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Whirlpool Accesorios
Whirlpool Accesorios

Whirlpool Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

La empresa comercializa Whirlpool, Maytag, KitchenAid, JennAir, Amana, Gladiator GarageWorks, Inglis, Estate, Brastemp, Bauknecht, Ignis, Indesit y Consul. Su sitio web también menciona las marcas Diqua, Affresh, Acros y Yummly.

Aire acondicionado Solución de problemas

El aire acondicionado de Whirlpool no enfría
Si el filtro de aire está obstruido, el aire no puede fluir correctamente a través del aire acondicionado. Esto reduce en gran medida la capacidad de enfriamiento del acondicionador de aire. Además, si el filtro de aire está obstruido, las bobinas del evaporador se congelarán. Para eliminar los residuos del filtro de aire, intente limpiar el filtro. Si no es posible limpiar el filtro de aire, sustitúyalo.

El ventilador del aire acondicionado de Whirlpool no funciona
El motor del ventilador de doble eje (o motor del ventilador de circulación) podría estar defectuoso. El motor del ventilador de circulación tiene dos aspas: una a cada lado del motor. En un lado, el aspa del ventilador aspira el aire exterior sobre la bobina de condensación para disipar el calor. En el otro lado, el aspa del ventilador dirige el aire sobre el serpentín del evaporador. El motor del ventilador de doble eje tiene cojinetes que pueden aflojarse o atascarse con el tiempo. Para determinar si los rodamientos del motor están defectuosos, mueva el eje del motor. Si el eje del motor está flojo, o si no gira en absoluto, sustituya el motor del ventilador.

El compresor del aire acondicionado de Whirlpool no funciona
La placa de control de la temperatura proporciona tensión al motor del ventilador y al compresor. Si la placa de control está defectuosa, puede dejar de suministrar tensión al compresor. Los tableros de control son a menudo mal diagnosticados. Antes de sustituir la tarjeta de control de la temperatura, asegúrese de comprobar las piezas defectuosas más comunes, en particular la sobrecarga del compresor, el condensador y el propio compresor. Si está seguro de que todos los demás componentes funcionan correctamente, sustituya la tarjeta de control de la temperatura.

El aire acondicionado de Whirlpool no se apaga
Los serpentines del condensador disipan el calor cuando el refrigerante pasa por ellos. Si los serpentines del condensador están sucios, no podrán disipar el calor con la misma eficacia. A medida que los residuos se acumulan en las bobinas, el aire acondicionado será menos eficiente, haciendo que el aire acondicionado trabaje más para enfriar. Si las bobinas están muy sucias, el aire acondicionado no podrá mantener la temperatura adecuada, y el compresor funcionará continuamente en un intento de enfriar la habitación. Compruebe las bobinas del condensador para determinar si están sucias. Si las bobinas del condensador están sucias, límpielas.

El aire acondicionado de Whirlpool es ruidoso
Cuando el compresor se está desgastando, genera más ruido de lo habitual. Cuando esto sucede, no es necesario reemplazar el compresor-los compresores suelen durar años después de que se vuelvan ruidosos. Sin embargo, si prefiere tener un compresor nuevo, haga que un profesional autorizado lo sustituya.

Aire acondicionado de hidromasaje que pierde agua
Si el aire acondicionado de ventana o a través de la pared pierde agua por la parte delantera, esto indica que el aire acondicionado está inclinado demasiado hacia delante. El acondicionador de aire está diseñado para expulsar el agua de condensación por la parte trasera de la unidad. Por ello, el aire acondicionado debe instalarse de forma que se incline hacia atrás en un ángulo de 1-2 grados.

Calentador de agua Solución de problemas

Paso 1
Compruebe si hay fugas en el depósito. No hay solución para un calentador de agua con fugas en el depósito. Debe ser reemplazado.

Paso 2
Compruebe el disyuntor para asegurarse de que el calentador de agua está encendido. Es necesario comprobar el estado de funcionamiento de un calentador de agua con alimentación eléctrica a la unidad. Póngase zapatos de trabajo con suela de goma y asegúrese de que el suelo cerca del tanque está completamente seco.

Paso 3
Desatornille las placas de cubierta de los paneles de acceso superior e inferior con un destornillador de cabeza Phillips. Póngase guantes de trabajo para retirar los recortes de aislamiento.

Paso 4
Compruebe el interruptor limitador. Algunos problemas harán que el interruptor limitador de calor se dispare y corte la energía de la unidad. Pulse el botón "Reset" para restablecer la alimentación. Continúe probando para encontrar el problema que hizo saltar el interruptor.

Paso 5
Resuelva los problemas de los calentadores de agua que emiten agua fría. Compruebe la alimentación del elemento superior. Si el probador de voltaje muestra que hay energía, pero el elemento no se calienta, entonces el elemento está mal. Si no hay energía que llegue al elemento, entonces el termostato ha fallado y debe ser reemplazado.

Paso 6
Los calentadores de agua dan agua tibia o pequeñas cantidades de agua caliente. Compruebe el ajuste de la temperatura. Si es necesario, ajuste la configuración con un destornillador de ranura. Ajuste la temperatura entre 110 y 125 grados F. Compruebe el tubo de entrada de agua fría y el anillo de sujeción. Si entra agua fría en el depósito superior, se reduce la temperatura de salida. Asegúrese de que ambos termostatos estén firmemente presionados contra el tanque. Compruebe la potencia en los terminales de conexión del termostato superior que transfieren la potencia al termostato inferior. Si el comprobador no muestra potencia en estos terminales, entonces el termostato superior está defectuoso. Si se registra energía, entonces pruebe los terminales en el elemento inferior. Si no se registra energía, el termostato inferior ha fallado. Si hay energía pero no hay calor en ninguno de los elementos, entonces ese elemento está defectuoso.

Paso 7
Resolver el problema de un calentador de agua que produce agua demasiado caliente. Compruebe el tornillo de ajuste de la temperatura. No debería estar ajustado a más de 125 grados F. Si la temperatura está bien ajustada, entonces uno de los termostatos es el culpable. Compruebe la potencia de ambos elementos. Cualquier elemento que esté recibiendo energía mientras el agua está demasiado caliente tiene un termostato defectuoso.

Paso 8
Corregir el problema de los ruidos de estallido. Los elementos que tienen acumulación de minerales emiten sonidos de estallido cuando están funcionando. Vacíe el depósito y corte la alimentación eléctrica y el suministro de agua de la unidad antes de retirar un elemento para limpiarlo o sustituirlo.

Paso 9
Deshágase de los malos olores en el agua caliente. Las barras de ánodo de magnesio causan malos olores cuando se exponen a algunos de los minerales comunes en el agua del grifo. Vacíe el depósito, corte la corriente y el suministro de agua y limpie bien el depósito con agua con lejía. Sustituya la varilla anódica por una de aluminio.

Distancia Solución de problemas

Nada funciona
Si su cocina no se enciende, compruebe si hay un problema de alimentación. Asegúrese de que el cable de alimentación de la cocina está conectado a una toma de corriente con conexión a tierra. Puede probar la toma de corriente enchufando un pequeño aparato, como una lámpara, y ver si se enciende. Si la toma de corriente no tiene energía, compruebe el disyuntor o la caja de fusibles de su casa y restablezca el disyuntor o sustituya un fusible fundido si es necesario. Consulte a un electricista si la cocina sigue sin encenderse.

La placa de cocción no funciona
Si la parte de la placa de cocción de su cocina no funciona, asegúrese de que ha ajustado el mando de control correctamente. Usted debe empujar la perilla hacia adentro para girarla a un ajuste. Si su modelo tiene un panel de control en lugar de una perilla, asegúrese de haber tocado el área de la pantalla en el panel para seleccionar uno de los quemadores antes de elegir una función. Para los modelos con placas de vitrocerámica, verifique que no se haya configurado la función de bloqueo de controles. Este ajuste bloquea todos los controles para que la placa de cocción no funcione. Normalmente, el panel de control indicará que el ajuste está activado con "LOCKED" en la pantalla. Consulte el manual del usuario para determinar qué almohadillas hay que pulsar para desbloquear los controles.

El horno no funciona
Cuando el horno de su cocina no funcione, comience la resolución de problemas verificando que el control electrónico del horno esté ajustado correctamente. Consulte el manual del propietario para determinar la forma correcta de ajustar los controles de su modelo cuando se utiliza el horno. A continuación, asegúrese de que no se ha activado la función de arranque retardado de la cocina, que programa el horno para que se encienda en un momento futuro. El horno tampoco funcionará si la función de Bloqueo de Controles ha sido activada; consulte el manual del propietario para ver cómo desbloquear los controles si es necesario.

Hace ruidos extraños
Puede que se acerque a algunos ruidos que causan preocupación cuando su cocina está en funcionamiento. A menudo son sonidos normales de funcionamiento. Si su cocina cuenta con un horno de convección, es posible que escuche un zumbido cuando cocine a alta potencia. El sonido debería calmarse o desaparecer por completo cuando baje la potencia. En el caso de una placa de vitrocerámica, es posible que escuche un zumbido durante su uso. La placa de cocción tiene un ventilador que funciona a varias velocidades para mantener los componentes electrónicos a una temperatura controlada. Puede seguir funcionando después de apagar la placa de cocción, si la temperatura es muy alta.

Horno Solución de problemas

El horno no calienta
El encendedor se calienta mucho y se ilumina de color naranja brillante para encender el quemador de gas. Si el encendedor falla o se agrieta, el horno no calienta. Para determinar si el encendedor está defectuoso, retire el encendedor e inspecciónelo en busca de grietas. Si el encendedor está agrietado, sustitúyalo. Si el encendedor no está agrietado, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del encendedor. Si el encendedor no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

El horno es ruidoso o fuerte
La rueda del soplador sopla el aire fuera del horno y a través de la casa. La rueda del soplador está unida al eje del motor del soplador con un tornillo de fijación. Si el tornillo de fijación está suelto, la rueda del soplador se tambaleará en el eje del motor, y la rueda hará ruido al girar. Compruebe el tornillo de fijación para asegurarse de que está bien apretado. A continuación, compruebe si la rueda está dañada. Si la rueda del soplador está dañada, sustitúyala.

El horno se enciende y luego se detiene
El sensor de llama controla el quemador para detectar si hay o no llama. Si el sensor de llama está defectuoso, podría no detectar una llama. Si el sensor de llama no detecta una llama, la placa de control cortará la tensión a la válvula de gas para evitar que el horno se caliente. A veces, si el sensor de llama está sucio, no detectará la llama. Intente limpiar el sensor de llama con una almohadilla abrasiva fina. Si el horno sigue sin calentar, sustituya el sensor de llama.

El soplador del horno no funciona
El motor del soplador sopla el aire a través de la ventilación de retorno, pasando por el intercambiador de calor, y hacia la ventilación de la casa. En primer lugar, asegúrese de que el motor recibe energía. Si el motor del soplador recibe energía, pero no funciona, es posible que el motor esté quemado. Si el motor del ventilador está quemado, sustitúyalo. Si el motor del ventilador zumba, compruebe que el ventilador gira libremente. Si el ventilador no está obstruido pero no gira libremente, sustituya el motor del soplador.

El soplador del horno funciona todo el tiempo
La placa de control tiene relés que regulan el voltaje de cada componente del horno. Si el relé que controla el motor del soplador falla mientras está cerrado, enviará tensión continua al motor del soplador, haciendo que el motor funcione continuamente. Si la placa de control está averiada, sustitúyala.

Lavadora Solución de problemas

La lavadora Duet no se enciende
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar reiniciar el control de la lavadora Duet.
Intente una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet
Compruebe el suministro de energía en la pared con algún otro dispositivo. Si el enchufe de la pared tiene corriente...
Compruebe el filtro de alimentación de la línea Duet
Compruebe la alimentación en el control.

La lavadora Duet no arranca
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar reiniciar el control de la lavadora Duet.
Intente una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet
¿La lavadora tiene energía?

La puerta de la lavadora Duet no se bloquea
La lavadora Duet no se desbloquea
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar restablecer el control de la lavadora Duet.
Intente una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet
Compruebe el bloqueo de la puerta Duet. (Comprobación del bloqueo de la puerta de Duet)
La puerta de la lavadora Duet no se desbloquea
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar restablecer el control de la lavadora Duet.
Intente una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet
Puede desbloquear manualmente la lavadora quitando la parte superior (retire los tornillos de la parte posterior del panel superior y deslice el panel superior hacia atrás para levantarlo. luego, con la lavadora desenchufada, alcance y tire de un pequeño anillo en la parte superior de la cerradura de la puerta para abrir manualmente la cerradura de la puerta.
Compruebe la cerradura de la puerta de Duet (Duet Door Lock Check)
La lavadora Duet no llena el pescado
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar reiniciar el control de la lavadora Duet.
Compruebe las válvulas de agua de su casa
Si sus mangueras de llenado tienen una válvula de retención de inundación cierre el agua, desconecte las mangueras y deje correr un poco de agua en un cubo. A continuación, vuelva a conectar las mangueras a su lavadora y realice una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet.
Compruebe las válvulas de agua de Duet (Comprobación de las válvulas de la lavadora Duet)
El tambor de la lavadora Duet no gira
Desenchufe la lavadora durante 30 segundos para intentar restablecer el control de la lavadora Duet.
Intente una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet
Compruebe el motor Duet y la unidad de control del motor (comprobación del motor Duet)

Las fugas de la lavadora Duet
La causa más común de las fugas de la lavadora Duet es un agujero en el fuelle de la puerta de la lavadora. Sin embargo, una fuga puede provenir de muchas de las partes de la lavadora. la mejor manera es reducir su problema, ¿está goteando todo el tiempo, incluso cuando la lavadora está apagada? (válvula o suministro de agua) o sólo cuando la lavadora está en marcha? (manguera, bomba de vaciado, fuelle de la puerta) Inspeccione visualmente la lavadora en busca de la fuente de la fuga, ¡tenga cuidado con las piezas móviles que pueden quitar sus piezas!

Vibración de la lavadora Duet
Asegúrese de que su lavadora Duet está sobre una base sólida... puede balancear la lavadora presionando en una de las esquinas. (ajuste las patas de la lavadora)
¿Se desequilibra la lavadora EMPTY durante una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet? No =andgt; ¿Qué pasa si usted tiene una carga pesada de artículos similares (todas las toallas) en un ciclo normal corto? Si puede equilibrar una carga de todas las toallas, su problema está probablemente relacionado con la carga. (Lea el manual del usuario). Si se desequilibra en vacío o la carga de todas las toallas se desequilibra, vaya al paso 3.
Presione el tambor interior y sienta un movimiento de chasquido (El soporte del tambor interior puede estar roto... esto es malo) Intente girar el tambor unos grados y pruebe varias veces... los tambores interior y exterior deben moverse juntos como una unidad. A veces el soporte de tres puntos que suspende el tambor interior dentro del tambor exterior puede romperse. Si hay movimiento puede necesitar un nuevo tambor de lavado interior.
Desenchufe la lavadora y retire el panel trasero para comprobar los amortiguadores de la bañera. Deberían estar todos unidos.
Si todo esto se comprueba, es probable que pueda reemplazar los amortiguadores de la lavadora.

La lavadora no limpia bien
Limpiador de lavadoras
Su lavadora puede ensuciarse mucho por dentro en lugares que no puede ver. Intente dejar la puerta abierta un poco cuando la lavadora no esté en uso y asegúrese de utilizar el ciclo de limpieza de la lavadora de vez en cuando. Realice una prueba de diagnóstico rápido de la lavadora Duet y asegúrese de que la lavadora funciona correctamente desde el punto de vista mecánico. Si es así, puede probar un detergente diferente.

Lavaplatos Solución de problemas

Pasos iniciales
Antes de empezar a solucionar cualquier problema, asegúrese de que ha dejado que el lavavajillas complete su ciclo. Un lavavajillas Whirlpool Gold puede funcionar durante más de tres horas antes de completar su ciclo.
Asegúrese de que está cargando correctamente los platos en el lavavajillas. El dispensador de detergente debe estar libre de obstrucciones, y debe haber suficiente distancia entre los platos para que el agua y el detergente fluyan libremente.
Si su lavavajillas no se pone en marcha, asegúrese de que la puerta está bien cerrada y el pestillo está bloqueado.

Solución de problemas básicos
Si sus platos no se limpian, asegúrese de que está utilizando un detergente para lavavajillas de alta calidad. Utilice la cantidad recomendada para su lavavajillas Whirlpool Gold específico. Demasiado o muy poco puede impedir que sus platos queden limpios o dejar manchas en ellos.
Si su vajilla sale todavía húmeda, asegúrese de que está utilizando un producto de aclarado de calidad. Los lavavajillas Whirlpool Gold se basan en un agente de aclarado, como Jet Dry, para ayudar a que la vajilla se seque correctamente.
Asegúrese de que el flotador de protección contra el sobrellenado puede subir y bajar libremente. Si está bloqueado, presione hacia abajo para liberarlo.

Solución de problemas avanzados
Asegúrese de que las mangueras de entrada y desagüe de agua están correctamente conectadas a su lavavajillas Whirlpool Gold, y que el suministro de agua está abierto.
Compruebe la alimentación del lavavajillas. Asegúrese de que no se haya activado un disyuntor y que el lavavajillas tenga energía.
Compruebe también si el suministro de agua tiene la temperatura, la presión y la dureza adecuadas. Whirlpool recomienda que la temperatura del agua sea de al menos 120 grados Fahrenheit, y la presión debe estar entre 20 y 120 PSI para llenar correctamente el lavavajillas. Si tiene agua inusualmente dura, Whirlpool recomienda utilizar un abrillantador con la opción de alta temperatura o instalar un ablandador de agua casero.

Microonda Solución de problemas

Solución de problemas generales
Paso 1
Enchufe completamente el microondas. Compruebe la caja de fusibles o disyuntores del hogar. Ponga los disyuntores en la posición "On" o sustituya los fusibles fundidos, si es necesario.
Paso 2
Mantenga pulsada la tecla "Off" durante cinco segundos para desbloquear los controles si aparece "Locked" en la pantalla.
Paso 3
Desactive el "Modo Demo" si el temporizador realiza una cuenta atrás rápida cuando se inicia un ciclo de cocción. Mantenga pulsada la tecla "Timer Set/Off" durante cinco segundos.
Paso 4
Coloque 1 taza de agua fría dentro del microondas. Cierre la puerta del microondas y programe un ciclo de cocción de dos minutos. Abra la puerta y compruebe la temperatura del agua. Si el agua no está caliente, llame al servicio técnico. El magnetrón no está funcionando correctamente.

Plato giratorio
Paso 1
Encienda el horno microondas y observe el plato giratorio. Si el plato giratorio no gira, proceda al paso 2.
Paso 2
Coloque el plato giratorio en el soporte del plato giratorio correctamente si el plato giratorio no funciona.
Paso 3
Retire el plato giratorio y limpie el cubo, los rodillos y el soporte con un detergente suave para platos y agua tibia. Aclare y seque. Vuelva a colocar el cubo, el soporte y el plato giratorio.

Mensajes de la pantalla
Paso 1
Reinstale el reloj si aparece ":" en la pantalla. Pulse la tecla "Reloj". Utilice las teclas numéricas para introducir la hora correcta. Pulse la tecla "Reloj" para ajustar la hora.
Paso 2
Desbloquee los controles si aparece "Bloqueado" en la pantalla y desea iniciar un ciclo de cocción. Mantenga pulsada la tecla "Off" durante cinco segundos para desbloquear los controles.
Paso 3
Pulse la tecla "Timer Set/Off" dos veces para cancelar el temporizador si el tiempo está en cuenta regresiva en la pantalla y el temporizador ya no está en uso.

Refrigerador Solución de problemas

Puede que esté experimentando problemas con el frigorífico Whirlpool, como que el congelador no se congela o algún otro problema de control de la temperatura. La respuesta puede ser tan simple como que la puerta está entreabierta o que el temporizador de descongelación funciona mal. Pero puede que tenga un problema más complicado, como que el frigorífico funcione constantemente o sea ruidoso. La buena noticia es que has hecho clic en el lugar correcto para entender el problema y encontrar la solución adecuada.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
Resultado: Los serpentines del condensador están sucios
SOLUCIÓN: Los serpentines del condensador suelen estar situados debajo del frigorífico. Disipan el calor cuando el refrigerante pasa a través de ellos. Si los serpentines del condensador están sucios, no disiparán el calor eficazmente. A medida que los residuos se acumulan en los serpentines, el frigorífico se vuelve menos eficiente, haciendo que el frigorífico trabaje más para enfriar. Si las bobinas están muy sucias, el frigorífico no podrá mantener la temperatura adecuada. Compruebe las bobinas del condensador para determinar si están sucias; si las bobinas del condensador están sucias, límpielas.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
Resultado: Motor del ventilador del condensador
SOLUCIÓN: El motor del ventilador del condensador extrae el aire a través de las bobinas del condensador y sobre el compresor. Si el motor del ventilador del condensador no funciona correctamente, el frigorífico no enfriará bien. Para determinar si el motor del ventilador está defectuoso, compruebe primero si las aspas del ventilador están obstruidas. A continuación, intente girar el aspa del motor del ventilador con la mano. Si el aspa no gira libremente, sustituya el motor del ventilador del condensador. Si no hay obstrucciones y el aspa del ventilador gira libremente, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del motor del ventilador. Si el motor del ventilador del condensador no tiene continuidad, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Motor del ventilador del evaporador
SOLUCIÓN: El motor del ventilador del evaporador aspira el aire sobre los serpentines del evaporador (refrigeración) y lo hace circular por los compartimentos del frigorífico y del congelador. Algunos frigoríficos tienen más de un motor del ventilador del evaporador. En los frigoríficos con un solo evaporador, éste se encuentra en el compartimento del congelador. Si el ventilador del evaporador no funciona, no hará circular el aire frío hacia el compartimento del frigorífico. Si esto ocurre, el congelador puede seguir enfriándose, mientras que el frigorífico no se enfriará. Para determinar si el motor del ventilador del evaporador está defectuoso, intente girar el aspa del ventilador con la mano. Si el aspa del ventilador no gira libremente, sustituya el motor del ventilador. Además, si el motor es inusualmente ruidoso, sustitúyalo. Por último, si el motor no funciona en absoluto, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad de los devanados del motor. Si los devanados no tienen continuidad, sustituya el motor del ventilador del evaporador.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Relé de arranque
SOLUCIÓN: El relé de arranque funciona conjuntamente con el bobinado de arranque para poner en marcha el compresor. Si el relé de arranque está defectuoso, el compresor puede a veces no funcionar o no funcionar en absoluto. Como resultado, la nevera no estará lo suficientemente fría. Para determinar si el relé de arranque está defectuoso, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad entre las tomas de los terminales de funcionamiento y de arranque. Si el relé de arranque no tiene continuidad entre las tomas de los terminales de funcionamiento y de arranque, sustitúyalo. Además, si el relé de arranque tiene olor a quemado, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Termostato de control de temperatura
SOLUCIÓN: El termostato de control de temperatura dirige la tensión al compresor, al motor del ventilador del evaporador y al motor del ventilador del condensador (si procede). Si el termostato de control de temperatura no funciona correctamente, puede impedir el funcionamiento del sistema de refrigeración. Para determinar si el termostato está defectuoso, gire el termostato desde el ajuste más bajo hasta el más alto y escuche un clic. Si el termostato hace clic, no es probable que esté defectuoso. Si el termostato no hace clic, utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad del termostato. Si el termostato de control de temperatura no tiene continuidad en ningún ajuste, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Condensador de arranque
SOLUCIÓN: El condensador de arranque proporciona un impulso de potencia al compresor durante el arranque. Si el condensador de arranque no funciona, el compresor puede no arrancar. Como resultado, el refrigerador no enfriará. Para determinar si el condensador de arranque está defectuoso, pruébelo con un multímetro. Si el condensador de arranque está defectuoso, sustitúyalo.

PROBLEMA: El refrigerador no enfría.
RESULTADO: Placa de control de temperatura
SOLUCIÓN: La placa de control de temperatura suministra tensión a los motores del compresor y del ventilador. Si la tarjeta de control de temperatura está defectuosa, dejará de enviar tensión al sistema de refrigeración. Sin embargo, esto no es una ocurrencia común. Los tableros de control son a menudo mal diagnosticados - antes de reemplazar el tablero de control, primero pruebe todos los componentes más comúnmente defectuosos. Si ninguno de los otros componentes está defectuoso, considere la posibilidad de reemplazar la tarjeta de control de temperatura.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Termistor
SOLUCIÓN: El termistor monitoriza la temperatura del frigorífico y envía la lectura de la temperatura a la placa de control. La tarjeta de control regula la potencia del compresor y del ventilador del evaporador basándose en las lecturas del termistor. Si el termistor está defectuoso, es posible que el compresor y el ventilador del evaporador no funcionen cuando es necesario. Como resultado, el refrigerador no estará lo suficientemente frío. Para determinar si el termistor está defectuoso, pruébelo con un multímetro. La resistencia del termistor debe cambiar junto con la temperatura del frigorífico. Si la resistencia del termistor no cambia, o el termistor no tiene continuidad, sustituya el termistor.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Compresor
SOLUCIÓN: El compresor es una bomba que comprime el refrigerante y lo hace circular por las bobinas del evaporador y del condensador. Si el compresor no funciona, el frigorífico no enfría. Sin embargo, esto no suele ocurrir. Antes de sustituir el compresor, compruebe primero todas las piezas que suelen estar defectuosas. Si ha determinado que todos los demás componentes funcionan correctamente, compruebe el compresor. Utilice un multímetro para comprobar la continuidad entre las clavijas eléctricas del lado del compresor. Si hay un circuito abierto, es probable que el compresor esté defectuoso. Si el compresor está defectuoso, debe ser sustituido por un técnico autorizado.

PROBLEMA: La nevera no enfría.
RESULTADO: Placa de control principal
SOLUCIÓN: La placa de control principal puede estar defectuosa. Sin embargo, ésta casi nunca es la causa. Antes de reemplazar la tarjeta de control principal, pruebe todas las partes más comúnmente defectuosas. Si ninguno de los otros componentes está defectuoso, considere reemplazar la placa de control principal.

Secadora Solución de problemas

No funciona
Paso 1
Inspeccione los fusibles o interruptores de la casa. Reemplace los fusibles quemados o restablezca los interruptores disparados. Es probable que la secadora utilice dos fusibles o disyuntores. Si la secadora sigue fundiendo fusibles o disparando disyuntores, deje de usarla y llame a un electricista.
Paso 2
Cierre firmemente la puerta de la secadora. La secadora no funcionará si la puerta está entreabierta.
Paso 3
Pulse y mantenga pulsado el botón "Start" durante cinco segundos. Las cargas grandes requieren mantener el botón pulsado durante más tiempo.

Códigos de error
Paso 1
Compruebe la pantalla de la secadora para ver los códigos de error.
Paso 2
Pulse el botón "Start" y manténgalo pulsado durante varios segundos para reiniciar la secadora si aparece "PF" en la pantalla. Este código indica que se ha producido un fallo de alimentación durante un ciclo de secado.
Paso 3
Llame a un técnico de servicio si la pantalla muestra cualquier código que comience con la letra "E". La secadora ha encontrado un problema que requiere servicio.

No se seca o tarda demasiado en secarse
Paso 1
Limpie la rejilla para pelusas. Limpie la rejilla después de que se haya secado cada carga.
Paso 2
Restringir la cantidad de hojas de suavizante utilizadas. Utilice una hoja por carga para evitar el bloqueo de la rejilla.
Paso 3
Compruebe la temperatura de la habitación. La secadora requiere una temperatura ambiente superior a 45 grados Fahrenheit para funcionar correctamente.
Paso 4
Evite utilizar el ajuste de temperatura "Sólo aire". La ropa tardará más en secarse. Utilice un ajuste de temperatura apropiado para el tipo de ropa en la secadora.
Paso 5
Retire parte de la ropa de la secadora y seque cargas más pequeñas. Las cargas grandes no pueden girar libremente y tardan más en secarse.

Paso 1
Inspeccione el interior de la secadora en busca de botones, monedas u otros objetos pequeños. Retire los objetos sueltos en el tambor y vacíe todos los bolsillos antes del secado.
Paso 2
Nivelar la secadora. Gire las patas en el sentido de las agujas del reloj o en sentido contrario para ajustarlas. Continúe ajustando hasta que la secadora esté nivelada.
Paso 3
Separe la ropa que esté enredada. Esto hará que la ropa rebote cuando se dé la vuelta, y la secadora hará un ruido de vibración.

Whirlpool Solución de problemas de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool problemas de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool aparato roto

Whirlpool problema de electrodomésticos

Whirlpool dificultad del aparato

Reseñas de productos:

I got a new Whirlpool dishwasher and it is totally unacceptable. Its suppos
I got a new Whirlpool dishwasher and it is totally unacceptable. Its supposed to be energy efficient and the eco setting, which is supposed to be the most energy efficient, takes 3 1/2 hours and does not do a good job, doesnt dry the dishes. Ive tried all the settings and some take over 4 hours. I have talked to someone at Whirlpool twice and they say thats the way it works. How can anyone put out a product that doesnt work and get away with it? I had my last Whirlpool for over 12 years and it took not even an hour and did a wonderful job.
Publicado: March 23, 2012
Joy of Mitchell, NE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio washer - Absolute piece of garbage! Doesnt clean clothes a
Whirlpool Cabrio washer - Absolute piece of garbage! Doesnt clean clothes at all. Too bad there isnt a glass top to this machine where you can witness the inefficient operations as it goes through a cycle. How can a machine be energy efficient when a cycle takes an hour and a half? What a sad situation that this is made in America. I feel like such a sucker when I read all of these posts.
Publicado: November 30, 2014
Laura of Oakdale, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased my brand new gas stove at Lowes in 29 Jun 10. Within the first
I purchased my brand new gas stove at Lowes in 29 Jun 10. Within the first month, my oven was giving me the error F-2. They came out and replaced the ERG board. Now, just after the warranty had expired, the same problem is happening. When I called them, they told me that I should have purchased the extended warranty. I cant use the oven because I have to unplug the stove every time to get it to stop beeping.
Publicado: September 19, 2011
John of Marysville, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool model GI7FVCXWY00 over and under refrigerator directly
I bought a Whirlpool model GI7FVCXWY00 over and under refrigerator directly from Whirlpool through DirectBuy on April 19, 2010. The unit was a relatively high-end model (over $2,000) that came with a 12-month warranty. Thirteen months after purchase and 1 month after warranty expiration, the ice maker stopped working flooding the kitchen in the process. We called Whirlpool who recommended one of their authorized maintenance subcontractors (GuinCo) to appraise the problem. GuinCo came out, diagnosed that a valve in the ice maker had gone bad and the repair cost us $364. We chalked that up to Murphys Law (repair needed immediately after warranty expiration). Not 4 months later, the kitchen comes up flooded again and again and the ice makers not working. We call GuinCo, the repairman come out and said this time that its a heater and ice maker defect which will cost $643 to repair. He also said that the unit has been designated as having a design defect. We held off on the repair until we could contact Whirlpool for some remediation since it has become obvious that the unit is a lemon. I called Whirlpool, laid out the problems, timelines and potential cost (ice maker failures are going to cost us almost half of what the entire refrigerator cost before the unit is a year and a half old) and the only response they had netted out to was: Sorry, you should have had extended warranty. This is a prime example of an American manufacturer, marketing an inferior product and offering the customer nothing when the lack of quality becomes obvious. I will recommend to anyone I know to stay as far away from Whirlpool products as long as I live.
Publicado: August 12, 2011
Gloria of Grand Prairie, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Buyer beware. There was a class action lawsuit filed for our Whirlpool dish
Buyer beware. There was a class action lawsuit filed for our Whirlpool dishwasher some years ago. The control panel shorted and or overheated on ours in February of 2021, causing it to emit white plastic smelling smoke. (Glad we were home when we ran it.) I opened the door to turn it off and it continued to run, smoke and spray water all over the kitchen. Called Fire Department. Filed a complaint with Whirlpool. They sent a repair person to inspect and take photos. Its been 6 weeks and still have not received a call from them. I bought a Frigidaire. It is made by Electrolux. FYI, Kenmore is also made by Whirlpool.
Publicado: March 26, 2021
G. of Hilton, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool double oven. The electronic control board has been replaced twice
Whirlpool double oven. The electronic control board has been replaced twice and needs to be replaced a third time after less than a year. The thermal fuses go each time I run the self clean. Whirlpools response has been disgraceful, trying to blame the problem on faulty installation when thousands of people have had the same problem. Ignore ANY US companys product; their warranties are worthless and they repair, not replace. My next oven will be European because in Europe they have to automatically warranty for five years any consumer durable. Consumer Reports ratings are worthless since they dont include breakdown experience in the ratings. Never buy anything from Whirlpool. They sell rubbish and dont honor their own warranty. Check the BBB rating. My brand new double oven broke down the first time that I ran the self clean cycle. Whirlpools response was to claim that the cutout opening was 1/8 inch too narrow and therefore they would not honor the five year warranty that I had bought from them. This was a lie, as I verified the width and it was exactly that required. Others have had the same experience. Whirlpool also makes Maytag, Kitchenaid, Kenmore and Ikea.
Publicado: March 16, 2016
ian of Myersville, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I feel that at the end of the day I do owe Whirlpool a good feedback. Our t
I feel that at the end of the day I do owe Whirlpool a good feedback. Our top load washer stopped rinsing so I checked the clutch, agitator dogs and coupler which all looked brand new. So I thought Id take the trans apart and after pulling the plastic agitator out I noticed the tub had completely rusted in half! The tub dropped down about an inch. The agitator would spin but the tub just sat there. Now came the difficult part. I told them I was quite sure about my diagnostic that it needed a new tub and told them I could send them a video (I even posted a video on Facebook and Twitter). But they said they would have to send a man out at $180 to make sure! After several days of back and forth conversations, someone at Whirlpool finally saw the video and agreed to send us a new tub. I havent gotten it yet but have heard through the grapevine that these tubs were supposed to be replaced if rusted because of the quality of metal used? So other than pulling a few teeth and needing to replace the tub, our washer has been a pretty good machine.
Publicado: April 21, 2015
Rick of North Hollywood, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a 50-gallon Whirlpool natural gas water heater (12 year warrant
I purchased a 50-gallon Whirlpool natural gas water heater (12 year warranty) from Lowes approx 2.5 years ago. Just before Thanksgiving, the pilot light started going out once a day, then twice a day. Now, I can light the pilot light in Pilot mode but as soon as I release the red button, the flame goes out. I called Whirlpool and received phone troubleshooting support resulting in a recommendation to pick up a new thermocoupler from Lowes which I did. While searching for someone to install (unfortunately Im not that handy), I ran into the thousands of complaints filed about the very same problem Im having over a number of years and right up to todays date. I called Whirlpool back and got the same song and dance. Theyd be happy to help me troubleshoot if I can get the required meters etc. to test devices, do draft tests, etc. They claimed the problems were fixed with the newer model that I have but certainly cant explain why I have exactly the same issue. What they are not willing to do is stand behind their product and get me hot water. Tried calling Lowes and got the response that I have to deal with Whirlpool. It appears that this newer BFG model is just as flawed as the older model and the warranty is pretty much worthless other than getting a few parts. I used to think that Whirlpool products were reasonably good, however, I will never purchase another.
Publicado: November 28, 2011
Jean of Aurora, CO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a replacement gas range (whirlpool) approximately 3 years ago.
I purchased a replacement gas range (whirlpool) approximately 3 years ago. Its not the top of the line, no bells or whistles such as a self-cleaning oven or such. I did love the three huge grates on top, one which is interchangeable with a flat grill. If it only worked it would be a decent range. The center oblong burner struggled to ignite in full from the beginning. Often, I light the thing with a grill lighter. But the thing that pisses me off more than anything is the F2 error that appears 70% of the time on the control panel when I am preheating the freaking oven. I am NOT replacing the control panel on a $400.00 range. What I have discovered is I can hit off my power at the main, not once, but 2-3xs and reset or over ride the damn thing. I read this F2 code is a common occurrence so I got to thinking, why? My conclusion is the heat from the oven is vented up & directly on the control board panel. Really now, whos bright idea was it to expose a control board to repeated temps of 350+? Hate this appliance. Next range will NOT be a new one, Im looking to replace this junk with something mom or grandma had that lasted decades, not a couple years. Shame on you Whirlpool for producing such low quality, disposable products. By the way, I just went through this with a new fridge so theres much to be desired with new appliances. Theyre junk, designed to fail.
Publicado: December 14, 2014
Lana of Edwardsville, KS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased both the Cabrio Whirlpool washer and dryer approx. 3 years ago
We purchased both the Cabrio Whirlpool washer and dryer approx. 3 years ago, while still under the manufacturers warranty the lid cracked upper right corner. It was replaced and we were told by the repairman at that time this is becoming a common problem that he himself has seen this exact failure to several of these washers. Whirlpool needs to fix the problem. Shortly after this happened we receive in the mail the information for the extended warranty. Due to having this already happen, I phoned the extended warranty department for Whirlpool and specifically asked if this same thing happens again will it be covered under the extended warranty. My answer Yes.Well it happened again, called extended warranty provided them with a detailed description of what happened, they would send someone to replace, the service gentleman arrived today, called Whirlpool and they denied the claim. So they LIED. I instill honesty in my children and am proud to say I hold honesty as a high value. We were told it was cosmetic, the glass is buckled and the lid has to be held down to engage the lock mechanism of the lid. COSMETIC, this is a SAFETY concern. Where have our American values gone... Whirlpool used to have them back in the day... Shame on you Whirlpool.
Publicado: January 21, 2014
Kim of Crane, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a Whirlpool Gold refrigerator four years ago, June 2012. Today, 9/
I bought a Whirlpool Gold refrigerator four years ago, June 2012. Today, 9/20/16, I found out that the ice maker has to be replaced to the tune of $350! The repair person told me that Whirlpool has the worst track record, and of his service calls, he has at least three to five Whirlpool refrigerators per week! This is a terrible lack of quality. When youre spending over $2,000 for a refrigerator, you expect it to work for more than four years. Not only that, but I have e-mailed Whirlpool Customer Service twice and have been ignored completely. This is my last Whirlpool product, and I urge you to stay away from them. Samsung has a much better track record.
Publicado: September 20, 2016
Anthony of Cathedral City, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this combo at Lowes and was looking forward to their arrival. Unf
We bought this combo at Lowes and was looking forward to their arrival. Unfortunately, we have had so many problems with both appliances. The washer is constantly having an error and we can only wash clothes on the quick wash cycle or else it will shake like crazy, get an error, and stop. We had the washer a little over a year when we had someone come look at it. We were told there is something wrong with the load sensor and it was going to be $350 to fix it. As for the dryer it will dry for a little bit and completely stop (no error) and restart later on by itself. I have been a devoted Whirlpool customer but not after this. I thought it was only us having these problems but obviously not. They have discontinued this set. No recall... ridiculous.
Publicado: December 6, 2016
Melissa of Wylie, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a high-efficiency Whirlpool washing machine in August 2011. One we
I bought a high-efficiency Whirlpool washing machine in August 2011. One week after the warranty ran out, it stopped working. I called Whirlpool who, of course, would not fix my problem because I no longer had a warranty but did put me in touch with a repair company in my area. They came out and fixed it for 100 bucks, service and parts (service, of course, cost more than the part/labor). I didnt mind the hundred bucks, whatever. My washer was working again.Two weeks ago, I experienced yet another problem with my washing machine. Now, I understand machines getting used a lot over the years and eventually burning out, but this machine is a little more than a year old. I should not be experiencing problems with such a new machine. The problem was when the machine reached the spin cycle, it would just stop working and then lights would start blinking, blah, blah, blah. I called the repairman again who came out and reset my machine, hoping that that would work. He then told me if it happened again to let him know and he would have to replace the motherboard. Okay, I can live with that. Another 73 bucks, thats fine. Of course, this didnt work, and we ended up replacing the motherboard. Another 178 bucks - thats $324 that I have now invested in a washing machine, half of what it cost to begin with. But its an investment, right? And I need clean clothes so whatever.I was a little wary when the repairman told me that a problem with the motherboard may be related to a problem with the motor, that it can send signals to the motherboard if its not working and is just a symptom of the actual diagnosis. I guess he was right because 3 loads into using my newly repaired washing machine and the same problem has arisen, yet again. I refuse to invest any more money into what is obviously a lemon. Rest assured I will never again purchase a Whirlpool product, regardless of what type of appliance it is.
Publicado: January 10, 2013
Philip of Winston-Salem, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Near 3 years ago we purchased this side by side going by how good Whirlpool
Near 3 years ago we purchased this side by side going by how good Whirlpool products are supposed to be. Recently the bottom freezer started frosting up and not clearing. Tried all suggestions in the manual. Could not find any information online. The manual was useless. I went online to Whirlpool support 3 different times asking for help. Never got a reply. The racket it made was driving us crazy. It short cycled since it was frosting up. Set up an appointment online. They got that correct and responded quickly. Go figure. The tech came was very nice & professional. No warranty. Find out they only provide a one year warranty. That is absolutely nuts. A refrigerator should last 15 years with no major problems. Should not have needed a $500.00 extended warranty for a $1,300.00 refrigerator. Turned out 2 components needed replacing. Cost just over $400.00. Now were worried it is going to fail again in who knows how long. Whirlpool used to be a respected brand. Never again will we buy a Whirlpool product. 1 year warranty show you they know how cheap they are building their products.
Publicado: October 5, 2018
Glen of Edwardsville, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Havent even had the Cabrio washer for three years & Ive hated it since
Havent even had the Cabrio washer for three years & Ive hated it since day one!!! First, our clothes dont come out clean OR come out with white streaks (changed soap, still happened!). Washing bedding is a nightmare! They are sopping wet & I have to wring it out. Finally broke down today & the repairman quoted over $600 to fix (paid $800). Take this piece of junk away!!! It cost me less to replace than get fixed; way to help the environment!
Publicado: February 28, 2015
Kathi of Tulsa, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just wondered if anyone else has had a problem with the paint bubbling up a
Just wondered if anyone else has had a problem with the paint bubbling up and peeling off their washer and/or dryer. My washer and dryer are in my laundry room off the kitchen with a heat and air vent in the room and I dont understand why my paint is doing this. They are about 5 years old and have always been in this room, never in a garage or basement. My dryer was rusting on the outside about 3 years ago and even though I bought the extended warranty, Whirlpool said it was only cosmetic and they wouldnt do anything about it. I bought them at Lowes and they were good enough to give me a new one to replace it. Both of the machines now have the paint bubbling up and peeling off and there is nothing that can be done. Anybody else have this problem and if so what can be done to repair the paint? This is my 3rd set of Whirlpool washer and dryers over the past 44 years and I will purchase another brand next time.
Publicado: August 25, 2016
Donna of Strawberry Plains, TN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I would not give this any stars! I purchased a Whirlpool gas range (model #
I would not give this any stars! I purchased a Whirlpool gas range (model #WFG371LVB1) just 2 years ago at Lowe’s. The oven heats up to 475 no matter what temperature it is set at. The Whirlpool authorized service agent said it needed a control board which would cost $650 to install. The repair company found one for less--only $300. After reading all of the other complaints about these ranges, weve decided not to repair it and will probably have to replace it soon. We have been Whirlpool customers for years and will not purchase another Whirlpool product. There should be a recall on any of their products that have these continual problems. The oven cannot be safely used for normal baking.
Publicado: January 18, 2012
Nancy of Mission, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Very functional microwave which also comes in convection oven if needed. St
Very functional microwave which also comes in convection oven if needed. Stainless steel, finger print resistant, is very handy and easy to clean. Overall very happy with it so far. Much better than the earlier Samsung that we had.
Publicado: July 16, 2019
Navin of Fremont, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I had the first microwave for 6 years. My husband messed it up so got a new
I had the first microwave for 6 years. My husband messed it up so got a new one, same over the stove type. It has lots of programs. Its a rather large microwave, plus it has a steamer which cooks vegetables with steam while I am doing the rest of the meal and whats more important is its quiet. The site is fantastic not just in width but in depth. The best thing about this microwave too is that it has a frozen cycle which does not partially cook the food like most microwaves and the defrost is the same, it does not partially cook it actually defrosts completely without cooking it. This is by far the best microwave I have ever had, and I wouldnt want any other brand. It might cost a little more than the usual brands but its worth it. I also have a mini Whirlpool on my Countertop for my grandchild to use so he keeps away from stovetop at all times.
Publicado: January 19, 2017
Joan of Hutto, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Since buying a Whirlpool Cabrio washer about 3 years ago have had several b
Since buying a Whirlpool Cabrio washer about 3 years ago have had several breakdowns. Within 6 months the computer completely failed. Since then it failed again. About every six months it costs me around $125 to get it running. The thing is a piece of junk. If the load is slightly unbalanced it just shuts down during the spin cycle. The old Maytag we had ran for over 25 years with the belt replaced once. No other problems. Will not buy another Whirlpool again.
Publicado: June 21, 2015
jim of St Charles, IA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought a new whirlpool washer 12/15. In May 2016 it stopped spinning fast
I bought a new whirlpool washer 12/15. In May 2016 it stopped spinning fast, clothes are coming out wet, still waiting for it to be repaired. Waited 3 weeks for a part, repairman came out today, it did not fix the problem. Now it doesnt work at all. Service tech said wait another week for more information. Called whirlpool. They offered me a $50 gift card to cover the laundromat. I paid $1200 for this washer. whirlpool doesnt care. I want a replacement. They said the warranty covers repair only, but they cant fix it.
Publicado: June 24, 2016
April of Portland, OR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased the Cabrio washer and dryer due to the companys past reputatio
We purchased the Cabrio washer and dryer due to the companys past reputation and our own past experience with Whirlpool appliances fully expecting to receive great performance and durability. We have had the pair just about 2 years and the washer started experiencing problems during the spin cycle. The unit would get out of balance easily and then it would stop without spinning, leaving the clothes very wet. Well, as our past experience had indicated to us the washer is usually much more reliable than the dryer, or thats the way it had been for us. So we only purchased the extended warranty on the dryer. Not being covered on the washer we located a local technician and he promptly diagnosed the problem as the transmission failed causing the noisy bearing and the failure of the unit to spin properly.Our tech quickly repaired the unit but this failure disappointed me to the point of contacting Whirlpool. Thats where I came upon this site and saw the multitude of complainers with the same type of problems and some that are worse than ours. Our purpose in this review is to add to the 1100 or more reviews that report the same kind of issues. We are now in the same mindset as the 1100. Will we ever buy another Whirlpool? Probably not, especially since it doesnt look like Whirlpool wants to stand with their customers to make it right. Customer support is just as important to us as the reliability we seek. I would much rather spend a bit more in the price than replace or repair the unit after the purchase. A little economics lesson for our friends at Whirlpool is that if you abandon your 1100 customers you will save about $440,000.00, but those 1100 will tell everyone they know of their problems with that product and as a result many thousands will never purchase a Whirlpool. So if we all influence 5 of our friends not to buy, then 1100 X 5 = 5500 people X an average price of $800 which equals about 4.4 million dollars of lost sales. Seems like a no brainer to want to stand behind your customers. We dont believe that any washing machine on the market should fail after a few months to 2 years. These products should be built to last many years and the maker of these products should have that goal.
Publicado: February 13, 2014
Ted of San Angelo, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Called Whirlpool about fridge and they stated Too bad its out of warranty.
Called Whirlpool about fridge and they stated Too bad its out of warranty. The sides are getting pitted. It is a stainless with black sides. The condo is always air conditioned. It is two years old. Not very long to have a $1200 fridge look terrible. However, the fridge works fine.
Publicado: December 29, 2015
Kim of Canfield, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Since there is only two people in this home, we decided to go for the small
Since there is only two people in this home, we decided to go for the smaller front-loading machine. This was purchased in 2012, still running. It does a clean wash, however common sense does remind people to not over-load a front load washer. If one follows directions, it gets the job done, and ones machine lasts longer without problems. Thanks.
Publicado: February 12, 2019
Shirley of Wiarton, Ontario
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought a Whirlpool Gold model GI6SARXXF04 less than two years ago and have
Bought a Whirlpool Gold model GI6SARXXF04 less than two years ago and have already had three problems. The first was a faulty main water inlet hose that dumped water all over the kitchen floor. It was still under warranty so I didnt have to pay for it. Now have two additional problems. About two months ago there was a puddle of water under the refrigerator every few days. I finally figured out it was ice build up in the bottom freezer chest that melted that caused the water leak. The second issue is that the ice maker just stopped working. It had been working great this whole time and then suddenly it just stopped making ice. I contacted Whirlpool and they will cover the repair for the defrost issue but not for the ice maker. Gee, thanks, way to backup your product. Im guessing the reason they dont backup the ice maker is that its probably the more expensive repair. Like many people here I also will never buy another Whirlpool product again, regardless of what it is. Theyve shown me that not only do they produce inferior products, they also arent interested in customer satisfaction.
Publicado: July 14, 2014
Michael of Lexington, KY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought this washer two years ago. First experience was when a load of towel
Bought this washer two years ago. First experience was when a load of towels became wrapped around the agitator. Called in service tech who told me to load the bin with the cloths pressed against the bin wall away from agitator, as if the cloths/towels would stay away from agitator. Two years later, Im ready to the machine to the street. Forget sheets and bedding. The agitator wraps them so tight that I almost rip the cloths/sheets to unravel. I had to wash a pair of work pants that were soiled with mud three times and there was still a stain. I will NEVER EVER buy another Whirlpool product.
Publicado: March 28, 2015
buddy of Baton Rouge, LA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

2010 upright Whirlpool freezer - Door is totally bubbled in rust. Warranty
2010 upright Whirlpool freezer - Door is totally bubbled in rust. Warranty Plan not covered for this. Whirlpool Corp Serv. Dept said they are sorry but it is not a functional problem. Cost of repairs on 3-yr-old freezer that cost $600.00 would be $732.62. This freezer was rated CR Best Buy in Sept 2009 which was why I purchased it. I paid $81.00 for repair tech from Whirlpool today who could do nothing either. Whirlpool knows that this has been a problem as consumers have complained about this rust in Google, some saying they will never buy a Whirlpool product again. Same here!
Publicado: August 29, 2013
Jane of Beacon, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Dryer panel broke washer. The smell is so gross I will need to throw it out
Dryer panel broke washer. The smell is so gross I will need to throw it out. I used only HE detergent.
Publicado: June 25, 2014
fern of Coniston, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have a Whirlpool suite. Stove is fine...refrigerator is awful. Froze all
I have a Whirlpool suite. Stove is fine...refrigerator is awful. Froze all the food in fridge. Cost me 100’s to replace. Put in new thermostat. Now sounds like a freight train. Bought in April and the filter already needs to be replaced to the tune of $81.
Publicado: February 17, 2021
Kristina of Burien, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio - Clothes come out of the washer wrinkled, twisted and soa
Whirlpool Cabrio - Clothes come out of the washer wrinkled, twisted and soap stained. I use the exact soap products they recommend in the proper amounts. Bought them in September of 2014. Wish I could return them. Too low of a water level that cannot be adjusted. Not fully rinsing the soap out of the clothes. Washing takes twice as long as with my former 25 year old washer. Dryer is new technology and energy efficient yet wont remove wrinkles from permanent press clothes.Uses hardly any water so clothes must be rinsed at least one or two times to get the soap spots off. Clothes always come out extremely wrinkled. Not all items can be put in the dryer so ironing is back in my life again. Some items come out so twisted and wrinkled that ironing wont even help. Dryer isnt much better at all and shirts and pants always have some wrinkles. Have had to bring some items to the dry cleaners to bring them back to a non wrinkled state. Whatever is saved in water and energy is more than made up by ironing and dry cleaning. The company representatives have sent service people out twice and they both said that the machines are performing as they were intended to. I do smaller washes and wash more often to try to get better results. I dont. Even though it is extra large capacity items such as blankets must be washed more than once as the water does not wet the entire blanket.
Publicado: March 25, 2016
Jeffrey of Agoura Hills, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool gold series gas oven with Aqua Lift. Very unhappy with this oven.
Whirlpool gold series gas oven with Aqua Lift. Very unhappy with this oven. Cons: Aqua Lift technology doesnt work AT ALL (manual cleaning required); stove top hard to clean; 2 front gas burners are super burners which is fine for boiling water, but too hot for regular cooking. Would be better to have one super burner in the middle or back but two up front is way too hot for regular cooking, even on lowest setting; oven cuts out while cooking -- unexplainable how this happens but you really have to watch the oven while cooking to make sure its still on. Pros: large oven so you can cook ginormous turkeys or prime ribs.
Publicado: January 12, 2016
allison of Richardson, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

What a piece of expensive junk! Do not buy it, does not clean clothes well,
What a piece of expensive junk! Do not buy it, does not clean clothes well, lid broke, lock broke, now it just wont start. Parts are super expensive. Next one I buy will be a basic washer, forget all the bells and whistles!!
Publicado: November 7, 2015
Marco of Carriere, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The oven was brand new and the computer went out with the warranty. Replaci
The oven was brand new and the computer went out with the warranty. Replacing the computer, with labor, was as expensive as the range. I have owned several similar ranges made by other brands and have had no major complaints. However, I will never purchase another Whirlpool product again!
Publicado: February 10, 2021
Shannon of Boston, New York
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When we moved into our new home in May of 2012 we needed to buy appliances.
When we moved into our new home in May of 2012 we needed to buy appliances. After much research we purchased all Whirlpool appliances at Lowes. After a year and a half our Whirlpool model WRT5L1SMYFOO failed to freeze or keep items cool. We called Whirlpool and they connected us with a technician who said it would cost more money to fix than buy a new one. He said that we got a bad one. We called Whirlpool again and received no assistance. Refrigerators should last more than a year and a half! I have seen other complaints on this model and have yet to see any proof of restitution from the Whirlpool corporation. This is complete consumer abuse. Some sort of action needs to be taken against Whirlpool. This corrupt behavior is the downfall of our country.
Publicado: January 20, 2014
Yukilynn of North Hollywood, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool dishwasher failed after 16 months. It leaks continuously. they se
Whirlpool dishwasher failed after 16 months. It leaks continuously. they sent a service provider 5 days later out to fix it, then said there would be a $129 fee for coming (this was never mentioned at time of appointment), and the total repair cost would be $208. I wasted a day waiting for repair person to come, I declined the repair due to the cost. I called customer service later, during office hours, and I received the poorest level of customer service I have ever experienced. Whirlpool will no longer receive support from the our family. This machine cost over $500, and a ruined rug. Whirlpool wasted our time, and a day from work. We will never purchase Whirlpool appliances moving forward, due to this product and customer service experience.
Publicado: November 7, 2011
Billy of Marietta, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought the Whirlpool Cabrio in March of 2013. From the first day we used it
Bought the Whirlpool Cabrio in March of 2013. From the first day we used it, it Never cleaned our clothes. There is not enough water to clean the clothes. I put some grape jelly on one towel and washed 5 more towels with it, and guess what the stain and jelly are still on the towel. l went over to my daughters and washed the same towels on rinse, and the jelly was gone. Remember, it was on rinse. I THINK the CEO NEEDS to come to my house and wash his white shirts. This is a design problem. Yes, it will save you money, you dont need soap, because the washer doesnt clean your clothes with water or soap. SO, l would like to send the head CEO, this washer. l would love to see how his wife likes this WHIRLPOOL CABRIO... REMEMBER ITS US THAT KEEPS YOUR COMPANY GOING.
Publicado: January 11, 2014
Debbie of Marinette, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Bought wtw4800 washer brand new came with 1 yr. warranty. 19 months after b
Bought wtw4800 washer brand new came with 1 yr. warranty. 19 months after buying plastic bearings went. 2 different technicians told me could not be repaired, junk. Washing machine less than 2 years old and can’t be repaired. Called Whirlpool. Told me they could do nothing to help me.
Publicado: December 17, 2014
dale of Racine, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Watery body from all the refrigerator side since 9 – 10 months and c
Watery body from all the refrigerator side since 9 – 10 months and complained to Whirlpool 2 months back. They changed the thermostat 2 times but no use. Problem same. Please help. I complained during the last warranty days. Please let me know.
Publicado: October 1, 2020
Ravi of Birgunj, Other
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lets just say Im not surprised by all the negative reviews on here. Im just
Lets just say Im not surprised by all the negative reviews on here. Im just one of many in the fishbowl! Been without a fridge operating for 6 weeks and still waiting for action, been on the phone with them everyday and no resolution. Although the service technician/provider is also not cooperating but my word, they wont buy me a new fridge of course and only offer a simple 50$credit and nothing else. DONT BUY WHIRLPOOL. Have had nothing but troubles with 2 fridges now!!!
Publicado: September 29, 2015
Cheryl of Airdrie, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just bought Whirlpool refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher. So far, the icem
Just bought Whirlpool refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher. So far, the icemaker doesnt work and so I have no water or ice in the fridge. After four visits from Lowes it is still not resolved. Going on since 11/16/18. After waiting three weeks, the dishwasher came, and lo and behold - it doesnt work. Now I have to wait for one to be ordered! TAKE A WORD OF ADVICE - WHIRLPOOL ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE. DONT BUY IT!
Publicado: December 4, 2018
Elizabeth of Cramerton, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Ours is a glass top & has 2 dual burners & we are very pleased with
Ours is a glass top & has 2 dual burners & we are very pleased with that feature. The oven however takes quite long to preheat & the alert sounds are so weak you can barely hear them. It was a rapid purchase on a sale item. I wish we had shopped a bit more.
Publicado: February 12, 2021
Cindy of Escanaba, Michigan
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Whirlpool top loading washer. The agitation cycle is unreasonab
Purchased a Whirlpool top loading washer. The agitation cycle is unreasonably loud. So loud you can hear it everywhere in my home and cannot have a conversation within about 30 feet of it. When I ran it for the first time I thought it was malfunctioning and when I called Whirlpool I thought they would send a technician to fix the problem but they told me that the sound was perfectly normal for high efficiency washers! My other high efficiency washers were very quiet. The fact that they think this type of noise is not only normal but quite acceptable makes me quite certain to never buy any of their products again. Very disappointed to see what once was a quality company to be so lame.
Publicado: November 5, 2015
LR of Berkeley, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a range top from Lowes and a month and half my burners go out.
I purchased a range top from Lowes and a month and half my burners go out. I call Whirlpool and a service technician came out. Said that he cant repair the stove because a bug had burned out the burners and he cant repair the stove. I call Whirlpool and they told me that voids my warranty with them even though my stove is not even two months old that will not repair it and I will have to pay for it to be repaired. I asked Lowes and they told me that they only take back big appliances back before 30 days. Now I am stuck with a stove that I paid 700.00 for that does not work and I have 4 children to feed. I am sickened on how Whirlpool can do this to a hard working family that just wants a good stove. I hope this helps another hard working family. Do your research before buying from Whirlpool. I wish I would have.
Publicado: February 22, 2017
Sherrie of Winterhaven, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer - Sucks. I purchased it when I purchased my house.
Whirlpool Cabrio Washer - Sucks. I purchased it when I purchased my house. After having the washer for a year and a half it stopped draining and wouldnt spin. I paid $75.00 for the service call from my home warranty and thought that I was good to go for a while. But here I am a year with the same problem. I will never buy another Whirlpool again.
Publicado: January 26, 2015
Tina of Las Vegas, NV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The exterior look of the refrigerator (WRX735SDBM00) is impressive and the
The exterior look of the refrigerator (WRX735SDBM00) is impressive and the stainless steel does not show finger prints easily. It has two french doors on top, a middle drawer, and the freezer drawer on the bottom. The interior is 25 cf, but there isnt much space, even with reconfiguring the shelves, and the crisper/meat drawers are so small, that a large bell pepper wont fit. When one French door is closed it pops open the other door, which then does not close back tightly. Although there is an alarm system to warn a door is open, it only works if the doors are open and not just cracked. We have to constantly push on both doors to be sure they are closed tightly, even after washing down the gasket to get a better seal.
Publicado: May 20, 2015
Diane of Eatonton, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

2016 Cabrio Washer - I had an 11 year old Maytag washer that finally gave u
2016 Cabrio Washer - I had an 11 year old Maytag washer that finally gave up so rather than go through the repair I decided to upgrade to a new washer dryer and went with the Whirlpool Cabrio W/D pair. I am shocked at the washers inability to clean even the most basic of stains. I have to pre-treat clothes like never before, have tried every type of wash cycle offered and cant believe the amount of time it takes to clean clothes. Over one hour??? My Maytag may have agitated the heck out of a load but in less than 30 minutes everything was clean. Ive had to re-wash load after load of the most basic everyday stains. I was hoping the larger drum would allow me to cut my laundry time down but that is not the case, and find myself putting a few things in at a time so they get washed. Im stuck with this piece of crap and have only had it for one month... Cant wait for it to start breaking down and dealing with repairs as so many of these comments mention. I miss my Maytag!!!
Publicado: March 5, 2016
Dan of Oklahoma City, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Best stainless steel built dishwasher we could find in this price range. We
Best stainless steel built dishwasher we could find in this price range. Well built with lots of room and easy access to both drawers. Easy to clean filters and a nice modern look.
Publicado: January 30, 2018
Kenneth of Anacortes, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

2 years ago, we remodeled our kitchen. We replaced with all Whirlpool appli
2 years ago, we remodeled our kitchen. We replaced with all Whirlpool appliances. WHAT A MISTAKE! Our ice maker went crazy 1 month ago and now our dishwasher almost caught fire Memorial Day weekend while we were away! Thermal Fuse and stainless interior prevented us from losing our house to fire but really Whirlpool, you spend that kind of money and all appliances are breaking before theyre even 3 yrs old! My husband is very good at fixing things but when he diagnosed dishwasher, he said he has to find a way to fix wires in control panel because melted insulation. Now I am afraid of it. So if you purchase Whirlpool, expect maybe 2.5 to 3 yrs service and think of them like a disposable lighter, use it and throw away.
Publicado: June 1, 2014
Linda of Covington, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

If you are considering a Cabrio washing machine, save yourself the aggravat
If you are considering a Cabrio washing machine, save yourself the aggravation and buy something else. I purchased a Cabrio model WTW5640X from Lowes 2 years ago. It has been one disappointment after another. First, the clothes were coming out really wrinkled and not fully rinsed. I now routinely use the extra rinse cycle. I also started washing very small loads with hardly any soap (and yes, I use the HE detergent). That works for me, but its not practical for a household of more than 2.This machine is also not for anyone with kids or who expects to remove routine soils. It doesnt clean well. White socks start looking dingy after a few washes, and even the hot cycle with bleach doesnt get whites white. Now, the washer has started shutting off with the clothes still soaking wet. I can press the Drain & Spin cycle to get it finish the job, but that adds another 13 minutes to the 63 minutes it already takes for a regular cycle with the extra rinse. I so wish I had not replaced my 15 year old Kenmore.
Publicado: August 16, 2015
Lynn of Minneapolis, MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We get the error code F1 in the start of the cycle and when there is 21 min
We get the error code F1 in the start of the cycle and when there is 21 minutes left, we have to stop and reset at least 7 times before the water fills. We put a new sensor in for over $200. The second problem is it goes off balance no matter what the load is. I was going to have it fixed (if possible). After reading all the above I wont waste any more money on it and go buy an old fashioned reliable washer. What a piece of money sucking machine especially when I dont have any extra money to waste down the drain. I wish I knew before. There are a lot of people this time of year I would have rather given the money for a needy cause. How disappointed we are with Whirlpool!
Publicado: December 2, 2011
Juan of Miami, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Very similar experience with warranty issues as everyone else. I purchased
Very similar experience with warranty issues as everyone else. I purchased a brand new $2k side by side stainless steel model in Dec of 2013. It began not cooling in August of 2014 and they have since had 8 repairs and still will not exchange the fridge/replace the fridge. We finally had to buy another fridge and put it in our garage in order to have food in our home (of 5 kids and 2 adults). Ridiculous customer service every phone call. Possibly the least educated, rudest individuals always. Never buy from Whirlpool - worst reputation ever.
Publicado: December 8, 2014
kelly of Chesterfield, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Just purchased a new Whirlpool Counter Depth, French Door, Freezer on botto
Just purchased a new Whirlpool Counter Depth, French Door, Freezer on bottom, Refrigerator from Lowes. Delivered Sept 1, missing the flap that makes the seal between the two doors. Shelves can be seen inside the fridge with doors closed. Exposed wires on the side of the door in a port with no cover. The fridge is unusable. Cold air flows out between the doors, temperature will not go lower than 45º. Moisture build up on the top and dripping down through the fridge. Frost build up on the back. Refrigerator runs continually. Had to shut it down. Called Whirlpool Sept 2. They will not replace the defective product. I must wait for a repair. The promise was within 24 hours for a technician to call. Called them Sept 2. Local family operated appliance repair company did not receive the request until Sept 4. They do not have the part nor does the parts supply company they deal with. Its on back order. Whirlpool has the part but long weekend and it will not be here until Sept 8 at the earliest. Whirlpool has advised Lowes that the issue is dealt with. I will see the technician on Sunday (Sept 6). Small family Business does not operate on Sunday or holiday, Monday, and have advised Whirlpool of this multiple times. Whirlpool doesnt care. I paid $2700 and do not have a working refrigerator. I will never purchase another Whirlpool Appliance.
Publicado: September 8, 2015
Jo-Ann of Coldwater, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

May 16 - July 25, 2014. Took almost nine weeks to get the replacement. Nume
May 16 - July 25, 2014. Took almost nine weeks to get the replacement. Numerous service calls. Their tech said self-clean feature should never be used. In addition, I heard that the techs are only paid for one service call, no matter how many times they come. And, they cant fix this oven. It has to be replaced. Nightmare and very dangerous. Most American families cannot wait nine weeks for a new oven to be fixed/replaced.
Publicado: August 15, 2014
Beth of New Meadows, ID
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I always appreciated Whirlpool’s quality, but this brand new stove i
I always appreciated Whirlpool’s quality, but this brand new stove in my brand new home is a disappointment. The top, back (control panel) gets extremely hot when the oven is in use. The burners are not as easy to regulate, and the broiler (which is under the stove, a negative for me) didn’t come with a broiler pan. That was an additional cost. I had service out in the first 60 days because the oven wasn’t heating properly.
Publicado: January 30, 2021
Kathy of Saint Charles, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Cabrio Top Load Washer and Front Load Dryer four and a 1/2 ye
I purchased a Cabrio Top Load Washer and Front Load Dryer four and a 1/2 years ago and have had nothing but trouble with them! The dryer needs to be run 2 cycles to get the clothes dry. In that time I have had a repairman come to the house 3 different times to look at the dryer, which cost me over $200. They have had to replace the belt and inner pulley and then the sensor harness. Recently when they came they tried replacing the coils. It continues to give me trouble drying the clothes and I am very dissatisfied with it. A few weeks ago the washer broke. I have had repairmen come to the house 4 different times. Multiple times there has been a problem with the spin and drain cycle. All of the water would not empty out. I would have to run the cycle again. They eventually replaced the actuator. I continued to have difficulties with the washer.Then the machine got very loud when it would spin out sounding like a rocket was going to take off! The repairman came once again said it was the motor. When they returned with the parts and took the machine apart, the parts inside the machine had all corroded! The water had been leaking inside the machine, destroying it, and a black sticky buildup had formed! The machine was deemed unrepairable! I paid over $700 for each machine and am very upset about this. When I spoke to customer service they would not stand by their product because I didnt have the warranty anymore. After numerous phone calls I filed a complaint and gave a bad review of the support service and product that I received.Weeks later they called me and offered to have me purchase another machine at half price! I had already bought another brand washing machine and I asked them to apply the amount toward what I had spent on the new one. They would not and insisted the only thing they could do would be to have me buy their washer at half price. I told them I lost faith in their product and didnt want another one. So, I would not recommend the Whirlpool Cabrio washer and dryer, or Whirlpool products since they will not stand by them! I have pictures to prove what happened to the washer!
Publicado: February 10, 2017
Judy of Emerson, NJ
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The silverware comes out all spotty and water stays inside cups and on dish
The silverware comes out all spotty and water stays inside cups and on dishes. I am going to have to replace all my utensils. They are so spotted that they look filthy. Knives, forks, spoons and all serving utensils. I have used this brand new Whirlpool dishwasher from August, 12, 2016 to today Oct. 21, 2016. I am very upset.
Publicado: December 8, 2016
Janet of Neptune, New Jersey
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool microwave door started cracking little by little. Pieces start
My Whirlpool microwave door started cracking little by little. Pieces started falling off. My warranty company stated it was cosmetics, so my warranty did not cover it. Finally, the whole door came off. The warranty company finally agreed to replace the door. Less then a month after replacing the door, part of the handle cracked off. There must be some sort of defect in the plastic used to make these doors, and if so, there should be a recall.
Publicado: February 16, 2012
Valerie of Augusta , GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have front load washer and dryer; I have had them for 16 years and this y
I have front load washer and dryer; I have had them for 16 years and this year is the only year that I have any repairs done and it was only the dryer and it was minor repairs for parts and labor ($200).
Publicado: May 16, 2020
Sharon of Meridian, MS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Within 5 years, this is my experience: A broken brand new Whirlpool fridge
Within 5 years, this is my experience: A broken brand new Whirlpool fridge after 6 months of purchase; a broken oven that needed repair after 1 year, and today, the oven door just shattered in pieces after I heard a loud noise from the kitchen, almost injured the kids. And guess what, I just returned a new Tilt-Head Stand Mixer KitchenAid that wouldnt stay in place; the head keeps on tilting and would not stay locked. After being on hold on the phone for almost 3 weeks for a return, I found out it was a Whirlpool brand family. This is horrible, I would suggest to never buy the Whirlpool brand; their products are a real nightmare and their customer service is not reliable. If you do buy from them, expect unreliable products and very long long wait periods on the phone.
Publicado: January 4, 2021
Nat of Conyers, GA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I called Whirlpool about the refrigerator that I purchased in June of this
I called Whirlpool about the refrigerator that I purchased in June of this year and nothing was done about it. My situation is that the refrigerator scratches very easily. It seems that it gets scratch only by looking at it. This refrigerator is very expensive and I not even done paying for it and this appliance looks awful!! Susan the person that I was chatting with just told me that cosmetic doesnt cover and there is nothing that Whirlpool can do about. It bothers me that paying so much money for something that it is poor quality material.
Publicado: January 6, 2017
Lilia of Beach Park, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

It is a really great microwave, but the door is falling off of it. We can s
It is a really great microwave, but the door is falling off of it. We can still use it, but try to be careful about it. I honestly and truthfully love my whirlpool microwave as well as my whole set of whirl pool appliances. The door is trying to fall off, but we can still use the microwave. If we get another one we will probably get another whirlpool because I love it so much.
Publicado: December 9, 2016
Lisa of Jonesville, North Carolina
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

They have sent three specialists to look and assess the Whirlpool washer an
They have sent three specialists to look and assess the Whirlpool washer and dryer that I have. Both stated that the washer does not function correctly; the last repair man stated that he had seen many like this and they have a history of unreliability. I would like my money back, not a repair, as they do not even use just cold, but a mixture of both hot and cold. I had bought them specifically because I thought they only used cold, which was stated by Whirlpool. This is wrong advertising. I would like my money back. I still have the receipt and I am seriously unhappy with the washer and dryer, period.Since I cannot use the machine, which I had bought for $1600.00, the washer and dryer is now sitting in my basement. While whirlpool is saying that they wont take back the washer and dryer even thought it has a warranty. I had paid it in cash and I do not see why I should be forced to keep a broken washer and dryer set. I will contact my lawyer to consult this issue with Whirlpool.
Publicado: September 20, 2011
Jacqueline of Dartmouth, NS
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a #Whirlpool; 4.3 cu. ft. Mini Refrigerator Stainless Steel BC-
I purchased a #Whirlpool; 4.3 cu. ft. Mini Refrigerator Stainless Steel BC-127B from @Target. There was a delay putting it into service (6 mos), so the Target store warranty was expired. The unit remained in its factory shipped packaging until put in service, so nothing out of the ordinary there. After barely two weeks of use, the compressor died. I followed all instructions (including waiting 8-10 weeks) from Whirlpool, but still have not received a refund or been given any information beyond we escalated it to our warranty team but havent heard back yet. The unit was a poorly made piece of junk in other respects as well. There are dozens of complaints about precisely this - defective units - on any site. Do not be fooled by the dishonest way that #Targets website lists reviews. Dig deeper.
Publicado: April 12, 2018
Randy of Chicago, IL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this washer over 8 years ago and we have been using it 3 to 4 t
I purchased this washer over 8 years ago and we have been using it 3 to 4 times a week/ 52 weeks a year since. It has performed flawlessly up until about a year ago when it kept given me uL error. Everytime I wash the basket always spins wobbly and unbalanced it seems. I checked the Internet and it turns out others have had the same problem. The solution was to replaced the 4 springs supporting basket and that fixed the problem. Been working ever since.
Publicado: April 6, 2015
Bophan of Riverside, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Whirlpool top loading washing machine 07-22-14. I so dislike th
I bought my Whirlpool top loading washing machine 07-22-14. I so dislike the locking mechanism and will be certain to never, ever buy a machine with that feature again. It is so irritating to try to add something but cant because its locked so have to hold the button 3 seconds to unlock and start all over. If there was any way to get around it I would. I will stay away from Whirlpool products in the future and will be sure to check the next time I buy that the lid of the washer can be lifted when not spinning. Also, I do not like that it sticks on rinse sometimes and the only way to end a cycle is to hold the button and then start over with much wasted water.
Publicado: August 4, 2016
Georgia of Blytheville, AR
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We bought this dishwasher new from the Brick 2 or 3 years ago. It was bough
We bought this dishwasher new from the Brick 2 or 3 years ago. It was bought not because old dishwasher wasnt working, but we needed a new fridge and stove so we also bought a dishwasher to match the new stainless steel fridge/stove. If I could give 0 stars I would. Biggest complaints: It doesnt matter what soap, what setting or how much your rinse/scrape your dishes THIS DISHWASHER WILL NOT CLEAN THEM. Its very rare it actually cleans a dish or utensil properly. If your plate had ketchup on it, it wont clean it. But if you had a sandwich on the plate and managed to not get ANYTHING from your sandwich on the plate, it would come out clean.The drain constantly clogs. We rinse everything, but the drain hose constantly clogs to the point the unit wont drain. Have to remove the unit, take off hoses and blow them out. It clogs because the strainer at the bottom of the dishwasher which is supposed to stop stuff from going down the drain hose doesnt work. If you look at the strainer and the system they use to stop stuff from going down the drain hose. Its no surprise it doesnt work. By design it cant work. My brother in law is a licensed appliance repair man. Sears actually paid for his schooling. He installed and hes fixed the clogged drain numerous times. He agrees. Worst dishwasher ever.
Publicado: October 19, 2016
Patrick of Lac La Biche, AB
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

March 18, 2018. I was called today to inform me that the right front burner
March 18, 2018. I was called today to inform me that the right front burner on my new stove Model # WEG745H0FS0 (ordered in early September and not delivered until mid-October from Menards) was not operating properly. The flame was noisy and yellow. I inspected it and found that the front burner base was substantially damaged by heat. See photo (Whirlpool stove part damage1). On inspection of the other front burner base, I discovered early signs of the same problem. (Note changes on burner base on the left of the photo.)In this photo (Whirlpool stove part damage2.JPG), you can see the damage to the burner base and also see some changes on the 3 to 5 O’clock position on the burner base on the left of the photo. This stove is less than 6 months old. The fact that the burner parts can be melted indicate poor design and danger to the owner/operator of the stove. Further, the operators manual for the stove I bought does not include any information on the model I have. It has pictures of the range top similar to mine but the model number is completely different. In addition to this, the Aqua-Lift Technology for cleaning the oven is completely ineffective. This is noted in several other reviews of this equipment. The problem noted by the other review became obvious the very first day I tried to use this range. A 2 cup pot spilled all over the cooktop as soon as I put it on the grate.
Publicado: March 18, 2018
David of Lake City, SD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My Whirlpool microwave has been great. Just the right size for my family, w
My Whirlpool microwave has been great. Just the right size for my family, with enough settings that it wasnt complicated to use. I found it was very useful with different recipes that I liked to make. I always used it whenever possible to cut down on my cooking time because time is something we dont seem to have enough of. I have baked a lot of different items in my microwave, chickens, all kind of casseroles, cakes. You can even scramble eggs in this one!! It keeps dishes warm until you decide to serve it which is a plus because all microwaves do not have this option. I believe you will enjoy it too!
Publicado: January 13, 2017
Debra of Albemarle, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased model WRT311FZDMOO refrigerator on Aug. 6. Took 3 weeks for deliv
Purchased model WRT311FZDMOO refrigerator on Aug. 6. Took 3 weeks for delivery. All 3 door bins for this refrigerator have cracked after less than 2 months. Called customer service. They say its wear and tear. And ask how many would I like to purchase. Looked online. Cost is 30.00 to 32.00 per bin. Cant put milk in the door bins. The cracks puncture the container. Poor quality plastic.
Publicado: October 18, 2016
Lawrence of Cambridge, WI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a Whirlpool Refrigerator in January 2014. When it was delivered
I purchased a Whirlpool Refrigerator in January 2014. When it was delivered it had a dent in the left side door (the door with the controls and ice-maker). I reported the problem to Whirlpool and they told me that they would send a new door and would have a third-party technician install it. About a month later, February 2014, the door arrived, after calling the technician; he came out and attempted to install the door. The door would not fit! Called Whirlpool and they told me that the refrigerators were produced one at a time and that they would have to manufacture a new door. They promised the new door sometime in May. In the meantime, I have a damaged unit and I need to store this huge box for months. The refrigerator works fine to keep the food cool and the ice and water features work well. The ice-maker is a bit noisy but it only operates occasionally.
Publicado: March 23, 2014
Dan of Easton, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased Whirlpool AquaLift oven from Lowes 10 months ago. Since then,
We purchased Whirlpool AquaLift oven from Lowes 10 months ago. Since then, I dread each time I use the oven because I end up cleaning it by scrubbing and using different products because AquaLift cleaning is a scam. I have arthritis in my joints especially my neck, so cleaning it by sticking my head inside is a nightmare for me. I will try to call the company and see what is going to happen. I read that someone is suing Whirlpool for this product so hopefully they will recall the product or refund us if we return it.
Publicado: December 21, 2016
Ishraq of Stafford, VA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

When I moved into my current home, this dishwasher(Whirlpool Quiet Partner
When I moved into my current home, this dishwasher(Whirlpool Quiet Partner 1) was already installed. It had never been used until I moved in. After two years of 2-3 times a week use, I have major problems. It will not complete a wash cycle, regardless of what settings I use. It runs long enough for the soap dispenser to release the Finish tablets which dissolve, but then the dishwasher stops running. The dishes are not clean, and neither is the interior of the dishwasher. It also appears to be leaking when it runs. I cannot afford to replace it, so either I will repair it myself or use it to store pots and pans.This is not my first disappointment with a Whirlpool product. A Kenmore refrigerator made by Whirlpool lasted 7 years before the compressor failed. Apparently, the self-cleaning coils werent and caused the compressor to fail. The refrigerator I have where I now live is a Whirlpool over 20 years old and runs perfectly. Apparently Whirlpool quality has deteriorated badly in the last two decades. I will never buy another Whirlpool kitchen appliance because of the dishwasher and new refrigerator experiences. When I searched the Internet for fixes for both appliances, I found many other owners having the same problems I have had.
Publicado: November 25, 2013
Jessie Syd of Ewa Beach, HI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I bought my Whirlpool refrigerator model #ed5fvgxws07 in Oct. 2011. One yea
I bought my Whirlpool refrigerator model #ed5fvgxws07 in Oct. 2011. One year seven months later, I am experiencing my 1st breakdown. The refrigerator side is failing to cool. I have replaced the temp control thermostat and I am waiting to see if this fixes the problem. I have researched and checked the other possible problems and it is unlikely that it is a defrost fail as there is no frost build-up in the freezer section. And, I checked the heater element and there is continuity through the element. If this does not fix the problem, I believe that there is one other possible solution. I dont have $300.00 to give to an appliance repairman. Maybe I should give it a rap on the side as one other customer said a repair person did to make it work for a few more weeks.
Publicado: July 10, 2013
John of Shasta Lake, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have an 8-year-old built-in Whirlpool Estate. It is probably as basic a
We have an 8-year-old built-in Whirlpool Estate. It is probably as basic a model as you can get. It has been 100% reliable, and cleans the dishes well, even without rinsing. We do not buy expensive premium dishwasher detergents, either. So far, we have required no repairs. Basic features--heavy wash, normal wash, pots and pans. This dishwasher is standard (not extra large.) This is not a fancy dishwasher--just white. It is what matches the rest of the appliances. We have been lucky regarding the performance of such an inexpensive dishwasher. We paid about $250 for it.
Publicado: February 24, 2016
Mona of Black River, Ny, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We were looking for stainless steel and this model was that. This model has
We were looking for stainless steel and this model was that. This model has lots of presets which we like. We lucked out and got it on sale and were able to get features of a more expensive model for a lesser price. The only downside is getting the turntable back in when you clean it. One of the things I wish it had was a way use the timer for foods cooking in the microwave plus use the timer separately for timing food you arent cooking in the microwave, but will be part of the meal. Also, the defrost options could be clearer!
Publicado: January 16, 2017
Barbara of Winchester, California
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I just replaced a 4 year Cabiro washer with a Samsung. The washer was makin
I just replaced a 4 year Cabiro washer with a Samsung. The washer was making terrible loud noise when spinning. It sounded like a jet plane. The repairman said it was a bearing that was going out and that it was a common problem in the Cabiro washers. Cost to repair it would be $500.00. Last week, it finally started spewing oil from underneath so had to buy a new washer. I will never, ever buy anything made by Whirlpool. Whirlpool said it was off the one year warranty (duh) and they wouldnt help with repairs.
Publicado: December 19, 2011
Karla of Grand Rapids, MI
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My son purchased a Whirlpool washer and dryer as a Christmas gift on 12-24-
My son purchased a Whirlpool washer and dryer as a Christmas gift on 12-24-10 from Sears. It didnt wash the clothes properly and I would have to rewash them. Also, it would not spin the cloths properly and the top would take forever to unlock. Then in July, I called for repair because the water would not spin out at all. It took at least two weeks for them to come out. Another two weeks to get the part they ordered then to find out that they also needed another part that was not diagnosed in the first place. After another three weeks had gone by and having to go to the laundry to wash our clothes several times, it was finally fixed. I continued to have problems with the clothes not getting cleaned. How can this possibly be an energy efficient product when you have to do the load twice? I am so grateful to my son for the gift but am so dissatisfied with the product. I rate this product 1 out of 5 stars.
Publicado: February 18, 2012
Bonnie of Escondido, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Funciona muy bien, se ve muy bien. Lo tengo desde hace muchos años, y nunc
Funciona muy bien, se ve muy bien. Lo tengo desde hace muchos años, y nunca me ha dado ningún problema. Me encantan los microondas bonitos y Whirlpool es una maravilla. Lo recomendaría a cualquiera que esté interesado.
Publicado: July 23, 2019
Tracie of Bellaire, TX
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I have read most of the reviews and it seems like I have ALL those problems
I have read most of the reviews and it seems like I have ALL those problems with my Whirlpool Cabrio, but I also need to add that there is rust around the bleach dispenser and I DONT use bleach. The inside is also rusted, but its not visible until you take a good look inside because its under the white paint but its all around the inside. So I had to stop using the machine because I now realize what was the cause of the damage done to some of our clothes. We all need to get our money back and have this washing machine picked up and thrown away!!!
Publicado: October 21, 2018
G. of Chula Vista, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This washer is only a year old and out of warranty. At first I was getting
This washer is only a year old and out of warranty. At first I was getting white stains on dark clothes and now I am getting unremovable oil stains on all of my clothes. With the white stains I cut back on dry detergent and went to liquid. It did not help. On black stains I sorted clothes very carefully so that nothing dark or black was in with other color or white clothes, still the same stains. Brand new capri pants ruined with first washing. I have tried cleaning the machine with bleach as recommended, did not work. Whirlpool and Sears deny they have ever had a complaint. Yet there are hundreds of the same complaints on the internet. Is there anything that can be done.
Publicado: August 2, 2015
Audrey of Whispering Pines, NC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

After only two and a half years, my Whirlpool bottom freezer refrigerator (
After only two and a half years, my Whirlpool bottom freezer refrigerator (GB2SHDXTQ0) was frosting over and the top food section stopped working altogether. I made a call to Lowe’s. It’s not their problem. I then called Whirlpool and he said I had a bad gasket. I had a 28-year-old refrigerator that was still working with the original gasket and it has no problem. After reading all the complaints with Whirlpool, I would never buy another one again. After cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer two times, carrying things to a friend’s house and having to pay $90 service calls just to walk into the door, I am ready to throw this one out. This refrigerator cost me $1200 and I am a single person living on $900 a month. Thanks for nothing, Whirlpool. There should be a class action suit.
Publicado: July 27, 2012
Kathy of Claymont, DE
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The unit I live in is at **. They purchased it in Nov 2011. The washing mac
The unit I live in is at **. They purchased it in Nov 2011. The washing machine worked for 2 months. Now, it has to be dismantled at my home and take a day off. I would like a replacement. The Dutchgate is still being developed. They purchased at least 60 at this point, there is no reason not to give me a new one instead of having two techs dismantle the machine in my new home for 4 hours and a day off of work. Model WFC7500VWl, serial CD13528709. Please try to assist me.
Publicado: March 23, 2012
Angela of Valley STReam NY 11580, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased this machine three years ago. It is junk. I have had two washin
I purchased this machine three years ago. It is junk. I have had two washing machines and they lasted for years and years. Never had a problem with either machine. I purchased them from Sears. When I the Cabrio, I was told it was the top of the line washer for Whirlpool. Three weeks ago it started making a noise like a plane taking off. It wouldnt spin the clothes. The repair person said that it could be three different things the parts, for which, would cost in the vicinity of $200. However, since it was making such a loud noise and water was coming out from underneath the washer, he was certain the transmission was out. He said the noise was an indicator the bearings were gone. I didnt see much point in repairing the washer if the transmission was out because it couldnt be fix.There was a couple at Lowes purchasing a machine at the same time as myself. They said they had a Cabrio also and it was only two years old. It wasnt spinning the clothes either and making a tremendously loud noise. They told us this before we mentioned that we had a Cabrio also. I will neither purchase another Whirlpool product. Junk!
Publicado: July 31, 2017
Deborah of St. Joseph, MO
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I’ve had this washer since October 2018. Worst purchase ever. It doe
I’ve had this washer since October 2018. Worst purchase ever. It does not clean the clothes nor does it put enough water in it. I’ve tried the deep water option too and it’s for sure still not enough. I don’t understand how they even thought that this was perfectly fine to sell. If I could’ve taken it back a month after having it, I for sure would. And no one will buy it because they’ve read reviews of how it’s terrible. I wasted $900 on this washer. I have the dryer also which works amazing. The washer just sucks something terrible. My husbands military uniforms always look dirty and a lot of the clothes aren’t ever wet. I’ve finally seen a picture of how you’re supposed to have clothes in there. Why in the world would you only allow barely a layer of clothes at the very bottom to be cleaned by the agitator? Why would you have this huge drum only to put not even a load in there? This was such a waste Whirlpool and I’m glad I’m not the only person who has the same issue. I will never purchase another Whirlpool washer, it’s upsetting I can’t currently get rid of this crap washer I have now.
Publicado: August 10, 2019
Chantal of Fort Sill, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We purchased Whirlpool Gold appliances because we thought that they had an
We purchased Whirlpool Gold appliances because we thought that they had an excellent reputation? Wrong! Our Whirlpool refrigerator lining started cracking before the unit was 3 years old. Now its 7 years & cracks are so deep and there are so many of them, the refrigerator must be replaced. No help from Whirlpool when I called. Now remember, a refrigerator is supposed to last 14-17 years. 7 years is not acceptable!This is a known problem. If you Google refrigerator liner cracks Whirlpool youll see many of them. Unfortunately, Whirlpool will not accept responsibility for faulty design/manufacturing which leaves the consumer to be out of their hard-earned money. Before you ever buy a Whirlpool product, read the reviews and decide if Whirlpool not standing behind their products makes it worth it for you to buy them. I certainly dont recommend them! I also wish to tell you that a major crack was around the light housing and Whirlpool placed the light cover over it where it was concealed to the buyer. Youd never know it until the light cover would be removed for cleaning. Which wasnt easy to do since Whirlpool installed it with 2 sided sticky glue foam tape. Now thats really scum behavior!
Publicado: April 14, 2020
L of Clarksburg, MD
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

We have had our Cabrio for one year now and we found the agitation cycle to
We have had our Cabrio for one year now and we found the agitation cycle to be loud but we have gotten used to it now. The thing we cannot get used to is the sour smell permeating from it. It smells like a dirty mop. Our washer and dryer are in a small laundry room so when we enter it to get to the garage or bathroom, the smell hits you like a ton of bricks. Stinky!!
Publicado: January 21, 2016
Erlinda of San Bernardino, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio washer WTW5800BW0 September 2014. Two years an
Purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio washer WTW5800BW0 September 2014. Two years and 8 months later it no longer works. Call Sears and Whirlpool and was basically told I should have purchased a warranty. Whirlpool tried to sell me an extended warranty for $495.00 which is about 80% of the original sale price of the washer. Was told it is my responsibility to care for the maintenance of my purchase. WOW. Way to stand by your product. So now its my fault they sell a product that does not last longer than 3 years. So we tried option 2 - called a repairman. His response save your money and buy a new washer. WOW. A repairman rather lose money than try and fix this washer. Save your money and pass on Whirlpool products.
Publicado: May 15, 2017
Shannon of Springfield, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Stainless steel rusted in under six months - Purchased all new Whirlpool ki
Stainless steel rusted in under six months - Purchased all new Whirlpool kitchen appliances in March 2013. In July 2013 finish on both refrigerator doors and freezer door was covered with tiny rust spots. The finish was obviously defective. Contacted Whirlpool, sent photos and was told the damage was cosmetic and not covered by warranty since it didnt happen within 90 days of purchase. Ice make did not work right from day one. Finally paid to replace it myself and repairman said Whirlpool discontinued the style of ice maker I had because they had so many complaints.
Publicado: May 15, 2018
Nora of Wauseon, OH
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This is a horrible washing machine. All the clothes (and I mean small loads
This is a horrible washing machine. All the clothes (and I mean small loads, medium loads, large loads) come out twisted and so wrinkled. I have never seen anything like it. I dont machine dry many items and so everything not dried that way has to be ironed. Also, there is white residue of some kind left on the clothes so the extra rinse must be used. How is that energy and water-saver sufficient? Again, the government EPA in its brilliance has screwed up another product. It also takes much longer to wash clothes, again, energy efficient? After reading the wasted time on other reviews of talking to Whirlpool, I didnt even bother contacting them. HE front loaders (which we had a Samsung that lasted 1 1/2 years before breaking down) and replaced by this top loading HE, are the worst. Give me back my old fashioned washer.
Publicado: March 7, 2012
Janice of Cape Coral, FL
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased a new Whirlpool Cabrio washer and it has been nothing but a hea
I purchased a new Whirlpool Cabrio washer and it has been nothing but a headache. The machine constantly rips our clothes and stretches them beyond repair. Now, the washer keeps showing an F1 error code and I have to restart the machine three times to get it to start. It also stops in the middle of the cycle and I have to restart it. What a piece of garbage! I called Whirlpool several times and they do not stand behind their products. Do not buy Whirlpool. I filed a complaint with the Attorney General and I suggest anyone else having the same problems should do so. Maybe we can get this machine recalled.
Publicado: June 19, 2012
MaryEllen of Archbald, PA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Cabrio fabric washer and dryer sucks. I gave almost $500 for a piece of **.
Cabrio fabric washer and dryer sucks. I gave almost $500 for a piece of **. Doesnt get the clothes clean. Hell most of them dont even get wet. Its junk. Wouldnt have another one. Lowes junk and the dryer aint know better. Its always flashing check lint even when its clean and you have to ** with it just to get it to start.
Publicado: March 4, 2018
Lonnie of Agra, OK
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My ref. stopped working. I troubleshoot it and did not work. I filled out a
My ref. stopped working. I troubleshoot it and did not work. I filled out a service request back on February 2nd, 2015. I got an email back from a subcontractor called Active Appliance INC. with a date service on February 6th, 2015, 4 days after my service request, and that is the only available date. The technician arrived while I am not at the house, however I talked to him before he started the work on my refrigerator and asked him kindly if he can call me after founding the issue, and he assured me that he will. No call and when I arrived home I found that he told the attendant that the refrigerator is not working and he has to report to the office. REALLY! We know that! Anyway I called Active Appliance and the customer services rep. told me that she could not answer with the diagnose until she speak with the technician and that will be Monday February 9th, I asked if I could speak with a manager, and her reply was Our managers do not talk to the customers. I had to hang up and call Whirlpool customer services and spoke with a nice gentleman, that he was not happy with Active Appliance INC. services. He placed me on hold and called them and within 3 minute he got back with the news, what was wrong with the refrigerator, electric computer panel burned out and then the fan continue to work with no stop, so it burned as well. He assured me that the services will be done no later than Tuesday February, 10th.While on the phone I got a call from active appliance and this time she wanted to know if I am warranted. I told her that I have Whirlpool on the other line and they assured me that I am. She said that it does not matter and she has to get something in writing. I placed her on hold and talked with Whirlpool and he assured me that he will contact them and email me a confirmation, which he did. By Tuesday February 10th, no call no follow up. I called Active appliance and they stated that it would take up to 14 working days for a part to arrive. I called Whirlpool and spoke with a customer services manager, and she got on the phone and told me that they are going to do their best and get back with me. Today February 16th I got a call to cancel a work service order due to technician calling sick and reschedule for February 25th Wednesday, I told her that they did not call to schedule the service first place, her answer was Never mind, I am calling to cancel anyway. Would you like to take this appointment or NOT? I asked her kindly to reevaluate their service procedures and the way they handle their customer, and I told her that I bought my refrigerator from Whirlpool and they are the company in charge of their product and I do not wish to continue this dialog with Active Appliance!I called Whirlpool and the customer service gentleman was helping me and we got disconnected, however when I called back they were closed for the day, however the customer service has my phone number but I got no phone call!!!! I think this is the worst POOR service I got within the last 20 years!!!!! I hope someone at Whirlpool care about their services and can contact me to handle the issue.
Publicado: February 17, 2015
Nasser of Santa Monica, CA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchased it new in July 2008 for $550, a single homeowner average 4-5 lo
I purchased it new in July 2008 for $550, a single homeowner average 4-5 loads a week. First time it broke down, it was just inside the one-year limited warranty. It broke down again Sept. 2011, the basket separated from spinning mechanism. I learned that after $75+ missing day of work, repair tech quoted cost of repair $885 and a minimum of 10 days waiting for part to arrive.I called Whirlpool, the guy on the phone was nice but told me I was out of luck. Even if I had purchased the 3-year warranty, I would still be out of luck. The washer was manufactured in April 2008. What a piece of junk. Save your money and skip it. I wish I had. Aside: Whirlpool, whatever happened to standing behind your products? I used to think you were a quality brand. Im extremely disappointed and wont be purchasing any of your products in the future.
Publicado: September 2, 2011
Wanda of Mpls., MN
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My whirlpool duet was extremely quiet the first few times I used it and see
My whirlpool duet was extremely quiet the first few times I used it and seemed to work well. Then I noticed that it randomly drained the clothes but didnt spin them, it did it on different cycles, and I would have to run the load again on spin and drain, another 19 minutes of run time. After a week it began to make metal scrapping sounds on the spin cycle and vibrated to the point that it moved the pictures on my walls. I called Whirlpool customer service and they authorized a service call. In short, the service man was very confrontational told me there was nothing wrong and charged me $72. It still vibrates and randomly doesnt spin. But now after he took it apart it sounds like a jet engine when it does spin. Whirlpoolss response after repeated calls? Not a new machine, but another service call......
Publicado: January 25, 2014
Diana of 5167 Meads Creek Road, NY
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Whirlpool/Ikea Renlig dishwasher - Since installing this integrated dishwas
Whirlpool/Ikea Renlig dishwasher - Since installing this integrated dishwasher it has continuously destroyed the decorative panel door. On my model (they have recently changed in 2014) the steam exits at the top, this damages whatever it comes into contact with it. Today they are saying that it has not been installed correctly and that it should actually sit out from the countertop, i.e. jut out from the rest of the kitchen so that the steam can vent into the room. The panel should also be lower than the other doors of the kitchen cabinetry too. Hardly integrated and would be a bloody eyesore. I am about to call them back again and inform them that I will be making a scene about this in my local Ikea and with anyone else who cares to listen.
Publicado: January 19, 2015
angela of North Saanich, BC
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

I purchase a new Whirlpool Calypso with Catalyst Washing Machine in 2006 af
I purchase a new Whirlpool Calypso with Catalyst Washing Machine in 2006 after a house fire. Thinking that I was buying a great machine. I was so upset with my house burning that I never thought about the washing destroying my towels, rugs and sweaters until it was too late on the guarantee. I called the company and ask if there were any more complaints about this machine, and of course they said no. I ask if there was a recall and they said no. I told them that there needed to be a recall of this machine. I so want them to see the towels that I have to use. I am so embarrassed of my towels that I have to buy new when company comes. I made no difference on the price that I paid for the towels. They all were destroyed by this Whirlpool Washer. I have had enough, I am buying a new Washer and it will not be a Whirlpool. I believe that the right thing to do is for the Whirlpool company to put a recall on this machine and give our money back. I had a friend that is in charge of another washer company and had him to look at it. He said that if that was his customer complaining about his washer that they would automatically bring the customer another new machine. I wish I had went with his company. Shame on Whirlpool for treating their customers like they have.
Publicado: August 31, 2015
Louise of Belva, WV
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

This Whirlpool Gas oven with 5 burner top is very good and has given us 12
This Whirlpool Gas oven with 5 burner top is very good and has given us 12 years of good service so far. The only issue is that the stovetop and oven are not easy to clean and keep clean. The finish is good and has no chips. I would expect the top to be easier to clean and keep clean with the finish technologies available. Same for the oven window glass - it is not easy to clean and keep clean.
Publicado: February 12, 2021
Matt of Fort Erie, ON
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

Lo compramos en oferta, pero nos alegramos de haberlo hecho. Me sorprendió
Lo compramos en oferta, pero nos alegramos de haberlo hecho. Me sorprendió lo silencioso que era mientras limpiaba los platos, el aislamiento supongo que lo hace silencioso. La esposa también utiliza el jabón líquido Cascade para lavar la vajilla, que parece dejarla realmente limpia. Aclarar antes de meterlos probablemente no hace daño, pero en general, estamos muy contentos. El lavavajillas tiene una rejilla ajustable que sólo hemos utilizado un par de veces y el inicio es lo suficientemente fácil para mí, incluso para averiguar, lo siento chicos, pero sí yo lavo los platos a veces. Espero que esto ayude. Buena suerte.
Publicado: March 19, 2020
Thomas of Medford, Oregon
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

My washer is at least 15 years old. When we bought it we had two school age
My washer is at least 15 years old. When we bought it we had two school aged children at home. My husband and I now have an empty-nest and we have not had any service calls or break downs since we purchased this machine. It still cleans our laundry very well and we are getting our moneys worth from this washer.
Publicado: May 13, 2020
Marilyn of Wichita, Kansas
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

The new? improved model with NO center agitator is the worst - clothes tang
The new? improved model with NO center agitator is the worst - clothes tangle badly and the load becomes very unbalanced, wobbly and noisy. How I got talked into this model by a Sears salespeople was a big mistake!!!
Publicado: February 17, 2019
J of Poulsbo, WA
Fuente: consumeraffairs.com

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