowes was painless. Got another Whirlpool to replace, but angry about having to do the job twice. Wish I viewed this site first. Never would have purchased Whirlpool.
Publicado: November 19, 2013
Michael of Benicia, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This Cabrio Washer and Dryer are horrible!!! Dont ever buy one, they will n
This Cabrio Washer and Dryer are horrible!!! Dont ever buy one, they will not fix the F1 code, and Whirlpool customer service is non existent!! I hate this company, and will never buy a product made by them again! Be aware that Whirlpool makes products for Kenmore, Maytag, and a few others!!! I just want to spread the word about this washer! If you just bought one try and take it back for something else!!! STAY AWAY FROM WHIRLPOOL!!!
Publicado: January 12, 2015
Joe of Santee, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Set from a local store. Just over a year lat
I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Set from a local store. Just over a year later, the washer got very loud like a jet engine. Called the registered repairman, he came out took a look and said he would get back to me. Called him 3 times over 3 weeks, no show (Hoodland Appliance). Called someone else, repaired it for $400.00. Called Whirlpool, they are not interested. 2 years later now and the machine is getting loud again. This is due to the spin throws water up and it is able to get out of the tub and down into the barring and the soap residue wears the barring out. Bad design. Called Whirlpool again and again they are not interested but can put me in touch with a repairman. I will not repair again but will use until dies and buy something else not related to Whirlpool. So much for energy efficiency.
Publicado: November 23, 2011
Helen of Sandy, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer from Lowes 4 years and 11 months
We bought a Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer from Lowes 4 years and 11 months ago. It apparently sprang a freon leak somewhere... repair person cannot tell until they take it into their workshop which will cost $300 - 400 just to find! And then there is a strong possibility that the compressor is toast. I called the company and they were not willing to help out at all. Why should a refrigerator only last 5 years (technically less)? I am not buying another Whirlpool and am looking for refrigerators that have a longer warranty on their compressors - LG which has 10 years! Whirlpool cant do that????
Publicado: October 3, 2014
Michelle of High Point, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

In 2099, I purchased a Whirlpool Gold from Lowes. It has never cleaned my d
In 2099, I purchased a Whirlpool Gold from Lowes. It has never cleaned my dishes, especially the pots and pans. My dishes also have a powder coating on them after various cleaning cycles that I have tried. I have tried every detergent available.The repairman suggested a detergent, which I already tried. He told me that the dishwasher uses only 1.9 gallons of water in total. That confirmed what I thought the problem was, not enough water! It is a design problem that cannot be fixed. I have bought Whirlpool for years but not in the future.
Publicado: September 17, 2011
Diane of Greeley, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Cabrio washer wtw5550xwo in Sept. 2010.. Had to replace the pum
Purchased a Cabrio washer wtw5550xwo in Sept. 2010.. Had to replace the pump a little after the warranty ran out. Then recently the control board goes out. Called customer service to complain. This part costs $320 to replace. They told me since it is no longer under the one year warranty they could not help me. This is a major part in less than 5 years of the machines use. I guess I will be purchasing another washer. It will not be a Whirlpool or any company affiliated with them. How sad. I would not recommend Whirlpool to anyone. They just dont make them or stand behind them like they used to.
Publicado: June 5, 2015
Beth of Flatwoods, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought the Whirlpool bottom mount freezer to find out there were problems
I bought the Whirlpool bottom mount freezer to find out there were problems with the drainage. I contacted whirlpool and they sent the parts to fix it but they did not send a repairman. I’m 80 years old and I’m not getting on the floor to fix this issue besides pulling it out to get behind it. The ice will buildup in the freezer so I have to empty the freezer and break up the ice. If I don’t break up the ice it will frost over. I will never buy another whirlpool refrigerator and I’ve been looking at replacing this one.
Publicado: July 31, 2020
Sharon of Nortonville, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool gas range in March of 2015. Three months later the con
I bought a Whirlpool gas range in March of 2015. Three months later the control module went out on it. It was still covered under warranty through Whirlpool, so they send a technician out to fix it. Its now a little over a year later and the control module is out again. I call Whirlpool and ask them if it was still under warranty and if they can it fix it so they say, you want me to send a technician out. Why? I just assumed since theyre sending a technician out but there were going to cover it. Well the technician gets here and its not covered under warranty. And I now I have to pay a $90 service charge fee for the guy to tell me that the control modules out on it which I already knew. Hes going to charge me more than the stove was worth to fix it so I declined to get it fixed.
Publicado: October 25, 2017
Joleen of Oklahoma City, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Today I had the unfortunate experience to have to deal with Whirlpool custo
Today I had the unfortunate experience to have to deal with Whirlpool customer service and claims. I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER WHIRLPOOL PRODUCT again! My refrigerator, that was purchased in 2013, has a door misalignment problem. It is a known problem with Whirlpool (service pointer W107317828). My refrigerator serial number and model number are affected. Because I am outside the one year warranty, Whirlpool refuses to provide service that is required to fix this known issue with my model/serial number. After having to talk to four supervisors the only resolution that was given was that they would cover the cost of the 7/16 hex nut ($4.33). Dont get me wrong I do appreciate the offer.The two supervisors that were below her assured me that no one can do anything to assist me further. The attitude of the second and third supervisor was pathetic. After over a hour on the phone I was so disappointed that I could not take it further. The cost that we are talking about that I am asking them to pay is $154.28. I am very disappointed. They say they stand by their product. To me standing by your product means that you will fix or replace any known issue. $154.28. I hope it is worth it to you Whirlpool. You lost a long time customer.
Publicado: September 15, 2016
Debbie of Trussville, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Stainless steel side-by-side refrigerator (4 yrs. old) - I have to continua
Stainless steel side-by-side refrigerator (4 yrs. old) - I have to continually clean the rust stains. Ive used the products Whirlpool has suggested and the rust continues to appear. Lowes extended warranty does not cover this problem because it is cosmetic; Whirlpool reps say its due to the coastal area where I live and that they cant do anything about it! I understand that there are many customers experiencing the same problems with Whirlpool products. Their customer service is worthless and is their warranty to stand behind their products!
Publicado: September 14, 2017
Elizabeth of Huntington Beach, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This washer started out to be good. Its only 5 yrs old. We began to smell a
This washer started out to be good. Its only 5 yrs old. We began to smell an odor. Went to Lowes, spoke with someone in appliance dept. Purchased something for washer. DID NOT WORK. We have tried bleach everything. Our clothes smell. I have skin rashes and I think it is related to mold and mildew. Called the service center. They said could be a sock stuck around the tub area. They need to recall this washer. We spent a lot of money and it has ruined everything. Cannot get the odor out. We cannot afford another one. There is black mold around the rubber lining when you open up the door.
Publicado: July 20, 2015
jean of Oldsmar, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have been buying refurbished appliances and this one we bought it brand n
I have been buying refurbished appliances and this one we bought it brand new. Its a great buy and it will last a while. It does a good job washing and the clothes come clean and almost dry to the touch.
Publicado: November 1, 2017
Rachel of Canon City, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased Whirlpool front load washing machine (Sport 1072 CB) in March 2
I purchased Whirlpool front load washing machine (Sport 1072 CB) in March 2013 and since then it has been my worst nightmare. Buying a Whirlpool washing machine was one of the worst decisions I took. The problems started to come from the first month itself. Many parts have changed and are still being done. I am continuously requesting them to replace the machine but they have decided not to listen. The after sale service of Whirlpool is the worst in the industry.
Publicado: October 19, 2013
Vivek of Faridabad, OTHER
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a WDT 720PADW2 dishwasher 15 months ago from Home Depot. In the la
I bought a WDT 720PADW2 dishwasher 15 months ago from Home Depot. In the last few months, it has begun to rust at the vent above the the handle. Whirlpool will not address the issue because it is out of the 12 month warranty period, yet is obviously a design flaw.
Publicado: July 22, 2019
Robin of Austin, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a Whirlpool top-loading washing machine model 3LA5580XSW3. The timer
I have a Whirlpool top-loading washing machine model 3LA5580XSW3. The timer switch is not working and I have been told that spares are not available. Is this true? Everything else works well. Please advise as I really need a new timer.
Publicado: December 22, 2011
Val of Umhlanga , Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Duet Sport W & D purchased from Costco in mid 2007 for $1600.
Whirlpool Duet Sport W & D purchased from Costco in mid 2007 for $1600. Costco gives an additional one year warranty, totaling three years. Both have worked exceptionally, I must say -- clothes come much much cleaner, keep their color, and last much longer vs. top loaders (Im sure the water softener helps). Two separate techs just confirmed the circuit boards went on the washer ($450 with labor) to replace. Washer looks brand new, but now will be going to the curb.
Publicado: August 2, 2011
Unhappy of Detroit, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I am a Whirlpool Privilege Member - IFB privilege number **. This is Mrs **
I am a Whirlpool Privilege Member - IFB privilege number **. This is Mrs ** here and I possess two Whirlpool Fridges, one single door and one double door (Elite Model). In fact, all my family members have Whirlpool refrigerators because I recommended them and because I have had a very satisfying experience with your service until now.I recently (first week of March) logged a complaint as my fridge was not working (it was working on and off). The Mechanic from the service center visited us and said that the compressor was at fault. I had some doubt about this as the Fridge was working on and off and I requested my friend who had a workshop to come and have a look. He checked and said that the compressor was working perfectly but looked like there was some problem in the supply of current which could be a loose contact or something.So I logged another complaint and when the mechanic came (this time a different one), I was out of the country and my husband was there in the house. He checked the fridge and said the compressor was working and apologized for the earlier mechanic’s wrong diagnosis. He also said that it was difficult that since the wires were inside the beading or the Puff, or whatever, the fridge could not be repaired.I am really astonished and pained by this comment by the mechanic as we spent a lot of money and bought a fridge for its brand worth name. I shudder to think if this complaint had happened two years after I brought it, should I simply throw the fridge because it cant be repaired? Is there anything at all where the company can say it can’t be repaired? Are fridges used and thrown in India? I am all the more worried because I have been recommending Whirlpool Fridges left and right to everyone and I tell them that there could be a situation when Whirlpool would ask you to simply throw your fridge away. I still have belief in Whirlpool and I firmly believe my recommendations would not go wrong, and it is only the fault of the mechanic who could have made this remark unwittingly.
Publicado: April 1, 2012
Rama Devi of Vr Nagar, OTHER
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The dryer is okay but the washer is no good. Doesnt save water because clot
The dryer is okay but the washer is no good. Doesnt save water because clothes have to be washed twice. Sometimes thrice to get them clean. Cycles are longer therefore more energy used. More water, more time, more energy. Terrible design. Useless piece of junk.
Publicado: June 26, 2015
Marsha of Cove , TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have double door Whirlpool refrigerator 1.3 years old. Since last 1.5 mon
I have double door Whirlpool refrigerator 1.3 years old. Since last 1.5 month I face problem. 4-5 times their technicians done visit. Following observations done by them: 1st visit problem - Water run away from back side bucket. Solution - Due to atmosphere moisture. 2nd Visit - Cooling fan not working. After 2nd visit refrigerator not worked. 3rd visit - Compressor fail. 4th visit - replace compressor. After replacement, refrigerator outer surface become heated. Skin will burn if anybody touch refrigerator. Problem still continue... I pay 2000 rs to Whirlpool as per companys norms. I lost my frozen, milk, veg., fruits etc. of approximate 1000 rs.
Publicado: September 21, 2016
Chirag of Bharuch, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new home and then purchased 4 appliances, all Whirlpool Gold.
I purchased a new home and then purchased 4 appliances, all Whirlpool Gold. In less than a year, the stoves electronic ignition and the microwave hood keypad went out. Since they were under warranty, a repairman replaced a bunch of parts and now they are working fine. One month after the refrigerator was out of warranty, the water line to the ice cube maker split about an inch and a half and water would spew out onto the hardwood floor under the unit. We were on vacation for all that month and didnt see any damage until one day there was a puddle in front of the refrigerator. When we pulled it out, we saw that the floor was ruined under the unit, the cabinet next to it black with mold and of course, the line had to be replaced. Whirlpool wasnt interested in the fact that the refrigerator had probably still been under warranty when the split occurred, only that we hadnt reported it before the warranty expired. Next to go was the water seal that goes on the inside of the door of the dishwasher. I was running it about a month after the refrigerator debacle and water came spewing out of the side. The seal had come out and nothing was stopping the water from exiting out the side of the door. Thats 4 for 4 in less than 15 months. I will never buy a Whirlpool product. They couldnt be any worse.
Publicado: April 15, 2013
Sally of Illinois 60445, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer model # WTW6800WW1. Bought it July 2009 and it brok
Whirlpool Cabrio Washer model # WTW6800WW1. Bought it July 2009 and it broke Jan 2017... 7.5 years old. Cost to repair $715.00. The technician recommended that I just go ahead and buy a new one... not worth the while to fix. I paid $900 for this machine in 2009. This is an expensive machine, not a cheap ass one. Shame on Whirlpool for selling products that dont last and for making it unaffordable to fix.
Publicado: January 13, 2017
Jacky of Tampa, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my Whirlpool Cabrio H2Low from Sears 6 years ago. After numerou
I purchased my Whirlpool Cabrio H2Low from Sears 6 years ago. After numerous problems with clothes not getting clean (soap spots, stain transfers, etc) I learned the only setting I could use that actually cleaned was bulky with an extra rinse (so much for the energy efficiency). My first major repair was in the first year. Weve since had 3 more and the darn thing died again this morning. First the motherboard died and needed replacement, the drain pump failed, the door lock failed, and twice now it stopped spinning. At first I thought maybe I was just unlucky and bought a defective machine but repair sites are filled with reports of similar problems with these machines. I will never buy another Whirlpool product again.
Publicado: June 17, 2018
Lynne of Warren, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a very expensive Cabrio top-loading washer thinking I would nev
I purchased a very expensive Cabrio top-loading washer thinking I would never have to worry because supposedly it’s the top of the line, right? Well, I have it a few years; the first week they replaced the basket because it was ruining my clothes. And then I had to replace the pump because of a coin getting caught and putting a hole in the pump. Really? What the heck? Now the basket is all shredded at the top. Obviously that isn’t right, so what do I do now? Replace the basket again? Who gives them the right to charge so much for a piece of junk? Plus, it’s supposed to save on water, but I feel that the clothes don’t really clean well. They hardly feel wet coming out of the machine.
Publicado: November 1, 2012
Cathy of Endicott, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought this washer (model WTW7800XW) on 12/23/2010. Never happy with its
I bought this washer (model WTW7800XW) on 12/23/2010. Never happy with its performance from the beginning. Within the first 18 months, the lid hinge completely rusted and broke. The repairman stated that the hinges and glass lid would need to be replaced at a cost of over $400. We paid $899 for the washer. Instead of paying that much, not knowing if it would only last another 18 months, we removed both hinges and removed the lid manually to use the washer. After complaining to Whirlpool about the problem, they thanked me for the info so they could use it for the future. The latest problem to arise is the light inside the washer. The mount for the light was made of steel and has completely rusted away, so the light is just hanging inside the washer. Whirlpool needs to step up and resolve the issue with an extended warranty for these machines.
Publicado: January 13, 2013
Richard of Daytona Beach, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought our washer, dryer, stove, microwave, and dishwasher in September
We bought our washer, dryer, stove, microwave, and dishwasher in September of 2010. In 3 years we have had to replace our Whirlpool over the stove venting microwave, have spent over $550.00 on repairs on the Whirlpool refrigerator, and now have to replace our Whirlpool Cabrio washer. This of course does not include our time, effort & frustrations, especially with Whirlpool customer service. Will NEVER buy Whirlpool again. Were all for a class action lawsuit.
Publicado: February 6, 2014
Jill of Bemidji, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio about 3 years ago. Have never really like i
We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio about 3 years ago. Have never really like it. It doesnt add enough water to the wash cycle unless you use the bulky setting, which fills the tub up the entire way, so wastes water. It would have been nice to choose your water level like you could on the old machines. Now it wont drain completely and wont spin totally. Ive tried using the drain/spin cycle 2-3 times extra and it still wont spin all the water out. Ive noticed that there is still water in the drum, you can hear it slosh when you move the drum, so I wonder - has anyone ever been told there is a filter in there somewhere that might be clogged keeping it from draining completely? My husband thinks that maybe all the water in the bottom of the drum is not letting it spin because its throwing it off balance. And yes, it stops before the cycle is complete and just sits there and blinks and you have to unplug it to clear the cycle. What a pain. We will never again buy a Whirlpool and I absolutely do not recommend Whirlpool washers. I have a Maytag as well and have not yet had problems with it. Bought it at the same time we bought the Cabrio (2 households). At least the water levels in the Maytag are a little more normal. You can wash more than 1 pair of jeans and get them clean in the Maytag. For those of you with the problem of the clothes not smelling clean - try running the clean cycle with a cup of bleach about once a week. No clothes in it - just a cup of bleach in the bleach dispenser and nothing else. Works for us.
Publicado: June 23, 2015
Mary of Pearland, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a French door whirlpool gold, wanted a good long lasting fridge. Bou
Bought a French door whirlpool gold, wanted a good long lasting fridge. Bought in late 2011. After having it a couple of weeks we noticed the ice maker would take days to make ice. So we called to have it looked at. The repairman said if it is slow, switch it to fast ice. It made ice even slower, but the repair company said if it is making ice, and he comes out, we would be charged. So we lived with it. In 2014 it stopped making ice at all. We called they sent someone out and said it was a control board. They had to order it, and came back a week later to put it in. They left and said we would have ice soon. Never did!!!So we call again, they come out and said no power to ice maker. He called Whirlpool and they said wires in the freezer door were worn and broke. Well the door is non-serviceable and the cost of the door will exceed the price of the fridge! What kind of crap is that!! Long story short I will never buy another whirlpool again, and when I hear of someone buying new appliances I warn them to stay away from whirlpool!!! Run!!!
Publicado: July 16, 2015
Donald of Volant, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool conquest from Lowes in 2009 and purchased a Lowes
We purchased a Whirlpool conquest from Lowes in 2009 and purchased a Lowes warranty. About 2 years ago we started seeing hairline cracks on most of the drawers and shelves. I complained about it last year and a lady from the Facebook page did offer 50% off new ones. Since then we have not been able to afford to get any, and today we lost our last shelf. If I wouldnt have checked it, it would have broke along with anything on the shelf. I have never seen such horrible parts. We have another small very old fridge that has help up better than this. At this point I will never buy another Whirlpool.
Publicado: January 19, 2014
Kelli of Florence, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought a Whirlpool Refrigerator - Model ES5FHAXS in 2006. Right off the
We bought a Whirlpool Refrigerator - Model ES5FHAXS in 2006. Right off the bat, a line in the back of the refrigerator was leaking. We paid for the repair. Next after just one year, the refrigerator would be warm and the freezer part ran super cold. The settings did not work. After much haggling with Whirlpool, they paid for someone to come out and repair it. It worked for several weeks then the same problem came back again. We argued with Whirlpool again and someone from AES or AAA came out. The problem was fixed but once again came back again after a couple months. We called Whirlpool again. This time was much haggling and arguing but got them to come out a third time. Once again, the problem was fixed but came back again after several months. The repair company stated that if they found it was something other than what they fixed, we would be charged. I said either it was not fixed right or the refrigerator is a total lemon. I said you will probably just say it is something else to cover your costs. Whirlpool acted like they did enough, even though 3 repairs could not get it right. If we paid or each repair ourselves, it would have been nearly the cost of the refrigerator and it still would not have worked. We bought a refrigerator back in 1992 and never had any problems after 16 years when we moved. The refrigerator was not cheap but could not do what refrigerators are supposed to do - keep things cold all the time. What a disappointment.
Publicado: September 1, 2013
Ken of South Lyon, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Cabrio Agi top loading washing machine in 2011 (3 years ag
We purchased the Cabrio Agi top loading washing machine in 2011 (3 years ago). After 2 years it started leaking from the plastic drum (Bearings?). Luckily we have it in the basement on concrete floor, so there was no damage, just frustration. This was poor purchase on our part. We should have searched for more reviews. The wash time is ridiculous; it is too long, an average of 50 minutes per load. I dont know about how clean the clothes were, I guess they were OK. I didnt notice a smell, or them looking dingy. The Cabrio is a piece of junk if the bearings went out after 2 years?? We just purchased a heavy duty Speed Queen, top loading, agitator washer. My wife loves this, its like the old Maytag we had. They told us they wont be selling these washers after next year. Buy them while you can. The Cabrio is headed to scrap yard.
Publicado: September 25, 2014
Tom of Racine, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Having spent over RS 40000 on a so-called quality product one does not expe
Having spent over RS 40000 on a so-called quality product one does not expect to spend nearly 20000 within the first two years of the purchase. 1. As soon as the warranty got over the PCB (costing 3000) broke down. 2. This replacement had a 3 MONTH warranty. Exactly after 9 months again the PCB breaks down along with leakage of gas. The service team asks us to buy a stabilizer to ensure that no such issues occur as they attribute these breakdowns to voltage fluctuations which are not of any precedence in Delhi. Also the product I am using was sold to me as a stabilizer-free working. 3. I made the suggested investments 4 months later the fan and motor of the freezer stop working. Imagine so much repair work on a new equipment. I have been writing to them yet all that they say in response is we are looking into the matter. NO ONE SHOULD BUY WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATORS.
Publicado: September 24, 2018
Priyanka of Delhi, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool fridge. On the 2/29, I called service for Whirlpool on
I bought a Whirlpool fridge. On the 2/29, I called service for Whirlpool on 3/2. No one was able to come out until 3/5. So, I had the inconvenience of food being stored, time away from work, and food spoilage. The fridge was fixed and worked until I wake up today (not even a week) and the freezer is thawing out yet again. Again, I removed food and there’s more spoilage. I’m waiting for service to arrive some time today. I called Whirlpool and there is no compensation of any kind. I’m never buying a Whirlpool product again.
Publicado: March 9, 2012
Melissa of Olathe, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have owned Craftmaster 30-gallon hot water heater and the only things rel
I have owned Craftmaster 30-gallon hot water heater and the only things reliable about it is trouble and aggravation. I purchased this in 2004. I have had to replace the controls, valves, wires, etc. three times in 10 years. And Im now looking at doing it a fourth time. The design of these parts are utter crap! Cheap plastic! After replacing these parts, this hot water heater works great for a few years, then invariably starts acting up. The pilot light goes out when the heater is supposed to kick on instead. Getting the pilot light lit again, is an exercise in futility! The red reset button once released, immediately extinguishes the ignition flame. Supposedly, after holding it down for 1-2 minutes allowing gas to build up, it should light the coils... and if it doesnt, youre supposed to wait 10 minutes to try relighting again. You can repeat this process for 12 hours, and if you finally do get this temperamental piece of junk to light, youre lucky. Customer Service has been useless in assistance. All they want to do is send you e-mail, and get you off the phone. Not to mention, Ive been told by many a rep that the hot water heater extinguishes itself, if water is overheated, and that it must be my fault for setting the temp too hot. Baloney... Ive been told that the underside vent must be cleaned every few months, so that air flow is accurate. Makes no difference one way or the other. And recently, Ive been told by a rep, that my 40-yr-old house likely doesnt vent exhaust out through the roof properly. This product is inferior and unpredictable. Its great when it works, and the pilot light stays lit. God forbid it ever goes out though! It is next to impossible to relight. I have spent more money on service technicians attempting to repair/replace parts, than it would have cost to simply by a new hot water heater. I miss the old days, when it was easy to light a hot water heater: Strike a match, turn the gas on, and instant hot water. No muss, no fuss. Having owned many properties w/ hot water heaters over the years, I have never encountered such repeat problems, as with this product. Its simply not reliable, and not worth the $$$. Never again, will I buy a Craftmaster Product. And I had no clue that there was a Class Action Suit filed, and a settlement involved in these faulty units. Whirlpool/Craftmaster should have notified everyone, who purchased one of their units. Now Im stuck w/ a constantly broken unit, and zero recourse. I will never buy anything Whirlpool/Craftmaster again, as a result.
Publicado: July 29, 2014
Mark of Clementon, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Last week dishwasher leaked. Set up repair with our local gas company that
Last week dishwasher leaked. Set up repair with our local gas company that has service plus. Came today. Repairman showed me there is a hole in the bottom of the tub. Upon closer inspection it looks like the manufacturer drilled a hole that wasnt needed so they routed out a depression in the tub and must have put in some sort of plug or filler of some kind which now came out. I called Whirlpool and explained to lady about the defective tub. She said well if it had a plug of some sort put into the tub it would have fallen out before this. I said Well it didnt it just must have happened as it never leaked before. She said it is no longer in warranty. I told her this is a defect to me as if you drill a hole in the tub that wasnt necessary and then the plug failed that you put in to hide the extra hole. It is a defect not a warranty issue. Upshot is she wouldnt do anything about it. I told her I have always bought Whirlpool but if this is their policy its the last time I buy anything made by Whirlpool. After reading all the complaints registered here about Whirlpool I guess I am more than fortunate as my dishwasher (bought in 2006) had run great until their plug fell out (Great except for all the rinse aid that has leaked out for several years.).
Publicado: July 28, 2015
Pamela of Brooklyn Park, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool washer in Aug. 2015. At the end of September I had to
I bought a Whirlpool washer in Aug. 2015. At the end of September I had to call and get a repair man to come out twice because my clothes got stuck way down under the agitator. Not only that, but it does not clean my clothes well at all. I am really dissatisfied with this washer!!
Publicado: November 6, 2015
Janice of Dozier, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Frigidaire Professional (340l model dlx, carbon number 91706
We purchased a Frigidaire Professional (340l model dlx, carbon number 91706983//11344/09) on the 15th of May 2009. We complained more than five times. Every time the service man came, he said everythings right. My fridge is not working properly. If it is not possible by company to make my fridge work properly, we now have no option but to go to court for justice.
Publicado: February 1, 2012
Neelam of Varanasi, OTHER
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Whirlpool range. Shopped around for several weeks before I foun
Purchased a Whirlpool range. Shopped around for several weeks before I found what I thought was a good price and with a rebate! Ive owned the stove for 2 months and 7 days... guess what? The stove broke. The burners popped. I called to have it serviced and remember that it had a rebate. I never received any paperwork on the rebate but figured its Whirlpool, good company. Wrong... its not that I didnt have the rebate paperwork but the rebate has expired... even though I didnt get any paperwork nor was there any mentioned of a time frame. Dont get me wrong if it had been 1 year or even 6 months... really 2 months!!! So not only did I not get the rebate of $100.00 I have a broken stove! So tired of being ripped off!
Publicado: August 10, 2015
debbie of Brandon , FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My fridge is only 8 months old and stopped working about 5 weeks ago. They
My fridge is only 8 months old and stopped working about 5 weeks ago. They have sent repair techs out 5 times, replaced the compressor, condenser, some fan thing and evaporator. It worked for 2 days then the compressor started leaking again. Ive lost 2 refrigerator full of groceries. It damaged my floor. I was unable to have family over for Christmas and Ive been using a mini fridge. The Whirlpool customer service people have been no help and some have been very rude. I have no idea when this will ever be fixed. There is no way I would ever buy any appliance from Whirlpool again. Terrible experience.
Publicado: January 5, 2017
Sherry of Pinellas Park, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Duet Washer Trouble. Im having the same issue as Tom in Oakville.
Whirlpool Duet Washer Trouble. Im having the same issue as Tom in Oakville. The F35-Sud errors pointed to the pressure sensor - NOT. 2 parts, a technician visit, and $800 later, Im still waiting on a Main Board replacement that is on nationwide back order. Time frame unknown.
Publicado: December 13, 2013
Billie of Bloomfield, NM
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The Whirlpool washer and dryer I bought new four years ago has been nothing
The Whirlpool washer and dryer I bought new four years ago has been nothing but a giant on-going headache. No end to the error codes for washing machine. The dryer knobs broke off after two years. The washing machine works only when it feels like it, and important pieces that get a lot of wear are made of plastic. I will never buy Whirlpool again. Ever. Good luck to anyone that is brave enough to buy Whirlpool appliances. I have to say it again: Whirlpool is garbage, junk and unreliable.
Publicado: September 24, 2015
Janice of Simsbury, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had the washer and dryer for over 10 years and they are still worki
We have had the washer and dryer for over 10 years and they are still working great. We have had washers and dryers in the past within 2 years have failed, and repairs have cost us almost as much as a new one. Thank God for the ones we have now.
Publicado: February 7, 2019
John of Palmdale, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Am posting in regards to a brand new dishwasher that I purchased the first
Am posting in regards to a brand new dishwasher that I purchased the first part of February 2020 from Menards. The dishwasher I bought is Model # WDT730PAHB and Serial # F94519386. I had the dishwasher 10 days and it stopped working after running only two times. I checked the breaker box and all electrical connections to the machine and it was getting electricity, but would not turn on at all. I called the store to return it and they only have a 7 day return policy. Since then Whirlpool has been contacted and I have had two service calls from Whirlpool. The mother board has been replaced (which I waited two weeks for the part & five hours for a service man) and still it will not come on. Now I am waiting on a wire harness, ordered on March 4th or 5th and still not here. I completely understand wanting to fix a broken machine, however this was a new dishwasher that only worked for 2 washes. I have now been without a dishwasher for almost 2 months, which in light if our current world situation isnt a huge deal, however this is a time when sanitation is very important. I feel like Whirlpool should offer to replace my new machine with a new machine and not something that is refurbished. At this point it is costing more to repair this machine than to just replace it. Every time I call Whirlpool I get the line of we have to repair it. Give me a break. Take care of your customers!!?? #neverbuyawhirpoolproduct
Publicado: March 24, 2020
Nichole of Faucett, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Our 4-year old Whirlpool microwave suddenly stopped heating. We thought tha
Our 4-year old Whirlpool microwave suddenly stopped heating. We thought that we forgot to push something so we tried again to start it. This time, it started to spark. We bought a new microwave oven and foolishly bought another over the range Whirlpool microwave. This was about 1 1/2 years ago. The second Whirlpool microwave oven stopped heating as well. F7 came up on the controls which meant that the magnetron failed in this second microwave as well. We called Whirlpool and they said they would only repair it if we paid for the repair which would have cost almost as much as a new microwave and maybe more if other parts were involved. Next, last year, 2012, the pump on our Whirlpool dishwasher broke and once again, it was too expensive to repair it. We had to buy another dishwasher so we bought a Maytag, not knowing that they were made by Whirlpool. I guess we will have to wait until that guarantee is up before that also breaks. Also, last year, our Whirlpool washer pump broke and that cost us a few hundred dollars to repair.From the complaints that I am reading from people about their Whirlpool appliances, it is seems that their products are made to last just until the warranties expire. We should start a class action against Whirlpool. On many sites, I have read numerous complaints about Whirlpool products, the majority about the magnetrons in their microwave ovens breaking during and shortly after guarantees run out. They should not be allowed to get away with this. BBB, Consumer Affairs, where are you? To the many of you who have been burned by Whirlpool, I hope you have contacted the BBB and Consumer Affairs and maybe even the Attorney Generals office in your home state.
Publicado: February 4, 2013
Phyllis of Phoenix, AZ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a Whirlpool dryer about two years ago. Unfortunately I havent
We purchased a Whirlpool dryer about two years ago. Unfortunately I havent had the time to compose a letter stating my dis-satisfaction until now. After much research and haggling we decided on the Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum model, a very efficient (we thought), and even attractive model. It has proven to cost us much more than we bargained for, as EVERY time I do a dark wash, which is usually two to three times a week I must re-wash the items once or twice after! All of the items come out of the wash with white spots all over. Thinking it is soap, I run the wash again on a rinse cycle: nothing changes. Then I redo the wash - this time not using soap. The result is a bit better, but I still have to take a wet washcloth and rub the areas out.I did voice a complaint one time to which I received a letter stating that I should read my manual, specifically the troubleshooting guide. I dont have time for this. Again, we purchased this machine for its cost and efficiency, yet its ending up costing much more than it should as for every load I do (of dark clothes), I have to do one or two additional. (No telling what is on the light or white clothes that I cannot see because of their color!) This machine has been a total waste of time and money; I will never purchase another Whirlpool machine as I am extremely dissatisfied with this product.
Publicado: March 10, 2015
Hayley of Quogue, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had my range installed in January of 2015. The very first week, using a n
I had my range installed in January of 2015. The very first week, using a new Farberware non-stick skillet, the cooking surface became permanently scratched. Could not polish it out, and polishing - it must be done every time you cook on it! In early September the cooling fan for the electrical panel went out. Also, the convection oven would not maintain heat. Had the cooling fan replaced last week. Its out again, along with the convection oven not maintaining a regulated temperature. Also, 3 months ago, my grandson put a ceramic casserole on the stove top. After he took it out of the oven, it permanently scratched the paint off the control panel. Im very disappointed in the fragility (painted plastic surrounds top of control panel) and unreliability of this product, a total lemon.
Publicado: October 9, 2015
Vicki of Redmond, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool Refrigerator Model GB2FHDXWB07 a little over 2 year
I purchased a Whirlpool Refrigerator Model GB2FHDXWB07 a little over 2 years ago. The first one did not work properly within 6 hours of being turned on. Every few minutes it sounded like the compressor was trying to kick on so it hummed then shut off. Best Buy wanted to fix it but after much arguing with them and Whirlpool they brought me a new refrigerator. Now, the same thing is happening. Best Buy has no record of me purchasing it and Whirlpool has no record of me registering the warranty, which would be outdated anyway (over 1 measly year). So, they offered me a Repair and one year warranty $329.95 which means Im now up to about $1500 for a basic refrigerator that has not even lasted 2 1/2 years.The other option to fix it is to pay a local company $90 for the trip and diagnosis plus parts and labor. That will be around $550 depending on how fast the technician works. I will never buy another Whirlpool anything. My washer and dryer also have had problems but I wont even go into that here. The one good thing is the poor girl who took my call was very nice and acted as if this is a regular occurrence. Good luck if you buy a Whirlpool. They are garbage.
Publicado: December 14, 2015
LYNDA of Elburn, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Weve had our Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine for about 3 1/2 to 4 years. A
Weve had our Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine for about 3 1/2 to 4 years. At first, it left our clothes wrinkled, so I purchased a steamer to help remove the wrinkles. After a few months, it started making a terrible clanging noise. My husband was able to repair and it ran okay for a while. Over a few months, it got louder and louder. It does not get our clothes completely clean. Some even come out dry on one side. Now, we are getting an F50 code and it shuts down after 1 minute. After reading the reviews, I agree Cabrio is a bad product. What happened to the trustworthy, best value Whirlpool name?
Publicado: August 31, 2012
Teresa of Sterrett, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a new Whirlpool Energy Smart 50 gallon water heater from Lowes to
Purchased a new Whirlpool Energy Smart 50 gallon water heater from Lowes to replace our existing old one that had gone bad. Never again!! Had it professionally installed by one of Lowes installers. I have no problem with the installer.... the water heater was a piece of junk. From the first day we had sporadic hot water and to get that you had to have a hot water tap turned on full force. If you turned the tap to a lesser flow you got cold water. Couldnt get a hot shower at all. Contacted Whirlpool customer service 4 times by phone and 3 times by email. Horrible !!!! If I had read all the reviews ahead of time I would never have purchased a Whirlpool water heater. Each time contacting their customer service I was informed I had a plumbing problem... probably a cold water line was feeding into my hot water line??? Really??? After living in this house for 20 years all of a sudden I have a cold water line magically connect itself into my main hot water feed? I even set the temperature up as much as it would go. Could easily hold my hand under the hot water without getting burned. Most of their phone reps sounded like they were reading from a check list sheet and no desire to actually listen to what I was telling them. One even sent me a PDF file via email that had nothing to do with the problem I was describing to them. I finally told them after two weeks of this that I couldnt live with this situation and they said Well our technicians are 38 miles from you and we wont send one that far to check it. Asking what I could do they said Id have to hire someone (they werent able to tell me if I should hire a plumber or electrician) and Id have to pay for it and they would reimburse me. Sensing that this might be a fruitless task I resorted to calling the Lowes store where I purchased it and asked their advice. They offered to send out the original installer to check it out and work with Whirlpool over the phone. Like I said, I have no complaints with the installer, he was fast and professional. I stood there while their technician/customer service had him go through a few tests on the unit. All of that proved nothing except in their minds that nothing was wrong with their unit. He got off the phone and told me They refuse to accept any responsibility for the product being bad. I asked him what was I supposed to do. He got on the phone with the manager of the Lowes store and they agreed to swap it out at no charge to me. I of course was very happy but told them after all of this I didnt want another Energy Smart type water heater and that I didnt trust the electronics at all. He agreed to swap it out for a regular type and give me a credit for any difference in cost. Had this all done in one day and am very pleased with Lowes commitment to customer service. The new heater (still a Whirlpool sad to say) appears to be working fine just like my old one did. So much for it being a problem with my plumbing. After reading all the complaints about Whirlpool water heaters, I guess Im not looking forward to much of a life expectancy with this one and Im certainly not even going to attempt to call Whirlpool customer service if I do. This whole thing cost me $700 and as far as Im concerned Ill flush $700 down the toilet before buying another Whirlpool product. I still would love to know how any person with half a brain could tell me I had a plumbing problem when all that was done was removal of an old water heater and replaced with a new one. Thats two pipes people...cold water in, hot water out. I see that there was some type of class action lawsuit filed against Whirlpool. Maybe they need another one filed or forbidden to sell water heaters ever again.
Publicado: January 29, 2014
Paul of Lampe, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Great fit and easy for kids to use. Has preset buttons for easy use. This o
Great fit and easy for kids to use. Has preset buttons for easy use. This oven is sharp looking. Very easy to clean. This oven was a great value for the money. I would recommend this microwave to anyone and family members.
Publicado: July 3, 2019
Scott of Waterville, ME
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool refrigerator (model number model ised5lvaxwq00) about
I bought a Whirlpool refrigerator (model number model ised5lvaxwq00) about 14 months ago. The icemaker would not work when delivered. I had it fixed. Several months later, it quit working. It cost $200.00 to have it repaired. The ice door stopped working. I called Alabama Power to repair the icemaker. He advised that it would cost around $300.00 to repair. We are on a fixed income and cannot afford to have it repaired. On investigation, I found hundreds of complaints about the same issue with the icemaker flap. I would appreciate you trying to eliminate this problem.
Publicado: February 2, 2012
Evelyn of Opelika, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have clothes that are coming out torn with large holes, especially cotton
I have clothes that are coming out torn with large holes, especially cotton items. I dont know if it is the washer or dryer.
Publicado: June 5, 2015
chris of Cullman, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had the best experience when I purchased my washing machine and dryer. Th
I had the best experience when I purchased my washing machine and dryer. The personnel were professional and very pleasant. I am quite pleased with my washer and dryer. I have had a couple of minor problems but the warranty that I had on them was excellent.
Publicado: February 4, 2019
Janet of Washington, DC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

August 10 2014, I purchase a new Whirlpool HE. Monday cant wait for the del
August 10 2014, I purchase a new Whirlpool HE. Monday cant wait for the delivery of my new washer! Im ready with my HE detergent & 2 loads of dirty laundry. Tuesday, I want my broken old Kenmore washer back! My kids clothes came out dingy. Did a second rinse & spin but didnt help. Second batch had to be rewashed. Some areas were not even wet. Had to pause it to add more water to & again to rinse it. Plus I had to mix my softener into a cup of water to add it on rinse because I forgot the rinse ball, unlike the old washer where I add into dispenser & forget about it. So unhappy & dissatisfied.
Publicado: August 13, 2014
Rosa of Los Angeles, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Remodeling kitchen. On Sept. 2017, bought new Whirlpool microwave mod# WMH5
Remodeling kitchen. On Sept. 2017, bought new Whirlpool microwave mod# WMH5352OCS, Actually put to use on Jan. 2017, by Nov. 2017 started getting open door errors by late Dec, 2017 completely quit working. From what I have been reading they barely make it thru the warranty period. Maybe they will run longer if one doesnt register the appliance. Especially with the crappy service for the ones that tried to have it repaired under warranty. I purchased it at Costco online, my next complaint will be to Costco, hopefully theyve gotten more complaints and pressure Whirlpool to stand by their product, NO MORE WHIRLPOOL FOR ME EITHER.
Publicado: April 16, 2018
Esteban of Aurora, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife and I purchased the Whirlpool calypso washer and dryers and have be
My wife and I purchased the Whirlpool calypso washer and dryers and have been regretting ever purchasing a Whirlpool product. Not more than a year and a half after spending thousands of dollars on their products the troubles started. I called the company and they sent someone out to look at it for repair. He vacuumed out the lines and kept restarting it over and over and eventually it started working again and they charged a hundred dollars and something and said there most likely be more problems since they have many calls on this issue. Sure enough it started again and just kept retrying it over and over to get it to work again as well as vacuumed the lines again like he did. Now its at the point it will not work no matter what. It just keeps flashing LD and shuts down. So I did a online search for other consumers having the same problem and was shocked by the amount of the same problem with others (search this model flashing LD and you will see for yourself). When I contacted Whirlpool they played dumb and lied right thru their teeth saying they have no issues with this model and refused to do anything. I have since learned there has been court cases where the courts ruled against them saying that it was defective and had to notify consumers which they never did. Even when the repairman came out nothing was said. I have since learned that all they did was changed the name to a different model which is having the same problem (no kidding!!) and continued to rip the public off in the name of CORPORATE Greed!!!!! I advise everybody never to purchase a Whirlpool product ever again and maybe we can bankrupt them and put them out of business where they belong. All the customer service agents deserve to be unemployed and suffering after long waits on the phone and then lying straight face to the consumers. Pure evil!!!! We all have to stick together and bring these criminals down. How can they say we have no issues when a simple search of Whirlpool Calypso problems with draining and flashing LD and shutting down. There are thousands of people complaining and no action is done. Shame on these people and their souls are lost forever. Never buy a Whirlpool product and tell everybody you know to stay away! They should have their ** and/or ** cut off and have to suffer the same way the struggling consumers are after scrounging up thousands of dollars for a 200-pound metal paper weight that aint worth a damn!!!!
Publicado: March 1, 2014
John of Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Atlanta Gas Light Company showed up at my door Saturday Jan 16, 2016 citing
Atlanta Gas Light Company showed up at my door Saturday Jan 16, 2016 citing they needed to do maintenance on our meter. 20 minutes later, he came in and said we had a leak. He checked all of the furnaces and water heater, then zeroed in on my brand new Whirlpool Range (purchased 11/11/15) indicating it had a faulty control valve. This faulty and dangerous range was sold to me by Lowes and manufactured by Whirlpool and we had unknowingly been living with a gas leak for 2 1/2 months! Its notable that Atlanta Gas Light sends our contractors only every 3 years to test for gas leaks. I shudder to think what would have happened had they not done this. Ill never buy another Whirlpool anything. Model Number: WFG320M0BB0.
Publicado: January 20, 2016
Pam of Acworth, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine is less than five years old. First repair
Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine is less than five years old. First repair was replacement of control panel (under warranty). Second, third and fourth attempts to fix the out-of-balance problem which continually caused the machine to shut down altogether (even a small load) left my repairman totally frustrated after replacing most of the parts, finally telling me it just cant be fixed! What? I paid over $1,000 for this machine in Oct. 2007 and expected it to last many, many years. My mother-in-law has a washing machine she bought used in 1979 and it is still working beautifully. Ive read the 14 pages of complaints on the Consumer Affairs website and agree with Diana in Kissimmee, Fl - I am sick to my stomach not only for Whirlpool not recalling the Cabrio, but for Lowes and Sears and any other supposedly family-friendly business for continuing to sell it! Someone please contact me if you know of a class action suit being filed.
Publicado: August 15, 2012
Violet of Wetumpka, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

4 year old gas range, used self clean mode yesterday, for first time, upon
4 year old gas range, used self clean mode yesterday, for first time, upon completion opened oven door, not very clean and found 1/2 moon shaped raised crack in center of oven floor. Customer service insisting repair tech must come at cost of $60.00 to determine cause. I believe this is manufacturing defect, that they are not willing to admit. Offered big discount on new range. NO MORE WHIRLPOOL FOR ME!!!
Publicado: September 20, 2018
Nancy of Dawsonville, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I never knew an appliance could be manufactured as poorly as my brand-new,
I never knew an appliance could be manufactured as poorly as my brand-new, expensive, side-by-side whirlpool refrigerator. Within the first year, the icemaker line malfunction because of a fan problem, causing the line to freeze, break, and leak water everywhere. The ice maker stopped working. Everything on the top shelf In the refrigerator freezes. Everything on the bottom shelf stays warm. The motor is so loud and can be heard of rooms away. It is less than two years old now, and I am sincerely considering buying a new refrigerator altogether.
Publicado: August 28, 2015
Rebekah of Woodridge, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased this simple 30 wide fridge July 2017 to fit a short kitchen slot.
Purchased this simple 30 wide fridge July 2017 to fit a short kitchen slot. It worked adequately, but it only had 3 temp settings. The highest setting was too warm and coldest froze food in the fridge within days. The middle setting was a little cold but the best option. Food in the back did occasionally freeze and we had to be careful for vegetables in the drawer freezing. Often we wrapped lettuce and more fragile veggies in towels to absorb moisture and slow down freezing. Two years after buying - almost to the day - the fridge stopped cooling below 45F. The freezer still worked, so I thought it might be fixable. I tried some DIY repairs from a couple of websites but nothing worked. Within a week, the fridge temps were up to 50-55F. I gave up on buying ice and keeping food in coolers. I bought a GE and havent looked back.
Publicado: May 25, 2019
SC of Denver, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The machine has an infinite water level setting, an agitator which I feel c
The machine has an infinite water level setting, an agitator which I feel cleans clothes better, separate settings for water temperature for both wash and rinse cycles, and the ability to soak prior to washing by just leaving the lid up. You can add bleach and fabric softener to dispensers that will add to the tub at the time needed. My machine has been a really good one.
Publicado: May 11, 2020
Barbara of Auburn, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Same as others, We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer and there is a beari
Same as others, We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer and there is a bearing problem (which seems to be the common issue reported). The washer is unusable at less than 5 years of age. The repairman told us its a bearing problem and its common for this to happen to the Cabrio. How can an Whirlpool get away with selling a defective product?
Publicado: October 17, 2014
Tom of Carmel, IN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

First of all, I did not want to give a rating of one. Your system forced me
First of all, I did not want to give a rating of one. Your system forced me to. They do not even rate one star.In summary of the below, I did not fail to communicate from the moment we received our appliance and Whirlpool in short intentionally wasted time to let the warranty run out to avoid replacing a lemon of a dryer. Please read details below.We bought our new dryer (model WED9400SZ) on 10/24/10 with a one year service & parts warranty from Appliance Smart in Apple Valley, MN. In March 2010, we called in to Whirlpool customer service to relay our issues & to arrange for service & repair after a few months of noticing holes in our clothing (at first thinking it was the new Whirlpool washer making the holes).Although we purchased the unit in late October, we didnt use it for the first time until late November (1 month later) as we just bought our home & took four weeks to paint the entire home before moving in. Then on December 29, 2010, we left for a three week vacation to Mexico & again hadnt used the dryer during that time. Returning home, we started to use the new washer & dryer (in late January 2011) but had thought it was perhaps the washer making the holes & it took us until to March for Whirlpools preferred service repair providers to determine that the holes were coming from the dryer. I do not have a reference number to refer to for the complaints to Whirlpool as I was not provided one.They only always asked for our delivery address which is: xxxxx ****, Lakeville, MN.The issue of the dryer making noticeable holes in our clothing and in one instance chopped a sock completely in half (both pieces found within the dryer drum not stuck behind the drum or sucked into another area of the dryer) has been consistently ongoing and to date has not been fixed. On several occasions, I expressed my concern to Whirlpool customer service as well as to managers (because the case had been elevated to where they had managers and review boards looking at the problem more closely) as we were getting closer and closer to the warranty expiration and the dryer had not been fixed. Routinely, I was told that regardless of the warranty expiring, if its the same issue that persists and had not been resolved while within the warranty date, they would continue to honor the warranty by continuing to try to fix the problem or replace the unit at no additional cost to me if necessary.Whirlpool had escalated this repair issue (multiple times) to their review board and determined that the dryer was indeed repairable and continued to send out Twin City Appliance to repair it. Finally, just 23 days out of warranty, Whirlpool deemed the dryer should be replaced, but at the cost of a new machine $370 to us (which they somehow prorated to get that figure). We paid $399.98 plus tax for our supposedly new dryer so clearly this is an unexcitable resolution. In speaking to Rhonda this morning, she further prorated the new dryer replacement cost to $260 to include installation and another one year warranty and gave us until December 21, 2011 to take advantage of.This product never worked from day one (a lemon) and has caused roughly $400 in damage to our clothing (all photographed for proof). This has further resulted in me missing work to let in repairmen & and taking great amount of time to lay out out wet clothing around our house to air dry (again, all photographed. ) This has caused extreme stress for me in spending hours and hours on the phone with Whirlpool and repair people (cell phone records of dates & conversation length as proof). I have also developed great anxiety attacks in using our dryer, scared at the outcome of which of our clothing will be ruined. After having two different service repair companies (A&E Factory Service and Twin City Appliance, both in MN) at Whirlpools insistence come to our home on more than 10 occasions within the year warranty to determine the cause & try and repair the faulty machine, this proposed resolution by Whirlpool is absolutely unacceptable. It is important to me as a consumer the this issue is formally filed with a reputable institution (BBB). I feel we have no choice at this point but to contact our lawyer and take this issue up in the courts. Resolution proposed:I am seeking a replacement of our dryer at the equivalent or greater value than the model we purchased and a letter of apology from the CEO or equivalent position in their corporation as I want to know that this poor level of customer service provided by their company was indeed brought to their attention. I am also asking for $400 to replace our damaged clothing. When this goes to court if not resolved via the BBB, I will ask for pain and suffering damages as well.This has been an unbearable chapter for our family this year, one that has weighed heavy on us and caused great stress, anxiety and loss of money and time. I am in shock that a worldwide corporation with the longevity and commercial history and quality service that Whirlpool was known for cannot admit that this lemon we purchased is a (most likely) rare instance and step up to the plate and demonstrate integrity and show value for their customers by doing the right thing. Time after time their customer service reps promised I had nothing to worry about and that if the machine could not be fixed even if it fell out of warranty, they would take care of the replacement of fixing it at no additional cost to me.
Publicado: November 28, 2011
Pilar of Lakeville, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a 4.8 Cu FT High Efficiency Front Load Washer in February of 2
We purchased a 4.8 Cu FT High Efficiency Front Load Washer in February of 2016. What a nightmare. Just a few months after having it, we kept getting an E3 error message that would not go away. After 2 weeks of waiting before a tech could come out there replaced a door mechanism said it would be fine. After the next wash same thing, same problem. Could not even open the door to get my laundry out. Again they could not get a tech out for at least 2 weeks so Im stuck with the cost of getting my laundry done elsewhere. This time it was the motherboard. Had to wait a week for that to be shipped out. This was all completed in June 2016. We are now the beginning of September and same problem. Again we are told at least 1-2 weeks to get a tech out. Seriously Whirlpool, we are your customer. I have a family and we need to wash our clothes. We spent $1200 on this machine only to have to take our laundry to a public laundry mat because your machine keeps breaking down. They will not replace the machine even though this is the 3rd time with the same problem. The customer service is horrible. They are not willing to help in any way to get this fixed much sooner for her or give us a new machine. This one is obviously a lemon! I will never purchase any Whirlpool appliance again and I suggest based on some of the reviews on here no one does. Next appliance I buy I will do more research for sure.
Publicado: September 6, 2016
Johnna of Edmonton, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I also fell for the Consumer Reports BEST BUY of the Whirlpool Cabrio set.
I also fell for the Consumer Reports BEST BUY of the Whirlpool Cabrio set. The dryer has had the heating element replaced 2 times already in 3 years. The washer reads all errors, and the repairman said today, “dont bother fixing, buy a new SPEEDQUEEN.” With the Board going out, and also the faulty bearings--will NEVER buy anything Whirlpool again.
Publicado: July 26, 2011
Lisa of Lexington, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased this machine new and took delivery on 5/21/11. We did not star
We purchased this machine new and took delivery on 5/21/11. We did not start using this until late August of 2011. In late November we noticed a loud noise from the washer. When we contacted the sales company that sent out a repair person who informed us the bearings were defective. We have been told the parts are on back order for another 2-4 weeks. It has already been 4 weeks since they were out. Whirlpool was no help. They first claim we must have overloaded the machine, then relented saying that things happen. Either way I am without a washing machine we paid $1000.00 for another month; yet they will not extend my warranty at least for the time my machine is down. I am now worried about the damage that this unit may have caused to my new home due to water leakage, let alone the added expense to due my laundry since I must now use a service to provide for a washing machine I own.
Publicado: December 30, 2011
Ken of Monticello, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My microwave came with my house. I didnt choose it but it has been a great
My microwave came with my house. I didnt choose it but it has been a great brand. I love the preset timers for defrosting & for popcorn. Its big enough to handle an 8x8 pan which was important to me. The turntable could be more stable. My model is a built in over the oven option. Black & digital. It has lots of preset options & is pretty user friendly. I like the size & it is super quiet.
Publicado: March 16, 2016
Lollie of Collinsville, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio and a one year extended warranty two years a
I purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio and a one year extended warranty two years ago. As soon as my warranty ended, my washer started to malfunction. I recently started to receive the F-51 code and the washer shuts down at the spin cycle. I am angry because I spent just under 1200 dollars on a washer a little bit over two years ago and now, it is sitting in my laundry room taking up space. When I called Whirlpool, they told me I could purchase another repair warranty for $316.94, which would take the cost over 1500 dollars for this washer and there was no empathy nor compassion for what I was feeling as a consumer from the customer service rep. I spent my hard-earned money on major appliance purchase and I think that it is only fair that I get more than a two year usage out of machine that was designed to last at least six years according to their website. There is no way that this should just be my lost and cost me additional funds.
Publicado: March 28, 2012
Mary of Lancaster, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My wife and I purchased a Cabrio washing machine and dryer, this is by far
My wife and I purchased a Cabrio washing machine and dryer, this is by far the worst washing machine we’ve ever owned. It hardly fills, even in deep water cycle. If you watch the clothes through the smoked glass lid with a flashlight, you can see they don’t even go underwater. The dryer seems to be fine but I would never recommend the washing machine to anybody looking to buy one.
Publicado: April 2, 2022
Brian of Marengo, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Overall the stove works well but it is horrible to clean. You have to use a
Overall the stove works well but it is horrible to clean. You have to use a lot of muscle to get the spills up from around the burners. It is hard to get around the burners to get all the spots off. The gas burners work well & cook evenly.
Publicado: February 6, 2021
Donita of Maple Shade, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio washer (WTW6400SW2) - After a few years of working, my was
Whirlpool Cabrio washer (WTW6400SW2) - After a few years of working, my washing machine lists a code of F50 and will not spin. After three visits from a repair company, they couldnt fix it and said we need to buy a new one. It seems like an electronic problem, but we have to replace the whole machine. Consumer Reports says a machine should last 10-14 years. Numerous people online have stated the same issue with the same model. More than one person stated there is already a class action lawsuit on this machine? Please help. Who can afford a new expensive machine after a few years of service?
Publicado: August 20, 2012
Gregory of Plainfield, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Sent an e-mail to Whirlpool. They responded with apology. Sent a second e-m
Sent an e-mail to Whirlpool. They responded with apology. Sent a second e-mail telling them they should be paying the $300 for circuit board in a two-year-old range. No response. Also, sent e-mail to Geniers. No response. The impression I get is that neither are the least bit interested in the problem. Once they sold the $1260 range, they were done. We will never buy another Whirlpool from any store and we wont buy anything from Geniers in the future.
Publicado: May 1, 2014
Heather of Vernon, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We will never, I repeat, never buy another Whirlpool, Kitchen Aid or Maytag
We will never, I repeat, never buy another Whirlpool, Kitchen Aid or Maytag (other than the Maytag dishwasher) product again. After just two years on the Cabrio washing machine, the bearing on the wash tub began to go out. As it was out of warranty, the cost to fix was greater than just buying a new machine. This was a known problem and Whirlpool failed to remedy the problem. Based on this experience, we went with an LG as a replacement. Before you buy anything, research it.
Publicado: September 7, 2013
Keith of Seabrook, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Whirlpool Cabrio Washing Machine in 2010. I hate it 100%. I hav
I bought my Whirlpool Cabrio Washing Machine in 2010. I hate it 100%. I have never used bleach in the machine. I use liquid detergent only. 2 things happen every day: #1: When I wash a load of colors, I take them out when complete and there is dry white powder like substance over the black clothes. It looks dirty but it just got washed. #2 About once a week, I will pull something out of the washer and there is a bleach spot on it. The last item that this happened to was a $200 sweater. It went in the garbage. This should never of happened with an $800 washing machine.
Publicado: January 16, 2018
Vanessa of Charleston, WV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I also have the same water running into the refrigerator problem that so ma
I also have the same water running into the refrigerator problem that so many people have reported. Im about to throw the Whirlpool out and start over. It is such poor business that whirlpool wont admit that the appliance has a major problem and fess up to correcting it for owners. I will never buy another Whirlpool appliance and will warn everyone to also steer clear of Whirlpool.
Publicado: December 6, 2011
Peter of Milford, CT
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Cabrio is our washer and dryer. Dryer had no issues in the last 7 years. Wa
Cabrio is our washer and dryer. Dryer had no issues in the last 7 years. Washer constantly throw UL or unbalanced error and stops. Rearranging clothes only works for another few minutes. First time under warranty, tech came and fixed it. Second time without warranty, I cleared some loose socks between the tub. Third time same problem. YouTube suggested to change the springs on four corners that hold the tub. $25 and problem fixed. Basically, if you are not an informed consumer you are screwed for $$ silly stuff.
Publicado: February 15, 2017
Ravindra of Austin, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have a Cabrio washer and dryer. The Washer has had problems since year o
We have a Cabrio washer and dryer. The Washer has had problems since year one. We have just gone through service with Sears to fix a rusted out hinge on the lid. The tech broke the lid trying to drill out the rusted screws. He ordered a new lid and six weeks and one day later came to put the lid on. This was terrible. We were rescheduled two times for our appointment. Today the washer will not start on the cycle when you press the start button. We will never buy another Whirlpool product and not Maytag if what I read is true. Probably will be six more weeks to get this resolved.
Publicado: October 28, 2013
Wesley of New Site, AL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased a dishwasher for $650 and within a very short period of time,
We purchased a dishwasher for $650 and within a very short period of time, the upper rack was so squeaky that it was intolerable. Service guys came and replaced the rack and wheels and all was well until a few months passed and it happened again. At that point, it was outside of the warranty, so we called upon our extended warranty we bought through Whirlpool. Guess what? That warranty doesnt cover the racks. So they referred us back to Whirlpool. They told us we had to pay for it ourselves. After being treated like a ping pong ball several times, we ended up paying about $150 for labor for another guy to come out and replace the racks again. Whirlpool agreed to pay for the parts. A few months later, we again have a squeaky upper rack that is so loud it wakes people up in our house and its less than two years old at this point. Weve been sold a LEMON!! Just got off the phone with a supervisor at Whirlpool who said they cant do anything about it and wont acknowledge we have a lemon. When I told her I was going to take this as far as I need to to resolve it, even if we have to go to court, she laughed out loud at me. We will never again buy a Whirlpool product. Our LG appliances have been great however.
Publicado: September 26, 2013
Daria of Chapel Hill, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’ve had my washer and dryer for a long time and it has been okay an
I’ve had my washer and dryer for a long time and it has been okay and it’s time to update. It has had its up and down and I may get another just after a while they are outdated and better appliances come along. Smarter people are making smarter things.
Publicado: February 18, 2019
Michael of Johnsonville, South Carolina
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

As soon as we bought our new microwave, I saw what appeared to be hair on t
As soon as we bought our new microwave, I saw what appeared to be hair on the door. I tried to scratch it off but I could not so I wondered if it was a crack but I could not feel it. As time went by, many other lines appeared but I could not feel them, just see them. After a couple of months, I noticed the first crack could be felt and then soon after that I could feel the other cracks. The first crack goes from the glass to the edge of the door and is wide open and the door edge kind of just hangs there. There are now about 20 cracks and the door will most likely fall apart soon. I called Whirlpool and they lied and said there have been no complaints at all about their doors. I read them some of the names here on this site having the same problem and the best they can do is offer to sell me a new door for $180. I told them that their product was defective and need to be recalled or something and he again tried to send me to the parts department to sell me a $180 door. I told him if that is how Whirlpool treats their customers, I would no longer buy anything from them.
Publicado: February 22, 2013
Anne of Viroqua, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Duet - Steam cycle and sanitize on wash. Dryer is fast and automa
Whirlpool Duet - Steam cycle and sanitize on wash. Dryer is fast and automatic cycles actually work! Have had the washer 4 years and the dryer over 10. We like the Duet Washer because it had a steam cycle and a sanitize cycle plus it has a light inside that helps us see the laundry in our dark room or at night. Also we have been very happy with the cleaning - does a great job and gets the dirtiest clothes clean. The Fan Fresh feature and Delay Start are very handy especially for busy parents who may forget the laundry is in the washer.
Publicado: March 25, 2016
Stephen of Wilmington, DE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Whirlpool Convection oven in mid August 2019 from Lowes. I have
I bought my Whirlpool Convection oven in mid August 2019 from Lowes. I have had to call no less than 5 times about my NEW oven which I am extremely remorseful of buying. I am so unhappy with my experience mostly due to my expectation that my new oven would have been able to meet my demanding needs baking and cooking. I would have thought that it would have lasted longer than 4-5 months. The bottom left hinge is faulty which I am told is an undocumented problem for this particular oven. I noticed that it was having a problem when the oven wasn’t quite making a seal. Slowly it got worse until now it makes an initial click then I can open it about 5 to 6 inches and then have to lift it up so that I can open it without making a horrible noise and a dent in the frame.The first time I called was on Saturday Jan 4th. It took me 1 hour to get through to speak to a person. I asked why I couldn’t get a new door to the oven and they told me the hinges have to be installed separately because this model is made to be able to take the door off for cleaning purposes. They set me up for service on Wed Jan 8th between 12 and 4p. I wasn’t as unhappy at this point. I even got a text saying that the appliance company would be coming between 12 and 2. At 12 when I woke up after working nights, I got a message saying that they hadn’t received the part yet and that there would be no point in them coming. I called Whirlpool again and they told me that the part was on backorder and that in fact the part had to be fabricated and it may take up to 10 business days but that they would have the part sent directly to my house. By this stage I am very unhappy.I called back this morning and told the person that I would rather have a new oven or my money back and that my less expensive and less decorative oven that came with my house lasted me 20 yrs. I get a lot of “I’m sorry” and “I apologize” but that doesn’t fix my problem. I also told them that now the frame of the oven is being dented so I am going to have a less than perfect appliance which is no fault of my own. The only info the person could give me is the tracking number of the part they were able to locate which would be coming Fedex.I tracked it and it was due to come no later than Tuesday night. So I called the original service company in my area who told me to call to set up the service time when the part came in. I figured I would get a jump on it and call. They told me that they were all booked up this week and I would have to wait until next week. Do you think that this is how your customers should be treated? I feel as though I am being punished by choosing to buy an appliance from Whirlpool. I then tried calling back to set up an appt with a new company but the wait time was too long. I had just worked nights and needed to get some sleep. I called back this afternoon and again had to explain the whole situation AGAIN. I was able to set up an appt with a different company for Monday between 12 and 4 which happens to be on Martin Luther King day…so I am hoping it is not a mistake.Do you think this is fair treatment for a customer who just bought a brand new oven less than 5 months ago? Would you like this type of service? Would this give you any confidence to buy products from Whirlpool? I don’t believe that I would be able to recommend Whirlpool in good faith. The people who I have talked to have never been rude or disrespectful however, I feel as though my unhappiness is just par for the course. I feel as though it is just my tough luck and “oh well so sorry” instead of the attitude that you want to make everything right as quickly as possible. I ask myself if the problem was the store I chose to buy from? If I should have gone to Sears and bought one of their products or where I went wrong.
Publicado: January 16, 2020
B of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a smaller/apartment size fridge. As a 1 person household it is a per
I have a smaller/apartment size fridge. As a 1 person household it is a perfect fit. Works well & wasnt expensive. I am a Foodie, having it so nothing is too warm/cold, all the temps are equal, is a big deal. And in 10 years no breakdowns.
Publicado: January 7, 2017
Laura of Malverne, New York
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Thermal couple went out and nobody has one. You have to get it from whirlpo
Thermal couple went out and nobody has one. You have to get it from whirlpool. This could be a easy fix with buying a $6.00 thermal couple but the one on mine has left handed threads. I took it to several parts places and they all said you have to buy it from whirlpool so you have to call the 1 800 number and they ask you how soon do you want it, 5 to 6 days to take a shower for $10 shipping, or $20 for 3 to 4 days without a shower or $32 for overnight? This ** should be free if they are the only ones that have it. I never heard of this crap before. The funny thing is they told me I should replace my water heater since the warranty is expired. Dont worry I will buy a new one someday and it will be anything but a whirlpool. I will never buy anything whirlpool again and make sure my family never buys whirlpool.
Publicado: April 14, 2014
matt of O'Fallon, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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